
The category of continuation trees (KTrees)

The Kleisli category of ITrees.

Implicit Types E : Type Type.
Implicit Types a b : Type.

Notation ktree E := (Kleisli (itree E)).

Declare Scope ktree_scope.
Bind Scope ktree_scope with ktree.

Notation ktree_apply := (@Kleisli_apply (itree _)).
Notation lift_ktree := (@pure (itree _) _ _ _).
Notation lift_ktree_ E a b := (@pure (itree E) _ a b).

(* ktree E forms an iterative category, i.e. a cocartesian category with a
   loop operator *)

(* Obj ≅ Type *)
(* Arrow: A -> B ≅ terms of type (ktree A B) *)

Categorical operations

Section Operations.

Context {E : Type Type}.

#[local] Notation ktree := (ktree E).

Traced monoidal category

The trace operator here is loop.
We can view a ktree (I + A) (I + B) as a circuit, drawn below as ###, with two input wires labeled by I and A, and two output wires labeled by I and B.
The loop : ktree (I + A) (I + B) ktree A B combinator closes the circuit, linking the box with itself by plugging the I output back into the input.
     | ### |

End Operations.