
Extensible effects

Notations to handle large sums and classes for extensible effects.

Automatic application of commutativity and associativity for sums types constructed with sum1.
N.B. This is prone to infinite instance resolution loops. Put the following option at the top of your .v files to bound the instance search depth:

  Typeclasses eauto := 5.
Higher numbers allow bigger instances but grow the search space exponentially.

Notation Subevent E F := (@ReSum (Type Type) IFun E F)
  (only parsing).
Notation "E -< F" := (Subevent E F)
  (at level 92, left associativity) : type_scope.

Definition subevent {E F : Type Type} `{E -< F} : E ~> F := resum IFun.

Notations to construct and pattern-match on nested sums.
Module Import SumNotations.

Declare Scope sum_scope.
Delimit Scope sum_scope with sum.
Bind Scope sum_scope with sum1.

Notation "(| x )" := (inr1 x) : sum_scope.
Notation "( x |)" := (inl1 x) : sum_scope.
Notation "(| x |)" := (inr1 (inl1 x)) : sum_scope.
Notation "(|| x )" := (inr1 (inr1 x)) : sum_scope.
Notation "(|| x |)" := (inr1 (inr1 (inl1 x))) : sum_scope.
Notation "(||| x )" := (inr1 (inr1 (inr1 x))) : sum_scope.
Notation "(||| x |)" := (inr1 (inr1 (inr1 (inl1 x)))) : sum_scope.
Notation "(|||| x )" := (inr1 (inr1 (inr1 (inr1 x)))) : sum_scope.
Notation "(|||| x |)" :=
  (inr1 (inr1 (inr1 (inr1 (inl1 x))))) : sum_scope.
Notation "(||||| x )" :=
  (inr1 (inr1 (inr1 (inr1 (inr1 x))))) : sum_scope.
Notation "(||||| x |)" :=
  (inr1 (inr1 (inr1 (inr1 (inr1 (inl1 x)))))) : sum_scope.
Notation "(|||||| x )" :=
  (inr1 (inr1 (inr1 (inr1 (inr1 (inr1 x)))))) : sum_scope.
Notation "(|||||| x |)" :=
  (inr1 (inr1 (inr1 (inr1 (inr1 (inr1 (inl1 x))))))) : sum_scope.
Notation "(||||||| x )" :=
  (inr1 (inr1 (inr1 (inr1 (inr1 (inr1 (inr1 x))))))) : sum_scope.

End SumNotations.

Local Open Scope sum_scope.

A polymorphic version of Vis.
Notation vis e k := (Vis (subevent _ e) k).

(* Called send in Haskell implementations of Freer monads. *)
Notation trigger e := (ITree.trigger (subevent _ e)).

(* Embedding events into trees.

   For example:

   embed :
     ( x y z, E (f x y z)) →
     ( x y z, itree E (f x y z))

Class Embeddable U V :=
  embed : U V.

Instance Embeddable_forall {A : Type} {U : A Type} {V : A Type}
         `( a, Embeddable (U a) (V a)) :
  Embeddable ( a, U a) ( a, V a) :=
  fun u aembed (u a).

Instance Embeddable_itree {E F : Type Type} {R : Type}
         `(E -< F) :
  Embeddable (E R) (itree F R) :=
  fun etrigger e.

(* Some rewriting lemmas sometimes expose resum. The following lemmas help reshape the goal properly *)
Lemma resum_to_subevent : (E F : Type Type) H T e,
    @resum _ IFun E F H T e = subevent _ e.
  intros; reflexivity.

Lemma subevent_subevent' : {E F} `{E -< F} {X} (e : E X),
    @subevent F F _ X (@subevent E F _ X e) = subevent X e.

Lemma subevent_subevent : {E F G :Type Type} (SEF: E -< F) (SFG: F -< G) T (e : E T),
    @subevent F G SFG T (@subevent E F SEF T e) =
    @subevent E G (fun x fSFG _ (SEF _ f)) T e.