Section Map.
Variables (K V : Type).
Variant mapE : Type → Type :=
| Insert : K → V → mapE unit
| Lookup : K → mapE (option V)
| Remove : K → mapE unit
Definition insert {E} `{mapE -< E} : K → V → itree E unit := embed Insert.
Definition lookup {E} `{mapE -< E} : K → itree E (option V) := embed Lookup.
Definition remove {E} `{mapE -< E} : K → itree E unit := embed Remove.
Definition lookup_def {E} `{mapE -< E} : K → V → itree E V
:= fun k v ⇒
ITree.bind (lookup k) (fun ov ⇒
Ret (match ov with
| None ⇒ v
| Some v' ⇒ v'
Import Structures.Maps.
Context {map : Type}.
Context {M : Map K V map}.
Definition handle_map {E} : mapE ~> stateT map (itree E) :=
fun _ e env ⇒
match e with
| Insert k v ⇒ Ret (Maps.add k v env, tt)
| Lookup k ⇒ Ret (env, Maps.lookup k env)
| Remove k ⇒ Ret (Maps.remove k env, tt)
Definition run_map {E} : itree (mapE +' E) ~> stateT map (itree E) :=
interp_state (case_ handle_map pure_state).
End Map.
Arguments insert {K V E _}.
Arguments lookup {K V E _}.
Arguments remove {K V E _}.
Arguments lookup_def {K V E _}.
Arguments run_map {K V map M _} [T].