
From Coq Require Import

From ITree Require Import

(* Structure of the Rel category. Mainly for fun and to understand its
   structure for now, we are not using it at the moment. *)

Section Operations.

  Import RelNotations.
  Local Open Scope relationH_scope.

  (* Objects: Type
     Arrows : relationH A B, A B Prop

  (* Equivalence of morphisms is extensional equivalence *)
  Global Instance Eq2_rel : Eq2 relationH := @eq_rel.

  (* Importantly, note that composition of relations R >>> S posits
     the existence of an intermediate witness at the intermediate type
     (R >>> S) x z y, R x y S y z

  Global Instance Cat_rel : Cat relationH := fun _ _ _ f grel_compose g f.

  (* Identities are defined by the eq relations *)
  Global Instance Id_rel : Id_ relationH := @eq.

  (* As usual, void is the initial element *)
  Global Instance Initial_rel : Initial relationH void :=
    fun _ vmatch v : void with end.

  (* sum with its injection functions seen as relations form the coproduct *)
  Global Instance Case_rel : Case relationH sum :=
    fun _ _ _ l rcase_sum _ _ _ l r.

  Global Instance Inl_rel : Inl relationH sum :=
    fun A Bfun_rel inl.

  Global Instance Inr_rel : Inr relationH sum :=
    fun _ _fun_rel inr.

  (* Interestingly, it is also sum and not prod that forms the product *)

  Global Instance Pair_rel : Pair relationH sum :=
    fun A B C l r ccase_sum _ _ _ (l c) (r c).

  Global Instance Fst_rel : Fst relationH sum :=
    fun _ _ x ax = inl a.

  Global Instance Snd_rel : Snd relationH sum :=
    fun _ _ x ax = inr a.

  (* My first intuition for the product was indeed to use prod as follows.
     However this fails to satisfy the necessary equations: if you think of
     pair f g >>> fst f
     This cannot hold since if g is the empty relation, then so is pair f g

  (* Global Instance Pair_rel : Pair relationH prod := *)
  (*   fun _ _ _ l r c '(a,b) => l c a /\ r c b. *)

  (* Global Instance Fst_rel : Fst relationH prod := *)
  (*   fun A B => fun_rel fst. *)

  (* Global Instance Snd_rel : Snd relationH prod := *)
  (*   fun _ _ => fun_rel snd. *)

  (* Both ⊕ and ⊗ are bimaps with respect to with relationH forms a monoidal category.
     I am not sure if they are isomorphic to the bimaps derived from the product and coproduct?

  Global Instance Bimap_sum_rel : Bimap relationH sum :=
    fun (a b c d : Type) R SR S.

  Global Instance AssocR_sum : AssocR relationH sum :=
    fun A B C ab_c a_bc
      match ab_c, a_bc with
      | inl (inl a), inl a'a = a'
      | inl (inr b), inr (inl b') ⇒ b = b'
      | inr c, inr (inr c') ⇒ c = c'
      | _, _False

  Global Instance AssocL_sum : AssocL relationH sum :=
    fun A B C ab_c a_bc
      match ab_c, a_bc with
      | inl a, inl (inl a') ⇒ a = a'
      | inr (inl b), inl (inr b') ⇒ b = b'
      | inr (inr c), inr c'c = c'
      | _, _False

  Global Instance UnitL_sum : UnitL relationH sum void :=
    fun _ ma a'match ma with
                | inl absmatch abs with end
                | inr aa = a'

  Global Instance UnitR_sum : UnitR relationH sum void :=
    fun _ ma a'match ma with
                | inr absmatch abs with end
                | inl aa = a'

  Global Instance UnitL'_sum : UnitL' relationH sum void :=
    fun _ a ma'match ma' with
                | inl absmatch abs with end
                | inr a'a = a'

  Global Instance UnitR'_sum : UnitR' relationH sum void :=
    fun _ a ma'match ma' with
                | inr absmatch abs with end
                | inl a'a = a'

  Global Instance Bimap_prod_rel : Bimap relationH prod :=
    fun (a b c d : Type) R SR S.

  Global Instance AssocR_prod : AssocR relationH prod :=
    fun A B C '(a,b,c) '(a',(b',c'))a = a' b = b' c = c'.

  Global Instance AssocL_prod : AssocL relationH prod :=
    fun A B C '(a,(b,c)) '(a',b',c')a = a' b = b' c = c'.

  Global Instance UnitL_prod : UnitL relationH prod unit :=
    fun _ '(_,a) a'a = a'.

  Global Instance UnitR_prod : UnitR relationH prod unit :=
    fun _ '(a,_) a'a = a'.

  Global Instance UnitL'_prod : UnitL' relationH prod unit :=
    fun _ a '(_,a')a = a'.

  Global Instance UnitR'_prod : UnitR' relationH prod unit :=
    fun _ a '(a',_)a = a'.

  (* The transpose operation forms a dagger category *)

  Global Instance Dagger_rel : Dagger relationH :=
    fun a b Rtranspose R.

End Operations.

The following instances prove that the operations claimed above to be what they are are indeed what the are

Section Facts.

  Section CategoryRel.

    Global Instance CatIdL_rel: CatIdL relationH.
      constructor; unfold subrelationH, cat, id_, Cat_rel, Id_rel, rel_compose; intros.
      - edestruct H as (B' & EQ & R). rewrite <- EQ in R.
      - x. split. reflexivity. assumption.

    Global Instance CatIdR_rel: CatIdR relationH.
      constructor; unfold subrelationH, cat, id_, Cat_rel, Id_rel, rel_compose; intros.
      - edestruct H as (B' & R & EQ). rewrite EQ in R.
      - y. split. assumption. reflexivity.

    Global Instance CatAssoc_rel: CatAssoc relationH.
      constructor; unfold subrelationH, cat, id_, Cat_rel, Id_rel, rel_compose;
        intros A D H.
      - edestruct H as (C & (B & Rf & Rg) & Rh); clear H.
         B. split; [assumption | ].
         C. split; assumption.
      - edestruct H as (B & Rf & (C & Rg & Rh)); clear H.
         C. split; [ | assumption].
         B; split; assumption.

    Global Instance ProperCat_rel: a b c,
        @Proper (relationH a b relationH b c relationH a c)
                (eq2 ==> eq2 ==> eq2) cat.
      intros a b c.
      constructor; unfold subrelationH, cat, id_, Cat_rel, Id_rel, rel_compose;
        intros A C He.
      - edestruct He as (B & Hx & Hx0).
        unfold eq2, Eq2_rel, eq_rel, subrelationH in ×.
        destruct H, H0.
         B. split. specialize (H A B Hx). assumption.
        specialize (H0 _ _ Hx0). assumption.
      - edestruct He as (B & Hy & Hy0).
        unfold eq2, Eq2_rel, eq_rel, subrelationH in ×.
        destruct H, H0.
         B. split. specialize (H1 _ _ Hy). assumption.
        specialize (H2 _ _ Hy0). assumption.

    Global Instance Category_rel : Category relationH.
      constructor; typeclasses eauto.

  End CategoryRel.

  Global Instance InitialObject_rel : InitialObject relationH void.
    split; intros [].

  Section CoproductRel.

    Global Instance CaseInl_rel : CaseInl relationH sum.
      intros ? ? [[] [H1 H2]]; inversion H1; subst; apply H2.
      intros x ? ?.
       (inl x); split; auto; reflexivity.

    Global Instance CaseInr_rel : CaseInr relationH sum.
      intros ? ? [[] [H1 H2]]; inversion H1; subst; apply H2.
      intros x ? ?.
       (inr x); split; auto; reflexivity.

    Global Instance CaseUniversal_rel : CaseUniversal relationH sum.
      intros a b c R S T [TR RT] [TS ST].
      intros [] ? ?; cbn; [apply TR | apply TS]; eexists; split; eauto; reflexivity.
      intros [] ? HR; [apply RT in HR | apply ST in HR];
        destruct HR as [? [EQ ?]]; repeat red in EQ; subst; auto.

    Global Instance Proper_Case_rel : a b c : Type, Proper (eq2 ==> eq2 ==> eq2) (@case_ _ _ _ _ a b c).
      intros ? ? ? R S [RS SR] T U [TU UT]; split; intros [] ? ?; cbn in *;
        [apply RS | apply TU | apply SR | apply UT]; auto.

    Global Instance Coproduct_rel : Coproduct relationH sum.
      constructor; typeclasses eauto.

  End CoproductRel.

  Section ProductRel.

    Global Instance PairFst_rel : PairFst relationH sum.
      - intros ? ? ([] & ? & EQ); inversion EQ; subst; auto.
      - intros ? ? ?.
         (inl y); cbv; auto.

    Global Instance PairSnd_rel : PairSnd relationH sum.
      - intros ? ? ([] & ? & EQ); inversion EQ; subst; auto.
      - intros ? ? ?.
         (inr y); cbv; auto.

    Global Instance PairUniversal_rel : PairUniversal relationH sum.
      intros ? ? ? R S RS [RSR RRS] [RSS SRS]; split.
      - cbv. intros ? [] ?; [apply RSR | apply RSS];
               (eexists; split; [| reflexivity]; auto).
      - cbv. intros ? [] EQ; [apply RRS in EQ | apply SRS in EQ]; destruct EQ as [[] [? EQ]];
               inversion EQ; subst; auto.

    Global Instance Proper_pair_rel : a b c : Type, Proper (eq2 ==> eq2 ==> eq2) (@pair_ _ _ _ _ a b c).
      intros ? ? ? R S [RS SR] T U [TU UT]; split.
      cbv; intros ? [] ?; [apply RS | apply TU]; auto.
      cbv; intros ? [] ?; [apply SR | apply UT]; auto.

    Global Instance Product_rel : Product relationH sum.
      constructor; typeclasses eauto.

  End ProductRel.

  Section DaggerRel.

    Global Instance DaggerInvolution_rel : DaggerInvolution relationH.
      split; intros ? ? H; apply H.

    Local Existing Instance Eq2_Op.
    Local Existing Instance Id_Op.
    Local Existing Instance Cat_Op.

    Global Instance DaggerFunctor_rel : Functor (op relationH) relationH id (@dagger _ _ _).
      - split; intros ? ? H; inversion H; subst; reflexivity.
      - split; intros ? ? (? & ? & ?); eexists; eauto.
      - intros a b x y [INCL1 INCL2].
        split; intros ? ? H; [apply INCL1 | apply INCL2]; apply H.

    Global Instance DaggerLaws_rel : DaggerLaws relationH.
      constructor; typeclasses eauto.

  End DaggerRel.

  Section BifunctorProd.

    Global Instance BimapId_prod_rel : BimapId relationH prod.
      - cbv; intros ? ? ?; subst; auto.
        destruct x, y.
        cbv; intros. destruct H; cbn in *; subst; auto.
      - red. intros. destruct x, y. inversion H. subst. repeat red.
        repeat red in H. intuition.

    Global Instance BimapCat_prod_rel : BimapCat relationH prod.
      - cbv; intros [] [] ([] & H1 & H2).
        inv H1; inv H2; eauto 6.
      - cbv; intros [] [] H. destruct H as [(? & ? & ?) (? & ? & ?)].
        cbn in *; eexists (_, _); eauto.

    Global Instance Bifunctor_prod_rel : Bifunctor relationH prod.
      constructor; try typeclasses eauto.

    Global Instance Iso_Assoc_prod_rel : a b c : Type, Iso relationH (@assoc_r _ relationH prod _ a b c) assoc_l.
      - cbv; split.
        + intros ? ? ?; repeat destructn prod.
          destructn ex; repeat destructn prod; repeat destructn and; subst; auto.
        + intros ((? & ?) & ?) ((x & y) & z) EQ; inv EQ.
           (x,(y,z)); intuition.
      - cbv; split.
        + intros ? ? ?; destructn ex; repeat destructn prod; intuition subst; auto.
        + intros ? (x & y & z) ->; repeat destructn prod.
           (x,y,z); intuition.

    Global Instance Iso_UnitL_prod_rel: a : Type, Iso relationH (@unit_l _ relationH prod _ _ a) unit_l'.
      split; cbv; split; intros; repeat (subst || destructn ex || destructn prod || invn @eq || destructn unit); intuition subst; auto.
      eexists; intuition.
       (tt,y); auto.

    Global Instance Iso_UnitR_prod_rel: a : Type, Iso relationH (@unit_r _ relationH prod _ _ a) unit_r'.
      split; cbv; split; intros; repeat (subst || destructn ex || destructn prod || invn @eq || destructn unit); intuition subst; auto.
      eexists; intuition.
       (y,tt); auto.

    Global Instance UnitLNatural_prod_rel : UnitLNatural relationH prod unit.
        cbv; intros; repeat (subst || destructn ex || destructn prod || invn @eq || destructn unit || destructn and
                             || invn prod_rel).
      - eexists; intuition subst; eauto.
      - eexists (_, _); constructor; [ constructor; cbn; eauto | auto ].

    Global Instance UnitL'Natural_prod_rel : UnitL'Natural relationH prod unit.
        cbv; intros; repeat (subst || destructn ex || destructn prod || destructn unit || destructn and
                             || invn prod_rel).
      eexists; intuition subst; eauto.
       (tt,x); intuition subst; auto.

    Global Instance AssocRUnit_prod_rel : AssocRUnit relationH prod unit.
      split; cbv; intros [[? ?] ?] [].
      - intros [[? []] [? []]]. intuition. cbn in *; subst. constructor; cbn; auto.
      - intros []; eexists (_, (u, _)). intuition.

Ltac decomp :=
  repeat lazymatch goal with
  | [ H : _, _ |- _ ] ⇒ destruct H
  | [ H : _ _ |- _ ] ⇒ destruct H
  | [ H : _ × _ |- _ ] ⇒ destruct H
  | [ H : prod_rel _ _ _ _ |- _ ] ⇒
      let H1 := fresh H in let H2 := fresh H in
      destruct H as [H1 H2]; cbn in H1, H2
  | [ H : ?x = _ |- _ ] ⇒ subst x
  | [ |- _, _ ] ⇒ intros
  | [ |- prod_rel _ _ _ _ ] ⇒ constructor; cbn
  | [ |- _ _ ] ⇒ constructor

    Global Instance AssocRAssocR_prod_rel : AssocRAssocR relationH prod.
      split; cbv; decomp.
      - eexists (_, _, (_, _)). firstorder congruence.
      - eexists (_, (_, _, _)); firstorder. eexists (_, (_, _), _). firstorder (cbn; congruence).

    Global Instance Monoidal_prod_rel : Monoidal relationH prod unit.
      constructor; typeclasses eauto.

  End BifunctorProd.

  Section BifunctorSum.

    Global Instance BimapId_sum_rel : BimapId relationH sum.
      red. intros ? ? ?. repeat red in H.
      destruct x, y; subst; inversion H; subst; repeat red; auto.
      inversion H; inversion H2; subst; reflexivity.
      inversion H; inversion H2; subst; reflexivity.
      red. intros ? ? ?. repeat red in H.
      subst. repeat red. destruct y; econstructor; reflexivity.

    Global Instance BimapCat_sum_rel : BimapCat relationH sum.
      cbv. intros; destruct x, y; destruct H as (? & ? & ?); inversion H;
             inversion H0; subst; inversion H5; subst; econstructor; eauto.
      repeat intro. inversion H; inversion H0; inversion H3; repeat red; subst; eauto.
       (inl x0). split; econstructor; eauto.
       (inr x0). split; econstructor; eauto.

    Global Instance Bifunctor_sum_rel : Bifunctor relationH sum.
      constructor; try typeclasses eauto.

    Global Instance Iso_Assoc_sum_rel : a b c : Type, Iso relationH (@assoc_r _ relationH sum _ a b c) assoc_l.
      - cbv; split;
          repeat (subst || destructn ex || destructn sum || invn @eq || destructn unit || destructn and
                  || invn prod_rel); intuition.
         (inl a0); intuition.
         (inr (inl b0)); intuition.
         (inr (inr c0)); intuition.
      - cbv; split; intros;
          repeat (subst || destructn ex || destructn sum || invn @eq || destructn unit || destructn and
                  || invn prod_rel); intuition.
         (inl (inl a0)); intuition.
         (inl (inr b0)); intuition.
         (inr c0); intuition.

    Global Instance Iso_UnitL_sum_rel: a : Type, Iso relationH (@unit_l _ relationH sum _ _ a) unit_l'.
      split; cbv; split; intros; repeat (subst || destructn ex || destructn sum || invn @eq || destructn unit); intuition subst; auto.
      eexists; intuition.
       (inr y); auto.

    Global Instance Iso_UnitR_sum_rel: a : Type, Iso relationH (@unit_r _ relationH sum _ _ a) unit_r'.
      split; cbv; split; intros; repeat (subst || destructn ex || destructn sum || invn @eq || destructn unit); intuition subst; auto.
      eexists; intuition.
       (inl y); auto.

    Global Instance UnitLNatural_sum_rel : UnitLNatural relationH sum void.
        cbv; intros; repeat (subst || destructn ex || destructn sum || invn @eq || destructn unit || destructn and
                             || invn sum_rel || invn void).
      eexists; intuition subst; eauto.
      eexists; intuition subst; eauto.

    Global Instance UnitL'Natural_sum_rel : UnitL'Natural relationH sum void.
        cbv; intros; repeat (subst || destructn ex || destructn sum || invn @eq || destructn unit || destructn and
                             || invn sum_rel || invn void).
      eexists; intuition subst; eauto.
       (inr x); intuition subst; auto.

    Global Instance AssocRUnit_sum_rel : AssocRUnit relationH sum void.
      split; cbv; intros.
      destruct H.
      destruct x; try destruct s; try destruct x0; try inversion H; try inversion H1; subst; eauto;
        try econstructor; try contradiction; eauto.
      destruct s; try contradiction; subst; eauto.
      inversion H; subst; eauto; try destruct a1; try contradiction; subst.
      inv H. (inl a2); eauto.
      inv H; (inr (inr b2)); eauto.

    Global Instance AssocRAssocR_sum_rel : AssocRAssocR relationH sum.
        cbv; intros;
          repeat (invn False || subst || destructn ex || destructn and || invn sum_rel
                  || destructn sum || invn @eq || destructn unit).
      - (inl (inl a2)); intuition; auto.
      - eexists (inl (inr _)); intuition; auto.
      - eexists (inr (inl _)); intuition; auto.
      - eexists (inr (inr _)); intuition; auto.
      - eexists (inl _); intuition; auto.
         (inl (inl a1)); intuition; auto.
      - (inr (inl (inl b1))); intuition; econstructor; auto.
        split. econstructor. Unshelve. 3 : exact ((inr (inl b1))). intuition; auto.
      - (inr (inl (inr c0))); intuition; econstructor; auto.
        split. Unshelve. econstructor. Unshelve.
        3 : refine ((inr (inr c0))). intuition; econstructor; auto.
      - (inr (inr d0)); intuition; econstructor; auto.
        split. Unshelve. econstructor. reflexivity. cbn. auto.

    Global Instance Monoidal_sum_rel : Monoidal relationH sum void.
      constructor; typeclasses eauto.

  End BifunctorSum.

End Facts.