WandThe Magic Wand and Other Operators

Set Implicit Arguments.
From SLF Require Import LibSepReference.
From SLF Require Repr.
Close Scope trm_scope.

Implicit Types h : heap.
Implicit Types P : Prop.
Implicit Types H : hprop.
Implicit Types Q : valhprop.

First Pass

This chapter presents some additional Separation Logic operators:
  • the disjunction, written hor H1 H2,
  • the non-separating conjunction, written hand H1 H2,
  • the "forall", named hforall and written \ x, H,
  • the "magic wand", named hwand and written H1 \−∗ H2,
  • the "magic wand for postconditions", named qwand and written Q1 \−−∗ Q2.
The magic wand operator has multiple uses:
  • it is key to formulating the "ramified frame rule", a more practical rule for exploiting the frame and consequence properties,
  • it will be used in the chapter WPgen to define a weakest-precondition generator, and
  • it can be useful to state the specifications for certain data structures.
This chapter is organized as follows:
  • definition and properties of hand, hor, and hforall,
  • definition and properties of the magic wand operator,
  • generalization of the magic wand to postconditions,
  • extension of the xsimpl tactic to handle the magic wand,
  • statement and benefits of the ramified frame rule.
The "optional material" presents several equivalent definitions for magic wand.

Definition of the Operator hforall

Module Hforall.
The heap predicate \ x, H holds of a heap h that, for any possible value of x, satisfies H. It may be puzzling at first what could possibly be the use case for such a universal quantification, but we will see several examples through this chapter -- in particular the encoding of the non-separating conjunction (hand) and of the magic wand on postconditions (qwand).
The predicate \ x, H stands for hforall (fun x H), where the definition of hforall follows the same pattern as hexists.
Definition hforall (A : Type) (J : A hprop) : hprop :=
  fun h x, J x h.

Notation "'\forall' x1 .. xn , H" :=
  (hforall (fun x1 ⇒ .. (hforall (fun xnH)) ..))
  (at level 39, x1 binder, H at level 50, right associativity,
   format "'[' '\forall' '/ ' x1 .. xn , '/ ' H ']'").
To follow the rest of this chapter, it suffices to have in mind the introduction and elimination rules for hforall.
Lemma hforall_intro : A (J:Ahprop) h,
  ( x, J x h)
  (hforall J) h.
Proof using. introv M. applys* M. Qed.

Lemma hforall_inv : A (J:Ahprop) h,
  (hforall J) h
   x, J x h.
Proof using. introv M. applys* M. Qed.
The introduction rule in an entailment for \ appears below. To prove that a heap satisfies \ x, J x, we must show that, for any x, this heap satisfies J x.
Lemma himpl_hforall_r : A (J:Ahprop) H,
  ( x, H ==> J x)
  H ==> (\ x, J x).
Proof using. introv M. intros h K x. apply¬M. Qed.
The elimination rule in an entailment for \ appears below. Assuming a heap satisfies \ x, J x, we can derive that the same heap satisfies J v for any desired value v.
Lemma hforall_specialize : A (v:A) (J:Ahprop),
  (\ x, J x) ==> (J v).
Proof using. intros. intros h K. apply* K. Qed.
The lemma hforall_specialize can equivalently be formulated in the following way, which makes it easier to apply in some cases.
Lemma himpl_hforall_l : A (v:A) (J:Ahprop) H,
  J v ==> H
  (\ x, J x) ==> H.
Proof using. introv M. applys himpl_trans M. applys hforall_specialize. Qed.
Universal quantifers that appear in the precondition of a triple may be specialized like universal quantifiers appearing on the left-hand side of an entailment.
Lemma triple_hforall : A (v:A) t (J:Ahprop) Q,
  triple t (J v) Q
  triple t (\ x, J x) Q.
  introv M. applys triple_conseq M.
  { applys hforall_specialize. }
  { applys qimpl_refl. }

End Hforall.

Definition of the Operator hor

Module Hor.
The heap predicate hor H1 H2 describes a heap that satisfies H1 or satifies H2 (or possibly both). In other words, the heap predicate hor H1 H2 lifts the disjunction operator P1 P2 from Prop to hprop.
The disjunction operator does not appear to be critically useful in practice, because it can be encoded using Coq's conditional construct, or using pattern matching. Nevertheless, there are situations where it proves handy.
The heap disjunction predicate admits a direct definition as a function over heaps, written hor'.
Definition hor' (H1 H2 : hprop) : hprop :=
  fun hH1 h H2 h.
An alternative definition leverages the \ quantifier. The definition, shown below, reads as follows: "there exists an unspecified boolean value b such that if b is true then H1 holds, else if b is false then H2 holds".
The benefit of this definition is that its properties can be established without manipulating heaps explicitly.
Definition hor (H1 H2 : hprop) : hprop :=
  \ (b:bool), if b then H1 else H2.

Exercise: 3 stars, standard, optional (hor_eq_hor')

Prove the equivalence of the definitions hor and hor'.
Lemma hor_eq_hor' :
  hor = hor'.
Proof using. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
The two introduction rules for hor assert that if H1 holds, then hor H1 H2 holds; and, symmetrically, if H2 holds, then hor H1 H2 holds.
Lemma himpl_hor_r_l : H1 H2,
  H1 ==> hor H1 H2.
Proof using. intros. unfolds hor. * true. Qed.

Lemma himpl_hor_r_r : H1 H2,
  H2 ==> hor H1 H2.
Proof using. intros. unfolds hor. * false. Qed.
In practice, these rules are easier to exploit when combined with a transitivity step.
Lemma himpl_hor_r_l_trans : H1 H2 H3,
  H3 ==> H1
  H3 ==> hor H1 H2.
Proof using. introv W. applys himpl_trans W. applys himpl_hor_r_l. Qed.

Lemma himpl_hor_r_r_trans : H1 H2 H3,
  H3 ==> H2
  H3 ==> hor H1 H2.
Proof using. introv W. applys himpl_trans W. applys himpl_hor_r_r. Qed.
The elimination rule asserts that, if hor H1 H2 holds, then we can perform a case analysis on whether it is H1 or H2 that holds. Concretely, to show that hor H1 H2 entails a heap predicate H3, we must show both that H1 entails H3 and that H2 entails H3.
Lemma himpl_hor_l : H1 H2 H3,
  H1 ==> H3
  H2 ==> H3
  hor H1 H2 ==> H3.
Proof using.
  introv M1 M2. unfolds hor. applys himpl_hexists_l. intros b. case_if*.
The operator hor is commutative. To establish this property, it is useful to exploit the following lemma, called if_neg, for swapping the two branches of a conditional by negating its boolean condition.
Lemma if_neg : (b:bool) A (X Y:A),
  (if b then X else Y) = (if neg b then Y else X).
Proof using. intros. case_if*. Qed.

Exercise: 2 stars, standard, especially useful (hor_comm)

Prove that hor is a symmetric operator. Hint: exploit hprop_op_comm and if_neg (from chapter Himpl).
Lemma hor_comm : H1 H2,
  hor H1 H2 = hor H2 H1.
Proof using. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Module HorExample.
Import Repr.
Implicit Types q : loc.

Exercise: 4 stars, standard, especially useful (hor_comm)

Prove that the representation predicate MList introduced in chapter Repr can be equivalently characterized using the predicate hor, as shown below. Hint: to prove this equivalence, do not attempt a proof by induction, and do not attempt to unfold MList. Instead, work using the equalities MList_nil and MList_cons. You may want to begin the proof by applying himpl_antisym and calling destruct on L.
Lemma MList_using_hor : L p,
  MList L p =
     hor (\[L = nil p = null])
         (\ x q L', \[L = x::L']
                       \* (p ~~~>`{ head := x; tail := q})
                       \* (MList L' q)).
Proof using. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
End HorExample.
End Hor.

Definition of the Operator hand

Module Hand.
Import Hforall Hor.
The heap predicate hand H1 H2 describes a single heap that satisfies H1 and at the same time satifies H2. In other words, the heap predicate hand H1 H2 lifts the disjunction operator P1 P2 from Prop to hprop. The heap predicate hand admits a direct definition as a function over heaps.
Definition hand' (H1 H2 : hprop) : hprop :=
  fun hH1 h H2 h.
An alternative definition leverages the \ quantifier. The definition reads as follows: "for any boolean value b, if b is true then H1 should hold, and if b is false then H2 should hold".
Definition hand (H1 H2 : hprop) : hprop :=
  \ (b:bool), if b then H1 else H2.

Exercise: 2 stars, standard, especially useful (hand_eq_hand')

Prove the equivalence of the definitions hand and hand'. Use functional extensionality to get started.
Lemma hand_eq_hand' :
  hand = hand'.
Proof using. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
The introduction and elimination rules for hand are as follows.
  • If "H1 and H2" holds, then in particular H1 holds.
  • Symmetrically, if "H1 and H2" holds, then in particular H2 holds.
  • Reciprocally, to prove that a heap predicate H3 entails "H1 and H2", we must prove that H3 entails H1, and that H3 satisfies H2.
Lemma himpl_hand_l_r : H1 H2,
  hand H1 H2 ==> H1.
Proof using. intros. unfolds hand. applys* himpl_hforall_l true. Qed.

Lemma himpl_hand_l_l : H1 H2,
  hand H1 H2 ==> H2.
Proof using. intros. unfolds hand. applys* himpl_hforall_l false. Qed.

Lemma himpl_hand_r : H1 H2 H3,
  H3 ==> H1
  H3 ==> H2
  H3 ==> hand H1 H2.
Proof using. introv M1 M2 Hh. intros b. case_if*. Qed.

Exercise: 1 star, standard, especially useful (hand_comm)

Prove that hand is symmetric. Hint: use hprop_op_comm and rewrite if_neg, or a case analysis on the boolean value coming from hand.
Lemma hand_comm : H1 H2,
  hand H1 H2 = hand H2 H1.
Proof using. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
End Hand.

Definition of the Magic Wand Operator: hwand

Module Hwand.

Definition of hwand

The magic wand operation H1 \−∗ H2, pronounced "H1 wand H2", defines a heap predicate such that, if we extend it with H1, we obtain H2. Formally, the following entailment holds:
      H1 \* (H1 \−∗ H2) ==> H2. Intuitively, if we think of the star H1 \* H2 as a sort of addition, H1 + H2, then we can think of H1 \−∗ H2 as the subtraction -H1 + H2. The entailment above intuitively captures the idea that (-H1 + H2) + H1 simplifies to H2.
Note, however, that the operation H1 \−∗ H2 only makes sense if H1 describes a piece of heap that "can" be subtracted from H2. Otherwise, the predicate H1 \−∗ H2 characterizes a heap that cannot possibly exist. Informally speaking, H1 must somehow be a subset of H2 for the subtraction -H1 + H2 to make sense.
Another possible analogy is that of logical operators. If P1 and P2 were propositions (of type Prop), then P1 \* P2 would mean P1 P2 and P1 \−∗ P2 would mean P1 P2. The entailment P1 \* (P1 \−∗ P2) ==> P2 then corresponds to the tautology (P1 (P1 P2)) P2.
Technically, H1 \−∗ H2 holds of a heap h if, for any heap h' disjoint from h and satisfying H1, the union of h and h' satisfies H2. The operator hwand, which implements the notation H1 \−∗ H2, may thus be defined as follows.
Definition hwand' (H1 H2:hprop) : hprop :=
  fun h h', Fmap.disjoint h h' H1 h' H2 (h \u h').
The definition above is perfectly fine, however it is more practical to use an alternative, equivalent definition of hwand, expressed in terms of previously introduced Separation Logic operators. Doing so enables us to establish all the properties of the magic wand by exploiting the tactic xsimpl, thereby conducting all the reasoning at the level of hprop, rather than having to work with concrete heaps.
The alternative definition asserts that H1 \−∗ H2 corresponds to some heap predicate, called H0, such that H0 starred with H1 yields H2. In other words, H0 is such that (H1 \* H0) ==> H2. In the definition below, observe how H0 is existentially quantified.
Definition hwand (H1 H2:hprop) : hprop :=
  \ H0, H0 \* \[ H1 \* H0 ==> H2 ].

Notation "H1 \−∗ H2" := (hwand H1 H2) (at level 43, right associativity).

Characteristic Equivalence for hwand

The magic wand is not easy to make sense of at first. Reading its introduction and elimination rules may help further appreciate its meaning.
The operator H1 \−∗ H2 satisfies the following equivalence. Informally speaking, think of H0 = -H1+H2 and H1+H0 = H2 being equivalent claims.
Lemma hwand_equiv : H0 H1 H2,
  (H0 ==> H1 \−∗ H2) (H1 \* H0 ==> H2).
Proof using.
  unfold hwand. iff M.
  { xchange M. intros H N. xchange N. }
  { xsimpl H0. xchange M. }
Indeed, we will see below that the magic wand operator is uniquely defined by the equivalence (H0 ==> H1 \−∗ H2) (H1 \* H0 ==> H2). In other words, any operator that satisfies the above equivalence is provably equal to hwand.
The right-to-left direction of the equivalence is an introduction rule: it tells what needs to be proved for constructing a magic wand H1 \−∗ H2 from a state H0.
To establish that H0 entails H1 \−∗ H2, we have to show that the conjunction of H0 and H1 yields H2.
Lemma himpl_hwand_r : H0 H1 H2,
  (H1 \* H0) ==> H2
  H0 ==> (H1 \−∗ H2).
Proof using. introv M. applys hwand_equiv. applys M. Qed.
The left-to-right direction of the equivalence is an elimination rule: it tells what can be deduced from an entailment H0 ==> (H1 \−∗ H2) -- namely, if H0 is starred with H1, then H2 can be recovered.
Lemma himpl_hwand_r_inv : H0 H1 H2,
  H0 ==> (H1 \−∗ H2)
  (H1 \* H0) ==> H2.
Proof using. introv M. applys hwand_equiv. applys M. Qed.
This elimination rule can be equivalently reformulated in the following handy form: H1 \−∗ H2, when starred with H1, yields H2.
Lemma hwand_cancel : H1 H2,
  H1 \* (H1 \−∗ H2) ==> H2.
Proof using. intros. applys himpl_hwand_r_inv. applys himpl_refl. Qed.

Arguments hwand_cancel : clear implicits.

Further Properties of hwand

We next present the most important properties of the magic wand operator. Here, the tactic xsimpl is available only in a restricted form that does not support magic wand. (The full xsimpl tactic would trivially solve many of these lemmas, but using it here would be cheating because the implementation of xsimpl itself relies on several of these lemmas.)
The operator H1 \−∗ H2 is contravariant in H1 and covariant in H2, like the implication operator .
Lemma hwand_himpl : H1 H1' H2 H2',
  H1' ==> H1
  H2 ==> H2'
  (H1 \−∗ H2) ==> (H1' \−∗ H2').
Proof using.
  introv M1 M2. applys himpl_hwand_r. xchange M1.
  xchange (hwand_cancel H1 H2). applys M2.
The predicates H1 \−∗ H2 and H2 \−∗ H3 together simplify to H1 \−∗ H3. This is reminiscent of the arithmetic identity (-H1 + H2) + (-H2 + H3) = (-H1 + H3) (and to the transitivity of ordinary implication).
Lemma hwand_trans_elim : H1 H2 H3,
  (H1 \−∗ H2) \* (H2 \−∗ H3) ==> (H1 \−∗ H3).
Proof using.
  intros. applys himpl_hwand_r. xchange (hwand_cancel H1 H2).
The predicate H \−∗ H holds of the empty heap. Intuitively, we can rewrite 0 as -H + H.
Lemma himpl_hempty_hwand_same : H,
  \[] ==> (H \−∗ H).
Proof using. intros. apply himpl_hwand_r. xsimpl. Qed.
Let's now study the interaction of hwand with hempty and hpure.
The heap predicate \[] \−∗ H is equivalent to H. Intuitively, we can rewrite -0+H as +H.
Lemma hwand_hempty_l : H,
  (\[] \−∗ H) = H.
Proof using.
  intros. unfold hwand. xsimpl.
  { intros H0 M. xchange M. }
  { xsimpl. }
The lemma above shows that \[] can be removed from the LHS of a magic wand.
More generally, a pure predicate \[P] can be removed from the LHS of a magic wand as long as P is true. Formally:

Exercise: 2 stars, standard, especially useful (hwand_hpure_l)

Lemma hwand_hpure_l : P H,
  (\[P] \−∗ H) = H.
Proof using. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Reciprocally, to prove that a heap satisfies \[P] \−∗ H2, it suffices to prove that this heap satisfies H2 under the assumption that P is true. Formally:
Lemma himpl_hwand_hpure_r : H1 H2 P,
  (P H1 ==> H2)
  H1 ==> (\[P] \−∗ H2).
Proof using. introv M. applys himpl_hwand_r. xsimpl. applys M. Qed.

Exercise: 2 stars, standard, optional (himpl_hwand_hpure_lr)

Prove that \[P1 P2] entails \[P1] \−∗ \[P2]. Hint: use xpull, then use xsimpl by providing an explicit argument to indicate how the \ on the right-hand side of the entailment should be instantiated.
Lemma himpl_hwand_hpure_lr : (P1 P2:Prop),
  \[P1 P2] ==> (\[P1] \−∗ \[P2]).
Proof using. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Another interesting property is that arguments on the LHS of a magic wand can equivalently be "curried" or "uncurried", just as a function of type (A * B) C is equivalent to a function of type A B C.
The heap predicates (H1 \* H2) \−∗ H3, H1 \−∗ (H2 \−∗ H3), and H2 \−∗ (H1 \−∗ H3) are all equivalent. Intuitively, they all describe H3 with the missing pieces H1 and H2.
The equivalence between the uncurried form (H1 \* H2) \−∗ H3 and the curried form H1 \−∗ (H2 \−∗ H3) is formalized by the lemma shown below. The third form, H2 \−∗ (H1 \−∗ H3), follows from the commutativity property H1 \* H2 = H2 \* H1.
Lemma hwand_curry_eq : H1 H2 H3,
  (H1 \* H2) \−∗ H3 = H1 \−∗ (H2 \−∗ H3).
Proof using.
  intros. applys himpl_antisym.
  { apply himpl_hwand_r. apply himpl_hwand_r.
    xchange (hwand_cancel (H1 \* H2) H3). }
  { apply himpl_hwand_r. xchange (hwand_cancel H1 (H2 \−∗ H3)).
    xchange (hwand_cancel H2 H3). }
Yet another interesting property is that the RHS of a magic wand can absorb resources that the magic wand is starred with.
Concretely, from (H1 \−∗ H2) \* H3, we can get the predicate H3 to be absorbed by the H2 in the magic wand, yielding H1 \−∗ (H2 \* H3). One way to read this: "if you own H3 and, when given H1, you own H2, then, when given H1, you own both H2 and H3."
Lemma hstar_hwand : H1 H2 H3,
  (H1 \−∗ H2) \* H3 ==> H1 \−∗ (H2 \* H3).
Proof using.
  intros. applys himpl_hwand_r. xsimpl. xchange (hwand_cancel H1 H2).
The reciprocal entailment is false: H1 \−∗ (H2 \* H3) does not entail (H1 \−∗ H2) \* H3.
To see why, instantiate H1 with \[False]. The predicate \[False] \−∗ (H2 \* H3) is equivalent to True, hence imposes no restriction on the heap. But, to establish (\[False] \−∗ H2) \* H3, we would need to exhibit a piece of heap satisfiying H3.

Exercise: 1 star, standard, especially useful (himpl_hwand_hstar_same_r)

Prove that H1 entails H2 \−∗ (H2 \* H1).
Lemma himpl_hwand_hstar_same_r : H1 H2,
  H1 ==> (H2 \−∗ (H2 \* H1)).
Proof using. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

Exercise: 2 stars, standard, especially useful (hwand_cancel_part)

Prove that H1 \* ((H1 \* H2) \−∗ H3) simplifies to H2 \−∗ H3.
Lemma hwand_cancel_part : H1 H2 H3,
  H1 \* ((H1 \* H2) \−∗ H3) ==> (H2 \−∗ H3).
Proof using. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

Exercise: 3 stars, standard, optional (hwand_frame)

Prove that H1 \−∗ H2 entails to (H1 \* H3) \−∗ (H2 \* H3). Hint: use xsimpl.
Lemma hwand_frame : H1 H2 H3,
  H1 \−∗ H2 ==> (H1 \* H3) \−∗ (H2 \* H3).
Proof using. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

Exercise: 3 stars, standard, optional (hwand_inv)

Prove the following inversion lemma for hwand. This lemma essentially captures the fact that hwand entails the alternative definition named hwand'.
Lemma hwand_inv : h1 h2 H1 H2,
  (H1 \−∗ H2) h2
  H1 h1
  Fmap.disjoint h1 h2
  H2 (h1 \u h2).
Proof using. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
End Hwand.

Definition of the Magic Wand Operator for Postconditions: qwand

Module Qwand.
Import Hwand.
In what follows, we generalize the magic wand to operate on postconditions, introducing a heap predicate of the form Q1 \−−∗ Q2, of type hprop.
Note that the magic wand between two postconditions produces a heap predicate, not a postcondition.
There are two ways to define the operator qwand. The first is to follow the same pattern as for hwand, that is, to quantify some heap predicate H0 such that H0 starred with Q1 yields Q2.
Definition qwand' (Q1 Q2:valhprop) : hprop :=
  \ H0, H0 \* \[ Q1 \*+ H0 ===> Q2 ].
The second possibility is to define qwand directly on top of hwand, by means of the hforall quantifier.
Definition qwand (Q1 Q2:valhprop) : hprop :=
  \ v, (Q1 v) \−∗ (Q2 v).

Notation "Q1 \−−∗ Q2" := (qwand Q1 Q2) (at level 43).
As we establish later in this chapter, qwand and qwand' both define the same operator. We prefer taking qwand as the definition because in practice instantiating the universal quantifier is the most useful way to exploit a magic wand between postconditions. This specialization operation is formalized next. This result is a direct consequence of the specialization result for \.
Lemma qwand_specialize : (v:val) (Q1 Q2:valhprop),
  (Q1 \−−∗ Q2) ==> (Q1 v \−∗ Q2 v).
Proof using.
  intros. unfold qwand. applys himpl_hforall_l v. xsimpl.
The predicate qwand satisfies numerous properties that are direct counterparts of the properties on hwand. First, qwand satisfies a characteristic equivalence rule.
Lemma qwand_equiv : H Q1 Q2,
      H ==> (Q1 \−−∗ Q2)
   (Q1 \*+ H) ===> Q2.
Proof using.
  intros. iff M.
  { intros x. xchange M. xchange (qwand_specialize x).
    xchange (hwand_cancel (Q1 x)). }
  { applys himpl_hforall_r. intros x. applys himpl_hwand_r.
    xchange (M x). }
Second, qwand satisfies a cancellation rule.
Lemma qwand_cancel : Q1 Q2,
  Q1 \*+ (Q1 \−−∗ Q2) ===> Q2.
Proof using. intros. rewrite <- qwand_equiv. applys qimpl_refl. Qed.
Third, the operation Q1 \−−∗ Q2 is contravariant in Q1 and covariant in Q2.
Lemma qwand_himpl : Q1 Q1' Q2 Q2',
  Q1' ===> Q1
  Q2 ===> Q2'
  (Q1 \−−∗ Q2) ==> (Q1' \−−∗ Q2').
Proof using.
  introv M1 M2. rewrite qwand_equiv. intros x.
  xchange (qwand_specialize x). xchange M1.
  xchange (hwand_cancel (Q1 x)). xchange M2.
Fourth the operation Q1 \−−∗ Q2 can absorb in its RHS resources to which it is starred.
Lemma hstar_qwand : Q1 Q2 H,
  (Q1 \−−∗ Q2) \* H ==> Q1 \−−∗ (Q2 \*+ H).
Proof using.
  intros. rewrite qwand_equiv. xchange (@qwand_cancel Q1).

Exercise: 1 star, standard, especially useful (himpl_qwand_hstar_same_r)

Prove that H entails Q \−−∗ (Q \*+ H).
Lemma himpl_qwand_hstar_same_r : H Q,
  H ==> Q \−−∗ (Q \*+ H).
Proof using. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

Exercise: 2 stars, standard, optional (qwand_cancel_part)

Prove that H \* ((Q1 \*+ H) \−−∗ Q2) simplifies to Q1 \−−∗ Q2. Hint: use xchange.
Lemma qwand_cancel_part : H Q1 Q2,
  H \* ((Q1 \*+ H) \−−∗ Q2) ==> (Q1 \−−∗ Q2).
Proof using. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
End Qwand.

Simplifications of Magic Wands using xsimpl

We can extend the tactic xsimpl to recognize the magic wand and automatically perform a number of obvious simplifications. This extension is implemented in the file LibSepSimpl, which exports the version of xsimpl illustrated here.
Module XsimplDemo.
xsimpl is able to spot a magic wand that cancels out. For example, if an iterated separating conjunction includes both H2 \−∗ H3 and H2, then these two heap predicates can be simplified into H3.
Lemma xsimpl_demo_hwand_cancel : H1 H2 H3 H4 H5,
  H1 \* (H2 \−∗ H3) \* H4 \* H2 ==> H5.
Proof using. intros. xsimpl. Abort.
xsimpl is able to simplify uncurried magic wands. For example, if an iterated separating conjunction includes (H1 \* H2 \* H3) \−∗ H4 and H2, the two predicates can be simplified into (H1 \* H3) \−∗ H4.
Lemma xsimpl_demo_hwand_cancel_partial : H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6,
  ((H1 \* H2 \* H3) \−∗ H4) \* H5 \* H2 ==> H6.
Proof using. intros. xsimpl. Abort.
xsimpl automatically applies the introduction rule himpl_hwand_r when the right-hand-side, after prior simplification, reduces to just a magic wand. In the example below, H1 is first cancelled out from both sides, then H3 is moved from the RHS to the LHS.
Lemma xsimpl_demo_himpl_hwand_r : H1 H2 H3 H4 H5,
  H1 \* H2 ==> H1 \* (H3 \−∗ (H4 \* H5)).
Proof using. intros. xsimpl. Abort.
xsimpl can iterate a number of simplifications involving different magic wands.
Lemma xsimpl_demo_hwand_iter : H1 H2 H3 H4 H5,
  H4 \* H3 ==> H5
  H2 \* (H1 \−∗ H3) \* H4 \* (H2 \−∗ H1) ==> H5.
Proof using. intros. xsimpl. auto. Qed.
xsimpl can iterate simplifications on both sides.
Lemma xsimpl_demo_hwand_iter_2 : H1 H2 H3 H4 H5,
  H1 \* H2 \* ((H1 \* H3) \−∗ (H4 \−∗ H5)) \* H4 ==> ((H2 \−∗ H3) \−∗ H5).
Proof using. intros. xsimpl. Qed.
xsimpl is also able to deal with the magic wand for postconditions. In particular, it is able to simplify the conjunction of Q1 \−−∗ Q2 and Q1 v into Q2 v.
Lemma xsimpl_demo_qwand_cancel : v (Q1 Q2:valhprop) H1 H2,
  (Q1 \−−∗ Q2) \* H1 \* (Q1 v) ==> H2.
Proof using. intros. xsimpl. Abort.
xsimpl is able to prove entailments whose right-hand side is a magic wand.
Lemma xsimpl_hwand_frame : H1 H2 H3,
  (H1 \−∗ H2) ==> ((H1 \* H3) \−∗ (H2 \* H3)).
Proof using.
  (* xsimpl's first step is to turn the goal into
     (H1 \−∗ H2) \* (H1 \* H3) ==> (H2 \* H3). *)


End XsimplDemo.

Summary of All the Separation Logic Operators

Module SummaryHprop.
The core operators are defined as functions over heaps.
  Definition hempty : hprop :=
    fun h ⇒ (h = Fmap.empty).

  Definition hsingle (p:loc) (v:val) : hprop :=
    fun h ⇒ (h = Fmap.single p v).

  Definition hstar (H1 H2 : hprop) : hprop :=
    fun h h1 h2, H1 h1
                                 H2 h2
                                 Fmap.disjoint h1 h2
                                 h = Fmap.union h1 h2.

  Definition hexists A (J:Ahprop) : hprop :=
    fun h x, J x h.

  Definition hforall (A : Type) (J : A hprop) : hprop :=
    fun h x, J x h.
The remaining operators can be defined in terms of the core operators.
Module ReaminingOperatorsDerived.

  Definition hpure (P:Prop) : hprop :=
    \ (p:P), \[].

  Definition hand (H1 H2 : hprop) : hprop :=
    \ (b:bool), if b then H1 else H2.

  Definition hor (H1 H2 : hprop) : hprop :=
    \ (b:bool), if b then H1 else H2.

  Definition hwand (H1 H2 : hprop) : hprop :=
    \ H0, H0 \* \[ (H1 \* H0) ==> H2 ].

  Definition qwand (Q1 Q2 : valhprop) : hprop :=
    \ v, (Q1 v) \−∗ (Q2 v).

End ReaminingOperatorsDerived.
Of course, these derived operators could also be defined directly as predicate over heaps. The definitions are shown below. However, establishing properties of such low-level definitions requires more effort than establishing properties for the derived definitions shown above. Indeed, when operators are defined as derived operations, their properties may be established with help of the powerful entailment simplification tactic xsimpl.
Module ReaminingOperatorsDirect.

  Definition hpure (P:Prop) : hprop :=
    fun h(h = Fmap.empty) P.

  Definition hor (H1 H2 : hprop) : hprop :=
    fun hH1 h H2 h.

  Definition hand (H1 H2 : hprop) : hprop :=
    fun hH1 h H2 h.
  Definition hwand (H1 H2:hprop) : hprop :=
    fun h h', Fmap.disjoint h h' H1 h' H2 (h \u h').

  Definition qwand (Q1 Q2:valhprop) : hprop :=
    fun h v h', Fmap.disjoint h h' Q1 v h' Q2 v (h \u h').

End ReaminingOperatorsDirect.

End SummaryHprop.

The Ramified Frame Rule

Module RamifiedFrame.
Import Hwand Qwand.
Recall the consequence-frame rule, which is used pervasively -- for example by the tactic xapp, for reasoning about applications.
Parameter triple_conseq_frame : H2 H1 Q1 t H Q,
  triple t H1 Q1
  H ==> H1 \* H2
  Q1 \*+ H2 ===> Q
  triple t H Q.
This rule suffers from a practical issue, which we illustrate in detail on a concrete example further on. At a high-level, though, the problem stems from the fact that we need to instantiate H2 when applying the rule. Providing H2 by hand is not practical, thus we need to infer it. The value of H2 can be computed as the subtraction of H minus H1. The resulting value may then exploited in the last premise for constructing Q1 \*+ H2. This transfer of information via H2 from one subgoal to another can be obtained by introducing an "evar" (Coq unification variable) for H2. However this approach does not work well in cases where H contains existential quantifiers. This is because such existential quantifiers are typically first extracted out of the entailment H ==> H1 \* H2 by the tactic xsimpl. But these existentially quantified variables are not in the scope of H2, so the instantiation of the evar associated with H2 typically fails.
The "ramified frame rule" exploits the magic wand operator to circumvent this problem, by merging the two premises H ==> H1 \* H2 and Q1 \*+ H2 ===> Q into a single premise that no longer mentions H2. This replacement premise is H ==> H1 \* (Q1 \−−∗ Q). To understand where it comes from, observe first that the second premise Q1 \*+ H2 ===> Q is equivalent to H2 ==> (Q1 \−−∗ Q). By replacing H2 with Q1 \−−∗ Q inside the first premise H ==> H1 \* H2, we obtain the new premise H ==> H1 \* (Q1 \−−∗ Q). This merge of the two entailments leads us to the statement of the "ramified frame rule" shown below.
Lemma triple_ramified_frame : H1 Q1 t H Q,
  triple t H1 Q1
  H ==> H1 \* (Q1 \−−∗ Q)
  triple t H Q.
Proof using.
  introv M W. applys triple_conseq_frame (Q1 \−−∗ Q) M.
  { applys W. } { applys qwand_cancel. }
Reciprocally, we can prove that the ramified frame rule entails the consequence-frame rule. Hence, the ramified frame rule has the same expressive power as the consequence-frame rule.
Lemma triple_conseq_frame_of_ramified_frame : H2 H1 Q1 t H Q,
  triple t H1 Q1
  H ==> H1 \* H2
  Q1 \*+ H2 ===> Q
  triple t H Q.
Proof using.
  introv M WH WQ. applys triple_ramified_frame M.
  xchange WH. xsimpl. rewrite qwand_equiv. applys WQ.

More Details

Benefits of the Ramified Frame Rule

Earlier on, we sketched an argument claiming that the consequence-frame rule is not very well suited for carrying out proofs in practice, due to issues with working with evars for instantiating the heap predicate H2 in the rule. Let us come back to this point and describe the issue in depth on a concrete example, then show how the ramified frame rule smoothly handles that example.
Recall, once again, the consequence-frame rule.
Parameter triple_conseq_frame' : H2 H1 Q1 t H Q,
  triple t H1 Q1
  H ==> H1 \* H2
  Q1 \*+ H2 ===> Q
  triple t H Q.
One practical caveat with this rule is that we must resolve H2, which corresponds to the difference between H and H1. In practice, providing H2 explicitly is extremely tedious. The alternative is to leave H2 as an evar, and count on the fact that the tactic xsimpl, when applied to H ==> H1 \* H2, will correctly instantiate H2. This approach works in simple cases, but fails in particular in the case where H contains an existential quantifier.
For a concrete example, recall the specification of the primitive ref, which allocates a reference.
Parameter triple_ref : (v:val),
  triple (val_ref v)
    (funloc p p ~~> v).
Assume that wish to derive the following triple, which extends both the precondition and the postcondition of triple_ref with the heap predicate \ l' v', l' ~~> v'.
This predicate describes the existence of some other, totally unspecified, reference cell. It is a bit artificial but illustrates the issue.
Lemma triple_ref_extended : (v:val),
  triple (val_ref v)
    (\ l' v', l' ~~> v')
    (funloc p p ~~> v \* \ l' v', l' ~~> v').
Let's try to prove that this specification is derivable from the original triple_ref.
Proof using.
  intros. applys triple_conseq_frame.
  (* observe the evar ?H2 that appears in the second and third subgoals *)
  { applys triple_ref. }
  { (* here, ?H2 should in theory be instantiated with the LHS.
       but xsimpl's strategy is to first extract the quantifiers
       from the LHS. After that, the instantiation of ?H2 fails,
       because the LHS contains variables that are not defined in
       the scope of the evar ?H2 at the time it was introduced. *)

Now, let us apply the ramified frame rule to carry out the same proof, and observe how the problem does not show up.
Lemma triple_ref_extended' : (v:val),
  triple (val_ref v)
    (\ l' v', l' ~~> v')
    (funloc p p ~~> v \* \ l' v', l' ~~> v').
Proof using.
  intros. applys triple_ramified_frame.
  { applys triple_ref. }
  { xsimpl.
    (* Here again, xsimpl's strategy pulls out the existentially quantified
       variables from the LHS. But it works here because the remainder of the
       reasoning takes place in the same subgoal, in the scope of the extended
       Coq context. *)

    intros l' v'.
     (* The proof obligation is of the form (l' ~~> v) ==> (Q1 \−−∗ Q2),
        which is equivalent to Q1 \*+ (l' ~~> v) ===> Q2 according to
        the lemma qwand_equiv. *)

    rewrite qwand_equiv. (* same as apply qwand_equiv *)
    intros x. xsimpl. auto. }

End RamifiedFrame.

Some Tempting, But False, Properties of the Magic Wand

Module HwandFalse.
Import Hwand.
The entailment \[] ==> (H \−∗ H) holds for any H. But the symmetrical entailement (H \−∗ H) ==> \[] is false. For a counterexample, instantiate H as \[False]. Any heap satisfies \[False] \−∗ \[False]. But only the empty heap satisfies \[].
Lemma himpl_hwand_same_hempty_counterexample :
  ¬ ( H, (H \−∗ H) ==> \[]).
Proof using.
  rew_logic. (* rewrite "not forall" as "exists not" *)
   \[False]. intros M.
  lets (h,Hh): (@Fmap.exists_not_empty val _).
  forwards K: M h.
  { applys* himpl_hwand_r (fun hh Fmap.empty). xsimpl*. }
  lets: hempty_inv K. false* Hh.
As another tempting yet false property of the magic wand, consider the converse of the cancellation lemma, that is, H2 ==> H1 \* (H1 \−∗ H2). It does not hold in general. As a counter-example, consider H2 = \[] and H1 = \[False]. The empty heap satisfies the left-hand side of the entailment, but it does does not satisfy \[False] \* (\[False] \−∗ \[]), because there is no way to establish False out of thin air.
Lemma not_himpl_hwand_r_inv_reciprocal : H1 H2,
  ¬ (H2 ==> H1 \* (H1 \−∗ H2)).
Proof using.
   \[False] \[]. intros N. forwards K: N (Fmap.empty:heap).
  applys hempty_intro. rewrite hstar_hpure_l in K. destruct K. auto.
More generally, we should be suspicious of any entailment that introduces wands "out of nowhere".
The entailment hwand_trans_elim: (H1 \−∗ H2) \* (H2 \−∗ H3) ==> (H1 \−∗ H3) is correct because, intuitively, the left-hand-side captures that H1 H2 and that H2 H3 for some vaguely defined notion of as "being a subset of". On the contrary, the reciprocal entailment (H1 \−∗ H3) ==> (H1 \−∗ H2) \* (H2 \−∗ H3) is false. Intuitively, from H1 H3 there is no way to justify H1 H2 nor H2 H3.
End HwandFalse.

Optional Material

Equivalence Between Alternative Definitions of the Magic Wand

Module HwandEquiv.
Implicit Type op : hprophprophprop.
In what follows we prove the equivalence between the three characterizations of hwand H1 H2 that we have presented:
1. The definition hwand expressed directly in terms of heaps: fun h h', Fmap.disjoint h h' H1 h' H2 (h' \u h)
2. The definition hwand expressed in terms of existing operators: \ H0, H0 \* \[ (H1 \* H0) ==> H2]
3. The characterization via the equivalence hwand_equiv: H0 H1 H2, (H0 ==> H1 \−∗ H2) (H1 \* H0 ==> H2).
4. The characterization via the pair of the introduction rule himpl_hwand_r and the elimination rule hwand_cancel.
To prove the 4-way equivalence, we first prove the equivalence between (1) and (2), then prove the equivalence between (2) and (3), and finally the equivalence between (3) and (4).
Definition hwand_characterization_1 (op:hprophprophprop) :=
  op = (fun H1 H2
         (fun h h', Fmap.disjoint h h' H1 h' H2 (h' \u h))).

Definition hwand_characterization_2 (op:hprophprophprop) :=
  op = (fun H1 H2\ H0, H0 \* \[ H1 \* H0 ==> H2 ]).

Definition hwand_characterization_3 (op:hprophprophprop) :=
   H0 H1 H2, (H0 ==> op H1 H2) (H1 \* H0 ==> H2).

Definition hwand_characterization_4 (op:hprophprophprop) :=
     ( H0 H1 H2, (H1 \* H0 ==> H2) (H0 ==> op H1 H2))
   ( H1 H2, (H1 \* (op H1 H2) ==> H2)).
The equivalence proofs are given here for reference. The reader needs not follow through the details of these proofs.
Lemma hwand_characterization_1_eq_2 :
  hwand_characterization_1 = hwand_characterization_2.
Proof using.
  applys pred_ext_1. intros op.
  unfold hwand_characterization_1, hwand_characterization_2.
  asserts K: ( A B, A = B (op = A op = B)).
  { intros. iff; subst*. } apply K; clear K.
  apply pred_ext_3. intros H1 H2 h. iff M.
  { (=h). rewrite hstar_hpure_r. split.
    { auto. }
    { intros h3 K3. rewrite hstar_comm in K3.
      destruct K3 as (h1&h2&K1&K2&D&U). subst h1 h3.
      rewrites (>> union_comm_of_disjoint D). applys M D K2. } }
  { (* This direction reproduces the proof of hwand_inv. *)
    intros h1 D K1. destruct M as (H0&M).
    destruct M as (h0&h2&K0&K2&D'&U).
    lets (N&E): hpure_inv (rm K2). subst h h2.
    rewrite Fmap.union_empty_r in *.
    applys N. applys hstar_intro K1 K0. applys disjoint_sym D. }

Lemma hwand_characterization_2_eq_3 :
  hwand_characterization_2 = hwand_characterization_3.
Proof using.
  applys pred_ext_1. intros op.
  unfold hwand_characterization_2, hwand_characterization_3. iff K.
  { subst. intros. (* apply hwand_equiv. *) iff M.
    { xchange M. intros H3 N. xchange N. }
    { xsimpl H0. xchange M. } }
  { apply fun_ext_2. intros H1 H2. apply himpl_antisym.
    { lets (M&_): (K (op H1 H2) H1 H2). xsimpl (op H1 H2).
      applys M. applys himpl_refl. }
    { xsimpl. intros H0 M. rewrite K. applys M. } }

Lemma hwand_characterization_3_eq_4 :
  hwand_characterization_3 = hwand_characterization_4.
Proof using.
  applys pred_ext_1. intros op.
  unfold hwand_characterization_3, hwand_characterization_4. iff K.
  { split.
    { introv M. apply <- K. apply M. }
    { intros. apply K. auto. } }
  { destruct K as (K1&K2). intros. split.
    { introv M. xchange M. xchange (K2 H1 H2). }
    { introv M. applys K1. applys M. } }

End HwandEquiv.

Equivalence Results for the Magic Wand for Postconditions

Module QwandEquiv.
Implicit Type op : (valhprop)->(valhprop)->hprop.
In what follows we prove the equivalence between five equivalent characterizations of qwand H1 H2:
1. The definition expressed directly in terms of heaps: fun h v h', Fmap.disjoint h h' Q1 v h' Q2 v (h \u h')
2. The definition qwand, expressed in terms of existing operators: \ H0, H0 \* \[ (Q1 \*+ H0) ===> Q2]
3. The definition expressed using the universal quantifier: \ v, (Q1 v) \−∗ (Q2 v)
4. The characterization via the equivalence hwand_equiv: H0 H1 H2, (H0 ==> H1 \−∗ H2) (H1 \* H0 ==> H2).
5. The characterization via the pair of the introduction rule himpl_qwand_r and the elimination rule qwand_cancel.
The proof are essentially identical to the equivalence proofs for hwand, except for definition (3), which is specific to qwand.
Definition qwand_characterization_1 op :=
  op = (fun Q1 Q2 ⇒ (fun h v h', Fmap.disjoint h h'
                                            Q1 v h' Q2 v (h \u h'))).

Definition qwand_characterization_2 op :=
  op = (fun Q1 Q2\ H0, H0 \* \[ Q1 \*+ H0 ===> Q2 ]).

Definition qwand_characterization_3 op :=
  op = (fun Q1 Q2\ v, (Q1 v) \−∗ (Q2 v)).

Definition qwand_characterization_4 op :=
   H0 Q1 Q2, (H0 ==> op Q1 Q2) (Q1 \*+ H0 ===> Q2).

Definition qwand_characterization_5 op :=
     ( H0 Q1 Q2, (Q1 \*+ H0 ===> Q2) (H0 ==> op Q1 Q2))
   ( Q1 Q2, (Q1 \*+ (op Q1 Q2) ===> Q2)).
Here again, we show proofs for the reference, but the reader needs not follow through the details.
Lemma hwand_characterization_1_eq_2 :
  qwand_characterization_1 = qwand_characterization_2.
Proof using.
  applys pred_ext_1. intros op.
  unfold qwand_characterization_1, qwand_characterization_2.
  asserts K: ( A B, A = B (op = A op = B)).
  { intros. iff; subst*. } apply K; clear K.
  apply pred_ext_3. intros Q1 Q2 h. iff M.
  { (=h). rewrite hstar_hpure_r. split.
    { auto. }
    { intros v h3 K3. rewrite hstar_comm in K3.
      destruct K3 as (h1&h2&K1&K2&D&U). subst h1 h3. applys M D K2. } }
  { intros v h1 D K1. destruct M as (H0&M).
    destruct M as (h0&h2&K0&K2&D'&U).
    lets (N&E): hpure_inv (rm K2). subst h h2.
    rewrite Fmap.union_empty_r in *.
    applys N. rewrite hstar_comm. applys hstar_intro K0 K1 D. }

Lemma qwand_characterization_2_eq_3 :
  qwand_characterization_2 = qwand_characterization_3.
Proof using.
  applys pred_ext_1. intros op.
  unfold qwand_characterization_2, qwand_characterization_3.
  asserts K: ( A B, A = B (op = A op = B)).
  { intros. iff; subst*. } apply K; clear K.
  apply fun_ext_2. intros Q1 Q2. apply himpl_antisym.
  { xpull. intros H0 M. applys himpl_hforall_r. intros v.
    rewrite hwand_equiv. xchange M. }
  { xsimpl (qwand Q1 Q2). applys qwand_cancel. }

Lemma qwand_characterization_2_eq_4 :
  qwand_characterization_2 = qwand_characterization_4.
Proof using.
  applys pred_ext_1. intros op.
  unfold qwand_characterization_2, qwand_characterization_4. iff K.
  { subst. intros. iff M.
    { xchange M. intros v H3 N. xchange N. }
    { xsimpl H0. xchange M. } }
  { apply fun_ext_2. intros H1 H2. apply himpl_antisym.
    { lets (M&_): (K (op H1 H2) H1 H2). xsimpl (op H1 H2).
      applys M. applys himpl_refl. }
    { xsimpl. intros H0 M. rewrite K. applys M. } }

Lemma qwand_characterization_4_eq_5 :
  qwand_characterization_4 = qwand_characterization_5.
Proof using.
  applys pred_ext_1. intros op.
  unfold qwand_characterization_4, qwand_characterization_5. iff K.
  { split.
    { introv M. apply <- K. apply M. }
    { intros. apply K. auto. } }
  { destruct K as (K1&K2). intros. split.
    { introv M. xchange M. xchange (K2 Q1 Q2). }
    { introv M. applys K1. applys M. } }

End QwandEquiv.

Historical Notes

The magic wand is an operator that was introduced in the very first days of Separation Logic. From a logical perspective, it makes total sense to have it. From a practical perspective, however, it was not always entirely obvious how the magic wand could simplify specifications and proofs. Experience with CFML-1.0 shows that it is possible to develop a verification framework and verify thousands of lines of advanced data structures and algorithms without ever involving the magic wand operator. The magic wand, however, reveals its interest when exploited (1) in the ramified frame rule, and (2) in weakest-precondition style reasoning rules.
The idea of the ramified frame rule was introduced by [Krishnaswami, Birkedal, and Aldrich 2010]. Its general statement, as formulated in the present chapter, was proposed by [Hobor and Villard 2013]. The rule has later been popularized by the Iris framework, in particular.
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