Leaves of itrees
Inductive Leaf {E} {A: Type} (a: A) : itree E A → Prop :=
| LeafRet: ∀ t,
observe t = RetF a →
Leaf a t
| LeafTau: ∀ t u,
observe t = TauF u →
Leaf a u →
Leaf a t
| LeafVis: ∀ {X} (e: E X) t k x,
observe t = VisF e k →
Leaf a (k x) →
Leaf a t
#[global] Hint Constructors Leaf : itree.
Module LeafNotations.
Notation "a ∈ t" := (Leaf a t) (at level 70).
End LeafNotations.
Import LeafNotations.
Smart constructors
Lemma Leaf_Ret : ∀ E R a,
a ∈ (Ret a : itree E R).
intros; econstructor; reflexivity.
Lemma Leaf_Tau : ∀ E R a t,
a ∈ (t : itree E R) →
a ∈ Tau t.
intros; econstructor; [reflexivity | eauto].
Lemma Leaf_Vis : ∀ E X Y (e : E X) (k : _ → itree E Y) b x,
b ∈ (k x) →
b ∈ (Vis e k).
intros × IN; econstructor 3; [reflexivity | eauto].
Inversion lemmas
Lemma Leaf_Ret_inv : ∀ E R (a b : R),
Leaf (E := E) b (Ret a) →
b = a.
intros × IN; inv IN; cbn in *; try congruence.
Lemma Leaf_Tau_inv : ∀ E R (u : itree E R) b,
b ∈ Tau u →
b ∈ u.
intros × IN; inv IN; cbn in *; try congruence.
Lemma Leaf_Vis_inv : ∀ E X Y (e : E X) (k : _ → itree E Y) b,
b ∈ Vis e k →
∃ x, b ∈ k x.
intros × IN *; inv IN; cbn in *; try congruence.
revert x H0.
refine (match H in _ = u return match u with VisF e0 k0 ⇒ _ | RetF _ | TauF _ ⇒ False end with eq_refl ⇒ _ end).
Leaf (E := E) b (Ret a) →
b = a.
intros × IN; inv IN; cbn in *; try congruence.
Lemma Leaf_Tau_inv : ∀ E R (u : itree E R) b,
b ∈ Tau u →
b ∈ u.
intros × IN; inv IN; cbn in *; try congruence.
Lemma Leaf_Vis_inv : ∀ E X Y (e : E X) (k : _ → itree E Y) b,
b ∈ Vis e k →
∃ x, b ∈ k x.
intros × IN *; inv IN; cbn in *; try congruence.
revert x H0.
refine (match H in _ = u return match u with VisF e0 k0 ⇒ _ | RetF _ | TauF _ ⇒ False end with eq_refl ⇒ _ end).
Closure under eutt
General asymmetric lemmas for eutt R, where we naturally get
a different point related by R, and Proper instances for
eutt eq.
Lemma Leaf_eutt_l {E A B R}:
∀ (t : itree E A) (u : itree E B) (a : A),
eutt R t u →
a ∈ t →
∃ b, b ∈ u ∧ R a b.
intros × EQ FIN;
revert u EQ.
induction FIN; intros u2 EQ.
- punfold EQ.
red in EQ; rewrite H in EQ; clear H t.
remember (RetF a); genobs u2 ou.
hinduction EQ before R; intros; try now discriminate.
+ inv Heqi; eauto with itree.
+ edestruct IHEQ as (b & IN & HR); eauto with itree.
- punfold EQ; red in EQ; rewrite H in EQ; clear H t.
remember (TauF u); genobs u2 ou2.
hinduction EQ before R; intros; try discriminate; pclearbot; inv Heqi.
+ edestruct IHFIN as (? & ? & ?); [ .. | eexists ]; eauto with itree.
+ eauto with itree.
+ edestruct IHEQ as (? & ? & ?); [ .. | eexists ]; eauto with itree.
- punfold EQ; red in EQ; rewrite H in EQ; clear H t.
remember (VisF e k); genobs u2 ou2.
hinduction EQ before R; intros; try discriminate; pclearbot.
+ revert x FIN IHFIN.
refine (match Heqi in _ = u return match u with VisF e0 k0 ⇒ _ | RetF _ | TauF _ ⇒ False end with eq_refl ⇒ _ end).
intros. edestruct IHFIN as (? & ? & ?); [ | eexists ]; eauto with itree.
+ edestruct IHEQ as (? & ? & ?); [.. | ∃ x0 ]; eauto with itree.
Lemma Leaf_eutt_r {E A B R}:
∀ (t : itree E A) (u : itree E B) (b : B),
eutt R t u →
b ∈ u →
∃ a, a ∈ t ∧ R a b.
intros × EQ FIN.
apply eqit_flip in EQ.
revert EQ FIN.
apply @Leaf_eutt_l.
#[global] Instance Leaf_eutt {E A}:
Proper (eq ==> eutt eq ==> iff) (@Leaf E A).
apply proper_sym_impl_iff_2; [ exact _ .. | ].
unfold Proper, respectful, impl. intros; subst.
edestruct @Leaf_eutt_l as [? []]; try eassumption; subst; assumption.
Compatibility with bind, forward and backward
Lemma Leaf_bind : ∀ {E R S}
(t : itree E R) (k : R → itree E S) a b,
b ∈ t →
a ∈ k b →
a ∈ t >>= k.
intros × INt INk; induction INt.
- rewrite (itree_eta t), H, bind_ret_l; auto.
- rewrite (itree_eta t), H, tau_eutt; auto.
- rewrite (itree_eta t), H, bind_vis.
apply Leaf_Vis with x; auto.
Lemma Leaf_bind_inv : ∀ {E R S}
(t : itree E R) (k : R → itree E S) a,
a ∈ t >>= k →
∃ b, b ∈ t ∧ a ∈ k b.
intros × FIN;
remember (ITree.bind t k) as u.
revert t k Hequ.
induction FIN; intros t' k' ->; rename t' into t.
- unfold observe in H; cbn in H.
desobs t EQ; cbn in *; try congruence.
∃ r; auto with itree.
- unfold observe in H; cbn in H.
desobs t EQ; cbn in *; try congruence; [ eexists; eauto with itree | ].
inversion H; clear H; symmetry in H1.
edestruct IHFIN as (? & ? & ?); [ eauto | eexists; eauto with itree ].
- unfold observe in H; cbn in H.
desobs t EQ; cbn in *; try congruence; [ eexists; eauto with itree | ].
revert x FIN IHFIN.
refine (match H in _ = u return match u with VisF e0 k0 ⇒ _ | RetF _ | TauF _ ⇒ False end with eq_refl ⇒ _ end).
edestruct IHFIN as (? & ? & ?); [ reflexivity | eexists; eauto with itree ].
Leaf-aware up-to bind closure
This construction generalizes eqit_bind_clo: one can
indeed provide an arbitrary cut at the relational
redicate RU of one's choice, but the continuations
are only required to be related pointwise at the intersection
of RU with the respective leaves of the prefixes.
Section LeafBind.
Context {E : Type → Type} {R S : Type}.
Local Open Scope itree.
Inductive eqit_Leaf_bind_clo b1 b2 (r : itree E R → itree E S → Prop) :
itree E R → itree E S → Prop :=
| pbc_intro_h U1 U2 (RU : U1 → U2 → Prop)
(t1 : itree E U1) (t2 : itree E U2)
(k1 : U1 → itree E R) (k2 : U2 → itree E S)
(EQV: eqit RU b1 b2 t1 t2)
(REL: ∀ u1 u2,
u1 ∈ t1 → u2 ∈ t2 → RU u1 u2 →
r (k1 u1) (k2 u2))
: eqit_Leaf_bind_clo b1 b2 r
(ITree.bind t1 k1) (ITree.bind t2 k2)
Hint Constructors eqit_Leaf_bind_clo : itree.
Lemma eqit_Leaf_clo_bind (RS : R → S → Prop) b1 b2 vclo
(MON: monotone2 vclo)
(CMP: compose (eqitC RS b1 b2) vclo <3= compose vclo (eqitC RS b1 b2))
(ID: id <3= vclo):
eqit_Leaf_bind_clo b1 b2 <3= gupaco2 (eqit_ RS b1 b2 vclo) (eqitC RS b1 b2).
gcofix CIH. intros. destruct PR.
guclo eqit_clo_trans.
econstructor; auto_ctrans_eq; try (rewrite (itree_eta (x <- _;; _ x)), unfold_bind; reflexivity).
punfold EQV. unfold_eqit.
genobs t1 ot1.
genobs t2 ot2.
hinduction EQV before CIH; intros; pclearbot.
- guclo eqit_clo_trans.
econstructor; auto_ctrans_eq; try (rewrite <- !itree_eta; reflexivity).
gbase; cbn.
apply REL0; auto with itree.
- gstep. econstructor.
apply CIH.
econstructor; eauto with itree.
- gstep. econstructor.
intros; apply ID; unfold id.
apply CIH.
econstructor; eauto with itree.
- destruct b1; try discriminate.
guclo eqit_clo_trans.
3:{ eapply IHEQV; eauto with itree. }
2: reflexivity.
eapply eqit_Tau_l. rewrite unfold_bind, <-itree_eta. reflexivity.
- destruct b2; try discriminate.
guclo eqit_clo_trans.
econstructor; auto_ctrans_eq; eauto with itree; try reflexivity.
eapply eqit_Tau_l. rewrite unfold_bind, <-itree_eta. reflexivity.
End LeafBind.
Context {E : Type → Type} {R S : Type}.
Local Open Scope itree.
Inductive eqit_Leaf_bind_clo b1 b2 (r : itree E R → itree E S → Prop) :
itree E R → itree E S → Prop :=
| pbc_intro_h U1 U2 (RU : U1 → U2 → Prop)
(t1 : itree E U1) (t2 : itree E U2)
(k1 : U1 → itree E R) (k2 : U2 → itree E S)
(EQV: eqit RU b1 b2 t1 t2)
(REL: ∀ u1 u2,
u1 ∈ t1 → u2 ∈ t2 → RU u1 u2 →
r (k1 u1) (k2 u2))
: eqit_Leaf_bind_clo b1 b2 r
(ITree.bind t1 k1) (ITree.bind t2 k2)
Hint Constructors eqit_Leaf_bind_clo : itree.
Lemma eqit_Leaf_clo_bind (RS : R → S → Prop) b1 b2 vclo
(MON: monotone2 vclo)
(CMP: compose (eqitC RS b1 b2) vclo <3= compose vclo (eqitC RS b1 b2))
(ID: id <3= vclo):
eqit_Leaf_bind_clo b1 b2 <3= gupaco2 (eqit_ RS b1 b2 vclo) (eqitC RS b1 b2).
gcofix CIH. intros. destruct PR.
guclo eqit_clo_trans.
econstructor; auto_ctrans_eq; try (rewrite (itree_eta (x <- _;; _ x)), unfold_bind; reflexivity).
punfold EQV. unfold_eqit.
genobs t1 ot1.
genobs t2 ot2.
hinduction EQV before CIH; intros; pclearbot.
- guclo eqit_clo_trans.
econstructor; auto_ctrans_eq; try (rewrite <- !itree_eta; reflexivity).
gbase; cbn.
apply REL0; auto with itree.
- gstep. econstructor.
apply CIH.
econstructor; eauto with itree.
- gstep. econstructor.
intros; apply ID; unfold id.
apply CIH.
econstructor; eauto with itree.
- destruct b1; try discriminate.
guclo eqit_clo_trans.
3:{ eapply IHEQV; eauto with itree. }
2: reflexivity.
eapply eqit_Tau_l. rewrite unfold_bind, <-itree_eta. reflexivity.
- destruct b2; try discriminate.
guclo eqit_clo_trans.
econstructor; auto_ctrans_eq; eauto with itree; try reflexivity.
eapply eqit_Tau_l. rewrite unfold_bind, <-itree_eta. reflexivity.
End LeafBind.
General cut rule for eqit
This result generalizes eqit_clo_bind.
Lemma eqit_clo_bind_gen :
∀ {E} {R1 R2} (RR : R1 → R2 → Prop) {U1 U2} {UU : U1 → U2 → Prop}
b1 b2
(t1 : itree E U1) (t2 : itree E U2)
(k1 : U1 → itree E R1) (k2 : U2 → itree E R2),
eqit UU b1 b2 t1 t2 →
(∀ (u1 : U1) (u2 : U2),
u1 ∈ t1 → u2 ∈ t2 → UU u1 u2 →
eqit RR b1 b2 (k1 u1) (k2 u2)) →
eqit RR b1 b2 (x <- t1;; k1 x) (x <- t2;; k2 x).
ginit. guclo (@eqit_Leaf_clo_bind E R1 R2).
econstructor; eauto.
intros × IN1 IN2 HR.
gfinal; right.
apply H0; auto.
∀ {E} {R1 R2} (RR : R1 → R2 → Prop) {U1 U2} {UU : U1 → U2 → Prop}
b1 b2
(t1 : itree E U1) (t2 : itree E U2)
(k1 : U1 → itree E R1) (k2 : U2 → itree E R2),
eqit UU b1 b2 t1 t2 →
(∀ (u1 : U1) (u2 : U2),
u1 ∈ t1 → u2 ∈ t2 → UU u1 u2 →
eqit RR b1 b2 (k1 u1) (k2 u2)) →
eqit RR b1 b2 (x <- t1;; k1 x) (x <- t2;; k2 x).
ginit. guclo (@eqit_Leaf_clo_bind E R1 R2).
econstructor; eauto.
intros × IN1 IN2 HR.
gfinal; right.
apply H0; auto.
Specialization of the cut rule to eutt
Lemma eutt_clo_bind_gen :
∀ {E} {R1 R2} (RR : R1 → R2 → Prop) {U1 U2} {UU : U1 → U2 → Prop}
(t1 : itree E U1) (t2 : itree E U2)
(k1 : U1 → itree E R1) (k2 : U2 → itree E R2),
eutt UU t1 t2 →
(∀ (u1 : U1) (u2 : U2),
u1 ∈ t1 → u2 ∈ t2 → UU u1 u2 →
eutt RR (k1 u1) (k2 u2)) →
eutt RR (x <- t1;; k1 x) (x <- t2;; k2 x).
intros *; apply eqit_clo_bind_gen.
∀ {E} {R1 R2} (RR : R1 → R2 → Prop) {U1 U2} {UU : U1 → U2 → Prop}
(t1 : itree E U1) (t2 : itree E U2)
(k1 : U1 → itree E R1) (k2 : U2 → itree E R2),
eutt UU t1 t2 →
(∀ (u1 : U1) (u2 : U2),
u1 ∈ t1 → u2 ∈ t2 → UU u1 u2 →
eutt RR (k1 u1) (k2 u2)) →
eutt RR (x <- t1;; k1 x) (x <- t2;; k2 x).
intros *; apply eqit_clo_bind_gen.
Often useful particular case of identical prefixes