
Finite Interaction Tree

Finite computations as Interaction Trees

We provide two predicates capturing finiteness of an itree:
In each case, we prove:
  • Smart constructors and inversion lemmas
  • Closure under eutt R (in the case of Leaf, we get another value related by R) and Proper instances for eutt eq
  • Forward and backward proof rules for binds
We additionally provide:
  • Particular cases of non-interactive computations and spin
  • Counterexamples to properties that could be expected at first glance
all_finite t The tree admits exclusively finite branches
Inductive all_finite {E} {A: Type} : itree E A Prop :=
 | all_finiteRet: a t,
    observe t = RetF a
   all_finite t
 | all_finiteTau: t u,
   observe t = TauF u
   all_finite u
   all_finite t
 | all_finiteVis: {X} (e: E X) t k,
   observe t = VisF e k
   ( x, all_finite (k x))
   all_finite t
#[global] Hint Constructors all_finite : itree.

any_finite t The tree admits at least one finite branch
Inductive any_finite {E} {A: Type} : itree E A Prop :=
 | any_finiteRet: a t,
    observe t = RetF a
   any_finite t
 | any_finiteTau: t u,
   observe t = TauF u
   any_finite u
   any_finite t
 | any_finiteVis: {X} (e: E X) t k x,
   observe t = VisF e k
   any_finite (k x)
   any_finite t
#[global] Hint Constructors any_finite : itree.

Smart constructors

(* all_finite *)
Lemma all_finite_Ret : E R a,
  @all_finite E R (Ret a).
  intros; econstructor 1; reflexivity.
#[global] Hint Resolve all_finite_Ret : itree.

Lemma all_finite_Tau : E R t,
  all_finite t
  @all_finite E R (Tau t).
  intros; econstructor 2; [reflexivity | eauto].
#[global] Hint Resolve all_finite_Tau : itree.

Lemma all_finite_Vis : E X R (e : E X) k,
  ( x, all_finite (k x))
  @all_finite E R (Vis e k).
  intros; econstructor 3; [reflexivity | eauto].
#[global] Hint Resolve all_finite_Vis : itree.

(* any_finite *)
Lemma any_finite_Ret : E R a,
  @any_finite E R (Ret a).
  intros; econstructor 1; reflexivity.
#[global] Hint Resolve any_finite_Ret : itree.

Lemma any_finite_Tau : E R t,
  any_finite t
  @any_finite E R (Tau t).
  intros; econstructor 2; [reflexivity | eauto].
#[global] Hint Resolve any_finite_Tau : itree.

Lemma any_finite_Vis : E X R (e : E X) k x,
  any_finite (k x)
  @any_finite E R (Vis e k).
  intros; econstructor 3; [reflexivity | eauto].
#[global] Hint Resolve any_finite_Vis : itree.

Inversion lemmas

(* all_finite *)
Lemma all_finite_Tau_inv : E R t,
  @all_finite E R (Tau t)
  all_finite t.
  intros × FIN; inv FIN; cbn in *; congruence.

Lemma all_finite_Vis_inv : E X R (e : E X) k,
  @all_finite E R (Vis e k)
   x, all_finite (k x).
  intros × FIN x; inv FIN; cbn in *; try congruence.
  revert H0.
  refine (match H in _ = u return match u with VisF e0 k0_ | _False end with eq_refl_ end).

(* any_finite *)
Lemma any_finite_Tau_inv : E R t,
  @any_finite E R (Tau t)
  any_finite t.
  intros × FIN; inv FIN; cbn in *; congruence.

Lemma any_finite_Vis_inv : E X R (e : E X) k,
  @any_finite E R (Vis e k)
   x, any_finite (k x).
  intros × FIN; inv FIN; cbn in *; try congruence.
  revert x H0.
  refine (match H in _ = u return match u with VisF e0 k0_ | _False end with eq_refl_ end).

Closure under eutt
General asymetric lemmas for eutt R, and Proper instances for eutt eq.

(* all_finite *)
Lemma all_finite_eutt_l {E A B R}:
   (t : itree E A) (u : itree E B),
  eutt R t u
  all_finite t
  all_finite u.
  intros × EQ FIN;
  revert u EQ.
  induction FIN; intros u2 EQ.
  - punfold EQ.
    red in EQ; rewrite H in EQ; clear H.
    remember (RetF a); genobs u2 ou.
    hinduction EQ before R; intros; try discriminate; eauto with itree.
  - punfold EQ; red in EQ; rewrite H in EQ; clear H.
    remember (TauF u); genobs u2 ou2.
    hinduction EQ before R; intros; try discriminate; pclearbot; inv Heqi; eauto with itree.
  - punfold EQ; red in EQ; rewrite H in EQ; clear H.
    remember (VisF e k); genobs u2 ou2.
    hinduction EQ before R; intros; try discriminate; pclearbot.
    + revert H0 H1.
      refine (match Heqi in _ = u return match u with VisF e0 k0_ | _False end with eq_refl_ end).
      eauto with itree.
    + inv Heqi; eauto with itree.

Lemma all_finite_eutt_r {E A B R}:
   (t : itree E A) (u : itree E B),
  eutt R t u
  all_finite u
  all_finite t.
  intros × EQ. apply eqit_flip in EQ. revert EQ. apply all_finite_eutt_l.

#[global] Instance all_finite_eutt {E A R}:
  Proper (eutt R ==> iff) (@all_finite E A).
  repeat intro; split.
  - eapply all_finite_eutt_l; eauto.
  - eapply all_finite_eutt_r; eauto.

(* any_finite *)
Lemma any_finite_eutt_l {E A B R}:
   (t : itree E A) (u : itree E B),
  eutt R t u
  any_finite t
  any_finite u.
  intros × EQ FIN;
  revert u EQ.
  induction FIN; intros u2 EQ.
  - punfold EQ.
    red in EQ; rewrite H in EQ; clear H.
    remember (RetF a); genobs u2 ou.
    hinduction EQ before R; intros; try discriminate; eauto with itree.
  - punfold EQ; red in EQ; rewrite H in EQ; clear H.
    remember (TauF u); genobs u2 ou2.
    hinduction EQ before R; intros; try discriminate; pclearbot; inv Heqi; eauto with itree.
  - punfold EQ; red in EQ; rewrite H in EQ; clear H.
    remember (VisF e k); genobs u2 ou2.
    hinduction EQ before R; intros; try discriminate; pclearbot.
    + revert x FIN IHFIN.
      refine (match Heqi in _ = u return match u with VisF e0 k0_ | _False end with eq_refl_ end).
      eauto with itree.
    + inv Heqi; eauto with itree.

Lemma any_finite_eutt_r {E A B R}:
   (t : itree E A) (u : itree E B),
  eutt R t u
  any_finite u
  any_finite t.
  intros × EQ. apply eqit_flip in EQ. revert EQ. apply any_finite_eutt_l.

#[global] Instance any_finite_eutt {E A R}:
  Proper (eutt R ==> iff) (@any_finite E A).
  eapply any_finite_eutt_l; eauto.
  eapply any_finite_eutt_r; eauto.

Compatibility with bind, forward and backward

(* all_finite *)

(* Only the reachable branches, as captured by the
    leaves in the image of the prefix, need to be
   finite in the continuation *)

Lemma all_finite_bind : {E R S}
  (t : itree E R) (k : R itree E S),
  all_finite t
  ( x, x t all_finite (k x))
  all_finite (t >>= k).
  intros × FIN; induction FIN; intros FINs;
    rewrite unfold_bind, H; eauto with itree.

Lemma all_finite_bind_weak : {E R S}
  (t : itree E R) (k : R itree E S),
  all_finite t
  ( x, all_finite (k x))
  all_finite (t >>= k).
  intros; apply all_finite_bind; auto.

(* We only get finiteness of the reachable branches *)
Lemma all_finite_bind_inv : {E R S}
  (t : itree E R) (k : R itree E S),
  all_finite (t >>= k)
  (all_finite t x, x t all_finite (k x)).
  intros E R S.
  cut ( (u : itree E S), all_finite u
        (t : itree E R) k, u t >>= k
        (all_finite t x, x t all_finite (k x))).
  intros LEM × FIN; eapply LEM; eauto; reflexivity.
  induction 1; intros × EQ.
  - rewrite (itree_eta t), H in EQ; clear H t.
    symmetry in EQ; apply eqit_inv_bind_ret in EQ as (? & EQt & EQk).
    rewrite EQt; split; auto with itree.
    intros z IN.
    rewrite EQt in IN; apply Leaf_Ret_inv in IN; subst.
    rewrite EQk; auto with itree.
  - rewrite (itree_eta t), H in EQ; clear H t.
    rewrite tau_eutt in EQ.
  - rewrite (itree_eta t), H in EQ; clear H t.
    symmetry in EQ; apply eutt_inv_bind_vis in EQ.
    destruct EQ as [(kca & EQ & EQk) | (?a & EQ & EQk)].
    + rewrite EQ.
      apply all_finite_Vis.
      intros ?; eapply H1; symmetry; eauto.
      intros x IN.
      rewrite EQ in IN.
      apply Leaf_Vis_inv in IN as (y & IN).
      edestruct H1 as (_ & H).
      symmetry in EQk; exact (EQk y).
      apply H, IN.
    + rewrite EQ; split; auto with itree.
      intros y IN.
      rewrite EQ in IN; apply Leaf_Ret_inv in IN; subst.
      rewrite EQk. eauto with itree.

Lemma all_finite_bind_inv_left : {E R S}
  (t : itree E R) (k : R itree E S),
  all_finite (t >>= k)
  all_finite t.
  intros; eapply all_finite_bind_inv; eauto.

(* any_finite *)

(* For a bind to have a finite branch, we need to
   exhibit a finite branch in t that _continues_
   into a finite branch in k. We capture this
   continuity using Leaf.

Lemma any_finite_bind : {E R S}
  (t : itree E R) (k : R itree E S) x,
  x t
  any_finite (k x)
  any_finite (t >>= k).
  intros × IN FIN; induction IN.
  - rewrite (itree_eta t), H, bind_ret_l; auto.
  - rewrite unfold_bind, H, tau_eutt; eauto.
  - rewrite unfold_bind, H.
    eapply any_finite_Vis; eauto.

(* We get the additional guarantee that the
   finite branch in the continuation comes
   from a point in the image of the prefix.  *)

Lemma any_finite_bind_inv : {E R S}
  (t : itree E R) (k : R itree E S),
  any_finite (t >>= k)
  (any_finite t
    x, x t any_finite (k x)).
  intros × FIN;
  remember (ITree.bind t k) as u.
  revert t k Hequ.
  induction FIN; intros t' k' ->; rename t' into t.
  - unfold observe in H; cbn in H.
    desobs t EQ; cbn in *; try congruence.
    split; eauto with itree.
  - unfold observe in H; cbn in H.
    desobs t EQ; cbn in *; try congruence.
    split; eauto with itree.
    inversion H; clear H; symmetry in H1.
    edestruct IHFIN as (? & ? & ? & ?).
    apply H1.
    split; eauto with itree.
  - unfold observe in H; cbn in H.
    desobs t EQ; cbn in *; try congruence.
    split; eauto with itree.
    revert x FIN IHFIN.
    refine (match H in _ = u return match u with VisF e0 k0_ | _False end with eq_refl_ end).
    edestruct IHFIN as (? & ? & ? & ?); [ reflexivity | ].
    split; eauto with itree.

Lemma any_finite_bind_inv_weak : {E R S}
  (t : itree E R) (k : R itree E S),
  any_finite (t >>= k)
  (any_finite t
    x, any_finite (k x)).
  intros × FIN; apply any_finite_bind_inv in FIN as (?&?&?&?).
  split; eauto.

Lemma any_finite_bind_inv_left : {E R S}
  (t : itree E R) (k : R itree E S),
  any_finite (t >>= k)
  any_finite t.
  intros; eapply any_finite_bind_inv; eauto.

any_finite is non-empty Leaf

Lemma Leaf_finite : E R (t : itree E R) x,
  x t
  any_finite t.
  intros × FIN; induction FIN; rewrite itree_eta, H; eauto with itree.

Lemma finite_Leaf : E R (t : itree E R),
  any_finite t
   x, x t.
  intros × FIN; induction FIN.
  1: a; rewrite itree_eta, H; eauto with itree.
  all: destruct IHFIN; eauto with itree.

Degenerate case of non-interactive computations In the absence of interaction (E = void1), all_finite and any_finite collapse: we indeed both know that the computation is deterministic, and that it cannot fail, excluding hence any subtletly. The image is either empty, or a singleton.

Lemma finite_non_interactive : X (t: itree void1 X),
  all_finite t any_finite t.
  split; induction 1; cbn in *; first [now destruct e | eauto with itree].

Lemma finite_leaf_non_interactive : X (t: itree void1 X),
  all_finite t ( x, x t).
  intros ×.
  rewrite finite_non_interactive.
  split; [ eauto using finite_Leaf | intros []; eauto using Leaf_finite ].

Lemma Leaf_non_interactive_singleton : X (t: itree void1 X) a b,
  a t b t a = b.
  intros × IN; revert b; induction IN; intros × IN'.
  - rewrite itree_eta, H in IN'; apply Leaf_Ret_inv in IN'; auto.
  - rewrite itree_eta, H, tau_eutt in IN'; eauto.
  - inv e.

spin is not finite, in any sense of the term
Lemma spin_not_all_finite: E X,
  ¬ all_finite (@spin E X).
  intros × FIN; remember spin as t; revert Heqt; induction FIN; intros ->;
  unfold observe in H; cbn in H; inv H; auto.

Lemma spin_not_any_finite: E X,
  ¬ any_finite (@spin E X).
  intros × FIN; remember spin as t; revert Heqt; induction FIN; intros ->;
  unfold observe in H; cbn in H; inv H; auto.

Lemma spin_empty_Leaf: E X x,
  ¬ x (@spin E X).
  intros × IN; apply Leaf_finite, spin_not_any_finite in IN; auto.

Module Counterexamples.


Counterexamples to statements that could be expected to be true at firt glance.
all_finite does not entail any_finite.
Indeed, any_finite guarantees that a finite branch exists, where all_finite enforces that no infinite branch exists. If the computation has no branch, all_finite can be satisfied while any_finite is not. The fail computation is the simplest counterexample

  Notation fail := (@throw unit (exceptE _) _ unit tt).

  Fact fail_all_finite: all_finite fail.
    unfold fail.
    apply all_finite_Vis; intros [].

  Fact fail_not_any_finite: ¬ any_finite fail.
    unfold fail; intros FIN.
    apply any_finite_Vis_inv in FIN as ([] & ? & ?).

The bind proof rule for any_finite must quantify on the Leaf It could be tempting to hope for a simpler lemma than any_finite, simply ensure diamond on the prefix and at a point in the continuation: any_finite t -> any_finite (k x) -> any_finite (t >>= k) It is however primordial to ensure that the finite path exhibited by k is reachable for t, as illustrated in the following

  Definition t : itree nondetE bool :=
    or (Ret true) spin.

  Definition k : bool itree nondetE unit :=
    fun bif b then spin else Ret tt.

  Lemma spin_not_any_finite: E X,
    ¬ any_finite (@spin E X).
    intros × FIN; remember spin as t; revert Heqt; induction FIN; intros ->;
    unfold observe in H; cbn in H; inv H; auto.

  Fact DFt : any_finite t.
    apply any_finite_Vis with true; auto with itree.

  Fact DFk : any_finite (k false).
    cbn; auto with itree.

  Fact NotDFtk: ¬ any_finite (t >>= k).
  intros abs.
  apply any_finite_bind_inv in abs as (FINt & b & IN & FINk).
  destruct b; cbn in ×.
  - eapply spin_not_any_finite; eauto.
  - unfold t in IN.
    clear FINk FINt.
    inv IN; cbn in *; try congruence.
    dependent induction H.
    destruct x; cbn in ×.
    apply Leaf_Ret_inv in H0; congruence.
    apply Leaf_finite in H0.
    eapply spin_not_any_finite; eauto.

End Counterexamples.