Spec_stackVSU specification of the Stack module

Recall the Stack module described in Verif_stack. Recall that stack.c really contained two modules, "stack" and "triang". We will break this program into four pieces, as follows:
  • stdlib.c (and stdlib.h) characterizing the external library functions, malloc, free, exit.
  • stack2.c (and stack2.h) with newstack, push, pop.
  • triang2.c (and triang2.h) with push_increasing, pop_and_add, and triang.
  • main2.c with a main function that calls triang.
For the stack module we have the header file stack2.h:
    /* stack2.h */
    #include <stddef.h>
    struct stack;
    struct stack *newstack(void);
    void push (struct stack *p, int i);
    int pop (struct stack *p);

Let's verify!

Require Import VST.floyd.proofauto.
Require Import VC.stack2.
Require Import VC.Spec_stdlib.

Abstract Predicate Declaration (APD)

As you recall from Verif_stack, the stack module implements an abstract data type; that is, a data structure with a private representation and public operators. In the C program, the name of the type is struct stack, and in the header file above, we emphasize that the representation is private by writing struct stack; instead of struct stack {...fields...};.
That means any .c file that imports just stack.h can't access the individual fields, and is meant to use the API functions newstack, push, and pop to create and manipulate values of type <struct stack *>. C programs can't exactly enforce this, because the client could "cheat" by declaring <struct stack {...fields...}> or by casting values of type <struct stack *> to other types. But in our VST verification, we can enforce this data abstraction. We do so by making an Abstract Predicate Declaration (APD) .
Record StackAPD := {
  stackrep: list Z val mpred;
  stackrep_local_facts: il p, stackrep il p |-- !! (isptr p);
  stackrep_valid_pointer: il p, stackrep il p |-- valid_pointer p
Here, stackrep serves the same purpose as stack in Verif_stack; that is, it is the separation-logic representation relation for stacks. In particular, stackrep il p is an mpred that says, "at address p is a data structure representing the sequence il". But the difference here is that we don't say what the representation is, we just give its type signature, list Z val mpred. In addition, we must provide the local_facts and the valid_pointer lemmas for this relation, just as we did in Verif_stack; but here we just present them as axioms, not as theorems. All of this is bundled into a Record, the abstract predicate declaration (APD). The client need never know how the data structure is really represented, that is, the details of the stackrep predicate.
If we examine the type of stackrep, ...
Check stackrep. (* : StackAPD -> list Z -> val -> mpred *)
we find that, given an instance S:StackAPD, then stackrep S will be a relation of type list Z val mpred. At the moment, we don't yet have an instance; after all, this is an abstract data type whose representation will be provided by the implementation of a module, and in this file we are describing only the interface, not the implementation.
Now, just as we did in Verif_stack, we add the lemmas/axioms about stackrep to the respective hint databases.
#[export] Hint Resolve stackrep_local_facts : saturate_local.
#[export] Hint Resolve stackrep_valid_pointer: valid_pointer.

Abstract Specification Interface (ASI)

The specification interface between one module and another consists primarily of the funspecs of API functions that the client module can call upon. In an Abstract Specification Interface (ASI) we present those funspecs, but not their proofs. Those funspecs, in their preconditions and postconditions, may use separation-logic predicates (mpreds) that are APDs -- of this module or of other modules -- and these APDs will be parameters of the module. The funspecs can also use ordinary mpreds such as data_at.
In this case, the Stack ASI needs to refer to 2 APDs: the MallocFreeAPD imported from the MallocFree module, and the StackAPD that will be exported from this module. That is, every funspec will be parameterized by M (an instance of MallocFreeAPD), and by STACK (an instance of StackAPD). We do this using a Section.
Section StackASI.
Variable M: MallocFreeAPD.
Variable STACK: StackAPD.
Now the funspecs look just as they did in Verif_stack, except that we write mem_mgr M instead of mem_mgr, and we write stackrep STACK instead of stack. By the way, in Verif_stack the identifier mem_mgr referred to VST.floyd.library.mem_mgr, but here we are referring to Spec_stdlib.mem_mgr which is not the same. We'll explain that one in Chapter Spec_stdlib.
Locate mem_mgr. (* short for  VC.Spec_stdlib.mem_mgr *)
Check mem_mgr. (* MallocFreeAPD -> globals -> mpred. *)

Definition newstack_spec : ident × funspec :=
 DECLARE _newstack
 WITH gv: globals
 PRE [ ]
    PROP () PARAMS() GLOBALS(gv) SEP (mem_mgr M gv)
 POST [ tptr (Tstruct _stack noattr) ]
    EX p: val, PROP ( ) RETURN (p)
               SEP (stackrep STACK nil p; mem_mgr M gv).

Definition push_spec : ident × funspec :=
 DECLARE _push
 WITH p: val, i: Z, il: list Z, gv: globals
 PRE [ tptr (Tstruct _stack noattr), tint ]
    PROP (Int.min_signed i Int.max_signed)
    PARAMS (p; Vint (Int.repr i)) GLOBALS(gv)
    SEP (stackrep STACK il p; mem_mgr M gv)
 POST [ tvoid ]
    PROP ( ) RETURN ()
    SEP (stackrep STACK (i::il) p; mem_mgr M gv).

Definition pop_spec : ident × funspec :=
 WITH p: val, i: Z, il: list Z, gv: globals
 PRE [ tptr (Tstruct _stack noattr) ]
    PROP ()
    PARAMS (p) GLOBALS(gv)
    SEP (stackrep STACK (i::il) p; mem_mgr M gv)
 POST [ tint ]
    PROP ( ) RETURN (Vint (Int.repr i))
    SEP (stackrep STACK il p; mem_mgr M gv).
Now the "Stack Abstract Specification Interface" is just a list of the exported funspecs
Definition StackASI : funspecs := [ newstack_spec; push_spec; pop_spec ].

End StackASI.
And remember that StackASI is parameterized by the Variables of the Section:
Check StackASI. (*   : MallocFreeAPD -> StackAPD -> funspecs *)

Next Chapter: Spec_triang

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