
From Coq Require Import

From ExtLib Require Import

From Paco Require Import paco.

From ITree Require Import

From ITree.Extra Require Import

Import Monads.
Import MonadNotation.

#[local] Open Scope monad_scope.
#[local] Open Scope dijkstra_scope.
#[local] Open Scope delayspec_scope.

Section StateSpecT.
  Context (S : Type).
  Context (W : Type Type).
  Context {MonadW : Monad W}.
  Context {OrderW : OrderM W}.
  Context {OrderedMonadW : OrderedMonad W}.
  Context {EqW : Eq1 W}.
  Context {EquivRel : A, Equivalence (eq1 (A := A)) }.
  Context {MonadLawsW : MonadLawsE W}.

  Definition StateSpecT (A : Type) := stateT S W A.

  #[global] Instance StateSpecTOrder : OrderM StateSpecT :=
    fun A (w1 w2 : stateT S W A) ⇒ (s : S), w1 s <≈ w2 s.

  #[global] Instance StateSpecTOrderedLaws : OrderedMonad StateSpecT.
    destruct OrderedMonadW.
    - repeat intro. auto.
    - repeat intro. eapply trans; eauto.
    - intros A B w1 w2 f1 f2 Hlw Hlf. unfold StateSpecT in ×.
      repeat red.
      intros. apply monot; auto. intros. destruct a as [s' a]. simpl.
      repeat red in Hlf. apply Hlf.

  #[global] Instance StateSpecTEq : Eq1 StateSpecT :=
    fun _ w1 w2 s, (w1 s w2 s)%monad.

  #[global] Instance StateSpecTMonadLaws : MonadLawsE StateSpecT.
    destruct MonadLawsW.
    - intros A B f a. intro. repeat red.
      rewrite bind_ret_l. simpl. reflexivity.
    - intros A w. intro. cbn.
      etransitivity; [ | apply bind_ret_r ].
      eapply Proper_bind; [ reflexivity | ].
      intros []; reflexivity.
    - intros A B C w f g. intro. cbn. rewrite bind_bind. reflexivity.
    - intros A B w1 w2 Hw k1 k2 Hk.
      cbn. do 2 red. intros. do 2 red in Hw. rewrite Hw. do 3 red in Hk.
      setoid_rewrite Hk. reflexivity.

  Section Observation.
    Context (M : Type Type).
    Context {MonadM : Monad M}.
    Context {EffectObsMW : EffectObs M W}.
    Context {MonadMorphismMW : MonadMorphism M W EffectObsMW}.

    #[global] Instance EffectObsStateT : EffectObs (stateT S M) (stateT S W) := fun _ m sobs _ (m s).

    #[global] Instance MonadMorphimStateT : MonadMorphism (stateT S M) (stateT S W) EffectObsStateT.
      destruct MonadMorphismMW.
      - intros. repeat red. intros. specialize (ret_pres (S × A)%type (s,a) ).
        cbn. rewrite <- ret_pres. reflexivity.
      - intros. repeat red. intros. cbn. specialize (bind_pres (S × A)%type (S × B)%type ).
        unfold obs, EffectObsStateT.
        rewrite bind_pres. reflexivity.

  End Observation.

  (*Can I encode a pre post thing, state spec enriches the precondition and
     specializes post condition*)

  (*maybe I need a computational monad M with a monad iter structure,
    I think the taus only showed up because I was using hte monad iter structure
    of strong bisimulation not weak,
    also note that this loop invar stuff, while relevant to D monads, is not
    itself of D monads

End StateSpecT.

Section LoopInvarSpecific.
  Context (S : Type).

  Definition StateSpec (A : Type) := StateSpecT S DelaySpec A.

  Definition State (A : Type) := stateT S Delay A.

  Instance StateIter : MonadIter State := MonadIter_stateT0.

  Definition reassoc {A B : Type} (t : Delay (S × (A + B) ) ) : Delay ((S × A) + (S × B) ) :=
    t >>= (fun '(s,ab)
             match ab with
             | inl aret (inl (s , a))
             | inr bret (inr (s , b))

  Definition iso_arrow {A B : Type} (f : A State B) (g : (S × A) Delay (S × B) ) :=
     (a : A) (s : S), f a s g (s,a).

  Definition decurry_flip {A B C : Type} (f : A B C) : B × A C :=
    fun '(b,a)f a b.

  (*this is just decurry*)
  Definition iso_destatify_arrow {A B : Type} (f : A State (A + B) ) : (S × A) Delay ((S × A) + (S × B)) :=
    fun '(s,a)reassoc (f a s).

  (*should be able to use original*)
  Lemma loop_invar_state: (A B : Type) (g : A State (A + B)) (a : A) (s : S)
               (p : Delay ( S × B) Prop) (q : Delay ((S × A) + (S × B)) Prop )
               (Hp : resp_eutt p) (Hq : resp_eutt q) ,
        (q (reassoc (g a s) ))
        (q -+> p) ( t, q t q (t >>= (iter_lift ( iso_destatify_arrow g) )))
         (p \1/ any_infinite) (MonadIter_stateT0 _ _ g a s) .
    set (iso_destatify_arrow g) as g'.
    enough ((p \1/ any_infinite) (ITree.iter g' (s,a) )).
    - assert (ITree.iter g' (s,a) iter g a s).
      + unfold g', iso_destatify_arrow.
        unfold iter, Iter_Kleisli, Basics.iter, MonadIterDelay, StateIter,
        MonadIter_stateT0, reassoc. unfold Basics.iter.
        unfold MonadIterDelay. eapply eutt_iter. intro.
        destruct a0 as [a' s']. simpl.
        eapply eutt_clo_bind; try reflexivity. intros.
        subst. destruct u2. simpl. destruct s1; reflexivity.
      + assert (Hpdiv : resp_eutt (p \1/ any_infinite)).
        { intros t1 t2 Heutt. split; intros; basic_solve.
          - left. eapply Hp; eauto. symmetry. auto.
          - right. rewrite <- Heutt. auto.
          - left. eapply Hp; eauto.
          - right. rewrite Heutt. auto.
        eapply Hpdiv; try apply H2. symmetry. auto.
     - eapply loop_invar; eauto.

  Definition state_iter_arrow_rel {A B S : Type} (g : A stateT S Delay (A + B) ) '(s0,a0) '(s1,a1) :=
    g a0 s0 Ret (s1, inl a1).

  Lemma iter_inl_spin_state : (A B S : Type) (g : A stateT S Delay (A + B) ) (a : A) (s : S),
      not_wf_from (state_iter_arrow_rel g ) (s,a) MonadIter_stateT0 _ _ g a s ITree.spin.
    intros. unfold MonadIter_stateT0.
    apply iter_inl_spin. (*seems to require some coinduciton*)
    generalize dependent a. generalize dependent s.
    pcofix CIH. intros. pinversion H0; try apply not_wf_F_mono'. pfold.
    apply not_wf with (a' := a'); eauto.
    - red in Hrel. destruct a' as [s' a']. simpl. red. simpl. rewrite Hrel.
      rewrite bind_ret_l. simpl. reflexivity.
    - right. destruct a'. eauto.

  Lemma iter_wf_converge_state : (A B S : Type) (g : A stateT S Delay (A + B) ) (a : A) (s : S),
      ( a s, ab, g a s Ret ab)
      wf_from (state_iter_arrow_rel g) (s,a)
       (p : S × B), MonadIter_stateT0 _ _ g a s Ret p.
    intros. unfold MonadIter_stateT0, Basics.iter, MonadIterDelay.
    apply iter_wf_converge.
    - eapply wf_from_sub_rel; try apply H0.
      repeat intro. unfold iter_arrow_rel in ×. unfold state_iter_arrow_rel.
      clear H0 a s.
      destruct x as [s a]. simpl in ×. destruct y as [s' a'].
      destruct (eutt_reta_or_div (g a s)); basic_solve.
      + rewrite <- H0. rewrite <- H0 in H1. simpl in H1. rewrite bind_ret_l in H1.
        simpl in ×. destruct a0. simpl in ×. destruct s1; basic_solve.
      + apply div_spin_eutt in H0. rewrite H0 in H1. rewrite <- spin_bind in H1.
        symmetry in H1. exfalso. eapply not_ret_eutt_spin; eauto.
   - clear H0 a s. intros [s a]. specialize (H a s). basic_solve.
     destruct ab as [s' [a' | b] ].
     + (inl (s',a') ). simpl. rewrite H. rewrite bind_ret_l. simpl.
     + (inr (s',b)). simpl. rewrite H. rewrite bind_ret_l. simpl.

End LoopInvarSpecific.