
Interaction trees: core definitions

The type of interaction trees

An itree E R is the denotation of a program as coinductive (possibly infinite) tree where the leaves Ret are labeled with R and every node is either a Tau node with one child, or a branching node Vis with a visible event E X that branches on the values of X.

Section itree.

  Context {E : Type Type} {R : Type}.

The type itree is defined as the final coalgebra ("greatest fixed point") of the functor itreeF.
  Variant itreeF (itree : Type) :=
  | RetF (r : R)
  | TauF (t : itree)
  | VisF {X : Type} (e : E X) (k : X itree)

We define non-recursive types such as itreeF using the Variant command. The main practical difference from Inductive is that Variant does not generate any induction schemes (which are unnecessary).

  CoInductive itree : Type := go
  { _observe : itreeF itree }.

A primitive projection, such as _observe, must always be applied. To be used as a function, wrap it explicitly: fun x _observe x or observe (defined below).

  (* Notes about using itree:

     - You should simplify using cbn rather than simpl when working
       with terms of the form observe e where e is defined by
       CoFixpoint (as in bind and map below).  simpl does not
       unfold the definition properly to expose the observe t term.

     - Once you have observe t as the subject of match, you can
       destruct (observe t) to do the case split.

End itree.

An itree' is a "forced" itree. It is the type of inputs of go, and outputs of observe.
Notation itree' E R := (itreeF E R (itree E R)).

We wrap the primitive projection _observe in a function observe.
Definition observe {E R} (t : itree E R) : itree' E R := @_observe E R t.

Note that when _observe appears unapplied in an expression, it is implicitly wrapped in a function. However, there is no way to distinguish whether such wrapping took place, so relying on this behavior can lead to confusion.
We recommend to always use a primitive projection applied, and wrap it in a function explicitly like the above to pass around as a first-order function.
We introduce notation for the Tau, Ret, and Vis constructors. Using notation rather than definitions works better for extraction. (The spin definition, given below does not extract correctly if Tau is a definition.)
Using this notation means that we occasionally have to eta expand, e.g. writing Vis e (fun x Ret x) instead of Vis e Ret. (In this particular case, this is ITree.trigger.)
Notation Ret x := (go (RetF x)).
Notation Tau t := (go (TauF t)).
Notation Vis e k := (go (VisF e k)).

Main operations on itree

The core definitions are wrapped in a module for namespacing. They are meant to be used qualified (e.g., ITree.bind) or via notations (e.g., >>=).

How to write cofixpoints

We define cofixpoints in two steps: first a plain definition (prefixed with an _, e.g., _bind, _iter) defines the body of the function:
  • it takes the recursive call (bind) as a parameter;
  • if we are deconstructing an itree, this body takes the unwrapped itreeF;
second the actual CoFixpoint (or, equivalently, cofix) ties the knot, applying observe to any itree parameters.
This style allows us to keep cofix from ever appearing in proofs, which could otherwise get quite unwieldly. For every CoFixpoint (such as bind), we prove an unfolding lemma to rewrite it as a term whose head is _bind, without any cofix above it.
    unfold_bind : observe (bind t k)
                = observe (_bind (fun t'bind t' k) t)
Note that this is an equality "up to" observe. It would not be provable if it were a plain equality:
    bind t k = _bind (...) t (* unfold the definition of bind... *)
    (cofix bind' t1 := _bind (...) t1) t = _bind (...) t1
The cofix is stuck, and can only be unstuck under the primitive projection _observe (which is wrapped by observe).


These are meant to be imported qualified, e.g., ITree.bind, ITree.trigger, to avoid ambiguity with identifiers of the same name (some of which are overloaded generalizations of these).
Module ITree.

bind: monadic composition, tree substitution, sequencing of computations. bind t k is also denoted by t >>= k and using "do-notation" x <- t ;; k x.

(* substbind with its arguments flipped.
   We keep the continuation k outside the cofixpoint.
   In particular, this allows us to nest bind in other cofixpoints,
   as long as the recursive occurences are in the continuation
   (i.e., this makes it easy to define tail-recursive functions). *)

Definition subst {E : Type Type} {T U : Type} (k : T itree E U)
  : itree E T itree E U :=
  cofix _subst (u : itree E T) : itree E U :=
    match observe u with
    | RetF rk r
    | TauF tTau (_subst t)
    | VisF e hVis e (fun x_subst (h x))

Definition bind {E : Type Type} {T U : Type} (u : itree E T) (k : T itree E U)
  : itree E U :=
  subst k u.

Monadic composition of continuations (i.e., Kleisli composition).
Definition cat {E T U V}
           (k : T itree E U) (h : U itree E V) :
  T itree E V :=
  fun tbind (k t) h.

iter: See Basics.Basics.MonadIter.

(* on_left lr l t: run a computation t if the first argument is an inl l.
   l must be a variable (used as a pattern), free in the expression t:
   - on_left (inl x) l t = t{l := x}
   - on_left (inr y) l t = Ret y

Notation on_left lr l t :=
  (match lr with
  | inl lt
  | inr rRet r
  end) (only parsing).

(* Note: here we must be careful to call iter_ l under Tau to avoid an eager
   infinite loop if step i is always of the form Ret (inl _) (cf. issue 182). *)

Definition iter {E : Type Type} {R I: Type}
           (step : I itree E (I + R)) : I itree E R :=
  cofix iter_ i := bind (step i) (fun lron_left lr l (Tau (iter_ l))).

(* note(gmm): There needs to be generic automation for monads to simplify
 * using the monad laws up to a setoid.
 * this would be *really* useful to a lot of projects.
 * this will be especially important for this project because coinductives
 * don't simplify very nicely.

Functorial map (fmap in Haskell)
Definition map {E R S} (f : R S) (t : itree E R) : itree E S :=
  bind t (fun xRet (f x)).

Atomic itrees triggering a single event.
Definition trigger {E : Type Type} : E ~> itree E :=
  fun R eVis e (fun xRet x).

Ignore the result of a tree.
Definition ignore {E R} : itree E R itree E unit :=
  map (fun _tt).

Infinite taus.
CoFixpoint spin {E R} : itree E R := Tau spin.

Repeat a computation infinitely.
Definition forever {E R S} (t : itree E R) : itree E S :=
  cofix forever_t := bind t (fun _Tau (forever_t)).

Ltac fold_subst :=
  repeat (change (ITree.subst ?k ?t) with (ITree.bind t k)).

Ltac fold_monad :=
  repeat (change (@ITree.bind ?E) with (@Monad.bind (itree E) _));
  repeat (change (go (@RetF ?E _ _ _ ?r)) with (@Monad.ret (itree E) _ _ r));
  repeat (change ( ?E) with (@Functor.fmap (itree E) _)).

End ITree.


Sometimes it's more convenient to work without the type classes Monad, etc. When functions using type classes are specialized, they simplify easily, so lemmas without classes are easier to apply than lemmas with.
We can also make ExtLib's bind opaque, in which case it still doesn't hurt to have these notations around.

Module ITreeNotations.
Notation "t1 >>= k2" := (ITree.bind t1 k2)
  (at level 58, left associativity) : itree_scope.
Notation "x <- t1 ;; t2" := (ITree.bind t1 (fun xt2))
  (at level 61, t1 at next level, right associativity) : itree_scope.
Notation "t1 ;; t2" := (ITree.bind t1 (fun _t2))
  (at level 61, right associativity) : itree_scope.
Notation "' p <- t1 ;; t2" :=
  (ITree.bind t1 (fun x_match x_ with pt2 end))
  (at level 61, t1 at next level, p pattern, right associativity) : itree_scope.
Infix ">=>" := (at level 61, right associativity) : itree_scope.
End ITreeNotations.


#[global] Instance Functor_itree {E} : Functor (itree E) :=
{ fmap := E }.

(* Instead of pure := @Ret Eret := @Ret E, we eta-expand
   pure and ret to make the extracted code respect OCaml's
   value restriction. *)

#[global] Instance Applicative_itree {E} : Applicative (itree E) :=
{ pure := fun _ xRet x
; ap := fun _ _ f x
          ITree.bind f (fun fITree.bind x (fun xRet (f x)))

#[global] Instance Monad_itree {E} : Monad (itree E) :=
{| ret := fun _ xRet x
; bind := @ITree.bind E

#[global] Instance MonadIter_itree {E} : MonadIter (itree E) :=
  fun _ _ITree.iter.


(* invrewrite_everywhere..._except are general purpose *)

Lemma hexploit_mp: P Q: Type, P (P Q) Q.
Proof. intuition. Defined.
Ltac hexploit x := eapply hexploit_mp; [eapply x|].

Tactic Notation "hinduction" hyp(IND) "before" hyp(H)
  := move IND before H; revert_until IND; induction IND.

Ltac rewrite_everywhere lem :=
  progress ((repeat match goal with [H: _ |- _] ⇒ rewrite lem in H end); repeat rewrite lem).

Ltac rewrite_everywhere_except lem X :=
  progress ((repeat match goal with [H: _ |- _] ⇒
                 match H with Xfail 1 | _rewrite lem in H end
             end); repeat rewrite lem).

Ltac genobs x ox := remember (observe x) as ox.
Ltac genobs_clear x ox := genobs x ox; match goal with [H: ox = observe x |- _] ⇒ clear H x end.
Ltac simpobs := repeat match goal with [H: _ = observe _ |- _] ⇒
                    rewrite_everywhere_except (@eq_sym _ _ _ H) H
Ltac desobs t H := destruct (observe t) eqn:H.

Compute with fuel

Remove Taus from the front of an itree.
Fixpoint burn (n : nat) {E R} (t : itree E R) :=
  match n with
  | Ot
  | S n
    match observe t with
    | RetF rRet r
    | VisF e kVis e k
    | TauF t'burn n t'