
Monadic interpretations of interaction trees

We can derive semantics for an interaction tree itree E ~> M from semantics given for every individual event E ~> M, when M is a monad (actually, with some more structure).
We define the following terminology for this library. Other sources may have different usages for the same or related words.
The notation E ~> F stands for T, E T F T (in ITree.Basics). It can mean many things, including the following:
  • The semantics of itrees are given as monad morphisms itree E ~> M, also called "interpreters".
  • "ITree interpreters" (or "itree morphisms") are monad morphisms where the codomain is made of ITrees: itree E ~> itree F.
Interpreters can be obtained from handlers:
  • In general, "event handlers" are functions E ~> M where M is a monad.
  • "ITree event handlers" are functions E ~> itree F.
Categorically, this boils down to saying that itree is a free monad (not quite, but close enough).


An event morphism E ~> F lifts to an itree morphism itree E ~> itree F by applying the event morphism to every visible event. We call this process event translation.
Translation is a special case of interpretation:
    translate h tinterp (triggerh) t
However this definition of translate yields strong bisimulations more often than interp. For example, translate (id_ E) t id_ (itree E).
A plain event morphism E ~> F defines an itree morphism itree E ~> itree F.
Definition translateF {E F R} (h : E ~> F) (rec: itree E R itree F R) (t : itreeF E R _) : itree F R :=
  match t with
  | RetF xRet x
  | TauF tTau (rec t)
  | VisF e kVis (h _ e) (fun xrec (k x))

Definition translate {E F} (h : E ~> F)
  : itree E ~> itree F
  := fun Rcofix translate_ t := translateF h translate_ (observe t).

Arguments translate {E F} & h [T].


An event handler E ~> M defines a monad morphism itree E ~> M for any monad M with a loop operator.

Definition interp {E M : Type Type}
           {FM : Functor M} {MM : Monad M} {IM : MonadIter M}
           (h : E ~> M) :
  itree E ~> M := fun R
  iter (fun t
    match observe t with
    | RetF rret (inr r)
    | TauF tret (inl t)
    | VisF e kfmap (fun xinl (k x)) (h _ e)
(* TODO: this does a map, and aloop does a bind. We could fuse those
   by giving aloop a continuation to compose its bind with.
   (coyoneda...) *)

Arguments interp {E M FM MM IM} & h [T].