Verif_triangA client of the stack functions
Require VC.Preface. (* Check for the right version of VST *)
Require Import VST.floyd.proofauto.
Require Import VST.floyd.library.
Require Import VC.stack.
#[export] Instance CompSpecs : compspecs. make_compspecs prog. Defined.
Definition Vprog : varspecs. mk_varspecs prog. Defined.
Require Import VST.floyd.proofauto.
Require Import VST.floyd.library.
Require Import VC.stack.
#[export] Instance CompSpecs : compspecs. make_compspecs prog. Defined.
Definition Vprog : varspecs. mk_varspecs prog. Defined.
Here are some functions (in stack.c) that are clients of the stack ADT. First, push the numbers 1,2,...,n onto a stack, then pop the numbers off the stack and add them up. This computes the nth triangular number, 1+2+...+n = n(n+1)/2.
Let's verify this program!
The natural numbers have arithmetic axioms that are not very nice.
For example, you might expect that a-b+b=a, but that's not true:
void push_increasing (struct stack *st, int n) { int i; i=0; while (i<n) { i++; push(st,i); } } int pop_and_add (struct stack *st, int n) { int i=0; int t, s=0; while (i<n) { t=pop(st); s += t; i++; } return s; } int main (void) { struct stack *st; int i,t,s; st = newstack(); push_increasing(st, 10); s = pop_and_add(st, 10); return s; }
Proofs with integers
Lemma nat_sub_add_yuck:
¬ (∀ a b: nat, a-b+b=a)%nat.
specialize (H 0 1)%nat.
simpl in H. inversion H.
¬ (∀ a b: nat, a-b+b=a)%nat.
specialize (H 0 1)%nat.
simpl in H. inversion H.
This just shows that if the negative numbers did not exist, it would be
necessary to construct them! In reasoning about programs, as in many other
kinds of mathematics, we should use the integers. In Coq the type is called Z.
The Z type does have an inductive definition . . .
but we generally prefer to reason abstractly about Z, using the lemmas
in the Coq library (that the Coq developers proved from the inductive
definition). The induction principle on Z, that's automatically derived
from this Inductive definition, is not the one we usually want to use!
Let's consider a recursive function on Z, the function that turns
5 into the list 5::4::3::2::1::nil. In the natural numbers,
that's easy to define:
Fixpoint decreasing_nat (n: nat) : list nat :=
match n with S n' ⇒ n :: decreasing_nat n' | O ⇒ nil end.
match n with S n' ⇒ n :: decreasing_nat n' | O ⇒ nil end.
But in the integers Z, we cannot simply pattern-match on successor ...
Fail Fixpoint decreasing_Z (n: Z) : list Z :=
match n with Z.succ n' ⇒ n :: decreasing_Z n' | 0 ⇒ nil end.
match n with Z.succ n' ⇒ n :: decreasing_Z n' | 0 ⇒ nil end.
... because Z.succ is a function, not a constructor.
There are two ways we might define a function to produce a decreasing
list of Z. First, we might use Z.of_nat and Z.to_nat:
Fixpoint decreasing_Z1_aux (n: nat) : list Z :=
match n with
| S n' ⇒ Z.of_nat n :: decreasing_Z1_aux n'
| O ⇒ nil
Definition decreasing_Z1 (n: Z) : list Z :=
decreasing_Z1_aux (Z.to_nat n).
match n with
| S n' ⇒ Z.of_nat n :: decreasing_Z1_aux n'
| O ⇒ nil
Definition decreasing_Z1 (n: Z) : list Z :=
decreasing_Z1_aux (Z.to_nat n).
This will work, but in doing proofs the frequent conversion
between Z and nat will be awkward. If possible, we'd like to stay
in the integers as much as possible. So here's another way:
Check Z_gt_dec. (* : forall x y : Z, {x > y} + {~ x > y} *)
Function decreasing (n: Z) {measure Z.to_nat n}:=
if Z_gt_dec n 0 then n :: decreasing (n-1) else nil.
Function decreasing (n: Z) {measure Z.to_nat n}:=
if Z_gt_dec n 0 then n :: decreasing (n-1) else nil.
When you define a Function, you must provide a measure, that is,
a function from your argument-type (in this case Z) to the natural
numbers, and then you must prove that each recursive call within
the function body decreases the measure. In this case, there's
only one recursive call, so there's just one proof obligation:
show that if n>0 then Z.to_nat (n-1) < Z.to_nat n.
Defined. (* Terminate your Function declarations with Defined instead
of Qed, so that Coq will be able to use your function in computations. *)
Defined. (* Terminate your Function declarations with Defined instead
of Qed, so that Coq will be able to use your function in computations. *)
Exercise: 2 stars, standard (Zinduction)
Coq's standard induction principle for Z is not the one we usually want, so let us define a more natural induction scheme:
Lemma Zinduction: ∀ (P: Z → Prop),
P 0 →
(∀ i, 0 < i → P (i-1) → P i) →
∀ n, 0 ≤ n → P n.
rewrite <- ( n) in × by lia.
set (j := Z.to_nat n) in ×. clearbody j.
Check inj_S. (* Hint! this may be useful *)
Print Z.succ. (* Hint! Z.succ(x) unfolds to x+1 *)
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
P 0 →
(∀ i, 0 < i → P (i-1) → P i) →
∀ n, 0 ≤ n → P n.
rewrite <- ( n) in × by lia.
set (j := Z.to_nat n) in ×. clearbody j.
Check inj_S. (* Hint! this may be useful *)
Print Z.succ. (* Hint! Z.succ(x) unfolds to x+1 *)
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Exercise: 2 stars, standard (add_list_decreasing)
Lemma add_list_decreasing_eq_alt: ∀ n,
0 ≤ n →
(2 × (add_list (decreasing n)))%Z = (n × (n+1))%Z.
pattern n; apply Zinduction.
- reflexivity.
- intros.
0 ≤ n →
(2 × (add_list (decreasing n)))%Z = (n × (n+1))%Z.
pattern n; apply Zinduction.
- reflexivity.
- intros.
WARNING! When using functions defined by Function, don't unfold them!
Temporarily remove the (* comment *) brackets from the next line to see
what happens!
(* unfold decreasing. *)
Instead of unfolding decreasing we use the equation that Coq automagically
defines for the Function. Try the command Search decreasing. to see all
the reasoning principles that Coq defined for the new Function. We will
use this one:
during the proof of this lemma, you may
find the ring_simplify tactic useful. Read
about it in the Coq reference manual. Basically,
it takes formulas with multiplication and addition,
and simplifies them. But you can do this without
ring_simplify, using just ordinary rewriting
with lemmas about Z.add and Z.mul.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Lemma add_list_decreasing_eq: ∀ n,
0 ≤ n →
add_list (decreasing n) = n × (n+1) / 2.
apply Z.div_unique_exact.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Lemma add_list_decreasing_eq: ∀ n,
0 ≤ n →
add_list (decreasing n) = n × (n+1) / 2.
apply Z.div_unique_exact.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Definitions copied from Verif_stack.v
We repeat here some material from Verif_stack.v. Normally we would break the .c file into separate modules, and do our Verifiable C proofs in separate modules; but for this example we leave out the modules. Just skip down to "End of the material repeated from Verif_stack.v".
Fixpoint listrep (il: list Z) (p: val) : mpred :=
match il with
| i::il' ⇒ EX y: val,
malloc_token Ews (Tstruct _cons noattr) p ×
data_at Ews (Tstruct _cons noattr) (Vint (Int.repr i),y) p ×
listrep il' y
| nil ⇒ !! (p = nullval) && emp
Lemma listrep_local_prop: ∀ il p, listrep il p |--
!! (is_pointer_or_null p ∧ (p=nullval ↔ il=nil)).
induction il; intro; simpl.
entailer!. intuition.
Intros y.
split; intros. subst.
eapply field_compatible_nullval; eauto.
inversion H3.
#[export] Hint Resolve listrep_local_prop : saturate_local.
Lemma listrep_valid_pointer:
∀ il p,
listrep il p |-- valid_pointer p.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
#[export] Hint Resolve listrep_valid_pointer : valid_pointer.
match il with
| i::il' ⇒ EX y: val,
malloc_token Ews (Tstruct _cons noattr) p ×
data_at Ews (Tstruct _cons noattr) (Vint (Int.repr i),y) p ×
listrep il' y
| nil ⇒ !! (p = nullval) && emp
Lemma listrep_local_prop: ∀ il p, listrep il p |--
!! (is_pointer_or_null p ∧ (p=nullval ↔ il=nil)).
induction il; intro; simpl.
entailer!. intuition.
Intros y.
split; intros. subst.
eapply field_compatible_nullval; eauto.
inversion H3.
#[export] Hint Resolve listrep_local_prop : saturate_local.
Lemma listrep_valid_pointer:
∀ il p,
listrep il p |-- valid_pointer p.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
#[export] Hint Resolve listrep_valid_pointer : valid_pointer.
Specification of stack data structure
Definition stack (il: list Z) (p: val) :=
EX q: val,
malloc_token Ews (Tstruct _stack noattr) p ×
data_at Ews (Tstruct _stack noattr) q p × listrep il q.
Lemma stack_local_prop: ∀ il p, stack il p |-- !! (isptr p).
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
#[export] Hint Resolve stack_local_prop : saturate_local.
Lemma stack_valid_pointer:
∀ il p,
stack il p |-- valid_pointer p.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
#[export] Hint Resolve stack_valid_pointer : valid_pointer.
Definition newstack_spec : ident × funspec :=
DECLARE _newstack
WITH gv: globals
PRE [ ]
PROP () PARAMS() GLOBALS(gv) SEP (mem_mgr gv)
POST [ tptr (Tstruct _stack noattr) ]
EX p: val, PROP ( ) RETURN (p) SEP (stack nil p; mem_mgr gv).
Definition push_spec : ident × funspec :=
WITH p: val, i: Z, il: list Z, gv: globals
PRE [ tptr (Tstruct _stack noattr), tint ]
PROP (Int.min_signed ≤ i ≤ Int.max_signed)
PARAMS (p; Vint (Int.repr i)) GLOBALS(gv)
SEP (stack il p; mem_mgr gv)
POST [ tvoid ]
PROP ( ) RETURN() SEP (stack (i::il) p; mem_mgr gv).
Definition pop_spec : ident × funspec :=
WITH p: val, i: Z, il: list Z, gv: globals
PRE [ tptr (Tstruct _stack noattr) ]
SEP (stack (i::il) p; mem_mgr gv)
POST [ tint ]
PROP ( ) RETURN (Vint (Int.repr i)) SEP (stack il p; mem_mgr gv).
EX q: val,
malloc_token Ews (Tstruct _stack noattr) p ×
data_at Ews (Tstruct _stack noattr) q p × listrep il q.
Lemma stack_local_prop: ∀ il p, stack il p |-- !! (isptr p).
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
#[export] Hint Resolve stack_local_prop : saturate_local.
Lemma stack_valid_pointer:
∀ il p,
stack il p |-- valid_pointer p.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
#[export] Hint Resolve stack_valid_pointer : valid_pointer.
Definition newstack_spec : ident × funspec :=
DECLARE _newstack
WITH gv: globals
PRE [ ]
PROP () PARAMS() GLOBALS(gv) SEP (mem_mgr gv)
POST [ tptr (Tstruct _stack noattr) ]
EX p: val, PROP ( ) RETURN (p) SEP (stack nil p; mem_mgr gv).
Definition push_spec : ident × funspec :=
WITH p: val, i: Z, il: list Z, gv: globals
PRE [ tptr (Tstruct _stack noattr), tint ]
PROP (Int.min_signed ≤ i ≤ Int.max_signed)
PARAMS (p; Vint (Int.repr i)) GLOBALS(gv)
SEP (stack il p; mem_mgr gv)
POST [ tvoid ]
PROP ( ) RETURN() SEP (stack (i::il) p; mem_mgr gv).
Definition pop_spec : ident × funspec :=
WITH p: val, i: Z, il: list Z, gv: globals
PRE [ tptr (Tstruct _stack noattr) ]
SEP (stack (i::il) p; mem_mgr gv)
POST [ tint ]
PROP ( ) RETURN (Vint (Int.repr i)) SEP (stack il p; mem_mgr gv).
(End of the material repeated from Verif_stack.v)
Spend a few minutes studying these funspecs, and compare to the
implementations in stack.c, until you understand why these might be
appropriate specifications.
Specification of the stack-client functions
Definition push_increasing_spec :=
DECLARE _push_increasing
WITH st: val, n: Z, gv: globals
PRE [ tptr (Tstruct _stack noattr), tint ]
PROP (0 ≤ n ≤ Int.max_signed)
PARAMS (st; Vint (Int.repr n)) GLOBALS(gv)
SEP (stack nil st; mem_mgr gv)
POST [ tvoid ]
PROP() RETURN() SEP (stack (decreasing n) st; mem_mgr gv).
Definition pop_and_add_spec :=
DECLARE _pop_and_add
WITH st: val, il: list Z, gv: globals
PRE [ tptr (Tstruct _stack noattr), tint ]
PROP (Zlength il ≤ Int.max_signed;
Forall (Z.le 0) il;
add_list il ≤ Int.max_signed)
PARAMS (st; Vint (Int.repr (Zlength il))) GLOBALS(gv)
SEP (stack il st; mem_mgr gv)
POST [ tint ]
RETURN (Vint (Int.repr (add_list il)))
SEP (stack nil st; mem_mgr gv).
Definition main_spec :=
WITH gv: globals
PRE [ ] main_pre prog tt gv
POST [ tint ]
PROP( ) RETURN (Vint (Int.repr 55)) SEP( TT ).
DECLARE _push_increasing
WITH st: val, n: Z, gv: globals
PRE [ tptr (Tstruct _stack noattr), tint ]
PROP (0 ≤ n ≤ Int.max_signed)
PARAMS (st; Vint (Int.repr n)) GLOBALS(gv)
SEP (stack nil st; mem_mgr gv)
POST [ tvoid ]
PROP() RETURN() SEP (stack (decreasing n) st; mem_mgr gv).
Definition pop_and_add_spec :=
DECLARE _pop_and_add
WITH st: val, il: list Z, gv: globals
PRE [ tptr (Tstruct _stack noattr), tint ]
PROP (Zlength il ≤ Int.max_signed;
Forall (Z.le 0) il;
add_list il ≤ Int.max_signed)
PARAMS (st; Vint (Int.repr (Zlength il))) GLOBALS(gv)
SEP (stack il st; mem_mgr gv)
POST [ tint ]
RETURN (Vint (Int.repr (add_list il)))
SEP (stack nil st; mem_mgr gv).
Definition main_spec :=
WITH gv: globals
PRE [ ] main_pre prog tt gv
POST [ tint ]
PROP( ) RETURN (Vint (Int.repr 55)) SEP( TT ).
Putting all the funspecs together
Definition Gprog : funspecs :=
ltac:(with_library prog [
newstack_spec; push_spec; pop_spec;
push_increasing_spec; pop_and_add_spec; main_spec
ltac:(with_library prog [
newstack_spec; push_spec; pop_spec;
push_increasing_spec; pop_and_add_spec; main_spec
Lemma body_push_increasing: semax_body Vprog Gprog
f_push_increasing push_increasing_spec.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
f_push_increasing push_increasing_spec.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Lemma add_list_app:
∀ al bl, add_list (al++bl) = add_list al + add_list bl.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Lemma add_list_nonneg:
∀ il,
Forall (Z.le 0) il →
0 ≤ add_list il.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
∀ al bl, add_list (al++bl) = add_list al + add_list bl.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Lemma add_list_nonneg:
∀ il,
Forall (Z.le 0) il →
0 ≤ add_list il.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Lemma add_list_sublist_bounds:
∀ lo hi K il,
0 ≤ lo ≤ hi →
hi ≤ Zlength il →
Forall (Z.le 0) il →
0 ≤ add_list il ≤ K →
0 ≤ add_list (sublist lo hi il) ≤ K.
∀ lo hi K il,
0 ≤ lo ≤ hi →
hi ≤ Zlength il →
Forall (Z.le 0) il →
0 ≤ add_list il ≤ K →
0 ≤ add_list (sublist lo hi il) ≤ K.
Hint: you don't need induction. Useful lemmas are, sublist_same,
sublist_split, add_list_nonneg, add_list_app, Forall_sublist, and use
the hint tactic to learn when the list_solve tactic will be useful.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Exercise: 3 stars, standard (add_another)
Suppose we have a list il of integers, il = [5;4;3;2;1], with Znth 0 il = 5, Znth 4 il = 1, and Zlength il = 5, and we want to add them all up, 5+4+3+2+1=15. Suppose we've already added up the first i of them (let i=2 for example), that is, 5+4=9, and we want to add the next one, that is, the ith one. That is, we want to add 9+3. How do we know that won't overflow the range of C-language signed integer arithmetic?
Lemma add_another:
∀ il,
Forall (Z.le 0) il →
add_list il ≤ Int.max_signed →
∀ i : Z,
0 ≤ i < Zlength il →
Int.min_signed ≤ Int.signed (Int.repr (add_list (sublist 0 i il))) +
Int.signed (Int.repr (Znth i il)) ≤ Int.max_signed.
assert (0 ≤ add_list il). {
(* FILL IN HERE *) admit.
assert (0 ≤ add_list (sublist 0 i il) ≤ Int.max_signed). {
(* FILL IN HERE *) admit.
assert (H4: 0 ≤ add_list (sublist 0 (i+1) il) ≤ Int.max_signed). {
(* FILL IN HERE *) admit.
assert (0 ≤ Znth i il ≤ Int.max_signed). {
replace (Znth i il) with (add_list (sublist i (i+1) il)).
(* FILL IN HERE *) admit.
(* FILL IN HERE *) admit.
∀ il,
Forall (Z.le 0) il →
add_list il ≤ Int.max_signed →
∀ i : Z,
0 ≤ i < Zlength il →
Int.min_signed ≤ Int.signed (Int.repr (add_list (sublist 0 i il))) +
Int.signed (Int.repr (Znth i il)) ≤ Int.max_signed.
assert (0 ≤ add_list il). {
(* FILL IN HERE *) admit.
assert (0 ≤ add_list (sublist 0 i il) ≤ Int.max_signed). {
(* FILL IN HERE *) admit.
assert (H4: 0 ≤ add_list (sublist 0 (i+1) il) ≤ Int.max_signed). {
(* FILL IN HERE *) admit.
assert (0 ≤ Znth i il ≤ Int.max_signed). {
replace (Znth i il) with (add_list (sublist i (i+1) il)).
(* FILL IN HERE *) admit.
(* FILL IN HERE *) admit.
Next: Int.signed (Int.repr (add_list (sublist 0 i il)))
= add_list (sublist 0 i il).
To prove that, we'll use Int.signed_repr:
Check Int.signed_repr.
(* : forall z : Z, Int.min_signed <= z <= Int.max_signed ->
Int.signed (Int.repr z) = z. *)
rewrite Int.signed_repr by rep_lia.
(* : forall z : Z, Int.min_signed <= z <= Int.max_signed ->
Int.signed (Int.repr z) = z. *)
rewrite Int.signed_repr by rep_lia.
rep_lia is just like lia, but it also knows the numeric values of
representation-related constants such as Int.min_signed.
rewrite Int.signed_repr by rep_lia.
rewrite (sublist_split 0 i (i+1)) in H4 by list_solve.
rewrite add_list_app in H4.
rewrite sublist_len_1 in H4 by list_solve.
simpl in H4.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
rewrite (sublist_split 0 i (i+1)) in H4 by list_solve.
rewrite add_list_app in H4.
rewrite sublist_len_1 in H4 by list_solve.
simpl in H4.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Lemma body_pop_and_add: semax_body Vprog Gprog f_pop_and_add pop_and_add_spec.
forward_while (EX i:Z,
PROP(0 ≤ i ≤ Zlength il)
LOCAL (temp _st st;
temp _i (Vint (Int.repr i));
temp _n (Vint (Int.repr (Zlength il)));
gvars gv)
SEP (stack (sublist i (Zlength il) il) st; mem_mgr gv)).
+ (* Prove that the precondition implies the loop invariant *)
(* FILL IN HERE *) admit.
+ (* "type-check the expression": prove the loop test evaluates *)
+ (* Prove the loop body preserves the loop invariant *)
forward_call (st, Znth i il, sublist (i+1) (Zlength il) il, gv).
forward_while (EX i:Z,
PROP(0 ≤ i ≤ Zlength il)
LOCAL (temp _st st;
temp _i (Vint (Int.repr i));
temp _n (Vint (Int.repr (Zlength il)));
gvars gv)
SEP (stack (sublist i (Zlength il) il) st; mem_mgr gv)).
+ (* Prove that the precondition implies the loop invariant *)
(* FILL IN HERE *) admit.
+ (* "type-check the expression": prove the loop test evaluates *)
+ (* Prove the loop body preserves the loop invariant *)
forward_call (st, Znth i il, sublist (i+1) (Zlength il) il, gv).
This forward_call couldn't quite figure out the "Frame" for the
function call. That is, it couldn't match up
stack (sublist i (Zlength il) il) st with
stack (Znth i il :: sublist (i + 1) (Zlength il) il) st. You have to help, by doing some rewrites with sublist_split, sublist_len_1 that prove
sublist i (Zlength il) il = Znth i il :: sublist (i+1) (Zlength il) il. When you've rewritten the goal into,
stack (Znth i il :: sublist (i + 1) (Zlength il) il) st
|-- stack (Znth i il :: sublist (i + 1) (Zlength il) il) st × fold_right_sepcon Frame then just do cancel.
stack (Znth i il :: sublist (i + 1) (Zlength il) il) st. You have to help, by doing some rewrites with sublist_split, sublist_len_1 that prove
sublist i (Zlength il) il = Znth i il :: sublist (i+1) (Zlength il) il. When you've rewritten the goal into,
stack (Znth i il :: sublist (i + 1) (Zlength il) il) st
|-- stack (Znth i il :: sublist (i + 1) (Zlength il) il) st × fold_right_sepcon Frame then just do cancel.
(* FILL IN HERE *) admit.
And now we are ready to go forward through the C statement _s = _s + _t;
Fail forward.
oops! we can't go forward through _s = _s + _t;
because we forgot to mention temp _s in the loop invariant!
Time to start over.
By the way, this statement _s = _s + _t is exactly where forward
will ask you to prove a subgoal in which you can use lemma add_another.
Into this lemma, paste in the failed proof just above,
but adjust the loop invariant: add a LOCAL assertion for _s.
Hint: choose the loop invariant for temp _s ??? in such a way
that you can make use of Lemma add_another.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
We assume that triang.c is linked with an implementation of
malloc/free. That assumption is expressed by the create_mem_mgr
axiom, which we can sep_apply here. On the other hand, if we want
a complete verified system including libraries, then instead of
importing floyd.library we would actually link with a malloc/free
implementation, but that's beyond the scope of this chapter.
sep_apply (create_mem_mgr gv).
You can see that this has produced the SEP conjunct mem_mgr gv,
which is useful to satisfy the precondition of newstack,
push, pop, etc. Now you can finish this proof.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
(* 2024-12-27 01:34 *)