From Coq Require Import
From ExtLib Require Import
From Paco Require Import paco.
From ITree Require Import
From ITree.Extra Require Import
Import Monads.
Import MonadNotation.
#[local] Open Scope monad_scope.
From ExtLib Require Import
From Paco Require Import paco.
From ITree Require Import
From ITree.Extra Require Import
Import Monads.
Import MonadNotation.
#[local] Open Scope monad_scope.
These enable typeclass instances for Maps keyed by strings and values
#[global] Instance RelDec_string : RelDec (@eq string) :=
{ rel_dec := fun s1 s2 ⇒ if string_dec s1 s2 then true else false }.
#[global] Instance RelDec_string_Correct: RelDec_Correct RelDec_string.
constructor; intros x y.
- unfold rel_dec; simpl.
destruct (string_dec x y) eqn:EQ; [intros _; apply string_dec_sound; assumption | intros abs; inversion abs].
- intros EQ; apply string_dec_sound in EQ; unfold rel_dec; simpl; rewrite EQ; reflexivity.
Definition env := alist string nat.
Variant StateE : Type → Type :=
| GetE : string → StateE nat
| PutE : string → nat → StateE unit
Variant IO : Type → Type :=
| Read : IO nat
| Write : nat → IO unit
Notation stateiotree A := (itree (StateE +' IO) A).
Definition StateIOSpec : Type → Type := StateSpecT env (TraceSpec IO).
Definition SIOSpecOrder := StateSpecTOrder env (TraceSpec IO).
Definition SIOSpecOrderLaws := StateSpecTOrderedLaws env (TraceSpec IO).
Definition SIOSpecEq := StateSpecTEq env (TraceSpec IO).
Definition SIOObs := EffectObsStateT env (TraceSpec IO) (itree IO).
Definition SIOMorph :=MonadMorphimStateT env (TraceSpec IO) (itree IO).
Definition verify_cond {A : Type} := DijkstraProp (stateT env (itree IO)) StateIOSpec SIOObs A.
(*Predicate on initial state and initial log*)
Definition StateIOSpecPre : Type := env → ev_list IO → Prop.
(*Predicate on final log and possible return value*)
Definition StateIOSpecPost (A : Type) : Type := itrace IO (env × A) → Prop.
Program Definition encode {A} (pre : StateIOSpecPre) (post : StateIOSpecPost A) : StateIOSpec A :=
fun s log p ⇒ pre s log ∧ (∀ tr, post tr → p tr).
Section PrintMults.
Variable X Y : string.
Context (HXY : X ≠ Y).
(*this part has some pretty basic errors*)
Variant write_next_mult (n : nat) : ∀ B, IO B → B → Prop :=
| wnm : write_next_mult n unit (Write n) tt.
Definition wnm_ev (next : nat) A (io : IO A) (_ : A) : ∀ B, IO B → B → Prop :=
match io with
| Write n ⇒ write_next_mult (next + n)
| Read ⇒ bot3 end.
Variant writes_n (n : nat) : ∀ A, IO A → A → Prop :=
| wn : writes_n n unit (Write n) tt.
Definition mults_n {R : Type} (n : nat) (tr : itrace IO R) := state_machine (wnm_ev n) bot4 (writes_n 0) bot1 tr.
CoFixpoint mults_of_n_from_m {R : Type} (n m : nat) : itrace IO R:=
Vis (evans unit (Write m) tt) (fun _ ⇒ mults_of_n_from_m n (n + m) ).
Definition mults_of_n {R : Type} (n : nat) : itrace IO R :=
mults_of_n_from_m n 0.
Definition print_mults_pre : StateIOSpecPre :=
fun s log ⇒ log = nil ∧ lookup_default Y 0 s = 0.
(*Is there going to be a problem introducing k?*)
Definition print_mults_post : StateIOSpecPost unit :=
fun tr ⇒ ∃ n k, (tr ≈ Vis (evans _ Read n) k ∧ (mults_of_n n) ≈ (k tt))%itree.
Definition print_mults : stateiotree unit :=
x <- trigger Read;;
trigger (PutE X x);;
ITree.iter ( fun _ : unit ⇒
y <- trigger (GetE Y);;
trigger (Write y);;
x <- trigger (GetE X);;
trigger (PutE Y (y + x));;
Ret (inl tt)
) tt.
Definition add (V : string) (v : nat) (s : env) : env :=
alist_add _ V v s.
Definition handleIOStateE (A : Type) (ev : (StateE +' IO) A) : stateT env (itree IO) A :=
fun s ⇒
match ev with
| inl1 ev' ⇒
match ev' with
| GetE V ⇒ Ret (s, lookup_default V 0 s)
| PutE V v ⇒ Ret (Maps.add V v s, tt) end
| inr1 ev' ⇒ Vis ev' (fun x ⇒ Ret (s,x) )
Ltac unf_res := unfold resum, ReSum_id, id_, Id_IFun in ×.
Lemma lookup_eq : ∀ (s : env) (x : string) (v d : nat),
lookup_default x d (Maps.add x v s) = v.
intros. assert (Maps.mapsto x v (Maps.add x v s) ).
{ apply Maps.mapsto_add_eq; try reflexivity. }
eapply Maps.mapsto_lookup in H. unfold lookup_default. rewrite H. auto.
Lemma lookup_nin : ∀ (x : string) (s : env), (∀ v : nat, ¬ Maps.mapsto x v s) → Maps.lookup x s = None.
intros. red in s. red in s. generalize dependent x. induction s; intros; auto.
- cbn. destruct a as [y v]. destruct (Strings.String.string_dec x y).
+ subst. exfalso. eapply H. red. cbn. red. cbn.
rewrite RelDec.rel_dec_eq_true; auto. apply RelDec_string_Correct.
+ rewrite RelDec.rel_dec_neq_false; auto; try apply RelDec_string_Correct.
unfold Maps.lookup in IHs. cbn in ×. apply IHs; auto. intros.
intro Hcontra. eapply H. red. cbn.
rewrite RelDec.rel_dec_neq_false; eauto; try apply RelDec_string_Correct.
Lemma lookup_neq : ∀ (s : env) (x y: string) (v d: nat), x ≠ y →
lookup_default x d (Maps.add y v s) = lookup_default x d s.
destruct (classic (∃ v', Maps.mapsto x v' s)).
- destruct H0 as [v' Hv'].
assert (Maps.mapsto x v' (Maps.add y v s)).
eapply Maps.mapsto_add_neq in Hv'; eauto.
apply Maps.mapsto_lookup in H0. apply Maps.mapsto_lookup in Hv'. unfold lookup_default.
rewrite Hv'. rewrite H0. auto.
- assert (∀ v',¬ Maps.mapsto x v' s).
{ intros v' Hc. apply H0. ∃ v'. auto. }
clear H0. apply lookup_nin in H1 as Hs. unfold lookup_default.
rewrite Hs.
assert (∀ v', ¬Maps.mapsto x v' (Maps.add y v s)).
intros v' Hcontra. apply Maps.mapsto_add_neq in Hcontra; auto.
eapply H1; eauto.
apply lookup_nin in H0 as Hs'. rewrite Hs'. auto.
Ltac prove_arg H :=
let H' := fresh H in
match type of H with ?P → _ ⇒ assert (H' : P); try (specialize (H H'); clear H') end.
Lemma print_mults_sats_spec :
verify_cond (encode print_mults_pre print_mults_post) (interp_state handleIOStateE print_mults).
repeat red. simpl. intros s log [p Hp] [Hpre H'] b Href. simpl in ×.
apply H'. clear H'. unfold print_mults_pre in Hpre.
destruct Hpre as [Hlog Henv]. subst.
unfold print_mults_post. setoid_rewrite append_nil.
unfold print_mults in Href. setoid_rewrite interp_state_bind in Href.
setoid_rewrite interp_state_trigger in Href.
setoid_rewrite bind_vis in Href.
apply trace_refine_vis in Href as Hbhd. basic_solve.
rewrite Hbhd in Href. setoid_rewrite Hbhd.
destruct e0.
2 : destruct ev; assert void; try apply Hempty; try constructor; contradiction.
assert (A = nat).
destruct ev; auto. cbn in ×. pinversion Href. ddestruction; subst.
cbn in ×. inversion H1; auto.
subst. rename ans into n. ∃ n.
match type of Href with
_ ⊑ Vis _ ?k ⇒ remember k as kp end.
∃ k0. split.
simpl in Href. clear Henv. unf_res.
pinversion Href. ddestruction; subst. inversion H1. ddestruction; subst. reflexivity.
clear Hp p Hbhd b.
assert (k0 tt ⊑ kp n).
{ clear Heqkp. pinversion Href. ddestruction; subst.
unfold resum, ReSum_id, id_, Id_IFun in ×. inversion H1. ddestruction; subst.
assert (RAnsRef IO unit nat (evans nat Read n) tt Read n); auto with itree.
apply H6 in H. pclearbot. auto.
clear Href ev. subst. rewrite bind_ret_l in H. simpl in ×. rewrite interp_state_bind in H.
rewrite interp_state_trigger in H. simpl in ×. rewrite bind_ret_l in H.
simpl in ×.
specialize (@interp_state_iter' (StateE +' IO) ) as Hiter.
unfold state_eq in Hiter. rewrite Hiter in H. clear Hiter.
remember (Maps.add X n s) as si.
assert (si = alist_add RelDec_string X n s); try (subst; auto; fail).
rewrite <- H0 in H. clear H0.
unfold mults_of_n.
remember 0 as next_to_write.
(*set up invariant for the coind hyp*)
assert (lookup_default Y 0 si = next_to_write).
{ subst. rewrite lookup_neq; auto. }
assert(lookup_default X 0 si = n).
{ subst. apply lookup_eq. }
clear Heqsi Heqnext_to_write Henv s.
generalize dependent si.
remember (k0 tt) as tr. clear Heqtr k0.
generalize dependent tr.
generalize dependent next_to_write.
pcofix CIH.
(*This coinductive hypothesis looks good*)
rename H1 into HX.
pfold. red.
(*should be able to learn that observe tr is what we need*)
(*This block shows how to proceed through the loop body*)
rename H0 into H.
unfold Basics.iter, MonadIter_stateT0, Basics.iter, MonadIter_itree in H.
rewrite unfold_iter in H.
match type of H with _ ⊑ ITree.bind _ ?k0 ⇒ remember k0 as k end.
setoid_rewrite bind_bind in H.
rewrite bind_trigger in H.
setoid_rewrite interp_state_vis in H.
cbn in H. rewrite bind_ret_l in H. rewrite tau_eutt in H.
setoid_rewrite bind_trigger in H.
rewrite interp_state_vis in H. cbn in H.
rewrite bind_vis in H.
rewrite bind_vis in H.
setoid_rewrite bind_ret_l in H.
punfold H. red in H. cbn in ×.
dependent induction H.
2:{ rewrite <- x. constructor; auto. eapply IHruttF; eauto; reflexivity. }
inversion H; ddestruction; subst; ddestruction; try contradiction.
subst. specialize (H0 tt tt).
destruct a.
prove_arg H0; auto with itree. pclearbot.
match type of H0 with
paco2 _ bot2 ?tr ?t ⇒ assert (Hk1 : tr ⊑ t); auto end.
rewrite <- x. constructor; auto.
intros [].
clear x tr. right.
remember (lookup_default X 0 si) as n.
remember (lookup_default Y 0 si) as m.
eapply CIH with (Maps.add Y (n + m) si); try apply lookup_eq.
2: { rewrite lookup_neq; subst; auto. }
rewrite tau_eutt in Hk1. setoid_rewrite bind_trigger in Hk1.
setoid_rewrite interp_state_vis in Hk1. cbn in ×.
rewrite bind_ret_l in Hk1. rewrite tau_eutt in Hk1.
setoid_rewrite bind_vis in Hk1.
setoid_rewrite interp_state_vis in Hk1. cbn in ×.
rewrite bind_ret_l in Hk1. rewrite bind_ret_l in Hk1.
rewrite tau_eutt in Hk1. cbn in ×.
rewrite interp_state_ret in Hk1. rewrite bind_ret_l in Hk1.
cbn in ×.
rewrite tau_eutt in Hk1.
unfold Basics.iter, MonadIter_stateT0, Basics.iter, MonadIter_itree.
match goal with
H : _ ⊑ ITree.iter _ (?s1, _) |- _ ⊑ ITree.iter _ (?s2, _) ⇒
enough (Hseq : s2 = s1) end; try rewrite Hseq; auto.
subst. rewrite Nat.add_comm. auto.
End PrintMults.
{ rel_dec := fun s1 s2 ⇒ if string_dec s1 s2 then true else false }.
#[global] Instance RelDec_string_Correct: RelDec_Correct RelDec_string.
constructor; intros x y.
- unfold rel_dec; simpl.
destruct (string_dec x y) eqn:EQ; [intros _; apply string_dec_sound; assumption | intros abs; inversion abs].
- intros EQ; apply string_dec_sound in EQ; unfold rel_dec; simpl; rewrite EQ; reflexivity.
Definition env := alist string nat.
Variant StateE : Type → Type :=
| GetE : string → StateE nat
| PutE : string → nat → StateE unit
Variant IO : Type → Type :=
| Read : IO nat
| Write : nat → IO unit
Notation stateiotree A := (itree (StateE +' IO) A).
Definition StateIOSpec : Type → Type := StateSpecT env (TraceSpec IO).
Definition SIOSpecOrder := StateSpecTOrder env (TraceSpec IO).
Definition SIOSpecOrderLaws := StateSpecTOrderedLaws env (TraceSpec IO).
Definition SIOSpecEq := StateSpecTEq env (TraceSpec IO).
Definition SIOObs := EffectObsStateT env (TraceSpec IO) (itree IO).
Definition SIOMorph :=MonadMorphimStateT env (TraceSpec IO) (itree IO).
Definition verify_cond {A : Type} := DijkstraProp (stateT env (itree IO)) StateIOSpec SIOObs A.
(*Predicate on initial state and initial log*)
Definition StateIOSpecPre : Type := env → ev_list IO → Prop.
(*Predicate on final log and possible return value*)
Definition StateIOSpecPost (A : Type) : Type := itrace IO (env × A) → Prop.
Program Definition encode {A} (pre : StateIOSpecPre) (post : StateIOSpecPost A) : StateIOSpec A :=
fun s log p ⇒ pre s log ∧ (∀ tr, post tr → p tr).
Section PrintMults.
Variable X Y : string.
Context (HXY : X ≠ Y).
(*this part has some pretty basic errors*)
Variant write_next_mult (n : nat) : ∀ B, IO B → B → Prop :=
| wnm : write_next_mult n unit (Write n) tt.
Definition wnm_ev (next : nat) A (io : IO A) (_ : A) : ∀ B, IO B → B → Prop :=
match io with
| Write n ⇒ write_next_mult (next + n)
| Read ⇒ bot3 end.
Variant writes_n (n : nat) : ∀ A, IO A → A → Prop :=
| wn : writes_n n unit (Write n) tt.
Definition mults_n {R : Type} (n : nat) (tr : itrace IO R) := state_machine (wnm_ev n) bot4 (writes_n 0) bot1 tr.
CoFixpoint mults_of_n_from_m {R : Type} (n m : nat) : itrace IO R:=
Vis (evans unit (Write m) tt) (fun _ ⇒ mults_of_n_from_m n (n + m) ).
Definition mults_of_n {R : Type} (n : nat) : itrace IO R :=
mults_of_n_from_m n 0.
Definition print_mults_pre : StateIOSpecPre :=
fun s log ⇒ log = nil ∧ lookup_default Y 0 s = 0.
(*Is there going to be a problem introducing k?*)
Definition print_mults_post : StateIOSpecPost unit :=
fun tr ⇒ ∃ n k, (tr ≈ Vis (evans _ Read n) k ∧ (mults_of_n n) ≈ (k tt))%itree.
Definition print_mults : stateiotree unit :=
x <- trigger Read;;
trigger (PutE X x);;
ITree.iter ( fun _ : unit ⇒
y <- trigger (GetE Y);;
trigger (Write y);;
x <- trigger (GetE X);;
trigger (PutE Y (y + x));;
Ret (inl tt)
) tt.
Definition add (V : string) (v : nat) (s : env) : env :=
alist_add _ V v s.
Definition handleIOStateE (A : Type) (ev : (StateE +' IO) A) : stateT env (itree IO) A :=
fun s ⇒
match ev with
| inl1 ev' ⇒
match ev' with
| GetE V ⇒ Ret (s, lookup_default V 0 s)
| PutE V v ⇒ Ret (Maps.add V v s, tt) end
| inr1 ev' ⇒ Vis ev' (fun x ⇒ Ret (s,x) )
Ltac unf_res := unfold resum, ReSum_id, id_, Id_IFun in ×.
Lemma lookup_eq : ∀ (s : env) (x : string) (v d : nat),
lookup_default x d (Maps.add x v s) = v.
intros. assert (Maps.mapsto x v (Maps.add x v s) ).
{ apply Maps.mapsto_add_eq; try reflexivity. }
eapply Maps.mapsto_lookup in H. unfold lookup_default. rewrite H. auto.
Lemma lookup_nin : ∀ (x : string) (s : env), (∀ v : nat, ¬ Maps.mapsto x v s) → Maps.lookup x s = None.
intros. red in s. red in s. generalize dependent x. induction s; intros; auto.
- cbn. destruct a as [y v]. destruct (Strings.String.string_dec x y).
+ subst. exfalso. eapply H. red. cbn. red. cbn.
rewrite RelDec.rel_dec_eq_true; auto. apply RelDec_string_Correct.
+ rewrite RelDec.rel_dec_neq_false; auto; try apply RelDec_string_Correct.
unfold Maps.lookup in IHs. cbn in ×. apply IHs; auto. intros.
intro Hcontra. eapply H. red. cbn.
rewrite RelDec.rel_dec_neq_false; eauto; try apply RelDec_string_Correct.
Lemma lookup_neq : ∀ (s : env) (x y: string) (v d: nat), x ≠ y →
lookup_default x d (Maps.add y v s) = lookup_default x d s.
destruct (classic (∃ v', Maps.mapsto x v' s)).
- destruct H0 as [v' Hv'].
assert (Maps.mapsto x v' (Maps.add y v s)).
eapply Maps.mapsto_add_neq in Hv'; eauto.
apply Maps.mapsto_lookup in H0. apply Maps.mapsto_lookup in Hv'. unfold lookup_default.
rewrite Hv'. rewrite H0. auto.
- assert (∀ v',¬ Maps.mapsto x v' s).
{ intros v' Hc. apply H0. ∃ v'. auto. }
clear H0. apply lookup_nin in H1 as Hs. unfold lookup_default.
rewrite Hs.
assert (∀ v', ¬Maps.mapsto x v' (Maps.add y v s)).
intros v' Hcontra. apply Maps.mapsto_add_neq in Hcontra; auto.
eapply H1; eauto.
apply lookup_nin in H0 as Hs'. rewrite Hs'. auto.
Ltac prove_arg H :=
let H' := fresh H in
match type of H with ?P → _ ⇒ assert (H' : P); try (specialize (H H'); clear H') end.
Lemma print_mults_sats_spec :
verify_cond (encode print_mults_pre print_mults_post) (interp_state handleIOStateE print_mults).
repeat red. simpl. intros s log [p Hp] [Hpre H'] b Href. simpl in ×.
apply H'. clear H'. unfold print_mults_pre in Hpre.
destruct Hpre as [Hlog Henv]. subst.
unfold print_mults_post. setoid_rewrite append_nil.
unfold print_mults in Href. setoid_rewrite interp_state_bind in Href.
setoid_rewrite interp_state_trigger in Href.
setoid_rewrite bind_vis in Href.
apply trace_refine_vis in Href as Hbhd. basic_solve.
rewrite Hbhd in Href. setoid_rewrite Hbhd.
destruct e0.
2 : destruct ev; assert void; try apply Hempty; try constructor; contradiction.
assert (A = nat).
destruct ev; auto. cbn in ×. pinversion Href. ddestruction; subst.
cbn in ×. inversion H1; auto.
subst. rename ans into n. ∃ n.
match type of Href with
_ ⊑ Vis _ ?k ⇒ remember k as kp end.
∃ k0. split.
simpl in Href. clear Henv. unf_res.
pinversion Href. ddestruction; subst. inversion H1. ddestruction; subst. reflexivity.
clear Hp p Hbhd b.
assert (k0 tt ⊑ kp n).
{ clear Heqkp. pinversion Href. ddestruction; subst.
unfold resum, ReSum_id, id_, Id_IFun in ×. inversion H1. ddestruction; subst.
assert (RAnsRef IO unit nat (evans nat Read n) tt Read n); auto with itree.
apply H6 in H. pclearbot. auto.
clear Href ev. subst. rewrite bind_ret_l in H. simpl in ×. rewrite interp_state_bind in H.
rewrite interp_state_trigger in H. simpl in ×. rewrite bind_ret_l in H.
simpl in ×.
specialize (@interp_state_iter' (StateE +' IO) ) as Hiter.
unfold state_eq in Hiter. rewrite Hiter in H. clear Hiter.
remember (Maps.add X n s) as si.
assert (si = alist_add RelDec_string X n s); try (subst; auto; fail).
rewrite <- H0 in H. clear H0.
unfold mults_of_n.
remember 0 as next_to_write.
(*set up invariant for the coind hyp*)
assert (lookup_default Y 0 si = next_to_write).
{ subst. rewrite lookup_neq; auto. }
assert(lookup_default X 0 si = n).
{ subst. apply lookup_eq. }
clear Heqsi Heqnext_to_write Henv s.
generalize dependent si.
remember (k0 tt) as tr. clear Heqtr k0.
generalize dependent tr.
generalize dependent next_to_write.
pcofix CIH.
(*This coinductive hypothesis looks good*)
rename H1 into HX.
pfold. red.
(*should be able to learn that observe tr is what we need*)
(*This block shows how to proceed through the loop body*)
rename H0 into H.
unfold Basics.iter, MonadIter_stateT0, Basics.iter, MonadIter_itree in H.
rewrite unfold_iter in H.
match type of H with _ ⊑ ITree.bind _ ?k0 ⇒ remember k0 as k end.
setoid_rewrite bind_bind in H.
rewrite bind_trigger in H.
setoid_rewrite interp_state_vis in H.
cbn in H. rewrite bind_ret_l in H. rewrite tau_eutt in H.
setoid_rewrite bind_trigger in H.
rewrite interp_state_vis in H. cbn in H.
rewrite bind_vis in H.
rewrite bind_vis in H.
setoid_rewrite bind_ret_l in H.
punfold H. red in H. cbn in ×.
dependent induction H.
2:{ rewrite <- x. constructor; auto. eapply IHruttF; eauto; reflexivity. }
inversion H; ddestruction; subst; ddestruction; try contradiction.
subst. specialize (H0 tt tt).
destruct a.
prove_arg H0; auto with itree. pclearbot.
match type of H0 with
paco2 _ bot2 ?tr ?t ⇒ assert (Hk1 : tr ⊑ t); auto end.
rewrite <- x. constructor; auto.
intros [].
clear x tr. right.
remember (lookup_default X 0 si) as n.
remember (lookup_default Y 0 si) as m.
eapply CIH with (Maps.add Y (n + m) si); try apply lookup_eq.
2: { rewrite lookup_neq; subst; auto. }
rewrite tau_eutt in Hk1. setoid_rewrite bind_trigger in Hk1.
setoid_rewrite interp_state_vis in Hk1. cbn in ×.
rewrite bind_ret_l in Hk1. rewrite tau_eutt in Hk1.
setoid_rewrite bind_vis in Hk1.
setoid_rewrite interp_state_vis in Hk1. cbn in ×.
rewrite bind_ret_l in Hk1. rewrite bind_ret_l in Hk1.
rewrite tau_eutt in Hk1. cbn in ×.
rewrite interp_state_ret in Hk1. rewrite bind_ret_l in Hk1.
cbn in ×.
rewrite tau_eutt in Hk1.
unfold Basics.iter, MonadIter_stateT0, Basics.iter, MonadIter_itree.
match goal with
H : _ ⊑ ITree.iter _ (?s1, _) |- _ ⊑ ITree.iter _ (?s2, _) ⇒
enough (Hseq : s2 = s1) end; try rewrite Hseq; auto.
subst. rewrite Nat.add_comm. auto.
End PrintMults.