
Unary interpretation for eutt: a traditional program logic

The weak bisimulation supported by itrees and the notions of refinements we build upon it in the various monads we interpret into give us reasoning principles to establish the equivalence or refinement of computations. In particular, it can be seen as a relational program logic.
We develop here some elementary theory for a unary program logic over itree-based computations. It is defined in terms of eutt, simply taking its diagonal. We prove that it respects the expected elemntary proof rules w.r.t. to logical connectors.
Most importantly, we derive a proof rule to leverage such unary facts during a relational refinement proof: see eutt_post_bind and eutt_post_bind_gen. One can this way leverage functional properties of computations during relational proofs without re-inlining the proof of functional correctness everytime.
The main predicate: an itree-computation t admits Q for a postcondition. Defined as the diagonal of eutt.
Definition has_post {E X} (t : itree E X) (Q : X Prop) : Prop :=
  eutt (fun 'x _Q x) t t.

Note: the following formulation is equivalent.
Definition has_post_strong {E X} (t : itree E X) (Q : X Prop) : Prop :=
  eutt (fun 'x yx = y Q x) t t.

Lemma has_post_post_strong : {E X} (t : itree E X) Q,
    has_post t Q has_post_strong t Q.
  intros; split; intros HP.
  - apply eutt_conj; [reflexivity | auto].
  - eapply eqit_mon; eauto.
    intros × H; apply H.

Module HasPostNotations.
  Notation "t ⤳ Q" := (has_post t Q) (at level 50).
End HasPostNotations.
Import HasPostNotations.

Proper instances
#[global] Instance has_post_eq_itree {E X} :
  Proper (eq_itree eq ==> equiv_pred ==> iff) (@has_post E X).
  repeat red; unfold has_post; intros × EUTT × EQ *; split; intros HP.
  - rewrite <- EUTT; eapply eutt_equiv; eauto.
    split; red; intros; apply EQ; auto.
  - rewrite EUTT; eapply eutt_equiv; eauto.
    split; red; intros; apply EQ; auto.

#[global] Instance has_post_eutt {E X} :
  Proper (eutt eq ==> equiv_pred ==> iff) (@has_post E X).
  repeat red; unfold has_post; intros × EUTT × EQ *; split; intros HP.
  - rewrite <- EUTT; eapply eutt_equiv; eauto.
    split; red; intros; apply EQ; auto.
  - rewrite EUTT; eapply eutt_equiv; eauto.
    split; red; intros; apply EQ; auto.

has_post logical primitives. Post-conditions can be established by means of usual proof rules for elementary logical connectives

(* Conjunction introduction *)
Lemma has_post_conj : {E X} (t : itree E X) P Q,
    t P
    t Q
    t (P /1\ Q).
  intros × HP HQ.
  pose proof eutt_conj _ _ HP HQ.

(* Left disjunction introduction *)
Lemma has_post_disj_l : {E X} (t : itree E X) P Q,
    t P
    t (P \1/ Q).
  intros × HP.
  epose proof eutt_disj_l _ _ HP as H.
  apply H.

(* Right disjunction introduction *)
Lemma has_post_disj_r : {E X} (t : itree E X) P Q,
    t Q
    t (P \1/ Q).
  intros × HQ.
  epose proof eutt_disj_r _ _ HQ as H.
  apply H.

(* Weakening *)
Lemma has_post_weaken : {E X} (t : itree E X) P Q,
    t P
    P <1= Q
    t Q.
  intros × HP INCL.
  eapply eqit_mon; eauto.
  intros; apply INCL; auto.

(* Trivial postcondition *)
Lemma has_post_True : {E X} (t : itree E X),
    t fun _True.
  intros ×.
  eapply eqit_mon; eauto.

Structural proof rules

(* The prefix can be ignored if the continuation universally satisfy the
    postcondition *)

Lemma has_post_bind_weak : {E X Y} (t : itree E X) (k : X itree E Y) Q,
    ( x, k x Q)
    ITree.bind t k Q.
  intros × POST.
  apply eutt_eq_bind; intros ?; apply POST.

(* But the more interesting cut rule is of course valid *)
Lemma has_post_bind : {E X Y} (t : itree E X) (k : X itree E Y) S Q,
    t S
    ( x, S x k x Q)
    ITree.bind t k Q.
  intros × POST1 POST2.
  apply eutt_clo_bind with (UU := fun x yx = y S x) ; [apply has_post_post_strong; exact POST1 |].
  intros ? ? [<- ?]; eapply POST2; eauto.

(* Invariant-based loop rule *)
Lemma has_post_iter_strong :
   {E R I} (body : I itree E (I + R)) (entry : I) (Inv : I Prop) (Q : R Prop),
    ( i, Inv i body i sum_pred Inv Q)
    Inv entry
    ITree.iter body entry Q.
  intros × IND INIT.
  eapply (@KTreeFacts.eutt_iter_gen _ _ _ (fun x yx = y Inv x)); eauto.
  intros i ? [<- ?].
  specialize (IND i); apply has_post_post_strong in IND; auto.
  unfold has_post_strong in IND.
  eapply eqit_mon; try apply IND; auto.
  intros [] ? [<- ?]; eauto.

(* translate preserves postconditions *)
Lemma has_post_translate : {E F X} (t : itree E X) Q (h : E ~> F),
    t Q
    translate h t Q.
  unfold has_post; intros × POST.
  apply eutt_translate_gen; auto.

Enriched relational cut rule The main benefit of the approach: post-conditions can be leveraged when performing a cut during relational proofs. This lemma generalizes eutt_clo_bind
Lemma eutt_post_bind :
   E R1 R2 RR S1 S2 SS Q1 Q2
    (t1 : itree E S1) (k1: S1 itree E R1) (t2 : itree E S2) (k2 : S2 itree E R2),
    t1 Q1
    t2 Q2
    eutt SS t1 t2
    ( u1 u2, SS u1 u2 Q1 u1 Q2 u2 eutt RR (k1 u1) (k2 u2))
    eutt RR (ITree.bind t1 k1) (ITree.bind t2 k2).
  intros × POST1 POST2 EQ KEQ.
  apply eutt_clo_bind with (UU := fun x ySS x y Q1 x Q2 y).
  2: intros ? ? (? & ? & ?); apply KEQ; auto.
  clear KEQ.
  apply has_post_post_strong in POST1.
  apply has_post_post_strong in POST2.
  pose proof eqit_trans _ _ _ _ _ _ _ POST1 EQ as EQ1.
  pose proof eqit_trans _ _ _ _ _ _ _ EQ1 POST2 as EQ2.
  clear -EQ2.
  eapply eutt_equiv; eauto.
  - intros ? ? (? & ? & ?); do 2 econstructor; eauto.
  - intros ? ? ?. inv H. inv REL1.
    destruct REL2 as [-> ?], REL0 as [<- ?]; eauto.

(* Often useful particular case of identical prefixes *)
Lemma eutt_post_bind_eq : E R1 R2 RR U Q (t: itree E U) (k1: U itree E R1) (k2: U itree E R2),
    t Q
    ( u, Q u eutt RR (k1 u) (k2 u))
    eutt RR (ITree.bind t k1) (ITree.bind t k2).
  intros × POST ?.
  apply eutt_clo_bind with (UU := fun x yx = y Q x); [apply has_post_post_strong; exact POST |].
  intros ? ? [-> ?]; auto.

(* A little oddity that can be useful when building bisimulations manually:
   an eutt hypothesis between a tree and itself can be refined into an
   eq_itree one.

   This assumes UIP.

Lemma eutt_eq_itree {E X} (R : X X Prop) : (t : itree E X),
  eutt R t t eq_itree R t t.
  enough ( (t u : itree E X), eutt R t u eq_itree eq t u eq_itree R t u).
  { intros; apply H; [ auto | apply Reflexive_eqit_eq ]. }
  pcofix CIH.
  intros t u H EQ. pfold. red.
  rewrite (itree_eta t), (itree_eta u) in H.
  punfold EQ. destruct EQ; try discriminate; constructor.
  - rewrite <- eutt_Ret in H. auto.
  - pclearbot. right; apply CIH; [ | apply REL ].
    revert H; apply eqit_Tau.
  - pclearbot. right; apply CIH; [ | apply REL ].
    eapply eqit_inv_Vis with (1 := H).

Lemma has_post_strong_to_eq_itree : {E X} (t : itree E X) (Q : X Prop),
    has_post_strong t Q
    eq_itree (fun x yx = y Q x) t t.
  intros *; apply eutt_eq_itree.

Lemma has_post_to_eq_itree : {E X} (t : itree E X) (Q : X Prop),
    has_post t Q
    eq_itree (fun x yx = y Q x) t t.
  intros × H; apply has_post_strong_to_eq_itree, has_post_post_strong, H.