LibSepFmapAppendix - Finite Maps
Set Implicit Arguments.
From SLF Require Import LibCore.
From SLF Require Import LibCore.
Representation of Finite Maps
- It implements basic operations such as creation of a singleton map, union of maps, read and update operations.
- It includes predicates to assert disjointness of two maps (predicate disjoint), and coherence of two maps on the intersection of their domain (predicate agree).
- It comes with a tactic for fmap_eq proving equalities modulo commutativity and associativity of map union.
Definition map_union (A B : Type) (f1 f2 : map A B) : map A B :=
fun (x:A) ⇒ match f1 x with
| Some y ⇒ Some y
| None ⇒ f2 x
fun (x:A) ⇒ match f1 x with
| Some y ⇒ Some y
| None ⇒ f2 x
Removal from a partial functions
Definition map_remove (A B : Type) (f : map A B) (k:A) : map A B :=
fun (x:A) ⇒ If x = k then None else f x.
fun (x:A) ⇒ If x = k then None else f x.
Finite domain of a partial function
Disjointness of domain of two partial functions
Compatibility of two partial functions on the intersection
of their domains (only for Separation Logic with RO-permissions)
Definition map_agree (A B : Type) (f1 f2 : map A B) :=
∀ x v1 v2,
f1 x = Some v1 →
f2 x = Some v2 →
v1 = v2.
∀ x v1 v2,
f1 x = Some v1 →
f2 x = Some v2 →
v1 = v2.
Domain of a map (as a predicate)
Filter the bindings of a map
Definition map_filter A B (F:A→B→Prop) (f:map A B) : map A B :=
fun (x:A) ⇒ match f x with
| None ⇒ None
| Some y ⇒ If F x y then Some y else None
fun (x:A) ⇒ match f x with
| None ⇒ None
| Some y ⇒ If F x y then Some y else None
Map a function on the values of a map
Definition map_map A B1 B2 (F:A→B1→B2) (f:map A B1) : map A B2 :=
fun (x:A) ⇒ match f x with
| None ⇒ None
| Some y ⇒ Some (F x y)
fun (x:A) ⇒ match f x with
| None ⇒ None
| Some y ⇒ Some (F x y)
Disjointness and domains
Lemma map_disjoint_eq : ∀ f1 f2,
map_disjoint f1 f2 = (∀ x, map_indom f1 x → map_indom f2 x → False).
Proof using.
intros. unfold map_disjoint, map_indom. extens. iff M.
{ intros x. specializes M x. gen M. case_eq (f1 x); case_eq (f2 x); auto_false*. }
{ intros x. specializes M x. gen M. case_eq (f1 x); case_eq (f2 x); auto_false*.
{ intros. false. applys M; auto_false. } }
map_disjoint f1 f2 = (∀ x, map_indom f1 x → map_indom f2 x → False).
Proof using.
intros. unfold map_disjoint, map_indom. extens. iff M.
{ intros x. specializes M x. gen M. case_eq (f1 x); case_eq (f2 x); auto_false*. }
{ intros x. specializes M x. gen M. case_eq (f1 x); case_eq (f2 x); auto_false*.
{ intros. false. applys M; auto_false. } }
Symmetry of disjointness
Lemma map_disjoint_sym :
sym (@map_disjoint A B).
Proof using.
introv H. unfolds map_disjoint. intros z. specializes H z. intuition.
sym (@map_disjoint A B).
Proof using.
introv H. unfolds map_disjoint. intros z. specializes H z. intuition.
Commutativity of disjoint union
Lemma map_union_comm : ∀ f1 f2,
map_disjoint f1 f2 →
map_union f1 f2 = map_union f2 f1.
Proof using.
introv H. unfold map.
extens. intros x. unfolds map_disjoint, map_union.
specializes H x. cases (f1 x); cases (f2 x); auto. destruct H; false.
map_disjoint f1 f2 →
map_union f1 f2 = map_union f2 f1.
Proof using.
introv H. unfold map.
extens. intros x. unfolds map_disjoint, map_union.
specializes H x. cases (f1 x); cases (f2 x); auto. destruct H; false.
Finiteness of union
Lemma map_union_finite : ∀ f1 f2,
map_finite f1 →
map_finite f2 →
map_finite (map_union f1 f2).
Proof using.
introv [L1 F1] [L2 F2]. ∃ (L1 ++ L2). intros x M.
specializes F1 x. specializes F2 x. unfold map_union in M.
apply mem_app. destruct¬(f1 x).
map_finite f1 →
map_finite f2 →
map_finite (map_union f1 f2).
Proof using.
introv [L1 F1] [L2 F2]. ∃ (L1 ++ L2). intros x M.
specializes F1 x. specializes F2 x. unfold map_union in M.
apply mem_app. destruct¬(f1 x).
Finiteness of removal
Definition map_remove_finite : ∀ x f,
map_finite f →
map_finite (map_remove f x).
Proof using.
introv [L F]. ∃ L. intros x' M.
specializes F x'. unfold map_remove in M. case_if¬.
map_finite f →
map_finite (map_remove f x).
Proof using.
introv [L F]. ∃ L. intros x' M.
specializes F x'. unfold map_remove in M. case_if¬.
Finiteness of filter
Definition map_filter_finite : ∀ (F:A→B→Prop) f,
map_finite f →
map_finite (map_filter F f).
Proof using.
introv [L N]. ∃ L. intros x' M.
specializes N x'. unfold map_filter in M.
destruct (f x'); tryfalse. case_if. applys N; auto_false.
map_finite f →
map_finite (map_filter F f).
Proof using.
introv [L N]. ∃ L. intros x' M.
specializes N x'. unfold map_filter in M.
destruct (f x'); tryfalse. case_if. applys N; auto_false.
Finiteness of map
Definition map_map_finite : ∀ C (F:A→B→C) f,
map_finite f →
map_finite (map_map F f).
Proof using.
introv [L N]. ∃ L. intros x' M.
specializes N x'. unfold map_map in M.
destruct (f x'); tryfalse. applys N; auto_false.
End MapOps.
map_finite f →
map_finite (map_map F f).
Proof using.
introv [L N]. ∃ L. intros x' M.
specializes N x'. unfold map_map in M.
destruct (f x'); tryfalse. applys N; auto_false.
End MapOps.
Inductive fmap (A B : Type) : Type := make {
fmap_data :> map A B;
fmap_finite : map_finite fmap_data }.
Arguments make [A] [B].
fmap_data :> map A B;
fmap_finite : map_finite fmap_data }.
Arguments make [A] [B].
Declare Scope fmap_scope.
Domain of a fmap (as a predicate)
Empty fmap
Program Definition empty (A B : Type) : fmap A B :=
make (fun l ⇒ None) _.
Next Obligation. ∃ (@nil A). auto_false. Qed.
Arguments empty {A} {B}.
make (fun l ⇒ None) _.
Next Obligation. ∃ (@nil A). auto_false. Qed.
Arguments empty {A} {B}.
Singleton fmap
Program Definition single A B (x:A) (v:B) : fmap A B :=
make (fun x' ⇒ If x = x' then Some v else None) _.
Next Obligation.
∃ (x::nil). intros. case_if. subst¬.
make (fun x' ⇒ If x = x' then Some v else None) _.
Next Obligation.
∃ (x::nil). intros. case_if. subst¬.
Union of fmaps
Program Definition union A B (h1 h2:fmap A B) : fmap A B :=
make (map_union h1 h2) _.
Next Obligation. destruct h1. destruct h2. apply¬map_union_finite. Qed.
Notation "h1 \+ h2" := (union h1 h2)
(at level 51, right associativity) : fmap_scope.
Open Scope fmap_scope.
make (map_union h1 h2) _.
Next Obligation. destruct h1. destruct h2. apply¬map_union_finite. Qed.
Notation "h1 \+ h2" := (union h1 h2)
(at level 51, right associativity) : fmap_scope.
Open Scope fmap_scope.
Update of a fmap
Definition update A B (h:fmap A B) (x:A) (v:B) : fmap A B :=
union (single x v) h.
(* Note: the union operation first reads in the first argument. *)
union (single x v) h.
(* Note: the union operation first reads in the first argument. *)
Read in a fmap
Definition read (A B : Type) {IB:Inhab B} (h:fmap A B) (x:A) : B :=
match fmap_data h x with
| Some y ⇒ y
| None ⇒ arbitrary
match fmap_data h x with
| Some y ⇒ y
| None ⇒ arbitrary
Removal from a fmap
Program Definition remove A B (h:fmap A B) (x:A) : fmap A B :=
make (map_remove h x) _.
Next Obligation. destruct h. apply¬map_remove_finite. Qed.
make (map_remove h x) _.
Next Obligation. destruct h. apply¬map_remove_finite. Qed.
Filter from a fmap
Program Definition filter A B (F:A→B→Prop) (h:fmap A B) : fmap A B :=
make (map_filter F h) _.
Next Obligation. destruct h. apply¬map_filter_finite. Qed.
make (map_filter F h) _.
Next Obligation. destruct h. apply¬map_filter_finite. Qed.
Map a function onto the keys of a fmap
Program Definition map_ A B1 B2 (F:A→B1→B2) (h:fmap A B1) : fmap A B2 :=
make (map_map F h) _.
Next Obligation. destruct h. apply¬map_map_finite. Qed.
make (map_map F h) _.
Next Obligation. destruct h. apply¬map_map_finite. Qed.
Inhabited type fmap
Global Instance Inhab_fmap A B : Inhab (fmap A B).
Proof using. intros. applys Inhab_of_val (@empty A B). Qed.
Proof using. intros. applys Inhab_of_val (@empty A B). Qed.
Disjoint fmaps
Three disjoint fmaps (not needed for basic separation logic)
Definition disjoint_3 A B (h1 h2 h3 : fmap A B) :=
disjoint h1 h2
∧ disjoint h2 h3
∧ disjoint h1 h3.
disjoint h1 h2
∧ disjoint h2 h3
∧ disjoint h1 h3.
Notation for disjointness
Module NotationForFmapDisjoint.
Notation "\# h1 h2" := (disjoint h1 h2)
(at level 40, h1 at level 0, h2 at level 0, no associativity) : fmap_scope.
Notation "\# h1 h2 h3" := (disjoint_3 h1 h2 h3)
(at level 40, h1 at level 0, h2 at level 0, h3 at level 0, no associativity)
: fmap_scope.
End NotationForFmapDisjoint.
Import NotationForFmapDisjoint.
Notation "\# h1 h2" := (disjoint h1 h2)
(at level 40, h1 at level 0, h2 at level 0, no associativity) : fmap_scope.
Notation "\# h1 h2 h3" := (disjoint_3 h1 h2 h3)
(at level 40, h1 at level 0, h2 at level 0, h3 at level 0, no associativity)
: fmap_scope.
End NotationForFmapDisjoint.
Import NotationForFmapDisjoint.
Section FmapProp.
Variables (A B : Type).
Implicit Types f g h : fmap A B.
Implicit Types x : A.
Implicit Types v : B.
Variables (A B : Type).
Implicit Types f g h : fmap A B.
Implicit Types x : A.
Implicit Types v : B.
Lemma make_eq : ∀ (f1 f2:map A B) F1 F2,
(∀ x, f1 x = f2 x) →
make f1 F1 = make f2 F2.
Proof using.
introv H. asserts: (f1 = f2). { unfold map. extens¬. }
subst. fequals. (* note: involves proof irrelevance *)
Lemma eq_inv_fmap_data_eq : ∀ h1 h2,
h1 = h2 →
∀ x, fmap_data h1 x = fmap_data h2 x.
Proof using. intros. fequals. Qed.
Lemma fmap_extens : ∀ h1 h2,
(∀ x, fmap_data h1 x = fmap_data h2 x) →
h1 = h2.
Proof using. intros [f1 F1] [f2 F2] M. simpls. applys¬make_eq. Qed.
(∀ x, f1 x = f2 x) →
make f1 F1 = make f2 F2.
Proof using.
introv H. asserts: (f1 = f2). { unfold map. extens¬. }
subst. fequals. (* note: involves proof irrelevance *)
Lemma eq_inv_fmap_data_eq : ∀ h1 h2,
h1 = h2 →
∀ x, fmap_data h1 x = fmap_data h2 x.
Proof using. intros. fequals. Qed.
Lemma fmap_extens : ∀ h1 h2,
(∀ x, fmap_data h1 x = fmap_data h2 x) →
h1 = h2.
Proof using. intros [f1 F1] [f2 F2] M. simpls. applys¬make_eq. Qed.
Lemma indom_single_eq : ∀ x y v,
indom (single x v) y = (x = y).
Proof using.
intros. unfold single, indom, map_indom. simpl. extens. case_if; auto_false.
Lemma indom_single : ∀ x v,
indom (single x v) x.
Proof using. intros. rewrite* indom_single_eq. Qed.
Lemma indom_union_eq : ∀ h1 h2 x,
indom (union h1 h2) x = (indom h1 x ∨ indom h2 x).
Proof using.
intros. extens. unfolds indom, union, map_indom, map_union. simpls.
case_eq (fmap_data h1 x); case_eq (fmap_data h2 x); auto_false*.
Lemma indom_union_l : ∀ h1 h2 x,
indom h1 x →
indom (union h1 h2) x.
Proof using. intros. rewrite* indom_union_eq. Qed.
Lemma indom_union_r : ∀ h1 h2 x,
indom h2 x →
indom (union h1 h2) x.
Proof using. intros. rewrite* indom_union_eq. Qed.
Lemma indom_update_eq : ∀ h x v y,
indom (update h x v) y = (x = y ∨ indom h y).
Proof using.
intros. unfold update. rewrite indom_union_eq, indom_single_eq. auto.
Lemma indom_remove_eq : ∀ h x y,
indom (remove h x) y = (x ≠ y ∧ indom h y).
Proof using.
intros. extens. unfolds indom, remove, map_indom, map_remove. simpls.
case_if; auto_false*.
indom (single x v) y = (x = y).
Proof using.
intros. unfold single, indom, map_indom. simpl. extens. case_if; auto_false.
Lemma indom_single : ∀ x v,
indom (single x v) x.
Proof using. intros. rewrite* indom_single_eq. Qed.
Lemma indom_union_eq : ∀ h1 h2 x,
indom (union h1 h2) x = (indom h1 x ∨ indom h2 x).
Proof using.
intros. extens. unfolds indom, union, map_indom, map_union. simpls.
case_eq (fmap_data h1 x); case_eq (fmap_data h2 x); auto_false*.
Lemma indom_union_l : ∀ h1 h2 x,
indom h1 x →
indom (union h1 h2) x.
Proof using. intros. rewrite* indom_union_eq. Qed.
Lemma indom_union_r : ∀ h1 h2 x,
indom h2 x →
indom (union h1 h2) x.
Proof using. intros. rewrite* indom_union_eq. Qed.
Lemma indom_update_eq : ∀ h x v y,
indom (update h x v) y = (x = y ∨ indom h y).
Proof using.
intros. unfold update. rewrite indom_union_eq, indom_single_eq. auto.
Lemma indom_remove_eq : ∀ h x y,
indom (remove h x) y = (x ≠ y ∧ indom h y).
Proof using.
intros. extens. unfolds indom, remove, map_indom, map_remove. simpls.
case_if; auto_false*.
Lemma disjoint_eq : ∀ h1 h2,
disjoint h1 h2 = (∀ x, indom h1 x → indom h2 x → False).
Proof using. intros [f1 F1] [f2 F2]. apply map_disjoint_eq. Qed.
Lemma disjoint_eq' : ∀ h1 h2,
disjoint h1 h2 = (∀ x, indom h1 x → indom h2 x → False).
Proof using.
extens. iff D E.
{ introv M1 M2. destruct (D x); false*. }
{ intros x. specializes E x. unfolds indom, map_indom.
applys not_not_inv. intros N. rew_logic in N. false*. }
Lemma disjoint_of_not_indom_both : ∀ h1 h2,
(∀ x, indom h1 x → indom h2 x → False) →
disjoint h1 h2.
Proof using. introv M. rewrite¬disjoint_eq. Qed.
Lemma disjoint_inv_not_indom_both : ∀ h1 h2 x,
disjoint h1 h2 →
indom h1 x →
indom h2 x →
Proof using. introv. rewrite* disjoint_eq. Qed.
Lemma disjoint_single_of_not_indom : ∀ h x v,
¬ indom h x →
disjoint (single x v) h.
Proof using.
introv N. unfolds disjoint, map_disjoint. unfolds single, indom, map_indom.
simpl. rew_logic in N. intros l'. case_if; subst; autos*.
disjoint h1 h2 = (∀ x, indom h1 x → indom h2 x → False).
Proof using. intros [f1 F1] [f2 F2]. apply map_disjoint_eq. Qed.
Lemma disjoint_eq' : ∀ h1 h2,
disjoint h1 h2 = (∀ x, indom h1 x → indom h2 x → False).
Proof using.
extens. iff D E.
{ introv M1 M2. destruct (D x); false*. }
{ intros x. specializes E x. unfolds indom, map_indom.
applys not_not_inv. intros N. rew_logic in N. false*. }
Lemma disjoint_of_not_indom_both : ∀ h1 h2,
(∀ x, indom h1 x → indom h2 x → False) →
disjoint h1 h2.
Proof using. introv M. rewrite¬disjoint_eq. Qed.
Lemma disjoint_inv_not_indom_both : ∀ h1 h2 x,
disjoint h1 h2 →
indom h1 x →
indom h2 x →
Proof using. introv. rewrite* disjoint_eq. Qed.
Lemma disjoint_single_of_not_indom : ∀ h x v,
¬ indom h x →
disjoint (single x v) h.
Proof using.
introv N. unfolds disjoint, map_disjoint. unfolds single, indom, map_indom.
simpl. rew_logic in N. intros l'. case_if; subst; autos*.
Note that the reciprocal of the above lemma is a special instance of
Lemma disjoint_sym : ∀ h1 h2,
\# h1 h2 →
\# h2 h1.
Proof using. intros [f1 F1] [f2 F2]. apply map_disjoint_sym. Qed.
Lemma disjoint_comm : ∀ h1 h2,
\# h1 h2 = \# h2 h1.
Proof using. lets: disjoint_sym. extens*. Qed.
Lemma disjoint_empty_l : ∀ h,
\# empty h.
Proof using. intros [f F] x. simple¬. Qed.
Lemma disjoint_empty_r : ∀ h,
\# h empty.
Proof using. intros [f F] x. simple¬. Qed.
Hint Immediate disjoint_sym.
Hint Resolve disjoint_empty_l disjoint_empty_r.
Lemma disjoint_union_eq_r : ∀ h1 h2 h3,
\# h1 (h2 \+ h3) =
(\# h1 h2 ∧ \# h1 h3).
Proof using.
intros [f1 F1] [f2 F2] [f3 F3].
unfolds disjoint, union. simpls.
unfolds map_disjoint, map_union. extens. iff M [M1 M2].
split; intros x; specializes M x;
destruct (f2 x); intuition; tryfalse.
intros x. specializes M1 x. specializes M2 x.
destruct (f2 x); intuition.
Lemma disjoint_union_eq_l : ∀ h1 h2 h3,
\# (h2 \+ h3) h1 =
(\# h1 h2 ∧ \# h1 h3).
Proof using.
intros. rewrite disjoint_comm.
apply disjoint_union_eq_r.
Lemma disjoint_single_single : ∀ (x1 x2:A) (v1 v2:B),
x1 ≠ x2 →
\# (single x1 v1) (single x2 v2).
Proof using.
introv N. intros x. simpls. do 2 case_if; auto.
Lemma disjoint_single_single_same_inv : ∀ (x:A) (v1 v2:B),
\# (single x v1) (single x v2) →
Proof using.
introv D. specializes D x. simpls. case_if. destruct D; tryfalse.
Lemma disjoint_3_unfold : ∀ h1 h2 h3,
\# h1 h2 h3 = (\# h1 h2 ∧ \# h2 h3 ∧ \# h1 h3).
Proof using. auto. Qed.
Lemma disjoint_single_set : ∀ h l v1 v2,
\# (single l v1) h →
\# (single l v2) h.
Proof using.
introv M. unfolds disjoint, single, map_disjoint; simpls.
intros l'. specializes M l'. case_if¬. destruct M; auto_false.
Lemma disjoint_update_l : ∀ h1 h2 x v,
disjoint h1 h2 →
indom h1 x →
disjoint (update h1 x v) h2.
Proof using.
introv HD Hx. rewrite disjoint_eq in *. intros y Hy1 Hy2.
rewrite indom_update_eq in Hy1. destruct Hy1.
{ subst. false*. }
{ applys* HD y. }
Lemma disjoint_update_not_r : ∀ h1 h2 x v,
disjoint h1 h2 →
¬ indom h2 x →
disjoint (update h1 x v) h2.
Proof using.
introv HD Hx. rewrite disjoint_eq in *. intros y Hy1 Hy2.
rewrite indom_update_eq in Hy1. destruct Hy1.
{ subst. false*. }
{ applys* HD y. }
Lemma disjoint_remove_l : ∀ h1 h2 x,
disjoint h1 h2 →
disjoint (remove h1 x) h2.
Proof using.
introv M. rewrite disjoint_eq in *. intros y Hy1 Hy2.
rewrite* indom_remove_eq in Hy1.
\# h1 h2 →
\# h2 h1.
Proof using. intros [f1 F1] [f2 F2]. apply map_disjoint_sym. Qed.
Lemma disjoint_comm : ∀ h1 h2,
\# h1 h2 = \# h2 h1.
Proof using. lets: disjoint_sym. extens*. Qed.
Lemma disjoint_empty_l : ∀ h,
\# empty h.
Proof using. intros [f F] x. simple¬. Qed.
Lemma disjoint_empty_r : ∀ h,
\# h empty.
Proof using. intros [f F] x. simple¬. Qed.
Hint Immediate disjoint_sym.
Hint Resolve disjoint_empty_l disjoint_empty_r.
Lemma disjoint_union_eq_r : ∀ h1 h2 h3,
\# h1 (h2 \+ h3) =
(\# h1 h2 ∧ \# h1 h3).
Proof using.
intros [f1 F1] [f2 F2] [f3 F3].
unfolds disjoint, union. simpls.
unfolds map_disjoint, map_union. extens. iff M [M1 M2].
split; intros x; specializes M x;
destruct (f2 x); intuition; tryfalse.
intros x. specializes M1 x. specializes M2 x.
destruct (f2 x); intuition.
Lemma disjoint_union_eq_l : ∀ h1 h2 h3,
\# (h2 \+ h3) h1 =
(\# h1 h2 ∧ \# h1 h3).
Proof using.
intros. rewrite disjoint_comm.
apply disjoint_union_eq_r.
Lemma disjoint_single_single : ∀ (x1 x2:A) (v1 v2:B),
x1 ≠ x2 →
\# (single x1 v1) (single x2 v2).
Proof using.
introv N. intros x. simpls. do 2 case_if; auto.
Lemma disjoint_single_single_same_inv : ∀ (x:A) (v1 v2:B),
\# (single x v1) (single x v2) →
Proof using.
introv D. specializes D x. simpls. case_if. destruct D; tryfalse.
Lemma disjoint_3_unfold : ∀ h1 h2 h3,
\# h1 h2 h3 = (\# h1 h2 ∧ \# h2 h3 ∧ \# h1 h3).
Proof using. auto. Qed.
Lemma disjoint_single_set : ∀ h l v1 v2,
\# (single l v1) h →
\# (single l v2) h.
Proof using.
introv M. unfolds disjoint, single, map_disjoint; simpls.
intros l'. specializes M l'. case_if¬. destruct M; auto_false.
Lemma disjoint_update_l : ∀ h1 h2 x v,
disjoint h1 h2 →
indom h1 x →
disjoint (update h1 x v) h2.
Proof using.
introv HD Hx. rewrite disjoint_eq in *. intros y Hy1 Hy2.
rewrite indom_update_eq in Hy1. destruct Hy1.
{ subst. false*. }
{ applys* HD y. }
Lemma disjoint_update_not_r : ∀ h1 h2 x v,
disjoint h1 h2 →
¬ indom h2 x →
disjoint (update h1 x v) h2.
Proof using.
introv HD Hx. rewrite disjoint_eq in *. intros y Hy1 Hy2.
rewrite indom_update_eq in Hy1. destruct Hy1.
{ subst. false*. }
{ applys* HD y. }
Lemma disjoint_remove_l : ∀ h1 h2 x,
disjoint h1 h2 →
disjoint (remove h1 x) h2.
Proof using.
introv M. rewrite disjoint_eq in *. intros y Hy1 Hy2.
rewrite* indom_remove_eq in Hy1.
Lemma union_self : ∀ h,
h \+ h = h.
Proof using.
intros [f F]. apply¬make_eq. simpl. intros x.
unfold map_union. cases¬(f x).
Lemma union_empty_l : ∀ h,
empty \+ h = h.
Proof using.
intros [f F]. unfold union, map_union, empty. simpl.
Lemma union_empty_r : ∀ h,
h \+ empty = h.
Proof using.
intros [f F]. unfold union, map_union, empty. simpl.
apply make_eq. intros x. destruct¬(f x).
Lemma union_eq_empty_inv_l : ∀ h1 h2,
h1 \+ h2 = empty →
h1 = empty.
Proof using.
intros (f1&F1) (f2&F2) M. inverts M as M.
applys make_eq. intros l.
unfolds map_union.
lets: fun_eq_1 l M.
cases (f1 l); auto_false.
Lemma union_eq_empty_inv_r : ∀ h1 h2,
h1 \+ h2 = empty →
h2 = empty.
Proof using.
intros (f1&F1) (f2&F2) M. inverts M as M.
applys make_eq. intros l.
unfolds map_union.
lets: fun_eq_1 l M.
cases (f1 l); auto_false.
Lemma union_comm_of_disjoint : ∀ h1 h2,
\# h1 h2 →
h1 \+ h2 = h2 \+ h1.
Proof using.
intros [f1 F1] [f2 F2] H. simpls. apply make_eq. simpl.
intros. rewrite¬map_union_comm.
Lemma union_comm_of_agree : ∀ h1 h2,
agree h1 h2 →
h1 \+ h2 = h2 \+ h1.
Proof using.
intros [f1 F1] [f2 F2] H. simpls. apply make_eq. simpl.
intros l. specializes H l. unfolds map_union. simpls.
cases (f1 l); cases (f2 l); auto. fequals. applys* H.
Lemma union_assoc : ∀ h1 h2 h3,
(h1 \+ h2) \+ h3 = h1 \+ (h2 \+ h3).
Proof using.
intros [f1 F1] [f2 F2] [f3 F3]. unfolds union. simpls.
apply make_eq. intros x. unfold map_union. destruct¬(f1 x).
Lemma union_eq_inv_of_disjoint : ∀ h2 h1 h1',
\# h1 h2 →
\# h1' h2 →
h1 \+ h2 = h1' \+ h2 →
h1 = h1'.
Proof using.
intros [f2 F2] [f1' F1'] [f1 F1] D D' E.
applys make_eq. intros x. specializes D x. specializes D' x.
lets E': eq_inv_fmap_data_eq (rm E) x. simpls.
unfolds map_union.
cases (f1' x); cases (f1 x);
destruct D; try congruence;
destruct D'; try congruence.
h \+ h = h.
Proof using.
intros [f F]. apply¬make_eq. simpl. intros x.
unfold map_union. cases¬(f x).
Lemma union_empty_l : ∀ h,
empty \+ h = h.
Proof using.
intros [f F]. unfold union, map_union, empty. simpl.
Lemma union_empty_r : ∀ h,
h \+ empty = h.
Proof using.
intros [f F]. unfold union, map_union, empty. simpl.
apply make_eq. intros x. destruct¬(f x).
Lemma union_eq_empty_inv_l : ∀ h1 h2,
h1 \+ h2 = empty →
h1 = empty.
Proof using.
intros (f1&F1) (f2&F2) M. inverts M as M.
applys make_eq. intros l.
unfolds map_union.
lets: fun_eq_1 l M.
cases (f1 l); auto_false.
Lemma union_eq_empty_inv_r : ∀ h1 h2,
h1 \+ h2 = empty →
h2 = empty.
Proof using.
intros (f1&F1) (f2&F2) M. inverts M as M.
applys make_eq. intros l.
unfolds map_union.
lets: fun_eq_1 l M.
cases (f1 l); auto_false.
Lemma union_comm_of_disjoint : ∀ h1 h2,
\# h1 h2 →
h1 \+ h2 = h2 \+ h1.
Proof using.
intros [f1 F1] [f2 F2] H. simpls. apply make_eq. simpl.
intros. rewrite¬map_union_comm.
Lemma union_comm_of_agree : ∀ h1 h2,
agree h1 h2 →
h1 \+ h2 = h2 \+ h1.
Proof using.
intros [f1 F1] [f2 F2] H. simpls. apply make_eq. simpl.
intros l. specializes H l. unfolds map_union. simpls.
cases (f1 l); cases (f2 l); auto. fequals. applys* H.
Lemma union_assoc : ∀ h1 h2 h3,
(h1 \+ h2) \+ h3 = h1 \+ (h2 \+ h3).
Proof using.
intros [f1 F1] [f2 F2] [f3 F3]. unfolds union. simpls.
apply make_eq. intros x. unfold map_union. destruct¬(f1 x).
Lemma union_eq_inv_of_disjoint : ∀ h2 h1 h1',
\# h1 h2 →
\# h1' h2 →
h1 \+ h2 = h1' \+ h2 →
h1 = h1'.
Proof using.
intros [f2 F2] [f1' F1'] [f1 F1] D D' E.
applys make_eq. intros x. specializes D x. specializes D' x.
lets E': eq_inv_fmap_data_eq (rm E) x. simpls.
unfolds map_union.
cases (f1' x); cases (f1 x);
destruct D; try congruence;
destruct D'; try congruence.
Lemma agree_refl : ∀ h,
agree h h.
Proof using.
intros h. introv M1 M2. congruence.
Lemma agree_sym : ∀ f1 f2,
agree f1 f2 →
agree f2 f1.
Proof using.
introv M. intros l v1 v2 E1 E2.
specializes M l E1.
Lemma agree_of_disjoint : ∀ h1 h2,
disjoint h1 h2 →
agree h1 h2.
Proof using.
introv HD. intros l v1 v2 M1 M2. destruct (HD l); false.
Lemma agree_empty_l : ∀ h,
agree empty h.
Proof using. intros h l v1 v2 E1 E2. simpls. false. Qed.
Lemma agree_empty_r : ∀ h,
agree h empty.
Proof using.
hint agree_sym, agree_empty_l. eauto.
Lemma agree_union_l : ∀ f1 f2 f3,
agree f1 f3 →
agree f2 f3 →
agree (f1 \+ f2) f3.
Proof using.
introv M1 M2. intros l v1 v2 E1 E2.
specializes M1 l. specializes M2 l.
simpls. unfolds map_union. cases (fmap_data f1 l).
{ inverts E1. applys* M1. }
{ applys* M2. }
Lemma agree_union_r : ∀ f1 f2 f3,
agree f1 f2 →
agree f1 f3 →
agree f1 (f2 \+ f3).
Proof using.
hint agree_sym, agree_union_l. eauto.
Lemma agree_union_lr : ∀ f1 g1 f2 g2,
agree g1 g2 →
\# f1 f2 (g1 \+ g2) →
agree (f1 \+ g1) (f2 \+ g2).
Proof using.
introv M1 (M2a&M2b&M2c).
rewrite disjoint_union_eq_r in *.
applys agree_union_l; applys agree_union_r;
try solve [ applys* agree_of_disjoint ].
Lemma agree_union_ll_inv : ∀ f1 f2 f3,
agree (f1 \+ f2) f3 →
agree f1 f3.
Proof using.
introv M. intros l v1 v2 E1 E2.
specializes M l. simpls. unfolds map_union.
rewrite E1 in M. applys* M.
Lemma agree_union_rl_inv : ∀ f1 f2 f3,
agree f1 (f2 \+ f3) →
agree f1 f2.
Proof using.
hint agree_union_ll_inv, agree_sym. eauto.
Lemma agree_union_lr_inv_agree_agree : ∀ f1 f2 f3,
agree (f1 \+ f2) f3 →
agree f1 f2 →
agree f2 f3.
Proof using.
introv M D. rewrite¬(@union_comm_of_agree f1 f2) in M.
applys* agree_union_ll_inv.
Lemma agree_union_rr_inv_agree : ∀ f1 f2 f3,
agree f1 (f2 \+ f3) →
agree f2 f3 →
agree f1 f3.
Proof using.
hint agree_union_lr_inv_agree_agree, agree_sym. eauto.
Lemma agree_union_l_inv : ∀ f1 f2 f3,
agree (f1 \+ f2) f3 →
agree f1 f2 →
agree f1 f3
∧ agree f2 f3.
Proof using.
introv M1 M2. split.
{ applys* agree_union_ll_inv. }
{ applys* agree_union_lr_inv_agree_agree. }
Lemma agree_union_r_inv : ∀ f1 f2 f3,
agree f1 (f2 \+ f3) →
agree f2 f3 →
agree f1 f2
∧ agree f1 f3.
Proof using.
hint agree_sym.
intros. forwards¬(M1&M2): agree_union_l_inv f2 f3 f1.
agree h h.
Proof using.
intros h. introv M1 M2. congruence.
Lemma agree_sym : ∀ f1 f2,
agree f1 f2 →
agree f2 f1.
Proof using.
introv M. intros l v1 v2 E1 E2.
specializes M l E1.
Lemma agree_of_disjoint : ∀ h1 h2,
disjoint h1 h2 →
agree h1 h2.
Proof using.
introv HD. intros l v1 v2 M1 M2. destruct (HD l); false.
Lemma agree_empty_l : ∀ h,
agree empty h.
Proof using. intros h l v1 v2 E1 E2. simpls. false. Qed.
Lemma agree_empty_r : ∀ h,
agree h empty.
Proof using.
hint agree_sym, agree_empty_l. eauto.
Lemma agree_union_l : ∀ f1 f2 f3,
agree f1 f3 →
agree f2 f3 →
agree (f1 \+ f2) f3.
Proof using.
introv M1 M2. intros l v1 v2 E1 E2.
specializes M1 l. specializes M2 l.
simpls. unfolds map_union. cases (fmap_data f1 l).
{ inverts E1. applys* M1. }
{ applys* M2. }
Lemma agree_union_r : ∀ f1 f2 f3,
agree f1 f2 →
agree f1 f3 →
agree f1 (f2 \+ f3).
Proof using.
hint agree_sym, agree_union_l. eauto.
Lemma agree_union_lr : ∀ f1 g1 f2 g2,
agree g1 g2 →
\# f1 f2 (g1 \+ g2) →
agree (f1 \+ g1) (f2 \+ g2).
Proof using.
introv M1 (M2a&M2b&M2c).
rewrite disjoint_union_eq_r in *.
applys agree_union_l; applys agree_union_r;
try solve [ applys* agree_of_disjoint ].
Lemma agree_union_ll_inv : ∀ f1 f2 f3,
agree (f1 \+ f2) f3 →
agree f1 f3.
Proof using.
introv M. intros l v1 v2 E1 E2.
specializes M l. simpls. unfolds map_union.
rewrite E1 in M. applys* M.
Lemma agree_union_rl_inv : ∀ f1 f2 f3,
agree f1 (f2 \+ f3) →
agree f1 f2.
Proof using.
hint agree_union_ll_inv, agree_sym. eauto.
Lemma agree_union_lr_inv_agree_agree : ∀ f1 f2 f3,
agree (f1 \+ f2) f3 →
agree f1 f2 →
agree f2 f3.
Proof using.
introv M D. rewrite¬(@union_comm_of_agree f1 f2) in M.
applys* agree_union_ll_inv.
Lemma agree_union_rr_inv_agree : ∀ f1 f2 f3,
agree f1 (f2 \+ f3) →
agree f2 f3 →
agree f1 f3.
Proof using.
hint agree_union_lr_inv_agree_agree, agree_sym. eauto.
Lemma agree_union_l_inv : ∀ f1 f2 f3,
agree (f1 \+ f2) f3 →
agree f1 f2 →
agree f1 f3
∧ agree f2 f3.
Proof using.
introv M1 M2. split.
{ applys* agree_union_ll_inv. }
{ applys* agree_union_lr_inv_agree_agree. }
Lemma agree_union_r_inv : ∀ f1 f2 f3,
agree f1 (f2 \+ f3) →
agree f2 f3 →
agree f1 f2
∧ agree f1 f3.
Proof using.
hint agree_sym.
intros. forwards¬(M1&M2): agree_union_l_inv f2 f3 f1.
Lemma read_single : ∀ {IB:Inhab B} x v,
read (single x v) x = v.
Proof using.
intros. unfold read, single. simpl. case_if¬.
Lemma read_union_l : ∀ {IB:Inhab B} h1 h2 x,
indom h1 x →
read (union h1 h2) x = read h1 x.
Proof using.
intros. unfold read, union, map_union. simpl.
case_eq (fmap_data h1 x); auto_false.
Lemma read_union_r : ∀ {IB:Inhab B} h1 h2 x,
¬ indom h1 x →
read (union h1 h2) x = read h2 x.
Proof using.
intros. unfold read, union, map_union. simpl.
case_eq (fmap_data h1 x).
{ intros v Hv. false H. auto_false. }
{ auto_false. }
read (single x v) x = v.
Proof using.
intros. unfold read, single. simpl. case_if¬.
Lemma read_union_l : ∀ {IB:Inhab B} h1 h2 x,
indom h1 x →
read (union h1 h2) x = read h1 x.
Proof using.
intros. unfold read, union, map_union. simpl.
case_eq (fmap_data h1 x); auto_false.
Lemma read_union_r : ∀ {IB:Inhab B} h1 h2 x,
¬ indom h1 x →
read (union h1 h2) x = read h2 x.
Proof using.
intros. unfold read, union, map_union. simpl.
case_eq (fmap_data h1 x).
{ intros v Hv. false H. auto_false. }
{ auto_false. }
Lemma update_eq_union_single : ∀ h x v,
update h x v = union (single x v) h.
Proof using. auto. Qed.
Lemma update_empty : ∀ x v,
update empty x v = single x v.
Proof using.
intros. rewrite update_eq_union_single. rewrite* union_empty_r.
Lemma update_single : ∀ x v w,
update (single x v) x w = single x w.
Proof using.
intros. rewrite update_eq_union_single.
applys make_eq. intros y.
unfold map_union, single. simpl. case_if¬.
Lemma update_union_l : ∀ h1 h2 x v,
indom h1 x →
update (union h1 h2) x v = union (update h1 x v) h2.
Proof using.
intros. do 2 rewrite update_eq_union_single.
applys make_eq. intros y.
unfold map_union, union, map_union. simpl. case_if¬.
Lemma update_union_r : ∀ h1 h2 x v,
¬ indom h1 x →
update (union h1 h2) x v = union h1 (update h2 x v).
Proof using.
introv M. asserts IB: (Inhab B). { applys Inhab_of_val v. }
do 2 rewrite update_eq_union_single.
applys make_eq. intros y.
unfold map_union, union, map_union. simpl. case_if¬.
{ subst. case_eq (fmap_data h1 y); auto_false.
{ intros w Hw. false M. auto_false. } }
Lemma update_union_not_r : ∀ h1 h2 x v,
¬ indom h2 x →
update (union h1 h2) x v = union (update h1 x v) h2.
Proof using.
intros. do 2 rewrite update_eq_union_single.
applys make_eq. intros y.
unfold map_union, union, map_union. simpl. case_if¬.
Lemma update_union_not_l : ∀ h1 h2 x v,
¬ indom h1 x →
update (union h1 h2) x v = union h1 (update h2 x v).
Proof using.
introv M. asserts IB: (Inhab B). { applys Inhab_of_val v. }
do 2 rewrite update_eq_union_single.
applys make_eq. intros y.
unfold map_union, union, map_union. simpl. case_if¬.
{ subst. case_eq (fmap_data h1 y); auto_false.
{ intros w Hw. false M. auto_false. } }
update h x v = union (single x v) h.
Proof using. auto. Qed.
Lemma update_empty : ∀ x v,
update empty x v = single x v.
Proof using.
intros. rewrite update_eq_union_single. rewrite* union_empty_r.
Lemma update_single : ∀ x v w,
update (single x v) x w = single x w.
Proof using.
intros. rewrite update_eq_union_single.
applys make_eq. intros y.
unfold map_union, single. simpl. case_if¬.
Lemma update_union_l : ∀ h1 h2 x v,
indom h1 x →
update (union h1 h2) x v = union (update h1 x v) h2.
Proof using.
intros. do 2 rewrite update_eq_union_single.
applys make_eq. intros y.
unfold map_union, union, map_union. simpl. case_if¬.
Lemma update_union_r : ∀ h1 h2 x v,
¬ indom h1 x →
update (union h1 h2) x v = union h1 (update h2 x v).
Proof using.
introv M. asserts IB: (Inhab B). { applys Inhab_of_val v. }
do 2 rewrite update_eq_union_single.
applys make_eq. intros y.
unfold map_union, union, map_union. simpl. case_if¬.
{ subst. case_eq (fmap_data h1 y); auto_false.
{ intros w Hw. false M. auto_false. } }
Lemma update_union_not_r : ∀ h1 h2 x v,
¬ indom h2 x →
update (union h1 h2) x v = union (update h1 x v) h2.
Proof using.
intros. do 2 rewrite update_eq_union_single.
applys make_eq. intros y.
unfold map_union, union, map_union. simpl. case_if¬.
Lemma update_union_not_l : ∀ h1 h2 x v,
¬ indom h1 x →
update (union h1 h2) x v = union h1 (update h2 x v).
Proof using.
introv M. asserts IB: (Inhab B). { applys Inhab_of_val v. }
do 2 rewrite update_eq_union_single.
applys make_eq. intros y.
unfold map_union, union, map_union. simpl. case_if¬.
{ subst. case_eq (fmap_data h1 y); auto_false.
{ intros w Hw. false M. auto_false. } }
Lemma remove_single : ∀ x v,
remove (single x v) x = empty.
Proof using.
intros. applys fmap_extens. intros y.
unfold remove, map_remove, single, empty. simpl.
case_if*. case_if*.
Lemma remove_disjoint_union_l : ∀ h1 h2 x,
indom h1 x →
disjoint h1 h2 →
remove (union h1 h2) x = union (remove h1 x) h2.
Proof using.
introv M D. applys fmap_extens. intros y.
rewrite disjoint_eq in D. specializes D M. asserts* D': (¬ indom h2 x).
unfold remove, map_remove, union, map_union, single. simpls. case_if.
{ destruct h1 as [f1 F1]. unfolds indom, map_indom. simpls. subst.
rew_logic¬in D'. }
{ auto. }
Lemma remove_union_single_l : ∀ h x v,
¬ indom h x →
remove (union (single x v) h) x = h.
Proof using.
introv M. applys fmap_extens. intros y.
unfold remove, map_remove, union, map_union, single. simpls. case_if.
{ destruct h as [f F]. unfolds indom, map_indom. simpls. subst. rew_logic¬in M. }
{ case_if¬. }
End FmapProp.
remove (single x v) x = empty.
Proof using.
intros. applys fmap_extens. intros y.
unfold remove, map_remove, single, empty. simpl.
case_if*. case_if*.
Lemma remove_disjoint_union_l : ∀ h1 h2 x,
indom h1 x →
disjoint h1 h2 →
remove (union h1 h2) x = union (remove h1 x) h2.
Proof using.
introv M D. applys fmap_extens. intros y.
rewrite disjoint_eq in D. specializes D M. asserts* D': (¬ indom h2 x).
unfold remove, map_remove, union, map_union, single. simpls. case_if.
{ destruct h1 as [f1 F1]. unfolds indom, map_indom. simpls. subst.
rew_logic¬in D'. }
{ auto. }
Lemma remove_union_single_l : ∀ h x v,
¬ indom h x →
remove (union (single x v) h) x = h.
Proof using.
introv M. applys fmap_extens. intros y.
unfold remove, map_remove, union, map_union, single. simpls. case_if.
{ destruct h as [f F]. unfolds indom, map_indom. simpls. subst. rew_logic¬in M. }
{ case_if¬. }
End FmapProp.
Fixing arguments
Arguments union_assoc [A] [B].
Arguments union_comm_of_disjoint [A] [B].
Arguments union_comm_of_agree [A] [B].
Arguments union_comm_of_disjoint [A] [B].
Arguments union_comm_of_agree [A] [B].
Tactic disjoint for proving disjointness results
Module Export DisjointHints.
Hint Resolve disjoint_sym disjoint_empty_l disjoint_empty_r.
End DisjointHints.
Hint Rewrite
disjoint_3_unfold : rew_disjoint.
Tactic Notation "rew_disjoint" :=
autorewrite with rew_disjoint in *.
Tactic Notation "rew_disjoint" "*" :=
rew_disjoint; auto_star.
Ltac fmap_disjoint_pre tt :=
subst; rew_disjoint; jauto_set.
Tactic Notation "fmap_disjoint" :=
solve [ fmap_disjoint_pre tt; auto ].
Lemma disjoint_demo : ∀ A B (h1 h2 h3 h4 h5:fmap A B),
h1 = h2 \+ h3 →
\# h2 h3 →
\# h1 h4 h5 →
\# h3 h2 h5 ∧ \# h4 h5.
Proof using.
intros. dup 2.
{ subst. rew_disjoint. jauto_set. auto. auto. auto. auto. }
{ fmap_disjoint. }
Hint Resolve disjoint_sym disjoint_empty_l disjoint_empty_r.
End DisjointHints.
Hint Rewrite
disjoint_3_unfold : rew_disjoint.
Tactic Notation "rew_disjoint" :=
autorewrite with rew_disjoint in *.
Tactic Notation "rew_disjoint" "*" :=
rew_disjoint; auto_star.
Ltac fmap_disjoint_pre tt :=
subst; rew_disjoint; jauto_set.
Tactic Notation "fmap_disjoint" :=
solve [ fmap_disjoint_pre tt; auto ].
Lemma disjoint_demo : ∀ A B (h1 h2 h3 h4 h5:fmap A B),
h1 = h2 \+ h3 →
\# h2 h3 →
\# h1 h4 h5 →
\# h3 h2 h5 ∧ \# h4 h5.
Proof using.
intros. dup 2.
{ subst. rew_disjoint. jauto_set. auto. auto. auto. auto. }
{ fmap_disjoint. }
Hint Rewrite
union_empty_r : rew_fmap rew_fmap_for_fmap_eq.
Tactic Notation "rew_fmap" :=
autorewrite with rew_fmap in *.
Tactic Notation "rew_fmap" "~" :=
rew_fmap; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "rew_fmap" "*" :=
rew_fmap; auto_star.
Hint Rewrite
union_empty_r : rew_fmap rew_fmap_for_fmap_eq.
Tactic Notation "rew_fmap" :=
autorewrite with rew_fmap in *.
Tactic Notation "rew_fmap" "~" :=
rew_fmap; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "rew_fmap" "*" :=
rew_fmap; auto_star.
eq proves equalities between unions of fmaps, of the form
h1 \+ h2 \+ h3 \+ h4 = h1' \+ h2' \+ h3' \+ h4'
It attempts to discharge the disjointness side-conditions.
Disclaimer: it cancels heaps at depth up to 4, but no more.
Lemma union_eq_cancel_1 : ∀ h1 h2 h2',
h2 = h2' →
h1 \+ h2 = h1 \+ h2'.
Proof using. intros. subst. auto. Qed.
Lemma union_eq_cancel_1' : ∀ h1,
h1 = h1.
Proof using. intros. auto. Qed.
Lemma union_eq_cancel_2 : ∀ h1 h1' h2 h2',
\# h1 h1' →
h2 = h1' \+ h2' →
h1 \+ h2 = h1' \+ h1 \+ h2'.
Proof using.
intros. subst. rewrite <- union_assoc.
rewrite (union_comm_of_disjoint h1 h1').
rewrite¬union_assoc. auto.
Lemma union_eq_cancel_2' : ∀ h1 h1' h2,
\# h1 h1' →
h2 = h1' →
h1 \+ h2 = h1' \+ h1.
Proof using.
intros. subst. apply¬union_comm_of_disjoint.
Lemma union_eq_cancel_3 : ∀ h1 h1' h2 h2' h3',
\# h1 (h1' \+ h2') →
h2 = h1' \+ h2' \+ h3' →
h1 \+ h2 = h1' \+ h2' \+ h1 \+ h3'.
Proof using.
intros. subst.
rewrite <- (union_assoc h1' h2' h3').
rewrite <- (union_assoc h1' h2' (h1 \+ h3')).
Lemma union_eq_cancel_3' : ∀ h1 h1' h2 h2',
\# h1 (h1' \+ h2') →
h2 = h1' \+ h2' →
h1 \+ h2 = h1' \+ h2' \+ h1.
Proof using.
intros. subst.
rewrite <- (union_assoc h1' h2' h1).
Lemma union_eq_cancel_4 : ∀ h1 h1' h2 h2' h3' h4',
\# h1 ((h1' \+ h2') \+ h3') →
h2 = h1' \+ h2' \+ h3' \+ h4' →
h1 \+ h2 = h1' \+ h2' \+ h3' \+ h1 \+ h4'.
Proof using.
intros. subst.
rewrite <- (union_assoc h1' h2' (h3' \+ h4')).
rewrite <- (union_assoc h1' h2' (h3' \+ h1 \+ h4')).
Lemma union_eq_cancel_4' : ∀ h1 h1' h2 h2' h3',
\# h1 (h1' \+ h2' \+ h3') →
h2 = h1' \+ h2' \+ h3' →
h1 \+ h2 = h1' \+ h2' \+ h3' \+ h1.
Proof using.
intros. subst.
rewrite <- (union_assoc h2' h3' h1).
End StateEq.
Ltac fmap_eq_step tt :=
match goal with | ⊢ ?G ⇒ match G with
| ?h1 = ?h1 ⇒ apply union_eq_cancel_1'
| ?h1 \+ ?h2 = ?h1 \+ ?h2' ⇒ apply union_eq_cancel_1
| ?h1 \+ ?h2 = ?h1' \+ ?h1 ⇒ apply union_eq_cancel_2'
| ?h1 \+ ?h2 = ?h1' \+ ?h1 \+ ?h2' ⇒ apply union_eq_cancel_2
| ?h1 \+ ?h2 = ?h1' \+ ?h2' \+ ?h1 ⇒ apply union_eq_cancel_3'
| ?h1 \+ ?h2 = ?h1' \+ ?h2' \+ ?h1 \+ ?h3' ⇒ apply union_eq_cancel_3
| ?h1 \+ ?h2 = ?h1' \+ ?h2' \+ ?h3' \+ ?h1 ⇒ apply union_eq_cancel_4'
| ?h1 \+ ?h2 = ?h1' \+ ?h2' \+ ?h3' \+ ?h1 \+ ?h4' ⇒ apply union_eq_cancel_4
end end.
Tactic Notation "fmap_eq" :=
autorewrite with rew_fmap_for_fmap_eq;
repeat (fmap_eq_step tt);
try match goal with
| ⊢ \# _ _ ⇒ fmap_disjoint
| ⊢ \# _ _ _ ⇒ fmap_disjoint
Tactic Notation "fmap_eq" "~" :=
fmap_eq; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "fmap_eq" "*" :=
fmap_eq; auto_star.
Lemma fmap_eq_demo : ∀ A B (h1 h2 h3 h4 h5:fmap A B),
\# h1 h2 h3 →
\# (h1 \+ h2 \+ h3) h4 h5 →
h1 = h2 \+ h3 →
h4 \+ h1 \+ h5 = h2 \+ h5 \+ h4 \+ h3.
Proof using.
intros. dup 2.
{ subst. rew_fmap.
fmap_eq_step tt. fmap_disjoint.
fmap_eq_step tt.
fmap_eq_step tt. fmap_disjoint. auto. }
{ fmap_eq. }
h2 = h2' →
h1 \+ h2 = h1 \+ h2'.
Proof using. intros. subst. auto. Qed.
Lemma union_eq_cancel_1' : ∀ h1,
h1 = h1.
Proof using. intros. auto. Qed.
Lemma union_eq_cancel_2 : ∀ h1 h1' h2 h2',
\# h1 h1' →
h2 = h1' \+ h2' →
h1 \+ h2 = h1' \+ h1 \+ h2'.
Proof using.
intros. subst. rewrite <- union_assoc.
rewrite (union_comm_of_disjoint h1 h1').
rewrite¬union_assoc. auto.
Lemma union_eq_cancel_2' : ∀ h1 h1' h2,
\# h1 h1' →
h2 = h1' →
h1 \+ h2 = h1' \+ h1.
Proof using.
intros. subst. apply¬union_comm_of_disjoint.
Lemma union_eq_cancel_3 : ∀ h1 h1' h2 h2' h3',
\# h1 (h1' \+ h2') →
h2 = h1' \+ h2' \+ h3' →
h1 \+ h2 = h1' \+ h2' \+ h1 \+ h3'.
Proof using.
intros. subst.
rewrite <- (union_assoc h1' h2' h3').
rewrite <- (union_assoc h1' h2' (h1 \+ h3')).
Lemma union_eq_cancel_3' : ∀ h1 h1' h2 h2',
\# h1 (h1' \+ h2') →
h2 = h1' \+ h2' →
h1 \+ h2 = h1' \+ h2' \+ h1.
Proof using.
intros. subst.
rewrite <- (union_assoc h1' h2' h1).
Lemma union_eq_cancel_4 : ∀ h1 h1' h2 h2' h3' h4',
\# h1 ((h1' \+ h2') \+ h3') →
h2 = h1' \+ h2' \+ h3' \+ h4' →
h1 \+ h2 = h1' \+ h2' \+ h3' \+ h1 \+ h4'.
Proof using.
intros. subst.
rewrite <- (union_assoc h1' h2' (h3' \+ h4')).
rewrite <- (union_assoc h1' h2' (h3' \+ h1 \+ h4')).
Lemma union_eq_cancel_4' : ∀ h1 h1' h2 h2' h3',
\# h1 (h1' \+ h2' \+ h3') →
h2 = h1' \+ h2' \+ h3' →
h1 \+ h2 = h1' \+ h2' \+ h3' \+ h1.
Proof using.
intros. subst.
rewrite <- (union_assoc h2' h3' h1).
End StateEq.
Ltac fmap_eq_step tt :=
match goal with | ⊢ ?G ⇒ match G with
| ?h1 = ?h1 ⇒ apply union_eq_cancel_1'
| ?h1 \+ ?h2 = ?h1 \+ ?h2' ⇒ apply union_eq_cancel_1
| ?h1 \+ ?h2 = ?h1' \+ ?h1 ⇒ apply union_eq_cancel_2'
| ?h1 \+ ?h2 = ?h1' \+ ?h1 \+ ?h2' ⇒ apply union_eq_cancel_2
| ?h1 \+ ?h2 = ?h1' \+ ?h2' \+ ?h1 ⇒ apply union_eq_cancel_3'
| ?h1 \+ ?h2 = ?h1' \+ ?h2' \+ ?h1 \+ ?h3' ⇒ apply union_eq_cancel_3
| ?h1 \+ ?h2 = ?h1' \+ ?h2' \+ ?h3' \+ ?h1 ⇒ apply union_eq_cancel_4'
| ?h1 \+ ?h2 = ?h1' \+ ?h2' \+ ?h3' \+ ?h1 \+ ?h4' ⇒ apply union_eq_cancel_4
end end.
Tactic Notation "fmap_eq" :=
autorewrite with rew_fmap_for_fmap_eq;
repeat (fmap_eq_step tt);
try match goal with
| ⊢ \# _ _ ⇒ fmap_disjoint
| ⊢ \# _ _ _ ⇒ fmap_disjoint
Tactic Notation "fmap_eq" "~" :=
fmap_eq; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "fmap_eq" "*" :=
fmap_eq; auto_star.
Lemma fmap_eq_demo : ∀ A B (h1 h2 h3 h4 h5:fmap A B),
\# h1 h2 h3 →
\# (h1 \+ h2 \+ h3) h4 h5 →
h1 = h2 \+ h3 →
h4 \+ h1 \+ h5 = h2 \+ h5 \+ h4 \+ h3.
Proof using.
intros. dup 2.
{ subst. rew_fmap.
fmap_eq_step tt. fmap_disjoint.
fmap_eq_step tt.
fmap_eq_step tt. fmap_disjoint. auto. }
{ fmap_eq. }
Consecutive Locations
Fixpoint conseq (B:Type) (vs:list B) (l:nat) : fmap nat B :=
match vs with
| nil ⇒ empty
| v::vs' ⇒ (single l v) \+ (conseq vs' (S l))
Lemma conseq_nil : ∀ B (l:nat),
conseq (@nil B) l = empty.
Proof using. auto. Qed.
Lemma conseq_cons : ∀ B (l:nat) (v:B) (vs:list B),
conseq (v::vs) l = (single l v) \+ (conseq vs (S l)).
Proof using. auto. Qed.
Lemma conseq_cons' : ∀ B (l:nat) (v:B) (vs:list B),
conseq (v::vs) l = (single l v) \+ (conseq vs (l+1)).
Proof using. intros. math_rewrite (l+1 = S l)%nat. applys conseq_cons. Qed.
Global Opaque conseq.
Hint Rewrite conseq_nil conseq_cons : rew_listx.
match vs with
| nil ⇒ empty
| v::vs' ⇒ (single l v) \+ (conseq vs' (S l))
Lemma conseq_nil : ∀ B (l:nat),
conseq (@nil B) l = empty.
Proof using. auto. Qed.
Lemma conseq_cons : ∀ B (l:nat) (v:B) (vs:list B),
conseq (v::vs) l = (single l v) \+ (conseq vs (S l)).
Proof using. auto. Qed.
Lemma conseq_cons' : ∀ B (l:nat) (v:B) (vs:list B),
conseq (v::vs) l = (single l v) \+ (conseq vs (l+1)).
Proof using. intros. math_rewrite (l+1 = S l)%nat. applys conseq_cons. Qed.
Global Opaque conseq.
Hint Rewrite conseq_nil conseq_cons : rew_listx.
Definition loc_fresh_gen (L : list nat) :=
(1 + fold_right plus O L)%nat.
Lemma loc_fresh_ind : ∀ l L,
mem l L →
(l < loc_fresh_gen L)%nat.
Proof using.
intros l L. unfold loc_fresh_gen.
induction L; introv M; inverts M; rew_listx.
{ math. }
{ forwards~: IHL. math. }
Lemma loc_fresh_nat_ge : ∀ (L:list nat),
∃ (l:nat), ∀ (i:nat), ¬ mem (l+i)%nat L.
Proof using.
intros L. ∃ (loc_fresh_gen L). intros i M.
lets: loc_fresh_ind M. math.
(1 + fold_right plus O L)%nat.
Lemma loc_fresh_ind : ∀ l L,
mem l L →
(l < loc_fresh_gen L)%nat.
Proof using.
intros l L. unfold loc_fresh_gen.
induction L; introv M; inverts M; rew_listx.
{ math. }
{ forwards~: IHL. math. }
Lemma loc_fresh_nat_ge : ∀ (L:list nat),
∃ (l:nat), ∀ (i:nat), ¬ mem (l+i)%nat L.
Proof using.
intros L. ∃ (loc_fresh_gen L). intros i M.
lets: loc_fresh_ind M. math.
For any finite list of locations (implemented as nat), there exists
one location not in that list.
Lemma loc_fresh_nat : ∀ (L:list nat),
∃ (l:nat), ¬ mem l L.
Proof using.
intros L. forwards (l&P): loc_fresh_nat_ge L.
∃ l. intros M. applys (P 0%nat). applys_eq M. math.
Section FmapFresh.
Variables (B : Type).
Implicit Types h : fmap nat B.
∃ (l:nat), ¬ mem l L.
Proof using.
intros L. forwards (l&P): loc_fresh_nat_ge L.
∃ l. intros M. applys (P 0%nat). applys_eq M. math.
Section FmapFresh.
Variables (B : Type).
Implicit Types h : fmap nat B.
For any heap, there exists one (non-null) location not already in the
domain of that heap.
Lemma exists_fresh : ∀ null h,
∃ l, ¬ indom h l ∧ l ≠ null.
Proof using.
intros null (m&(L&M)). unfold indom, map_indom. simpl.
lets (l&F): (loc_fresh_nat (null::L)).
∃ l. split.
{ simpl. intros l'. forwards¬E: M l. }
{ intro_subst. applys¬F. }
∃ l, ¬ indom h l ∧ l ≠ null.
Proof using.
intros null (m&(L&M)). unfold indom, map_indom. simpl.
lets (l&F): (loc_fresh_nat (null::L)).
∃ l. split.
{ simpl. intros l'. forwards¬E: M l. }
{ intro_subst. applys¬F. }
For any heap h, there exists one (non-null) location l such that
the singleton map that binds l to a value v is disjoint from h.
Lemma single_fresh : ∀ null h v,
∃ l, \# (single l v) h ∧ l ≠ null.
Proof using.
intros. forwards (l&F&N): exists_fresh null h.
∃ l. split¬. applys* disjoint_single_of_not_indom.
Lemma conseq_fresh : ∀ null h vs,
∃ l, \# (conseq vs l) h ∧ l ≠ null.
Proof using.
intros null (m&(L&M)) vs.
unfold disjoint, map_disjoint. simpl.
lets (l&F): (loc_fresh_nat_ge (null::L)).
∃ l. split.
{ intros l'. gen l. induction vs as [|v vs']; intros.
{ simple¬. }
{ rewrite conseq_cons. destruct (IHvs' (S l)%nat) as [E|?].
{ intros i N. applys F (S i). applys_eq N. math. }
{ simpl. unfold map_union. case_if¬.
{ subst. right. applys not_not_inv. intros H. applys F 0%nat.
constructor. math_rewrite (l'+0 = l')%nat. applys¬M. } }
{ auto. } } }
{ intro_subst. applys¬F 0%nat. rew_nat. auto. }
Lemma disjoint_single_conseq : ∀ B l l' L (v:B),
(l < l')%nat ∨ (l ≥ l'+length L)%nat →
\# (single l v) (conseq L l').
Proof using.
introv N. gen l'. induction L as [|L']; intros.
{ rewrite¬conseq_nil. }
{ rew_list in N. rewrite conseq_cons. rew_disjoint. split.
{ applys disjoint_single_single. destruct N; math. }
{ applys IHL. destruct N. { left. math. } { right. math. } } }
∃ l, \# (single l v) h ∧ l ≠ null.
Proof using.
intros. forwards (l&F&N): exists_fresh null h.
∃ l. split¬. applys* disjoint_single_of_not_indom.
Lemma conseq_fresh : ∀ null h vs,
∃ l, \# (conseq vs l) h ∧ l ≠ null.
Proof using.
intros null (m&(L&M)) vs.
unfold disjoint, map_disjoint. simpl.
lets (l&F): (loc_fresh_nat_ge (null::L)).
∃ l. split.
{ intros l'. gen l. induction vs as [|v vs']; intros.
{ simple¬. }
{ rewrite conseq_cons. destruct (IHvs' (S l)%nat) as [E|?].
{ intros i N. applys F (S i). applys_eq N. math. }
{ simpl. unfold map_union. case_if¬.
{ subst. right. applys not_not_inv. intros H. applys F 0%nat.
constructor. math_rewrite (l'+0 = l')%nat. applys¬M. } }
{ auto. } } }
{ intro_subst. applys¬F 0%nat. rew_nat. auto. }
Lemma disjoint_single_conseq : ∀ B l l' L (v:B),
(l < l')%nat ∨ (l ≥ l'+length L)%nat →
\# (single l v) (conseq L l').
Proof using.
introv N. gen l'. induction L as [|L']; intros.
{ rewrite¬conseq_nil. }
{ rew_list in N. rewrite conseq_cons. rew_disjoint. split.
{ applys disjoint_single_single. destruct N; math. }
{ applys IHL. destruct N. { left. math. } { right. math. } } }
Existence of a Smallest Fresh Locations
Definition fresh (null:nat) (h:fmap nat B) (l:nat) : Prop :=
¬ indom h l ∧ l ≠ null.
Definition smallest_fresh (null:nat) (h:fmap nat B) (l:nat) : Prop :=
fresh null h l ∧ (∀ l', l' < l → ¬ fresh null h l').
Lemma exists_smallest_fresh : ∀ null h,
∃ l, smallest_fresh null h l.
Proof using.
cuts M: (∀ l0, fresh null h l0 →
∃ l, fresh null h l
∧ (∀ l', l' < l → ¬ fresh null h l')).
{ lets (l0&F&N): exists_fresh null h. applys M l0. split*. }
intros l0. induction_wf IH: wf_lt l0. intros F.
tests C: (∀ l', l' < l0 → ¬ fresh null h l').
{ ∃* l0. }
{ destruct C as (l0'&K). rew_logic in K. destruct K as (L&F').
applys* IH l0'. }
¬ indom h l ∧ l ≠ null.
Definition smallest_fresh (null:nat) (h:fmap nat B) (l:nat) : Prop :=
fresh null h l ∧ (∀ l', l' < l → ¬ fresh null h l').
Lemma exists_smallest_fresh : ∀ null h,
∃ l, smallest_fresh null h l.
Proof using.
cuts M: (∀ l0, fresh null h l0 →
∃ l, fresh null h l
∧ (∀ l', l' < l → ¬ fresh null h l')).
{ lets (l0&F&N): exists_fresh null h. applys M l0. split*. }
intros l0. induction_wf IH: wf_lt l0. intros F.
tests C: (∀ l', l' < l0 → ¬ fresh null h l').
{ ∃* l0. }
{ destruct C as (l0'&K). rew_logic in K. destruct K as (L&F').
applys* IH l0'. }
Existence of Nonempty Heaps
Lemma exists_not_empty : ∀ `{IB:Inhab B},
∃ (h:fmap nat B), h ≠ empty.
Proof using.
intros. sets l: 0%nat. sets h: (single l (arbitrary (A:=B))).
∃ h. intros N.
sets h': (empty:fmap nat B).
asserts M1: (indom h l).
{ applys indom_single. }
asserts M2: (¬ indom h' l).
{ unfolds @indom, map_indom, @empty. simpls. auto_false. }
rewrite N in M1. false*.
End FmapFresh.
(* 2024-12-27 01:30 *)
∃ (h:fmap nat B), h ≠ empty.
Proof using.
intros. sets l: 0%nat. sets h: (single l (arbitrary (A:=B))).
∃ h. intros N.
sets h': (empty:fmap nat B).
asserts M1: (indom h l).
{ applys indom_single. }
asserts M2: (¬ indom h' l).
{ unfolds @indom, map_indom, @empty. simpls. auto_false. }
rewrite N in M1. false*.
End FmapFresh.
(* 2024-12-27 01:30 *)