From Coq Require Import
From ITree Require Import
From Paco Require Import paco.
Import Monads.
Import MonadNotation.
#[local] Open Scope monad_scope.
Set Implicit Arguments.
From ITree Require Import
From Paco Require Import paco.
Import Monads.
Import MonadNotation.
#[local] Open Scope monad_scope.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Defines euttNoRet, a relation for relating ITrees
over different return types, that never return and whose events are bisimilar. Also contains noret_cast, a function that casts ITrees that never return from one return type to another while preserving its events.
Definition euttNoRet {E} {A B : Type} (ta : itree E A) (tb : itree E B) :=
eutt (fun a b ⇒ False) ta tb.
Lemma euttNoRet_spin : ∀ (E : Type → Type) (A B : Type), @euttNoRet E A B ITree.spin ITree.spin.
intros. pcofix CIH. pfold. red. cbn. constructor. right.
Lemma noret_bind_nop : ∀ (E : Type → Type) (A B : Type) (t : itree E A) (f : A → itree E B),
all_infinite t → euttNoRet t (t >>= f).
intros. einit. generalize dependent t. ecofix CIH. intros t Hdivt. pinversion Hdivt.
- specialize (itree_eta t) as Ht. rewrite <- H in Ht.
cbn. rewrite Ht.
assert (ITree.bind (Tau t0) f ≅ Tau (ITree.bind t0 f)); try apply bind_tau.
setoid_rewrite H1. etau.
- specialize (itree_eta t) as Ht. rewrite <- H in Ht.
cbn. rewrite Ht. rewrite bind_vis. evis.
Lemma euttNoRet_subrel : ∀ (E : Type → Type) (A B : Type) (R : A → B → Prop)
(ta : itree E A) (tb : itree E B),
euttNoRet ta tb → eutt R ta tb.
eapply eutt_subrel with (R1 := fun a b ⇒ False); tauto.
Lemma all_infinite_euttNoRet : ∀ (E : Type → Type) (A B : Type) (R : A → B → Prop)
(ta : itree E A) (tb : itree E B),
all_infinite ta → eutt R ta tb → euttNoRet ta tb.
(* oddly had trouble doing this with euttG, maybe I should reread the gpaco paper*)
intros E A B R. pcofix CIH. pstep. intros ta tb Hdiv Heutt.
punfold Heutt. unfold_eqit. dependent induction Heutt; pclearbot.
- exfalso. clear CIH. specialize (itree_eta ta) as Hta.
rewrite <- x0 in Hta. rewrite Hta in Hdiv. pinversion Hdiv.
- rewrite <- x0. rewrite <- x. constructor. right.
assert (m1 ≈ ta).
{ specialize (itree_eta ta) as Hta. rewrite <- x0 in Hta.
rewrite Hta. rewrite tau_eutt. reflexivity. }
assert (m2 ≈ tb).
{ specialize (itree_eta tb) as Htb. rewrite <- x in Htb.
rewrite Htb. rewrite tau_eutt. reflexivity. }
apply CIH; auto.
rewrite H. auto.
- rewrite <- x0. rewrite <- x. constructor.
intros. right. apply CIH; auto with itree.
specialize (itree_eta ta) as Hta. rewrite <- x0 in Hta.
rewrite Hta in Hdiv. pinversion Hdiv.
dependent destruction H2. apply H0.
- rewrite <- x. constructor; auto. eapply IHHeutt; eauto.
assert (t1 ≈ ta).
{ specialize (itree_eta ta) as Hta. rewrite <- x in Hta.
rewrite Hta. rewrite tau_eutt. reflexivity. }
rewrite H. auto.
- rewrite <- x. constructor; auto.
Lemma euttNoRet_all_infinite : ∀ (E : Type → Type) (A B : Type) (t1 : itree E A) (t2 : itree E B),
euttNoRet t1 t2 → all_infinite t1.
intros A B. pcofix CIH. intros. pfold. red.
punfold H0.
dependent induction H0; try contradiction; pclearbot.
- rewrite <- x0. constructor. right. eapply CIH; eauto.
- rewrite <- x0. constructor. intros. right. eapply CIH; eauto. eapply REL.
- rewrite <- x. constructor. right. eapply CIH with (t2 := t2); eauto.
pfold. auto.
- eapply IHeqitF; eauto.
Lemma euttNoRet_sym : ∀ (E : Type → Type) (A B : Type) (t1 : itree E A) (t2 : itree E B),
euttNoRet t1 t2 → euttNoRet t2 t1.
intros E A B. pcofix CIH. intros. pfold. red.
punfold H0. unfold_eqit.
dependent induction H0; try contradiction; pclearbot.
- rewrite <- x0. rewrite <- x. constructor. right. auto.
- rewrite <- x0. rewrite <- x. constructor. intros. unfold id.
right. apply CIH. apply REL.
- rewrite <- x. constructor; auto.
- rewrite <- x. constructor; auto.
Lemma all_infinite_bind : ∀ (E : Type → Type) (R U: Type) (t : itree E R)
(f : R → itree E U),
all_infinite t → all_infinite (bind t f).
intros. apply noret_bind_nop with (B := U) (f := f) in H.
apply euttNoRet_sym in H. apply euttNoRet_all_infinite in H. auto.
Lemma euttNoRet_trans : ∀ (E : Type → Type) (A B C : Type) (t1 : itree E A)
(t2 : itree E B) (t3 : itree E C),
euttNoRet t1 t2 → euttNoRet t2 t3 → euttNoRet t1 t3.
intros. unfold euttNoRet in ×.
apply eutt_subrel with (R1 := @rcompose A B C (fun a b ⇒ False) (fun b c ⇒ False) ).
- intros. inversion H1; contradiction.
- eapply eqit_trans; eauto.
#[global] Instance proper_euttNoRet {E A B} {R R'} : Proper ((@eutt E A A R) ==> (@eutt E B B R') ==> iff) (euttNoRet).
intros t1 t2 Ht12 t3 t4 Ht34. split; intros.
- apply euttNoRet_all_infinite in H as Ht1. apply euttNoRet_sym in H.
apply euttNoRet_all_infinite in H as Ht3.
apply euttNoRet_trans with (t2 := t3).
+ apply euttNoRet_trans with (t2 := t1).
× apply euttNoRet_sym. eapply all_infinite_euttNoRet; eauto.
× apply euttNoRet_sym. auto.
+ eapply all_infinite_euttNoRet; eauto.
- apply euttNoRet_all_infinite in H as Ht2.
apply euttNoRet_sym in H. apply euttNoRet_all_infinite in H as Ht3.
assert (euttNoRet t1 t2).
apply euttNoRet_sym. apply eutt_flip in Ht12.
eapply all_infinite_euttNoRet; eauto.
assert (euttNoRet t3 t4).
apply euttNoRet_sym. apply eutt_flip in Ht34.
eapply all_infinite_euttNoRet; eauto.
apply euttNoRet_sym in H.
apply euttNoRet_trans with (t2 := t4).
+ apply euttNoRet_trans with (t2 := t2); auto.
+ apply euttNoRet_sym. auto.
Definition noret_cast {E A B} (t : itree E A) : itree E B :=
t >>= fun _ ⇒ ITree.spin.
Lemma noret_cast_nop : ∀ (E : Type → Type) (A : Type) (t : itree E A),
all_infinite t → t ≈ noret_cast t.
intros. apply euttNoRet_subrel. apply noret_bind_nop. auto.
#[global] Instance proper_noret_cast {E R1 R2} : Proper (@eutt E R1 R1 eq ==> @eutt E R2 R2 eq) noret_cast.
intros t1 t2 Heutt. unfold noret_cast. cbn. rewrite Heutt. reflexivity.
Ltac infer_noret H :=
match type of H with
| euttNoRet ?t1 ?t2 ⇒
apply euttNoRet_sym in H as ?H1;
apply euttNoRet_all_infinite in H1;
apply euttNoRet_all_infinite in H as ?H
Lemma noret_cast_cast E (A B : Type) (t1 t2 : itree E A) (R : A → A → Prop) (R' : B → B → Prop)
: all_infinite t1 → eutt R t1 t2 → eutt R' (noret_cast t1) (noret_cast t2).
intros. apply euttNoRet_subrel.
apply all_infinite_euttNoRet in H0; auto.
infer_noret H0.
apply euttNoRet_trans with (t2 := t2); try apply noret_bind_nop; auto.
apply euttNoRet_trans with (t2 := t1); auto.
apply euttNoRet_sym. apply noret_bind_nop. auto.