VSU_mainlinking all the VSUs together with main VSU

This file is not only a VSU for the "main" function, but also shows how to link all the VSUs together to make a complete verified program.
The main() function is special, in VST's separation logic, in that the SEP clause of its precondition contains all the global variables of all the modules.
That won't be very noticeable in this example (stdlib/stack/triang/main), because none of the modules has global variables. But in general, each module has its own "extern" or "static" global variables, initialized or default-zero-initialized. They constitute the initial footprint (in the separation-logic sense) of the program.
We might expect that each module -- each .c file, or each VSU -- manages (some subset of) its own global variables as "private with a hidden representation". Clients of the module can refer to this using an abstract predicate, an APD.
Indeed, the mem_mgr predicate serves exactly this role: it serves as an abstraction for the data structures that the malloc/free system uses to manage its free-list. When we write,
     Precondition: PROP ... LOCAL ... SEP(mem_mgr M gv; other_stuff)
       p = malloc(n);
     Precondition: PROP ... LOCAL ... SEP(data_at ...; mem_mgr M gv; other_stuff)
the mem_mgr M gv in the postcondition stands for a different state of the free-list (with one item removed from it) compared to the mem_mgr M gv in the precondition.
When verifying any program in VST, the precondition of main (written as main_pre) contains all of these global variables. The start_function tactic for VSUs has the job of abstracting these into into module-specific APDs, using the mkInitPred lemma that comes with each VSU, as you will see.

The VSU for main

This VSU has the standard preamble:
Require Import VST.floyd.proofauto.
Require Import VST.floyd.VSU.
Require Import VC.main2.
Require VC.stdlib VC.stack2 VC.triang2.
Require VC.Spec_stdlib VC.Spec_stack VC.Spec_triang.

Funspec for main function

Because the funspec for main refers to all the initial values of all the global variables of all the modules, before writing main_spec we must link all the modules together into a single program.
First, gain access to the VSUs that we have built.
Require VC.VSU_stdlib VC.VSU_stack VC.VSU_triang.

#[export] Instance CompSpecs : compspecs. make_compspecs prog. Defined.
Those VSUs are parametrized by Abstract Predicate Definitions (APDs),
  • M, the internal data representation of the malloc/free library, and
  • STACK, the internal data representation of the stack module.
For example, the StackVSU is parametrized by M, and the TriangVSU is parametrized by both M and STACK.
But now in linking the whole program together, we must instantiate those parameters with the actual representations defined in their respective VSUs:
Each VSU has
  • Externs : functions entirely external to the whole C program, such as system calls and assembly-language functions that we won't prove in VST. The function-specifications (funspecs) that we give for these functions are axioms (but see "Connecting Higher-Order Separation Logic to a First-Order Outside World" by Mansky et al. 2020 to see how these axioms can be proved as theorems in Coq).
  • Imports: functions external to this module, but which will be proved in other VSUs; the Imports list says what funspecs we assume about them.
  • Exports: functions exported from this module, with funspecs guaranteed by proofs.
  • G: funspecs of internal functions of the module. Since these functions are not exported, not used in other modules, we don't need to "publish" these funspecs; they existed only in support of semax_body proofs of the exported functions. Therefore, the G list is private to the VSU, and hidden by Coq's opacity mechanisms.
    Let's examine the Externs, Imports, and Exports of StackVSU and TriangVSU:
Eval hnf in VSU_Externs stackVSU. (* nil *)
Eval hnf in VSU_Imports stackVSU. (* malloc, free, exit *)
Eval hnf in VSU_Exports stackVSU. (* newstack, push, pop *)

Eval hnf in VSU_Externs triangVSU. (* nil *)
Eval hnf in VSU_Imports triangVSU. (* newstack, push, pop *)
Eval hnf in VSU_Exports triangVSU. (* triang *)
We link together stackVSU and triangVSU to make stacktriangVSU1:
Definition stacktriangVSU1 := ltac:(linkVSUs stackVSU triangVSU).
When we link VSUs, C=linkVSUs(A,B), the Imports of C are the union of the Imports of A and B, minus the defined functions (and externs) of A and B. So, for example, newstack,push,pop are imported by triangVSU, but they are not in the Imports of stacktriangVSU because they are provided by stackVSU.
Similarly, the Exports of C are the union of the Exports of A and B.
Eval simpl in VSU_Externs stacktriangVSU1. (* nil *)
Eval simpl in VSU_Imports stacktriangVSU1. (* malloc, free, exit *)
Eval simpl in VSU_Exports stacktriangVSU1. (* newstack, push, pop, triang *)
If we view stack+triang as a module, then what is the client view? (Hint: the client is main.c, so what functions does main() call?) The client computes the triangular number of N. So therefore this module should not export newstack,push,pop to the client; it should export only triang. The stack functions are there only to support the triang function.
To make a stack+triang VSU that exports only triang, we start with stacktriangVSU1, and privatize the three functions that we want to hide from clients. As follows:
Definition stacktriangVSU :=
 privatizeExports stacktriangVSU1
  [stack2._newstack; stack2._push; stack2._pop].
Having done that, we can examine the exports of this new VSU:
Eval simpl in VSU_Exports stacktriangVSU. (* triang *)
Next, let's examine the MallocFreeVSU:
Eval hnf in VSU_Externs VSU_stdlib.MallocFreeVSU. (* malloc, free, exit *)
Eval hnf in VSU_Imports VSU_stdlib.MallocFreeVSU. (* nil *)
Eval hnf in VSU_Exports VSU_stdlib.MallocFreeVSU. (* malloc, free, exit *)
What we learn here (which we could have known already by reading VSU_stdlib.v) is that malloc,free,exit are external functions, not implemented within the entire C program we are verifying. Once the MallocFree module (stdlib.c) re-exports them, the clients (such as stackVSU) will treat them as ordinary Imports, not knowing the difference.
We link the stacktriangVSU with the MallocFreeVSU. We can do the privateExports step at the same time, without needing a separate Definition.
Time Definition coreVSU :=
   ltac:(linkVSUs stacktriangVSU VSU_stdlib.MallocFreeVSU)
  [stdlib._malloc; stdlib._free; stdlib._exit] .

Eval simpl in VSU_Externs coreVSU. (* malloc, free, exit *)
Eval simpl in VSU_Imports coreVSU. (* nil *)
Eval simpl in VSU_Exports coreVSU. (* triang *)
We call this the "core" VSU for a specific reason: It's everything except main(). We have to treat main() specially, because the main function is the one that receives the initial values of all the global variables -- even the ones in other modules. This is just a feature of how Separation Logic accounts for these variables.
So therefore, the "recipe" is this: First, construct the coreVSU that includes everything except main; then construct the whole_prog that's the entire program including main:
Time Definition whole_prog := ltac:(QPlink_progs (QPprog prog) (VSU_prog coreVSU)).
The main point about whole_prog is that it contains the intializers for every global variable including main.
The funspec for main should have precondition main_pre p z gv, where
  • p is the program (e.g., all the .c files linked together),
  • z is the "external oracle" characterizing the initial state of the outside world,
  • gv is the usual global-variable mapping.
Because our stacktriang program doesn't interact with the outside world, the type of its external oracle can be simply unit, and for z we can use tt. Which is to say, we have been using NullExtension.Espec as the Espec for all our VSUs in this program, and @OK_ty NullExtension.Espec = tt.
The definition main_pre p z gv calculates a separation-logic mpred that characterizes all the initialized global variables of the program p.
The postcondition of main_spec, in this case, says that it returns the 10th triangular number.
Definition main_spec :=
 DECLARE _main
 WITH gv: globals
 PRE [ ] main_pre whole_prog tt gv
 POST[ tint ]
    RETURN (Vint (Int.repr 55))
Soon we will prove semax_body V G f_main main_spec, where f_main is the function-body from main.c, and main_spec is the funspec just above.
Locate f_main. (* VC main2.f_main *)
In order to prove a semax_body, we need a CompSpecs (which is an implicit parameter of @semax_body). We compute this in the ordinary way from VC.main2.prog, just as you would in any module.
#[export] Instance Compspecs: compspecs. make_compspecs VC.main2.prog. Defined.
It's important to build this Instance after the Require statements just above, so that this is the compspecs instance that typeclass-resolution will find, instead of finding VSU_stdlib.CompSpecs, VSU_stack.CompSpecs, etc.
The body_main lemma will need a Vprog, which in this case must be the varspecs for the whole program:
Definition Vprog: varspecs := QPvarspecs whole_prog.
The Gprog for main is, as usual, the funspecs of all the functions in this module plus the Imports of this module.
Definition Main_imports: funspecs := Spec_triang.TriangASI M.
Definition Main_Gprog : funspecs := main_spec :: Main_imports.

Proof of body_main

The semax_body proof for main is almost like any other, except that before start_function we do pose proof Core_VSU. This signals to start_function that it can use the mkInitPred lemmas from Core_VSU to process all the global variables
Lemma body_main: semax_body Vprog Main_Gprog f_main main_spec.
pose coreVSU.
fold M. (* See "Exercise: Delete" below to see why this is needed *)
Now the SEP clause of the precondition is, (Spec_stdlib.mem_mgr M gv; has_ext tt)
In general, there will be one clause for each VSU that has a state predicate, plus a has_ext clause to characterize the external world. In this program, which does no I/O, the external world is trivial, characterized by the unit value tt. In this program, just one of the modules has a state predicate; that's the stdlib module with its mem_mgr predicate. That was put into the SEP clause by start_function, signalled to do so by pose proof Core_VSU.
Now, as usual prove correctness of the function body. Start with a forward_call(XX) to the triang function. The parameter XX will depend on what you have put in the WITH clause of the triang_spec in Spec_triang.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Exercise: Once you've finished the proof of body_main, go back and delete the fold M near the top of body_main, and proceed to the point immediately after the forward_call. You'll probably see an extra proof obligation here, which is provable by (fold M; cancel). That suggests why the fold M is useful at the top of the function.

The Main Component, the Whole Component

There are several different concepts (and types) here:
  • Clight.program is the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) of a Clight program as produced by clightgen;
  • QP.program is an alternate version of that AST that's more efficient to link computationally in Coq;
  • Component is a set of correctness proofs (and other property proofs) about a QP.program;
  • VSU is a Component with its internal funspecs hidden by Coq's abstraction mechanism (sigT), and with the component's varspecs in a standard form.
Unlike ordinary modules, we don't turn main.c (or the module containing main()) into a VSU; it's slightly nonstandard because it imports the "varspecs" of all the other modules (i.e., global-variable-initializer specifications). We make a Component.
Definition MainComp: MainCompType nil ltac:(QPprog prog) coreVSU whole_prog (snd main_spec) emp.
mkComponent prog.
Now, for each function in the Main module, we have a solve_SF_internal just as we would (for ordinary components) after mkVSU.
- solve_SF_internal body_main.
The arguments of MainCompType (above) are,
  • nil, the Externs of Main, just in case main() calls some system-calls directly (in this case, there are none);
  • (QPprog prog), the main.c program,
  • coreVSU, the VSU of the entire program except main.c;
  • whole_prog, the whole program including main.c+core;
  • snd main_spec, the funspec of the main function;
  • emp, the separation-logic characterization of all the global variables of main.c (in this case, there are none).
Having made the Main component, we link it with the coreVSU to form the Component corresponding to the whole program.
Lemma WholeComp: WholeCompType coreVSU MainComp.
Proof. proveWholeComponent. Qed.


Import SeparationLogicSoundness.VericMinimumSeparationLogic.CSHL_Defs.
Require Import VST.veric.SequentialClight.
VST's program logic is proved sound with respect to the operational semantics of Clight. That means,
  • if you prove in VST that some program satisfies its specification, written as @semax_prog Espec CompSpecs prog init V G
  • then (in the operational semantics of CompCert Clight) it will behave according to that specification.
About semax_prog. (*
   semax_prog : forall {Espec : OracleKind},
          compspecs -> Clight.program -> OK_ty -> varspecs -> funspecs -> Prop *)

semax_prog basically means that all the function-bodies in prog satisfy their funspecs in G, along with some other useful side-conditions.
If we could just prove semax_prog about a program, then we could apply the following soundness theorem to prove it runs correctly:
Check whole_program_sequential_safety_ext.
That's a complicated theorem-statement, but the main premise is
  • semax_prog prog initial_oracle V G
meaning "you proved the program correct", and the main conclusion is
  • step_lemmas.dry_safeN ...
meaning "the program runs safely, interacting correctly as specified with its external environment."
What we want from the VSU system is a proof that the C program you get by linking all these VSUs together (with the MainComponent) satisfies semax_prog. And here is that theorem:
Lemma WholeProgSafe: WholeProgSafeType WholeComp tt.
Proof. proveWholeProgSafe. Qed.
And you can see what was just proved by unfolding WholeProgSafeType:
Eval red in (WholeProgSafeType WholeComp tt).
(*   {G : funspecs
       | semax_prog (prog_of_component WholeComp) tt (QPvarspecs whole_prog) G} *)

or in other words, there exists a complete set G of funspecs (for all the functions in the program) such that the Clight program corresponding to the WholeComponent is proved correct. Now we could apply whole_program_sequential_safety_ext to get the corollary that the program runs correctly.

Next Chapter: VSU_stdlib2

(* 2024-12-27 01:34 *)