
From Coq Require Import

From ITree Require Import Tacs.

Set Warnings "-future-coercion-class-field".

(* Heterogeneous relation definition, modified from *)

(* A categorical account of this file is given in CategoryRelation.v *)

#[global] Tactic Notation "intros !" := repeat intro.

Definition relationH (A B : Type) := A B Prop.

Section RelationH_Operations.

  Definition rel_compose {A B C} (S : relationH B C) (R : relationH A B): relationH A C :=
    fun x y b, R x b S b y.

Relations for morphisms/parametricity

  (* Heterogeneous notion of subrelation *)
  Definition subrelationH {A B} (R S : relationH A B) : Prop :=
     (x : A) (y : B), R x y S x y.

  Definition eq_rel {A B} (R S : relationH A B) :=
      subrelationH R S subrelationH S R.

  Definition transpose {A B: Type} (R: relationH A B): relationH B A :=
    fun x yR y x.

  (* The graph of a function forms a relation *)
  Definition fun_rel {A B: Type} (f: A B): relationH A B :=
    fun x yy = f x.

Relations for morphisms/parametricity

Logical relation for the sum type.
  Variant sum_rel {A1 A2 B1 B2 : Type}
      (RA : relationH A1 A2) (RB : relationH B1 B2)
  : relationH (A1 + B1) (A2 + B2) :=
  | inl_morphism a1 a2 : RA a1 a2 sum_rel RA RB (inl a1) (inl a2)
  | inr_morphism b1 b2 : RB b1 b2 sum_rel RA RB (inr b1) (inr b2).

Logical relation for the prod type.
  Record prod_rel {A1 A2 B1 B2 : Type}
      (RA : relationH A1 A2) (RB : relationH B1 B2)
      (p1 : A1 × B1) (p2 : A2 × B2) : Prop := prod_morphism
  { fst_rel : RA (fst p1) (fst p2)
  ; snd_rel : RB (snd p1) (snd p2) }.

End RelationH_Operations.

#[global] Hint Constructors prod_rel: core.
#[global] Hint Constructors sum_rel: core.

Arguments inl_morphism {A1 A2 B1 B2 RA RB}.
Arguments inr_morphism {A1 A2 B1 B2 RA RB}.
Arguments fst_rel {A1 A2 B1 B2 RA RB}.
Arguments snd_rel {A1 A2 B1 B2 RA RB}.

Arguments rel_compose [A B C] S R.
Arguments subrelationH [A B] R S.
Arguments transpose [A B] R.
Arguments sum_rel [A1 A2 B1 B2] RA RB.
Arguments prod_rel [A1 A2 B1 B2] RA RB.

Declare Scope relationH_scope.
Delimit Scope relationH_scope with relationH.

Module RelNotations.

  (* Notice the levels: (R ⊕ S ⊗ T ∘ U) is parsed as ((R ⊕ (S ⊗ T)) ∘ U) *)
  Infix "∘" := rel_compose (at level 40, left associativity) : relationH_scope.
  Infix "⊕" := sum_rel (at level 39, left associativity) : relationH_scope.
  Infix "⊗" := prod_rel (at level 38, left associativity) : relationH_scope.

  Infix "⊑" := subrelationH (at level 70, no associativity) : relationH_scope.
  Notation "† R" := (transpose R) (at level 5, right associativity) : relationH_scope.

  Infix "≡" := eq_rel (at level 70, no associativity) : relationH_scope.

End RelNotations.

Import RelNotations.
#[local] Open Scope relationH_scope.

Definition relationH_of_Type (A : Type) : relationH A A :=
  fun x yx = y.

Instance Proper_relation {A: Type} (R : relationH A A) :
  Proper (@eq A ==> @eq A ==> iff) R.
  repeat intro.
  repeat red.
  split; intros.
  - rewrite <- H,<- H0. auto.
  - rewrite H, H0. auto.

(* Properties of Heterogeneous Relations ************************************ *)

Class ReflexiveH {A: Type} (R : relationH A A) : Prop :=
  reflexive : (a:A), R a a.

Class SymmetricH {A: Type} (R : relationH A A) : Prop :=
  symmetric : x y, R x y R y x.

Class TransitiveH {A: Type} (R : relationH A A) : Prop :=
  transitive : x y z, R x y R y z R x z.

Class PER {A : Type} (R : relationH A A) : Type :=
    per_symm :> SymmetricH R;
    per_trans :> TransitiveH R

Class Preorder {A : Type} (R : relationH A A) : Type :=
    pre_refl :> ReflexiveH R;
    pre_trans :> TransitiveH R

Class EquivalenceH {A : Type} (R : relationH A A) : Type :=
    equiv_refl :> ReflexiveH R;
    equiv_symm :> SymmetricH R;
    equiv_trans :> TransitiveH R

Instance relationH_reflexive : (A:Type), ReflexiveH (@eq A).
  repeat intro.

Instance relationH_symmetric : (A:Type), SymmetricH (@eq A).
  repeat intro. cbn; auto.

Instance relationH_transitive : (A:Type), TransitiveH (@eq A).
  repeat intro. cbn in ×. etransitivity.
  apply H. apply H0.

Instance relationH_PER {A : Type} : PER (@eq A).
  constructor; typeclasses eauto.

Instance relationH_Preorder {A : Type} : Preorder (@eq A).
  constructor; typeclasses eauto.

Instance relationH_Equiv {A : Type} : EquivalenceH (@eq A).
  constructor; typeclasses eauto.

Lemma ReflexiveH_Reflexive {A: Type} (R : relationH A A) :
  ReflexiveH R Reflexive R.
  split; intros.
  - red. apply H.
  - apply H.

Lemma SymmetricH_Symmetric {A: Type} (R : relationH A A) :
  SymmetricH R Symmetric R.
  split; intros.
  - red. unfold SymmetricH in H. intros. specialize (H x y). cbn in H.
    apply H. assumption.
  - red. intros p HP. cbn in ×. apply H.

Lemma TransitiveH_Transitive {A: Type} (R : relationH A A) :
  TransitiveH R Transitive R.
  split; intros.
  - red. intros x y z H0 H1. unfold TransitiveH in H. eapply H; eauto.
  - red. intros p q HP HQ EQ.
    unfold Transitive in H. cbn in EQ.
    eapply H; eauto.


Section SubRelationH.

  (* YZ TODO: Study how subrelation is manipulated. Notably:
     * Relevance of using flip exactly, and how it relates to us using transpose
     * Definition of relation_equivalence in terms of predicate_equivalence

  Lemma subrelationH_Reflexive {A B: Type} (R: relationH A B): R R.
    intros!; auto.

  Lemma subrelationH_antisym {A B: Type} (R S: relationH A B) `{R S} `{S R}: R S.
    split; auto.

  Lemma subrelationH_trans {A B: Type} (R S T: relationH A B)
         `{R S} `{S T} : R T.
    intros!; auto.

  Lemma subrelationH_refl_eq {A: Type} (R: relationH A A) (H : Reflexive R) : @eq A R.
    rewrite H0. cbn. apply H.

End SubRelationH.

Section RelationEqRel.

  (* eq_rel is an equivalence relation *)
  Instance eq_rel_Reflexive {A B} : Reflexive (@eq_rel A B).
    red. unfold eq_rel, subrelationH. tauto.

  Instance eq_rel_Symmetric {A B} : Symmetric (@eq_rel A B).
    red. unfold eq_rel, subrelationH. tauto.

  Instance eq_rel_Transitive {A B} : Transitive (@eq_rel A B).
    red. unfold eq_rel, subrelationH. intros.
    destruct H, H0. split; eauto.

  Instance eq_rel_Equiv {A B} : Equivalence (@eq_rel A B).
    split; typeclasses eauto.

  (* YZ: I believe that this instance is redundant with the Transitive instance, as illustrated by its proof *)
  Instance eq_rel_Proper {A B} : Proper (eq_rel ==> eq_rel ==> iff) (@eq_rel A B).
    intros ? ? EQ1 ? ? EQ2.
    rewrite EQ1,EQ2; reflexivity.

  (* This instance should allow to rewrite H: R S in a goal of the form R x y *)
  (* It works in simple contxets, however, it fails weirdly quickly. See:

  (* Global Instance eq_rel_rewrite {A B}: subrelationH eq_rel (pointwise_relation A (pointwise_relation B iff)). *)
  (* Proof. *)
  (*   intros!; destructn eq_rel; split; intro; appn subrelationH; auto. *)
  (* Qed. *)
End RelationEqRel.

Section RelationCompose.

  (* eq define identities *)
  Lemma eq_id_r: {A B : Type} (R : relationH A B),
    ((@eq B) R) R.
    split; intros!.
    - cbn in ×. destruct H as (b & HR & EQ).
      rewrite <- EQ. assumption.
    - cbn. y. split; auto.

  Lemma eq_id_l: {A B} (R : relationH A B),
      R (@eq A) R.
    split; intros!.
    - cbn in ×. destruct H as (b & EQ & HR).
      rewrite EQ. assumption.
    - cbn. x. split; auto.

  (* Composition is associative *)

  Lemma compose_assoc: {A B C D} (R : relationH A B) (S : relationH B C) (T : relationH C D),
      T S R (T S) R.
    split; intros!; cbn in ×.
    - repeat destruct H. repeat destruct H0.
      repeat (eexists; split; eauto).
    - repeat destruct H. repeat destruct H0.
      repeat (eexists; split; eauto).

  Instance Proper_compose: A B C,
        (* (relationH B C -> relationH A B -> relationH A C) *)
        (eq_rel ==> eq_rel ==> eq_rel) (@rel_compose A B C).
    intros ? ? ? S S' EQS R R' EQR.
    split; intros ? ? EQ; destruct EQ as (? & ? & ?); econstructor; split; (apply EQR || apply EQS); eauto.

End RelationCompose.

Section TransposeFacts.

  (* SAZ: Unfortunately adding these typeclass instances can cause typeclass resolution
   to loop when looking for a reflexive instance.
   e.t. in InterpFacts we get a loop.

     YZ: If it's indeed too much of a problem, one solution is to not declare them Global and use
     Existing Instance locally in section where we them.

  (* begin
     transpose is closed on equivalence relations

  (* YZ: Would it be worth to Typeeclass this property? *)
  Instance transpose_Reflexive {A} (R : relationH A A) {RR: Reflexive R} : Reflexive R | 100.
    red. intros x. apply RR.

  Instance transpose_Symmetric {A} (R : relationH A A) {RS: Symmetric R} : Symmetric R | 100.
    red; intros x; unfold transpose; intros. apply SymmetricH_Symmetric in RS.
    apply RS. assumption.

  Instance transpose_Transitive {A} (R : relationH A A) {RT : Transitive R} : Transitive R | 100.
    red; intros x; unfold transpose; intros.
    apply TransitiveH_Transitive in RT.
    unfold TransitiveH in RT.
    (* destruct A. cbn in *. destruct R. cbn in *. *)
    specialize (RT z y x). apply RT; eauto.

  (* transpose is closed on equivalence relations *)

  (* transpose is a functor (from the opposite category into itself) *)

  Lemma transpose_eq {A: Type}
    : (@eq A) (@eq A).
    split; unfold transpose; intros!; subst; auto.

  Lemma transpose_sym {A : Type} (R : relationH A A) {RS: Symmetric R}
    : R R.
    unfold transpose; split; intros!; cbn in ×.
    apply SymmetricH_Symmetric in RS. red in RS.
    apply (RS y x). assumption.
    apply SymmetricH_Symmetric in RS. red in RS.
    apply (RS x y). assumption.

  Lemma transpose_compose {A B C : Type}
        (R : relationH A B) (S : relationH B C)
    : (S R) (R S).
    split; unfold transpose; cbn; intros!; cbn in ×.
    - destruct H as (b & HR & HS). b. tauto.
    - destruct H as (b & HR & HS). b. tauto.

  Instance Proper_transpose {A B : Type}
    : Proper (eq_rel ==> eq_rel) (@transpose A B).
    intros ? ? EQ; split; unfold transpose; intros!; apply EQ; auto.

  (*    transpose is a functor *)

  (* transpose is an involution *)
  Lemma transpose_involution : {A B} (R : relationH A B),
       R R.
    intros A B R.
    - unfold subrelationH. unfold transpose. tauto.
    - unfold subrelationH, transpose. tauto.

  Lemma transpose_inclusion : {A B} (R1 : relationH A B) (R2 : relationH A B),
      R1 R2 ( R1 R2).
    intros A B R1 R2.
    - intros HS.
      unfold subrelationH, transpose in ×. eauto.
    - intros HS.
      unfold subrelationH, transpose in ×. eauto.

  Instance transpose_Proper : A B, Proper (@eq_rel A B ==> eq_rel) (@transpose A B).
    intros A B R1 R2 (Hab & Hba).
    - apply transpose_inclusion in Hab. assumption.
    - apply transpose_inclusion in Hba. assumption.

  (* transpose is the identity over symmetric relations *)
  Lemma transpose_sym_eq_rel {A} (R : relationH A A) {RS: Symmetric R}
    : R R.
    unfold transpose; split; intros!; cbn in ×.
    - apply SymmetricH_Symmetric in RS. unfold SymmetricH in RS. apply (RS y x). assumption.
    - apply SymmetricH_Symmetric in RS. unfold SymmetricH in RS. apply (RS x y). assumption.

  (* transpose is monotone *)
  Lemma transpose_monotone
         {A B} (R S: relationH A B) `{R S}
    : R S.
    unfold transpose; intros!.
    apply H. auto.

End TransposeFacts.

Section ProdRelFacts.

  (* prod_rel preserves the structure of equivalence relations (what does one call it for a bifunctor?) *)
  Section Equivalence.
    Context {R S : Type}.
    Context (RR : relationH R R).
    Context (SS : relationH S S).

    Instance prod_rel_refl `{Reflexive _ RR} `{Reflexive _ SS} : Reflexive (RR SS).
      intros []. apply ReflexiveH_Reflexive in H. apply ReflexiveH_Reflexive in H0.
      cbn. split. apply H. apply H0.

    Instance prod_rel_sym `{Symmetric _ RR} `{Symmetric _ SS} : Symmetric (RR SS).
      intros ? ? ?. apply SymmetricH_Symmetric in H. apply SymmetricH_Symmetric in H0.
      destruct x; destruct y; cbn in ×. destruct H1. split.
      - unfold SymmetricH in H. apply H. auto.
      - unfold SymmetricH in H0. apply H0. auto.

    Instance prod_rel_trans `{Transitive _ RR} `{Transitive _ SS} : Transitive (RR SS).
      apply TransitiveH_Transitive in H. apply TransitiveH_Transitive in H0.
      unfold TransitiveH in ×.
      inversion H1; inversion H2; subst; eauto; inversion H9; subst.

    Instance prod_rel_eqv `{Equivalence _ RR} `{Equivalence _ SS} : Equivalence (RR SS).
      constructor; typeclasses eauto.

    Instance prod_rel_PER `{PER _ RR} `{PER _ SS} : @PER _ (RR SS).
      - destruct H, H0.
        eapply SymmetricH_Symmetric.
        eapply @prod_rel_sym; [ eapply SymmetricH_Symmetric; eauto .. | ].
        eapply SymmetricH_Symmetric; eauto.
      - eapply TransitiveH_Transitive.
        eapply @prod_rel_trans.
        + destruct H, H0.
          eapply TransitiveH_Transitive; eauto.
        + destruct H, H0.
          eapply TransitiveH_Transitive; eauto.

  End Equivalence.

  (* prod_rel is monotone in both parameters *)
  Lemma prod_rel_monotone
         {A B C D: Type} (R R': relationH A B) (S S': relationH C D)
         `{R R'} `{S S'}
  : R S R' S'.
    intros!. destruct x, y. repeat red. repeat red in H1. destruct H1.
    - apply H. assumption.
    - apply H0. assumption.

  (* begin *)
(*    prod_rel is a bifunctor *)
(*    *)

  Lemma prod_rel_eq : (A B:Type), (@eq A) (@eq B) @eq (A × B).
    unfold eq_rel; split; unfold subrelationH; intros.
    - destruct x, y. repeat red in H. destruct H. cbn in *; subst; reflexivity.
    - destruct x; destruct y. cbn in H. repeat red. inversion H. split; reflexivity.

  Definition prod_fst_rel {A B : Type} (R : relationH (A × B) (A × B)) :
    relationH A A :=
    fun x y (b1 b2 : B), R (x, b1) (y, b2).

  Definition prod_snd_rel {A B : Type} (R : relationH (A × B) (A × B)) :
    relationH B B :=
    fun x y (a1 a2 : A), R (a1, x) (a2, y).

  Lemma prod_inv (A B : Type) :
     (R : relationH (A × B) (A × B)) (x1 x2 : A) (y1 y2 : B),
        prod_fst_rel R x1 x2 prod_snd_rel R y1 y2
        R (x1, y1) (x2, y2).
    destruct H. unfold prod_fst_rel, prod_snd_rel in ×. cbn in ×.
    apply H0.

  Lemma prod_compose {A B C D E F: Type}
        (R: relationH A B) (S: relationH B C)
        (T: relationH D E) (U: relationH E F)
    : (S R) (U T) (S U) (R T).
    split; intros!.
    - destruct x, y. repeat red. repeat red in H. destruct H as [H1 H2].
      unfold fst, snd. cbn in H1, H2.
      edestruct H1 as (b & HR & HS).
      edestruct H2 as (e & HT & HU).
       (b, e). split; cbn; split; eauto.
    - destruct x, y. repeat red. repeat red in H. destruct H as [x [H1 H2]].
      + (fst x). cbn; split; [apply H1|apply H2].
      + (snd x). cbn; split; [apply H1|apply H2].

  Instance Proper_prod_rel {A B C D}: Proper (eq_rel ==> eq_rel ==> eq_rel) (@prod_rel A B C D).
    intros!. split; intros!; destruct x1, y1; cbn in *; destruct H1; split;
    try apply H; try apply H0; eauto.

  (* end *)
(*    prod_rel is a bifunctor *)

(* Note: we also have associators and unitors, forming a monoidal category. *)
(*      See CategoryRelation.v if needed. *)

  (* Distributivity of transpose over prod_rel *)
  Lemma transpose_prod {A B C D: Type}
        (R: relationH A B) (S: relationH C D)
    : (S R) (S R).
    split; unfold transpose; cbn; intros!; destruct x, y; cbn in *;
    destruct H; split; eauto.
End ProdRelFacts.

Section SumRelFacts.

  (* sum_rel preserves the structure of equivalence relations (what does one call it for a bifunctor?) *)
  Section Equivalence.
    Context {A B : Type}.
    Context (R : relationH A A).
    Context (S : relationH B B).

    Instance sum_rel_refl {RR: Reflexive R} {SR: Reflexive S} : Reflexive (R S).
      intros []. apply ReflexiveH_Reflexive in RR.
      apply ReflexiveH_Reflexive in SR.
      constructor. apply RR.
      constructor. apply SR.

    Instance sum_rel_sym {RS: Symmetric R} {SS: Symmetric S} : Symmetric (R S).
      intros ? ? ?. apply SymmetricH_Symmetric in RS.
      apply SymmetricH_Symmetric in SS.
      destruct x, y.
      - constructor. inversion H. subst. apply RS. auto.
      - inversion H.
      - inversion H.
      - constructor. inversion H. subst. apply SS. auto.

    Instance sum_rel_trans {RT: Transitive R} {ST: Transitive S} : Transitive (R S).
      apply TransitiveH_Transitive in RT. apply TransitiveH_Transitive in ST.
      unfold TransitiveH in ×.
      destruct x, y, z; try contradiction; inversion H; inversion H0; subst.
      cbn in ×.
      constructor. eauto. constructor. eauto.

    Instance sum_rel_eqv {RE: Equivalence R} {SE: Equivalence S} : Equivalence (R S).
      constructor; typeclasses eauto.

  End Equivalence.

  (* sum_rel is monotone in both parameters *)
  Lemma sum_rel_monotone
         {A B C D: Type} (R R': relationH A B) (S S': relationH C D)
         `{R R'} `{S S'}
    : R S R' S'.
    intros!; destruct x, y; repeat red; repeat red in H1;
    inversion H1; subst; constructor; eauto.

(*    sum_rel is a bifunctor *)

  Lemma sum_rel_eq : (A B: Type), @eq A @eq B @eq (A + B).
    intros. red.
    split; repeat intro; eauto.
    inversion H; subst; auto; try reflexivity.
    subst. destruct y; constructor; eauto.

  Lemma sum_compose {A B C D E F: Type}
        (R: relationH A B) (S: relationH B C)
        (T: relationH D E) (U: relationH E F)
  : (S R) (U T) (S U) (R T).
    split; intros!.
    - destruct x, y; inv H.
      destruct H2 as (? & ? & ?); eexists; eauto.
      destruct H2 as (? & ? & ?); eexists; eauto.
    - destruct H as (? & H1 & H2); inv H1; inv H2.
      econstructor; eexists; eauto.
      econstructor; eexists; eauto.

  Instance Proper_sum_rel {A B C D}: Proper (eq_rel ==> eq_rel ==> eq_rel) (@sum_rel A B C D).
    split; intros!; destruct x1, y1; cbn in *; try inversion H1;
      try apply H; try apply H0; eauto; subst; inversion H1; subst;
        try econstructor; try apply H; try apply H0; eauto.

(*    sum_rel is a bifunctor *)

(* Note: we also have associators and unitors, forming a monoidal category. *)
(*      See CategoryRelation.v if needed. *)
(*  *)

  (* Distributivity of transpose over sum_rel *)
  Lemma transpose_sum {A B C D: Type}
        (R: relationH A B) (S: relationH C D)
    : (S R) (S R).
    split; unfold transpose; cbn; intros!; destruct x, y; cbn in *;
      try inversion H; eauto; subst; inversion H; subst; try econstructor; eauto.

End SumRelFacts.

Lemma PER_reflexivityH1 : {A:Type} (R : relationH A A) (RS: SymmetricH R) (RT: TransitiveH R)
                            (a b : A), R a b R a a.
  assert (R b a). { specialize (RS a b). apply RS. assumption. }
  specialize (RT a b a). apply RT; auto.

Lemma PER_reflexivityH2 : {A:Type} (R : relationH A A) (RS: SymmetricH R) (RT: TransitiveH R)
                            (a b : A), R b a R a a.
  assert (R a b). { specialize (RS b a). apply RS. assumption. }
  specialize (RT a b a). apply RT; auto.

Ltac PER_reflexivityH :=
  match goal with
  | [ H : ?R ?X ?Y |- ?R ?X ?X ] ⇒ eapply PER_reflexivityH1; eauto
  | [ H : ?R ?Y ?X |- ?R ?X ?X ] ⇒ eapply PER_reflexivityH2; eauto
  end; try apply per_symm ; try apply per_trans.

Definition diagonal_prop {A : Type} (P : A Prop) : relationH A A :=
  fun x y ⇒ (P x P y).

Lemma diagonal_prop_SymmetricH {A : Type} (P : A Prop) : SymmetricH (diagonal_prop P).
  red. intros a1 a2 H.
  cbn in ×. unfold diagonal_prop in ×. tauto.

Lemma diagonal_prop_TransitiveH {A : Type} (P : A Prop) : TransitiveH (diagonal_prop P).
  red. intros.
  cbn in ×. unfold diagonal_prop in ×.

Lemma diagonal_prop_PER {A : Type} (P : A Prop) : PER (diagonal_prop P).
  red. intros.
  cbn in ×. unfold diagonal_prop in *; tauto.
  red. intros.
  cbn in ×. unfold diagonal_prop in *; tauto.

(* With the current state of the monad theory, we cannot prove the laws generically.
   We specialize things to failT (itree E) until we generalize Eq1 to be parameterized
   by the underlying relation on returned values.

Definition option_rel {X : Type} (R : relation X) : relation (option X) :=
  fun mx mymatch mx,my with
            | Some x, Some yR x y
            | None, NoneTrue
            | _, _False
#[export] Hint Unfold option_rel : core.

Lemma option_rel_eq : {A : Type},
    eq_rel (@eq (option A)) (option_rel eq).
  intros ?; split; intros [] [] EQ; subst; try inv EQ; cbn; auto.

#[export] Hint Unfold option_rel : core.