Verif_append1List segments

Here is a little C program, append.c
    #include <stddef.h>

    struct list {int head; struct list *tail;};

    struct list *append (struct list *x, struct list *y) {
      struct list *t, *u;
      if (x==NULL)
        return y;
      else {
        t = x;
        u = t->tail;
        while (u!=NULL) {
          t = u;
          u = t->tail;
        t->tail = y;
        return x;
In this chapter, we will learn to verify this in-place linked-list-append operation. That is, two original lists will be destructed and a new list, the concatenation of them, will be constructed in this program. As we did in previous chapters, we import VST and the C program's AST.
Require VC.Preface. (* Check for the right version of VST *)

Require Import VST.floyd.proofauto.
Require Import VC.append.
#[export] Instance CompSpecs : compspecs. make_compspecs prog. Defined.
Definition Vprog : varspecs. mk_varspecs prog. Defined.

Specification of the append function.

Here we just copy what we have defined in Verif_reverse
Definition t_list := Tstruct _list noattr.

Fixpoint listrep (sigma: list val) (p: val) : mpred :=
 match sigma with
 | h::hs
    EX y:val,
      data_at Tsh t_list (h,y) p × listrep hs y
 | nil
    !! (p = nullval) && emp

Arguments listrep sigma p : simpl never.
Then we can easily describe the functionality of this append.
Definition append_spec :=
 DECLARE _append
  WITH x: val, y: val, s1: list val, s2: list val
  PRE [ tptr t_list , tptr t_list]
     PARAMS (x; y)
     SEP (listrep s1 x; listrep s2 y)
  POST [ tptr t_list ]
    EX r: val,
     SEP (listrep (s1++s2) r).

Definition Gprog : funspecs := [ append_spec ].

List segments.

When verifying this program, a critical step is to figure out a correct loop invariant. If we try to simulate this program, especially the loop in it, we may want a loop invariant which can be illustrated by the following diagram.
        +---+---+            +---+---+   +---+---+   +---+---+   
  x ==> |   |  ===> ... ===> |   | t ==> | b | u ==> |   |  ===> ... 
        +---+---+            +---+---+   +---+---+   +---+---+

      | <========= s1a =========> |       (b)       | <==== s1c ====> |
      | <============================= s1 ==========================> |

        +---+---+   +---+---+   +---+---+   
  y ==> |   |  ===> |   |   ==> |   |  ===> ... 
        +---+---+   +---+---+   +---+---+

      | <================ s2 =================> |
To describe this loop invariant, we need a separation logic predicate to describe the partial linked list from address x to address t with contents s1a. This must be a new predicate different from listrep because listrep describes linked lists ending with NULL which is not the case here. We call this new predicate lseg, pronounced "list-segment".
Fixpoint lseg (contents: list val) (x z: val) : mpred :=
  match contents with
  | nil!! (x = z) && emp
  | h::hsEX y:val, data_at Tsh t_list (h, y) x × lseg hs y z

Arguments lseg contents x z : simpl never.
Now, we can prove some useful properties about lseg.

Exercise: 1 star, standard (singleton_lseg)

Lemma singleton_lseg: (a: val) (x y: val),
  data_at Tsh t_list (a, y) x |-- lseg [a] x y.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
It is critical to observe that a partial linked list defined by lseg s x y may have a loop. For example, the following diagram does satisfy lseg [a; b] x y.
        +---+---+   +---+---+   
  x ==> | a | y ==> | b | y ====+ 
        +---+---+   +- -+---+   |
                      ^         |
                      |         |
We can prove this formally.
Lemma lseg_maybe_loop: (a b x y: val),
  data_at Tsh t_list (a, y) x × data_at Tsh t_list (b, y) y
  |-- lseg [a; b] x y.
  unfold lseg.
  Exists y.
  Exists y.
Is our definition of lseg wrong? The answer is no because a loopy lseg cannot connect to a nonempty linked list. For instance, we can prove that
  data_at Tsh t_list (a, y) x × data_at Tsh t_list (b, y) y × listrep [c] y will lead to a contradication. Here, the first two separating conjuncts build a loopy lseg and the third separating conjunct is a nonempty listrep.
Lemma loopy_lseg_not_bad: (a b c x y: val),
  data_at Tsh t_list (a, y) x × data_at Tsh t_list (b, y) y × listrep [c] y
    |-- FF.
  unfold listrep.
  Intros u.
Check (data_at_conflict Tsh t_list (c, nullval)).
  sep_apply (data_at_conflict Tsh t_list (c, nullval)).
  + auto.
  + entailer!.
Important note! The proof above demonstrates the use of the sep_apply tactic. Step through that part of the proof to see what sep_apply does.
Now we can prove the following theorems about partial linked lists and complete linked lists.

Exercise: 1 star, standard (lseg_lseg)

Lemma lseg_lseg: (s1 s2: list val) (x y z: val),
  lseg s1 x y × lseg s2 y z |-- lseg (s1 ++ s2) x z.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

Exercise: 1 star, standard (lseg_list)

Lemma lseg_list: (s1 s2: list val) (x y: val),
  lseg s1 x y × listrep s2 y |-- listrep (s1 ++ s2) x.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Is it possible to define lseg in a different way so that loopy situations can be banned? Yes. We discuss this near the end of the chapter.

Proof of the append function

Before verifying the functional correctness of append, we still need to add lemmas to hint databases for separation logic predicates. Readers may copy proofs from Verif_reverse or just skip down to "End of the material".
Lemma listrep_local_facts:
   sigma p,
   listrep sigma p |--
   !! (is_pointer_or_null p (p=nullval sigma=nil)).
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
#[export] Hint Resolve listrep_local_facts : saturate_local.

Lemma listrep_valid_pointer:
   sigma p,
   listrep sigma p |-- valid_pointer p.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
#[export] Hint Resolve listrep_valid_pointer : valid_pointer.
(End of the material repeated from Verif_reverse.v)
In C programs, we test whether the head pointer of a linked list is null to determine whether that list is empty or not. Thus, from a separating conjunct listrep contents x, it is useful to prove contents = nil (or contents nil) when knowing that x = nullval (or x nullval). The following two lemmas state such correlation. They will be used several times in the C function append's correctness proof.

Exercise: 1 star, standard (listrep_null)

Lemma listrep_null: contents x,
  x = nullval
  listrep contents x = !! (contents=nil) && emp.
Hint: One way to prove P=Q, where P and Q are mpreds, is to apply pred_ext and then prove P|--Q and Q|--P.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

Exercise: 1 star, standard (listrep_nonnull)

Lemma listrep_nonnull: contents x,
  x nullval
  listrep contents x =
    EX h: val, EX hs: list val, EX y:val,
      !! (contents = h :: hs) && data_at Tsh t_list (h, y) x × listrep hs y.
Again, pred_ext will be useful here.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Now, let's prove this append function correct.

Exercise: 3 stars, standard (body_append)

Lemma body_append: semax_body Vprog Gprog f_append append_spec.
forward_if. (* if (x == NULL) *)
- (* If-then *)
This if-then branch handles the cases in which x is null. In other words, s1 should be nil. We can easily derive this by listrep_null. The rest of the proof in this branch is left as an exercise.
  rewrite (listrep_null _ x) by auto.
  (* FILL IN HERE *) admit.
- (* If-else *)
This time, we know that x is not null; thus s1 should be nonempty.
  rewrite (listrep_nonnull _ x) by auto.
  Intros h r u.
  forward. (* t = x; *)
  forward. (* u = t -> tail; *)
After symbolically executing two assignment commands, we arrive at the while loop. As mentioned above, we can verify it using the following loop invariant.
      ( EX s1a: list val, EX b: val, EX s1c: list val, EX t: val, EX u: val,
        PROP (s1 = s1a ++ b :: s1c)
        LOCAL (temp _x x; temp _t t; temp _u u; temp _y y)
        SEP (lseg s1a x t;
             data_at Tsh t_list (b, u) t;
             listrep s1c u;
             listrep s2 y))%assert.
 + (* current assertion implies loop invariant *)
      Exists (@nil val) h r x u.
      subst s1. entailer!. unfold lseg; entailer!.
 + (* loop test is safe to execute *)
 + (* loop body preserves invariant *)
We know u is not null from the fact that the loop condition is true. Thus we can represent s1c in the form of (c :: s1d).
    clear h r u H0; rename u0 into u.
    rewrite (listrep_nonnull _ u) by auto.
    Intros c s1d z.
    forward. (* t = u; *)
    forward. (* u = t -> tail; *)
In the end of the loop body, we need to re-establish the loop invariant. At this point, the memory layout can be illustrated by the following diagram.
                                 new t       new u
                                   |           |
                                   |           |
                 +---+---+   +---+---+   +---+---+   +---+---+   
  x ==> ... ===> |   | t ==> | b | u ==> | c | z ==> |   |  ===> ... 
                 +---+---+   +---+---+   +---+---+   +---+---+

      | <===== s1a =====> |   (b)         (c)      | <==== s1d ====> |
      | <========== new s1a ========> |  (new b)   | <== new s1c ==> |

        +---+---+   +---+---+   +---+---+   
  y ==> |   |  ===> |   |   ==> |   |  ===> ... 
        +---+---+   +---+---+   +---+---+
      | <================ s2 =================> |
Clearly, s1a ++ b :: nil should be the new value of s1a; c should be the new value of b; s1d should be the new value of s1c; u should be the new value of t; and z should be the new value of u. The next command instantiates the existentially quantified variables in our loop invariant accordingly.
   Exists ((s1a ++ b :: nil),c,s1d,u,z). unfold fst, snd.
As usual, we try entailer! to solve this proof goal. This time, entailer! does not solve it directly. Instead, two simplified proof goals are left. Their proofs are left for the reader, using app_assoc, singleton_lseg and lseg_lseg.
    × (* FILL IN HERE *) admit.
    × (* FILL IN HERE *) admit.
 + (* after the loop *)
After exiting the loop, the loop condition must be false, i.e. u is the null pointer. Thus s1c = nil and s1 = s1a ++ [b].
  clear h r u H0; rename u0 into u.
  rewrite (listrep_null s1c) by auto.
  subst s1c.
The rest of the proof is standard. Hint, singleton_lseg, lseg_lseg and/or lseg_list may be useful.
  (* FILL IN HERE *) admit.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

Additional exercises: more proofs about list segments

For verifying the C function append, it is enough to have only three separation logic proof rules about lseg: singleton_lseg, lseg_lseg and lseg_list. The following exercises are other important properties of lseg.

Exercise: 1 star, standard: (lseg2listrep)

Lemma lseg2listrep: s x,
  lseg s x nullval |-- listrep s x.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

Exercise: 1 star, standard: (listrep2lseg)

Lemma listrep2lseg: s x,
  listrep s x |-- lseg s x nullval.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Corollary lseg_listrep_equiv: s x,
  lseg s x nullval = listrep s x.
  apply pred_ext.
  + apply lseg2listrep.
  + apply listrep2lseg.

Exercise: 2 stars, standard: (lseg_lseg_inv)

Lemma lseg_lseg_inv: s1 s2 x z,
  lseg (s1 ++ s2) x z |-- EX y: val, lseg s1 x y × lseg s2 y z.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

Exercise: 2 stars, standard: (loopy_lseg_no_connection)

Lemma loopy_lseg_no_connection: s1 s2 x y z,
  s1 nil
  s2 nil
  x = y
  lseg s1 x y × lseg s2 y z |-- FF.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

Additional exercises: loop-free list segments

In the following exercise, try to redo the proof above using a different partial-linked-list predicate.
We have mentioned that the lseg predicate allows a loopy structure, which is quite counterintuitive. Here is an alternate definition that prohibits loops:
Fixpoint nt_lseg (contents: list val) (x z: val) : mpred :=
  match contents with
  | nil!! (x = z) && emp
  | h::hsEX y:val, !! (x z)
                   && data_at Tsh t_list (h, y) x × nt_lseg hs y z

Arguments nt_lseg contents x z : simpl never.
Here, "nt" means no-touch.
The difference between nt_lseg and lseg is the extra proposition x z in the nonempty situation. This extra clause in nt_lseg prevents loop structures.
The proof theories of nt_lseg and lseg are a bit different as well. The following diagram shows that the counterpart of lseg_lseg is not valid!
        +---+---+   +---+---+   +---+---+   +---+---+   
  x ==> | a | u ==> | b | y ==> | c | v ==> | d | u ===+
        +---+---+   +- -+---+   +---+---+   +---+---+  |
                      ^                                |
                      |                                |
In this example, both [a; b] and [c; d] are stored in loop-free partial linked lists but it is not true for their concatenation. In general, if (nt_lseg s1 x y) and (nt_lseg s2 y z) describe two loop-free partial linked lists, the assertion
    (nt_lseg s1 x y × nt_lseg s2 y z) cannot ensure that the structure is loop free. Specifically, the address z may be used in (nt_lseg s1 x y). In other words,
   nt_lseg s1 x y × nt_lseg s2 y z ⊢/- nt_lseg (s1 ++ s2) x z
For nt_lseg, the following proof rules are useful.

Exercise: 2 stars, standard, optional (nt_lseg)

Lemma singleton_nt_lseg: (contents: list val) (a x y: val),
  data_at Tsh t_list (a, y) x × listrep contents y |--
  nt_lseg [a] x y × listrep contents y.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

Exercise: 2 stars, standard, optional (singleton_nt_lseg')

Lemma singleton_nt_lseg': (a b x y z: val),
  data_at Tsh t_list (a, y) x × data_at Tsh t_list (b, z) y |--
  nt_lseg [a] x y × data_at Tsh t_list (b, z) y.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

Exercise: 2 stars, standard, optional (nt_lseg_nt_lseg)

Lemma nt_lseg_nt_lseg: (s1 s2: list val) (a x y z u: val),
  nt_lseg s1 x y × nt_lseg s2 y z × data_at Tsh t_list (a, u) z |--
  nt_lseg (s1 ++ s2) x z × data_at Tsh t_list (a, u) z.
Hint: This lemma illustrates the most classic case where aggressive cancel can turn a provable goal into an unprovable goal. For that reason, you may need to use entailer rather than entailer! at one point.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

Exercise: 2 stars, standard, optional (nt_lseg_list)

Lemma nt_lseg_list: (s1 s2: list val) (x y: val),
  nt_lseg s1 x y × listrep s2 y |-- listrep (s1 ++ s2) x.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Now, we will use nt_lseg instead of lseg in the loop invariant to prove body_append.

Exercise: 3 stars, standard, optional (body_append_alter1)

Lemma body_append_alter1: semax_body Vprog Gprog f_append append_spec.
forward_if. (* if (x == NULL) *)
- (* If-then *)
 rewrite (listrep_null _ x) by auto.
 (* FILL IN HERE *) admit.
- (* If-else *)
 rewrite (listrep_nonnull _ x) by auto.
 Intros h r u.
 forward. (* t = x; *)
 forward. (* u = t -> tail; *)
Now use forward_while to verify this while loop. Remember, forward_while will generate four proof goals: current precondition implies loop invariant; loop test is safe to execute; loop body preserves invariant; and the correctness of after-loop commands.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
(* 2024-12-27 01:34 *)