
IForest: Sets of itrees

A monad-like structure.

  iforest E X := (itree E XProp)
Its bind is not associative. It only satisfies an "associativity to the right" inequality (bind_bind_iforest).
TODO: There may be a better definition of bind.

The iforest "monad", consisting of sets of itree.

Definition iforest (E: Type Type) (X: Type): Type :=
  itree E X Prop.

TODO: There may be a generalization to a kind of monad transformer PropT M X := M X Prop.
iforest are expected to be compatible with the eutt relation in the following sense:
Definition eutt_closed {E X} (P: itree E X Prop): Prop :=
  Proper (eutt eq ==> iff) P.

#[global] Polymorphic Instance Eq1_iforest {E} : Eq1 (iforest E) :=
  fun a PA PA'
    ( x y, x y (PA x PA' y))
    eutt_closed PA eutt_closed PA'.

#[global] Instance Functor_iforest {E}
  : Functor (iforest E) :=
  {| fmap := fun A B f PA b (a: itree E A), PA a b = fmap f a |}.

Inductive Returns {E} {A: Type} (a: A) : itree E A Prop :=
| ReturnsRet: t, t Ret a Returns a t
| ReturnsTau: t u, t Tau u Returns a u Returns a t
| ReturnsVis: {X} (e: E X) (x: X) t k, t Vis e k Returns a (k x) Returns a t
#[global] Hint Constructors Returns: itree.

Definition subtree {E} {A B} (ta : itree E A) (tb : itree E B) :=
   (k : A itree E B), tb bind ta k.

(* Definition 5.1 *)
Definition bind_iforest {E}
  : A B, iforest E A (A iforest E B) iforest E B :=
  fun A B (specA : iforest E A) (K: A iforest E B) (tb: itree E B) ⇒
     (ta: itree E A) (k: A itree E B),
      specA ta
      tb bind ta k
      ( a, Returns a ta K a (k a)).

Definition bind_iforest_stronger {E}
  : A B, iforest E A (A iforest E B) iforest E B :=
  fun A B (PA: iforest E A) (K: A iforest E B) (tb: itree E B) ⇒
     (ta: itree E A) (k: A itree E B),
      PA ta
      tb bind ta k
      ( a, Returns a ta K a (k a)).

Alternate, logically equivalent version of bind_iforest. It should not matter which one we use. Since bind_iforest has fewer cases, we should stick to it.
Definition bind_iforest' {E}
  : A B, iforest E A (A iforest E B) iforest E B :=
  fun A B (PA: iforest E A) (K: A iforest E B) (tb: itree E B) ⇒
     (ta: itree E A), PA ta
                        (( (k: A itree E B),
                             ( a, Returns a ta K a (k a))
                              tb bind ta k)
                          ( k, ( a, K a (k a)) tb bind ta k)).

Lemma bind_iforest_bind_iforest' {E}:
   A B PA K (tb : itree E B), bind_iforest A B PA K tb bind_iforest' A B PA K tb.
  intros. split.
  - red. red in H.
    destruct H as (ta & ka & HPA & eq & HR).
     ta. split; auto.
    left. ka. split; auto.
  - intros.
    red. red in H.
    destruct H as (ta & EQ1 & [(k & KA & EQ2) | HX]).
    + ta. k. auto.
    + ta. (fun _ITree.spin).
      split; auto.
      specialize (HX (fun _ITree.spin)).
      destruct HX as (HA & H).
      split; auto.

(* Definition 5.1 *)
#[global] Instance Monad_iforest {E} : Monad (iforest E) :=
    ret := fun _ x yy ret x
    ; bind := bind_iforest

(* Definition 5.3: Handler Correctness *)
Definition handler_correct {E F} (h_spec: E ~> iforest F) (h: E ~> itree F) : Prop :=
  ( T e, h_spec T e (h T e)).

Inductive interp_iforestF {E F} (h_spec : T, E T itree F T Prop)
          {R : Type} (RR : relation R) (sim : itree E R itree F R Prop)
          : itree' E R itree F R Prop :=
| Interp_iforest_Ret : r1 r2 (REL: RR r1 r2)
                   (t2 : itree F R)
                   (eq2 : t2 (Ret r2)),
    interp_iforestF h_spec RR sim (RetF r1) t2

| Interp_iforest_Tau : t1 t2 (HS: sim t1 t2), interp_iforestF h_spec RR sim (TauF t1) t2

| Interp_iforest_Vis : A (e : E A) (k1 : A itree E R)
                       (t2 : itree F R)
                       (ta :itree F A) (k2 : A itree F R) (HTA: h_spec A e ta)
                       (eq2 : t2 (bind ta k2))
                       (HK : (a : A), Returns a ta sim (k1 a) (k2 a)),
    interp_iforestF h_spec RR sim (VisF e k1) t2.

#[global] Hint Constructors interp_iforestF : itree.

Lemma interp_iforestF_mono E F h_spec R RR (t0 : itree' E R) (t1 : itree F R) sim sim'
      (IN : interp_iforestF h_spec RR sim t0 t1)
      (LE : sim <2= sim') :
  (interp_iforestF h_spec RR sim' t0 t1).
  induction IN; eauto with itree.

#[global] Hint Resolve interp_iforestF_mono : paco.

Definition interp_iforest_ E F h_spec R RR sim (t0 : itree E R) (t1 : itree F R) :=
  interp_iforestF h_spec RR sim (observe t0) t1.
#[global] Hint Unfold interp_iforest_ : itree.

Lemma interp_iforest__mono E F h_spec R RR : monotone2 (interp_iforest_ E F h_spec R RR).
  do 2 red. intros. eapply interp_iforestF_mono; eauto.
#[global] Hint Resolve interp_iforest__mono : paco.

(* Definition 5.2 *)
Definition interp_iforest {E F} (h_spec : E ~> iforest F) :
   R (RR: relation R), itree E R iforest F R :=
    fun R (RR: relation R) ⇒ paco2 (interp_iforest_ E F h_spec R RR) bot2.

(* Figure 7: Interpreter law for Ret *)
Lemma interp_iforest_ret :
   R E F (h_spec : E ~> iforest F)
    (r : R)
  , Eq1_iforest _ (interp_iforest h_spec R eq (ret r)) (ret r).
  repeat red.
  split; [| split].
  - intros. split; intros.
    + unfold interp_iforest in H0.
      pinversion H0. subst.
      cbn. rewrite <- H. assumption.
    + pstep. econstructor. reflexivity. rewrite H. cbn in H0. assumption.
  - do 3 red.
    intros t1 t2 eq; split; intros H; pinversion H; subst.
    + red. pstep. econstructor. reflexivity. rewrite <- eq. assumption.
    + red. pstep. econstructor. reflexivity. rewrite eq. assumption.
 - do 3 red. intros. split; intros; cbn in ×. rewrite <- H. assumption. rewrite H; assumption.

#[global] Instance interp_iforestF_Proper
       {E F} (h_spec : E ~> iforest F) R RR (t : itree' E R)
       (sim : itree E R itree F R Prop)
       (HS: t, Proper(eutt eq ==> flip impl) (sim t))
  Proper(eutt eq ==> iff) (interp_iforestF h_spec RR sim t).
  do 2 red.
  split; intros.
  - inversion H0; subst; econstructor; eauto.
    + rewrite <- H. assumption.
    + specialize (HS t1). rewrite <- H. assumption.
    + rewrite <- H. assumption.

  - inversion H0; subst; econstructor; eauto.
    rewrite H. assumption. specialize (HS t1). rewrite H. assumption.
    rewrite H. assumption.

#[global] Instance interp_iforest_Proper
       {E F} (h_spec : E ~> iforest F) R RR (t : itree E R) :
  Proper(eq_itree Logic.eq ==> iff) (interp_iforest h_spec R RR t).
  do 2 red.
  - revert t x y H.
    pcofix CIH.
    intros t x y eq HI.
    red in HI. punfold HI. red in HI.
    pstep. red. genobs t ot.
    inversion HI; subst; econstructor; eauto.
    + rewrite <- eq. assumption.
    + pclearbot. right. eapply CIH; eauto.
    + rewrite <- eq. apply eq2.
    + intros. specialize (HK a H0). pclearbot. right. eapply CIH. 2 : { apply HK. } reflexivity.
  - revert t x y H.
    pcofix CIH.
    intros t x y eq HI.
    red in HI. punfold HI. red in HI.
    pstep. red. genobs t ot.
    inversion HI; subst; econstructor; eauto.
    + rewrite eq. assumption.
    + pclearbot. right. eapply CIH; eauto.
    + rewrite eq. apply eq2.
    + intros. specialize (HK a H0). pclearbot. right. eapply CIH. 2 : { apply HK. } reflexivity.

#[global] Instance interp_iforest_Proper2
       {E F} (h_spec : E ~> iforest F) R RR (t : itree E R) :
  Proper(eutt Logic.eq ==> iff) (interp_iforest h_spec R RR t).
  do 2 red.
  - revert t x y H.
    pcofix CIH.
    intros t x y eq HI.
    red in HI. punfold HI. red in HI.
    pstep. red. genobs t ot.
    inversion HI; subst; econstructor; eauto.
    + rewrite <- eq. assumption.
    + pclearbot. right. eapply CIH; eauto.
    + rewrite <- eq. apply eq2.
    + intros. specialize (HK a H0). pclearbot. right. eapply CIH. 2 : { apply HK. } reflexivity.
  - revert t x y H.
    pcofix CIH.
    intros t x y eq HI.
    red in HI. punfold HI. red in HI.
    pstep. red. genobs t ot.
    inversion HI; subst; econstructor; eauto.
    + rewrite eq. assumption.
    + pclearbot. right. eapply CIH; eauto.
    + rewrite eq. apply eq2.
    + intros. specialize (HK a H0). pclearbot. right. eapply CIH. 2 : { apply HK. } reflexivity.

(* This exists in the stdlib as ProofIrrelevance.inj_pair2, but we reprove
 it to not depend on proof irrelevance (we use axiom JMeq.JMeq_eq instead).
 The itree library now avoids as much as possible using this axiom, we may want
 to see if it's possible to do so here.

Lemma inj_pair2 :
   (U : Type) (P : U Type) (p : U) (x y : P p),
    existT P p x = existT P p y x = y.
  intros. apply JMeq.JMeq_eq.
  refine (
      match H in _ = w return JMeq.JMeq x (projT2 w) with
      | eq_reflJMeq.JMeq_refl

#[global] Instance interp_iforest_Proper3
       {E F} (h_spec : E ~> iforest F) R RR :
  Proper(eq_itree eq ==> eq ==> iff) (interp_iforest h_spec R RR).
  do 4 red.
  intros; split.
  - subst.
    revert x y H y0.
    pcofix CIH.
    intros x y eq t H.
    pstep; red.
    punfold H. red in H.

    punfold eq. red in eq.
    genobs x obsx.
    genobs y obsy.
    revert x y Heqobsx Heqobsy t H.

    induction eq; intros x y Heqobsx Heqobsy t H; inversion H; subst; pclearbot.
    + econstructor; eauto.
    + econstructor. right. eapply CIH. apply REL. apply HS.
    + apply inj_pair2 in H2.
      apply inj_pair2 in H3. subst.
      econstructor; eauto. intros X HX. specialize (REL X). specialize (HK X HX). pclearbot.
      right. eapply CIH; eauto.
    + eapply IHeq. reflexivity. reflexivity.
      punfold HS.
    + econstructor. left. pstep. eapply IHeq. reflexivity. reflexivity. assumption.
    + econstructor. left. pstep. eapply IHeq. reflexivity. reflexivity. assumption.
    + econstructor. left. pstep. eapply IHeq. reflexivity. reflexivity. assumption.

 - subst.
    revert x y H y0.
    pcofix CIH.
    intros x y eq t H.
    pstep; red.
    punfold H. red in H.

    punfold eq. red in eq.
    genobs x obsx.
    genobs y obsy.
    revert x y Heqobsx Heqobsy t H.

    induction eq; intros x y Heqobsx Heqobsy t H; inversion H; subst; pclearbot.
    + econstructor; eauto.
    + econstructor. right. eapply CIH. apply REL. apply HS.
    + apply inj_pair2 in H2.
      apply inj_pair2 in H3. subst.
      econstructor; eauto. intros X HX. specialize (REL X). specialize (HK X HX). pclearbot.
      right. eapply CIH; eauto.
    + econstructor. left. pstep. eapply IHeq. reflexivity. reflexivity. assumption.
    + econstructor. left. pstep. eapply IHeq. reflexivity. reflexivity. assumption.
    + econstructor. left. pstep. eapply IHeq. reflexivity. reflexivity. assumption.
    + eapply IHeq. reflexivity. reflexivity. punfold HS.

(* Lemma 5.4: interp_iforest_correct - note that the paper presents a slightly simpler formulation where t = t' *)
Lemma interp_iforest_correct_exec:
   {E F} (h_spec: E ~> iforest F) (h: E ~> itree F),
    handler_correct h_spec h
     R RR `{Reflexive _ RR} t t', t t' interp_iforest h_spec R RR t (interp h t').
  revert t t' H1.
  pcofix CIH.
  intros t t' eq.
  unfold interp, Basics.iter, MonadIter_itree.
  rewrite (itree_eta t) in eq.
  destruct (observe t).
  - econstructor. reflexivity. rewrite <- eq. rewrite unfold_iter. cbn.
    rewrite Eqit.bind_ret_l. cbn. reflexivity.
  - econstructor. right.
    eapply CIH. rewrite tau_eutt in eq. rewrite eq. reflexivity.
  - econstructor.
    2 : { rewrite <- eq. rewrite unfold_iter. cbn.
          unfold rewrite Eqit.bind_bind.
          setoid_rewrite Eqit.bind_ret_l at 1. cbn. setoid_rewrite tau_eutt.
          reflexivity. }
    apply H.
    intros a. cbn.
    unfold interp, Basics.iter, MonadIter_itree in CIH. unfold fmap, Functor_itree, in CIH.
    specialize (CIH (k a) (k a)).
    apply CIH.

(* Lemma 5.5 - note that the paper presents this lemma after unfolding the definition of Proper.

#[global] Instance interp_iforest_Proper_eq :
   R (RR : relation R) (HR: Reflexive RR) (HT : Transitive RR) E F (h_spec : E ~> iforest F),
    Proper (@eutt _ _ _ RR ==> eq ==> flip Basics.impl) (@interp_iforest E _ h_spec R RR).

  do 5 red.
  intros t1 t2 eqt s' s eqs HI.

  revert t1 t2 eqt s HI.

  pcofix CIH.


  pstep. red.
  punfold HI. red in HI.

  punfold eqt. red in eqt.
  genobs t1 obst1.
  genobs t2 obst2.
  revert t1 t2 Heqobst1 Heqobst2 s HI.

  induction eqt; intros.
  - inversion HI; subst.
    econstructor. etransitivity; eauto. assumption.
  - inversion HI; subst.
    econstructor. pclearbot. right. eapply CIH; eauto.
  - inversion HI.
    apply inj_pair2 in H1.
    apply inj_pair2 in H2.
    apply HTA.
    apply eq2.
    intros a Ha. specialize (REL a). specialize (HK a Ha). red in REL. pclearbot.
    right. eapply CIH. apply REL. apply HK.
  - econstructor.
    left. pstep. red. eapply IHeqt. reflexivity. eassumption. assumption.
  - inversion HI; subst.
    eapply IHeqt. reflexivity. reflexivity.
    pinversion HS.

#[global] Instance Returns_eutt {E A} a: Proper (eutt eq ==> iff) (@Returns E A a).
  repeat intro; split; intros HRet.
  - revert y H. induction HRet; intros.
    constructor; rewrite <- H, H0; reflexivity.
    apply IHHRet, eqit_inv_Tau_l; auto.
    rewrite <- H0. rewrite H. reflexivity.
    econstructor 3; [rewrite <- H0, H; reflexivity | apply IHHRet; reflexivity].
  - revert x H; induction HRet; intros ? EQ.
    constructor; rewrite EQ; eauto.
    apply IHHRet, eqit_inv_Tau_r; auto.
    rewrite EQ. rewrite <- H. reflexivity.
    econstructor 3; [rewrite EQ, H; reflexivity | apply IHHRet; reflexivity].

Lemma Returns_Vis_sub : {E} {R} X (e : E X) (k : X itree E R) u x, Returns u (k x) Returns u (Vis e k).
  eapply ReturnsVis. reflexivity. apply H.

Lemma eutt_Returns_ : {E} {R} (RR : R Prop) (ta : itree E R)
   (IN: (a : R), Returns a ta RR a), eutt (fun u1 u2u1 = u2 RR u1) ta ta.
  intros E R.
  gcofix CIH; intros.

  setoid_rewrite (itree_eta ta) in IN.

  gstep. red.

  destruct (observe ta).
  - econstructor. split; auto. apply IN. econstructor. reflexivity.
  - econstructor. gfinal. left. apply CIH. intros. eapply IN. rewrite tau_eutt. assumption.
  - econstructor. intros. red.
    gfinal. left. apply CIH. intros. eapply IN. eapply Returns_Vis_sub. apply H.

Lemma eutt_Returns : E R (ta : itree E R), eutt (fun u1 u2u1 = u2 Returns u1 ta) ta ta.
  apply eutt_Returns_. auto.

(* Figure 7: interp Trigger law *)
(* morally, we should only work with "proper" triggers everywhere *)
Lemma interp_iforest_trigger :
   E F (h_spec : E ~> iforest F) R (e : E R)
    (HP : T, Proper (eq ==> Eq1_iforest T) (h_spec T))
  , Eq1_iforest _ (interp_iforest h_spec R eq (trigger e)) (h_spec R e).
  split; [| split].
  - intros; split; intros.
    + unfold trigger in H0. red in H0.
      pinversion H0; subst.
      apply inj_pair2 in H3. apply inj_pair2 in H4.
      unfold subevent, resum, ReSum_id, Id_IFun, id_ in HTA.
      rewrite eq2 in H.
      assert (x <- ta ;; k2 x ta).
      { rewrite <- (Eqit.bind_ret_r ta).
        apply eutt_clo_bind with (UU := fun u1 u2u1 = u2 Returns u1 ta).
        rewrite Eqit.bind_ret_r. apply eutt_Returns.
        intros. destruct H1. subst. specialize (HK u2 H2). pclearbot. pinversion HK. subst. assumption.
      rewrite H1 in H.
      specialize (HP R e e eq_refl). unfold Eq1_iforest in HP. destruct HP as (P & _ & _).
      rewrite P. apply HTA. symmetry. assumption.
    + unfold trigger, subevent, resum, ReSum_id, Id_IFun, id_.
      red. pstep. eapply Interp_iforest_Vis with (k2 := (fun x : RRet x)).
      × apply H0.
      × unfold bind, Monad_itree. rewrite Eqit.bind_ret_r. assumption.
      × intros a. left. pstep. red. econstructor. reflexivity. reflexivity.
  - do 4 red. intros; split; intros.
    rewrite <- H. assumption.
    rewrite H. assumption.
  - do 4 red.
    intros; split; intros.
    specialize (HP R e e eq_refl). destruct HP as (P & _ & _).
    rewrite P; eauto. symmetry. assumption.
    specialize (HP R e e eq_refl). destruct HP as (P & _ & _).
    rewrite P; eauto.

(*  Interesting observations about interp_iforest:

    Suppose h_spec : E ~> Prop T F
    then (interp_iforest h_spec _ eq spin) : iforest F
    which itrees should be accepted by that predicate?

    - we know by interp_iforest_correct_exe that if there is an h such that handler_correct h_spec h then spin is accepted.
      (I believe we could eliminate the requirement that there is such an h)
    - what other trees are accepted?

    Answer: all of them!

Lemma interp_iforest_spin_accepts_anything :
   E F (h_spec : E ~> iforest F) R RR (t : itree F R),
    interp_iforest h_spec R RR ITree.spin t.
  pcofix CIH.
  pstep. red. cbn. econstructor. right. apply CIH.

(* Figure 7: Structural law for tau *)
Lemma interp_iforest_tau :
   E F (h_spec : E ~> iforest F) R RR
    (t_spec : itree E R),
    Eq1_iforest _ (interp_iforest h_spec R RR t_spec) (interp_iforest h_spec R RR (Tau t_spec)).
  split; [| split].
  - intros; split; intros.
    + rewrite <- H.
      pstep. red. econstructor. left. apply H0.
    + rewrite H.
      pinversion H0. subst.
      apply HS.
  - red. typeclasses eauto.
  - red. typeclasses eauto.

Lemma interp_iforest_ret_inv :
   E F (h_spec : E ~> iforest F) R RR
    (r1 : R)
    (t : itree F R)
    (H : interp_iforest h_spec R RR (ret r1) t),
      r2, RR r1 r2 t ret r2.
  punfold H.
  red in H. inversion H; subst.
   r2; eauto.

Lemma interp_iforest_vis_inv :
   E F (h_spec : E ~> iforest F) R RR S
    (e : E S)
    (k : S itree E R)
    (t : itree F R)
    (H : interp_iforest h_spec R RR (vis e k) t),
   ms, (ks : S itree F R),
      h_spec S e ms t (bind ms ks).
  punfold H.
  red in H. inversion H; subst.
  apply inj_pair2 in H2.
  apply inj_pair2 in H3.
   ta. k2. split; auto.

Lemma interp_iforest_tau_inv :
   E F (h_spec : E ~> iforest F) R RR
    (s : itree E R)
    (t : itree F R)
    (H : interp_iforest h_spec R RR (Tau s) t),
    interp_iforest h_spec R RR s t.
  punfold H.
  red in H. inversion H; subst.
  apply HS.

Lemma Returns_ret_inv_ : {E} A (a b : A) (t : itree E A), t (Ret b) Returns a t a = b.
  intros E A a b t eq H.
  revert b eq.
  induction H; intros; subst.
  - rewrite H in eq. apply Eqit.eqit_Ret in eq. auto.
  - eapply IHReturns. rewrite tau_eutt in H. rewrite <- H. assumption.
  - rewrite H in eq. symmetry in eq. apply eqit_inv in eq; inv eq.

Lemma Returns_ret_inv : {E} A (a b : A), Returns a ((ret b) : itree E A) a = b.
  eapply Returns_ret_inv_. reflexivity. cbn in H. apply H.

Lemma case_iforest_handler_correct:
   {E1 E2 F}
    (h1_spec: E1 ~> iforest F)
    (h2_spec: E2 ~> iforest F)
    (h1: E1 ~> itree F)
    (h2: E2 ~> itree F)
    (C1: handler_correct h1_spec h1)
    (C2: handler_correct h2_spec h2),
    handler_correct (case_ h1_spec h2_spec) (case_ h1 h2).
  intros E1 E2 F h1_spec h2_spec h1 h2 C1 C2.
  unfold handler_correct in ×.
  intros T e.
  destruct e. apply C1. apply C2.

Definition iforest_compose :=
  fun {F G : Type Type } {T : Type} (TT : relation T)
    (g_spec : F ~> iforest G) (PF: iforest F T) (g:itree G T) ⇒
     f : itree F T, PF f (interp_iforest g_spec) T TT f g.

Definition handler_correct_iforest
           {E F G}
           (h_spec: E ~> iforest F) (h: E ~> itree F)
           (g_spec: F ~> iforest G) (g: F ~> itree G)
    ( T TT e,
        (iforest_compose TT g_spec (h_spec T e))
          (interp g (h T e))).

Definition singletonT {E}: itree E ~> iforest E :=
  fun R t t't' t.

Definition iter_cont {I E R} (step' : I itree E (I + R)) :
  I + R itree E R :=
  fun lrITree.on_left lr l (Tau (ITree.iter step' l)).

#[global] Polymorphic Instance MonadIter_iforest {E} : MonadIter (iforest E) :=
  fun R I (step : I iforest E (I + R)) i
    fun (r : itree E R) ⇒
      ( (step' : I (itree E (I + R)%type)),
              ITree.bind (step' i) (@iter_cont I E R step') r
              ( j, step j (step' j))).

Lemma eqit_bind_Returns_inv {E} {R S T} (RS : R S Prop)
      (t : itree E T) (k1: T itree E R) (k2 : T itree E S) :
  (eutt RS (ITree.bind t k1) (ITree.bind t k2))
  ( r, Returns r t eutt RS (k1 r) (k2 r)).
  intros EQIT r HRET.
  revert R S RS k1 k2 EQIT.
  induction HRET; intros.
  - rewrite H in EQIT.
    do 2 rewrite Eqit.bind_ret_l in EQIT.
  - rewrite tau_eutt in H. rewrite H in EQIT.
    eapply IHHRET; eauto.
  - rewrite H in EQIT.
    do 2 rewrite Eqit.bind_vis in EQIT.
    repeat red in EQIT. punfold EQIT.
    inversion EQIT.
    apply inj_pair2 in H2.
    apply inj_pair2 in H3.
    apply inj_pair2 in H4.
    apply inj_pair2 in H5.
    eapply IHHRET.
    specialize (REL x).
    red in REL.
    apply REL.

Section ReturnsBind.

  Context {E : Type Type} {R S : Type}.

  Import ITreeNotations.
  Local Open Scope itree.

  Inductive eqit_Returns_bind_clo b1 b2 (r : itree E R itree E S Prop) :
    itree E R itree E S Prop :=
  | pbc_intro_h U (t1 t2: itree E U) (k1 : U itree E R) (k2 : U itree E S)
                (EQV: eqit eq b1 b2 t1 t2)
                (REL: u, Returns u t1 r (k1 u) (k2 u))
    : eqit_Returns_bind_clo b1 b2 r (ITree.bind t1 k1) (ITree.bind t2 k2)
  Hint Constructors eqit_Returns_bind_clo: itree.

  Lemma eqit_Returns_clo_bind (RS : R S Prop) b1 b2 vclo
        (MON: monotone2 vclo)
        (CMP: compose (eqitC RS b1 b2) vclo <3= compose vclo (eqitC RS b1 b2))
        (ID: id <3= vclo):
    eqit_Returns_bind_clo b1 b2 <3= gupaco2 (eqit_ RS b1 b2 vclo) (eqitC RS b1 b2).
    gcofix CIH. intros. destruct PR.
    guclo eqit_clo_trans.
    econstructor; auto_ctrans_eq; try (rewrite (itree_eta (x <- _;; _ x)), unfold_bind; reflexivity).
    punfold EQV. unfold_eqit.
    genobs t1 ot1.
    genobs t2 ot2.
    hinduction EQV before CIH; intros; pclearbot.
    - guclo eqit_clo_trans.
      econstructor; auto_ctrans_eq; try (rewrite <- !itree_eta; reflexivity).
      gbase; cbn.
      apply REL0.
      rewrite itree_eta, <- Heqot1; constructor; reflexivity.
    - gstep. econstructor.
      apply CIH.
      constructor; auto.
      intros u HR.
      apply REL0.
      rewrite itree_eta, <- Heqot1. econstructor 2. reflexivity. assumption.
    - gstep. econstructor.
      intros; apply ID; unfold id.
      apply CIH.
      constructor; auto. eapply REL.
      intros ? HR; apply REL0.
      rewrite itree_eta, <- Heqot1.
      econstructor 3; eauto; reflexivity.
    - destruct b1; try discriminate.
      guclo eqit_clo_trans.
      3:{ eapply IHEQV; eauto.
          intros ? HR; apply REL.
          rewrite itree_eta, <- Heqot1; econstructor 2. reflexivity. eauto.
      2: reflexivity.
      eapply eqit_Tau_l. rewrite unfold_bind, <-itree_eta. reflexivity.
    - destruct b2; try discriminate.
      guclo eqit_clo_trans.
      econstructor; auto_ctrans_eq; cycle -1; eauto; try reflexivity.
      eapply eqit_Tau_l. rewrite unfold_bind, <-itree_eta. reflexivity.

End ReturnsBind.

Lemma eqit_Returns_bind' {E} {R} {T} b1 b2
    (t1 t2: itree E T) (k1 k2: T itree E R) :
    eqit eq b1 b2 t1 t2
    ( r, Returns r t1 eqit eq b1 b2 (k1 r) (k2 r))
  @eqit E _ _ eq b1 b2 (ITree.bind t1 k1) (ITree.bind t2 k2).
  intros. ginit. guclo (@eqit_Returns_clo_bind E R R eq). unfold eqit in ×.
  econstructor; eauto with paco.

Lemma eqit_Returns_bind'' {E} {R S} {T} (RS : R S Prop) b1 b2
    (t1 t2: itree E T) (k1: T itree E R) (k2 : T itree E S) :
    eqit eq b1 b2 t1 t2
    ( r, Returns r t1 eqit RS b1 b2 (k1 r) (k2 r))
  @eqit E _ _ RS b1 b2 (ITree.bind t1 k1) (ITree.bind t2 k2).
  intros. ginit. guclo (@eqit_Returns_clo_bind E R S RS). unfold eqit in ×.
  econstructor; eauto with paco.

Lemma eutt_ret_vis_abs: {X Y E} (x: X) (e: E Y) k, Ret x Vis e k False.
  punfold H; inv H.

Lemma Returns_Ret_ : E A (a x : A) (t:itree E A), t Ret x Returns a t x = a.
  intros E A a x t eq H.
  induction H.
  - rewrite eq in H. eapply eqit_inv in H. apply H.
   - rewrite tau_eutt in H. rewrite <- H in IHReturns. apply IHReturns. assumption.
  - rewrite eq in H. apply eqit_inv in H. contradiction.

Lemma Returns_Ret : E A (a x : A), Returns a ((Ret x) : itree E A) x = a.
  intros. eapply Returns_Ret_. 2: eassumption. reflexivity.

Lemma Returns_bind : E A B a b (ma : itree E A) (k : A itree E B)
  (HM: Returns a ma)
  (HK: Returns b (k a)),
    Returns b (bind ma k).
  revert B b k HK.
  induction HM; intros.
  - rewrite H. cbn. rewrite Eqit.bind_ret_l. assumption.
  - rewrite H. cbn. rewrite Eqit.bind_tau. rewrite tau_eutt. apply IHHM. assumption.
  - rewrite H. cbn. rewrite Eqit.bind_vis. econstructor 3. reflexivity. apply IHHM. assumption.

Lemma Returns_bind_inversion_ : {E A B} (u : itree E B) (t : itree E A) (k : A itree E B) b,
    Returns b u
    u (bind t k)
     a, Returns a t Returns b (k a).
  intros E A B u t k b HR eq.
  revert A t k eq.
  induction HR; intros.
  - rewrite eq in H.
    apply eutt_inv_bind_ret in H.
    destruct H as (a & HEQ & HK).
     a. split. rewrite HEQ. constructor. reflexivity. rewrite HK. constructor. reflexivity.
  - rewrite tau_eutt in H.
    eapply IHHR. rewrite <- H. assumption.
  - rewrite eq in H; clear eq.
    apply eutt_inv_bind_vis in H.
    destruct H as [(kx & HV & eq2) | (a & HRA & KA)].
    + setoid_rewrite HV.
      specialize (eq2 x).
      setoid_rewrite <- eq2 in IHHR.
      specialize (IHHR _ (kx x) k0).
      assert (ITree.bind (kx x) k0 bind (kx x) k0) by reflexivity.
      apply IHHR in H.
      destruct H as (a & HRet & HK).
       a. split. econstructor 3. reflexivity. apply HRet. assumption.
    + a. split.
      rewrite HRA. constructor 1. reflexivity.
      specialize (IHHR _ (ret x) k).
      assert (k x bind (ret x) k).
      { rewrite Monad.bind_ret_l. reflexivity. }
      apply IHHR in H. rewrite KA.
      destruct H as (x' & _ & HX).
      econstructor 3. reflexivity. apply HX.

Lemma Returns_bind_inversion : {E A B} (t : itree E A) (k : A itree E B) b,
    Returns b (bind t k)
     a, Returns a t Returns b (k a).
  eapply Returns_bind_inversion_. apply H. reflexivity.

Lemma Returns_vis_inversion_ : {E A B} (u : itree E B) (e : E A) (k : A itree E B) b,
    Returns b u
    u (Vis e k)
     a, Returns b (k a).
  intros E A B u e k b HR eq.
  revert A e k eq.
  induction HR; intros.
  - rewrite H in eq.
    apply eqit_inv in eq. inversion eq.
  - rewrite tau_eutt in H.
    eapply IHHR. rewrite <- H. apply eq.
  - rewrite eq in H; clear eq.
    punfold H.
    repeat red in H.
    simpl in H.
    inversion H. subst.
    apply inj_pair2 in H2.
    apply inj_pair2 in H3.
    apply inj_pair2 in H6.
    apply inj_pair2 in H5.
    assert (Vis e k0 Vis e k).
    red. red. pfold. red. apply H.
    pose proof eqit_inv_Vis eq true true _ _ _ _ H0 as HX.
     x. specialize (HX x).
    rewrite HX. assumption.

Lemma Returns_vis_inversion : {E A B} (e : E A) (k : A itree E B) b,
    Returns b (Vis e k)
     a, Returns b (k a).
  eapply Returns_vis_inversion_. apply H. reflexivity.

Definition divergent {E A} (ta : itree E A) := ( k , ta bind ta k).

Lemma Returns_divergent {E A}:
  ( (ta : itree E A), not ( a, Returns a ta) divergent ta).
  intros. red. intros. red in H.
  unfold bind, Monad_itree.
  generalize dependent ta. pcofix CIH. cbn. pstep. unfold eqit_.
  intros. remember (observe ta). destruct i.
  - destruct H0. assert (ta Ret r0). rewrite Heqi.
    rewrite <- itree_eta. reflexivity. r0. constructor. auto.
  - intros. unfold observe. cbn. rewrite <- Heqi. cbn.
    constructor. right. apply CIH. intros. destruct H. destruct H0.
    assert (ta Tau t). rewrite Heqi. rewrite <- itree_eta; reflexivity.
    eapply ReturnsTau in H; eauto.
  - unfold observe. cbn. rewrite <- Heqi. cbn. constructor. intros.
    unfold id. right. apply CIH. intros. destruct H. destruct H0.
    assert (ta Vis e k0). rewrite Heqi. rewrite <- itree_eta; reflexivity.
    eapply ReturnsVis in H; eauto.

Definition divergent_cont {E A B} (ta : itree E A) :=
  ( (k1 : A itree E B) (k2 : A itree E B) , bind ta k1 bind ta k2).

Ltac simpl_iter :=
    unfold iter, Iter_Kleisli, Basics.iter, MonadIter_itree.

Definition g {a b : Type} {E} (x0 : a × nat itree E (a + b)) (a1 : a)
  := (fun '(x, k)
          bind (x0 (x, k))
              (fun ir : a + b
                  match ir with
                  | inl i0ret (inl (i0, k))
                  | inr r0ret (inr r0)

Definition f {a b : Type} {E} : a × nat itree E (a × nat + b) :=
  fun '(x, k)ret (inl ((x, S k))).

Lemma iter_succ_dinatural:
   {a b : Type} {E} (x0 : a × nat itree E (a + b)) (a1 : a),
    iter (C := Kleisli (itree E)) (bif := sum)
         (f >>> case_ (g x0 a1) inr_)
     f >>> case_ (iter (C := Kleisli (itree E)) (bif := sum) ((g x0 a1) >>> (case_ f inr_))) (id_ _).
  intros. rewrite iter_dinatural. reflexivity.

Lemma iter_eq_start_index:
   (a b : Type) (E : Type Type) (x0 : a × nat itree E (a + b)) (a1 : a),
    iter (C := Kleisli (itree E)) (bif := sum)
      (fun '(x, k)
          bind (x0 (x, S k))
              (fun ir : a + b
                  match ir with
                  | inl i0ret (inl (i0, S k))
                  | inr r0ret (inr r0)
                  end)) (a1, 0)
       iter (C := Kleisli (itree E)) (bif := sum)
      (fun '(x', k)
          bind (x0 (x', k))
              (fun ir : a + b
                  match ir with
                  | inl i0ret (inl (i0, S k))
                  | inr r0ret (inr r0)
                  end)) (a1, 1).
  intros a b m x0 a1.
  pose proof (iter_succ_dinatural x0 a1) as H0.
  specialize (H0 (a1, 0)).
  unfold f at 1, g at 1 in H0.
  unfold cat at 1, Cat_Kleisli at 1 in H0.
  match goal with
  | H : (?body1 _)%monad |- ?body2 _
   remember body1 as s1;
   remember body2 as s2
 assert (s1 s2). {
    match goal with
    | |- iter ?body1 _ iter ?body2 _remember body1 as k1;
                                          remember body2 as k2
    assert (iter k1 iter k2). {
      eapply iterative_proper_iter.
      subst. do 3 red. intros.
      destruct a0; rewrite Monad.bind_ret_l; cbn.
    do 3 red in H.
    apply H.
  rewrite <- H. subst. clear H. rewrite H0.
  unfold f, g.
  unfold cat, Cat_Kleisli. rewrite Monad.bind_ret_l.
  match goal with
  | |- iter ?body1 _ iter ?body2 _remember body1 as i1; remember body2 as i2
  assert (iter i1 iter i2). {
    eapply iterative_proper_iter.
    do 3 red. intros.
    destruct a0. rewrite Eqit.bind_bind.
    eapply eutt_clo_bind. reflexivity.
    intros. rewrite H. destruct u2;
    rewrite Eqit.bind_ret_l; cbn; reflexivity.
  do 3 red in H.
  apply H.

Definition Eq1_iforest' {E} : Eq1 (iforest E) :=
  fun a PA PA'
    ( x, (PA x y, x y PA' y))
    ( y, (PA' y x, x y PA x))
    eutt_closed PA eutt_closed PA'.

Lemma Eq1_iforest'_Eq1_iforest : E a PA PA', @Eq1_iforest E a PA PA' Eq1_iforest' a PA PA'.
  red in H.
  destruct H as (HXY & EPA & EPA').
   x. split; [reflexivity|]. specialize (HXY x x). apply HXY. reflexivity. assumption.
  split; try tauto.
   y. split; [reflexivity|]. specialize (HXY y y). apply HXY. reflexivity. assumption.

(* Figure 7: ret_bind law for iforest  - first law *)
Lemma ret_bind: {E} (a b : Type) (f : a iforest E b) (x : a),
    eutt_closed (f x)
    eq1 (bind (ret x) f) (f x).
  split; [| split].
  - intros t t' eq; split; intros eqtt'.
    × cbn in ×.
      repeat red in eqtt'.
      destruct eqtt' as (ta & k & EQ1 & EQ2 & KA).
    + unfold bind, Monad_itree in EQ2. rewrite EQ1, Eqit.bind_ret_l, eq in EQ2.
      eapply H; [apply EQ2 | apply KA].
      constructor 1; eauto.
   × cbn.
      (Ret x), (fun _t); split; [reflexivity|]; split.
      + unfold bind, Monad_itree. rewrite Eqit.bind_ret_l; reflexivity.
      + intros.
        apply Returns_Ret in H0. subst. red in H. rewrite eq.

  - intros t t' EQ; cbn; split; intros HX.
    × destruct HX as (ta & k & EQ1 & EQ2 & KA).
       (Ret x), (fun _t); split; [reflexivity |]; split.
      -- unfold bind, Monad_itree. rewrite Eqit.bind_ret_l. symmetry. assumption.
        intros ? RET; inv RET.
        2: { rewrite tau_eutt in H0. rewrite <- H0 in H1. apply Returns_Ret in H1. subst.
             red in H. rewrite EQ2. rewrite EQ1.
             unfold bind, Monad_itree.
             rewrite Eqit.bind_ret_l. apply KA. rewrite EQ1. constructor. reflexivity. }
        2: exfalso; eapply eutt_ret_vis_abs; eauto.
        apply eqit_inv_Ret in H0; subst.
        eapply H. rewrite EQ1 in EQ2.
        unfold bind, Monad_itree in EQ2.
           rewrite Eqit.bind_ret_l in EQ2. apply EQ2.
           apply KA; rewrite EQ1; constructor; reflexivity.

    × destruct HX as (ta & k & EQ1 & EQ2 & KA).
       (Ret x), (fun _t); split; [reflexivity |]; split.
      -- unfold bind, Monad_itree. rewrite Eqit.bind_ret_l. reflexivity.
        intros ? RET; inv RET.
        2: { rewrite tau_eutt in H0. rewrite <- H0 in H1. apply Returns_Ret in H1. subst.
             red in H. rewrite EQ. rewrite EQ2. rewrite EQ1.
             unfold bind, Monad_itree.
             rewrite Eqit.bind_ret_l. apply KA; rewrite EQ1; constructor 1; reflexivity.
        2: exfalso; eapply eutt_ret_vis_abs; eauto.

        apply eqit_inv_Ret in H0; subst.
        red in H.
        rewrite EQ, EQ2, EQ1.
        unfold bind, Monad_itree.
        rewrite Eqit.bind_ret_l.
        apply KA; rewrite EQ1; constructor; reflexivity.
  - assumption.

#[global] Instance bind_iforest_Proper {E} {A B} :
  Proper (eq1 ==> (eq ==> eq1) ==> eutt eq ==> iff) (@bind_iforest E A B).
  repeat red; intros PA1 PA2 EQP K1 K2 EQK t1 t2 EQt; split; intros H.
  - destruct H as (ta & k & HA & eq & HK).
     ta, k. split.
    + destruct EQP. apply (H ta ta). reflexivity. assumption.
    + split. rewrite <- EQt. assumption. intros.
      repeat red in EQK. specialize (EQK a a eq_refl). destruct EQK.
      rewrite <- H0. apply HK. assumption. reflexivity.
 - destruct H as (ta & k & HA & eq & HK).
     ta, k. split.
    + destruct EQP. apply (H ta ta). reflexivity. assumption.
    + split. rewrite EQt. assumption. intros.
      repeat red in EQK. specialize (EQK a a eq_refl). destruct EQK.
      rewrite H0. apply HK. assumption. reflexivity.

#[global] Instance bind_Propt_Proper2 {E} {A B} (PA : iforest E A) (K : A iforest E B) :
  Proper (eutt eq ==> flip impl) (bind PA K).
  repeat red.
  repeat red in H0.
  destruct H0 as (ta & k & HA & eq & HK).
   ta, k. split; auto. split. rewrite H; auto. assumption.

Definition agrees_itree {E} {A} (ta1 : itree E A) (ta2 : itree E (A Prop)) :=
  eutt (fun a pp a) ta1 ta2.

Definition bind_stronger {E} :=
  fun A B (PA: iforest E A) (K: A iforest E B) (tb: itree E B) ⇒
     (ta: itree E A), PA ta
                        ( (k: A itree E B),
                             (agrees_itree (fmap k ta) (fmap K ta)
                              tb bind ta k)).

Lemma agree_itree_Returns E A B (ta : itree E A) (K : A iforest E B) (k : A itree E B)
  : ( a, Returns a ta K a (k a)) (agrees_itree (fmap k ta) (fmap K ta)).
  split; intros.
  - cbn. red.
    eapply eqit_Returns_bind''.
    + reflexivity.
    + intros. apply eqit_Ret. apply H. assumption.
  - revert B K k H.
    induction H0.
    + intros. cbn in H0. unfold agrees_itree in H0.
      unfold in H0.
      rewrite H in H0.
      do 2 rewrite Eqit.bind_ret_l in H0.
      apply Eqit.eqit_Ret in H0. assumption.
    + intros.
      rewrite tau_eutt in H.
      unfold agrees_itree in H1.
      setoid_rewrite H in H1.
      eapply IHReturns. unfold agrees_itree.
      apply H1.
    + intros.
      apply IHReturns; clear IHReturns.
      unfold agrees_itree in ×.
      setoid_rewrite H in H1.
      cbn in ×. unfold in ×.
      repeat red in H1.
      punfold H1.
      inversion H1. cbn in ×.
      apply inj_pair2 in H4.
      apply inj_pair2 in H5.
      apply inj_pair2 in H6.
      apply inj_pair2 in H7.

      apply eqit_Returns_bind''.
      × reflexivity.
      × intros. subst.
        apply Eqit.eqit_Ret.
        specialize (REL x).
        red in REL.
        assert (REL2 := eqit_bind_Returns_inv _ _ _ _ REL _ H2).
        apply eqit_Ret in REL2.

Lemma distinguish_bind {E} {A B}
      (a : A)
      (ma : itree E A)
      (k1 k2 : A itree E B)
      (HRET : Returns a ma)
      (NEQ: ~((k1 a) (k2 a))) :
  not ((ITree.bind ma k1) (ITree.bind ma k2)).
  intro HI.
  apply NEQ. clear NEQ.
  revert k1 k2 HI.
  induction HRET; intros.
  - rewrite H in HI. cbn in HI. rewrite Eqit.bind_ret_l in HI. rewrite Eqit.bind_ret_l in HI.
  - apply IHHRET. unfold bind, Monad_itree in HI.
    rewrite H in HI.
    do 2 rewrite Eqit.bind_tau in HI.
    do 2 rewrite tau_eutt in HI. apply HI.
  - apply IHHRET. rewrite H in HI.
    do 2 rewrite bind_vis in HI.
    pose proof eqit_inv_Vis _ _ _ _ _ _ _ HI as HI'.
    apply HI'.

Lemma not_Returns {E} {A B} : inhabited B
   (ta: itree E A), ( tb, (k : A itree E B), tb bind ta k) (a:A), ¬ Returns a ta.
  intros IB ta HX a HRet; inversion IB; clear IB.
  revert HX.
  induction HRet; intros (tb & HK).
  - setoid_rewrite H in HK.
    unfold bind, Monad_itree in HK.
    setoid_rewrite Eqit.bind_ret_l in HK.
    pose (HK (fun _ret X)) as t2. cbn in t2.
    pose (HK (fun _ITree.spin)) as t3. cbn in t3.
    assert (Ret X (ITree.spin : itree E B)).
    rewrite <- t2. rewrite <- t3. reflexivity. apply eutt_Ret_spin_abs in H0.
  - apply IHHRet.
     tb. intros.
    specialize (HK k).
    rewrite HK. unfold bind, Monad_itree.
    rewrite H.
    rewrite bind_tau. apply tau_eutt.
  - setoid_rewrite H in HK; clear H t.
    pose (HK (fun _ret X)) as t2. cbn in t2.
    pose (HK (fun _ITree.spin)) as t3. cbn in t3.
    assert (ITree.bind (Vis e k) (fun _ : ARet X) ITree.bind (Vis e k) (fun _ : AITree.spin)).
    rewrite <- t2. rewrite <- t3.
    rewrite bind_vis in H. rewrite bind_vis in H.
    pose proof eqit_inv_Vis _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H as H'.
    specialize (H' x).
    revert H'.
    change (~((ITree.bind (k x) ( fun _ : ARet X)) ITree.bind (k x) (fun _ : AITree.spin))).
    eapply distinguish_bind. apply HRet.
    intro H'. apply eutt_Ret_spin_abs in H'. auto.

(* Figure 7: bind_ret - second monad law for iforest *)
Lemma bind_ret: {E} (A : Type) (PA : iforest E A),
    eutt_closed PA
    eq1 (bind PA (fun xret x)) PA.
  split; [| split].
  + intros t t' eq; split; intros eqtt'.
    × cbn in ×.
      destruct eqtt' as (ta & k & HPA & EQ & HRET).
      eapply H; [symmetry; eauto | clear eq t'].
      eapply H; [eauto | clear EQ t].
      eapply H; eauto.
      rewrite <- (Monad.bind_ret_r _ ta) at 2.
      apply eqit_Returns_bind'; [reflexivity |].
        rewrite (HRET r); auto.

    × cbn.
       t', (fun xRet x); split; [auto|]; split.
      unfold bind, Monad_itree. rewrite Eqit.bind_ret_r; auto.
      intros; reflexivity.

  + intros x y EQ; split; intros eqtt'.
    × cbn in ×.
      destruct eqtt' as (ta & k & HPA & EQ' & HRET).
       ta, k; split; [auto|]; split; auto.
      rewrite <- EQ; auto.

    × cbn in ×.
      destruct eqtt' as (ta & k & HPA & EQ' & HRET).
       ta, k; split; [auto|]; split; auto.
      rewrite EQ; auto.
  + auto.

Definition EQ_REL {E A} (ta : itree E A) : A A Prop :=
  fun a ba = b Returns a ta.

Lemma Symmteric_EQ_REL {E A} (ta : itree E A) : Symmetric (EQ_REL ta).
  repeat red.
  intros a b (EQ & H).
  - symmetry. assumption.
  - subst; auto.

Lemma Transitive_EQ_REL {E A} (ta : itree E A) : Transitive (EQ_REL ta).
  repeat red.
  intros a b c (EQ1 & H1) (EQ2 & H2).
  - rewrite EQ1. assumption.
  - assumption.

#[global] Instance EQ_REL_Proper {E A} : Proper (eutt eq ==> eq ==> eq ==> iff) (@EQ_REL E A).
  repeat red.
  intros. subst.
  split; intros; unfold EQ_REL in ×.
  - split. destruct H0. assumption. destruct H0.
    intros. rewrite <- H. assumption.
  - destruct H0.
    split. assumption.
    intros. rewrite H. assumption.

Definition eq_relation {A} (R S : A A Prop) :=
  R <2= S S <2= R.

#[global] Instance eutt_EQ_REL_Proper {E} {A} :
  Proper (eq_relation ==> eutt eq ==> @eutt E A A eq ==> iff) (eutt).
  repeat red.
  intros; split; intros.
  - rewrite <- H0. rewrite <- H1.
     clear H0 H1.
     destruct H.
     eapply eqit_mon; eauto.
  - rewrite H0, H1.
    destruct H.
    eapply eqit_mon; eauto.

Lemma eutt_EQ_REL_Reflexive_ {E} {A} (ta : itree E A) :
   R, (EQ_REL ta) <2= R
  eutt R ta ta.
  revert ta.
  ginit. gcofix CIH. intros ta HEQ.
  gstep. red.
  genobs ta obs.
  destruct obs.
  - econstructor. apply HEQ. red. split; auto. rewrite itree_eta. rewrite <- Heqobs. constructor 1. reflexivity.
  - econstructor. gbase. apply CIH.
    setoid_rewrite itree_eta in HEQ.
    destruct (observe ta); inversion Heqobs. subst.
    assert (Tau t0 t0) by apply tau_eutt.
    setoid_rewrite H in HEQ.
  - econstructor. intros. red. gbase. apply CIH.
    intros. apply HEQ.
    rewrite itree_eta. rewrite <- Heqobs.
    red in PR. destruct PR.
    red. split; auto.
    econstructor 3. reflexivity. apply H0.

Lemma eutt_EQ_REL_Reflexive {E} {A} (ta : itree E A) : eutt (EQ_REL ta) ta ta.
  apply eutt_EQ_REL_Reflexive_.

Definition RET_EQ {E} {A} (ta : itree E A) : A A Prop :=
  fun x yReturns x ta Returns y ta.

(* Figure 7: 3rd monad law, one direction bind associativity *)
Lemma bind_bind_iforest
  : {E} (A B C : Type) (PA : iforest E A)
      (KB : A iforest E B) (KC : B iforest E C)
      (PQOK : eutt_closed PA)
      (KBP : Proper (eq ==> eq1) KB)
      (KCP : Proper (eq ==> eq1) KC)
      (t : itree E C),
      (bind (bind PA KB) KC) t (bind PA (fun abind (KB a) KC)) t.
  (* PA ~a> KB a ~b> KC b *)
  intros E A B C PA KB KC PQOK KBP KCP t eqtt'.
      red in eqtt'.
      destruct eqtt' as (tb & kbc & (HBC & EQc & HRkbc)).
      destruct HBC as (ta & kab & HTA & EQb & HRkab).
      red. ta. (fun aITree.bind (kab a) kbc).
      split; [auto|]; split.
      × setoid_rewrite EQc; clear EQc.
        setoid_rewrite EQb. setoid_rewrite EQb in HRkbc; clear EQb tb.
        unfold bind, Monad_itree.
        rewrite Eqit.bind_bind. reflexivity.
      × intros a HRet.
         (kab a), kbc.
        split; [auto|];split.
        -- reflexivity.
        -- intros b HRET. apply HRkbc. rewrite EQb. eapply Returns_bind; eauto.


  Inductive ND : Type Type :=
  | Pick : ND bool.

  Definition PA : iforest ND bool := fun (ta : itree ND bool) ⇒ ta trigger Pick.

  Definition KB : bool iforest ND bool :=
    fun bPA.

  Definition KC : bool iforest ND bool :=
    fun bif b then (fun tc : itree ND bool(tc ret true) (tc ret false)) else (fun tc : itree ND booltc ITree.spin).

  Definition t : itree ND bool :=
    bind (trigger Pick) (fun (b:bool) ⇒ if b
                               then bind (trigger Pick) (fun (x:bool) ⇒ if x then ret true else ITree.spin)
                               else bind (trigger Pick) (fun (x:bool) ⇒ if x then ret false else ITree.spin)).

  Lemma bind_right_assoc : bind PA (fun abind (KB a) KC) t.
    repeat red.
     (trigger Pick).
     (fun (b:bool) ⇒ if b
             then (bind (trigger Pick) (fun (x:bool) ⇒ if x then ret true else ITree.spin))
             else (bind (trigger Pick) (fun (x:bool) ⇒ if x then ret false else ITree.spin))).
    split; auto.
    red. reflexivity.
    split. reflexivity.
    intros. repeat red. (trigger Pick).
     (fun (x:bool) ⇒ if a
                 then (if x then ret true else ITree.spin)
                 else (if x then ret false else ITree.spin)).
    red. red. reflexivity.
    destruct a.
    - reflexivity.
    - reflexivity.
    - intros.
      destruct a0.
      destruct a.
      red. left. reflexivity.
      red. right. reflexivity.
      destruct a.
      red. reflexivity. red. reflexivity.

  Lemma not_bind_left_assoc : ¬ (bind (bind PA KB) KC t).
    intro H.
    repeat red in H.
    destruct H as (ta & k & HB & HEQ & HRET).
    destruct HB as (tb & kb & HX & HEQ' & HRET').
    red in HX.
    rewrite HX in ×.
    setoid_rewrite HX in HRET'.
    clear tb HX.
    rewrite HEQ' in HEQ.
    unfold t in HEQ.
    unfold bind, Monad_itree in HEQ.
    rewrite Eqit.bind_bind in HEQ.
    assert ( r, Returns r (ITree.trigger Pick) eutt eq ((fun b : bool
           if b
           then ITree.bind (trigger Pick) (fun x : boolif x then ret true else ITree.spin)
           else ITree.bind (trigger Pick) (fun x : boolif x then ret false else ITree.spin)) r) ((fun r : boolITree.bind (kb r) k) r)).
    apply eqit_bind_Returns_inv. apply HEQ.
    assert (Returns true (ITree.trigger Pick)).
    { unfold trigger. econstructor 3. reflexivity. constructor 1. reflexivity. }
    assert (Returns false (ITree.trigger Pick)).
    { unfold trigger. econstructor 3. reflexivity. constructor 1. reflexivity. }
    assert (Returns true (ITree.trigger Pick)).
    { unfold trigger. econstructor 3. reflexivity. constructor 1. reflexivity. }
    assert (Returns false (ITree.trigger Pick)).
    { unfold trigger. econstructor 3. reflexivity. constructor 1. reflexivity. }
    apply H in H0.
    apply H in H1.
    apply HRET' in H2.
    apply HRET' in H3.
    red in H2. red in H3. red in H2. red in H3.
    rewrite H2 in H0.
    rewrite H3 in H1.
    rewrite <- H0 in H1.
    apply eqit_bind_Returns_inv with (r := true) in H1 .
    apply eqit_inv_Ret in H1. inversion H1.
    { unfold trigger. econstructor 3. reflexivity. constructor 1. reflexivity. }

Lemma bind_bind_counterexample:
     t, bind PA (fun abind (KB a) KC) t ¬ (bind (bind PA KB) KC t).
  apply bind_right_assoc.
  apply not_bind_left_assoc.