
Exception event

Throw exceptions of type Err.
Variant exceptE (Err : Type) : Type Type :=
| Throw : Err exceptE Err void.

Since the output type of Throw is void, we can make it an action with any return type.
Definition throw {Err : Type} {E : Type Type} `{exceptE Err -< E} {X}
           (e : Err)
  : itree E X
  := vis (Throw e) (fun v : voidmatch v with end).

Definition try_catch {Err R : Type } {E : Type Type}
            (ttry : itree (exceptE Err +' E) R) (kcatch : Err itree (exceptE Err +' E) R) : itree (exceptE Err +' E) R :=
  (* the problem is kcatch is actually not a handler, need basic iter?*)
  let catch_body (t : itree (exceptE Err +' E) R) : itree (exceptE Err +' E) ((itree (exceptE Err +' E) R) + R ) :=
       match observe t with
       | RetF rRet (inr r)
       | TauF t'Ret (inl t')
       | VisF e k
         match e with
         | inl1 (Throw exc) ⇒ Functor.fmap inr (kcatch exc)
         | inr1 e'Functor.fmap (fun xinl (k x) ) (trigger e) end end

  ITree.iter catch_body ttry.

Definition throw_prefix {Err R : Type} {E : Type Type}
           (t : itree (exceptE Err +' E) R) : itree (exceptE Err +' E) (R + Err) :=
  let prefix_body (t' : itree (exceptE Err +' E) R ) : itree (exceptE Err +' E) ((itree (exceptE Err +' E) R) + (R + Err) ) :=
      match observe t' with
      | RetF rRet (inr (inl r) )
      | TauF t'Ret (inl t')
      | VisF e k
        match e with
        | inl1 (Throw exc) ⇒ Ret (inr (inr exc) )
        | inr1 e'Functor.fmap (fun xinl (k x) ) (trigger e)
      end in
  ITree.iter prefix_body t.