
Equivalence up to taus

Abbreviated as eutt.
We consider Tau as an "internal step", that should not be visible to the outside world, so adding or removing Tau constructors from an itree should produce an equivalent itree.
We must be careful because there may be infinite sequences of taus (i.e., spin). Here we shall only allow inserting finitely many Taus between any two visible steps (Ret or Vis), so that spin is only related to itself. This ensures that equivalence up to taus is transitive (and in fact an equivalence relation).
A rewrite hint database named itree is available via the tactic autorewrite with itree as a custom simplifier of expressions using mainly Ret, Tau, Vis, ITree.bind and ITree.Interp.Interp.interp.
This file contains only the definition of the eutt relation. Theorems about eutt are split in two more modules:
  • ITree.Eq.UpToTausCore proves that eutt is reflexive, symmetric, and that ITree.Eq.Eqit.eq_itree is a subrelation of eutt. Equations for ITree.Core.ITreeDefinition combinators which only rely on those properties can also be found here.
  • ITree.Eq.UpToTausEquivalence proves that eutt is transitive, and, more generally, contains theorems for up-to reasoning in coinductive proofs.
Splitting things this way makes the library easier to build in parallel.


Tactic Notation "gpaco_" :=
  match goal with
  | [|- context[gpaco2]] ⇒ eapply gpaco2_gpaco; [eauto with paco|]
Ltac gpaco := repeat red; under_forall ltac:(gpaco_).

(**** END ****)

Section EUTTG.

Context {E : Type Type} {R1 R2 : Type} (RR : R1 R2 Prop).

Definition transU := @eqit_trans_clo E R1 R2 RR true true true true.
Definition transD := @eqit_trans_clo E R1 R2 RR true true false false.
Definition bindC := @eqit_bind_clo E R1 R2 true true.

Definition euttVC gH r :=
  gupaco2 (eqit_ RR true true id) transD (transU (r \2/ gH)).

Variant euttG rH rL gL gH t1 t2 : Prop :=
| euttG_intro
    (IN: gpaco2 (@eqit_ E R1 R2 RR true true (euttVC gH)) transD (transU rH \2/ rL) gL t1 t2)

Hint Unfold transU transD bindC euttVC : itree.
Hint Constructors euttG : itree.

Lemma transD_mon r1 r2 t1 t2
      (IN: transD r1 t1 t2)
      (LE: r1 <2= r2):
  transD r2 t1 t2.
Proof. eapply eqitC_mon, LE; eauto. Qed.

Lemma transU_mon r1 r2 t1 t2
      (IN: transU r1 t1 t2)
      (LE: r1 <2= r2):
  transU r2 t1 t2.
  destruct IN. econstructor; eauto.

Lemma transDleU: transD <3= transU.
  intros. destruct PR. econstructor; eauto using eqit_mon.

Lemma transD_compose:
  compose transD transD <3= transD.
  intros. destruct PR. destruct REL.
  econstructor; try eapply eqit_trans; eauto; auto_ctrans.

Lemma transU_compose:
  compose transU transU <3= transU.
  intros. destruct PR. destruct REL.
  econstructor; try eapply eqit_trans; eauto; auto_ctrans.

Lemma transD_id: id <3= transD.
Proof. intros. econstructor; try reflexivity; auto_ctrans. Qed.

Lemma transU_id: id <3= transU.
Proof. intros. econstructor; try reflexivity; auto_ctrans. Qed.

Hint Resolve transD_mon transU_mon : paco.

Lemma euttVC_mon gH:
  monotone2 (euttVC gH).
  red; intros.
  eapply gupaco2_mon; eauto. intros.
  eapply transU_mon; eauto. intros.
  destruct PR0; eauto.
Hint Resolve euttVC_mon : paco.

Lemma euttVC_compat gH:
  compose transD (euttVC gH) <3= compose (euttVC gH) transD.
  intros. gclo. eapply transD_mon; eauto. intros.
  eapply gupaco2_mon; eauto. intros.
  eapply transU_mon; eauto. intros.
  destruct PR2; eauto.
  left. econstructor; try reflexivity; auto_ctrans.
Hint Resolve euttVC_compat : paco.

Lemma euttVC_id gH:
  id <3= euttVC gH.
  intros. gbase. econstructor; try reflexivity; auto_ctrans.
Hint Resolve euttVC_id : paco.


#[global] Hint Unfold transU transD bindC euttVC : itree.
#[global] Hint Constructors euttG : itree.
#[global] Hint Resolve transD_mon transU_mon : paco.
#[global] Hint Resolve euttVC_mon : paco.
#[global] Hint Resolve euttVC_compat : paco.
#[global] Hint Resolve transD_id transU_id euttVC_id : paco.

Instance geuttG_cong_euttge {E R1 R2 RR} gH r g:
  Proper (euttge eq ==> euttge eq ==> flip impl)
         (gpaco2 (@eqit_ E R1 R2 RR true true (euttVC RR gH)) (transD RR) r g).
  repeat intro. guclo eqit_clo_trans. econstructor; eauto; auto_ctrans.

Instance geuttG_cong_eq {E R1 R2 RR} gH r g:
  Proper (eq_itree eq ==> eq_itree eq ==> flip impl)
         (gpaco2 (@eqit_ E R1 R2 RR true true (euttVC RR gH)) (transD RR) r g).
  repeat intro. eapply geuttG_cong_euttge;
    [ eapply eq_sub_euttge; eassumption .. | eauto with itree ].

Lemma eqit_ret_gen {E R1 R2 RR} t v
      (IN: @eqit E R1 R2 RR true true t (Ret v)):
  eqit RR true false t (Ret v).
  punfold IN. pstep. red in IN |- ×. simpl in ×.
  remember (RetF v) as ot.
  hinduction IN before RR; intros; subst; try inv Heqot; eauto with itree.

Section EUTTG_Properties1.

Context {E : Type Type} {R1 R2 : Type} (RR : R1 R2 Prop).

Local Notation euttG := (@euttG E R1 R2 RR).

Lemma rclo_transD r:
  rclo2 (transD RR) r <2= @transD E R1 R2 RR r.
  intros. induction PR; eauto with paco.
  destruct IN. apply H in REL. destruct REL.
  econstructor; try apply REL; try eapply eqit_trans; eauto; auto_ctrans.

Lemma rclo_flip clo (r: itree E R1 itree E R2 Prop)
      (MON: monotone2 clo):
  flip (rclo2 (fun x : itree E R2 itree E R1 Propflip (clo (flip x))) (flip r)) <2= rclo2 clo r.
  intros. induction PR; eauto with paco.
  apply rclo2_clo; eauto.

Lemma transD_flip r:
  flip (transD (flip RR) (flip r)) <2= @transD E _ _ RR r.
  unfold flip. intros. destruct PR. econstructor; eauto.

Lemma transU_flip r:
  flip (transU (flip RR) (flip r)) <2= @transU E R1 R2 RR r.
  unfold flip. intros. destruct PR. econstructor; eauto.

Lemma euttVC_flip gH r:
  flip (euttVC (flip RR) (flip gH) (flip r)) <2= @euttVC E R1 R2 RR gH r.
  pcofix CIH. intros. gunfold PR.
  gclo. apply rclo_transD.
  eapply rclo_flip; eauto with paco.
  eapply rclo2_mon_gen; eauto; intros.
  { eapply transD_flip. eauto. }
  destruct PR0; cycle 1.
  { gbase. destruct H; eauto using transU_flip with itree. }
  gstep. apply eqitF_flip.
  eapply eqitF_mono; eauto with paco. intros.
  gbase. eapply CIH.
  eapply gupaco2_mon; eauto. intros.
  destruct PR1; eauto.

Lemma euttG_flip gH r:
  flip (gupaco2 (eqit_ (flip RR) true true (euttVC (flip RR) (flip gH))) (transD (flip RR)) (flip r)) <2=
  gupaco2 (@eqit_ E R1 R2 RR true true (euttVC RR gH)) (transD RR) r.
  pcofix CIH; intros.
  destruct PR. econstructor.
  eapply rclo_flip; eauto with paco.
  eapply rclo2_mon_gen; [ eauto using transD_flip with itree .. | ]. intros.
  destruct PR; [ | eauto with itree ].
  left. punfold H. pstep. apply eqitF_flip.
  eapply eqitF_mono; eauto with paco; intros.
  - eapply euttVC_flip. apply PR.
  - apply rclo_flip; eauto with paco.
    eapply rclo2_mon_gen; [ eauto using transD_flip with paco itree .. | ].
    intros. right. left. destruct PR0.
    + eapply CIH. red. eauto with paco.
    + apply CIH0. destruct H0; eauto.

Lemma transD_dist:
   r1 r2, @transD E R1 R2 RR (r1 \2/ r2) <2= (transD RR r1 \2/ transD RR r2).
Proof. apply eqitC_dist. Qed.

Lemma transU_dist:
   r1 r2, @transU E R1 R2 RR (r1 \2/ r2) <2= (transU RR r1 \2/ transU RR r2).
  intros. destruct PR. destruct REL; [left|right]; eauto with itree.

Lemma transU_dist_rev:
   r1 r2, (transU RR r1 \2/ transU RR r2) <2= @transU E R1 R2 RR (r1 \2/ r2).
  intros. destruct PR, H; eauto with itree.

Variant transL (r: itree E R1 itree E R2 Prop) (t1: itree E R1) (t2: itree E R2) : Prop :=
| transL_intro t' RR1
               (EQL: eqit RR1 true true t1 t')
               (EQR: r t' t2)
               (LERR: x x' y, RR1 x x' RR x' y RR x y)
  : transL r t1 t2
Hint Constructors transL : itree.

Lemma transD_transL r:
  transD RR (transL r) <2= transL (transD RR r).
  intros. destruct PR, REL.
  econstructor; [|econstructor|]; try apply EQR.
  - eapply eqit_trans.
    + apply euttge_sub_eutt. eauto.
    + eauto.
  - reflexivity.
  - eauto.
  - auto_ctrans.
  - auto_ctrans.
  - auto_ctrans.

Lemma transLleU: transL <3= transU RR.
  intros. destruct PR. econstructor; eauto. reflexivity. auto_ctrans.

Lemma transL_closed vclo r
      (MON: monotone2 vclo)
      (COMP: wcompatible2 (eqit_ RR true true vclo) (transD RR))
      (CLOV: r (CLOL: transL r <2= r), transL (vclo r) <2= vclo r)
      (CLOL: transL r <2= r)
      (CLOD: transD RR r <2= r):
  transL (gupaco2 (eqit_ RR true true vclo) (transD RR) r)
  <2= gupaco2 (eqit_ RR true true vclo) (transD RR) r.
  pcofix CIH. intros t1 t2 [].
  apply gpaco2_dist in EQR; eauto with paco.
  destruct EQR; cycle 1.
  { gbase. apply rclo_transD in H. destruct H. eauto 6 with itree. }
  assert (REL: paco2 (eqit_ RR true true vclo) r t' t2).
  { eapply paco2_mon; eauto. intros.
    apply rclo_transD in PR. apply CLOD.
    eapply transD_mon; eauto. intros. destruct PR0; eauto.
  clear H.

  punfold EQL. red in EQL. punfold REL. red in REL. genobs t1 ot1. genobs t' ot'.
  hinduction EQL before CIH; intros; subst.
  - remember (RetF r2) as ot. genobs t2 ot2.
    hinduction REL0 before CIH; intros; subst; try inv Heqot.
    + gstep. red. simpobs. eauto with itree.
    + gclo. econstructor; auto_ctrans_eq.
      × rewrite (simpobs Heqot1). reflexivity.
      × rewrite (simpobs Heqot2), tau_euttge. reflexivity.
  - pclearbot. apply eqit_Tau_r in REL. rewrite Heqot' in REL, REL0. clear m2 Heqot'.
    genobs t' ot'. genobs t2 ot2.
    hinduction REL0 before CIH; intros; subst.
    + apply eqit_ret_gen in REL0.
      gclo. econstructor.
      × eapply eqit_trans; [rewrite (simpobs Heqot1); reflexivity|].
        eapply eqit_trans; [rewrite tau_euttge; reflexivity|].
      × rewrite (simpobs Heqot2). reflexivity.
      × gstep. econstructor. eauto.
      × auto_ctrans.
      × auto_ctrans.
    + gstep. red. simpobs. econstructor. gbase.
      destruct REL.
      × eapply CIH. econstructor; [|eauto using paco2_mon with paco|].
        -- eapply eqit_trans; [apply REL0|]. rewrite tau_eutt. reflexivity.
        -- auto_ctrans.
      × eapply CIH0. apply CLOL. econstructor; [|eauto|].
        -- eapply eqit_trans; [apply REL0|]. rewrite tau_eutt. reflexivity.
        -- auto_ctrans.
    + punfold REL0. red in REL0. simpl in ×.
      remember (VisF e k1) as ot. genobs m1 ot2.
      hinduction REL0 before CIH; intros; try discriminate.
      × inv_Vis. pclearbot. gstep. red. do 2 (simpobs; econstructor; eauto). intros.
        eapply MON; [|intros; gbase; eapply CIH; eauto].
        eapply CLOV.
        { intros. destruct PR, EQR.
          econstructor; [|eauto|]; eauto using eqit_trans; auto_ctrans. }
        econstructor; [ eauto with itree | | auto ].
        eapply MON; eauto. intros.
        econstructor; try reflexivity; auto_ctrans.
        gfinal. destruct PR; eauto.
      × gclo; econstructor; auto_ctrans_eq; try reflexivity.
        rewrite (simpobs Heqot1), tau_euttge. reflexivity.
    + eapply IHREL0; try eapply eqit_trans; auto_ctrans_eq.
      rewrite <-itree_eta, tau_eutt. reflexivity.
    + gclo; econstructor; auto_ctrans_eq; try reflexivity.
      rewrite (simpobs Heqot2), tau_euttge. reflexivity.
  - remember (VisF e k2) as ot. genobs t2 ot2.
    hinduction REL0 before CIH; intros; subst; try discriminate.
    + inv_Vis. pclearbot. gstep. red. simpobs. econstructor; eauto. intros.
      eapply MON; [|intros; gbase; eapply CIH; eauto].
      eapply CLOV.
      { intros. destruct PR, EQR.
        econstructor; swap 1 2; eauto using eqit_trans; auto_ctrans. }
      econstructor; [ eauto with itree | | auto ].
      eapply MON; eauto. intros.
      econstructor; auto_ctrans_eq; try reflexivity.
      gfinal. destruct PR; eauto.
    + gclo; econstructor; auto_ctrans_eq; try reflexivity.
      rewrite (simpobs Heqot2), tau_euttge. reflexivity.
  - gclo; econstructor; auto_ctrans_eq; try reflexivity.
    rewrite (simpobs Heqot1), tau_euttge. reflexivity.
  - clear t' Heqot'. remember (TauF t2) as ot. genobs t0 ot0.
    hinduction REL before EQL; intros; subst; try inv Heqot; eauto; cycle 1.
    + gclo; econstructor; auto_ctrans_eq; try reflexivity.
      rewrite (simpobs Heqot0), tau_euttge. reflexivity.
    + destruct REL; cycle 1.
      × gbase. apply CLOL. econstructor; [ eauto with itree | | auto ].
        apply CLOD. econstructor; auto_ctrans_eq; try reflexivity.
        rewrite (simpobs Heqot0), tau_euttge. reflexivity.
      × eapply IHEQL; eauto.
        simpobs. econstructor; eauto.
        punfold H.

Lemma euttVC_transL gH r:
  transL (euttVC RR gH r) <2= euttVC RR gH r.
  intros. eapply transL_closed; eauto using transU_compose, transLleU, transDleU with paco.

End EUTTG_Properties1.

Section EUTTG_Properties2.

Context {E : Type Type} {R1 R2 : Type} (RR : R1 R2 Prop).

Local Notation euttG := (@euttG E R1 R2 RR).

Lemma euttVC_transU gH r
      (CLOR: transU RR r <2= r):
  transU RR (euttVC RR gH r) <2= @euttVC E _ _ RR gH r.
  intros. destruct PR.
  eapply euttVC_transL; eauto using transLleU, transDleU with paco.
  econstructor; eauto.
  eapply euttVC_flip. unfold flip.
  eapply euttVC_transL; eauto using transLleU, transDleU, transU_flip with paco.
  econstructor; eauto.
  apply euttVC_flip. eauto.

Lemma euttG_transU_aux gH r
      (CLOR: transU RR r <2= r):
  transU RR (gupaco2 (eqit_ RR true true (euttVC RR gH)) (transD RR) r) <2=
  gupaco2 (@eqit_ E R1 R2 RR true true (euttVC RR gH)) (transD RR) r.
  intros. destruct PR.
  eapply transL_closed; eauto using euttVC_transL, transLleU, transDleU with paco.
  econstructor; eauto.
  apply euttG_flip. unfold flip.
  eapply transL_closed;
   [ eauto using euttVC_transL, transLleU, transDleU, transU_flip with paco itree .. | ].
  econstructor; eauto using euttG_flip with itree.

Lemma euttVC_gen gH r:
  transU RR (gupaco2 (eqit_ RR true true (euttVC RR gH)) (transD RR) (transU RR (r \2/ gH)))
  <2= @euttVC E R1 R2 RR gH r.
  intros. eapply euttG_transU_aux in PR; eauto using transU_compose.
  revert x0 x1 PR. pcofix CIH. intros.
  gunfold PR. apply rclo_transD in PR.
  gclo. eapply transD_mon; eauto. intros.
  destruct PR0; eauto with paco.
  gstep. red in H |- ×. induction H; auto with itree.
  - econstructor. gbase. eapply CIH.
    eapply gupaco2_mon; eauto. intros.
    destruct PR0; eauto.
  - econstructor. intros. gbase. eapply CIH.
    red in REL. gupaco. eapply gupaco2_mon_gen; eauto with paco; intros.
    + eapply eqitF_mono; eauto with paco.
    + eapply euttG_transU_aux; eauto using transU_compose with paco.
      eapply transU_mon; eauto. intros.
      destruct PR1; [|eauto 7 with paco].
      eapply gupaco2_mon; eauto. intros.
      destruct PR1; eauto.

Lemma euttG_gen rH rL gL gH:
  euttG rH rL (gL \2/ (transU RR rH \2/ rL)) gH <2= euttG rH rL gL gH.
  intros. destruct PR. econstructor.
  eapply gpaco2_gen_guard. eauto.

Lemma euttG_cofix_aux: rH rL gL gH x,
    (x <2= euttG rH rL (gL \2/ x) (gH \2/ x)) (x <2= euttG rH rL gL gH).
  intros. apply euttG_gen.
  econstructor. revert x0 x1 PR. pcofix CIH.
  intros t1 t2 PR. apply H in PR. destruct PR as [IN]. revert t1 t2 IN.
  pcofix CIH. intros.
  apply gpaco2_dist in IN; eauto with paco.
  destruct IN; cycle 1.
  { apply rclo_transD in H0; eauto with paco.
    gclo. eapply transD_mon; eauto with paco.
  assert (LEM: upaco2 (eqit_ RR true true (euttVC RR (gH \2/ x)))
                      (rclo2 (transD RR) ((gL \2/ x) \2/ (transU RR rH \2/ rL)))
               <2= gpaco2 (eqit_ RR true true (euttVC RR gH)) (transD RR) r0 r0).
  { intros m1 m2 [REL|REL].
    - gbase. apply CIH1.
      gpaco. gfinal. right.
      eapply paco2_mon; eauto. intros.
      apply rclo_transD in PR. gclo. eapply transD_mon; eauto. intros. gbase.
      repeat destruct PR0 as [PR0|PR0]; eauto.
    - apply rclo_transD in REL. gclo. eapply transD_mon; eauto. intros. gbase.
      repeat destruct PR as [PR|PR]; eauto.

  punfold H0. gstep. red in H0 |- ×.
  induction H0; auto 3 with itree.
  red in REL. econstructor. intros.
  eapply gupaco2_mon; eauto. intros.
  apply transU_dist in PR. destruct PR; eauto using transU_mon.
  eapply transU_mon; eauto. intros; destruct PR; eauto with paco.

End EUTTG_Properties2.

Section EUTTG_principles.

Context {E : Type Type} {R1 R2 : Type} (RR : R1 R2 Prop).

Local Notation euttG := (@euttG E R1 R2 RR).

(* Make new hypotheses *)

Lemma euttG_cofix rH rL gL gH x
      (OBG: gL' (INCL: gL <2= gL') (CIHL: x <2= gL') gH' (INCH: gH <2= gH') (CIHH: x <2= gH'), x <2= euttG rH rL gL' gH'):
    x <2= euttG rH rL gL gH.
  eapply euttG_cofix_aux; intros.
  eapply OBG; eauto.

Lemma euttG_accF rH rL gL gH X (f : X _) (g : X _)
    (OBJ: gL' (INCL: gL <2= gL') (CIHL: x : X, gL' (f x) (g x)) gH' (INCH: gH <2= gH') (CIHH: x : X, gH' (f x) (g x)), x : X, euttG rH rL gL' gH' (f x) (g x)):
     x : X, euttG rH rL gL gH (f x) (g x).
  intros x.
  apply euttG_cofix with (x := fun a b x, a = (f x) b = (g x)); [ | eauto ].
  intros. destruct PR as [? [-> ->]]. apply OBJ; eauto.

(* Process itrees *)

Lemma euttG_ret: rH rL gL gH v1 v2,
  RR v1 v2 euttG rH rL gL gH (Ret v1) (Ret v2).
  econstructor. gstep. econstructor. eauto.

Lemma euttG_bind: rH rL gL gH t1 t2,
  bindC (euttG rH rL gL gH) t1 t2 euttG rH rL gL gH t1 t2.
  econstructor. guclo eqit_clo_bind.
  destruct H. econstructor; eauto.
  intros. edestruct REL; eauto.

Lemma euttG_transD: rH rL gL gH t1 t2,
  transD RR (euttG rH rL gL gH) t1 t2 euttG rH rL gL gH t1 t2.
  econstructor. guclo eqit_clo_trans.
  destruct H. econstructor; eauto.
  edestruct REL; eauto.

(* Drop weak hypotheses for general rewriting *)

Lemma euttG_transU rH rL gL gH t1 t2:
  transU RR (euttG rH rH rH gH) t1 t2 euttG rH rL gL gH t1 t2.
  intros. apply euttG_gen.
  cut (gupaco2 (eqit_ RR true true (euttVC RR gH)) (transD RR) (transU RR rH) t1 t2).
  { intros. econstructor. eapply gpaco2_mon; eauto. }
  eapply euttG_transU_aux; eauto using transU_compose.
  eapply transU_mon; eauto. intros. destruct PR.
  eapply gpaco2_mon; eauto; intros;
    repeat destruct PR as [PR|PR]; eauto using transU_id.

Lemma euttG_drop rH rL gL gH t1 t2:
  euttG rH rH rH gH t1 t2 euttG rH rL gL gH t1 t2.
  intros. apply euttG_gen. destruct H. econstructor.
  eapply gpaco2_mon; intros; eauto; [destruct PR|]; eauto using transU_id.

(* Make a weakly guarded progress *)

Lemma euttG_tau: rH rL gL gH t1 t2,
  euttG rH gL gL gH t1 t2 euttG rH rL gL gH (Tau t1) (Tau t2).
  intros. apply euttG_gen. destruct H. econstructor.
  gstep. econstructor.
  eapply gpaco2_mon; eauto; intros; repeat destruct PR as [PR|PR]; eauto.

(* Make a strongly guarded progress *)

Lemma euttG_vis: rH rL gL gH u (e: E u) k1 k2,
  ( v, euttG gH gH gH gH (k1 v) (k2 v)) euttG rH rL gL gH (Vis e k1) (Vis e k2).
  econstructor. gstep. econstructor. intros.
  specialize (H v). destruct H.
  apply euttVC_gen. econstructor; auto_ctrans_eq; try reflexivity.
  eapply gpaco2_mon_gen; eauto; intros; repeat destruct PR as [PR|PR];
    eauto using gpaco2_clo, transDleU, transU_mon with paco.

Lemma euttG_vis_gen rH rL gL gH u1 (e1: E u1) u2 (e2 : E u2) k1 k2 (p : u1 = u2)
  : eqeq E p e1 e2 pweqeq (euttG gH gH gH gH) p k1 k2
    euttG rH rL gL gH (Vis e1 k1) (Vis e2 k2).
  econstructor. gstep. apply (eqitF_VisF_gen p); auto. destruct p; cbn in *; intros.
  specialize (H0 x). destruct H0.
  apply euttVC_gen. econstructor; auto_ctrans_eq; try reflexivity.
  eapply gpaco2_mon_gen; eauto; intros; repeat destruct PR as [PR|PR];
    eauto using gpaco2_clo, transDleU, transU_mon with paco.

(* Use available hypotheses *)

Lemma euttG_base: rH rL gL gH t1 t2,
  rH t1 t2 rL t1 t2 euttG rH rL gL gH t1 t2.
  intros. econstructor. gbase.
  destruct H; eauto using transU_id.


Lemma euttG_le_eutt:
  euttG bot2 bot2 bot2 bot2 <2= eutt RR.
  intros. destruct PR.
  assert(paco2 (eqit_ RR true true (euttVC RR bot2)) bot2 x0 x1).
  { eapply gpaco2_init; eauto with paco.
    eapply gpaco2_mon; eauto; intros;
      repeat destruct PR as [PR|PR]; destruct PR; contradiction.
  clear IN.
  revert x0 x1 H. pcofix CIH. intros.
  punfold H. pstep. unfold_eqit.
  induction H; pclearbot; auto with itree.
  econstructor; intros. specialize (REL v).
  right. apply CIH.
  ginit. gupaco. eapply gupaco2_mon_gen; eauto with paco; intros.
  - eapply eqitF_mono; eauto with paco.
  - apply euttG_transU_aux.
    { intros. destruct PR0; contradiction. }
    eapply transU_mon; eauto. intros.
    pclearbot. gfinal. eauto.

Lemma eutt_le_euttG rH rL gL gH:
  eutt RR <2= euttG rH rL gL gH.
  intros. econstructor. econstructor. apply rclo2_base. left.
  eapply paco2_mon_bot; eauto; intros.
  eapply eqitF_mono; eauto with paco.

End EUTTG_principles.

Ltac apply_paco_acc CIH unpack_goal unpack_hyp :=
  apply euttG_accF;
  let gL' := fresh "gL'" in
  let INCL := fresh "INCL" in
  let CIHL := fresh CIH "L" in
  let gH' := fresh "gH'" in
  let INCH := fresh "INCH" in
  let CIHH := fresh CIH "H" in
  intros gL' INCL CIHL gH' INCH CIHH;
  unpack_goal tt;
  unpack_hyp CIHL;
  unpack_hyp CIHH.

Ltac ecofix CIH := pcofix_with ltac:(apply_paco_acc CIH).

Ltac einit := repeat red; under_forall ltac:(eapply euttG_le_eutt; eauto with paco itree).
Ltac efinal := repeat red; under_forall ltac:(eapply eutt_le_euttG; eauto with paco itree).
Ltac ebase := repeat red; under_forall ltac:(eapply euttG_base; eauto with paco itree).
Ltac eret := repeat red; under_forall ltac:(eapply euttG_ret; eauto with paco itree).
Ltac etau := repeat red; under_forall ltac:(eapply euttG_tau; eauto with paco itree).
Ltac evis := repeat red; under_forall ltac:(eapply euttG_vis; eauto with paco itree).
Ltac estep := first [eret|etau|evis].
Ltac ebind := repeat red; under_forall ltac:(eapply euttG_bind; eauto with paco itree).
Ltac edrop := repeat red; under_forall ltac:(eapply euttG_drop; eauto with paco itree).

Global Hint Resolve euttG_ret : paco.
Global Hint Resolve euttG_tau : paco.
Global Hint Resolve euttG_vis : paco.
Global Hint Resolve euttG_base : paco.
Global Hint Resolve euttG_le_eutt: paco.

Instance euttG_reflexive {E R} rH rL gL gH:
  Reflexive (@euttG E R R eq rH rL gL gH).
  red; intros. efinal. reflexivity.

Instance euttG_cong_eutt {E R1 R2 RR} rH gH:
  Proper (eutt eq ==> eutt eq ==> flip impl)
         (@euttG E R1 R2 RR rH rH rH gH).
  repeat intro. eapply euttG_transU. econstructor; auto_ctrans_eq; eauto.

Instance euttG_cong_euttge {E R1 R2 RR} rH rL gL gH:
  Proper (euttge eq ==> euttge eq ==> flip impl)
         (@euttG E R1 R2 RR rH rL gL gH).
  repeat intro. eapply euttG_transD. econstructor; auto_ctrans_eq; eauto.

Instance euttG_cong_eq {E R1 R2 RR} rH rL gL gH:
  Proper (eq_itree eq ==> eq_itree eq ==> flip impl)
         (@euttG E R1 R2 RR rH rL gL gH).
  repeat intro. eapply euttG_cong_euttge; eauto; apply eq_sub_euttge; eauto.

Instance eutt_cong_eutt {E R1 R2 RR}:
  Proper (eutt eq ==> eutt eq ==> flip impl)
         (@eqit E R1 R2 RR true true).
  einit. intros. rewrite H0, H1. efinal.

Instance eutt_cong_euttge {E R1 R2 RR}:
  Proper (euttge eq ==> euttge eq ==> flip impl)
         (@eqit E R1 R2 RR true true).
  einit. intros. rewrite H0, H1. efinal.

Instance eutt_cong_eq {E R1 R2 RR}:
  Proper (eq_itree eq ==> eq_itree eq ==> flip impl)
         (@eqit E R1 R2 RR true true).
  einit. intros. rewrite H0, H1. efinal.

Instance eutt_cong_eutt' {E R1 R2 RR} :
  Proper (eutt eq ==> eutt eq ==> flip impl) (@eutt E R1 R2 RR).
  apply eutt_cong_eutt.

(* Specialization of eutt_clo_bind to the recurrent case where UU := eq
   in order to avoid having to provide the relation manually everytime *)

Lemma eutt_eq_bind : E R1 R2 RR U (t: itree E U) (k1: U itree E R1) (k2: U itree E R2),
    ( u, eutt RR (k1 u) (k2 u)) eutt RR (ITree.bind t k1) (ITree.bind t k2).
  apply eutt_clo_bind with (UU := Logic.eq); [reflexivity |].
  intros ? ? ->; apply H.

(* Exposing a version specialized to eutt so that users don't have to know about eqit *)
Lemma eutt_Ret :
   E (R1 R2 : Type) (RR : R1 R2 Prop) r1 r2, RR r1 r2 eutt (E := E) RR (Ret r1) (Ret r2).
  intros; apply eqit_Ret.

(* eutt can be thought as the elementary block of a relational program logic.
   The following few lemmas give elementary logical rules to compose proofs.

Lemma eutt_conj {E} {R S} {RS RS'} :
   (t : itree E R) (s : itree E S),
    eutt RS t s
    eutt RS' t s
    eutt (RS /2\ RS') t s.
  repeat red.
  einit. ecofix CIH. intros × EQ EQ'.
  rewrite itree_eta, (itree_eta s).
  punfold EQ; punfold EQ'; red in EQ; red in EQ'.
  genobs t ot; genobs s os.
  hinduction EQ before CIHH; subst; intros; pclearbot; simpl.

  - estep; split; auto.
    inv EQ'; auto.
  - estep; ebase; right; eapply CIHL; eauto.
    rewrite <- tau_eutt.
    rewrite <- (tau_eutt m2); auto with itree.
  - assert (EE := eqitF_inv_VisF _ _ _ _ _ EQ'); pclearbot.
    eapply euttG_vis; ebase; left; apply CIHH; auto with itree.
  - eapply fold_eqitF in EQ'; eauto.
    assert (t Tau t1) by (rewrite itree_eta, <- Heqot; reflexivity).
    rewrite H in EQ'.
    apply eqit_inv_Tau_l in EQ'.
    subst; specialize (IHEQ _ _ eq_refl eq_refl).
    punfold EQ'; red in EQ'.
    specialize (IHEQ EQ').
    rewrite eqit_Tau_l; [|reflexivity].
    rewrite (itree_eta t1).
    eapply IHEQ.
  - subst; cbn.
    rewrite tau_euttge.
    rewrite (itree_eta t2); eapply IHEQ; eauto.
    eapply fold_eqitF in EQ'; eauto.
    assert (s Tau t2).
    rewrite (itree_eta s), <- Heqos; reflexivity.
    rewrite tau_eutt in H.
    assert (eutt RS' t t2).
    rewrite <- H; auto.
    punfold H0.

Lemma eutt_disj_l {E} {R S} {RS RS'} :
   (t : itree E R) (s : itree E S),
    eutt RS t s
    eutt (RS \2/ RS') t s.
  eapply eqit_mon with (RR := RS); eauto.

Lemma eutt_disj_r {E} {R S} {RS RS'} :
   (t : itree E R) (s : itree E S),
    eutt RS' t s
    eutt (RS \2/ RS') t s.
  eapply eqit_mon with (RR := RS'); eauto.

Lemma eutt_equiv {E} {R S} {RS RS'} :
   (t : itree E R) (s : itree E S),
    (HeterogeneousRelations.eq_rel RS RS')
    eutt RS t s eutt RS' t s.
  intros × EQ; split; intros EUTT; eapply eqit_mon; try apply EUTT; eauto.
  all:apply EQ.

(* Rewriting equivalent simulation relations under eq_itree and eutt *)
Instance eq_itree_Proper_R {E : Type Type} {R1 R2:Type}
  : Proper ((@HeterogeneousRelations.eq_rel R1 R2) ==> Logic.eq ==> Logic.eq ==> iff) (@eq_itree E R1 R2).
  repeat intro; subst.
  unfold eq_itree; rewrite H; reflexivity.

Instance eutt_Proper_R {E : Type Type} {R1 R2:Type}
  : Proper ((@HeterogeneousRelations.eq_rel R1 R2) ==> eq ==> eq ==> iff) (@eutt E R1 R2).
  repeat intro; subst.
  unfold eutt; rewrite H; reflexivity.