Spec_triangVSU specification of the Triang module

We will now write the ASI (abstract specification interface) of the triang2 module.


#include <stddef.h>
int triang (int n);
This header file suggests that the triang module exports just one function, that computes the triangular number of its input, that is, 1+2+...+n.


#include <stddef.h>
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "stack2.h"
#include "triang2.h"

void push_increasing (struct stack *st, int n) {
  int i=0;
  while (i<n) { i++; push(st,i); }

int pop_and_add (struct stack *st, int n) {
  int i=0;
  int t, s=0;
  while (i<n) { t=pop(st); s += t; i++; }
  return s;

int triang(int n) {
  struct stack *st;
  int i,t,s;
  st = newstack();
  push_increasing(st, n);
  s = pop_and_add(st, n);
  return s;
In the file triang2.c, the functions push_increasing and pop_and_add are identical to the ones in Verif_stack. These are internal functions to the module, not exported. In a typical C program, you might make these functions static to restrict visibility, but we won't do that here, for two reasons:
  • We will use VSU's specification facilities to enforce locality in the proof;
  • One might build the triang module from more than one .c file, with the different .c files referencing "internal" functions from each other. In this case, static won't work in C, but our VSU can still specify the module structure.

Let's verify!

Require Import VST.floyd.proofauto.
Require Import VC.triang2.
Require Import VC.Spec_stdlib.
Require Import VC.Spec_stack.

Abstract Predicate Declaration (APD)

This module does not use any abstract data types in its external interface. The only type used in int triang (int n) is the int type. So this module does not need any APDs at all.
Conversely, a module whose API uses more than one abstract data type might have more than one APD. There is no 1-1 matching between APDs and ASIs.

Abstract Specification Interface (ASI)

As usual, we make a Section to introduce the APD parameters
Section TriangASI.
We need to mention the MallocFreeAPD because the triang function uses mem_mgr in its pre and postconditions.
Variable M: MallocFreeAPD.
Although the implementation of this module uses the StackAPD, that use is purely internal, and does not need to be mentioned in the external interface specification.

Exercise: 2 stars, standard (triang_spec)

Adjust this funspec until it properly specifies the triang function. Suggestion: the PROP clause of the precondition could very reasonably limit the size of the input to approximately the square root of the maxium integer, so that the triangular number does not overflow.
Definition triang_spec : ident × funspec :=
 DECLARE _triang
 WITH gv: globals (*... more WITH variables... *)
 PRE [
    PROP (
    SEP (mem_mgr M gv)
 POST [ tint ]
    (* Suggestion: this postcondition does not need an EX, but you 
       may add one if you wish to. *)

    PROP (
    RETURN (
    SEP (mem_mgr M gv).
If you don't get this quite right, you will notice it either when you prove VSU_triang (verification of triang.c) or when you prove VSU_main (verification of the client). In that case, just come back here and adjust the funspec.
Because the functions push_increasing and pop_and_add are not exported from the module -- they are used only internally by triang, their funspecs need not be mentioned here.

Completing the Triang ASI

Now the "Triang Abstract Specification Interface" is just a list of the exported funspecs
Definition TriangASI : funspecs := [ triang_spec ].

End TriangASI.
And remember that StackASI is parameterized by the Variables of the Section:
Check TriangASI. (*   : MallocFreeAPD -> funspecs *)

Next Chapter: Spec_stdlib

(* 2024-12-27 01:34 *)