HpropHeap Predicates

Set Implicit Arguments.
From SLF Require Export LibSepReference.
Import ProgramSyntax.

First Pass

The first two chapters have illustrated how to specify and verify programs using Separation Logic. The purpose of the coming chapters is to explain how to formally assign meaning to the tokens used in the statement of specifications (e.g., the star operator), formally define the notion of Separation Triples, and prove the reasoning rules of Separation Logic. These rules are exploited by the "x-tactics" used in the first two chapters.
This chapter presents the formal definitions of the key heap predicate operators from Separation Logic:
  • \[] denotes the empty heap predicate,
  • \[P] denotes a pure fact,
  • p ~~> v denotes a predicate that characterizes a singleton heap,
  • H1 \* H2 denotes the separating conjunction,
  • Q1 \*+ H2 denotes the separating conjunction between a postcondition and a heap predicate,
  • \ x, H denotes an existential quantifier.
To begin with, we define the types heap, used to represent a memory state, or a piece of a memory state.
In Separation Logic, specifications are expressed using "heap predicates", predicates over heaps, of type heapProp. We define hprop to be a shorthand for that type.
By convention, throughout the course:
  • H denotes a heap predicate of type hprop; it describes a piece of state,
  • Q denotes a postcondition, of type valhprop; it describes both a result value and a piece of state.

Description of Memory States

To reason about imperative programs, Separation Logic relies on heap predicates for describing memory states. As the name suggests, a "heap predicate" is a predicate over heaps, i.e., over memory states. Heap predicates such as p ~~> n, or H1 \* H2 admit the type heap Prop, where the type heap corresponds to a finite map used to describe the contents of a piece of the memory. In what follows, we give the formal definition of heap and of the type of heap predicates.
In the previous chapters, we have assumed a type val to range over program values and a type loc to denote memory locations. Concrete definitions will be provided later on, in chapter Rules. At this point, we are interested in the definition of the type heap, used to describe the contents of the memory during the execution of a program.
A heap is a finite map from locations to values. The file LibSepFmap.v provides a self-contained formalization of finite maps. An object of type fmap A B represents a finite map binding keys of type A to values of type B. We define the type heap as a map from locations, of type loc, to program values, of type val. Internally, fmap A B is implemented as a function of type A option B, like in Maps.v from the LF volume.
Definition heap : Type := fmap loc val.
The file LibSepReference introduces the module name Fmap as a shorthand for LibSepFmap. The key operations associated with finite maps are:
  • Fmap.empty denotes the empty state,
  • Fmap.single p v denotes a singleton state, that is, a unique cell at location p with contents v,
  • Fmap.union h1 h2 denotes the union of the two states h1 and h2.
  • Fmap.disjoint h1 h2 asserts that h1 and h2 have disjoint domains.
Note that the union operation is commutative only when its arguments have disjoint domains. Throughout the course, we only consider disjoint unions, for which commutativity holds.
Hereafter, to improve readability of statements in proofs, we introduce the notation h1 \u h2 for heap union.
Notation "h1 \u h2" := (Fmap.union h1 h2) (at level 37, right associativity).

Heap Predicates

In Separation Logic, the state is described using "heap predicates", of type hprop.
Definition hprop := heap Prop.
H ranges over heap predicates.
Implicit Type H : hprop.
An essential aspect of Separation Logic is that all heap predicates defined and used in practice are built using a few basic combinators. In other words, except for the definition of the combinators themselves, we will never define a custom heap predicate directly as a function of the state.
We next describe the most important combinators, which were used pervasively throughout the first two chapters.
The hempty predicate, usually written \[], characterizes an empty heap.
Definition hempty : hprop :=
  fun (h:heap) ⇒ (h = Fmap.empty).

Notation "\[]" := (hempty) (at level 0).
The pure fact predicate, written \[P], characterizes an empty state and moreover asserts that the proposition P is true.
Definition hpure (P:Prop) : hprop :=
  fun (h:heap) ⇒ (h = Fmap.empty) P.

Notation "\[ P ]" := (hpure P) (at level 0, format "\[ P ]").
The singleton heap predicate, written p ~~> v, characterizes a state with a single allocated cell, at location p, storing the value v.
Definition hsingle (p:loc) (v:val) : hprop :=
  fun (h:heap) ⇒ (h = Fmap.single p v).

Notation "p '~~>' v" := (hsingle p v) (at level 32).
The "separating conjunction", written H1 \* H2, characterizes a state that can be decomposed in two disjoint parts, one that satisfies H1 and another that satisfies H2.
Definition hstar (H1 H2 : hprop) : hprop :=
  fun (h:heap) ⇒ h1 h2, H1 h1
                              H2 h2
                              Fmap.disjoint h1 h2
                              h = h1 \u h2.

Notation "H1 '\*' H2" := (hstar H1 H2) (at level 41, right associativity).
The existential quantifier for heap predicates, written \ x, H characterizes a heap that satisfies H for some x. The variable x has type A, for some arbitrary A.
The notation \ x, H stands for hexists (fun x H). The generalized notation \ x1 ... xn, H is also available.
The definition of hexists is a bit technical, and it is not essential to master it at this point. Additional explanations are provided near the end of this chapter.
Definition hexists (A:Type) (J:Ahprop) : hprop :=
  fun (h:heap) ⇒ x, J x h.

Notation "'\exists' x1 .. xn , H" :=
  (hexists (fun x1 ⇒ .. (hexists (fun xnH)) ..))
  (at level 39, x1 binder, H at level 50, right associativity,
   format "'[' '\exists' '/ ' x1 .. xn , '/ ' H ']'").
Universal quantification in hprop is also possible, but it is only useful for more advanced features of Separation Logic. We postpone its introduction to chapter Wand.
All the definitions above will eventually be made Opaque, after the appropriate introduction and elimination lemmas have been established, making it no longer possible to execute, say, unfold hstar. Opacity is essential to ensure that proofs do not depend on the details of the definitions.

Extensionality for Heap Predicates

To work in Separation Logic, it is extremely convenient to be able to state equalities between heap predicates. For example, we wish to establish the associativity property for the star operator in the form of an equality:
Parameter hstar_assoc_statement : H1 H2 H3,
  ((H1 \* H2) \* H3) = (H1 \* (H2 \* H3)).
How can we prove a goal of the form H1 = H2 when H1 and H2 have type hprop, that is, heapProp? Intuitively, H and H' are equal if and only if they characterize exactly the same set of heaps, that is, if (h:heap), H1 h H2 h.
This reasoning principle, a specific form of extensionality property, is not available by default in Coq. But we can safely assume it if we extend the logic of Coq with a standard axiom called "predicate extensionality".
Axiom predicate_extensionality : (A:Type) (P Q:AProp),
  ( x, P x Q x)
  P = Q.
By specializing P and Q above to the type hprop, we obtain exactly the desired extensionality principle.
Lemma hprop_eq : (H1 H2:hprop),
  ( (h:heap), H1 h H2 h)
  H1 = H2.
Proof using. apply predicate_extensionality. Qed.
More information about extensionality axioms may be found near the end of this chapter.

Fundamental Properties of Operators

By exploiting extensionality, the following properties of Separation Logic operators can be established (they are proved further on in the chapter).
(1) The star operator is associative.
Parameter hstar_assoc : H1 H2 H3,
  (H1 \* H2) \* H3 = H1 \* (H2 \* H3).
(2) The star operator is commutative.
Parameter hstar_comm : H1 H2,
   H1 \* H2 = H2 \* H1.
(3) The empty heap predicate is a neutral element for the star.
Because star is commutative, it is equivalent to state that hempty is a left or a right neutral element for hstar. We choose, arbitrarily, to state the left-neutrality property.
Parameter hstar_hempty_l : H,
  \[] \* H = H.
(4) Existentials can be "extruded" out of stars, that is: (\ x, J x) \* H is equivalent to \ x, (J x \* H).
Parameter hstar_hexists : A (J:Ahprop) H,
  (\ x, J x) \* H = \ x, (J x \* H).
(5) Pure facts can be extruded out of stars.
Parameter hstar_hpure_l : P H h,
  (\[P] \* H) h = (P H h).

Postconditions: Type, Syntax, and Extensionality

A specification takes the form triple t H Q, where t is a term, H is a precondition of type hprop, and Q is a postcondition.
For example, a read at location p, written !p in OCaml, is specified as: triple <{ !p }> (p ~~> v) (fun r (p ~~> v) \* \[r = v]).
In general, a postcondition has type val hprop, which is equivalent to val heap Prop. The postcondition thereby capture the properties of both the output value and the output state.
Implicit Type Q : val hprop.
One common operation is augmenting a postcondition with a description of another piece of state. This operation is written as Q \*+ H, which is just a convenient notation for fun x (Q x \* H). We will use this operator in particular in the statement of the frame rule in the next chapter.
Notation "Q \*+ H" := (fun xhstar (Q x) H) (at level 40).
Intuitively, in order to prove that two postconditions Q1 and Q2 are equal, it suffices to show that the heap predicates Q1 v and Q2 v are equal for any value v.
Again, the extensionality property that we need is not built into Coq. We need another axiom called "functional extensionality".
Axiom functional_extensionality : A B (f g:AB),
  ( x, f x = g x)
  f = g.
The desired equality property for postconditions follows directly from this axiom.
Lemma qprop_eq : (Q1 Q2:valhprop),
  ( (v:val), Q1 v = Q2 v)
  Q1 = Q2.
Proof using. apply functional_extensionality. Qed.

Introduction and Inversion Lemmas for Basic Operators

This section presents a collection of lemmas capturing the properties of the definitions of heap predicates. They include "introduction lemmas" for proving goals of the form H h, and "inversion lemmas" for extracting information from hypotheses of the form H h. These lemmas will be exploited pervasively in the next chapters for establishing reasoning rules.
Implicit Types P : Prop.
Implicit Types v : val.
The introduction lemmas show how to prove goals of the form H h, for various forms of the heap predicate H.
Lemma hempty_intro :
  \[] Fmap.empty.
Proof using.
The tactic hnf, for "head normal form", unfolds the head constants.
  hnf. auto.

Lemma hpure_intro : P,
  \[P] Fmap.empty.
Proof using. introv M. hnf. auto. Qed.

Lemma hsingle_intro : p v,
  (p ~~> v) (Fmap.single p v).
Proof using. intros. hnf. auto. Qed.

Lemma hstar_intro : H1 H2 h1 h2,
  H1 h1
  H2 h2
  Fmap.disjoint h1 h2
  (H1 \* H2) (h1 \u h2).
Proof using. intros. * h1 h2. Qed.

Lemma hexists_intro : A (x:A) (J:Ahprop) h,
  J x h
  (\ x, J x) h.
Proof using. introv M. hnf. eauto. Qed.
The inversion lemmas show how to extract information from hypotheses of the form H h, for various forms of the heap predicate H.
Lemma hempty_inv : h,
  \[] h
  h = Fmap.empty.
Proof using. introv M. hnf in M. auto. Qed.

Lemma hpure_inv : P h,
  \[P] h
  P h = Fmap.empty.
Proof using. introv M. hnf in M. autos*. Qed.

Lemma hsingle_inv: p v h,
  (p ~~> v) h
  h = Fmap.single p v.
Proof using. introv M. hnf in M. auto. Qed.

Lemma hstar_inv : H1 H2 h,
  (H1 \* H2) h
   h1 h2, H1 h1 H2 h2 Fmap.disjoint h1 h2 h = h1 \u h2.
Proof using. introv M. hnf in M. eauto. Qed.

Lemma hexists_inv : A (J:Ahprop) h,
  (\ x, J x) h
   x, J x h.
Proof using. introv M. hnf in M. eauto. Qed.

Proofs of Fundamental Properties

The fundamental properties of Separation Logic operators were stated earlier in this chapter. This section presents their proofs. To avoid name conflicts, we wrap the new statements in a module.
Module HpropProofs.

Extraction of Existential Quantifiers

Let us prove that (\ x, J x) \* H is equivalent to \ x, (J x \* H).
Note that, somewhat confusingly, Coq displays none of the parentheses. You may want to use Set Printing Parentheses to more easily follow through the proof.
Lemma hstar_hexists : A (J:Ahprop) H,
  (\ x, J x) \* H = \ x, (J x \* H).
Proof using.
First, we exploit extensionality, using hprop_eq or himpl_antisym.
  intros. apply hprop_eq. split.
Then we reveal the definitions of ==>, hexists and hstar.
  { intros (h1&h2&M1&M2&D&U). destruct M1 as (x&M1). * x h1 h2. }
  { intros (x&M). destruct M as (h1&h2&M1&M2&D&U). h1 h2.
    splits¬. * x. }

Neutral of Separating Conjunction

Exercise: 3 stars, standard, especially useful (hstar_hempty_l)

Prove that the empty heap predicate is a neutral element for the star. You will need to exploit the fact that the union with an empty map is the identity, as captured by lemma Fmap.union_empty_l.
  Check Fmap.union_empty_l : h,
    Fmap.empty \u h = h.
Lemma hstar_hempty_l : H,
  \[] \* H = H.
Proof using. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

Commutativity of Separating Conjunction

We next aim to prove the commutativity of the star operator, i.e., that H1 \* H2 is equivalent to H2 \* H1. By symmetry, it suffices to prove the entailment in one direction, e.g., H1 \* H2 ==> H2 \* H1. The symmetry argument for any binary operator on heap predicates is captured by the lemma hprop_op_comm shown below.
Lemma hprop_op_comm : (op:hprophprophprop),
  ( H1 H2 h, op H1 H2 h op H2 H1 h)
  ( H1 H2, op H1 H2 = op H2 H1).
Proof using. introv M. intros. apply hprop_eq. split; apply M. Qed.
To prove commutativity of star, we need to exploit the fact that the union of two finite maps with disjoint domains commutes. This fact is captured by a lemma coming from the finite map library.
    Check Fmap.union_comm_of_disjoint : h1 h2,
      Fmap.disjoint h1 h2
      h1 \u h2 = h2 \u h1.
The commutativity result is then proved as follows.
Lemma hstar_comm : H1 H2,
   H1 \* H2 = H2 \* H1.
Proof using.
  (* Exploit symmetry. *)
  apply hprop_op_comm.
  (* Unfold the definition of star. *)
  introv (h1&h2&M1&M2&D&U).
   h2 h1. subst. splits¬.
  (* Exploit commutativity of disjoint union *)
  { rewrite Fmap.union_comm_of_disjoint; auto. }

Associativity of Separating Conjunction

Associativity of star is slightly more tedious to derive. We need to exploit the associativity of union on finite maps, as well as lemmas about the disjointness of a map with the result of the union of two maps.
  Check Fmap.union_assoc : h1 h2 h3,
    (h1 \u h2) \u h3 = h1 \u (h2 \u h3).

  Check Fmap.disjoint_union_eq_l : h1 h2 h3,
      Fmap.disjoint (h2 \u h3) h1
    = (Fmap.disjoint h1 h2Fmap.disjoint h1 h3).

  Check Fmap.disjoint_union_eq_r : h1 h2 h3,
     Fmap.disjoint h1 (h2 \u h3)
   = (Fmap.disjoint h1 h2Fmap.disjoint h1 h3).

Exercise: 1 star, standard, optional (hstar_assoc)

Complete the right-to-left part of the proof of associativity of the star operator.
Lemma hstar_assoc : H1 H2 H3,
  (H1 \* H2) \* H3 = H1 \* (H2 \* H3).
Proof using.
  intros. apply hprop_eq. split.
  { intros (h'&h3&M1&M2&D&U). destruct M1 as (h1&h2&M3&M4&D'&U').
    subst h'. rewrite Fmap.disjoint_union_eq_l in D.
     h1 (h2 \u h3). splits.
    { apply M3. }
    { * h2 h3. }
    { rewrite* @Fmap.disjoint_union_eq_r. }
    { rewrite* @Fmap.union_assoc in U. } }
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
The lemma showing that hempty is a right neutral can be derived from the fact that hempty is a left neutral, plus commutativity.
Lemma hstar_hempty_r : H,
  H \* \[] = H.
Proof using.
  intros. rewrite hstar_comm. rewrite hstar_hempty_l. auto.

Exercise: 1 star, standard, especially useful (hstar_comm_assoc)

The commutativity and associativity results combine into one result that is sometimes convenient to exploit in proofs.
Lemma hstar_comm_assoc : H1 H2 H3,
  H1 \* H2 \* H3 = H2 \* H1 \* H3.
Proof using. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

Extracting Pure Facts from Separating Conjunctions

The lemma hstar_hpure_l stated below explains how to extract a pure fact from an assertion. It asserts that the proposition (\[P] \* H) h is equivalent to P H h. This lemma will also be used pervasively in proofs in subsequent chapters.

Exercise: 4 stars, standard, especially useful (hstar_hpure_l)

Prove that a heap h satisfies \[P] \* H if and only if P is true and h satisfies H. The proof requires two lemmas on finite maps from LibSepFmap.v:
    Check Fmap.union_empty_l : h,
      Fmap.empty \u h = h.
    Check Fmap.disjoint_empty_l : h,
      Fmap.disjoint Fmap.empty h.
Note that auto can apply Fmap.disjoint_empty_l automatically.
Hint: begin the proof by appyling propositional_extensionality.
Lemma hstar_hpure_l : P H h,
  (\[P] \* H) h = (P H h).
Proof using. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

More Details

Alternative Definitions for Heap Predicates

We pause here to discuss some alternative, equivalent definitions for the fundamental heap predicates. We write these equivalences using equalities of the form H1 = H2. Recall that the lemma hprop_eq enables deriving such equalities by invoking predicate extensionality.
The empty heap predicate \[] is equivalent to the pure fact predicate \[True].
Lemma hempty_eq_hpure_true :
  \[] = \[True].
Proof using.
  unfold hempty, hpure. apply hprop_eq. intros h. iff Hh.
  { auto. }
  { destruct Hh. auto. }
Thus, hempty could be defined in terms of hpure, as hpure True, written \[True].
Definition hempty' : hprop :=
The pure fact predicate [\P] is equivalent to the existential quantification over a proof of P in the empty heap, that is, to the heap predicate \ (p:P), \[].
Lemma hpure_eq_hexists_proof : P,
  \[P] = (\ (p:P), \[]).
Proof using.
  unfold hempty, hpure, hexists. intros P.
  apply hprop_eq. intros h. iff Hh.
  { destruct Hh as (E&p). p. auto. }
  { destruct Hh as (p&E). auto. }
Thus, hpure could be defined in terms of hexists and hempty, as hexists (fun (p:P) hempty), also written \ (p:P), \[]. In fact, this is how hpure is defined in the rest of the course.
Definition hpure' (P:Prop) : hprop :=
  \ (p:P), \[].
It is useful to minimize the number of combinators, both for elegance and to reduce proof effort. We cannot do without hexists, thus there remains a choice between considering either hpure or hempty as primitive, and the other one as derived. The predicate hempty is simpler and appears as more fundamental. Hence, in the subsequent chapters, we define hpure in terms of hexists and hempty, as in the definition of hpure' shown above. In other words, we assume the definition:
  Definition hpure (P:Prop) : hprop :=
    \ (p:P), \[].

Optional Material

More on the Definition of the Existential Quantifier

The heap predicate \ (n:int), p ~~> (val_int n) characterizes a state that contains a single memory cell, at address p, storing the integer value n, for "some" (unspecified) integer n.
    Parameter (p:loc).
    Check (\ (n:int), p ~~> (val_int n)) : hprop.
The type of \, which operates on hprop,is very similar to that of , which operates on Prop. The key difference is that a witness for a \ can depend on the current heap, whereas a witness for a cannot.
The notation x, P stands for ex (fun x P), where ex has the following type:
    Check ex : A : Type, (AProp) → Prop. Likewise, \ x, H stands for hexists (fun x H), where hexists has the following type:
    Check hexists : A : Type, (Ahprop) → hprop.
The notation for \ is directly adapted from that of , which supports the quantification an arbitrary number of variables, and is defined in Coq.Init.Logic as follows.
    Notation "'exists' x1 .. xn , p" := (ex (fun x1 ⇒ .. (ex (fun xnp)) ..))
      (at level 200, x1 binder, right associativity,
       format "'[' 'exists' '/ ' x1 .. xn , '/ ' p ']'").

    Notation "'\exists' x1 .. xn , H" :=
      (hexists (fun x1 ⇒ .. (hexists (fun xnH)) ..))
      (at level 39, x1 binder, right associativity, H at level 50,
      format "'[' '\exists' '/ ' x1 .. xn , '/ ' H ']'").

Formulation of the Extensionality Axioms

Module Extensionality.
To establish extensionality of entailment, we have used the predicate extensionality axiom. In fact, this axiom can be derived by combining the axiom of "functional extensionality" with another one called "propositional extensionality". The axiom of "propositional extensionality" asserts that two propositions that are logically equivalent, in the sense that they imply each other, can be considered equal.
Axiom propositional_extensionality : (P Q:Prop),
  (P Q)
  P = Q.
The axiom of "functional extensionality", as we saw above, asserts that two functions are equal if they provide equal result for every argument.
Axiom functional_extensionality : A B (f g:AB),
  ( x, f x = g x)
  f = g.

Exercise: 1 star, standard, especially useful (predicate_extensionality_derived)

Use propositional_extensionality and functional_extensionality to derive predicate_extensionality.
Lemma predicate_extensionality_derived : A (P Q:AProp),
  ( x, P x Q x)
  P = Q.
Proof using. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

Historical Notes

In this chapter, we have defined the Separation Logic operators, in particular the "separating conjunction" operator, as a Coq predicate. This formalization style is called "shallow embedding". It has been employed in the first mechanized formalizations of Separation Logic, in Coq by [Yu, Hamid, and Shao 2003], and in Isabelle/HOL by [Weber 2004]. These two formalizations were carried out soon after the invention of Separation Logic, by researchers who were used to mechanizing Hoare logic and had spotted the potential benefit of working with the separating conjunction.
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