
From Coq Require Import Morphisms.

From ITree Require Import

From ITree.Extra Require Import

From Paco Require Import paco.

Import Monads.
Import MonadNotation.
Local Open Scope monad_scope.

(* will need more propositional constraints on Preorders *)

Section SecureProgInsens.
  Context {E : Type Type} {R1 R2 : Type}.
  Context (Label : Preorder).
  Context (priv : A, E A L).
  Context (RR : R1 R2 Prop).

  Context (RE : forall A, E A -> E A -> A -> A -> Prop).
  want it to be an equivalence

  Variant pi_secure_eqitF (b1 b2 : bool) (l : L) vclo (sim : itree E R1 itree E R2 Prop) : itree' E R1 itree' E R2 Prop :=

    (* eqitF constructors *)
    | pisecEqRet r1 r2 : RR r1 r2 pi_secure_eqitF b1 b2 l vclo sim (RetF r1) (RetF r2)
    | pisecEqTau t1 t2 : sim t1 t2 pi_secure_eqitF b1 b2 l vclo sim (TauF t1) (TauF t2)
    | pisecEqTauL t1 t2 (CHECK : b1) : sim t1 t2 pi_secure_eqitF b1 b2 l vclo sim (TauF t1) (observe t2)
    | pisecEqTauR t1 t2 (CHECK : b2) : sim t1 t2 pi_secure_eqitF b1 b2 l vclo sim (observe t1) (TauF t2)
    (* info_flow protecting coinductive constructors *)
    | piEqVisPriv {A} (e : E A) k1 k2 (SECCHECK : leq (priv A e) l) :
        (( a, vclo sim (k1 a) (k2 a) : Prop)) pi_secure_eqitF b1 b2 l vclo sim (VisF e k1) (VisF e k2)
    | piEqVisUnPrivTauLCo {A} (e : E A) k1 t2 (SECCHECK : ¬ leq (priv A e) l) :
        ( a, vclo sim (k1 a) t2) pi_secure_eqitF b1 b2 l vclo sim (VisF e k1) (TauF t2)
    | piEqVisUnPrivTauRCo {A} (e : E A) t1 k2 (SECCHECK : ¬ leq (priv A e) l) :
        ( a, vclo sim t1 (k2 a)) pi_secure_eqitF b1 b2 l vclo sim (TauF t1) (VisF e k2)
    | piEqVisUnPrivVisCo {A B} (e1 : E A) (e2 : E B) k1 k2 (SECCHECK1 : ¬ leq (priv A e1) l) (SECCHECK2 : ¬ leq (priv B e2) l)
        ( a b, vclo sim (k1 a) (k2 b)) pi_secure_eqitF b1 b2 l vclo sim (VisF e1 k1) (VisF e2 k2)
    (* info_flow protecting inductive constructors *)
    | piEqVisUnPrivLInd {A} (e : E A) k1 t2 (CHECK : b1) (SECCHECK : ¬ leq (priv A e) l) :
        ( a, vclo sim (k1 a) t2 )
        pi_secure_eqitF b1 b2 l vclo sim (VisF e k1) (observe t2)
    | piEqVisUnPrivRInd {A} (e : E A) t1 k2 (CHECK : b2) (SECCHECK : ¬ leq (priv A e) l) :
        ( a, vclo sim t1 (k2 a) )
        pi_secure_eqitF b1 b2 l vclo sim (observe t1) (VisF e k2)

  Hint Constructors pi_secure_eqitF : itree.

  Definition pi_secure_eqit_ (b1 b2 : bool) (l : L) vclo (sim : itree E R1 itree E R2 Prop) : itree E R1 itree E R2 Prop :=
    fun t1 t2pi_secure_eqitF b1 b2 l vclo sim (observe t1) (observe t2).

  Hint Unfold pi_secure_eqit_ : itree.

  Lemma pi_secure_eqitF_mono b1 b2 l x0 x1 vclo vclo' sim sim'
        (IN: pi_secure_eqitF b1 b2 l vclo sim x0 x1)
        (MON: monotone2 vclo)
        (LEc: vclo <3= vclo')
        (LE: sim <2= sim'):
    pi_secure_eqitF b1 b2 l vclo' sim' x0 x1.
    intros. induction IN; eauto with itree.

  Lemma pi_secure_eqit_mono b1 b2 l vclo (MON: monotone2 vclo) : monotone2 (pi_secure_eqit_ b1 b2 l vclo).
    do 2 red. intros; eapply pi_secure_eqitF_mono; eauto with itree.

  Hint Resolve pi_secure_eqit_mono : paco.

  Definition pi_eqit_secure b1 b2 l := paco2 (pi_secure_eqit_ b1 b2 l id) bot2.

  (* want and eqitC_secure which could help prove some interesting stuff


End SecureProgInsens.

#[export] Hint Resolve pi_secure_eqit_mono : paco.
#[export] Hint Constructors pi_secure_eqitF : itree.

Ltac unpriv_pi := try apply piEqVisUnPrivVisCo;
                  try apply piEqVisUnPrivTauLCo;
                  try apply piEqVisUnPrivTauRCo;
                  try apply piEqVisUnPrivLInd;
                  try apply piEqVisUnPrivRInd;
                  auto with itree; intros.

Ltac contra_size :=
  match goal with
  | [ Hemp : empty ?A, Hne : nonempty ?A |- _ ] ⇒ inv Hemp; inv Hne; contradiction end.

Lemma eqit_secure_imp_pi_eqit_scure b1 b2 E R1 R2 RR Label priv l : (t1 : itree E R1) (t2 : itree E R2),
    eqit_secure Label priv RR b1 b2 l t1 t2 pi_eqit_secure Label priv RR b1 b2 l t1 t2.
  pcofix CIH. intros t1 t2 Hps. pfold. red. punfold Hps. red in Hps.
  hinduction Hps before r; intros.
  - constructor; auto with itree.
  - constructor. right. pclearbot. eauto with itree.
  - rewrite itree_eta'. constructor; auto with itree. right. eapply CIH. pfold. apply Hps.
  - rewrite itree_eta' at 1. constructor; auto with itree. right. eapply CIH. pfold. apply Hps.
  - pclearbot. constructor; auto with itree. right. eapply CIH; eauto with itree. apply H.
  - pclearbot. unpriv_pi. right. eapply CIH; apply H.
  - pclearbot. unpriv_pi. right. eapply CIH; apply H.
  - pclearbot. unpriv_pi. right. eapply CIH; apply H.
  - pclearbot. unpriv_pi. right. eapply CIH. pfold. apply H.
  - pclearbot. unpriv_pi. right. eapply CIH. pfold. apply H.
  - unpriv_pi. inv SIZECHECK. contradiction.
  - unpriv_pi. inv SIZECHECK. contradiction.
  - unpriv_pi. inv SIZECHECK. contradiction.
  - unpriv_pi. inv SIZECHECK. contradiction.

Lemma pi_eqit_secure_sym b1 b2 E R1 R2 RR Label priv l : (t1 : itree E R1) (t2 : itree E R2),
    pi_eqit_secure Label priv RR b1 b2 l t1 t2 pi_eqit_secure Label priv (flip RR) b2 b1 l t2 t1.
  pcofix CIH. intros t1 t2 Hsec.
  punfold Hsec. pfold. red in Hsec. red. inversion Hsec; pclearbot; eauto;
  try (unpriv_pi; right; eapply CIH; apply H1; fail).
  constructor; auto. right. eapply CIH; apply H1.

Lemma pi_secure_eqit_mon : E (b1 b2 b3 b4 : bool) R1 R2 RR1 RR2 Label priv l
      (t1 : itree E R1) (t2 : itree E R2),
    (b1 b3) (b2 b4) (RR1 <2= RR2)
    pi_eqit_secure Label priv RR1 b1 b2 l t1 t2 pi_eqit_secure Label priv RR2 b3 b4 l t1 t2.
  intros. generalize dependent t2. revert t1. pcofix CIH.
  intros t1 t2 Ht12. pstep. red.
  punfold Ht12. red in Ht12.
  hinduction Ht12 before r; intros; eauto; pclearbot;
  try (unpriv_pi; right; apply CIH; try red; eauto; fail);
  constructor; auto. right. eauto. apply CIH; apply H2.

Lemma pi_eqit_secure_spin b E R1 R2 (RR : R1 R2 Prop) Label priv l : (t1 : itree E R1),
    pi_eqit_secure Label priv RR b true l t1 (ITree.spin).
  pcofix CIH. intros. pfold. red. cbn. constructor; auto.

Lemma pi_eqit_secure_private_halt b E R1 R2 (RR : R1 R2 Prop) Label priv l A (e : E A) k:
  empty A ¬ leq (priv A e) l (t1 : itree E R1),
    pi_eqit_secure Label priv RR b true l t1 (Vis e k).
  intros HA t1. pfold. red. cbn. intros. unpriv_pi. inv HA; contradiction.

Lemma pi_eqit_secure_mixed_trans_aux1:
   (E : Type Type) (R1 : Type) (b2 : bool) (R2 : Type) (RR1 : R1 R2 Prop)
    (Label : Preorder) (priv : A : Type, E A L) (l : L) t1 t2,
    paco2 (pi_secure_eqit_ Label priv RR1 true b2 l id) bot2 t1 (Tau t2)
    pi_eqit_secure Label priv RR1 true b2 l t1 t2.
  intros E R1 b2 R2 RR1 Label priv l. pcofix CIH.
  intros t1 t2 Htau. punfold Htau. red in Htau.
  pfold. red. cbn in ×. inv Htau; pclearbot; eauto.
  - constructor; auto. left. eapply paco2_mon; eauto. intros; contradiction.
  - constructor; auto. right. eapply CIH; eauto. pfold. red. rewrite <- H0.
    cbn. pstep_reverse.
  - pstep_reverse. eapply paco2_mon; eauto. intros; contradiction.
  - unpriv_pi. left. eapply paco2_mon; eauto. intros; contradiction.
  - unpriv_pi. right. eapply CIH. pfold. red. rewrite <- H0.
    cbn. pstep_reverse.

Lemma pi_eqit_secure_mixed_trans b1 b2 E R1 R2 R3 (RR1 : R1 R2 Prop) (RR2 : R2 R3 Prop)
      Label priv l : (t1 : itree E R1) t2 t3,
    pi_eqit_secure Label priv RR1 b1 b2 l t1 t2 eqit RR2 b1 b2 t2 t3
    pi_eqit_secure Label priv (rcompose RR1 RR2) b1 b2 l t1 t3.
  pcofix CIH. intros t1 t2 t3 Hsec Heq. punfold Heq.
  red in Heq. punfold Hsec. red in Hsec. pfold. red.
  hinduction Heq before r; intros; try inv CHECK; pclearbot.
  - inv Hsec; eauto with itree; unpriv_pi; pclearbot.
    + rewrite itree_eta'. constructor; auto with itree. right. eapply CIH; eauto.
      pfold. red. rewrite H0. constructor. auto.
    + rewrite itree_eta'. unpriv_pi. right. eapply CIH; eauto.
      apply H1. pfold. red. rewrite H0. constructor; auto.
  - inv Hsec; pclearbot; eauto with itree.
    + constructor. right. eapply CIH; eauto with itree.
      pfold. red. rewrite H0. constructor; auto. pstep_reverse.
    + unpriv_pi. right. eapply CIH; eauto. apply H1.
    + rewrite itree_eta'. unpriv_pi. right. eapply CIH; eauto.
      inv CHECK. apply pi_eqit_secure_mixed_trans_aux1.
      pfold. red. rewrite <- H0. cbn. pstep_reverse.
  - inv Hsec.
    + pclearbot. rewrite itree_eta'. constructor; auto. right. eapply CIH; eauto.
      pfold. red. rewrite H0. constructor. left. auto.
    + ddestruction. subst. constructor; auto with itree. right.
      pclearbot. eapply CIH; eauto with itree. apply H1.
    + ddestruction. subst. unpriv_pi. right. pclearbot.
      eapply CIH; eauto with itree. apply H1.
    + ddestruction. subst. unpriv_pi. right. pclearbot.
      eapply CIH; eauto with itree. apply H1.
    + pclearbot. remember (VisF e k2) as ovis. rewrite itree_eta'.
      unpriv_pi. rewrite Heqovis. right. eapply CIH; eauto with itree. apply H1.
      pfold. red. rewrite H0. constructor. left. auto.
    + ddestruction. subst. unpriv_pi. right. eapply CIH; eauto with itree. pclearbot. apply H1.
  - eapply IHHeq; eauto. clear IHHeq. inv Hsec; pclearbot.
    + constructor; auto.
    + constructor; auto. left. apply pi_eqit_secure_mixed_trans_aux1. pfold. red.
      rewrite <- H0. cbn. pstep_reverse.
    + pstep_reverse.
    + unpriv_pi.
    + unpriv_pi. left. apply pi_eqit_secure_mixed_trans_aux1. pfold. red.
      rewrite <- H0. cbn. pstep_reverse.
  - constructor; auto. left. pfold. eapply IHHeq; eauto.

Lemma pi_eqit_secure_RR_imp b1 b2 E R1 R2 (RR1 : R1 R2 Prop ) (RR2 : R1 R2 Prop)
      Label priv l : ( r1 r2, RR1 r1 r2 RR2 r1 r2)
                      (t1 : itree E R1) (t2 : itree E R2),
      pi_eqit_secure Label priv RR1 b1 b2 l t1 t2
      pi_eqit_secure Label priv RR2 b1 b2 l t1 t2.
  intro Himp. pcofix CIH.
  intros. pfold. red. punfold H0. red in H0.
  inv H0; eauto;
  try (constructor; auto; pclearbot; eauto; fail);
  try (pclearbot; constructor; auto; right; eapply CIH; eauto; try apply H2; fail).

Lemma pi_eqit_secureC_wcompat_id : b1 b2 E R1 R2 (RR : R1 R2 Prop )
      Label priv l
, wcompatible2 (@pi_secure_eqit_ E R1 R2 Label priv RR b1 b2 l id)
                                         (eqitC RR b1 b2) .
  econstructor. pmonauto_itree.
  intros. destruct PR.
  punfold EQVl. punfold EQVr. unfold_eqit. red in REL. red.
  hinduction REL before r; intros; clear t1' t2'; try inv CHECK.
  - genobs_clear t1 ot1. genobs_clear t2 ot2.
    remember (RetF r1) as x.
    hinduction EQVl before r; intros; inv Heqx; eauto.
    + remember (RetF r3) as y.
      hinduction EQVr before r; intros; inv Heqy; eauto with itree.
      rewrite itree_eta' at 1. constructor; eauto with itree. gstep. red.
      eapply IHEQVr; eauto.
    + rewrite itree_eta'. constructor; auto. cbn. gstep. red. cbn.
  - remember (TauF t1) as y.
    hinduction EQVl before r; intros; inv Heqy; try inv CHECK; subst; eauto.
    + remember (TauF t2) as x.
      hinduction EQVr before r; intros; inv Heqx; try inv CHECK; subst; eauto.
      pclearbot. constructor. gclo. econstructor; eauto with paco.
      remember (TauF m1) as ot1. rewrite itree_eta' at 1.
      constructor; auto. rewrite Heqot1. gstep. red. cbn. eauto.
    + constructor; auto. gstep. red. eapply IHEQVl; eauto.
  - inv EQVl; pclearbot; try inv CHECK.
    + constructor; auto. gclo. econstructor; eauto with paco itree.
    + constructor; auto. gclo. econstructor; eauto with paco itree.
      apply eqit_inv_Tau_r. pfold. auto.
  - inv EQVr; pclearbot; try inv CHECK.
    + constructor; auto. gclo. econstructor; eauto with paco itree.
    + constructor; auto. gclo. econstructor; eauto with paco itree.
      apply eqit_inv_Tau_r. pfold. auto.
  - remember (VisF e k1) as x.
    hinduction EQVl before r; intros; inv Heqx; try inv CHECK; eauto.
    + ddestruction. subst. remember (VisF e0 k3) as y.
      hinduction EQVr before r; intros; inv Heqy; try inv CHECK; eauto.
      × ddestruction. subst. constructor; auto.
        intros. apply gpaco2_clo. pclearbot. econstructor; eauto with itree. apply H.
      × pclearbot. remember (VisF e0 k1) as ovis. rewrite itree_eta' at 1.
        constructor; auto. rewrite Heqovis. gstep. red. eapply IHEQVr; eauto with itree.
    + constructor; auto. gstep. red. eapply IHEQVl; eauto.
  - remember (VisF e k1) as x.
    hinduction EQVl before r; intros; inv Heqx; try inv CHECK; subst; eauto.
    + ddestruction. subst. pclearbot. remember (TauF t2) as y.
      hinduction EQVr before r; intros; inv Heqy; try inv CHECK; subst; pclearbot; eauto.
      × unpriv_pi. gclo. econstructor; cycle -1; eauto with paco itree. gfinal. left. apply H.
      × remember (VisF e0 k1) as ovis. rewrite itree_eta' at 1. constructor; auto.
        rewrite Heqovis. gstep. red. eapply IHEQVr; eauto.
    + constructor; auto. gstep. red. eapply IHEQVl; eauto.
  - remember (TauF t1) as x.
    hinduction EQVl before r; intros; inv Heqx; try inv CHECK; subst; eauto.
    + remember (VisF e k2) as y.
      hinduction EQVr before r; intros; inv Heqy; try inv CHECK; subst; eauto.
      × ddestruction. subst.
        pclearbot. unpriv_pi. gclo. econstructor; cycle -1; eauto with paco itree.
        gfinal. left. apply H.
      × remember (TauF m1) as otm1. rewrite itree_eta' at 1. constructor; auto.
        gstep. rewrite Heqotm1. red. eapply IHEQVr; eauto.
   + constructor; auto. gstep. red. eapply IHEQVl; eauto.
  - remember (VisF e1 k1) as x.
    hinduction EQVl before r; intros; inv Heqx; try inv CHECK; subst; eauto.
    + ddestruction. subst. remember (VisF e2 k3) as y.
      hinduction EQVr before r; intros; inv Heqy; try inv CHECK; subst; eauto.
      × ddestruction. subst. unpriv_pi. gclo. pclearbot.
        econstructor; eauto with paco itree. gfinal. left. apply H.
      × remember (VisF e1 k1) as ovis. rewrite itree_eta' at 1.
        constructor; auto. rewrite Heqovis. gstep. eapply IHEQVr; eauto.
    + remember (VisF e2 k2) as x.
      hinduction EQVr before r; intros; inv Heqx; try inv CHECK; subst; eauto.
      × ddestruction. subst. pclearbot. unpriv_pi.
         gclo. eapply eqit_trans_clo_intro with (t1' := Vis e1 k0); eauto with paco itree.
         gstep. red. cbn. unpriv_pi. gfinal. left. apply H.
       × remember (TauF t3) as ott3. rewrite itree_eta' at 1. constructor; auto.
         rewrite Heqott3. gstep. red. eapply IHEQVr; eauto.
  - remember (VisF e k1) as x.
    hinduction EQVl before r; intros; inv Heqx; try inv CHECK; eauto.
    + ddestruction. subst. pclearbot. unpriv_pi.
      gclo. econstructor; eauto with paco itree. gfinal. left. apply H.
    + constructor; auto. gstep. eapply IHEQVl; eauto.
  - remember (VisF e k2) as x.
    hinduction EQVr before r; intros; inv Heqx; try inv CHECK; eauto.
    + ddestruction. subst. pclearbot. unpriv_pi.
      gclo. econstructor; eauto with paco itree. gfinal. left. apply H.
    + constructor; auto. gstep. eapply IHEQVr; eauto.

#[export] Hint Resolve pi_eqit_secureC_wcompat_id : paco.

Global Instance geuttgen_cong_secure_eqit {E} {Label priv l} {R1 R2 : Type} {RR1 : R1 R1 Prop}
    {RR2 : R2 R2 Prop} {RS : R1 R2 Prop} (b1 b2 : bool) {r rg} :
    ( (x x' : R1) (y : R2), (RR1 x x' : Prop) (RS x' y : Prop) RS x y)
    ( (x : R1) (y y' : R2), (RR2 y y' : Prop) RS x y' RS x y)
    Proper (@eq_itree E R1 R1 RR1 ==> eq_itree RR2 ==> flip impl)
           (gpaco2 (pi_secure_eqit_ Label priv RS b1 b2 l id) (eqitC RS b1 b2) r rg ).
  repeat intro. gclo. econstructor; eauto with itree.
  - eapply eqit_mon, H1; eauto; discriminate.
  - eapply eqit_mon, H2; eauto; discriminate.

Global Instance geuttgen_cong_eq_secure_eqit {E} {Label priv l} {R1 R2 : Type} {RS : R1 R2 Prop} (b1 b2 : bool) {r rg} :
    Proper (@eq_itree E R1 R1 eq ==> eq_itree eq ==> flip impl)
           (gpaco2 (pi_secure_eqit_ Label priv RS b1 b2 l id) (eqitC RS b1 b2) r rg ).
  eapply geuttgen_cong_secure_eqit; eauto; intros; subst; auto.

Global Instance pi_eqit_secure_eq_itree_proper {E} {Label priv l} {R1 R2 : Type} {RS : R1 R2 Prop} (b1 b2 : bool) :
   Proper (@eutt E R1 R1 eq ==> eutt eq ==> flip impl)
          (pi_eqit_secure Label priv RS true true l).
  intros t1 t2 Ht12 t3 t4 Ht34. intros Hsec.
  apply pi_eqit_secure_RR_imp with (RR1 := rcompose RS eq).
  { intros. inv H. auto. }
  eapply pi_eqit_secure_mixed_trans. 2: { symmetry in Ht34. apply Ht34. }
  apply pi_eqit_secure_sym in Hsec. apply pi_eqit_secure_sym.
  symmetry in Ht12.
  apply pi_eqit_secure_RR_imp with (RR1 := rcompose (flip RS) eq).
  { intros. inv H. auto. }
  eapply pi_eqit_secure_mixed_trans; eauto.

Global Instance pi_eqit_secure_eutt_proper {E} {Label priv l} {R1 R2 : Type} {RS : R1 R2 Prop} (b1 b2 : bool) :
   Proper (@eq_itree E R1 R1 eq ==> eq_itree eq ==> flip impl)
          (pi_eqit_secure Label priv RS b1 b2 l).
  repeat intro. ginit. rewrite H, H0. gfinal. eauto.

Lemma pi_eqit_secure_ret E Label priv l b1 b2 R1 R2 (RR : R1 R2 Prop) r1 r2 :
  RR r1 r2 @pi_eqit_secure E R1 R2 Label priv RR b1 b2 l (Ret r1) (Ret r2).
  intros; pfold; constructor; auto.

Lemma pi_eqit_secure_bind E Label priv l b1 b2 R1 R2 S1 S2 (RR : R1 R2 Prop) (RS : S1 S2 Prop) k1 k2 :
   (t1 : itree E R1) (t2 : itree E R2),
    ( (r1 : R1) (r2 : R2), RR r1 r2 pi_eqit_secure Label priv RS b1 b2 l (k1 r1) (k2 r2) )
    pi_eqit_secure Label priv RR b1 b2 l t1 t2
    pi_eqit_secure Label priv RS b1 b2 l (ITree.bind t1 k1) (ITree.bind t2 k2).
  ginit. gcofix CIH. intros. pinversion H1.
  - apply simpobs in H. apply simpobs in H2. rewrite H. rewrite H2.
    repeat rewrite bind_ret_l. gfinal. right. eapply paco2_mon; try apply H0; auto.
    intros; contradiction.
  - apply simpobs in H. apply simpobs in H2. rewrite H. rewrite H2.
    repeat rewrite bind_tau. gstep. constructor. gfinal. left. eapply CIH; eauto.
  - apply simpobs in H. apply simpobs in H2. rewrite H2. rewrite H. rewrite bind_tau.
    gstep. constructor; auto. gfinal. left. eapply CIH; eauto.
    pfold. red. cbn. pstep_reverse.
  - apply simpobs in H. apply simpobs in H2. rewrite H2. rewrite H. rewrite bind_tau.
    gstep. constructor; auto. gfinal. left. eapply CIH; eauto.
    pfold. red. cbn. pstep_reverse.
  - apply simpobs in H. apply simpobs in H2. rewrite H. rewrite H2.
    repeat rewrite bind_vis. gstep. constructor; auto.
    gfinal. left. eapply CIH; eauto. apply H3.
  - apply simpobs in H. apply simpobs in H2. rewrite H. rewrite H2.
    rewrite bind_vis. rewrite bind_tau. gstep. red. cbn. unpriv_pi.
    gfinal. left. eapply CIH; eauto. apply H3.
  - apply simpobs in H. apply simpobs in H2. rewrite H. rewrite H2.
    rewrite bind_vis. rewrite bind_tau. gstep. red. cbn. unpriv_pi.
    gfinal. left. eapply CIH; eauto. apply H3.
  - apply simpobs in H. apply simpobs in H2. rewrite H. rewrite H2.
    repeat rewrite bind_vis. gstep. red. cbn. unpriv_pi.
    gfinal. left. eapply CIH; eauto. apply H3.
  - apply simpobs in H. apply simpobs in H2. rewrite H. rewrite H2.
    rewrite bind_vis. gstep. red. unpriv_pi.
    gfinal. left. eapply CIH; eauto. pfold. red. cbn. pstep_reverse.
  - apply simpobs in H. apply simpobs in H2. rewrite H. rewrite H2.
    rewrite bind_vis. gstep. red. unpriv_pi.
    gfinal. left. eapply CIH; eauto. pfold. red. cbn. pstep_reverse.

Lemma pi_eqit_secure_iter_bind_aux:
   (E : Type Type) (B2 B1 A1 A2 : Type) (RA : A1 A2 Prop)
    (RB : B1 B2 Prop) (b1 b2 : bool) (Label : Preorder)
    (priv : A : Type, E A L) (l : L) (body1 : A1 itree E (A1 + B1))
    (body2 : A2 itree E (A2 + B2)) (r : itree E B1 itree E B2 Prop),
    ( (a1 : A1) (a2 : A2), RA a1 a2 r (ITree.iter body1 a1) (ITree.iter body2 a2))
     (t1 : itree E (A1 + B1)) (t2 : itree E (A2 + B2)),
      paco2 (pi_secure_eqit_ Label priv (HeterogeneousRelations.sum_rel RA RB) b1 b2 l id) bot2 t1
      gpaco2 (pi_secure_eqit_ Label priv RB b1 b2 l id) (eqitC RB b1 b2) r r
             (ITree.bind t1
                         (fun lr : A1 + B1
                            match lr with
                            | inl l0Tau (ITree.iter body1 l0)
                            | inr r0Ret r0
             (ITree.bind t2
                         (fun lr : A2 + B2
                            match lr with
                            | inl l0Tau (ITree.iter body2 l0)
                            | inr r0Ret r0
  intros E B2 B1 A1 A2 RA RB b1 b2 Label priv l body1 body2 r CIH t1 t2 H2.
  generalize dependent t2. revert t1. gcofix CIH'. intros t1 t2 Ht12.
  pinversion Ht12; apply simpobs in H; apply simpobs in H0.
  - rewrite H, H0. repeat rewrite bind_ret_l. inv H1.
    + gstep. constructor. gfinal. left. apply CIH'0. eapply CIH; eauto.
    + gstep. constructor; auto.
  - rewrite H, H0. repeat rewrite bind_tau. gstep. constructor.
    gfinal. left. eapply CIH'; eauto.
  - rewrite H. rewrite <- itree_eta in H0. rewrite H0. rewrite bind_tau. gstep.
    constructor; auto. gfinal.
    left. eapply CIH'; eauto.
  - rewrite H0. rewrite <- itree_eta in H. rewrite H. rewrite bind_tau. gstep.
    constructor; auto. gfinal.
    left. eapply CIH'; eauto.
  - rewrite H, H0. repeat rewrite bind_vis. gstep. constructor; auto.
    intros. gfinal. left. eauto.
  - rewrite H, H0. rewrite bind_vis, bind_tau. gstep. unpriv_pi; auto.
    intros. gfinal. left. eauto.
  - rewrite H, H0. rewrite bind_vis, bind_tau. gstep. unpriv_pi; auto.
    intros. gfinal. left. eauto.
  - rewrite H, H0. repeat rewrite bind_vis. gstep. unpriv_pi.
    gfinal. left. eauto.
  - rewrite H. rewrite <- itree_eta in H0. rewrite H0. rewrite bind_vis.
    gstep. unpriv_pi. gfinal. left. eauto.
  - rewrite H0. rewrite <- itree_eta in H. rewrite H. rewrite bind_vis.
    gstep. unpriv_pi. gfinal. left. eauto.

Lemma secure_eqit_iter E A1 A2 B1 B2 (RA : A1 A2 Prop) (RB : B1 B2 Prop)
                           b1 b2 Label priv l
                           (body1 : A1 itree E (A1 + B1) ) (body2 : A2 itree E (A2 + B2) ):
  ( a1 a2, RA a1 a2 pi_eqit_secure Label priv (HeterogeneousRelations.sum_rel RA RB) b1 b2 l (body1 a1) (body2 a2) )
                            (a1 : A1) (a2 : A2), RA a1 a2
    pi_eqit_secure Label priv RB b1 b2 l (ITree.iter body1 a1) (ITree.iter body2 a2).
  intro Hbody. ginit. gcofix CIH. intros. rewrite unfold_iter. rewrite unfold_iter.
  apply Hbody in H0. pinversion H0; apply simpobs in H; apply simpobs in H1.
  - rewrite H. rewrite H1. repeat rewrite bind_ret_l. inv H2.
    + gstep. constructor. gfinal. left. eapply CIH; eauto.
    + gstep. constructor; auto.
  - rewrite H. rewrite H1. repeat rewrite bind_tau. gstep.
    constructor. eapply pi_eqit_secure_iter_bind_aux; eauto.
  - rewrite H. rewrite bind_tau. gstep. constructor; auto.
    eapply pi_eqit_secure_iter_bind_aux; eauto.
    assert (t1 body1 a1).
    { rewrite H. rewrite tau_eutt. reflexivity. }
    inv CHECK. rewrite <- itree_eta in H1. rewrite H1. auto.
  - rewrite H1. rewrite bind_tau. gstep. constructor; auto.
    eapply pi_eqit_secure_iter_bind_aux; eauto. rewrite H.
    rewrite <- itree_eta. apply H2.
  - rewrite H, H1. repeat rewrite bind_vis. gstep. constructor; auto.
    intros. red.
    eapply pi_eqit_secure_iter_bind_aux; eauto.
  - rewrite H, H1. rewrite bind_vis, bind_tau. gstep. unpriv_pi.
    eapply pi_eqit_secure_iter_bind_aux; eauto.
  - rewrite H, H1. rewrite bind_vis, bind_tau. gstep. unpriv_pi.
    eapply pi_eqit_secure_iter_bind_aux; eauto.
  - rewrite H, H1. repeat rewrite bind_vis. gstep. unpriv_pi.
    eapply pi_eqit_secure_iter_bind_aux; eauto.
  - rewrite H. rewrite bind_vis. gstep. unpriv_pi.
    eapply pi_eqit_secure_iter_bind_aux; eauto.
    rewrite H1. rewrite <- itree_eta. apply H2.
  - rewrite H1. rewrite bind_vis. gstep. unpriv_pi. red.
    rewrite H. rewrite <- itree_eta.
    eapply pi_eqit_secure_iter_bind_aux; eauto.