Relation up to tau
From Coq Require Import
From ExtLib Require Import
From ITree Require Import
From Paco Require Import paco.
Import Monads.
Import MonadNotation.
Local Open Scope monad_scope.
Section RuttF.
Context {E1 E2 : Type → Type}.
Context {R1 R2 : Type}.
(* From the point of view of relational parametricity, it would be more fitting
to replace (REv, RAns) with one REv : ∀ A1 A2, (A1 → A2 → Prop) → (E1 A1 → E2 A2 → Prop).
Contributions to that effect are welcome. *)
Context (REv : ∀ (A B : Type), E1 A → E2 B → Prop ).
Context (RAns : ∀ (A B : Type), E1 A → A → E2 B → B → Prop ).
Context (RR : R1 → R2 → Prop).
Arguments REv {A} {B}.
Arguments RAns {A} {B}.
Inductive ruttF (sim : itree E1 R1 → itree E2 R2 → Prop) : itree' E1 R1 → itree' E2 R2 → Prop :=
| EqRet : ∀ (r1 : R1) (r2 : R2),
RR r1 r2 →
ruttF sim (RetF r1) (RetF r2)
| EqTau : ∀ (m1 : itree E1 R1) (m2 : itree E2 R2),
sim m1 m2 →
ruttF sim (TauF m1) (TauF m2)
| EqVis : ∀ (A B : Type) (e1 : E1 A) (e2 : E2 B ) (k1 : A → itree E1 R1) (k2 : B → itree E2 R2),
REv e1 e2 →
(∀ (a : A) (b : B), RAns e1 a e2 b → sim (k1 a) (k2 b)) →
ruttF sim (VisF e1 k1) (VisF e2 k2)
| EqTauL : ∀ (t1 : itree E1 R1) (ot2 : itree' E2 R2),
ruttF sim (observe t1) ot2 →
ruttF sim (TauF t1) ot2
| EqTauR : ∀ (ot1 : itree' E1 R1) (t2 : itree E2 R2),
ruttF sim ot1 (observe t2) →
ruttF sim ot1 (TauF t2).
Hint Constructors ruttF : itree.
Definition rutt_ (sim : itree E1 R1 → itree E2 R2 → Prop)
(t1 : itree E1 R1) (t2 : itree E2 R2) :=
ruttF sim (observe t1) (observe t2).
Hint Unfold rutt_ : itree.
Lemma rutt_monot : monotone2 rutt_.
red. intros. red; induction IN; eauto with itree.
Definition rutt : itree E1 R1 → itree E2 R2 → Prop := paco2 rutt_ bot2.
End RuttF.
#[global] Hint Resolve rutt_monot : paco.
Lemma rutt_inv_Tau_l {E1 E2 R1 R2 REv RAns RR} t1 t2 :
@rutt E1 E2 R1 R2 REv RAns RR (Tau t1) t2 → rutt REv RAns RR t1 t2.
intros. punfold H. red in H. simpl in ×.
remember (TauF t1) as tt1. genobs t2 ot2.
hinduction H before t1; intros; try discriminate.
- inv Heqtt1. pclearbot. pstep. red. simpobs. econstructor; eauto. pstep_reverse.
- inv Heqtt1. punfold_reverse H.
- red in IHruttF. pstep. red; simpobs. econstructor; eauto. pstep_reverse.
Lemma rutt_add_Tau_l {E1 E2 R1 R2 REv RAns RR} t1 t2 :
@rutt E1 E2 R1 R2 REv RAns RR t1 t2 → rutt REv RAns RR (Tau t1) t2.
intros. pfold. red. cbn. constructor. pstep_reverse.
Lemma rutt_inv_Tau_r {E1 E2 R1 R2 REv RAns RR} t1 t2 :
@rutt E1 E2 R1 R2 REv RAns RR t1 (Tau t2) → rutt REv RAns RR t1 t2.
intros. punfold H. red in H. simpl in ×.
pstep. red. remember (TauF t2) as tt2 eqn:Ett2 in H.
revert t2 Ett2; induction H; try discriminate; intros; inversion Ett2; subst; auto.
- pclearbot. constructor. pstep_reverse.
- constructor. eapply IHruttF; eauto.
Lemma rutt_add_Tau_r {E1 E2 R1 R2 REv RAns RR} t1 t2 :
@rutt E1 E2 R1 R2 REv RAns RR t1 t2 → rutt REv RAns RR t1 (Tau t2).
intros. pfold. red. cbn. constructor. pstep_reverse.
Lemma rutt_inv_Tau {E1 E2 R1 R2 REv RAns RR} t1 t2 :
@rutt E1 E2 R1 R2 REv RAns RR (Tau t1) (Tau t2) → rutt REv RAns RR t1 t2.
intros; apply rutt_inv_Tau_r, rutt_inv_Tau_l; assumption.
Section euttge_trans_clo.
Context {E1 E2 : Type → Type} {R1 R2 : Type} (RR : R1 → R2 → Prop).
(* Closing a relation over itrees under euttge.
Essentially the same closure as eqit_trans_clo, but heterogeneous
in the interface argument E.
We only define the closure under euttge as opposed to eqit_trans_clo
capturing closure under eq_itree and eutt at the same time, since it's
the only one we need.
(* A transitivity functor *)
Variant euttge_trans_clo (r : itree E1 R1 → itree E2 R2 → Prop) :
itree E1 R1 → itree E2 R2 → Prop :=
eqit_trans_clo_intro t1 t2 t1' t2' RR1 RR2
(EQVl: euttge RR1 t1 t1')
(EQVr: euttge RR2 t2 t2')
(REL: r t1' t2')
(LERR1: ∀ x x' y, RR1 x x' → RR x' y → RR x y)
(LERR2: ∀ x y y', RR2 y y' → RR x y' → RR x y) :
euttge_trans_clo r t1 t2.
Hint Constructors euttge_trans_clo : itree.
Lemma euttge_trans_clo_mon r1 r2 t1 t2
(IN : euttge_trans_clo r1 t1 t2)
(LE : r1 <2= r2) :
euttge_trans_clo r2 t1 t2.
destruct IN; econstructor; eauto.
Hint Resolve euttge_trans_clo_mon : paco.
End euttge_trans_clo.
(*replicate this proof for the models functor*)
(* Validity of the up-to euttge principle *)
Lemma euttge_trans_clo_wcompat E1 E2 R1 R2 (REv : ∀ A B, E1 A → E2 B → Prop)
(RAns : ∀ A B, E1 A → A → E2 B → B → Prop ) (RR : R1 → R2 → Prop) :
wcompatible2 (rutt_ REv RAns RR) (euttge_trans_clo RR).
constructor; eauto with paco.
{ red. intros. eapply euttge_trans_clo_mon; eauto. }
destruct PR. punfold EQVl. punfold EQVr. unfold_eqit.
hinduction REL before r; intros; clear t1' t2'.
- remember (RetF r1) as x. red.
hinduction EQVl before r; intros; subst; try inv Heqx; eauto; (try constructor; eauto).
remember (RetF r3) as x. hinduction EQVr before r; intros; subst; try inv Heqx; (try constructor; eauto).
- red. remember (TauF m1) as x.
hinduction EQVl before r; intros; subst; try inv Heqx; try inv CHECK; ( try (constructor; eauto; fail )).
remember (TauF m3) as y.
hinduction EQVr before r; intros; subst; try inv Heqy; try inv CHECK; (try (constructor; eauto; fail)).
pclearbot. constructor. gclo. econstructor; eauto with paco.
- remember (VisF e1 k1) as x. red.
hinduction EQVl before r; intros; subst; try discriminate; try (constructor; eauto; fail).
remember (VisF e2 k3) as y.
hinduction EQVr before r; intros; subst; try discriminate; try (constructor; eauto; fail).
dependent destruction Heqx.
dependent destruction Heqy.
constructor; auto. intros. apply H0 in H1. pclearbot.
apply gpaco2_clo.
econstructor; eauto with itree.
- remember (TauF t1) as x. red.
hinduction EQVl before r; intros; subst; try inv Heqx; try inv CHECK; (try (constructor; eauto; fail)).
pclearbot. punfold REL. constructor. eapply IHREL; eauto.
- remember (TauF t2) as y. red.
hinduction EQVr before r; intros; subst; try inv Heqy; try inv CHECK; (try (constructor; eauto; fail)).
pclearbot. punfold REL. constructor. eapply IHREL; eauto.
#[global] Hint Resolve euttge_trans_clo_wcompat : paco.
(* The validity of the up-to euttge entails we can rewrite under euttge
and hence also eq_itree during coinductive proofs of rutt
#[global] Instance grutt_cong_eqit {R1 R2 : Type} {E1 E2 : Type → Type} {REv : ∀ A B, E1 A → E2 B → Prop}
{RAns : ∀ A B, E1 A → A → E2 B → B → Prop} {RR1 RR2} {RS : R1 → R2 → Prop} r rg
(LERR1: ∀ x x' y, (RR1 x x': Prop) → (RS x' y: Prop) → RS x y)
(LERR2: ∀ x y y', (RR2 y y': Prop) → RS x y' → RS x y) :
Proper (eq_itree RR1 ==> eq_itree RR2 ==> flip impl)
(gpaco2 (rutt_ REv RAns RS) (euttge_trans_clo RS) r rg).
repeat intro. gclo. econstructor; eauto;
try eapply eqit_mon; try apply H; try apply H0; auto.
Global Instance grutt_cong_euttge {R1 R2 : Type} {E1 E2 : Type → Type} {REv : ∀ A B, E1 A → E2 B → Prop}
{RAns : ∀ A B, E1 A → A → E2 B → B → Prop} {RR1 RR2} {RS : R1 → R2 → Prop} r rg
(LERR1: ∀ x x' y, (RR1 x x': Prop) → (RS x' y: Prop) → RS x y)
(LERR2: ∀ x y y', (RR2 y y': Prop) → RS x y' → RS x y) :
Proper (euttge RR1 ==> euttge RR2 ==> flip impl)
(gpaco2 (rutt_ REv RAns RS) (euttge_trans_clo RS) r rg).
repeat intro. gclo. econstructor; eauto.