From Coq Require Import Arith Lia.
From Paco Require Import paco.
From ITree Require Import Axioms.
Create HintDb not_wf.
Set Implicit Arguments.
(* Contains well founded from and not well founded from predicate definitions and reasoning principles *)
Section IterRel.
Context (A : Type).
Context (r : A → A → Prop).
Variant not_wf_F (F : A → Prop) (a : A) : Prop :=
| not_wf (a' : A) (Hrel : r a a') (Hcorec : F a') .
Hint Constructors not_wf_F : not_wf.
Lemma not_wf_F_mono sim sim' a
(IN : not_wf_F sim a)
(LE : sim <1= sim') : not_wf_F sim' a.
destruct IN. eauto with not_wf.
Lemma not_wf_F_mono' : monotone1 not_wf_F.
red. intros. eapply not_wf_F_mono; eauto.
Hint Resolve not_wf_F_mono' : paco.
Definition not_wf_from : A → Prop :=
paco1 not_wf_F bot1.
Inductive wf_from (a : A) : Prop :=
| base : (∀ a', ¬ (r a a')) → wf_from a
| step : (∀ a', r a a' → wf_from a') → wf_from a
Hint Constructors wf_from : not_wf.
Lemma neg_wf_from_not_wf_from_l : ∀ (a : A),
~(wf_from a) → not_wf_from a.
pcofix CIH. intros. pfold. destruct (classic (∃ a', r a a' ∧ ¬ ( wf_from a') )).
- destruct H as [a' [Hr Hwf] ]. econstructor; eauto.
- assert (∀ a', ¬ r a a' ∨ wf_from a').
destruct (classic (r a a')); auto. destruct (classic (wf_from a')); auto.
exfalso. apply H. ∃ a'. auto.
clear H.
exfalso. apply H0. clear H0. apply step. intros. destruct (H1 a'); auto with not_wf.
Lemma neg_wf_from_not_wf_from_r : ∀ (a : A),
not_wf_from a → ¬ (wf_from a).
intros. intro Hcontra. punfold H. inversion H. pclearbot. clear H. generalize dependent a'.
induction Hcontra; intros.
- apply H in Hrel. auto.
- punfold Hcorec. inversion Hcorec. pclearbot. specialize (H0 a' Hrel a'0 Hrel0).
Lemma neg_wf_from_not_wf_from : ∀ (a : A),
not_wf_from a ↔ ~(wf_from a).
split; try apply neg_wf_from_not_wf_from_r; try apply neg_wf_from_not_wf_from_l.
Lemma classic_wf : ∀ (a : A), wf_from a ∨ not_wf_from a.
intros. destruct (classic (wf_from a)); auto.
apply neg_wf_from_not_wf_from in H. auto.
Lemma intro_not_wf : ∀ (P : A → Prop) (f : A → A) (a : A),
P a → (∀ a1 a2, P a1 → r a1 a2 → P a2 ) → (∀ a, P a → r a (f a)) →
not_wf_from a.
intros. generalize dependent a. pcofix CIH. intros. pfold.
apply not_wf with (a' := f a).
- auto using H1.
- right. apply CIH. eapply H0; eauto.
Lemma intro_wf : ∀ (P : A→ Prop) (m : A → nat) (a : A),
P a → (∀ a1 a2, P a1 → r a1 a2 → P a2 ) →
(∀ a1 a2, P a1 → r a1 a2 → m a2 < m a1) → wf_from a.
intros P m a. remember (m a) as ma eqn:Hma. revert a Hma.
induction ma using lt_wf_ind; intros a → H0 HS Hlt.
apply step; eauto.
End IterRel.
Definition rel_rev {A : Type} (r : A → A → Prop) : A → A → Prop := fun a0 a1 ⇒ r a1 a0.
(*note that my notion of well_founded is sort of reverse of theres*)
Lemma well_found_wf_from : ∀ (A : Type) (r : A → A → Prop),
well_founded (rel_rev r) → ∀ a, wf_from r a.
intros A r Hwf a. unfold well_founded in Hwf.
unfold rel_rev in ×. induction (Hwf a). apply step. intros.
apply H0 in H1. auto.
(*Less than is well founded*)
(*my well founded should be closed under subrelation*)
Lemma wf_from_sub_rel : ∀ (A : Type) (r0 r1 : A → A → Prop) (a : A),
subrelation r0 r1 → wf_from r1 a → wf_from r0 a.
intros. induction H0.
- apply base. intros a' Hcontra. apply H in Hcontra. eapply H0; eauto.
- apply step. intros a' Hr0aa'. apply H in Hr0aa'. auto.
Lemma wf_from_gt : ∀ (n : nat), wf_from (fun n0 n1 ⇒ n0 > n1) n.
enough (∀ n', n' ≤ n → wf_from (fun n0 n1 ⇒ n0 > n1) n' ); auto.
induction n; intros.
- assert (n' = 0); try lia. subst. apply base. intros. lia.
- apply step. intros n'' Hn''. assert (n'' ≤ n); try lia. auto.
(*induct on f a*)
Lemma no_inf_dec_seq_aux : ∀ (r : nat → nat → Prop) (n: nat),
(∀ n1 n2, r n1 n2 → n1 > n2) →
wf_from r n.
intros. eapply wf_from_sub_rel; try apply wf_from_gt.
repeat intro. auto.
(*Possibly uses some kind of transitivity in > that is missing in my more general proofs,
a more general proof would be nice but I think the nat captures most of what people want*)
Lemma wf_intro_gt : ∀ (A : Type) (r : A → A → Prop) (f : A → nat) (P : A → Prop) (a : A),
(∀ a1 a2, P a1 → r a1 a2 → P a2) →
(∀ a1 a2, P a1 → r a1 a2 → f a1 > f a2) →
P a → wf_from r a.
intros A r f inv a Hinv Hgt Ha.
remember (f a) as n0.
generalize dependent a.
enough (∀ a, f a ≤ n0 → inv a → wf_from r a).
intros. apply H. lia. auto.
induction n0; intros.
- apply base. assert (f a = 0); try lia.
intros a' Hcontra.
specialize (Hgt a a' H0 Hcontra). lia.
- apply step. intros a' Ha'.
apply IHn0; eauto.
assert (f a > f a'); eauto. lia.
From Paco Require Import paco.
From ITree Require Import Axioms.
Create HintDb not_wf.
Set Implicit Arguments.
(* Contains well founded from and not well founded from predicate definitions and reasoning principles *)
Section IterRel.
Context (A : Type).
Context (r : A → A → Prop).
Variant not_wf_F (F : A → Prop) (a : A) : Prop :=
| not_wf (a' : A) (Hrel : r a a') (Hcorec : F a') .
Hint Constructors not_wf_F : not_wf.
Lemma not_wf_F_mono sim sim' a
(IN : not_wf_F sim a)
(LE : sim <1= sim') : not_wf_F sim' a.
destruct IN. eauto with not_wf.
Lemma not_wf_F_mono' : monotone1 not_wf_F.
red. intros. eapply not_wf_F_mono; eauto.
Hint Resolve not_wf_F_mono' : paco.
Definition not_wf_from : A → Prop :=
paco1 not_wf_F bot1.
Inductive wf_from (a : A) : Prop :=
| base : (∀ a', ¬ (r a a')) → wf_from a
| step : (∀ a', r a a' → wf_from a') → wf_from a
Hint Constructors wf_from : not_wf.
Lemma neg_wf_from_not_wf_from_l : ∀ (a : A),
~(wf_from a) → not_wf_from a.
pcofix CIH. intros. pfold. destruct (classic (∃ a', r a a' ∧ ¬ ( wf_from a') )).
- destruct H as [a' [Hr Hwf] ]. econstructor; eauto.
- assert (∀ a', ¬ r a a' ∨ wf_from a').
destruct (classic (r a a')); auto. destruct (classic (wf_from a')); auto.
exfalso. apply H. ∃ a'. auto.
clear H.
exfalso. apply H0. clear H0. apply step. intros. destruct (H1 a'); auto with not_wf.
Lemma neg_wf_from_not_wf_from_r : ∀ (a : A),
not_wf_from a → ¬ (wf_from a).
intros. intro Hcontra. punfold H. inversion H. pclearbot. clear H. generalize dependent a'.
induction Hcontra; intros.
- apply H in Hrel. auto.
- punfold Hcorec. inversion Hcorec. pclearbot. specialize (H0 a' Hrel a'0 Hrel0).
Lemma neg_wf_from_not_wf_from : ∀ (a : A),
not_wf_from a ↔ ~(wf_from a).
split; try apply neg_wf_from_not_wf_from_r; try apply neg_wf_from_not_wf_from_l.
Lemma classic_wf : ∀ (a : A), wf_from a ∨ not_wf_from a.
intros. destruct (classic (wf_from a)); auto.
apply neg_wf_from_not_wf_from in H. auto.
Lemma intro_not_wf : ∀ (P : A → Prop) (f : A → A) (a : A),
P a → (∀ a1 a2, P a1 → r a1 a2 → P a2 ) → (∀ a, P a → r a (f a)) →
not_wf_from a.
intros. generalize dependent a. pcofix CIH. intros. pfold.
apply not_wf with (a' := f a).
- auto using H1.
- right. apply CIH. eapply H0; eauto.
Lemma intro_wf : ∀ (P : A→ Prop) (m : A → nat) (a : A),
P a → (∀ a1 a2, P a1 → r a1 a2 → P a2 ) →
(∀ a1 a2, P a1 → r a1 a2 → m a2 < m a1) → wf_from a.
intros P m a. remember (m a) as ma eqn:Hma. revert a Hma.
induction ma using lt_wf_ind; intros a → H0 HS Hlt.
apply step; eauto.
End IterRel.
Definition rel_rev {A : Type} (r : A → A → Prop) : A → A → Prop := fun a0 a1 ⇒ r a1 a0.
(*note that my notion of well_founded is sort of reverse of theres*)
Lemma well_found_wf_from : ∀ (A : Type) (r : A → A → Prop),
well_founded (rel_rev r) → ∀ a, wf_from r a.
intros A r Hwf a. unfold well_founded in Hwf.
unfold rel_rev in ×. induction (Hwf a). apply step. intros.
apply H0 in H1. auto.
(*Less than is well founded*)
(*my well founded should be closed under subrelation*)
Lemma wf_from_sub_rel : ∀ (A : Type) (r0 r1 : A → A → Prop) (a : A),
subrelation r0 r1 → wf_from r1 a → wf_from r0 a.
intros. induction H0.
- apply base. intros a' Hcontra. apply H in Hcontra. eapply H0; eauto.
- apply step. intros a' Hr0aa'. apply H in Hr0aa'. auto.
Lemma wf_from_gt : ∀ (n : nat), wf_from (fun n0 n1 ⇒ n0 > n1) n.
enough (∀ n', n' ≤ n → wf_from (fun n0 n1 ⇒ n0 > n1) n' ); auto.
induction n; intros.
- assert (n' = 0); try lia. subst. apply base. intros. lia.
- apply step. intros n'' Hn''. assert (n'' ≤ n); try lia. auto.
(*induct on f a*)
Lemma no_inf_dec_seq_aux : ∀ (r : nat → nat → Prop) (n: nat),
(∀ n1 n2, r n1 n2 → n1 > n2) →
wf_from r n.
intros. eapply wf_from_sub_rel; try apply wf_from_gt.
repeat intro. auto.
(*Possibly uses some kind of transitivity in > that is missing in my more general proofs,
a more general proof would be nice but I think the nat captures most of what people want*)
Lemma wf_intro_gt : ∀ (A : Type) (r : A → A → Prop) (f : A → nat) (P : A → Prop) (a : A),
(∀ a1 a2, P a1 → r a1 a2 → P a2) →
(∀ a1 a2, P a1 → r a1 a2 → f a1 > f a2) →
P a → wf_from r a.
intros A r f inv a Hinv Hgt Ha.
remember (f a) as n0.
generalize dependent a.
enough (∀ a, f a ≤ n0 → inv a → wf_from r a).
intros. apply H. lia. auto.
induction n0; intros.
- apply base. assert (f a = 0); try lia.
intros a' Hcontra.
specialize (Hgt a a' H0 Hcontra). lia.
- apply step. intros a' Ha'.
apply IHn0; eauto.
assert (f a > f a'); eauto. lia.