WPsoundSoundness of the Weakest Precondition Generator

Set Implicit Arguments.
From SLF Require Import WPsem WPgen.
Import WPgenRec.

Implicit Types f : var.
Implicit Types b : bool.
Implicit Types v : val.
Implicit Types h : heap.
Implicit Types P : Prop.
Implicit Types H : hprop.
Implicit Types Q : valhprop.

More Details

This chapter develops the soundness proof for wpgen. The key theorem asserts that, for any term and and postcondition, wpgen (on an empty substitution context) yields a formula that entails wp. Formally: wpgen nil t Q ==> wp t Q. The present "more details" section contains the proof of this theorem. The "optional material" section details the proofs of two technical lemmas related to permutation of substitutions. This chapter may be safely skipped.

Definition of the Predicate formula_sound

The soundness theorem that we aim to establish for wpgen is:
    Parameter wpgen_sound : E t Q,
      wpgen E t Q ==> wp (isubst E t) Q.
Before entering into the details of the proof, let us reformulate the statement of the soundness theorem to make proof obligations and induction hypotheses easier to read. To that end, we introduce the predicate formula_sound t F, read "F is a formula sound for t". It asserts that F is a weakest-precondition style formula that entails wp t. Formally:
Definition formula_sound (t:trm) (F:formula) : Prop :=
   Q, F Q ==> wp t Q.
Using formula_sound, the soundness theorem for wpgen is reformulated as follows.
    Parameter wpgen_sound : E t,
      formula_sound (isubst E t) (wpgen E t).
The soundness theorem wpgen_sound is proved by induction on t. Each case of this inductive proof corresponds to a term construct. For each term construct, we need to exploit two lemmas. The first lemma, common to all term constructs, is called mkstruct_sound, and is used to argue that the presence of mkstruct in the definition of wpgen is sound. The second lemma is specific to the term construct. For example, wpgen_sound_seq is of the form formula_sound (trm_seq t1 t2) (wpgen_seq F1 F2). We next explain the details of how to state and prove wpgen_sound_seq, then present the other auxiliary lemmas useful for completing the proof by induction of wpgen_sound.

Soundness for the Case of Sequences

Consider the soundness theorem wpgen_sound and let us specialize it to the particular case where t is of the form trm_seq t1 t2. The corresponding statement is:
Parameter wpgen_sound_seq_1 : E t1 t2,
  formula_sound (isubst E (trm_seq t1 t2))
                (wpgen E (trm_seq t1 t2)).
Let us ignore mkstruct for a minute -- that is, pretend that wpgen is defined without mkstruct. Under this assumption, wpgen E (trm_seq t1 t2) evaluates to wpgen_seq (wpgen E t1) (wpgen E t2). Besides, the expression isubst E (trm_seq t1 t2) evaluates to trm_seq (isubst E t1) (isubst E t2). Therefore, the soundness statement to establish can be reformulated as:
Parameter wpgen_sound_seq_2 : E t1 t2,
  formula_sound (trm_seq (isubst E t1) (isubst E t2))
                (wpgen_seq (wpgen E t1) (wpgen E t2)).
By induction hypothesis, we can assume that wpgen E t1 is a sound formula for isubst E t1, and likewise wpgen E t2 is a sound formula for isubst E t2. Thus, what we actually will need to prove as part of the induction is:
Parameter wpgen_sound_seq_3 : E t1 t2,
  formula_sound (isubst E t1) (wpgen E t1)
  formula_sound (isubst E t2) (wpgen E t2)
  formula_sound (trm_seq (isubst E t1) (isubst E t2))
                (wpgen_seq (wpgen E t1) (wpgen E t2)).
In the above statement, let us abstract isubst E t1 as t1' and wpgen t1 as F1, and similarly isubst E t2 as t2' and wpgen t2 as F2. The statement reformulates as:
This statement captures the essence of the correctness of the definition of wpgen_seq. Now let's prove it.
Proof using.
  introv S1 S2.
  (* Reveal the soundness statement *)
  unfolds formula_sound.
  (* Consider a postcondition Q *)
  intros Q.
  (* Reveal wpgen_seq F1 F2, which is defined as F1 (fun v F2 Q). *)
  unfolds wpgen_seq.
  (* By transitivity of entailment *)
  applys himpl_trans.
  (* Apply the wp-style reasoning rule for sequences:
     wp t1 (fun v wp t2 Q) ==> wp (trm_seq t1 t2) Q. *)

  2:{ applys wp_seq. }
  (* Exploit the induction hypotheses to conclude *)
  { applys himpl_trans.
    { applys S1. }
    { applys wp_conseq. intros v. applys S2. } }

Soundness for the Other Term Constructs

Similarly, for every other language construct, we state and prove a lemma about formula_sound. The reader may skip over the proof details. What is most interesting here is the pattern followed by the statements.
Lemma wpgen_val_sound : v,
  formula_sound (trm_val v) (wpgen_val v).
Proof using. intros. intros Q. unfolds wpgen_val. applys wp_val. Qed.

Lemma wpgen_let_sound : F1 F2of x t1 t2,
  formula_sound t1 F1
  ( v, formula_sound (subst x v t2) (F2of v))
  formula_sound (trm_let x t1 t2) (wpgen_let F1 F2of).
Proof using.
  introv S1 S2. intros Q. unfolds wpgen_let. applys himpl_trans wp_let.
  applys himpl_trans S1. applys wp_conseq. intros v. applys S2.

Lemma wpgen_if_sound : F1 F2 t0 t1 t2,
  formula_sound t1 F1
  formula_sound t2 F2
  formula_sound (trm_if t0 t1 t2) (wpgen_if t0 F1 F2).
Proof using.
  introv S1 S2. intros Q. unfold wpgen_if. xpull. intros b →.
  applys himpl_trans wp_if. case_if. { applys S1. } { applys S2. }

Lemma wpgen_app_sound : t,
  formula_sound t (wpgen_app t).
Proof using.
  intros t Q. unfold wpgen_app. xpull. intros H M. rewrite wp_equiv. apply M.

Lemma wpgen_fail_sound : t,
  formula_sound t wpgen_fail.
Proof using. intros. intros Q. unfold wpgen_fail. xpull. Qed.

Lemma wpgen_fun_sound : x t1 Fof,
  ( vx, formula_sound (subst x vx t1) (Fof vx))
  formula_sound (trm_fun x t1) (wpgen_fun Fof).
Proof using.
  introv M. intros Q. unfolds wpgen_fun. applys himpl_hforall_l (val_fun x t1).
  xchange hwand_hpure_l.
  { intros. applys himpl_trans_r. { applys* wp_app_fun. } { applys* M. } }
  { applys wp_fun. }

Lemma wpgen_fix_sound : f x t1 Fof,
  ( vf vx, formula_sound (subst x vx (subst f vf t1)) (Fof vf vx))
  formula_sound (trm_fix f x t1) (wpgen_fix Fof).
Proof using.
  introv M. intros Q. unfolds wpgen_fix.
  applys himpl_hforall_l (val_fix f x t1). xchange hwand_hpure_l.
  { intros. applys himpl_trans_r. { applys* wp_app_fix. } { applys* M. } }
  { applys wp_fix. }
Additional lemmas establishing the soundness of a version of wpgen that does not recurse inside local function definitions.
Lemma wpgen_fun_val_sound : x t,
  formula_sound (trm_fun x t) (wpgen_val (val_fun x t)).
Proof using. intros. intros Q. unfolds wpgen_val. applys wp_fun. Qed.

Lemma wpgen_fix_val_sound : f x t,
  formula_sound (trm_fix f x t) (wpgen_val (val_fix f x t)).
Proof using. intros. intros Q. unfolds wpgen_val. applys wp_fix. Qed.

Soundness of the Predicate Transformer mkstruct

Above, we have ignored the existence of mkstruct at the head of formulae produced by wpgen. We next show that the insertion of mkstruct in formulae preserves their soundness. In other words, if the formula F is a valid weakest precondition for t, then so is mkstruct F.
    Lemma mkstruct_sound : t F,
      formula_sound t F
      formula_sound t (mkstruct F).
In order to prove this result, we first need to show that mkstruct is a predicate transformer that does not affect the meaning of any formula of the form wp t. Intuitively, mkstruct adds support for applying structural rules of Separation Logic; but a formula wp t inherently satisfies all the structural rules; hence wrapping wp t inside a call to mkstruct does not increase (nor decrease) its expressive power.
Lemma mkstruct_wp : t,
  mkstruct (wp t) = (wp t).
Proof using.
  intros. applys fun_ext_1. intros Q. applys himpl_antisym.
  { unfold mkstruct. xpull. intros H Q' M. applys wp_conseq_frame M. xsimpl. }
  { applys mkstruct_erase. }
We are now ready to prove the desired result mkstruct_sound.
Lemma mkstruct_sound : t F,
  formula_sound t F
  formula_sound t (mkstruct F).
Proof using.
  introv M. unfolds formula_sound. intros Q.
  rewrite <- mkstruct_wp. applys mkstruct_monotone. applys M.
Another, lower-level proof for the same result reveals the definition of mkstruct and exploits the consequence-frame rule for wp.
Lemma mkstruct_sound' : t F,
  formula_sound t F
  formula_sound t (mkstruct F).
Proof using.
  introv M. unfolds formula_sound.
  (* Consider a postcondition Q *)
  intros Q.
  (* Reveal the definition of mkstruct *)
  unfolds mkstruct.
  (* Extract the Q' quantified in the definition of mkstruct *)
  xsimpl. intros Q'.
  (* Exploit the assumption on  Q, F Q ==> wp t Q *)
  xchange (M Q').
  (* Conclude using the structural rules for wp. *)
  applys wp_ramified.
Another interesting property of mkstruct is its idempotence property, that is, it is such that mkstruct (mkstruct F) = mkstruct F. Idempotence asserts that applying the predicate mkstruct more than once does not provide more expressiveness than applying it just once.
Intuitively, idempotence reflects in particular the fact that two nested applications of the rule of consequence can always be combined into a single application of that rule (due to the transitivity of entailment); and that, similarly, two nested applications of the frame rule can always be combined into a single application of that rule (framing on H1 then framing on H2 is equivalent to framing on H1 \* H2).

Exercise: 3 stars, standard, especially useful (mkstruct_idempotent)

Complete the proof of the idempotence of mkstruct. Hint: leverage xpull and xsimpl.
Lemma mkstruct_idempotent : F,
  mkstruct (mkstruct F) = mkstruct F.
Proof using.
  intros. apply fun_ext_1. intros Q. applys himpl_antisym.
  (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

Lemmas Capturing Properties of Iterated Substitutions

In the soundness proof for wpgen, we need to exploit two basic properties of the iterated substitution function isubst. The first property asserts that the substitution for the empty context is the identity. This result is useful to beautify the final statement of the soundness theorem.
Parameter isubst_nil : t,
  isubst nil t = t.
The second property asserts that the substitution for a context (x,v)::E is the same as the substitution for the context rem x E followed with the substitution of subst x v. This second property is needed to handle the case of let-bindings.
Parameter isubst_rem : x v E t,
  isubst ((x,v)::E) t = subst x v (isubst (rem x E) t).
The proofs for these two lemmas is fairly technical and of limited interest for the course. They can be found in the "optional material" near the end of this chapter.

Main Induction for the Soundness Proof of wpgen

At last, we are ready to establish the soundness of wpgen E t. As previously announced, the proof is by structural induction on t. For each term construct, the proof has two steps:
  • first, invoke the lemma mkstruct_sound to justify soundness of the leading mkstruct produced by wpgen,
  • second, invoke the the soundness lemma specific to that term construct, e.g. wpgen_seq_sound for sequences.
Lemma wpgen_sound_induct : E t,
  formula_sound (isubst E t) (wpgen E t).
Proof using.
  intros. gen E. induction t; intros; simpl;
   applys mkstruct_sound. (* common to all cases *)
  { applys wpgen_val_sound. }
  { rename v into x. unfold wpgen_var. case_eq (lookup x E).
    { intros v EQ. applys wpgen_val_sound. }
    { intros N. applys wpgen_fail_sound. } }
  { applys wpgen_fun_sound.
     { intros vx. rewrite <- isubst_rem. applys IHt. } }
  { introv IH. applys wpgen_fix_sound IH.
    { intros vf vx. rewrite <- isubst_rem_2. applys IHt. } }
  { applys wpgen_app_sound. }
  { applys wpgen_seq_sound. { applys IHt1. } { applys IHt2. } }
  { rename v into x. applys wpgen_let_sound.
    { applys IHt1. }
    { intros v. rewrite <- isubst_rem. applys IHt2. } }
  { applys wpgen_if_sound. { applys IHt2. } { applys IHt3. } }

Statement of Soundness of wpgen for Closed Terms

For a closed term t, the context E is instantiated as nil, and isubst nil t simplifies to t. We derive the main soundness statement for wpgen.
Lemma wpgen_sound : t Q,
  wpgen nil t Q ==> wp t Q.
Proof using.
  introv M. lets N: (wpgen_sound nil t). rewrite isubst_nil in N. applys* N.
The lemma triple_of_wpgen triggers the initial evaluation of wpgen for a given program t that appears in a triple.
Lemma triple_of_wpgen : t H Q,
  H ==> wpgen nil t Q
  triple t H Q.
Proof using.
  introv M. rewrite <- wp_equiv. xchange M. applys wpgen_sound.
The lemma triple_app_fun_from_wpgen is at the core of the implementation of the tactic xwp. It is a specialized version of triple_of_wpgen] specialized for establishing a triple for a function application. In essence, this lemma is a reformulation of the rule triple_app_fun, but triggering an evaluation of wpgen for the body of the function.
Lemma triple_app_fun_from_wpgen : v1 v2 x t1 H Q,
  v1 = val_fun x t1
  H ==> wpgen ((x,v2)::nil) t1 Q
  triple (trm_app v1 v2) H Q.
Proof using.
  introv M1 M2. applys triple_app_fun M1.
  asserts_rewrite (subst x v2 t1 = isubst ((x,v2)::nil) t1).
  { rewrite isubst_rem. rewrite* isubst_nil. }
  rewrite <- wp_equiv. xchange M2. applys wpgen_sound_induct.
The lemma triple_app_fix_from_wpgen is similar but handles recursive functions.
Lemma triple_app_fix_from_wpgen : v1 v2 f x t1 H Q,
  v1 = val_fix f x t1
  H ==> wpgen ((f,v1)::(x,v2)::nil) t1 Q
  triple (trm_app v1 v2) H Q.
Proof using.
  introv M1 M2. applys triple_app_fix M1.
  asserts_rewrite (subst x v2 (subst f v1 t1)
                 = isubst ((f,v1)::(x,v2)::nil) t1).
  { rewrite isubst_rem_2. rewrite* isubst_nil. }
  rewrite <- wp_equiv. xchange M2. applys wpgen_sound_induct.

Optional Material

Proofs of Properties of Iterated Substitution

Module IsubstProp.

Open Scope liblist_scope.

Implicit Types E : ctx.
Recall that isubst E t denotes the multi-substitution in the term t of all bindings form the association list E. The soundness proof for wpgen and the proof of its corollary triple_app_fun_from_wpgen rely on two key properties of iterated substitutions, captured by the lemmas called isubst_nil and isubst_rem, which we state and prove next.
    isubst nil t = t

    subst x v (isubst (rem x E) t) = isubst ((x,v)::E) t
The first lemma is straightforward by induction. The TLC tactic fequals is an enhanced variant of Coq's tactic f_equal.
Lemma isubst_nil : t,
  isubst nil t = t.
Proof using.
  intros t. induction t; simpl; fequals.
The second lemma is much more involved to prove. We introduce the notion of "two equivalent contexts" E1 and E2, and argue that substitution for two equivalent contexts yields the same result. We then introduce the notion of "contexts with disjoint domains", and argue that if E1 and E2 are disjoint then isubst (E1 ++ E2) t = isubst E1 (isubst E2 t).
Before we start, we describe the tactic case_var, which helps with the case_analyses on variable equalities, and we prove an auxiliary lemma that describes the result of a lookup on a context from which a binding has been removed. It is defined in the file LibSepVar.v as:
    Tactic Notation "case_var" :=
      repeat rewrite var_eq_spec in *; repeat case_if.
The tactic case_var* is a shorthand for case_var followed with automation (essentially, eauto).
A key auxiliary lemma relates subst and isubst.
Lemma subst_eq_isubst_one : x v t,
  subst x v t = isubst ((x,v)::nil) t.
Proof using.
  intros. induction t; simpl.
  { fequals. }
  { case_var*. }
  { fequals. case_var*. { rewrite* isubst_nil. } }
  { fequals. case_var; try case_var; simpl; try case_var;
              try rewrite isubst_nil; auto. }
  { fequals*. }
  { fequals*. }
  { fequals*. case_var*. { rewrite* isubst_nil. } }
  { fequals*. }
A lemma about the lookup in a removal.
Lemma lookup_rem : x y E,
  lookup x (rem y E) = if var_eq x y then None else lookup x E.
Proof using.
  intros. induction E as [|(z,v) E'].
  { simpl. case_var*. }
  { simpl. case_var*; simpl; case_var*. }
A lemma about the removal over an append.
Lemma rem_app : x E1 E2,
  rem x (E1 ++ E2) = rem x E1 ++ rem x E2.
Proof using.
  intros. induction E1 as [|(y,w) E1']; rew_list; simpl. { auto. }
  { case_var*. { rew_list. fequals. } }
The definition of equivalent contexts.
Definition ctx_equiv E1 E2 :=
   x, lookup x E1 = lookup x E2.
The fact that removal preserves equivalence.
Lemma ctx_equiv_rem : x E1 E2,
  ctx_equiv E1 E2
  ctx_equiv (rem x E1) (rem x E2).
Proof using.
  introv M. unfolds ctx_equiv. intros y.
  do 2 rewrite lookup_rem. case_var*.
The fact that substitution for equivalent contexts yields equal results.
Lemma isubst_ctx_equiv : t E1 E2,
  ctx_equiv E1 E2
  isubst E1 t = isubst E2 t.
Proof using.
  hint ctx_equiv_rem.
  intros t. induction t; introv EQ; simpl; fequals*.
  { rewrite EQ. auto. }
The definition of disjoint contexts.
Definition ctx_disjoint E1 E2 :=
   x v1 v2, lookup x E1 = Some v1 lookup x E2 = Some v2 False.
Removal preserves disjointness.
Lemma ctx_disjoint_rem : x E1 E2,
  ctx_disjoint E1 E2
  ctx_disjoint (rem x E1) (rem x E2).
Proof using.
  introv D. intros y v1 v2 K1 K2. rewrite lookup_rem in *.
  case_var. applys* D K1 K2.
Lookup in the concatenation of two disjoint contexts E1 and E2 is equivalent to a lookup in E1 if it succeeds, or a lookup in E2 otherwise.
Lemma lookup_app : x E1 E2,
  lookup x (E1 ++ E2) = match lookup x E1 with
                        | Nonelookup x E2
                        | Some vSome v
Proof using.
  introv. induction E1 as [|(y,w) E1']; rew_list; simpl; intros.
  { auto. }
  { case_var*. }
The key induction shows that isubst distributes over context concatenation.
Lemma isubst_app : t E1 E2,
  isubst (E1 ++ E2) t = isubst E2 (isubst E1 t).
Proof using.
  hint ctx_disjoint_rem.
  intros t. induction t; simpl; intros.
  { fequals. }
  { rename v into x. rewrite* lookup_app.
    case_eq (lookup x E1); introv K1; case_eq (lookup x E2); introv K2; auto.
    { simpl. rewrite* K2. }
    { simpl. rewrite* K2. } }
  { fequals. rewrite* rem_app. }
  { fequals. do 2 rewrite* rem_app. }
  { fequals*. }
  { fequals*. }
  { fequals*. { rewrite* rem_app. } }
  { fequals*. }
The next lemma asserts that the concatenation order is irrelevant in a substitution if the contexts have disjoint domains.
Lemma isubst_app_swap : t E1 E2,
  ctx_disjoint E1 E2
  isubst (E1 ++ E2) t = isubst (E2 ++ E1) t.
Proof using.
  introv D. applys isubst_ctx_equiv. applys* ctx_disjoint_equiv_app.
At last, we derive the desired property of isubst.
Lemma isubst_rem : x v E t,
  isubst ((x, v)::E) t = subst x v (isubst (rem x E) t).
Proof using.
  intros. rewrite subst_eq_isubst_one. rewrite <- isubst_app.
  rewrite isubst_app_swap.
  { applys isubst_ctx_equiv. intros y. rew_list. simpl. case_var*.
    { rewrite lookup_rem. case_var*. } }
  { intros y v1 v2 K1 K2. simpls. case_var.
    { subst. rewrite lookup_rem in K1. case_var*. } }
We also prove the variant lemma which is useful for handling recursive functions in the soundness proof for wpgen.
Lemma isubst_rem_2 : f x vf vx E t,
    isubst ((f,vf)::(x,vx)::E) t
  = subst x vx (subst f vf (isubst (rem x (rem f E)) t)).
Proof using.
  intros. do 2 rewrite subst_eq_isubst_one. do 2 rewrite <- isubst_app.
  rewrite isubst_app_swap.
  { applys isubst_ctx_equiv. intros y. rew_list. simpl.
    do 2 rewrite lookup_rem. case_var*. }
  { intros y v1 v2 K1 K2. rew_listx in *. simpls.
    do 2 rewrite lookup_rem in K1. case_var. }

End IsubstProp.

(* 2024-12-27 01:30 *)