

Actually, bounded nondeterminism.

Make nondeterministic choices.
Variant nondetE : Type Type :=
| Or : nondetE bool.

Choose one of two computations.
Definition or {E} `{nondetE -< E} {R} (t1 t2 : itree E R)
  : itree E R :=
  vis Or (fun b : boolif b then t1 else t2).

Choose an element from a nonempty list (with the head and tail as separate arguments), so it cannot fail.
Definition choose1 {E} `{nondetE -< E} {X}
  : X list X itree E X
  := fix choose1' x xs : itree E X :=
       match xs with
       | []Ret x
       | x' :: xsor (Ret x) (choose1' x' xs)

Pick any element in a list apart from the others.
Definition remove_from {X} : list X list (X × list X) :=
  let fix remove_from_ pre xs :=
      match xs with
      | [][]
      | x :: xs'(x, pre ++ xs') :: remove_from_ (pre ++ [x]) xs'
      end in
  remove_from_ [].

Empty nondeterminism

We can use exceptE events to model nullary branching.
Exception thrown by choose.
Variant no_choice : Set := NoChoice.

Choose an element from a list.
This can fail if the list is empty, using the exceptE no_choice event.
Definition choose {E} `{nondetE -< E} `{exceptE no_choice -< E} {X}
  : list X itree E X
  := fix choose' xs : itree E X :=
       match xs with
       | []throw NoChoice
       | x :: xs
         or (Ret x) (choose' xs)