
Dijkstra monad hierarchy

Implementation of Dijkstra Monad framework in a series of Typeclasses

From ExtLib Require Import

From ITree Require Import

Import MonadNotation.

Declare Scope dijkstra_scope.
Delimit Scope dijkstra_scope with dijkstra.

#[local] Open Scope dijkstra_scope.
#[local] Open Scope monad_scope.

Ordered monads

Class OrderM (M : Type Type) :=
  lem : A, M A M A Prop.

Arguments lem { M OrderM A }.

Infix "<≈" := lem (at level 70) : dijkstra_scope.

Section OrderedMonad.

  Context (W : Type Type).
  Context {Eq : Eq1 W}.
  Context {MonadW : Monad W}.
  Context {MonadLawsW : MonadLawsE W}.
  Context {OrderW : OrderM W}.
  Class OrderedMonad :=
      reflex : A (w : W A), w <≈ w;
      trans : A (w1 w2 w3 : W A), w1 <≈ w2 w2 <≈ w3 w1 <≈ w3;
      monot : A B w1 w2 (f1 f2 : A W B), w1 <≈ w2
                            ( (a : A), (f1 a) <≈ (f2 a) ) (bind w1 f1) <≈ (bind w2 f2)

End OrderedMonad.

Specification monads

Section SpecMonad.

  Context (W : Type Type).
  Context {MonadW : Monad W}.
  Context {OrderW : OrderM W}.
  Context {OrderedMonadW : OrderedMonad W}.
  Class SpecMonad :=
      Input : Type Type;
      In : {A : Type}, Input A W A Prop

  Infix "∈" := In (at level 70) : dijkstra_scope.
End SpecMonad.

Effect observations

Class EffectObs (M W : Type Type) :=
  obs : M ~> W.

Section EffectObservation.

  Context (M W : Type Type).
  Context {MMonad : Monad M}.
  Context {WMonad : Monad W}.
  Context {EqW : Eq1 W}.
  Context {MonadLawsW : MonadLawsE W}.
  Context {WOrder : OrderM W}.
  Context {WOrderLaws : OrderedMonad W}.
  Context (Obs : EffectObs M W).

  Class MonadMorphism :=
      ret_pres : A (a : A), obs A (ret a) ret a;
      bind_pres : A B (m : M A) (f : A M B),
          obs _ (bind m f) bind (obs _ m) (fun aobs _ (f a))

End EffectObservation.

Dijkstra monads

Section DijkstraMonad.
  Context (M W : Type Type).
  Context {MMonad : Monad M}.
  Context {WMonad : Monad W}.
  Context {EqW : Eq1 W}.
  Context {MonadLawsW : MonadLawsE W}.
  Context {WOrder : OrderM W}.
  Context { WOrderLaws : OrderedMonad W }.
  Context ( Obs : EffectObs M W ).

  (*Note that the Dijkstra Monad is only a monad-like structure
    not an actual monad*)

  Definition DijkstraMonad (A : Type) (w : W A) :=
    { m : M A | obs A m <≈ w }.

  Definition DijkstraProp (A : Type) (w : W A) (m : M A) : Prop :=
    obs A m <≈ w.

End DijkstraMonad.