From Coq Require Import
From ITree Require Import
From ITree.Extra Require Import
Set Implicit Arguments.
From Paco Require Import paco.
Import Monads.
Import MonadNotation.
Local Open Scope monad_scope.
Lemma classic_empty : ∀ (A : Type), ( ∃ e : A + (A → void), True ).
intros. destruct (classic (∃ a : A, True)).
- destruct H; eauto.
- assert (f : A → void); eauto. intros.
exfalso. apply H; eauto.
Lemma REvRef_inv {E A} (e e' : E A) (a : A)
: REvRef E unit A (evans A e a) e' → e = e'.
intros x. inversion x. ddestruction. reflexivity.
Lemma rer_inv {E A} ea e
: REvRef E unit A ea e → ∃ a, ea = evans A e a.
intros x. inversion x.
- ddestruction. eexists; reflexivity.
- enough (unit → void) by contradiction. destruct H. auto.
Lemma may_converge_trace : ∀ (E : Type → Type) (R : Type)
(b : itrace E R) (r1 r2 : R),
may_converge r1 b → may_converge r2 b → r1 = r2.
intros. induction H; inversion H0; subst.
- rewrite H in H1. pinversion H1. subst. auto.
- rewrite H in H1. pinversion H1.
- destruct e. destruct b. apply IHmay_converge. rewrite H in H0. inversion H0; subst;
+ pinversion H3.
+ destruct e; [ | contradiction ]. destruct b.
pinversion H3. ddestruction.
enough (k tt ≈ k0 tt); try apply REL.
rewrite H5. auto.
+ contradiction.
- destruct e. destruct e0. destruct b. destruct b0.
apply IHmay_converge. rewrite H in H2.
pinversion H2. ddestruction.
subst. enough (k tt ≈ k0 tt); try apply REL.
rewrite H4. auto; contra_void.
+ destruct b0.
+ destruct b.
Lemma finite_nil {E : Type → Type} : finite (@Nil E).
apply conv_ret. unfold Nil. reflexivity.
Lemma finite_list_to_stream : ∀ (E : Type → Type) (l : ev_list E),
finite (ev_list_to_stream l).
red. intros. induction l.
- cbn. constructor. reflexivity.
- cbn. eapply conv_vis; try reflexivity. simpl. eauto.
Unshelve. exact tt.
Lemma finite_stream_list : ∀ (E : Type → Type) (s : ev_stream E),
finite s → ∃ l, (s ≈ ev_list_to_stream l)%itree.
intros. red in H. induction H.
- ∃ nil. auto.
- destruct IHmay_converge as [l Hl]. unfold ev_list in l.
inversion e. subst.
∃ (cons e l). simpl. rewrite H.
destruct b. pfold. red. cbn. constructor.
intros. destruct v. left. auto.
subst. contradiction.
Lemma append_vis : ∀ (E : Type → Type) (R : Type)
(e : EvAns E unit) (k : unit → ev_stream E) (b : itrace E R),
Vis e k ++ b ≈ Vis e (fun a ⇒ k a ++ b).
intros E R. unfold append. intros.
pfold. red. cbn. constructor. intros. left.
enough ( (ITree.bind (k v) (fun _ : unit ⇒ b) ≈ (ITree.bind (k v) (fun _ : unit ⇒ b) ) ) ); auto.
Global Instance proper_append {E R} : Proper (@eutt (EvAns E) unit unit eq ==> @eutt (EvAns E) R R eq ==> eutt eq) (@append E R).
intros log1 log2 Hlog b1 b2 Hb. unfold append. rewrite Hlog.
eapply eutt_clo_bind; eauto. reflexivity.
Lemma may_converge_append : ∀ (E : Type → Type) (R : Type)
(log : ev_stream E) (r : R),
finite log → may_converge r (log ++ Ret r).
intros. induction H.
- unfold append. rewrite H. rewrite bind_ret_l.
constructor. reflexivity.
- rewrite H. inversion e. subst. rewrite append_vis.
eapply conv_vis; eauto; try reflexivity. simpl. eauto.
subst. contradiction.
Lemma converge_itrace_ev_list : ∀ (E : Type → Type) (R : Type)
(b : itrace E R) (r : R),
may_converge r b → (∃ log, (ev_list_to_stream log) ++ Ret r ≈ b)%itree .
intros. induction H.
- ∃ nil. cbn. rewrite H.
pfold. red. cbn. constructor. auto.
- destruct IHmay_converge as [log Hlog]. inversion e. subst.
∃ (cons e log). cbn. rewrite append_vis. rewrite H.
pfold. red. cbn. constructor. cbn. intros. destruct v.
left. destruct b. apply Hlog. subst. contradiction.
Lemma classic_converge_itrace : ∀ (E : Type → Type) (R : Type) (b : itrace E R),
(∃ r, ∃ log, ( (ev_list_to_stream log) ++ Ret r ≈ b)%itree ) ∨ all_infinite b.
destruct (classic_converge b); auto. destruct H as [r Hr]. left.
∃ r. apply converge_itrace_ev_list. auto.
Arguments classic_converge_itrace {E} {R}.
Lemma append_nil : ∀ (E : Type → Type) (R : Type) (b : itrace E R),
(Ret tt ++ b ≈ b)%itree.
intros. unfold append. rewrite bind_ret_l. reflexivity.
Lemma append_assoc : ∀ (E : Type → Type) (R : Type) (b : itrace E R)
(log log' : ev_list E),
ev_list_to_stream (log ++ log')%list ++ b ≈
(ev_list_to_stream log) ++ (ev_list_to_stream log') ++ b.
intros E R b log. induction log.
- simpl. intros. rewrite append_nil. reflexivity.
- cbn. intros. rewrite append_vis. setoid_rewrite IHlog.
rewrite append_vis. reflexivity.
Lemma append_div : ∀ (E : Type → Type) (R : Type) (b : itrace E R)
(log : ev_list E),
all_infinite b → all_infinite ((ev_list_to_stream log) ++ b).
intros. induction log.
- cbn. unfold append. rewrite bind_ret_l. auto.
- cbn. unfold append.
pfold. red. cbn. constructor. intros. left. auto.
Lemma inv_append_eutt : ∀ (E : Type → Type) (R : Type) (r1 r2 : R)
(log1 log2 : ev_list E),
((ev_list_to_stream log1) ++ Ret r1 ≈ (ev_list_to_stream log2) ++ Ret r2)%itree →
log1 = log2 ∧ r1 = r2.
intros. generalize dependent log2. induction log1; intros.
- destruct log2.
+ split; auto. cbn in H. pinversion H. cbn. unfold append in ×.
cbn in ×. subst. auto.
+ pinversion H.
- destruct log2.
+ pinversion H.
+ cbn in H. unfold append in H. pinversion H. cbn in ×. ddestruction.
enough (log1 = log2 ∧ r1 = r2).
{ destruct H0. subst. auto. }
apply IHlog1. apply REL. apply tt.
Lemma trace_refine_proper_left' : ∀ (E : Type → Type) (R : Type) (b1 b2 : itrace E R)
(t : itree E R), (b1 ≈ b2) → rutt (REvRef E) (RAnsRef E) eq b1 t →
rutt (REvRef E) (RAnsRef E) eq b2 t.
intros E R. pcofix CIH. intros. pfold. red.
punfold H1. red in H1. punfold H0. red in H0.
genobs_clear t ot3.
hinduction H0 before CIH; intros; clear b1 b2; eauto.
- remember (RetF r1) as ot1. hinduction H1 before CIH; intros; inv Heqot1; eauto with paco.
+ constructor. auto.
+ constructor. eapply IHruttF; eauto.
(* Tau Tau case causes the most problems, seems *)
- assert (DEC: (∃ m3, ot3 = TauF m3) ∨ (∀ m3, ot3 ≠ TauF m3)).
{ destruct ot3; eauto; right; red; intros; inv H. }
destruct DEC as [EQ | EQ].
+ destruct EQ as [m3 ?]; subst. pclearbot.
constructor. right. eapply CIH; eauto.
apply rutt_inv_Tau. pfold. auto.
+ inv H1; try (exfalso; eapply EQ; eauto; fail).
pclearbot. constructor.
punfold REL. red in REL.
hinduction H0 before CIH; intros; subst; try (exfalso; eapply EQ; eauto; fail).
× dependent induction REL; rewrite <- x.
++ constructor. auto.
++ constructor. eapply IHREL; eauto.
× dependent induction REL; rewrite <- x.
++ constructor; auto. intros. apply H0 in H1. right.
pclearbot. eapply CIH; eauto with itree.
++ constructor. eapply IHREL; eauto.
× eapply IHruttF; eauto. clear IHruttF.
dependent induction REL; try (exfalso; eapply EQ; eauto; fail).
++ pclearbot. rewrite <- x. constructor; auto. pstep_reverse.
++ auto.
++ rewrite <- x. constructor; auto. eapply IHREL; eauto.
- remember (VisF e k1) as ot1.
hinduction H1 before CIH; intros; dependent destruction Heqot1.
+ pclearbot. constructor; auto. intros. apply H0 in H1.
pclearbot. right.
eapply CIH; eauto with itree.
+ constructor. eapply IHruttF; eauto.
- eapply IHeqitF. remember (TauF t1) as otf1.
hinduction H1 before CIH; intros; dependent destruction Heqotf1; eauto.
+ constructor. pclearbot. pstep_reverse.
+ constructor. eapply IHruttF; eauto.
- constructor. eapply IHeqitF. eauto.
Lemma trace_refine_proper_right' : ∀ (E : Type → Type) (R : Type) (b : itrace E R)
(t1 t2 : itree E R), t1 ≈ t2 → rutt (REvRef E) (RAnsRef E) eq b t1 →
rutt (REvRef E) (RAnsRef E) eq b t2.
intros E R. pcofix CIH. intros. punfold H1. red in H1.
punfold H0. red in H0. pfold. red.
genobs_clear t2 ot2.
hinduction H0 before CIH; intros; clear t1; subst; eauto.
- remember (RetF r2) as ot1. hinduction H1 before CIH; intros; inv Heqot1; eauto with paco.
+ constructor; auto.
+ constructor. eauto.
- pclearbot. remember (TauF m1) as otm1.
hinduction H1 before CIH; intros; subst; try (inv Heqotm1).
+ constructor. pclearbot. right. eapply CIH; eauto.
+ constructor. right. eapply CIH; eauto.
apply rutt_inv_Tau_r. pfold. auto.
+ punfold REL. red in REL.
dependent induction REL; subst.
× constructor. clear IHruttF.
hinduction H1 before CIH; intros; dependent destruction x0.
++ rewrite <- x. constructor. auto.
++ constructor. auto.
× pclearbot. eapply IHruttF; auto. 2 : symmetry; eauto.
pclearbot. pfold. red. rewrite <- x. constructor; auto.
punfold REL.
× constructor. rewrite <- x.
clear IHruttF. hinduction H1 before CIH; intros; dependent destruction x0.
++ constructor; auto. intros. apply H0 in H1.
pclearbot. right. eapply CIH; eauto with itree.
++ constructor. eapply IHruttF; eauto.
× eapply IHruttF; eauto.
× constructor. rewrite <- x. eapply IHREL; eauto.
- remember (VisF e k1) as ot1. hinduction H1 before CIH; intros; inv Heqot1.
+ ddestruction. constructor; auto. intros. apply H0 in H1.
right. pclearbot. eapply CIH; eauto; apply REL.
+ constructor. eauto.
- eapply IHeqitF; eauto. remember (TauF t0) as otf0.
hinduction H1 before CIH; intros; dependent destruction Heqotf0; eauto.
+ constructor. pclearbot. pstep_reverse.
+ constructor. eapply IHruttF; eauto.
- constructor. eapply IHeqitF. eauto.
#[global] Instance trace_refine_proper {E R} : Proper (@eutt E R R eq ==> eutt eq ==> iff) trace_refine.
intros b1 b2 Heuttb t1 t2 Heuttt.
split; intros;
try (eapply trace_refine_proper_right'; [eauto | eapply trace_refine_proper_left'; eauto]);
auto; symmetry; auto.
Lemma trace_refine_ret : ∀ (E : Type → Type) (R : Type) (r : R),
@trace_refine E R (Ret r) (Ret r).
intros. pfold. constructor. auto.
Lemma trace_refine_ret_inv_r : ∀ (E : Type → Type) (R : Type) (r : R)
(t : itree E R),
Ret r ⊑ t → t ≈ Ret r.
intros. pfold. red. punfold H. red in H. cbn in ×.
dependent induction H; subst.
- rewrite <- x. constructor. auto.
- rewrite <- x. constructor; auto.
Lemma trace_refine_ret_inv_l : ∀ (E : Type → Type) (R : Type) (r : R)
(b : itrace E R),
b ⊑ Ret r → (b ≈ Ret r)%itree.
intros. pfold. red. punfold H. red in H. cbn in ×.
dependent induction H; subst.
- rewrite <- x. constructor. auto.
- rewrite <- x. constructor; auto.
Lemma trace_refine_vis_inv : ∀ (E : Type → Type) (R A: Type) (e : E A) (a : A)
(b :itrace E R) (k : A → itree E R),
trace_refine (Vis e k) (Vis (evans A e a) (fun _ ⇒ b)) → trace_refine (k a) b .
intros E R A e a. intros.
red in H. red. punfold H. red in H. inversion H. ddestruction.
assert (RAnsRef E unit A (evans A e a) tt e a); eauto with itree.
apply H7 in H0. pclearbot. auto.
Lemma trace_refine_vis_add : ∀ (E : Type → Type) (R A: Type) (e : E A) (a : A)
(b :itrace E R) (k : A → itree E R),
b ⊑ k a → Vis (evans A e a) (fun _ ⇒ b) ⊑ Vis e k.
intros. pfold. red. cbn. constructor; eauto with itree.
intros. left. inversion H0. ddestruction.
subst. auto.
Lemma event_ans_constr : ∀ (E : Type → Type) (R : Type) (e : E R),
∃ (A : Type), ∃ e' : EvAns E A, REvRef E A R e' e.
destruct (classic_empty R) as [ [a | Hempty] _ ] .
- ∃ unit. ∃ (evans R e a). eauto with itree.
- ∃ void. ∃ (evempty R Hempty e). eauto with itree.
(* Here are where some of the sketchy uses of axioms are *)
Section Determinize.
Context (classicT : ∀ (P : Type), P + (P → False)).
CoFixpoint determinize_ (E : Type → Type) (R : Type) (ot : itree' E R) : itrace E R.
destruct ot.
- apply (Ret r).
- apply (Tau (determinize_ E R (observe t) ) ).
- destruct (classicT X) as [ | f].
+ apply (Vis (evans X e x) (fun _ ⇒ (determinize_ E R (observe (k x)) ) )).
+ apply (Vis (evempty X (fun x ⇒ match f x with end) e) (fun v : void ⇒ match v return itrace E R with end) ).
Definition determinize {E R} (t : itree E R) : itrace E R := determinize_ (observe t).
End Determinize.
(* may be a better idea to make this an axiom *)
Lemma itree_refine_nonempty : ∀ (E : Type → Type) (R : Type) (t : itree E R),
∃ b : itrace E R, b ⊑ t.
intros. destruct classicT_inhabited as [classicT].
∃ (determinize classicT t). generalize dependent t.
pcofix CIH. intros. pfold. red. unfold determinize. destruct (observe t).
- cbn. constructor. auto.
- cbn. constructor. right. apply CIH.
- unfold observe. cbn. destruct (classicT _).
+ constructor; eauto with itree. intros. right.
inversion H. ddestruction.
subst. apply CIH.
+ constructor; auto with itree. intros. contradiction.
Lemma refine_set_eq_to_eutt_vis_aux : ∀ (E : Type → Type) (R : Type) (r : itree E R → itree E R → Prop)
(CIH : ∀ t1 t2 : itree E R, (∀ b : itrace E R, b ⊑ t1 ↔ b ⊑ t2) → r t1 t2)
(t1 t2 : itree E R)
(H0 : ∀ b : itrace E R, b ⊑ t1 ↔ b ⊑ t2)
(A B : Type) (e : E A) (e0 : E B)
(k : A → itree E R) (k0 : B → itree E R)
(Ht1 : t1 ≅ Vis e k) (Ht2 : t2 ≅ Vis e0 k0 ),
eqitF eq true true id (upaco2 (eqit_ eq true true id) r) (VisF e k) (VisF e0 k0).
destruct (classic_empty A) as [ [a | Ha] _ ].
- specialize trace_refine_vis_add with (e := e) (k := k) (a := a) as Hbrv.
assert (∃ b, b ⊑ (k a) ).
{ apply itree_refine_nonempty. }
destruct H as [b Hbk]. apply trace_refine_vis_add with (e := e) in Hbk.
rewrite <- Ht1 in Hbk.
apply H0 in Hbk as Hbk0.
rewrite Ht1 in Hbk. rewrite Ht2 in Hbk0.
pinversion Hbk.
pinversion Hbk0. ddestruction.
inversion H10. ddestruction.
subst. constructor.
intros. right. eapply CIH; eauto.
intros. setoid_rewrite Ht1 in H0. setoid_rewrite Ht2 in H0.
split; intros.
+ apply trace_refine_vis_add with (e := e) in H. apply H0 in H.
apply trace_refine_vis_inv in H. auto.
+ apply trace_refine_vis_add with (e := e) in H. apply H0 in H.
apply trace_refine_vis_inv in H. auto.
- set (fun v : void ⇒ match v return itrace E R with end) as ke.
set (Vis (evempty A Ha e) ke) as b.
assert (b ⊑ t1).
unfold b. rewrite Ht1. pfold. red. cbn.
constructor; intuition.
apply H0 in H as H1. unfold b in ×. clear b.
rewrite Ht1 in H. rewrite Ht2 in H1.
pinversion H. pinversion H1. ddestruction.
subst. inversion H12. ddestruction.
intros. right. eapply CIH.
intros. setoid_rewrite Ht1 in H0. setoid_rewrite Ht2 in H0.
split; intros; contradiction.
Lemma trace_refine_vis : ∀ (E : Type → Type) (R A : Type) (b : itrace E R)
(e : E A) (k : A → itree E R),
b ⊑ Vis e k → ∃ X, ∃ e0 : EvAns E X, ∃ k0, (b ≈ Vis e0 k0)%itree.
intros. punfold H. red in H. cbn in H.
dependent induction H.
- ∃ A0. ∃ e1. ∃ k1.
specialize (itree_eta b) as Hb. rewrite <- x in Hb.
rewrite Hb. reflexivity.
- enough
(∃ (X : Type) (e0 : EvAns E X) (k0 : X → itree (EvAns E) R), (t1 ≈ Vis e0 k0)%itree).
destruct H0 as [ X [e0 [k0 Ht1] ] ].
∃ X. ∃ e0. ∃ k0.
specialize (itree_eta b) as Hb. rewrite <- x in Hb. rewrite Hb.
rewrite tau_eutt. auto.
eapply IHruttF; eauto.
Lemma trace_refine_vis_l : ∀ (E : Type → Type) (R A: Type) (t : itree E R)
(e : EvAns E A) (k : A → itrace E R),
Vis e k ⊑ t → ∃ X, ∃ e0 : E X, ∃ k0 : X → itree E R, t ≈ Vis e0 k0.
intros. punfold H. red in H. cbn in ×.
dependent induction H.
- ∃ B. ∃ e2. ∃ k2. specialize (itree_eta t) as Ht.
rewrite <- x in Ht. rewrite Ht. reflexivity.
- assert (t2 ≈ t).
specialize (itree_eta t). rewrite <- x. intros.
rewrite H0. rewrite tau_eutt. reflexivity.
setoid_rewrite <- H0. eapply IHruttF; eauto.
Lemma trace_refine_may_converge_ex : ∀ (E : Type → Type) (R : Type)
(t : itree E R) (r : R),
may_converge r t → ∃ b, may_converge r b ∧ b ⊑ t.
intros. induction H.
- ∃ (Ret r). rewrite H. split.
+ constructor. reflexivity.
+ apply trace_refine_ret.
- destruct IHmay_converge as [br [Hrbr Hrefbr] ].
∃ (Vis (evans B e b) (fun _ ⇒ br) ). split.
+ eapply conv_vis; try reflexivity. eauto. Unshelve. exact tt.
+ rewrite H. apply trace_refine_vis_add. auto.
Lemma trace_refine_may_converge : ∀ (E : Type → Type) (R : Type)
(t : itree E R) (r : R) (b : itrace E R),
may_converge r b → b ⊑ t → may_converge r t.
intros. generalize dependent t. induction H; intros.
- rewrite H in H0. apply trace_refine_ret_inv_r in H0.
rewrite H0. constructor. reflexivity.
- rewrite H in H1. apply trace_refine_vis_l in H1 as Ht0.
destruct Ht0 as [X [e0 [k0 Ht0] ] ].
rewrite Ht0 in H1. pinversion H1. subst.
ddestruction. subst. rewrite Ht0.
inversion H4; subst; ddestruction; subst; try contradiction.
eapply conv_vis; try reflexivity. Unshelve. 2 : exact a.
apply IHmay_converge. pclearbot.
specialize (H9 tt a). assert (RAnsRef E unit X (evans X e0 a) tt e0 a).
constructor. apply H9 in H2. pclearbot. destruct b. auto.
Lemma trace_refine_all_infinite : ∀ (E : Type → Type) (R : Type)
(t : itree E R) (b : itrace E R),
all_infinite t → b ⊑ t → all_infinite b.
intros E R. pcofix CIH. intros. punfold H0. red in H0.
punfold H1. red in H1. pfold. red. dependent induction H1.
- rewrite <- x in H0. inversion H0.
- rewrite <- x0. constructor. right. pclearbot. eapply CIH; eauto.
rewrite <- x in H0. inv H0. pclearbot. auto.
- rewrite <- x0. rewrite <- x in H0. constructor. inv H0.
ddestruction. subst. intros. right. pclearbot.
inversion H; subst; ddestruction; try contradiction. destruct b0.
eapply CIH; try apply H3.
specialize (H1 tt a). assert (RAnsRef _ _ _ (evans B e2 a) tt e2 a ).
constructor. apply H1 in H0. unfold id in H0.
destruct H0; try contradiction. eauto.
- rewrite <- x. constructor. left. pfold. eapply IHruttF; eauto.
- eapply IHruttF; auto. rewrite <- x in H0. inv H0.
pclearbot. punfold H2.
Lemma trace_refine_converge_bind : ∀ (E : Type → Type) (R S : Type)
(b : itrace E R) (t : itree E R) (f : R → itrace E S) (g : R → itree E S) (r : R),
may_converge r b → b ⊑ t → f r ⊑ g r → ITree.bind b f ⊑ ITree.bind t g.
intros. generalize dependent t. dependent induction H; intros.
- rewrite H. rewrite H in H0. apply trace_refine_ret_inv_r in H0.
rewrite H0. repeat rewrite bind_ret_l. auto.
- specialize (IHmay_converge H1).
rewrite H in H2. apply trace_refine_vis_l in H2 as Ht.
destruct Ht as [X [e0 [k0 Ht] ] ].
rewrite Ht in H2. punfold H2. red in H2. cbn in H2. inversion H2; subst.
ddestruction. subst. pclearbot.
inversion H5; ddestruction; subst; try contradiction.
ddestruction. subst. rewrite H. rewrite Ht.
pfold. red. cbn. constructor; auto.
intros. apply H10 in H3. pclearbot. left.
destruct a0. destruct b. apply IHmay_converge. auto.
Lemma trace_refine_diverge_bind : ∀ (E : Type → Type) (R S : Type)
(b : itrace E R) (t : itree E R) (f : R → itrace E S) (g : R → itree E S),
all_infinite b → b ⊑ t → ITree.bind b f ⊑ ITree.bind t g.
intros E R S b t f g. generalize dependent b. generalize dependent t.
pcofix CIH. intros.
punfold H0. red in H0.
punfold H1. red in H1. pfold. red. cbn.
dependent induction H1.
- rewrite <- x0 in H0. inv H0.
- unfold observe. cbn. rewrite <- x0. rewrite <- x.
cbn. constructor. right. pclearbot. apply CIH; auto.
rewrite <- x0 in H0. inv H0. pclearbot. auto.
- unfold observe. cbn. rewrite <- x0. rewrite <- x. cbn. constructor; auto.
rewrite <- x0 in H0. inv H0. ddestruction. subst. pclearbot.
apply H1 in H2. right. eapply CIH; eauto; try apply H4.
unfold id in H2. pclearbot. auto.
- unfold observe at 1. cbn. rewrite <- x. cbn. constructor.
eapply IHruttF; eauto. rewrite <- x in H0. inv H0. pclearbot. pstep_reverse.
- unfold observe at 2. cbn. rewrite <- x. cbn. constructor.
eapply IHruttF; eauto.
Lemma refine_set_eq_to_eutt : ∀ (E : Type → Type) (R : Type) (t1 t2 : itree E R),
(∀ b, b ⊑ t1 ↔ b ⊑ t2) → t1 ≈ t2.
intros E R. pcofix CIH. intros.
pfold. red.
remember (observe t1) as ot1. remember (observe t2) as ot2.
destruct (ot1); destruct (ot2).
(*Ret Ret*)
- specialize (H0 (Ret r0) ) as Hr0.
specialize (itree_eta t1) as Ht1. rewrite <- Heqot1 in Ht1.
specialize (itree_eta t2) as Ht2. rewrite <- Heqot2 in Ht2.
rewrite Ht1 in Hr0. rewrite Ht2 in Hr0.
assert (Ret r0 ⊑ t2).
{ rewrite Ht2. apply Hr0. pfold. constructor. auto. }
rewrite Ht2 in H. pinversion H. subst. constructor. auto.
(*Ret Tau *)
- specialize (itree_eta t1) as Ht1. rewrite <- Heqot1 in Ht1.
specialize (itree_eta t2) as Ht2. rewrite <- Heqot2 in Ht2.
setoid_rewrite Ht2 in H0.
specialize (H0 (Ret r0) ).
rewrite tau_eutt in H0. constructor; auto.
assert (Ret r0 ⊑ t1).
{ rewrite Ht1. pfold. constructor. auto. }
apply H0 in H. punfold H. red in H. cbn in H.
clear H0 Ht1 Ht2 Heqot1 Heqot2. dependent induction H.
+ rewrite <- x. constructor; auto.
+ rewrite <- x. constructor; auto.
(*Ret Vis*)
- exfalso.
specialize (itree_eta t1) as Ht1. rewrite <- Heqot1 in Ht1.
specialize (itree_eta t2) as Ht2. rewrite <- Heqot2 in Ht2.
assert (Ret r0 ⊑ t1).
{ rewrite Ht1. pfold. constructor. auto. }
apply H0 in H. rewrite Ht2 in H. pinversion H.
(*Tau Ret*)
- specialize (itree_eta t1) as Ht1. rewrite <- Heqot1 in Ht1.
specialize (itree_eta t2) as Ht2. rewrite <- Heqot2 in Ht2.
setoid_rewrite Ht1 in H0. setoid_rewrite Ht2 in H0.
assert (Ret r0 ⊑ t2).
{ rewrite Ht2. pfold. constructor. auto. }
rewrite Ht2 in H. apply H0 in H as H1. punfold H1.
clear Heqot1 Heqot2 Ht1 Ht2 H H0. red in H1. cbn in ×.
constructor; auto. inv H1. dependent induction H2; intros; subst.
+ rewrite <- x. constructor; auto.
+ rewrite <- x. auto with itree.
(*Tau Tau*)
- constructor. right. eapply CIH.
specialize (itree_eta t1) as Ht1. rewrite <- Heqot1 in Ht1.
specialize (itree_eta t2) as Ht2. rewrite <- Heqot2 in Ht2.
assert (t1 ≈ t). { rewrite Ht1. rewrite tau_eutt. reflexivity. }
assert (t2 ≈ t0). { rewrite Ht2. rewrite tau_eutt. reflexivity. }
rewrite <- H. rewrite <- H1. auto.
(*Tau Vis*)
- specialize (itree_eta t1) as Ht1. rewrite <- Heqot1 in Ht1.
specialize (itree_eta t2) as Ht2. rewrite <- Heqot2 in Ht2.
specialize (itree_refine_nonempty t1) as [b Hbt1].
apply H0 in Hbt1 as Hbt2. rewrite Ht1 in Hbt1.
rewrite tau_eutt in Hbt1.
rewrite Ht2 in Hbt2.
apply trace_refine_vis in Hbt2 as Hb.
destruct Hb as [Y [e0 [k0 Hb] ] ].
rewrite Hb in Hbt2.
rewrite Hb in Hbt1. clear Hb b.
constructor; auto.
setoid_rewrite Ht1 in H0. setoid_rewrite tau_eutt in H0.
clear Heqot1 Heqot2. clear Ht1 t1.
punfold Hbt1. red in Hbt1. cbn in ×.
dependent induction Hbt1.
+ rewrite <- x.
specialize (itree_eta t) as Ht. rewrite <- x in Ht.
eapply refine_set_eq_to_eutt_vis_aux; eauto.
+ rewrite <- x. constructor; auto. eapply IHHbt1; eauto.
assert (t0 ≈ t).
specialize (itree_eta t) as Ht. rewrite <- x in Ht. rewrite Ht.
rewrite tau_eutt. reflexivity.
setoid_rewrite H. auto.
(*Vis Ret*)
- exfalso.
specialize (itree_eta t1) as Ht1. rewrite <- Heqot1 in Ht1.
specialize (itree_eta t2) as Ht2. rewrite <- Heqot2 in Ht2.
assert (Ret r0 ⊑ t2).
{ rewrite Ht2. pfold. constructor. auto. }
apply H0 in H. rewrite Ht1 in H. pinversion H.
(*Vis Tau*)
- specialize (itree_eta t1) as Ht1. rewrite <- Heqot1 in Ht1.
specialize (itree_eta t2) as Ht2. rewrite <- Heqot2 in Ht2.
specialize (itree_refine_nonempty t2) as [b Hbt2].
apply H0 in Hbt2 as Hbt1. rewrite Ht1 in Hbt1.
rewrite Ht2 in Hbt2.
rewrite tau_eutt in Hbt2.
apply trace_refine_vis in Hbt1 as Hb.
destruct Hb as [Y [e0 [k0 Hb] ] ].
rewrite Hb in Hbt2.
rewrite Hb in Hbt1. clear Hb b.
constructor; auto.
setoid_rewrite Ht2 in H0. setoid_rewrite tau_eutt in H0.
clear Heqot1 Heqot2. clear Ht2 t2.
punfold Hbt2. red in Hbt2. cbn in ×.
dependent induction Hbt2.
+ rewrite <- x.
specialize (itree_eta t) as Ht. rewrite <- x in Ht.
eapply refine_set_eq_to_eutt_vis_aux; eauto.
+ rewrite <- x. constructor; auto. eapply IHHbt2; eauto.
assert (t2 ≈ t).
specialize (itree_eta t) as Ht. rewrite <- x in Ht. rewrite Ht.
rewrite tau_eutt. reflexivity.
setoid_rewrite H. auto.
(*Vis Vis*)
- specialize (itree_eta t1) as Ht1. rewrite <- Heqot1 in Ht1.
specialize (itree_eta t2) as Ht2. rewrite <- Heqot2 in Ht2.
eapply refine_set_eq_to_eutt_vis_aux; eauto.
Lemma trace_set_complete : ∀ E R (t1 t2 : itree E R), (∀ b, b ⊑ t1 ↔ b ⊑ t2) ↔ t1 ≈ t2.
intros. split; intros; try apply refine_set_eq_to_eutt; auto.
rewrite H. split; auto.
Lemma trace_refine_bind_cont_inv : ∀ (E : Type → Type) (R S : Type)
(b : itrace E R) (m : itree E R) (g : R → itrace E S)
(f : R → itree E S) (r : R),
may_converge r b → b ⊑ m → ITree.bind b g ⊑ ITree.bind m f → g r ⊑ f r.
intros E R S. pcofix CIH. intros b m g f a Hconv Hrefb Hrefbind.
generalize dependent m.
dependent induction Hconv; intros m Hrefb Hrefbind.
- rewrite H in Hrefbind. rewrite bind_ret_l in Hrefbind. rewrite H in Hrefb.
apply trace_refine_ret_inv_r in Hrefb. rewrite Hrefb in Hrefbind.
rewrite bind_ret_l in Hrefbind. eapply paco2_mon; eauto. intuition.
- (*m must be a vis, the continuations must refine then continuation in the m I use in the
inductive hypothesis *)
destruct e; try contradiction. rewrite H in Hrefb.
rewrite H in Hrefbind. rewrite bind_vis in Hrefbind.
apply trace_refine_vis_l in Hrefb as Hvis. destruct Hvis as [X [e' [k' Hvis ] ] ].
rewrite Hvis in Hrefbind. rewrite bind_vis in Hrefbind.
punfold Hrefbind. red in Hrefbind. cbn in Hrefbind. inv Hrefbind.
ddestruction. inv H2. ddestruction; subst.
rewrite Hvis in Hrefb. punfold Hrefb. red in Hrefb. cbn in Hrefb. inv Hrefb.
assert (RAnsRef E unit A (evans _ e' ans) tt e' ans ); try (constructor; auto; fail).
specialize (IHHconv (k' ans) ). apply IHHconv.
+ apply H8 in H0. pclearbot. destruct b. auto.
+ apply H7 in H0. pclearbot. destruct b. auto.
Lemma may_converge_two_list:
∀ (E : Type → Type) (A B : Type) (log : ev_list E) (b : itrace E A)
(a : A) (log' : ev_list E),
(ev_list_to_stream log) ++ b ≈ (ev_list_to_stream log') ++ Ret a → may_converge a b.
intros. generalize dependent log'.
induction log; cbn; intros.
- simpl in H. setoid_rewrite bind_ret_l in H. rewrite H.
apply may_converge_append. apply finite_list_to_stream.
- assert ((Vis a0 (fun _ ⇒ ev_list_to_stream log)) ≈ ev_list_to_stream (cons a0 log) )%itree.
{ cbn. reflexivity. }
rewrite H0 in H.
destruct log' as [ | h t ].
+ setoid_rewrite bind_ret_l in H. simpl in H. pinversion H.
+ simpl in H. unfold append in H. repeat rewrite bind_vis in H. pinversion H.
ddestruction; subst.
assert (ev_list_to_stream log ++ b ≈ ev_list_to_stream t ++ Ret a).
{ apply REL. apply tt. }
eapply IHlog; eauto.
Lemma all_infinite_bind_append: ∀ (E : Type → Type) (A : Type)
(log : ev_list E) (b' : itree (EvAns E) A),
all_infinite (ev_list_to_stream log ++ b') → all_infinite b'.
intros E A log b' Hdiv. induction log.
- cbn in Hdiv. setoid_rewrite bind_ret_l in Hdiv. auto.
- apply IHlog. simpl in Hdiv. unfold append in Hdiv.
rewrite bind_vis in Hdiv. pinversion Hdiv. ddestruction. subst. apply H0.
apply tt.
From ITree Require Import
From ITree.Extra Require Import
Set Implicit Arguments.
From Paco Require Import paco.
Import Monads.
Import MonadNotation.
Local Open Scope monad_scope.
Lemma classic_empty : ∀ (A : Type), ( ∃ e : A + (A → void), True ).
intros. destruct (classic (∃ a : A, True)).
- destruct H; eauto.
- assert (f : A → void); eauto. intros.
exfalso. apply H; eauto.
Lemma REvRef_inv {E A} (e e' : E A) (a : A)
: REvRef E unit A (evans A e a) e' → e = e'.
intros x. inversion x. ddestruction. reflexivity.
Lemma rer_inv {E A} ea e
: REvRef E unit A ea e → ∃ a, ea = evans A e a.
intros x. inversion x.
- ddestruction. eexists; reflexivity.
- enough (unit → void) by contradiction. destruct H. auto.
Lemma may_converge_trace : ∀ (E : Type → Type) (R : Type)
(b : itrace E R) (r1 r2 : R),
may_converge r1 b → may_converge r2 b → r1 = r2.
intros. induction H; inversion H0; subst.
- rewrite H in H1. pinversion H1. subst. auto.
- rewrite H in H1. pinversion H1.
- destruct e. destruct b. apply IHmay_converge. rewrite H in H0. inversion H0; subst;
+ pinversion H3.
+ destruct e; [ | contradiction ]. destruct b.
pinversion H3. ddestruction.
enough (k tt ≈ k0 tt); try apply REL.
rewrite H5. auto.
+ contradiction.
- destruct e. destruct e0. destruct b. destruct b0.
apply IHmay_converge. rewrite H in H2.
pinversion H2. ddestruction.
subst. enough (k tt ≈ k0 tt); try apply REL.
rewrite H4. auto; contra_void.
+ destruct b0.
+ destruct b.
Lemma finite_nil {E : Type → Type} : finite (@Nil E).
apply conv_ret. unfold Nil. reflexivity.
Lemma finite_list_to_stream : ∀ (E : Type → Type) (l : ev_list E),
finite (ev_list_to_stream l).
red. intros. induction l.
- cbn. constructor. reflexivity.
- cbn. eapply conv_vis; try reflexivity. simpl. eauto.
Unshelve. exact tt.
Lemma finite_stream_list : ∀ (E : Type → Type) (s : ev_stream E),
finite s → ∃ l, (s ≈ ev_list_to_stream l)%itree.
intros. red in H. induction H.
- ∃ nil. auto.
- destruct IHmay_converge as [l Hl]. unfold ev_list in l.
inversion e. subst.
∃ (cons e l). simpl. rewrite H.
destruct b. pfold. red. cbn. constructor.
intros. destruct v. left. auto.
subst. contradiction.
Lemma append_vis : ∀ (E : Type → Type) (R : Type)
(e : EvAns E unit) (k : unit → ev_stream E) (b : itrace E R),
Vis e k ++ b ≈ Vis e (fun a ⇒ k a ++ b).
intros E R. unfold append. intros.
pfold. red. cbn. constructor. intros. left.
enough ( (ITree.bind (k v) (fun _ : unit ⇒ b) ≈ (ITree.bind (k v) (fun _ : unit ⇒ b) ) ) ); auto.
Global Instance proper_append {E R} : Proper (@eutt (EvAns E) unit unit eq ==> @eutt (EvAns E) R R eq ==> eutt eq) (@append E R).
intros log1 log2 Hlog b1 b2 Hb. unfold append. rewrite Hlog.
eapply eutt_clo_bind; eauto. reflexivity.
Lemma may_converge_append : ∀ (E : Type → Type) (R : Type)
(log : ev_stream E) (r : R),
finite log → may_converge r (log ++ Ret r).
intros. induction H.
- unfold append. rewrite H. rewrite bind_ret_l.
constructor. reflexivity.
- rewrite H. inversion e. subst. rewrite append_vis.
eapply conv_vis; eauto; try reflexivity. simpl. eauto.
subst. contradiction.
Lemma converge_itrace_ev_list : ∀ (E : Type → Type) (R : Type)
(b : itrace E R) (r : R),
may_converge r b → (∃ log, (ev_list_to_stream log) ++ Ret r ≈ b)%itree .
intros. induction H.
- ∃ nil. cbn. rewrite H.
pfold. red. cbn. constructor. auto.
- destruct IHmay_converge as [log Hlog]. inversion e. subst.
∃ (cons e log). cbn. rewrite append_vis. rewrite H.
pfold. red. cbn. constructor. cbn. intros. destruct v.
left. destruct b. apply Hlog. subst. contradiction.
Lemma classic_converge_itrace : ∀ (E : Type → Type) (R : Type) (b : itrace E R),
(∃ r, ∃ log, ( (ev_list_to_stream log) ++ Ret r ≈ b)%itree ) ∨ all_infinite b.
destruct (classic_converge b); auto. destruct H as [r Hr]. left.
∃ r. apply converge_itrace_ev_list. auto.
Arguments classic_converge_itrace {E} {R}.
Lemma append_nil : ∀ (E : Type → Type) (R : Type) (b : itrace E R),
(Ret tt ++ b ≈ b)%itree.
intros. unfold append. rewrite bind_ret_l. reflexivity.
Lemma append_assoc : ∀ (E : Type → Type) (R : Type) (b : itrace E R)
(log log' : ev_list E),
ev_list_to_stream (log ++ log')%list ++ b ≈
(ev_list_to_stream log) ++ (ev_list_to_stream log') ++ b.
intros E R b log. induction log.
- simpl. intros. rewrite append_nil. reflexivity.
- cbn. intros. rewrite append_vis. setoid_rewrite IHlog.
rewrite append_vis. reflexivity.
Lemma append_div : ∀ (E : Type → Type) (R : Type) (b : itrace E R)
(log : ev_list E),
all_infinite b → all_infinite ((ev_list_to_stream log) ++ b).
intros. induction log.
- cbn. unfold append. rewrite bind_ret_l. auto.
- cbn. unfold append.
pfold. red. cbn. constructor. intros. left. auto.
Lemma inv_append_eutt : ∀ (E : Type → Type) (R : Type) (r1 r2 : R)
(log1 log2 : ev_list E),
((ev_list_to_stream log1) ++ Ret r1 ≈ (ev_list_to_stream log2) ++ Ret r2)%itree →
log1 = log2 ∧ r1 = r2.
intros. generalize dependent log2. induction log1; intros.
- destruct log2.
+ split; auto. cbn in H. pinversion H. cbn. unfold append in ×.
cbn in ×. subst. auto.
+ pinversion H.
- destruct log2.
+ pinversion H.
+ cbn in H. unfold append in H. pinversion H. cbn in ×. ddestruction.
enough (log1 = log2 ∧ r1 = r2).
{ destruct H0. subst. auto. }
apply IHlog1. apply REL. apply tt.
Lemma trace_refine_proper_left' : ∀ (E : Type → Type) (R : Type) (b1 b2 : itrace E R)
(t : itree E R), (b1 ≈ b2) → rutt (REvRef E) (RAnsRef E) eq b1 t →
rutt (REvRef E) (RAnsRef E) eq b2 t.
intros E R. pcofix CIH. intros. pfold. red.
punfold H1. red in H1. punfold H0. red in H0.
genobs_clear t ot3.
hinduction H0 before CIH; intros; clear b1 b2; eauto.
- remember (RetF r1) as ot1. hinduction H1 before CIH; intros; inv Heqot1; eauto with paco.
+ constructor. auto.
+ constructor. eapply IHruttF; eauto.
(* Tau Tau case causes the most problems, seems *)
- assert (DEC: (∃ m3, ot3 = TauF m3) ∨ (∀ m3, ot3 ≠ TauF m3)).
{ destruct ot3; eauto; right; red; intros; inv H. }
destruct DEC as [EQ | EQ].
+ destruct EQ as [m3 ?]; subst. pclearbot.
constructor. right. eapply CIH; eauto.
apply rutt_inv_Tau. pfold. auto.
+ inv H1; try (exfalso; eapply EQ; eauto; fail).
pclearbot. constructor.
punfold REL. red in REL.
hinduction H0 before CIH; intros; subst; try (exfalso; eapply EQ; eauto; fail).
× dependent induction REL; rewrite <- x.
++ constructor. auto.
++ constructor. eapply IHREL; eauto.
× dependent induction REL; rewrite <- x.
++ constructor; auto. intros. apply H0 in H1. right.
pclearbot. eapply CIH; eauto with itree.
++ constructor. eapply IHREL; eauto.
× eapply IHruttF; eauto. clear IHruttF.
dependent induction REL; try (exfalso; eapply EQ; eauto; fail).
++ pclearbot. rewrite <- x. constructor; auto. pstep_reverse.
++ auto.
++ rewrite <- x. constructor; auto. eapply IHREL; eauto.
- remember (VisF e k1) as ot1.
hinduction H1 before CIH; intros; dependent destruction Heqot1.
+ pclearbot. constructor; auto. intros. apply H0 in H1.
pclearbot. right.
eapply CIH; eauto with itree.
+ constructor. eapply IHruttF; eauto.
- eapply IHeqitF. remember (TauF t1) as otf1.
hinduction H1 before CIH; intros; dependent destruction Heqotf1; eauto.
+ constructor. pclearbot. pstep_reverse.
+ constructor. eapply IHruttF; eauto.
- constructor. eapply IHeqitF. eauto.
Lemma trace_refine_proper_right' : ∀ (E : Type → Type) (R : Type) (b : itrace E R)
(t1 t2 : itree E R), t1 ≈ t2 → rutt (REvRef E) (RAnsRef E) eq b t1 →
rutt (REvRef E) (RAnsRef E) eq b t2.
intros E R. pcofix CIH. intros. punfold H1. red in H1.
punfold H0. red in H0. pfold. red.
genobs_clear t2 ot2.
hinduction H0 before CIH; intros; clear t1; subst; eauto.
- remember (RetF r2) as ot1. hinduction H1 before CIH; intros; inv Heqot1; eauto with paco.
+ constructor; auto.
+ constructor. eauto.
- pclearbot. remember (TauF m1) as otm1.
hinduction H1 before CIH; intros; subst; try (inv Heqotm1).
+ constructor. pclearbot. right. eapply CIH; eauto.
+ constructor. right. eapply CIH; eauto.
apply rutt_inv_Tau_r. pfold. auto.
+ punfold REL. red in REL.
dependent induction REL; subst.
× constructor. clear IHruttF.
hinduction H1 before CIH; intros; dependent destruction x0.
++ rewrite <- x. constructor. auto.
++ constructor. auto.
× pclearbot. eapply IHruttF; auto. 2 : symmetry; eauto.
pclearbot. pfold. red. rewrite <- x. constructor; auto.
punfold REL.
× constructor. rewrite <- x.
clear IHruttF. hinduction H1 before CIH; intros; dependent destruction x0.
++ constructor; auto. intros. apply H0 in H1.
pclearbot. right. eapply CIH; eauto with itree.
++ constructor. eapply IHruttF; eauto.
× eapply IHruttF; eauto.
× constructor. rewrite <- x. eapply IHREL; eauto.
- remember (VisF e k1) as ot1. hinduction H1 before CIH; intros; inv Heqot1.
+ ddestruction. constructor; auto. intros. apply H0 in H1.
right. pclearbot. eapply CIH; eauto; apply REL.
+ constructor. eauto.
- eapply IHeqitF; eauto. remember (TauF t0) as otf0.
hinduction H1 before CIH; intros; dependent destruction Heqotf0; eauto.
+ constructor. pclearbot. pstep_reverse.
+ constructor. eapply IHruttF; eauto.
- constructor. eapply IHeqitF. eauto.
#[global] Instance trace_refine_proper {E R} : Proper (@eutt E R R eq ==> eutt eq ==> iff) trace_refine.
intros b1 b2 Heuttb t1 t2 Heuttt.
split; intros;
try (eapply trace_refine_proper_right'; [eauto | eapply trace_refine_proper_left'; eauto]);
auto; symmetry; auto.
Lemma trace_refine_ret : ∀ (E : Type → Type) (R : Type) (r : R),
@trace_refine E R (Ret r) (Ret r).
intros. pfold. constructor. auto.
Lemma trace_refine_ret_inv_r : ∀ (E : Type → Type) (R : Type) (r : R)
(t : itree E R),
Ret r ⊑ t → t ≈ Ret r.
intros. pfold. red. punfold H. red in H. cbn in ×.
dependent induction H; subst.
- rewrite <- x. constructor. auto.
- rewrite <- x. constructor; auto.
Lemma trace_refine_ret_inv_l : ∀ (E : Type → Type) (R : Type) (r : R)
(b : itrace E R),
b ⊑ Ret r → (b ≈ Ret r)%itree.
intros. pfold. red. punfold H. red in H. cbn in ×.
dependent induction H; subst.
- rewrite <- x. constructor. auto.
- rewrite <- x. constructor; auto.
Lemma trace_refine_vis_inv : ∀ (E : Type → Type) (R A: Type) (e : E A) (a : A)
(b :itrace E R) (k : A → itree E R),
trace_refine (Vis e k) (Vis (evans A e a) (fun _ ⇒ b)) → trace_refine (k a) b .
intros E R A e a. intros.
red in H. red. punfold H. red in H. inversion H. ddestruction.
assert (RAnsRef E unit A (evans A e a) tt e a); eauto with itree.
apply H7 in H0. pclearbot. auto.
Lemma trace_refine_vis_add : ∀ (E : Type → Type) (R A: Type) (e : E A) (a : A)
(b :itrace E R) (k : A → itree E R),
b ⊑ k a → Vis (evans A e a) (fun _ ⇒ b) ⊑ Vis e k.
intros. pfold. red. cbn. constructor; eauto with itree.
intros. left. inversion H0. ddestruction.
subst. auto.
Lemma event_ans_constr : ∀ (E : Type → Type) (R : Type) (e : E R),
∃ (A : Type), ∃ e' : EvAns E A, REvRef E A R e' e.
destruct (classic_empty R) as [ [a | Hempty] _ ] .
- ∃ unit. ∃ (evans R e a). eauto with itree.
- ∃ void. ∃ (evempty R Hempty e). eauto with itree.
(* Here are where some of the sketchy uses of axioms are *)
Section Determinize.
Context (classicT : ∀ (P : Type), P + (P → False)).
CoFixpoint determinize_ (E : Type → Type) (R : Type) (ot : itree' E R) : itrace E R.
destruct ot.
- apply (Ret r).
- apply (Tau (determinize_ E R (observe t) ) ).
- destruct (classicT X) as [ | f].
+ apply (Vis (evans X e x) (fun _ ⇒ (determinize_ E R (observe (k x)) ) )).
+ apply (Vis (evempty X (fun x ⇒ match f x with end) e) (fun v : void ⇒ match v return itrace E R with end) ).
Definition determinize {E R} (t : itree E R) : itrace E R := determinize_ (observe t).
End Determinize.
(* may be a better idea to make this an axiom *)
Lemma itree_refine_nonempty : ∀ (E : Type → Type) (R : Type) (t : itree E R),
∃ b : itrace E R, b ⊑ t.
intros. destruct classicT_inhabited as [classicT].
∃ (determinize classicT t). generalize dependent t.
pcofix CIH. intros. pfold. red. unfold determinize. destruct (observe t).
- cbn. constructor. auto.
- cbn. constructor. right. apply CIH.
- unfold observe. cbn. destruct (classicT _).
+ constructor; eauto with itree. intros. right.
inversion H. ddestruction.
subst. apply CIH.
+ constructor; auto with itree. intros. contradiction.
Lemma refine_set_eq_to_eutt_vis_aux : ∀ (E : Type → Type) (R : Type) (r : itree E R → itree E R → Prop)
(CIH : ∀ t1 t2 : itree E R, (∀ b : itrace E R, b ⊑ t1 ↔ b ⊑ t2) → r t1 t2)
(t1 t2 : itree E R)
(H0 : ∀ b : itrace E R, b ⊑ t1 ↔ b ⊑ t2)
(A B : Type) (e : E A) (e0 : E B)
(k : A → itree E R) (k0 : B → itree E R)
(Ht1 : t1 ≅ Vis e k) (Ht2 : t2 ≅ Vis e0 k0 ),
eqitF eq true true id (upaco2 (eqit_ eq true true id) r) (VisF e k) (VisF e0 k0).
destruct (classic_empty A) as [ [a | Ha] _ ].
- specialize trace_refine_vis_add with (e := e) (k := k) (a := a) as Hbrv.
assert (∃ b, b ⊑ (k a) ).
{ apply itree_refine_nonempty. }
destruct H as [b Hbk]. apply trace_refine_vis_add with (e := e) in Hbk.
rewrite <- Ht1 in Hbk.
apply H0 in Hbk as Hbk0.
rewrite Ht1 in Hbk. rewrite Ht2 in Hbk0.
pinversion Hbk.
pinversion Hbk0. ddestruction.
inversion H10. ddestruction.
subst. constructor.
intros. right. eapply CIH; eauto.
intros. setoid_rewrite Ht1 in H0. setoid_rewrite Ht2 in H0.
split; intros.
+ apply trace_refine_vis_add with (e := e) in H. apply H0 in H.
apply trace_refine_vis_inv in H. auto.
+ apply trace_refine_vis_add with (e := e) in H. apply H0 in H.
apply trace_refine_vis_inv in H. auto.
- set (fun v : void ⇒ match v return itrace E R with end) as ke.
set (Vis (evempty A Ha e) ke) as b.
assert (b ⊑ t1).
unfold b. rewrite Ht1. pfold. red. cbn.
constructor; intuition.
apply H0 in H as H1. unfold b in ×. clear b.
rewrite Ht1 in H. rewrite Ht2 in H1.
pinversion H. pinversion H1. ddestruction.
subst. inversion H12. ddestruction.
intros. right. eapply CIH.
intros. setoid_rewrite Ht1 in H0. setoid_rewrite Ht2 in H0.
split; intros; contradiction.
Lemma trace_refine_vis : ∀ (E : Type → Type) (R A : Type) (b : itrace E R)
(e : E A) (k : A → itree E R),
b ⊑ Vis e k → ∃ X, ∃ e0 : EvAns E X, ∃ k0, (b ≈ Vis e0 k0)%itree.
intros. punfold H. red in H. cbn in H.
dependent induction H.
- ∃ A0. ∃ e1. ∃ k1.
specialize (itree_eta b) as Hb. rewrite <- x in Hb.
rewrite Hb. reflexivity.
- enough
(∃ (X : Type) (e0 : EvAns E X) (k0 : X → itree (EvAns E) R), (t1 ≈ Vis e0 k0)%itree).
destruct H0 as [ X [e0 [k0 Ht1] ] ].
∃ X. ∃ e0. ∃ k0.
specialize (itree_eta b) as Hb. rewrite <- x in Hb. rewrite Hb.
rewrite tau_eutt. auto.
eapply IHruttF; eauto.
Lemma trace_refine_vis_l : ∀ (E : Type → Type) (R A: Type) (t : itree E R)
(e : EvAns E A) (k : A → itrace E R),
Vis e k ⊑ t → ∃ X, ∃ e0 : E X, ∃ k0 : X → itree E R, t ≈ Vis e0 k0.
intros. punfold H. red in H. cbn in ×.
dependent induction H.
- ∃ B. ∃ e2. ∃ k2. specialize (itree_eta t) as Ht.
rewrite <- x in Ht. rewrite Ht. reflexivity.
- assert (t2 ≈ t).
specialize (itree_eta t). rewrite <- x. intros.
rewrite H0. rewrite tau_eutt. reflexivity.
setoid_rewrite <- H0. eapply IHruttF; eauto.
Lemma trace_refine_may_converge_ex : ∀ (E : Type → Type) (R : Type)
(t : itree E R) (r : R),
may_converge r t → ∃ b, may_converge r b ∧ b ⊑ t.
intros. induction H.
- ∃ (Ret r). rewrite H. split.
+ constructor. reflexivity.
+ apply trace_refine_ret.
- destruct IHmay_converge as [br [Hrbr Hrefbr] ].
∃ (Vis (evans B e b) (fun _ ⇒ br) ). split.
+ eapply conv_vis; try reflexivity. eauto. Unshelve. exact tt.
+ rewrite H. apply trace_refine_vis_add. auto.
Lemma trace_refine_may_converge : ∀ (E : Type → Type) (R : Type)
(t : itree E R) (r : R) (b : itrace E R),
may_converge r b → b ⊑ t → may_converge r t.
intros. generalize dependent t. induction H; intros.
- rewrite H in H0. apply trace_refine_ret_inv_r in H0.
rewrite H0. constructor. reflexivity.
- rewrite H in H1. apply trace_refine_vis_l in H1 as Ht0.
destruct Ht0 as [X [e0 [k0 Ht0] ] ].
rewrite Ht0 in H1. pinversion H1. subst.
ddestruction. subst. rewrite Ht0.
inversion H4; subst; ddestruction; subst; try contradiction.
eapply conv_vis; try reflexivity. Unshelve. 2 : exact a.
apply IHmay_converge. pclearbot.
specialize (H9 tt a). assert (RAnsRef E unit X (evans X e0 a) tt e0 a).
constructor. apply H9 in H2. pclearbot. destruct b. auto.
Lemma trace_refine_all_infinite : ∀ (E : Type → Type) (R : Type)
(t : itree E R) (b : itrace E R),
all_infinite t → b ⊑ t → all_infinite b.
intros E R. pcofix CIH. intros. punfold H0. red in H0.
punfold H1. red in H1. pfold. red. dependent induction H1.
- rewrite <- x in H0. inversion H0.
- rewrite <- x0. constructor. right. pclearbot. eapply CIH; eauto.
rewrite <- x in H0. inv H0. pclearbot. auto.
- rewrite <- x0. rewrite <- x in H0. constructor. inv H0.
ddestruction. subst. intros. right. pclearbot.
inversion H; subst; ddestruction; try contradiction. destruct b0.
eapply CIH; try apply H3.
specialize (H1 tt a). assert (RAnsRef _ _ _ (evans B e2 a) tt e2 a ).
constructor. apply H1 in H0. unfold id in H0.
destruct H0; try contradiction. eauto.
- rewrite <- x. constructor. left. pfold. eapply IHruttF; eauto.
- eapply IHruttF; auto. rewrite <- x in H0. inv H0.
pclearbot. punfold H2.
Lemma trace_refine_converge_bind : ∀ (E : Type → Type) (R S : Type)
(b : itrace E R) (t : itree E R) (f : R → itrace E S) (g : R → itree E S) (r : R),
may_converge r b → b ⊑ t → f r ⊑ g r → ITree.bind b f ⊑ ITree.bind t g.
intros. generalize dependent t. dependent induction H; intros.
- rewrite H. rewrite H in H0. apply trace_refine_ret_inv_r in H0.
rewrite H0. repeat rewrite bind_ret_l. auto.
- specialize (IHmay_converge H1).
rewrite H in H2. apply trace_refine_vis_l in H2 as Ht.
destruct Ht as [X [e0 [k0 Ht] ] ].
rewrite Ht in H2. punfold H2. red in H2. cbn in H2. inversion H2; subst.
ddestruction. subst. pclearbot.
inversion H5; ddestruction; subst; try contradiction.
ddestruction. subst. rewrite H. rewrite Ht.
pfold. red. cbn. constructor; auto.
intros. apply H10 in H3. pclearbot. left.
destruct a0. destruct b. apply IHmay_converge. auto.
Lemma trace_refine_diverge_bind : ∀ (E : Type → Type) (R S : Type)
(b : itrace E R) (t : itree E R) (f : R → itrace E S) (g : R → itree E S),
all_infinite b → b ⊑ t → ITree.bind b f ⊑ ITree.bind t g.
intros E R S b t f g. generalize dependent b. generalize dependent t.
pcofix CIH. intros.
punfold H0. red in H0.
punfold H1. red in H1. pfold. red. cbn.
dependent induction H1.
- rewrite <- x0 in H0. inv H0.
- unfold observe. cbn. rewrite <- x0. rewrite <- x.
cbn. constructor. right. pclearbot. apply CIH; auto.
rewrite <- x0 in H0. inv H0. pclearbot. auto.
- unfold observe. cbn. rewrite <- x0. rewrite <- x. cbn. constructor; auto.
rewrite <- x0 in H0. inv H0. ddestruction. subst. pclearbot.
apply H1 in H2. right. eapply CIH; eauto; try apply H4.
unfold id in H2. pclearbot. auto.
- unfold observe at 1. cbn. rewrite <- x. cbn. constructor.
eapply IHruttF; eauto. rewrite <- x in H0. inv H0. pclearbot. pstep_reverse.
- unfold observe at 2. cbn. rewrite <- x. cbn. constructor.
eapply IHruttF; eauto.
Lemma refine_set_eq_to_eutt : ∀ (E : Type → Type) (R : Type) (t1 t2 : itree E R),
(∀ b, b ⊑ t1 ↔ b ⊑ t2) → t1 ≈ t2.
intros E R. pcofix CIH. intros.
pfold. red.
remember (observe t1) as ot1. remember (observe t2) as ot2.
destruct (ot1); destruct (ot2).
(*Ret Ret*)
- specialize (H0 (Ret r0) ) as Hr0.
specialize (itree_eta t1) as Ht1. rewrite <- Heqot1 in Ht1.
specialize (itree_eta t2) as Ht2. rewrite <- Heqot2 in Ht2.
rewrite Ht1 in Hr0. rewrite Ht2 in Hr0.
assert (Ret r0 ⊑ t2).
{ rewrite Ht2. apply Hr0. pfold. constructor. auto. }
rewrite Ht2 in H. pinversion H. subst. constructor. auto.
(*Ret Tau *)
- specialize (itree_eta t1) as Ht1. rewrite <- Heqot1 in Ht1.
specialize (itree_eta t2) as Ht2. rewrite <- Heqot2 in Ht2.
setoid_rewrite Ht2 in H0.
specialize (H0 (Ret r0) ).
rewrite tau_eutt in H0. constructor; auto.
assert (Ret r0 ⊑ t1).
{ rewrite Ht1. pfold. constructor. auto. }
apply H0 in H. punfold H. red in H. cbn in H.
clear H0 Ht1 Ht2 Heqot1 Heqot2. dependent induction H.
+ rewrite <- x. constructor; auto.
+ rewrite <- x. constructor; auto.
(*Ret Vis*)
- exfalso.
specialize (itree_eta t1) as Ht1. rewrite <- Heqot1 in Ht1.
specialize (itree_eta t2) as Ht2. rewrite <- Heqot2 in Ht2.
assert (Ret r0 ⊑ t1).
{ rewrite Ht1. pfold. constructor. auto. }
apply H0 in H. rewrite Ht2 in H. pinversion H.
(*Tau Ret*)
- specialize (itree_eta t1) as Ht1. rewrite <- Heqot1 in Ht1.
specialize (itree_eta t2) as Ht2. rewrite <- Heqot2 in Ht2.
setoid_rewrite Ht1 in H0. setoid_rewrite Ht2 in H0.
assert (Ret r0 ⊑ t2).
{ rewrite Ht2. pfold. constructor. auto. }
rewrite Ht2 in H. apply H0 in H as H1. punfold H1.
clear Heqot1 Heqot2 Ht1 Ht2 H H0. red in H1. cbn in ×.
constructor; auto. inv H1. dependent induction H2; intros; subst.
+ rewrite <- x. constructor; auto.
+ rewrite <- x. auto with itree.
(*Tau Tau*)
- constructor. right. eapply CIH.
specialize (itree_eta t1) as Ht1. rewrite <- Heqot1 in Ht1.
specialize (itree_eta t2) as Ht2. rewrite <- Heqot2 in Ht2.
assert (t1 ≈ t). { rewrite Ht1. rewrite tau_eutt. reflexivity. }
assert (t2 ≈ t0). { rewrite Ht2. rewrite tau_eutt. reflexivity. }
rewrite <- H. rewrite <- H1. auto.
(*Tau Vis*)
- specialize (itree_eta t1) as Ht1. rewrite <- Heqot1 in Ht1.
specialize (itree_eta t2) as Ht2. rewrite <- Heqot2 in Ht2.
specialize (itree_refine_nonempty t1) as [b Hbt1].
apply H0 in Hbt1 as Hbt2. rewrite Ht1 in Hbt1.
rewrite tau_eutt in Hbt1.
rewrite Ht2 in Hbt2.
apply trace_refine_vis in Hbt2 as Hb.
destruct Hb as [Y [e0 [k0 Hb] ] ].
rewrite Hb in Hbt2.
rewrite Hb in Hbt1. clear Hb b.
constructor; auto.
setoid_rewrite Ht1 in H0. setoid_rewrite tau_eutt in H0.
clear Heqot1 Heqot2. clear Ht1 t1.
punfold Hbt1. red in Hbt1. cbn in ×.
dependent induction Hbt1.
+ rewrite <- x.
specialize (itree_eta t) as Ht. rewrite <- x in Ht.
eapply refine_set_eq_to_eutt_vis_aux; eauto.
+ rewrite <- x. constructor; auto. eapply IHHbt1; eauto.
assert (t0 ≈ t).
specialize (itree_eta t) as Ht. rewrite <- x in Ht. rewrite Ht.
rewrite tau_eutt. reflexivity.
setoid_rewrite H. auto.
(*Vis Ret*)
- exfalso.
specialize (itree_eta t1) as Ht1. rewrite <- Heqot1 in Ht1.
specialize (itree_eta t2) as Ht2. rewrite <- Heqot2 in Ht2.
assert (Ret r0 ⊑ t2).
{ rewrite Ht2. pfold. constructor. auto. }
apply H0 in H. rewrite Ht1 in H. pinversion H.
(*Vis Tau*)
- specialize (itree_eta t1) as Ht1. rewrite <- Heqot1 in Ht1.
specialize (itree_eta t2) as Ht2. rewrite <- Heqot2 in Ht2.
specialize (itree_refine_nonempty t2) as [b Hbt2].
apply H0 in Hbt2 as Hbt1. rewrite Ht1 in Hbt1.
rewrite Ht2 in Hbt2.
rewrite tau_eutt in Hbt2.
apply trace_refine_vis in Hbt1 as Hb.
destruct Hb as [Y [e0 [k0 Hb] ] ].
rewrite Hb in Hbt2.
rewrite Hb in Hbt1. clear Hb b.
constructor; auto.
setoid_rewrite Ht2 in H0. setoid_rewrite tau_eutt in H0.
clear Heqot1 Heqot2. clear Ht2 t2.
punfold Hbt2. red in Hbt2. cbn in ×.
dependent induction Hbt2.
+ rewrite <- x.
specialize (itree_eta t) as Ht. rewrite <- x in Ht.
eapply refine_set_eq_to_eutt_vis_aux; eauto.
+ rewrite <- x. constructor; auto. eapply IHHbt2; eauto.
assert (t2 ≈ t).
specialize (itree_eta t) as Ht. rewrite <- x in Ht. rewrite Ht.
rewrite tau_eutt. reflexivity.
setoid_rewrite H. auto.
(*Vis Vis*)
- specialize (itree_eta t1) as Ht1. rewrite <- Heqot1 in Ht1.
specialize (itree_eta t2) as Ht2. rewrite <- Heqot2 in Ht2.
eapply refine_set_eq_to_eutt_vis_aux; eauto.
Lemma trace_set_complete : ∀ E R (t1 t2 : itree E R), (∀ b, b ⊑ t1 ↔ b ⊑ t2) ↔ t1 ≈ t2.
intros. split; intros; try apply refine_set_eq_to_eutt; auto.
rewrite H. split; auto.
Lemma trace_refine_bind_cont_inv : ∀ (E : Type → Type) (R S : Type)
(b : itrace E R) (m : itree E R) (g : R → itrace E S)
(f : R → itree E S) (r : R),
may_converge r b → b ⊑ m → ITree.bind b g ⊑ ITree.bind m f → g r ⊑ f r.
intros E R S. pcofix CIH. intros b m g f a Hconv Hrefb Hrefbind.
generalize dependent m.
dependent induction Hconv; intros m Hrefb Hrefbind.
- rewrite H in Hrefbind. rewrite bind_ret_l in Hrefbind. rewrite H in Hrefb.
apply trace_refine_ret_inv_r in Hrefb. rewrite Hrefb in Hrefbind.
rewrite bind_ret_l in Hrefbind. eapply paco2_mon; eauto. intuition.
- (*m must be a vis, the continuations must refine then continuation in the m I use in the
inductive hypothesis *)
destruct e; try contradiction. rewrite H in Hrefb.
rewrite H in Hrefbind. rewrite bind_vis in Hrefbind.
apply trace_refine_vis_l in Hrefb as Hvis. destruct Hvis as [X [e' [k' Hvis ] ] ].
rewrite Hvis in Hrefbind. rewrite bind_vis in Hrefbind.
punfold Hrefbind. red in Hrefbind. cbn in Hrefbind. inv Hrefbind.
ddestruction. inv H2. ddestruction; subst.
rewrite Hvis in Hrefb. punfold Hrefb. red in Hrefb. cbn in Hrefb. inv Hrefb.
assert (RAnsRef E unit A (evans _ e' ans) tt e' ans ); try (constructor; auto; fail).
specialize (IHHconv (k' ans) ). apply IHHconv.
+ apply H8 in H0. pclearbot. destruct b. auto.
+ apply H7 in H0. pclearbot. destruct b. auto.
Lemma may_converge_two_list:
∀ (E : Type → Type) (A B : Type) (log : ev_list E) (b : itrace E A)
(a : A) (log' : ev_list E),
(ev_list_to_stream log) ++ b ≈ (ev_list_to_stream log') ++ Ret a → may_converge a b.
intros. generalize dependent log'.
induction log; cbn; intros.
- simpl in H. setoid_rewrite bind_ret_l in H. rewrite H.
apply may_converge_append. apply finite_list_to_stream.
- assert ((Vis a0 (fun _ ⇒ ev_list_to_stream log)) ≈ ev_list_to_stream (cons a0 log) )%itree.
{ cbn. reflexivity. }
rewrite H0 in H.
destruct log' as [ | h t ].
+ setoid_rewrite bind_ret_l in H. simpl in H. pinversion H.
+ simpl in H. unfold append in H. repeat rewrite bind_vis in H. pinversion H.
ddestruction; subst.
assert (ev_list_to_stream log ++ b ≈ ev_list_to_stream t ++ Ret a).
{ apply REL. apply tt. }
eapply IHlog; eauto.
Lemma all_infinite_bind_append: ∀ (E : Type → Type) (A : Type)
(log : ev_list E) (b' : itree (EvAns E) A),
all_infinite (ev_list_to_stream log ++ b') → all_infinite b'.
intros E A log b' Hdiv. induction log.
- cbn in Hdiv. setoid_rewrite bind_ret_l in Hdiv. auto.
- apply IHlog. simpl in Hdiv. unfold append in Hdiv.
rewrite bind_vis in Hdiv. pinversion Hdiv. ddestruction. subst. apply H0.
apply tt.