LibSepVarAppendix - Program Variables
Set Implicit Arguments.
From SLF Require LibListExec.
From SLF Require Export LibString LibList LibCore.
From SLF Require Import LibSepFmap LibSepTLCbuffer.
Open Scope string_scope.
Generalizable Variables A.
From SLF Require LibListExec.
From SLF Require Export LibString LibList LibCore.
From SLF Require Import LibSepFmap LibSepTLCbuffer.
Open Scope string_scope.
Generalizable Variables A.
Representation of Program Variables
The boolean function var_eq s1 s2 compares two variables.
The boolean function var_eq s1 s2 returns true iff the
equality v1 = v2 holds.
Lemma var_eq_spec : ∀ s1 s2,
var_eq s1 s2 = isTrue (s1 = s2).
Proof using.
intros. unfold var_eq. case_if; rew_bool_eq¬.
Global Opaque var.
var_eq s1 s2 = isTrue (s1 = s2).
Proof using.
intros. unfold var_eq. case_if; rew_bool_eq¬.
Global Opaque var.
Tactic case_var
Tactic Notation "case_var" :=
repeat rewrite var_eq_spec in *; repeat case_if.
Tactic Notation "case_var" "~" :=
case_var; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "case_var" "*" :=
case_var; auto_star.
repeat rewrite var_eq_spec in *; repeat case_if.
Tactic Notation "case_var" "~" :=
case_var; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "case_var" "*" :=
case_var; auto_star.
var_fresh y xs asserts that y does not belong to the list xs
The following lemma asserts that if x is a variable in the list xs,
and y is fresh from this list xs, then y is not equal to x.
Lemma var_fresh_mem_inv : ∀ y x xs,
var_fresh x xs →
mem y xs →
x ≠ y.
Proof using. introv H M N. unfolds var_fresh. subst*. Qed.
var_fresh x xs →
mem y xs →
x ≠ y.
Proof using. introv H M N. unfolds var_fresh. subst*. Qed.
Definition dummy_char :=
Ascii.ascii_of_nat 0%nat.
Fixpoint nat_to_var (n:nat) : var :=
match n with
| O ⇒ String.EmptyString
| S n' ⇒ String.String dummy_char (nat_to_var n')
Lemma injective_nat_to_var :
injective nat_to_var.
Proof using.
intros n. induction n as [|n']; intros m E; destruct m as [|m']; tryfalse.
{ auto. }
{ inverts E. fequals¬. }
Ascii.ascii_of_nat 0%nat.
Fixpoint nat_to_var (n:nat) : var :=
match n with
| O ⇒ String.EmptyString
| S n' ⇒ String.String dummy_char (nat_to_var n')
Lemma injective_nat_to_var :
injective nat_to_var.
Proof using.
intros n. induction n as [|n']; intros m E; destruct m as [|m']; tryfalse.
{ auto. }
{ inverts E. fequals¬. }
var_seq i n generates a list of variables x1;x2;..;xn with x1=i and
xn=i+n-1. The ability to start at a given offset is sometimes useful.
Fixpoint var_seq (start:nat) (nb:nat) : vars :=
match nb with
| O ⇒ nil
| S nb' ⇒ (nat_to_var start) :: var_seq (S start) nb'
match nb with
| O ⇒ nil
| S nb' ⇒ (nat_to_var start) :: var_seq (S start) nb'
The properties of var_seq are stated next. They assert that this
function produce the expected number of variables, that the variables
are pairwise distinct
Section Var_seq.
Implicit Types start nb : nat.
Lemma var_fresh_var_seq_lt : ∀ (x:nat) start nb,
(x < start)%nat →
var_fresh (nat_to_var x) (var_seq start nb).
Proof using.
intros. unfold var_fresh. gen start. induction nb; simpl; introv N; rew_listx.
{ auto. }
{ simpl. case_var. rew_logic. split.
{ intros E. lets: injective_nat_to_var E. math. }
{ applys IHnb. math. } }
Lemma var_fresh_var_seq_ge : ∀ (x:nat) start nb,
(x ≥ start+nb)%nat →
var_fresh (nat_to_var x) (var_seq start nb).
Proof using.
intros. unfold var_fresh. gen start. induction nb; simpl; introv N; rew_listx.
{ auto. }
{ simpl. case_var. rew_logic. split.
{ intros E. lets: injective_nat_to_var E. math. }
{ applys IHnb. math. } }
Lemma noduplicates_var_seq : ∀ start nb,
LibList.noduplicates (var_seq start nb).
Proof using.
intros. gen start. induction nb; intros; simpl; rew_listx.
{ auto. }
{ split.
{ applys var_fresh_var_seq_lt. math. }
{ auto. } }
Lemma length_var_seq : ∀ start nb,
length (var_seq start nb) = nb.
Proof using.
intros. gen start. induction nb; simpl; intros.
{ auto. } { rew_list. rewrite¬IHnb. }
End Var_seq.
Implicit Types start nb : nat.
Lemma var_fresh_var_seq_lt : ∀ (x:nat) start nb,
(x < start)%nat →
var_fresh (nat_to_var x) (var_seq start nb).
Proof using.
intros. unfold var_fresh. gen start. induction nb; simpl; introv N; rew_listx.
{ auto. }
{ simpl. case_var. rew_logic. split.
{ intros E. lets: injective_nat_to_var E. math. }
{ applys IHnb. math. } }
Lemma var_fresh_var_seq_ge : ∀ (x:nat) start nb,
(x ≥ start+nb)%nat →
var_fresh (nat_to_var x) (var_seq start nb).
Proof using.
intros. unfold var_fresh. gen start. induction nb; simpl; introv N; rew_listx.
{ auto. }
{ simpl. case_var. rew_logic. split.
{ intros E. lets: injective_nat_to_var E. math. }
{ applys IHnb. math. } }
Lemma noduplicates_var_seq : ∀ start nb,
LibList.noduplicates (var_seq start nb).
Proof using.
intros. gen start. induction nb; intros; simpl; rew_listx.
{ auto. }
{ split.
{ applys var_fresh_var_seq_lt. math. }
{ auto. } }
Lemma length_var_seq : ∀ start nb,
length (var_seq start nb) = nb.
Proof using.
intros. gen start. induction nb; simpl; intros.
{ auto. } { rew_list. rewrite¬IHnb. }
End Var_seq.
Notation for Program Variables
Program Variables Expressed Using Definitions
Module DefinitionsForVariables.
Definition a := ("a":var).
Definition b := ("b":var).
Definition c := ("c":var).
Definition d := ("d":var).
Definition e := ("e":var).
Definition f := ("f":var).
Definition g := ("g":var).
Definition h := ("h":var).
Definition i := ("i":var).
Definition j := ("j":var).
Definition k := ("k":var).
Definition l := ("l":var).
Definition m := ("m":var).
Definition n := ("n":var).
Definition o := ("o":var).
Definition p := ("p":var).
Definition q := ("q":var).
Definition r := ("r":var).
Definition s := ("s":var).
Definition t := ("t":var).
Definition u := ("u":var).
Definition v := ("v":var).
Definition w := ("w":var).
Definition x := ("x":var).
Definition y := ("y":var).
Definition z := ("z":var).
Definition a1 := ("a1":var).
Definition b1 := ("b1":var).
Definition c1 := ("c1":var).
Definition d1 := ("d1":var).
Definition e1 := ("e1":var).
Definition f1 := ("f1":var).
Definition g1 := ("g1":var).
Definition h1 := ("h1":var).
Definition i1 := ("i1":var).
Definition j1 := ("j1":var).
Definition k1 := ("k1":var).
Definition l1 := ("l1":var).
Definition m1 := ("m1":var).
Definition n1 := ("n1":var).
Definition o1 := ("o1":var).
Definition p1 := ("p1":var).
Definition q1 := ("q1":var).
Definition r1 := ("r1":var).
Definition s1 := ("s1":var).
Definition t1 := ("t1":var).
Definition u1 := ("u1":var).
Definition v1 := ("v1":var).
Definition w1 := ("w1":var).
Definition x1 := ("x1":var).
Definition y1 := ("y1":var).
Definition z1 := ("z1":var).
Definition a2 := ("a2":var).
Definition b2 := ("b2":var).
Definition c2 := ("c2":var).
Definition d2 := ("d2":var).
Definition e2 := ("e2":var).
Definition f2 := ("f2":var).
Definition g2 := ("g2":var).
Definition h2 := ("h2":var).
Definition i2 := ("i2":var).
Definition j2 := ("j2":var).
Definition k2 := ("k2":var).
Definition l2 := ("l2":var).
Definition m2 := ("m2":var).
Definition n2 := ("n2":var).
Definition o2 := ("o2":var).
Definition p2 := ("p2":var).
Definition q2 := ("q2":var).
Definition r2 := ("r2":var).
Definition s2 := ("s2":var).
Definition t2 := ("t2":var).
Definition u2 := ("u2":var).
Definition v2 := ("v2":var).
Definition w2 := ("w2":var).
Definition x2 := ("x2":var).
Definition y2 := ("y2":var).
Definition z2 := ("z2":var).
Definition a3 := ("a3":var).
Definition b3 := ("b3":var).
Definition c3 := ("c3":var).
Definition d3 := ("d3":var).
Definition e3 := ("e3":var).
Definition f3 := ("f3":var).
Definition g3 := ("g3":var).
Definition h3 := ("h3":var).
Definition i3 := ("i3":var).
Definition j3 := ("j3":var).
Definition k3 := ("k3":var).
Definition l3 := ("l3":var).
Definition m3 := ("m3":var).
Definition n3 := ("n3":var).
Definition o3 := ("o3":var).
Definition p3 := ("p3":var).
Definition q3 := ("q3":var).
Definition r3 := ("r3":var).
Definition s3 := ("s3":var).
Definition t3 := ("t3":var).
Definition u3 := ("u3":var).
Definition v3 := ("v3":var).
Definition w3 := ("w3":var).
Definition x3 := ("x3":var).
Definition y3 := ("y3":var).
Definition z3 := ("z3":var).
Definition a := ("a":var).
Definition b := ("b":var).
Definition c := ("c":var).
Definition d := ("d":var).
Definition e := ("e":var).
Definition f := ("f":var).
Definition g := ("g":var).
Definition h := ("h":var).
Definition i := ("i":var).
Definition j := ("j":var).
Definition k := ("k":var).
Definition l := ("l":var).
Definition m := ("m":var).
Definition n := ("n":var).
Definition o := ("o":var).
Definition p := ("p":var).
Definition q := ("q":var).
Definition r := ("r":var).
Definition s := ("s":var).
Definition t := ("t":var).
Definition u := ("u":var).
Definition v := ("v":var).
Definition w := ("w":var).
Definition x := ("x":var).
Definition y := ("y":var).
Definition z := ("z":var).
Definition a1 := ("a1":var).
Definition b1 := ("b1":var).
Definition c1 := ("c1":var).
Definition d1 := ("d1":var).
Definition e1 := ("e1":var).
Definition f1 := ("f1":var).
Definition g1 := ("g1":var).
Definition h1 := ("h1":var).
Definition i1 := ("i1":var).
Definition j1 := ("j1":var).
Definition k1 := ("k1":var).
Definition l1 := ("l1":var).
Definition m1 := ("m1":var).
Definition n1 := ("n1":var).
Definition o1 := ("o1":var).
Definition p1 := ("p1":var).
Definition q1 := ("q1":var).
Definition r1 := ("r1":var).
Definition s1 := ("s1":var).
Definition t1 := ("t1":var).
Definition u1 := ("u1":var).
Definition v1 := ("v1":var).
Definition w1 := ("w1":var).
Definition x1 := ("x1":var).
Definition y1 := ("y1":var).
Definition z1 := ("z1":var).
Definition a2 := ("a2":var).
Definition b2 := ("b2":var).
Definition c2 := ("c2":var).
Definition d2 := ("d2":var).
Definition e2 := ("e2":var).
Definition f2 := ("f2":var).
Definition g2 := ("g2":var).
Definition h2 := ("h2":var).
Definition i2 := ("i2":var).
Definition j2 := ("j2":var).
Definition k2 := ("k2":var).
Definition l2 := ("l2":var).
Definition m2 := ("m2":var).
Definition n2 := ("n2":var).
Definition o2 := ("o2":var).
Definition p2 := ("p2":var).
Definition q2 := ("q2":var).
Definition r2 := ("r2":var).
Definition s2 := ("s2":var).
Definition t2 := ("t2":var).
Definition u2 := ("u2":var).
Definition v2 := ("v2":var).
Definition w2 := ("w2":var).
Definition x2 := ("x2":var).
Definition y2 := ("y2":var).
Definition z2 := ("z2":var).
Definition a3 := ("a3":var).
Definition b3 := ("b3":var).
Definition c3 := ("c3":var).
Definition d3 := ("d3":var).
Definition e3 := ("e3":var).
Definition f3 := ("f3":var).
Definition g3 := ("g3":var).
Definition h3 := ("h3":var).
Definition i3 := ("i3":var).
Definition j3 := ("j3":var).
Definition k3 := ("k3":var).
Definition l3 := ("l3":var).
Definition m3 := ("m3":var).
Definition n3 := ("n3":var).
Definition o3 := ("o3":var).
Definition p3 := ("p3":var).
Definition q3 := ("q3":var).
Definition r3 := ("r3":var).
Definition s3 := ("s3":var).
Definition t3 := ("t3":var).
Definition u3 := ("u3":var).
Definition v3 := ("v3":var).
Definition w3 := ("w3":var).
Definition x3 := ("x3":var).
Definition y3 := ("y3":var).
Definition z3 := ("z3":var).
Tactic to unfold these definitions. Useful to avoid the definitions
to get in the way of simpl.
Ltac libsepvar_unfold :=
a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z,
a1, b1, c1, d1, e1, f1, g1, h1, i1, j1, k1, l1, m1, n1, o1, p1, q1, r1, s1, t1, u1, v1, w1, x1, y1, z1,
a2, b2, c2, d2, e2, f2, g2, h2, i2, j2, k2, l2, m2, n2, o2, p2, q2, r2, s2, t2, u2, v2, w2, x2, y2, z2,
a3, b3, c3, d3, e3, f3, g3, h3, i3, j3, k3, l3, m3, n3, o3, p3, q3, r3, s3, t3, u3, v3, w3, x3, y3, z3.
End DefinitionsForVariables.
a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z,
a1, b1, c1, d1, e1, f1, g1, h1, i1, j1, k1, l1, m1, n1, o1, p1, q1, r1, s1, t1, u1, v1, w1, x1, y1, z1,
a2, b2, c2, d2, e2, f2, g2, h2, i2, j2, k2, l2, m2, n2, o2, p2, q2, r2, s2, t2, u2, v2, w2, x2, y2, z2,
a3, b3, c3, d3, e3, f3, g3, h3, i3, j3, k3, l3, m3, n3, o3, p3, q3, r3, s3, t3, u3, v3, w3, x3, y3, z3.
End DefinitionsForVariables.
Program Variables Expressed Using Notation, with a Quote Symbol
Declare Custom Entry trm.
Module NotationForVariables.
Declare Scope trm_scope.
Notation "''a'" := ("a":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''b'" := ("b":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''c'" := ("c":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''d'" := ("d":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''e'" := ("e":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''f'" := ("f":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''g'" := ("g":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''h'" := ("h":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''i'" := ("i":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''j'" := ("j":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''k'" := ("k":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''l'" := ("l":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''m'" := ("m":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''n'" := ("n":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''o'" := ("o":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''p'" := ("p":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''q'" := ("q":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''r'" := ("r":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''s'" := ("s":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''t'" := ("t":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''u'" := ("u":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''v'" := ("v":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''w'" := ("w":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''x'" := ("x":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''y'" := ("y":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''z'" := ("z":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''a1'" := ("a1":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''b1'" := ("b1":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''c1'" := ("c1":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''d1'" := ("d1":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''e1'" := ("e1":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''f1'" := ("f1":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''g1'" := ("g1":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''h1'" := ("h1":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''i1'" := ("i1":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''j1'" := ("j1":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''k1'" := ("k1":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''l1'" := ("l1":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''m1'" := ("m1":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''n1'" := ("n1":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''o1'" := ("o1":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''p1'" := ("p1":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''q1'" := ("q1":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''r1'" := ("r1":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''s1'" := ("s1":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''t1'" := ("t1":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''u1'" := ("u1":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''v1'" := ("v1":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''w1'" := ("w1":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''x1'" := ("x1":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''y1'" := ("y1":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''z1'" := ("z1":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''a2'" := ("a2":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''b2'" := ("b2":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''c2'" := ("c2":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''d2'" := ("d2":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''e2'" := ("e2":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''f2'" := ("f2":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''g2'" := ("g2":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''h2'" := ("h2":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''i2'" := ("i2":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''j2'" := ("j2":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''k2'" := ("k2":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''l2'" := ("l2":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''m2'" := ("m2":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''n2'" := ("n2":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''o2'" := ("o2":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''p2'" := ("p2":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''q2'" := ("q2":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''r2'" := ("r2":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''s2'" := ("s2":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''t2'" := ("t2":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''u2'" := ("u2":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''v2'" := ("v2":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''w2'" := ("w2":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''x2'" := ("x2":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''y2'" := ("y2":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''z2'" := ("z2":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''a3'" := ("a3":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''b3'" := ("b3":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''c3'" := ("c3":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''d3'" := ("d3":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''e3'" := ("e3":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''f3'" := ("f3":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''g3'" := ("g3":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''h3'" := ("h3":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''i3'" := ("i3":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''j3'" := ("j3":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''k3'" := ("k3":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''l3'" := ("l3":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''m3'" := ("m3":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''n3'" := ("n3":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''o3'" := ("o3":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''p3'" := ("p3":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''q3'" := ("q3":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''r3'" := ("r3":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''s3'" := ("s3":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''t3'" := ("t3":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''u3'" := ("u3":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''v3'" := ("v3":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''w3'" := ("w3":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''x3'" := ("x3":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''y3'" := ("y3":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''z3'" := ("z3":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
End NotationForVariables.
Module NotationForVariables.
Declare Scope trm_scope.
Notation "''a'" := ("a":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''b'" := ("b":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''c'" := ("c":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''d'" := ("d":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''e'" := ("e":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''f'" := ("f":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''g'" := ("g":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''h'" := ("h":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''i'" := ("i":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''j'" := ("j":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''k'" := ("k":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''l'" := ("l":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''m'" := ("m":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''n'" := ("n":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''o'" := ("o":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''p'" := ("p":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''q'" := ("q":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''r'" := ("r":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''s'" := ("s":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''t'" := ("t":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''u'" := ("u":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''v'" := ("v":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''w'" := ("w":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''x'" := ("x":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''y'" := ("y":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''z'" := ("z":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''a1'" := ("a1":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''b1'" := ("b1":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''c1'" := ("c1":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''d1'" := ("d1":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''e1'" := ("e1":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''f1'" := ("f1":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''g1'" := ("g1":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''h1'" := ("h1":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''i1'" := ("i1":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''j1'" := ("j1":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''k1'" := ("k1":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''l1'" := ("l1":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''m1'" := ("m1":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''n1'" := ("n1":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''o1'" := ("o1":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''p1'" := ("p1":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''q1'" := ("q1":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''r1'" := ("r1":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''s1'" := ("s1":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''t1'" := ("t1":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''u1'" := ("u1":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''v1'" := ("v1":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''w1'" := ("w1":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''x1'" := ("x1":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''y1'" := ("y1":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''z1'" := ("z1":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''a2'" := ("a2":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''b2'" := ("b2":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''c2'" := ("c2":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''d2'" := ("d2":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''e2'" := ("e2":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''f2'" := ("f2":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''g2'" := ("g2":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''h2'" := ("h2":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''i2'" := ("i2":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''j2'" := ("j2":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''k2'" := ("k2":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''l2'" := ("l2":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''m2'" := ("m2":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''n2'" := ("n2":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''o2'" := ("o2":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''p2'" := ("p2":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''q2'" := ("q2":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''r2'" := ("r2":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''s2'" := ("s2":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''t2'" := ("t2":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''u2'" := ("u2":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''v2'" := ("v2":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''w2'" := ("w2":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''x2'" := ("x2":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''y2'" := ("y2":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''z2'" := ("z2":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''a3'" := ("a3":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''b3'" := ("b3":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''c3'" := ("c3":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''d3'" := ("d3":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''e3'" := ("e3":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''f3'" := ("f3":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''g3'" := ("g3":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''h3'" := ("h3":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''i3'" := ("i3":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''j3'" := ("j3":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''k3'" := ("k3":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''l3'" := ("l3":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''m3'" := ("m3":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''n3'" := ("n3":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''o3'" := ("o3":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''p3'" := ("p3":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''q3'" := ("q3":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''r3'" := ("r3":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''s3'" := ("s3":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''t3'" := ("t3":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''u3'" := ("u3":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''v3'" := ("v3":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''w3'" := ("w3":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''x3'" := ("x3":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''y3'" := ("y3":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
Notation "''z3'" := ("z3":var) (in custom trm at level 0) : trm_scope.
End NotationForVariables.
Bonuse: the Tactic var_neq
Ltac var_neq :=
match goal with ⊢ ?x ≠ ?y :> var ⇒
solve [ let E := fresh in
destruct (String.string_dec x y) as [E|E];
[ false | apply E ] ] end.
Hint Extern 1 (?x ≠ ?y) ⇒ var_neq.
(* 2024-12-27 01:30 *)
match goal with ⊢ ?x ≠ ?y :> var ⇒
solve [ let E := fresh in
destruct (String.string_dec x y) as [E|E];
[ false | apply E ] ] end.
Hint Extern 1 (?x ≠ ?y) ⇒ var_neq.
(* 2024-12-27 01:30 *)