
Mutable map whose lookup operation provides a default value.

Section MapFacts.

  Variables (K V : Type).
  Context {map : Type}.
  Context {M : Map K V map}.
  Context {MOk: MapOk eq M}.
  Context {Kdec: @RelDec K eq}.
  Context {KdecOk: RelDec_Correct Kdec}.

  (* Should move to extlib *)
  Lemma lookup_add_eq: k v s, lookup k (add k v s) = Some v.
    rewrite mapsto_lookup; apply mapsto_add_eq.
    2: typeclasses eauto.

  (* Should move to extlib *)
  Lemma lookup_add_neq: k k' v s, k' k lookup k (add k' v s) = lookup k s.
    generalize (@mapsto_add_neq _ _ _ eq _ _ s k' v k H); clear H; intros H.
    setoid_rewrite <- mapsto_lookup in H.
    destruct (lookup k s) as [v' |] eqn:EQ.
    - specialize (H v').
      apply H; auto.
    - destruct (lookup k (add k' v s)) as [v' |] eqn:EQ'; [| reflexivity].
      specialize (H v').
      symmetry; apply H; auto.

  (* Should move to extlib *)
  Lemma lookup_remove_eq:
     k s, lookup k (remove k s) = None.
    match goal with
      |- ?x = _destruct x eqn:EQ
    end; [| reflexivity].
    rewrite mapsto_lookup in EQ.
    exfalso; eapply mapsto_remove_eq; eauto.

  (* Should move to extlib *)
  Lemma lookup_remove_neq:
     k k' s, k k' lookup k (remove k' s) = lookup k s.
    match goal with
      |- ?x = _destruct x eqn:EQ
    - rewrite mapsto_lookup in EQ.
      apply mapsto_remove_neq in EQ; auto.
      symmetry; rewrite mapsto_lookup; eauto.
    - match goal with
         |- _ = ?xdestruct x eqn:EQ'
       end; auto.
       rewrite mapsto_lookup in EQ'.
       eapply mapsto_remove_neq in EQ'; eauto.
       rewrite <- mapsto_lookup in EQ'.
       rewrite EQ in EQ'; inv EQ'.
       all: typeclasses eauto.

  Global Instance eq_map_refl {d} : Reflexive (@eq_map _ _ _ _ d).
    red. intros. unfold eq_map. tauto.

  Global Instance eq_map_sym {d} : Symmetric (@eq_map _ _ _ _ d).
    repeat intro.
    unfold eq_map in H.
    rewrite H.

  Global Instance eq_map_trans {d} : Transitive (@eq_map _ _ _ _ d).
    repeat intro.
    unfold eq_map in ×.
    rewrite H. rewrite H0. reflexivity.

  Section Relations.
  Context {R1 R2 : Type}.
  Variable RR : R1 R2 Prop.

  Definition map_default_eq d {E}
    : (stateT map (itree E) R1) (stateT map (itree E) R2) Prop :=
    fun t1 t2 s1 s2, (@eq_map _ _ _ _ d) s1 s2 eutt (prod_rel (@eq_map _ _ _ _ d) RR) (t1 s1) (t2 s2).

  End Relations.

  Lemma eq_map_add:
     (d : V) (s1 s2 : map) (k : K) (v : V), (@eq_map _ _ _ _ d) s1 s2 (@eq_map _ _ _ _ d) (add k v s1) (add k v s2).
    intros d s1 s2 k v H.
    unfold eq_map in ×.
    intros k'.
    destruct (rel_dec_p k k').
    - subst.
      unfold lookup_default in ×.
      rewrite 2 lookup_add_eq; reflexivity.
    - unfold lookup_default in ×.
      rewrite 2 lookup_add_neq; auto.

  Lemma eq_map_remove:
     (d : V) (s1 s2 : map) (k : K), (@eq_map _ _ _ _ d) s1 s2 (@eq_map _ _ _ _ d) (remove k s1) (remove k s2).
    intros d s1 s2 k H.
    unfold eq_map in *; intros k'.
    unfold lookup_default.
    destruct (rel_dec_p k k').
    - subst; rewrite 2 lookup_remove_eq; auto.
    - rewrite 2 lookup_remove_neq; auto.
      apply H.

  Lemma handle_map_eq :
     d E X (s1 s2 : map) (m : mapE K d X),
      (@eq_map _ _ _ _ d) s1 s2
      eutt (prod_rel (@eq_map _ _ _ _ d) eq) (handle_map m s1) ((handle_map m s2) : itree E (map × X)).
    destruct m; cbn; red; apply eqit_Ret; constructor; cbn; auto.
    - apply eq_map_add. assumption.
    - apply eq_map_remove. assumption.

  Global Instance Proper_handle_map {E R} d :
    Proper (eq ==> map_default_eq eq d) (@handle_map _ _ _ _ E d R).
    repeat intro.
    apply handle_map_eq.

  (* This lemma states that the operations provided by handle_map respect
     the equivalence on the underlying map interface *)

  Lemma interp_map_id d {E X} (t : itree (mapE K d +' E) X) :
    map_default_eq eq d (interp_map t) (interp_map t).
    unfold map_default_eq, interp_map; intros.
    revert t s1 s2 H.
    pcofix CH.
    repeat rewrite unfold_interp_state. unfold _interp_state.
    destruct (observe t).
    - gstep. constructor. constructor; auto.
    - gstep. constructor. gbase. apply CH. assumption.
    - guclo eqit_clo_bind. econstructor.
      unfold pure_state.
      destruct e.
      + cbn. eapply eqit_mon; [ exact (fun xx) .. | | apply handle_map_eq; assumption ].
        auto. auto. intros. apply PR.
      + cbn. apply eqit_Vis. intros. apply eqit_Ret. constructor; auto.
      + intros. destruct u1. destruct u2. cbn.
        destruct H as [H1 H2]; cbn in H1, H2; subst.
        gstep; constructor.
        gbase. apply CH. assumption.

  Global Instance interp_map_proper {R E d} {RR : R R Prop} :
    Proper ((eutt RR) ==> (@map_default_eq _ _ RR d E)) (@interp_map _ _ _ _ E d R).
    unfold map_default_eq, interp_map.
    repeat intro.
    revert x y H s1 s2 H0.
    ecofix CH.
    rewrite! unfold_interp_state.
    punfold H0. red in H0.
    revert s1 s2 H1.
    induction H0; intros; subst; simpl; pclearbot.
    - eret.
    - etau.
    - ebind.
      apply pbc_intro_h with (RU := prod_rel (@eq_map _ _ _ _ d) eq).
      { (* SAZ: I must be missing some lemma that should solve this case *)
        unfold case_. unfold Case_sum1, case_sum1.
        destruct e. apply handle_map_eq. assumption.
        unfold pure_state.
        pstep. econstructor. intros. constructor. pfold. econstructor. constructor; auto.
      intros. destruct H as [HH1 ->].
      estep; constructor. ebase.
    - rewrite tau_euttge, unfold_interp_state.
    - rewrite tau_euttge, unfold_interp_state.

End MapFacts.