
From Coq Require Import

From ITree Require Import

From ITree.Extra Require Import

From Paco Require Import paco.

Import Monads.
Import MonadNotation.
#[local] Open Scope monad_scope.

Set Implicit Arguments.

(* Defines and explores a notion of traces being prefixes of other traces *)

Inductive trace_prefixF {E : Type Type} {R S : Type} (F : itrace E R itrace E S Prop) : itrace' E R itrace' E S Prop :=
| ret_prefix (r : R) (b : itrace E S) : trace_prefixF F (RetF r) (observe b)
| tau_prefix (br : itrace E R) (bs : itrace E S) : F br bs trace_prefixF F (TauF br) (TauF bs)
| tau_r_prefix (br : itrace E R) (obs : itrace' E S) : trace_prefixF F (observe br) obs trace_prefixF F (TauF br) obs
| tau_l_prefix (obr : itrace' E R) (bs : itrace E S) : trace_prefixF F (obr) (observe bs) trace_prefixF F (obr) (TauF bs)
| tau_vis_empty {A : Type} (e : E A) (H: A void) (kr : void itrace E R) (ks : void itrace E S) :
  trace_prefixF F (VisF (evempty A H e) kr) (VisF (evempty A H e) ks )
| tau_vis_ans {A : Type} (e : E A) (ans : A) (kr : unit itrace E R) (ks : unit itrace E S) :
  F (kr tt) (ks tt) trace_prefixF F (VisF (evans A e ans) kr ) (VisF (evans A e ans) ks)

#[global] Hint Constructors trace_prefixF : itree.

Definition trace_prefix_ {E R S} F (br : itrace E R) (bs : itrace E S) := trace_prefixF F (observe br) (observe bs).

#[global] Hint Unfold trace_prefix_ : itree.

Lemma trace_prefix_monot {E R S} : monotone2 (@trace_prefix_ E R S).
  repeat intro. red. red in IN. induction IN; eauto with itree.

#[global] Hint Resolve trace_prefix_monot : paco.

Definition trace_prefix {E R S} : itrace E R itrace E S Prop := paco2 trace_prefix_ bot2.

Lemma prefix_vis : E R S A (e : E A) (ans : A) (k : unit itrace E R) (t : itrace E S),
    trace_prefix (Vis (evans _ e ans) k ) t k', (t Vis (evans _ e ans) k' )%itree.
  intros E R S A e ans k t Hbp. punfold Hbp. red in Hbp. cbn in ×.
  dependent induction Hbp.
  - apply simpobs in x. enough ( k', bs (Vis (evans A e ans) k' ))%itree.
    + destruct H as [k' Hk']. k'. rewrite x. rewrite tau_eutt. auto.
    + eapply IHHbp; eauto.
  - ks. apply simpobs in x. rewrite x. reflexivity.

Lemma trace_prefix_ret : E R S F (ob : itrace' E S) (r : R), trace_prefixF F (RetF r) ob.
  intros. remember (go ob) as b. assert (observe b = ob).
  { subst. auto. }
  rewrite <- H. auto with itree.

Lemma trace_prefix_proper_aux_vis: (E : Type Type) (S R : Type)
                                     (t1 : itree (EvAns E) R) (b2 : itrace E R),
    eqitF eq true true id
          (upaco2 (eqit_ eq true true id) bot2)
          (observe t1) (observe b2)
     (r : itrace E R itrace E S Prop)
      (X : Type) (e : EvAns E X)
      (k : X itree (EvAns E) S),
      trace_prefixF (upaco2 trace_prefix_ bot2)
                    (observe t1) (VisF e k)
      ( (b1 b2 : itrace E R)
         (b : itrace E S),
          (b1 b2)
          trace_prefix b1 b r b2 b)
      trace_prefixF (upaco2 trace_prefix_ r)
                    (observe b2) (VisF e k).
  intros E S R t1 b2 Heutt r X e k H0 CIH.
  dependent induction H0.
  - rewrite <- x0 in Heutt. dependent induction Heutt.
    + rewrite <- x. apply trace_prefix_ret.
    + rewrite <- x. constructor. eapply IHHeutt; eauto.
  - eapply IHtrace_prefixF; auto.
    apply simpobs in x. assert (t1 b2); auto with itree.
    rewrite x in H. rewrite tau_eutt in H. punfold H.
  - rewrite <- x in Heutt. dependent induction Heutt.
    + rewrite <- x. constructor.
    + rewrite <- x. constructor. eapply IHHeutt; eauto.
  - pclearbot. rewrite <- x in Heutt. dependent induction Heutt.
    + rewrite <- x. constructor. right. pclearbot. eapply CIH; eauto with itree.
    + rewrite <- x. constructor. eapply IHHeutt; eauto.

Lemma trace_prefix_tau_inv:
   (E : Type Type) (S R : Type)
    (m1 : itree (EvAns E) R) (t : itree (EvAns E) S),
    trace_prefixF (upaco2 trace_prefix_ bot2)
                  (TauF m1) (TauF t) trace_prefix m1 t.
  intros E S R m1 t Hbp.
  dependent induction Hbp.
  - pclearbot. auto.
  - pfold. red. clear IHHbp. dependent induction Hbp.
    + rewrite <- x0. auto with itree.
    + rewrite <- x. constructor. pclearbot. punfold H.
    + rewrite <- x. constructor. eapply IHHbp; eauto.
    + auto.
  - pfold. red. clear IHHbp. dependent induction Hbp.
    + rewrite <- x. constructor. pclearbot. punfold H.
    + auto.
    + rewrite <- x. constructor. eapply IHHbp; eauto.

Lemma trace_prefix_proper_l : E R S (b1 b2 : itrace E R) (b : itrace E S),
    (b1 b2) trace_prefix b1 b trace_prefix b2 b.
  intros E R S. pcofix CIH. intros b1 b2 b Heutt Hbp.
  pfold. red. punfold Heutt. red in Heutt. punfold Hbp. red in Hbp.
  dependent induction Heutt.
  - rewrite <- x. constructor.
  - rewrite <- x. rewrite <- x0 in Hbp. clear x0 x. pclearbot.
    destruct (observe b) eqn : Heqb.
    + inv Hbp. constructor. dependent induction H0.
      × apply simpobs in x0. assert (m1 m2); auto.
        rewrite x0 in H. clear x x0 Heqb CIH REL.
        punfold H. red in H. cbn in ×. dependent induction H.
        ++ rewrite <- x. apply trace_prefix_ret.
        ++ rewrite <- x. constructor. eapply IHeqitF; eauto.
      × eapply IHtrace_prefixF; auto.
        apply simpobs in x. assert (m1 m2); auto.
        rewrite x in H. rewrite tau_eutt in H. auto.
    + constructor. right. eapply CIH; eauto. eapply trace_prefix_tau_inv; eauto.
    + constructor. clear Heqb. inv Hbp. dependent induction H0.
      × apply simpobs in x0. assert (m1 m2); auto.
        rewrite x0 in H. punfold H. red in H. cbn in ×.
        dependent induction H.
        ++ rewrite <- x. apply trace_prefix_ret.
        ++ rewrite <- x. constructor. eapply IHeqitF; eauto.
           assert (m1 m2); auto.
           apply simpobs in x. rewrite x in H0. rewrite tau_eutt in H0. auto.
      × eapply IHtrace_prefixF; auto.
        assert (m1 m2); auto. apply simpobs in x.
        rewrite x in H. rewrite tau_eutt in H. auto.
      × assert (m1 m2); auto. apply simpobs in x.
        rewrite x in H0.
        punfold H0. red in H0. cbn in ×.
        dependent induction H0.
        ++ rewrite <- x. constructor.
        ++ rewrite <- x. constructor. eapply IHeqitF; eauto.
           assert (m1 m2); auto.
           apply simpobs in x. rewrite x in H1. rewrite tau_eutt in H1. auto.
      × pclearbot. apply simpobs in x. assert (m1 m2); auto.
        rewrite x in H0. punfold H0. red in H0. cbn in ×.
        dependent induction H0.
        ++ rewrite <- x. constructor. right. pclearbot. eapply CIH; eauto with itree.
        ++ rewrite <- x. constructor. eapply IHeqitF; eauto.
           assert (m1 m2); auto.
           apply simpobs in x. rewrite x in H1. rewrite tau_eutt in H1. auto.
  - rewrite <- x. rewrite <- x0 in Hbp. clear x x0. pclearbot.
    dependent induction Hbp.
    + rewrite <- x. constructor. eapply IHHbp; eauto.
    + rewrite <- x. constructor.
    + rewrite <- x. pclearbot. constructor. right. eapply CIH; eauto with itree.
  - rewrite <- x in Hbp.
    destruct (observe b) eqn : Heqb.
    + clear IHHeutt. inv Hbp. clear Heqb x.
      dependent induction H0.
      × rewrite <- x0 in Heutt. clear CIH x0 x.
        dependent induction Heutt.
        ++ rewrite <- x. apply trace_prefix_ret.
        ++ rewrite <- x. constructor. eapply IHHeutt; eauto.
      × eapply IHtrace_prefixF; auto.
        assert (t1 b2); auto with itree.
        apply simpobs in x. rewrite x in H. rewrite tau_eutt in H. punfold H.
    + constructor. eapply IHHeutt; eauto. pstep_reverse. eapply trace_prefix_tau_inv; eauto.
    + clear IHHeutt. inv Hbp. eapply trace_prefix_proper_aux_vis; eauto.
  - rewrite <- x. constructor. eapply IHHeutt; eauto.

Lemma trace_prefixF_tau_inv_r:
   (E : Type Type) (S R : Type)
         (t1 : itree (EvAns E) S) (b : itrace E R),
    trace_prefixF (upaco2 trace_prefix_ bot2)
                  (observe b) (TauF t1)
    trace_prefixF (upaco2 trace_prefix_ bot2)
                  (observe b) (observe t1).
  intros E S R t1 b Hbp.
  dependent induction Hbp.
  - rewrite <- x0. apply trace_prefix_ret.
  - pclearbot. rewrite <- x. constructor. punfold H.
  - rewrite <- x. constructor. eapply IHHbp; eauto.
  - auto.

Lemma trace_prefixF_vis_l:
   (E : Type Type) (S R : Type)
         (m1 m2 : itree (EvAns E) S),
    paco2 (eqit_ eq true true id) bot2 m1 m2
     (r : itrace E R itrace E S Prop)
           (X : Type) (e : EvAns E X)
           (k : X itree (EvAns E) R),
      trace_prefixF (upaco2 trace_prefix_ bot2)
                    (VisF e k) (observe m1)
      ( (b : itrace E R)
              (b1 b2 : itrace E S),
          (b1 b2)
          trace_prefix b b1 r b b2 )
      trace_prefixF (upaco2 trace_prefix_ r)
                    (VisF e k) (observe m2).
  intros E S R m1 m2 REL r X e k H1 CIH.
  punfold REL. red in REL.
  dependent induction H1.
  - eapply IHtrace_prefixF; auto. rewrite <- x in REL.
    assert (Tau bs m2).
    { pfold. auto. }
    rewrite tau_eutt in H. punfold H.
  - rewrite <- x in REL. dependent induction REL.
    + rewrite <- x. constructor.
    + rewrite <- x. constructor. eapply IHREL; eauto.
  - pclearbot. rewrite <- x in REL. dependent induction REL.
    + rewrite <- x. constructor. right. pclearbot. eapply CIH; eauto with itree.
    + rewrite <- x. constructor. eapply IHREL; eauto.

Lemma trace_prefix_proper_r : E R S (b : itrace E R) (b1 b2 : itrace E S),
    (b1 b2) trace_prefix b b1 trace_prefix b b2.
  intros E R S. pcofix CIH. intros b b1 b2 Heutt Hbp.
  punfold Heutt. red in Heutt. punfold Hbp. red in Hbp.
  pfold. red. dependent induction Heutt.
  - rewrite <- x. rewrite <- x0 in Hbp. clear x0 x. induction Hbp; auto with itree.
    + pclearbot. constructor. right. eapply CIH; eauto. reflexivity.
    + constructor. pclearbot. left. eapply paco2_mon; eauto. intuition.
  - pclearbot. rewrite <- x0 in Hbp. rewrite <- x. clear x0 x.
    destruct (observe b).
    + apply trace_prefix_ret.
    + constructor. right. pclearbot. eapply CIH; eauto. apply trace_prefix_tau_inv. auto.
    + inv Hbp. constructor. eapply trace_prefixF_vis_l; eauto.
  - rewrite <- x. rewrite <- x0 in Hbp. pclearbot. clear x x0. dependent induction Hbp.
    + rewrite <- x0. apply trace_prefix_ret.
    + rewrite <- x. constructor. eapply IHHbp; eauto.
    + rewrite <- x. constructor.
    + rewrite <- x. constructor. right. pclearbot. eapply CIH; eauto with itree.
  - eapply IHHeutt; auto. rewrite <- x in Hbp. eapply trace_prefixF_tau_inv_r; eauto.
  - rewrite <- x. constructor. eapply IHHeutt; eauto.

#[global] Instance trace_prefix_proper {E R S} : Proper (eutt eq ==> eutt eq ==> iff) (@trace_prefix E R S).
  repeat intro. split; intros.
  - eapply trace_prefix_proper_l; eauto.
    eapply trace_prefix_proper_r; eauto.
  - symmetry in H. symmetry in H0.
    eapply trace_prefix_proper_l; eauto.
    eapply trace_prefix_proper_r; eauto.

Inductive ind_comb {E R S} : itrace E R itrace E S itrace E S Prop :=
| left_ret_comb (r : R) b1 b2 b : (b1 Ret r)%itree (b2 b)%itree ind_comb b1 b2 b
| left_vis_comb {A : Type} (e : E A) (ans : A) (k1 : unit itrace E R) (k2 : unit itrace E S) b1 b2 b
  : (b1 Vis (evans _ e ans) k1) (b (Vis (evans _ e ans) k2 ))%itree ind_comb (k1 tt) b2 (k2 tt)
    ind_comb b1 b2 b.

Lemma ind_comb_bind : E R S (b1 : itrace E R) (b2 : itrace E S) (b : itrace E S),
    ind_comb b1 b2 b (ITree.bind b1 (fun xb2) b)%itree.
  intros E R S b1 b2 b Hind. induction Hind.
  - rewrite H. rewrite bind_ret_l. auto.
  - rewrite H. rewrite H0. rewrite bind_vis. pfold. red. constructor. intros.
    left. destruct v. apply IHHind.

Inductive trace_prefix_ind {E R S} : itrace E R itrace E S Prop :=
| left_ret_bp (r : R) b1 b2 : (b1 Ret r)%itree trace_prefix_ind b1 b2
| left_vis_bp {A : Type} (e : E A) (ans : A) (k1 : unit itrace E R) (k2 : unit itrace E S) b1 b2 :
  (b1 Vis (evans _ e ans) k1)%itree (b2 Vis (evans _ e ans) k2 )%itree trace_prefix_ind (k1 tt) (k2 tt)
  trace_prefix_ind b1 b2

Lemma trace_prefix_ind_comb : E R S (b1 : itrace E R) (b2 : itrace E S),
    trace_prefix_ind b1 b2
     b3, ind_comb b1 b3 b2.
  intros E R S b1 b2 Hpre. induction Hpre.
  - b2. econstructor; eauto. reflexivity.
  - destruct IHHpre as [b3 Hb3].
     b3. eapply left_vis_comb; eauto.

Lemma trace_prefix_ind_bind : E R S (b1 : itrace E R) (b2 : itrace E S),
    trace_prefix_ind b1 b2
     g, (ITree.bind b1 g b2)%itree.
  intros. apply trace_prefix_ind_comb in H. destruct H as [b3 Hb3].
  apply ind_comb_bind in Hb3. (fun _b3). auto.

Lemma converge_trace_prefix : E R S (b1 : itrace E R) (b2 : itrace E S) (r : R),
    trace_prefix b1 b2 may_converge r b1 trace_prefix_ind b1 b2.
  intros E R S b1 b2 r Hbp Hconv. generalize dependent b2. induction Hconv; intros.
  - eapply left_ret_bp; eauto.
  - rewrite H in Hbp. destruct e; try contradiction.
    apply prefix_vis in Hbp as Hb2.
    destruct Hb2 as [k' Hk']. rewrite Hk' in Hbp.
    eapply left_vis_bp; eauto. destruct b. apply IHHconv.
    punfold Hbp. red in Hbp. cbn in ×. inversion Hbp. subst; ddestruction; subst.
    pclearbot. auto.

Lemma trace_prefix_div : E R S (b1 : itrace E R) (b2 : itrace E S),
    all_infinite b1 trace_prefix b1 b2 euttNoRet b1 b2.
  intros E R S. pcofix CIH. intros b1 b2 Hdiv Hbf. pfold. red.
  punfold Hbf. red in Hbf. punfold Hdiv. red in Hdiv. induction Hbf.
  - inv Hdiv.
  - constructor. inv Hdiv. pclearbot. right. apply CIH; auto.
  - constructor; auto. apply IHHbf. pstep_reverse. inv Hdiv. pclearbot. auto.
  - constructor; auto.
  - constructor. intuition.
  - pclearbot. constructor. intros. right. pclearbot. inv Hdiv. ddestruction; subst.
    pclearbot. destruct v. apply CIH; auto. apply H1.

Lemma trace_prefix_bind : E R S (b1 : itrace E R) (b2 : itrace E S),
    trace_prefix b1 b2 g, (ITree.bind b1 g b2).
  intros. destruct (classic_converge b1).
  - destruct H0 as [r Hconv]. eapply converge_trace_prefix in Hconv; eauto.
    apply trace_prefix_ind_bind. auto.
  - eapply trace_prefix_div in H0 as Heuttdiv; eauto.
     (fun _ITree.spin). apply euttNoRet_subrel. apply euttNoRet_sym.
    eapply noret_bind_nop with (f := (fun _ITree.spin) ) in H0 as H1.
    eapply euttNoRet_trans; try apply H1. apply euttNoRet_sym. auto.