
Category operations

Interfaces for programming with categories.
A category is represented by a type of objects obj, and a type of morphisms C : obj obj Type.
The interface gives the signatures for the following operations (which may be defined independently). For any a, b, c):
  • eq2 : C a b C a b Prop, equivalence of morphisms;
  • id_ a : C a a, the identity morphism;
  • cat : C a b C b c C a c, composition of morphisms;
  • empty : C i a, the initial morphism (where i is the initial object);
  • bimap : C a b C c d C (bif a b) (bif c d), "vertical composition" of morphisms, where bif is a bifunctor (in our case it is the coproduct bifunctor);
  • assoc_l, assoc_r, unit_l, unit_l', unit_r, unit_r': natural isomorphisms of a tensor product bif, making C a monoidal category;
  • case_ : C a c C b c C (bif a b) c, "case analysis" of a coproduct bif;
  • inl_ : C a (bif a b), left injection in a coproduct bif;
  • inr_ : C b (bif a b), right injection;
  • iter : C a (bif a b) C a b, loop operator.
We use typeclasses to give such "canonical names" to these operations, allowing us to define common notations and equations once and for all. This is the approach described in "Type Classes for Mathematics in Type Theory", by Bas Spitters and Eelis van der Weegen (
The properties of these operations are given in Basics.CategoryTheory.
Notations >>> and are in the module CatNotations, under the scope cat. The common way to use them is:
  Import CatNotations.
  Local Open Scope cat.

Low-level infrastructure

Categories are parameterized by a type of objects obj.

Module Import Carrier.

A category will be designated by the type of its morphisms (Hom-sets), which is indexed by two objects.
Notation Hom obj := (obj obj Type) (only parsing).

Examples found in this library:
  • The category of functions: obj := Type, Fun a b := a b.
  • The category of indexed functions: obj := Type Type, IFun E F := E ~> F (where ~> is defined in Basics.Basics).
  • The category of itree continuations (one category for every E : Type Type): obj := Type, ktree E a b := a itree E a b.
  • The category of itree handlers: obj := Type Type, Handler E F := E ~> itree F.
The latter two are Kleisli categories of the former two respectively.
Bifunctors from a category to itself are designated by their object maps. They are associated to morphism maps via the Bimap class.
Notation binop obj := (obj obj obj) (only parsing).

End Carrier.

Scope for category notations.
Declare Scope cat_scope.
Delimit Scope cat_scope with cat.


(* /ᐠ。‸。ᐟ\ *)
Section CatOps.

Context {obj : Type} (C : Hom obj).

The equivalence between two morphisms f and g is written eq2 f g or f g (\hatapprox in LaTeX).
Class Eq2 : Type :=
  eq2 : a b (f g : C a b), Prop.

The identity morphism for the object a : obj is written id_ a.
Class Id_ : Type :=
  id_ : a, C a a.
(* We add an underscore id_ to avoid clashing with the standard
   library id. *)

Given two morphisms f and g with a common endpoint, their composition (or con(cat)enation) is written cat f g or f >>> g.
Class Cat : Type :=
  cat : a b c, C a b C b c C a c.

If there is an initial object i, its initial morphisms are written empty : C i a.
Class Initial (i : obj) :=
  empty : a, C i a.

If there is a terminal object t, its terminal morphisms are written one : C a i.
Class Terminal (t : obj) :=
  one : a, C a t.

Definition op: Hom obj := fun (A B: obj) ⇒ C B A.

End CatOps.

Arguments eq2 {obj C Eq2 a b}.
Arguments id_ {obj C Id_}.
Arguments cat {obj C Cat a b c}.
Arguments empty {obj C i Initial a}.
Arguments one {obj C t Terminal a}.
Arguments op {obj} C.


Section CocartesianOps.

Context {obj : Type} (C : Hom obj) (bif : binop obj).

Bifunctors map pairs of objects to objects (bif) and pairs of morphisms to morphisms (bimap).
The composition bimap f g is also called tensor product of f and g.
Many of the following typeclases are derived from just three basic Coproduct constructions:
  • Case (case analysis)
  • Inl (left injection)
  • Inr (right injection)
Class Bimap :=
  bimap : a b c d, C a c C b d C (bif a b) (bif c d).


Coproducts are a generalization of sum types and case analysis.
Case analysis on a sum.
Class Case :=
  case_ : a b c, C a c C b c C (bif a b) c.

Injection into the left component.
Class Inl :=
  inl_ : a b, C a (bif a b).

Injection into the right component.
Class Inr :=
  inr_ : a b, C b (bif a b).

(* Like id_, the underscores avoid confusion with the names
   from the stdlib (inl and inr are constructors of sum,
   and case is a tactic.) *)

Tensor products (monoidal categories)

cat can be seen as "horizontal composition", while bimap as "vertical composition". When this vertical composition is associative and has units (similarly to cat), we have a monoidal category. To be more precise, this associativity and unity of vertical composition is generally allowed to be witnessed up to some isomorphisms, called associators and unitors. These properties are defined formally in Basics.CategoryTheory.


Class AssocR :=
  assoc_r : a b c, C (bif (bif a b) c) (bif a (bif b c)).

Class AssocL :=
  assoc_l : a b c, C (bif a (bif b c)) (bif (bif a b) c).


Class UnitL (i : obj) :=
  unit_l : a, C (bif i a) a.

Class UnitL' (i : obj) :=
  unit_l' : a, C a (bif i a).

Class UnitR (i : obj) :=
  unit_r : a, C (bif a i) a.

Class UnitR' (i : obj) :=
  unit_r' : a, C a (bif a i).


Products are a generalization of product types
Class Pair :=
  pair_ : a b c, C c a C c b C c (bif a b).

Projection onto the left component.
Class Fst :=
  fst_ : a b, C (bif a b) a.

Projection onto the right component.
Class Snd :=
  snd_ : a b, C (bif a b) b.


Class Swap :=
  swap : a b, C (bif a b) (bif b a).

End CocartesianOps.

Arguments bimap {obj C bif Bimap a b c d}.
Arguments case_ {obj C bif Case a b c}.
Arguments inl_ {obj C bif Inl a b}.
Arguments inr_ {obj C bif Inr a b}.
Arguments pair_ {obj C bif Pair a b c}.
Arguments fst_ {obj C bif Fst a b}.
Arguments snd_ {obj C bif Snd a b}.
Arguments assoc_r {obj C bif AssocR a b c}.
Arguments assoc_l {obj C bif AssocL a b c}.
Arguments unit_l {obj C bif i UnitL a}.
Arguments unit_l' {obj C bif i UnitL' a}.
Arguments unit_r {obj C bif i UnitR a}.
Arguments unit_r' {obj C bif i UnitR' a}.
Arguments swap {obj C bif Swap a b}.

Notations with explicit objects

Useful to annotate the above isomorphisms in cases where their types would be ambiguous.

Notation assoc_r_ a b c := (@assoc_r _ _ _ _ a b c) (only parsing).
Notation assoc_l_ a b c := (@assoc_l _ _ _ _ a b c) (only parsing).
Notation unit_l_ i a := (@unit_l _ _ _ i _ a) (only parsing).
Notation unit_l'_ i a := (@unit_l' _ _ _ i _ a) (only parsing).
Notation unit_r_ i a := (@unit_r _ _ _ i _ a) (only parsing).
Notation unit_r'_ i a := (@unit_r' _ _ _ i _ a) (only parsing).
Notation swap_ a b := (@swap _ _ _ _ a b) (only parsing).

With explicit category.
Notation case__ C := (@case_ _ C _ _ _ _ _)
  (only parsing).
Notation pair__ C := (@pair_ _ C _ _ _ _ _)
  (only parsing).

Core notations

Module Import CatNotations.

Infix "⩯" := eq2 (at level 70) : cat_scope.
Infix ">>>" := cat (at level 50, left associativity) : cat_scope.

End CatNotations.

Local Open Scope cat.

Derived constructions

Coproduct operations

Generalization of a + a a.
Definition merge {obj : Type} {C : Hom obj} {bif : binop obj}
           {Id_C : Id_ C} {Coproduct_C : Case C bif}
  : {a : obj}, C (bif a a) a :=
  fun acase_ (id_ a) (id_ a).

Cocartesian category

The coproduct defines a symmetric monoidal category, called a cocartesian category.

Section CocartesianConstruct.

Context {obj : Type} (C : Hom obj) (Cat_C : Cat C).
Variables (SUM : binop obj) (Coprod_SUM : Case C SUM)
          (Inl_SUM : Inl C SUM)
          (Inr_SUM : Inr C SUM).

Coproducts are bifunctors.
Instance Bimap_Coproduct : Bimap C SUM :=
  fun a b c d (f : C a c) (g : C b d) ⇒
    case_ (f >>> inl_) (g >>> inr_).

Coproducts are symmetric.

Instance Swap_Coproduct : Swap C SUM :=
  fun a bcase_ inr_ inl_.

Coproducts are associative.

Instance AssocR_Coproduct : AssocR C SUM :=
  fun a b ccase_ (case_ inl_ (inl_ >>> inr_))
                    (inr_ >>> inr_).

Instance AssocL_Coproduct : AssocL C SUM :=
  fun a b ccase_ (inl_ >>> inl_)
                    (case_ (inr_ >>> inl_) inr_).

Variables (Id_C : Id_ C) (I : obj) (Initial_I : Initial C I).

The initial object is a unit for the coproduct.

Instance UnitL_Coproduct : UnitL C SUM I :=
  fun acase_ empty (id_ a).

Instance UnitL'_Coproduct : UnitL' C SUM I :=
  fun ainr_.

Instance UnitR_Coproduct : UnitR C SUM I :=
  fun acase_ (id_ a) empty.

Instance UnitR'_Coproduct : UnitR' C SUM I :=
  fun ainl_.

End CocartesianConstruct.

Cartesian category

The product defines a symmetric monoidal category, called a cartesian category.

Section CartesianConstruct.

  (* These Instances are kept local and should be made explicit locally using
     Existing Instance to avoid clashes with the cocartesian instances

Context {obj : Type} (C : Hom obj) (Cat_C : Cat C).
Variables (PROD : binop obj) (Prod_PROD : Pair C PROD)
          (Fst_PROD : Fst C PROD)
          (Snd_PROD : Snd C PROD).

Products are bifunctors.
Instance Bimap_Product : Bimap C PROD :=
  fun a b c d (f : C a c) (g : C b d) ⇒
    pair_ (fst_ >>> f) (snd_ >>> g).

Products are symmetric.

Instance Swap_Product : Swap C PROD :=
  fun a bpair_ snd_ fst_.

Products are associative.

Instance AssocR_Product : AssocR C PROD :=
  fun a b cpair_ (fst_ >>> fst_) (pair_ (fst_ >>> snd_) snd_).

Instance AssocL_Product : AssocL C PROD :=
  fun a b cpair_ (pair_ fst_ (snd_ >>> fst_)) (snd_ >>> snd_).

Variables (Id_C : Id_ C) (T : obj) (Terminal_T : Terminal C T).

The initial object is a unit for the product.

Instance UnitL_Product : UnitL C PROD T :=
  fun asnd_.

Instance UnitL'_Product : UnitL' C PROD T :=
  fun apair_ one (id_ a).

Instance UnitR_Product : UnitR C PROD T :=
  fun afst_.

Instance UnitR'_Product : UnitR' C PROD T :=
  fun apair_ (id_ a) one.

End CartesianConstruct.

(* A Cartesian Closed category has "internal hom" or "exponential"
   objects. These offer curry and apply operations. *)

Section CartesianClosed.
  Context {obj : Type}
          (C : Hom obj)
          (PROD : binop obj)
          (EXP : binop obj).

  (* SAZ: I'm on the fence about what order the arguments for EXP should be:
     B^A suggests one order, but A => B suggests the other. I went with the latter. *)

  Class Apply : Type :=
    apply_ : a b, C (PROD (EXP a b) a) b.

  Class Curry : Type :=
    curry_ : a b c, C (PROD c a) b C c (EXP a b).

End CartesianClosed.

Arguments apply_ {obj C PROD EXP _ a b}.
Arguments curry_ {obj C PROD EXP _ a b c}.

Section Dagger.
  Context {obj : Type} (C : Hom obj).

  Class Dagger : Type :=
    dagger : a b, op C a b C a b.

End Dagger.

Arguments dagger {obj C _ a b}.

Iteration, fixed points

Section Iteration.

Context {obj : Type} (C : Hom obj).
Variables (bif : binop obj).

Categories with a loop operator (pre-iterative categories). Abstract generalization of ITree.Basics.Basics.ALoop and ITree.Core.KTree.loop. iter is often denoted as a dagger in the relevant literature.
Class Iter : Type :=
  iter : a b, C a (bif a b) C a b.

  {Id_C : Id_ C}
  {Cat_C : Cat C}
  {Case_bif : Case C bif}
  {Inl_bif : Inl C bif}
  {Inr_bif : Inr C bif}
  {Iter_bif : Iter}.

Trace operator (generalization of KTree.loop).
Definition loop (a b c : obj)
  : C (bif c a) (bif c b) C a b :=
  fun finr_ >>> iter _ _ (f >>> bimap inl_ (id_ b)).

For our purposes, loop and iter are mutually derivable. loop is a definition instead of another class to prevent the interface from growing too much. We originally started with traced categories but iterative categories seem to provide more of the theory we need.

End Iteration.

Arguments iter {obj C bif _ a b}.
Arguments loop {obj C bif _ _ _ _ _ _ a b c}.

Automatic solver of reassociating sums

Section RESUM.

Context {obj : Type} (C : Hom obj) (bif : binop obj).
Context `{Id_ _ C} `{Cat _ C}.
Context `{Case _ C bif} `{Inl _ C bif} `{Inr _ C bif}.

Class ReSum (a b : obj) :=
  resum : C a b.

The instance weights on ReSum_inl (8) and ReSum_inr (9) are so that, if you have a list E +' E +' F (associated to the right: E +' (E +' F)), then the first one will be picked for the inclusion E -< E +' E +' F.

Instance ReSum_id `{Id_ _ C} a : ReSum a a := { resum := id_ a }.
Instance ReSum_sum a b c
         `{ReSum a c} `{ReSum b c} : ReSum (bif a b) c :=
  { resum := case_ resum resum }.
Instance ReSum_inl a b c `{ReSum a b} : ReSum a (bif b c) | 8 :=
  { resum := resum >>> inl_ }.
Instance ReSum_inr a b c `{ReSum a b} : ReSum a (bif c b) | 9 :=
  { resum := resum >>> inr_ }.
Instance ReSum_empty {i : obj} `{Initial _ _ i} a : ReSum i a :=
  { resum := empty }.

(* Usage template:

Opaque cat.
Opaque id.
Opaque case_.
Opaque inl_.
Opaque inr_.

    (* where the category is (->)  vv *)
Definition f {X Y Z} : complex_sumanother_complex_sum :=
  Eval compute in resum.

Transparent cat.
Transparent id.
Transparent case_.
Transparent inl_.
Transparent inr_.


#[global] Hint Mode ReSum ! ! ! ! : typeclass_instances.