
Sums of indexed types

In the context of interaction trees, events can be combined using this sum type.

Sum of type constructors Type Type.
sum1 : (Type Type) (Type Type) (Type Type).
Variant sum1 (E1 E2 : Type Type) (X : Type) : Type :=
| inl1 (_ : E1 X)
| inr1 (_ : E2 X).
Arguments inr1 {E1 E2} [X].
Arguments inl1 {E1 E2} [X].

An infix notation for convenience.
Notation "E1 +' E2" := (sum1 E1 E2)
  (at level 59, right associativity) : type_scope.

The empty indexed type.
Variant void1 : Type Type := .

This sum type equips the space of indexed functions _ ~> _ with the structure of a cocartesian category, see Indexed.Function.

(* Eliminate void1. *)
Polymorphic Definition elim_void1@{u v} {E : Type@{u} Type@{v}}
  : T : Type@{u}, void1 T E T :=
  fun T (v : void1 T) ⇒ match v with end.