
(* Shared definitions for the Secure component. *)

From ITree Require Import

Variant nonempty (A : Type) : Prop := ne (a : A).

Variant empty (A : Type) : Prop := emp : (A False) empty A.

Lemma classic_empty : A, empty A nonempty A.
  intros. destruct (classic (nonempty A)); eauto.
  left. constructor. intros. apply H. constructor; auto.

Class Preorder :=
    L : Type;
    leq : L L Prop;

Ltac contra_size :=
  match goal with
  | [ Hemp : empty ?A, Hne : nonempty ?A |- _ ] ⇒ inv Hemp; inv Hne; contradiction
  | [ Hemp : empty ?A, a :?A |- _] ⇒ inv Hemp; contradiction