
Properties of Recursion.mrec and Recursion.rec.

The main facts to take away are mrec_as_interp and rec_as_interp: mrec and rec are special cases of interp, using mrecursive and recursive as handlers.

Require Import Paco.paco.

From Coq Require Import

From ITree Require Import

Import ITreeNotations.

Section Facts.

Context {D E : Type Type} (ctx : D ~> itree (D +' E)).

Unfolding of interp_mrec.

Definition _interp_mrec {R : Type} (ot : itreeF (D +' E) R _) : itree E R :=
  match ot with
  | RetF rRet r
  | TauF tTau (interp_mrec ctx t)
  | VisF e k
    match e with
    | inl1 dTau (interp_mrec ctx (ctx _ d >>= k))
    | inr1 eVis e (fun xTau (interp_mrec ctx (k x)))

(* Implementation note: in _interp_mrec, the Tau in the inr1 branch
   might look superfluous. It gets inserted by iter (which behaves uniformly
   in both the inl1 and inr1 branches). This Tau could be avoided, but
   it makes the implementation and proofs more complicated for too little gain.

Lemma unfold_interp_mrec R (t : itree (D +' E) R) :
  interp_mrec ctx t _interp_mrec (observe t).
  unfold interp_mrec.
  rewrite unfold_iter.
  destruct observe; cbn.
  - rewrite bind_ret_l; reflexivity.
  - rewrite bind_ret_l; reflexivity.
  - destruct e; cbn.
    + rewrite bind_ret_l; reflexivity.
    + rewrite bind_vis.
      pstep; constructor. intros. left.
      rewrite bind_ret_l.
      apply reflexivity.

mrec ctx is equivalent to interp (mrecursive ctx), where mrecursive is defined as follows.
Definition mrecursive (f : D ~> itree (D +' E))
  : (D +' E) ~> itree E := fun _ m
  match m with
  | inl1 mmrec f m
  | inr1 mITree.trigger m

Global Instance eq_itree_mrec {R} :
  Proper (eq_itree eq ==> eq_itree eq) (@interp_mrec _ _ ctx R).
  ginit. pcofix CIH. intros.
  rewrite !unfold_interp_mrec.
  punfold H0. inv H0; try discriminate; pclearbot; simpobs; [| |destruct e]; gstep.
  - apply reflexivity.
  - econstructor. eauto with paco.
  - econstructor. gbase. eapply CIH. apply eqit_bind; auto; reflexivity.
  - econstructor. gstep; constructor. auto with paco itree.

Theorem interp_mrec_bind {U T} (t : itree _ U) (k : U itree _ T) :
  interp_mrec ctx (ITree.bind t k)
  ITree.bind (interp_mrec ctx t) (fun xinterp_mrec ctx (k x)).
  revert t k; ginit. pcofix CIH; intros.
  rewrite (unfold_interp_mrec _ t).
  rewrite (unfold_bind t).
  destruct (observe t); cbn;
    [| |destruct e];
    autorewrite with itree.
  1: apply reflexivity.
  all: rewrite unfold_interp_mrec; ITree.fold_subst.
  all: try (gstep; econstructor; eauto with paco).
  - rewrite <- bind_bind; eauto with paco.
  - intros. red. rewrite bind_tau. gstep; constructor; auto with paco.

Theorem interp_mrec_trigger {U} (a : (D +' E) U) :
    interp_mrec ctx (ITree.trigger a)
   mrecursive ctx _ a.
  rewrite unfold_interp_mrec; unfold mrecursive.
  destruct a; cbn.
  rewrite tau_euttge, bind_ret_r.
  pstep; constructor. intros; left. rewrite tau_euttge, unfold_interp_mrec; cbn.
  apply reflexivity.

Theorem interp_mrec_as_interp {T} (c : itree _ T) :
  interp_mrec ctx c interp (mrecursive ctx) c.
  rewrite <- (tau_eutt (interp _ _)).
  revert_until T. ginit. pcofix CIH. intros.
  rewrite unfold_interp_mrec, unfold_interp.
  destruct (observe c); [| |destruct e]; simpl; eauto with paco.
  - gstep; repeat econstructor; eauto.
  - gstep; constructor; eauto with paco.
  - rewrite interp_mrec_bind. unfold mrec.
    gstep; constructor.
    guclo eqit_clo_bind; econstructor; [reflexivity|].
    intros ? _ []; eauto with paco.
  - rewrite tau_euttge. unfold ITree.trigger, case_; simpl. rewrite bind_vis.
    gstep. constructor.
    intros; red.
    rewrite bind_ret_l. rewrite tau_euttge. auto with paco.

Theorem mrec_as_interp {T} (d : D T) :
  mrec ctx d interp (mrecursive ctx) (ctx _ d).
  apply interp_mrec_as_interp.

Lemma interp_mrecursive {T} (d : D T) :
  interp (mrecursive ctx) (trigger_inl1 d) mrec ctx d.
  unfold mrecursive. unfold trigger_inl1.
  rewrite interp_trigger. cbn. reflexivity.

Theorem unfold_interp_mrec_h {T} (t : itree _ T)
  : interp_mrec ctx (interp (case_ (C := Handler) ctx inr_) t)
   interp_mrec ctx t.
  rewrite <- tau_eutt.
  revert t. ginit; pcofix CIH. intros.
  rewrite (itree_eta t); destruct (observe t).
  - rewrite 2 unfold_interp_mrec; cbn; gstep; repeat constructor; auto with paco.
  - rewrite unfold_interp, 2 unfold_interp_mrec; cbn. gstep.
    constructor; auto with paco.
  - rewrite interp_vis.
    rewrite (unfold_interp_mrec _ (Vis _ _)).
    destruct e; cbn.
    + rewrite 2 interp_mrec_bind.
      gstep; constructor.
      guclo eqit_clo_bind; econstructor; [reflexivity|].
      intros ? _ []; rewrite unfold_interp_mrec; cbn; auto with paco.
    + unfold inr_, Handler.Inr_sum1_Handler, Handler.Handler.inr_, Handler.Handler.htrigger.
      rewrite bind_trigger, unfold_interp_mrec; cbn.
      rewrite tau_euttge.
      gstep; constructor.
      intros; red. gstep; constructor.
      rewrite unfold_interp_mrec; cbn.
      auto with paco.

End Facts.

Local Opaque interp_mrec.

Global Instance Proper_interp_mrec {D E} :
  @Proper ((D ~> itree (D +' E)) (itree (D +' E) ~> itree E))
          (Relation.i_pointwise (fun _eutt eq) ==>
           Relation.i_respectful (fun _eutt eq) (fun _eutt eq))
  intros f g Hfg R.
  ginit; pcofix CIH; intros t1 t2 Ht.
  rewrite 2 unfold_interp_mrec.
  punfold Ht; induction Ht; cbn; pclearbot.
  3: { destruct e; gstep; constructor.
    + gfinal; left. apply CIH.
      eapply eutt_clo_bind; eauto.
      intros ? _ []. auto with itree.
    + gstep; constructor. auto with paco itree.
  1,2: gstep; constructor; auto with paco itree.
  1,2: rewrite unfold_interp_mrec, tau_euttge; auto.

rec body is equivalent to interp (recursive body), where recursive is defined as follows.
Definition recursive {E A B} (f : A itree (callE A B +' E) B) : (callE A B +' E) ~> itree E :=
  case_ (calling' (rec f)) ITree.trigger.

Lemma rec_as_interp {E A B} (f : A itree (callE A B +' E) B) (x : A) :
  rec f x interp (recursive f) (f x).
  unfold rec.
  rewrite mrec_as_interp.
  apply eq_sub_eutt.
  eapply eq_itree_interp.
  - red. unfold case_; intros ? [[] | ]; reflexivity.
  - reflexivity.

Lemma interp_recursive_call {E A B} (f : A itree (callE A B +' E) B) (x:A) :
   interp (recursive f) (call x) rec f x.
  unfold recursive. unfold call.
  rewrite interp_trigger. cbn.

Instance euttge_interp_mrec {D E} :
  @Proper ((D ~> itree (D +' E)) (itree (D +' E) ~> itree E))
          (Relation.i_pointwise (fun _euttge eq) ==>
           Relation.i_respectful (fun _euttge eq) (fun _euttge eq))
  intros f g Hfg R.
  ginit; pcofix CIH; intros t1 t2 Ht.
  rewrite 2 unfold_interp_mrec.
  punfold Ht; induction Ht; cbn; pclearbot.
  3: { destruct e; gstep; constructor.
    + gfinal; left. apply CIH.
      eapply eqit_bind; auto. apply Hfg.
    + gstep; constructor. auto with paco itree.
  1,2: gstep; constructor; auto with paco.
  1: rewrite unfold_interp_mrec, tau_euttge; auto.

Instance euttge_interp_mrec' {E D R} (ctx : D ~> itree (D +' E)) :
  Proper (euttge eq ==> euttge eq) (@interp_mrec _ _ ctx R).
  do 4 red. eapply euttge_interp_mrec. reflexivity.