Unary interpretation for eutt: a traditional program logic
Note: the following formulation is equivalent.
Definition has_post_strong {E X} (t : itree E X) (Q : X → Prop) : Prop :=
eutt (fun 'x y ⇒ x = y ∧ Q x) t t.
Lemma has_post_post_strong : ∀ {E X} (t : itree E X) Q,
has_post t Q ↔ has_post_strong t Q.
intros; split; intros HP.
- apply eutt_conj; [reflexivity | auto].
- eapply eqit_mon; eauto.
intros × H; apply H.
Module HasPostNotations.
Notation "t ⤳ Q" := (has_post t Q) (at level 50).
End HasPostNotations.
Import HasPostNotations.
eutt (fun 'x y ⇒ x = y ∧ Q x) t t.
Lemma has_post_post_strong : ∀ {E X} (t : itree E X) Q,
has_post t Q ↔ has_post_strong t Q.
intros; split; intros HP.
- apply eutt_conj; [reflexivity | auto].
- eapply eqit_mon; eauto.
intros × H; apply H.
Module HasPostNotations.
Notation "t ⤳ Q" := (has_post t Q) (at level 50).
End HasPostNotations.
Import HasPostNotations.
Proper instances
#[global] Instance has_post_eq_itree {E X} :
Proper (eq_itree eq ==> equiv_pred ==> iff) (@has_post E X).
repeat red; unfold has_post; intros × EUTT × EQ *; split; intros HP.
- rewrite <- EUTT; eapply eutt_equiv; eauto.
split; red; intros; apply EQ; auto.
- rewrite EUTT; eapply eutt_equiv; eauto.
split; red; intros; apply EQ; auto.
#[global] Instance has_post_eutt {E X} :
Proper (eutt eq ==> equiv_pred ==> iff) (@has_post E X).
repeat red; unfold has_post; intros × EUTT × EQ *; split; intros HP.
- rewrite <- EUTT; eapply eutt_equiv; eauto.
split; red; intros; apply EQ; auto.
- rewrite EUTT; eapply eutt_equiv; eauto.
split; red; intros; apply EQ; auto.
Proper (eq_itree eq ==> equiv_pred ==> iff) (@has_post E X).
repeat red; unfold has_post; intros × EUTT × EQ *; split; intros HP.
- rewrite <- EUTT; eapply eutt_equiv; eauto.
split; red; intros; apply EQ; auto.
- rewrite EUTT; eapply eutt_equiv; eauto.
split; red; intros; apply EQ; auto.
#[global] Instance has_post_eutt {E X} :
Proper (eutt eq ==> equiv_pred ==> iff) (@has_post E X).
repeat red; unfold has_post; intros × EUTT × EQ *; split; intros HP.
- rewrite <- EUTT; eapply eutt_equiv; eauto.
split; red; intros; apply EQ; auto.
- rewrite EUTT; eapply eutt_equiv; eauto.
split; red; intros; apply EQ; auto.
has_post logical primitives.
Post-conditions can be established by means of usual proof
rules for elementary logical connectives
(* Conjunction introduction *)
Lemma has_post_conj : ∀ {E X} (t : itree E X) P Q,
t ⤳ P →
t ⤳ Q →
t ⤳ (P /1\ Q).
intros × HP HQ.
pose proof eutt_conj _ _ HP HQ.
(* Left disjunction introduction *)
Lemma has_post_disj_l : ∀ {E X} (t : itree E X) P Q,
t ⤳ P →
t ⤳ (P \1/ Q).
intros × HP.
epose proof eutt_disj_l _ _ HP as H.
apply H.
(* Right disjunction introduction *)
Lemma has_post_disj_r : ∀ {E X} (t : itree E X) P Q,
t ⤳ Q →
t ⤳ (P \1/ Q).
intros × HQ.
epose proof eutt_disj_r _ _ HQ as H.
apply H.
(* Weakening *)
Lemma has_post_weaken : ∀ {E X} (t : itree E X) P Q,
t ⤳ P →
P <1= Q →
t ⤳ Q.
intros × HP INCL.
eapply eqit_mon; eauto.
intros; apply INCL; auto.
(* Trivial postcondition *)
Lemma has_post_True : ∀ {E X} (t : itree E X),
t ⤳ fun _ ⇒ True.
intros ×.
eapply eqit_mon; eauto.
Structural proof rules
(* The prefix can be ignored if the continuation universally satisfy the
postcondition *)
Lemma has_post_bind_weak : ∀ {E X Y} (t : itree E X) (k : X → itree E Y) Q,
(∀ x, k x ⤳ Q) →
ITree.bind t k ⤳ Q.
intros × POST.
apply eutt_eq_bind; intros ?; apply POST.
(* But the more interesting cut rule is of course valid *)
Lemma has_post_bind : ∀ {E X Y} (t : itree E X) (k : X → itree E Y) S Q,
t ⤳ S →
(∀ x, S x → k x ⤳ Q) →
ITree.bind t k ⤳ Q.
intros × POST1 POST2.
apply eutt_clo_bind with (UU := fun x y ⇒ x = y ∧ S x) ; [apply has_post_post_strong; exact POST1 |].
intros ? ? [<- ?]; eapply POST2; eauto.
(* Invariant-based loop rule *)
Lemma has_post_iter_strong :
∀ {E R I} (body : I → itree E (I + R)) (entry : I) (Inv : I → Prop) (Q : R → Prop),
(∀ i, Inv i → body i ⤳ sum_pred Inv Q) →
Inv entry →
ITree.iter body entry ⤳ Q.
intros × IND INIT.
eapply (@KTreeFacts.eutt_iter_gen _ _ _ (fun x y ⇒ x = y ∧ Inv x)); eauto.
intros i ? [<- ?].
specialize (IND i); apply has_post_post_strong in IND; auto.
unfold has_post_strong in IND.
eapply eqit_mon; try apply IND; auto.
intros [] ? [<- ?]; eauto.
(* translate preserves postconditions *)
Lemma has_post_translate : ∀ {E F X} (t : itree E X) Q (h : E ~> F),
t ⤳ Q →
translate h t ⤳ Q.
unfold has_post; intros × POST.
apply eutt_translate_gen; auto.
Enriched relational cut rule
The main benefit of the approach: post-conditions can be leveraged
when performing a cut during relational proofs.
This lemma generalizes eutt_clo_bind
Lemma eutt_post_bind :
∀ E R1 R2 RR S1 S2 SS Q1 Q2
(t1 : itree E S1) (k1: S1 → itree E R1) (t2 : itree E S2) (k2 : S2 → itree E R2),
t1 ⤳ Q1 →
t2 ⤳ Q2 →
eutt SS t1 t2 →
(∀ u1 u2, SS u1 u2 → Q1 u1 → Q2 u2 → eutt RR (k1 u1) (k2 u2)) →
eutt RR (ITree.bind t1 k1) (ITree.bind t2 k2).
intros × POST1 POST2 EQ KEQ.
apply eutt_clo_bind with (UU := fun x y ⇒ SS x y ∧ Q1 x ∧ Q2 y).
2: intros ? ? (? & ? & ?); apply KEQ; auto.
clear KEQ.
apply has_post_post_strong in POST1.
apply has_post_post_strong in POST2.
pose proof eqit_trans _ _ _ _ _ _ _ POST1 EQ as EQ1.
pose proof eqit_trans _ _ _ _ _ _ _ EQ1 POST2 as EQ2.
clear -EQ2.
eapply eutt_equiv; eauto.
- intros ? ? (? & ? & ?); do 2 econstructor; eauto.
- intros ? ? ?. inv H. inv REL1.
destruct REL2 as [-> ?], REL0 as [<- ?]; eauto.
(* Often useful particular case of identical prefixes *)
Lemma eutt_post_bind_eq : ∀ E R1 R2 RR U Q (t: itree E U) (k1: U → itree E R1) (k2: U → itree E R2),
t ⤳ Q →
(∀ u, Q u → eutt RR (k1 u) (k2 u)) →
eutt RR (ITree.bind t k1) (ITree.bind t k2).
intros × POST ?.
apply eutt_clo_bind with (UU := fun x y ⇒ x = y ∧ Q x); [apply has_post_post_strong; exact POST |].
intros ? ? [-> ?]; auto.
(* A little oddity that can be useful when building bisimulations manually:
an eutt hypothesis between a tree and itself can be refined into an
eq_itree one.
This assumes UIP.
Lemma eutt_eq_itree {E X} (R : X → X → Prop) : ∀ (t : itree E X),
eutt R t t → eq_itree R t t.
enough (∀ (t u : itree E X), eutt R t u → eq_itree eq t u → eq_itree R t u).
{ intros; apply H; [ auto | apply Reflexive_eqit_eq ]. }
pcofix CIH.
intros t u H EQ. pfold. red.
rewrite (itree_eta t), (itree_eta u) in H.
punfold EQ. destruct EQ; try discriminate; constructor.
- rewrite <- eutt_Ret in H. auto.
- pclearbot. right; apply CIH; [ | apply REL ].
revert H; apply eqit_Tau.
- pclearbot. right; apply CIH; [ | apply REL ].
eapply eqit_inv_Vis with (1 := H).
Lemma has_post_strong_to_eq_itree : ∀ {E X} (t : itree E X) (Q : X → Prop),
has_post_strong t Q →
eq_itree (fun x y ⇒ x = y ∧ Q x) t t.
intros *; apply eutt_eq_itree.
Lemma has_post_to_eq_itree : ∀ {E X} (t : itree E X) (Q : X → Prop),
has_post t Q →
eq_itree (fun x y ⇒ x = y ∧ Q x) t t.
intros × H; apply has_post_strong_to_eq_itree, has_post_post_strong, H.
∀ E R1 R2 RR S1 S2 SS Q1 Q2
(t1 : itree E S1) (k1: S1 → itree E R1) (t2 : itree E S2) (k2 : S2 → itree E R2),
t1 ⤳ Q1 →
t2 ⤳ Q2 →
eutt SS t1 t2 →
(∀ u1 u2, SS u1 u2 → Q1 u1 → Q2 u2 → eutt RR (k1 u1) (k2 u2)) →
eutt RR (ITree.bind t1 k1) (ITree.bind t2 k2).
intros × POST1 POST2 EQ KEQ.
apply eutt_clo_bind with (UU := fun x y ⇒ SS x y ∧ Q1 x ∧ Q2 y).
2: intros ? ? (? & ? & ?); apply KEQ; auto.
clear KEQ.
apply has_post_post_strong in POST1.
apply has_post_post_strong in POST2.
pose proof eqit_trans _ _ _ _ _ _ _ POST1 EQ as EQ1.
pose proof eqit_trans _ _ _ _ _ _ _ EQ1 POST2 as EQ2.
clear -EQ2.
eapply eutt_equiv; eauto.
- intros ? ? (? & ? & ?); do 2 econstructor; eauto.
- intros ? ? ?. inv H. inv REL1.
destruct REL2 as [-> ?], REL0 as [<- ?]; eauto.
(* Often useful particular case of identical prefixes *)
Lemma eutt_post_bind_eq : ∀ E R1 R2 RR U Q (t: itree E U) (k1: U → itree E R1) (k2: U → itree E R2),
t ⤳ Q →
(∀ u, Q u → eutt RR (k1 u) (k2 u)) →
eutt RR (ITree.bind t k1) (ITree.bind t k2).
intros × POST ?.
apply eutt_clo_bind with (UU := fun x y ⇒ x = y ∧ Q x); [apply has_post_post_strong; exact POST |].
intros ? ? [-> ?]; auto.
(* A little oddity that can be useful when building bisimulations manually:
an eutt hypothesis between a tree and itself can be refined into an
eq_itree one.
This assumes UIP.
Lemma eutt_eq_itree {E X} (R : X → X → Prop) : ∀ (t : itree E X),
eutt R t t → eq_itree R t t.
enough (∀ (t u : itree E X), eutt R t u → eq_itree eq t u → eq_itree R t u).
{ intros; apply H; [ auto | apply Reflexive_eqit_eq ]. }
pcofix CIH.
intros t u H EQ. pfold. red.
rewrite (itree_eta t), (itree_eta u) in H.
punfold EQ. destruct EQ; try discriminate; constructor.
- rewrite <- eutt_Ret in H. auto.
- pclearbot. right; apply CIH; [ | apply REL ].
revert H; apply eqit_Tau.
- pclearbot. right; apply CIH; [ | apply REL ].
eapply eqit_inv_Vis with (1 := H).
Lemma has_post_strong_to_eq_itree : ∀ {E X} (t : itree E X) (Q : X → Prop),
has_post_strong t Q →
eq_itree (fun x y ⇒ x = y ∧ Q x) t t.
intros *; apply eutt_eq_itree.
Lemma has_post_to_eq_itree : ∀ {E X} (t : itree E X) (Q : X → Prop),
has_post t Q →
eq_itree (fun x y ⇒ x = y ∧ Q x) t t.
intros × H; apply has_post_strong_to_eq_itree, has_post_post_strong, H.