
Axioms used in the ITree library.

Other ITree modules should import this to avoid accidentally using more axioms elsewhere.

From Coq Require Import

(* Must be imported to use ddestruction *)
From Coq Require Export

Set Implicit Arguments.

(* The following tactics may be used:
   - dependent destruction
   - dependent induction *)

Ltac ddestruction :=
  repeat lazymatch goal with | H : existT _ _ _ = _ |- _dependent destruction H end.

(* Consequence of UIP; used by tactic dependent destrcution *)
Definition eq_rect_eq := Eqdep.Eq_rect_eq.eq_rect_eq.

Definition classic := Classical_Prop.classic.

Definition choice := ClassicalChoice.choice.

Definition functional_extensionality := @FunctionalExtensionality.functional_extensionality.

(* From Coq.Logic.ChoiceFacts *)
Definition GuardedFunctionalChoice_on {A B} :=
   P : A Prop, R : A B Prop,
    inhabited B
    ( x : A, P x y : B, R x y)
    ( f : AB, x, P x R x (f x)).
Axiom guarded_choice : {A B}, @GuardedFunctionalChoice_on A B.

Inductive mwitness : Type :=
| Witness (P : Type) (_ : P)
| NoWitness.

Lemma classicT_inhabited : inhabited ( (P : Type), P + (P False)).
  destruct (choice (fun (P : Type) (b : mwitness) ⇒
    match b with @Witness Q _P = Q | NoWitnessP False end)) as [f H].
  { intros P; destruct (classic (inhabited P)) as [[x] | ];
      [ (Witness x) | NoWitness]; auto. }
  constructor. intros P; specialize (H P); destruct (f P); [subst | ]; auto.