LibSepSimplAppendix - Simplification Tactic for Entailments
Set Implicit Arguments.
From SLF Require Export LibCore.
From SLF Require Export LibSepTLCbuffer.
From SLF Require Export LibCore.
From SLF Require Export LibSepTLCbuffer.
A Functor for Separation Logic Entailment
- xsimpl simplifies heap entailments.
- xpull is a restricted version of xsimpl that only act over the left-hand side of the entailment, leaving the right-hand side unmodified.
- xchange performs transitivity steps in entailments, it enables replacing a subset of the heap predicates on the right-hand side with another set of heap predicates entailed by the former.
Parameter hprop : Type.
Parameter himpl : hprop → hprop → Prop.
Definition qimpl A (Q1 Q2:A→hprop) :=
∀ r, himpl (Q1 r) (Q2 r).
Parameter himpl : hprop → hprop → Prop.
Definition qimpl A (Q1 Q2:A→hprop) :=
∀ r, himpl (Q1 r) (Q2 r).
The core operators of Separation Logic must be provided.
Parameter hempty : hprop.
Parameter hstar : hprop → hprop → hprop.
Parameter hpure : Prop → hprop.
Parameter htop : hprop.
Parameter hgc : hprop.
Parameter hwand : hprop → hprop → hprop.
Parameter qwand : ∀ A, (A→hprop) → (A→hprop) → hprop.
Parameter hexists : ∀ A, (A→hprop) → hprop.
Parameter hforall : ∀ A, (A→hprop) → hprop.
Parameter hstar : hprop → hprop → hprop.
Parameter hpure : Prop → hprop.
Parameter htop : hprop.
Parameter hgc : hprop.
Parameter hwand : hprop → hprop → hprop.
Parameter qwand : ∀ A, (A→hprop) → (A→hprop) → hprop.
Parameter hexists : ∀ A, (A→hprop) → hprop.
Parameter hforall : ∀ A, (A→hprop) → hprop.
The predicate haffine must be provided. For a fully linear logic, use
the always-false predicate. For a fully affine logic, use the always-true
Declare Scope heap_scope.
Notation "H1 ==> H2" := (himpl H1 H2)
(at level 55) : heap_scope.
Notation "Q1 ===> Q2" := (qimpl Q1 Q2)
(at level 55) : heap_scope.
Notation "\[]" := (hempty)
(at level 0) : heap_scope.
Notation "\[ P ]" := (hpure P)
(at level 0, format "\[ P ]") : heap_scope.
Notation "\Top" := (htop) : heap_scope.
Notation "\GC" := (hgc) : heap_scope.
Notation "H1 '\*' H2" := (hstar H1 H2)
(at level 41, right associativity) : heap_scope.
Notation "Q \*+ H" := (fun x ⇒ hstar (Q x) H)
(at level 40) : heap_scope.
Notation "H1 \−∗ H2" := (hwand H1 H2)
(at level 43, right associativity) : heap_scope.
Notation "Q1 \−−∗ Q2" := (qwand Q1 Q2)
(at level 43) : heap_scope.
Notation "'\exists' x1 .. xn , H" :=
(hexists (fun x1 ⇒ .. (hexists (fun xn ⇒ H)) ..))
(at level 39, x1 binder, H at level 50, right associativity,
format "'[' '\exists' '/ ' x1 .. xn , '/ ' H ']'") : heap_scope.
Notation "'\forall' x1 .. xn , H" :=
(hforall (fun x1 ⇒ .. (hforall (fun xn ⇒ H)) ..))
(at level 39, x1 binder, H at level 50, right associativity,
format "'[' '\forall' '/ ' x1 .. xn , '/ ' H ']'") : heap_scope.
Local Open Scope heap_scope.
Notation "H1 ==> H2" := (himpl H1 H2)
(at level 55) : heap_scope.
Notation "Q1 ===> Q2" := (qimpl Q1 Q2)
(at level 55) : heap_scope.
Notation "\[]" := (hempty)
(at level 0) : heap_scope.
Notation "\[ P ]" := (hpure P)
(at level 0, format "\[ P ]") : heap_scope.
Notation "\Top" := (htop) : heap_scope.
Notation "\GC" := (hgc) : heap_scope.
Notation "H1 '\*' H2" := (hstar H1 H2)
(at level 41, right associativity) : heap_scope.
Notation "Q \*+ H" := (fun x ⇒ hstar (Q x) H)
(at level 40) : heap_scope.
Notation "H1 \−∗ H2" := (hwand H1 H2)
(at level 43, right associativity) : heap_scope.
Notation "Q1 \−−∗ Q2" := (qwand Q1 Q2)
(at level 43) : heap_scope.
Notation "'\exists' x1 .. xn , H" :=
(hexists (fun x1 ⇒ .. (hexists (fun xn ⇒ H)) ..))
(at level 39, x1 binder, H at level 50, right associativity,
format "'[' '\exists' '/ ' x1 .. xn , '/ ' H ']'") : heap_scope.
Notation "'\forall' x1 .. xn , H" :=
(hforall (fun x1 ⇒ .. (hforall (fun xn ⇒ H)) ..))
(at level 39, x1 binder, H at level 50, right associativity,
format "'[' '\forall' '/ ' x1 .. xn , '/ ' H ']'") : heap_scope.
Local Open Scope heap_scope.
Entailment must be an order.
Parameter himpl_refl : ∀ H,
H ==> H.
Parameter himpl_trans : ∀ H2 H1 H3,
(H1 ==> H2) →
(H2 ==> H3) →
(H1 ==> H3).
Parameter himpl_antisym : ∀ H1 H2,
(H1 ==> H2) →
(H2 ==> H1) →
(H1 = H2).
H ==> H.
Parameter himpl_trans : ∀ H2 H1 H3,
(H1 ==> H2) →
(H2 ==> H3) →
(H1 ==> H3).
Parameter himpl_antisym : ∀ H1 H2,
(H1 ==> H2) →
(H2 ==> H1) →
(H1 = H2).
The star and the empty heap predicate must form a commutative monoid.
Parameter hstar_hempty_l : ∀ H,
\[] \* H = H.
Parameter hstar_hempty_r : ∀ H,
H \* \[] = H.
Parameter hstar_comm : ∀ H1 H2,
H1 \* H2 = H2 \* H1.
Parameter hstar_assoc : ∀ H1 H2 H3,
(H1 \* H2) \* H3 = H1 \* (H2 \* H3).
\[] \* H = H.
Parameter hstar_hempty_r : ∀ H,
H \* \[] = H.
Parameter hstar_comm : ∀ H1 H2,
H1 \* H2 = H2 \* H1.
Parameter hstar_assoc : ∀ H1 H2 H3,
(H1 \* H2) \* H3 = H1 \* (H2 \* H3).
The frame property for entailment must hold.
Characterization of hpure
Parameter himpl_hempty_hpure : ∀ P,
P →
\[] ==> \[P].
Parameter himpl_hstar_hpure_l : ∀ P H H',
(P → H ==> H') →
(\[P] \* H) ==> H'.
P →
\[] ==> \[P].
Parameter himpl_hstar_hpure_l : ∀ P H H',
(P → H ==> H') →
(\[P] \* H) ==> H'.
Characterization of hexists
Parameter himpl_hexists_l : ∀ A H (J:A→hprop),
(∀ x, J x ==> H) →
(hexists J) ==> H.
Parameter himpl_hexists_r : ∀ A (x:A) H J,
(H ==> J x) →
H ==> (hexists J).
Parameter hstar_hexists : ∀ A (J:A→hprop) H,
(hexists J) \* H = hexists (fun x ⇒ (J x) \* H).
(∀ x, J x ==> H) →
(hexists J) ==> H.
Parameter himpl_hexists_r : ∀ A (x:A) H J,
(H ==> J x) →
H ==> (hexists J).
Parameter hstar_hexists : ∀ A (J:A→hprop) H,
(hexists J) \* H = hexists (fun x ⇒ (J x) \* H).
Characterization of hforall
Parameter himpl_hforall_r : ∀ A (J:A→hprop) H,
(∀ x, H ==> J x) →
H ==> (hforall J).
Parameter hstar_hforall : ∀ H A (J:A→hprop),
(hforall J) \* H ==> hforall (J \*+ H).
(∀ x, H ==> J x) →
H ==> (hforall J).
Parameter hstar_hforall : ∀ H A (J:A→hprop),
(hforall J) \* H ==> hforall (J \*+ H).
Characterization of hwand
Parameter hwand_equiv : ∀ H0 H1 H2,
(H0 ==> H1 \−∗ H2) ↔ (H1 \* H0 ==> H2).
Parameter hwand_curry_eq : ∀ H1 H2 H3,
(H1 \* H2) \−∗ H3 = H1 \−∗ (H2 \−∗ H3).
Parameter hwand_hempty_l : ∀ H,
(\[] \−∗ H) = H.
(H0 ==> H1 \−∗ H2) ↔ (H1 \* H0 ==> H2).
Parameter hwand_curry_eq : ∀ H1 H2 H3,
(H1 \* H2) \−∗ H3 = H1 \−∗ (H2 \−∗ H3).
Parameter hwand_hempty_l : ∀ H,
(\[] \−∗ H) = H.
Characterization of qwand
Parameter qwand_equiv : ∀ H A (Q1 Q2:A→hprop),
H ==> (Q1 \−−∗ Q2) ↔ (Q1 \*+ H) ===> Q2.
Parameter hwand_cancel : ∀ H1 H2,
H1 \* (H1 \−∗ H2) ==> H2.
Parameter qwand_specialize : ∀ A (x:A) (Q1 Q2:A→hprop),
(Q1 \−−∗ Q2) ==> (Q1 x \−∗ Q2 x).
H ==> (Q1 \−−∗ Q2) ↔ (Q1 \*+ H) ===> Q2.
Parameter hwand_cancel : ∀ H1 H2,
H1 \* (H1 \−∗ H2) ==> H2.
Parameter qwand_specialize : ∀ A (x:A) (Q1 Q2:A→hprop),
(Q1 \−−∗ Q2) ==> (Q1 x \−∗ Q2 x).
Characterization of htop
Characterization of hgc
Parameter haffine_hempty :
haffine \[].
Parameter himpl_hgc_r : ∀ H,
haffine H →
H ==> \GC.
Parameter hstar_hgc_hgc :
\GC \* \GC = \GC.
End XsimplParams.
haffine \[].
Parameter himpl_hgc_r : ∀ H,
haffine H →
H ==> \GC.
Parameter hstar_hgc_hgc :
\GC \* \GC = \GC.
End XsimplParams.
Body of the Functor
Module XsimplSetup (HP : XsimplParams).
Import HP.
Local Open Scope heap_scope.
Implicit Types H : hprop.
Implicit Types P : Prop.
Hint Resolve himpl_refl.
Import HP.
Local Open Scope heap_scope.
Implicit Types H : hprop.
Implicit Types P : Prop.
Hint Resolve himpl_refl.
Lemma himpl_of_eq : ∀ H1 H2,
H1 = H2 →
H1 ==> H2.
Proof. intros. subst. applys¬himpl_refl. Qed.
Lemma himpl_of_eq_sym : ∀ H1 H2,
H1 = H2 →
H2 ==> H1.
Proof. intros. subst. applys¬himpl_refl. Qed.
Lemma himpl_hstar_trans_l : ∀ H1 H2 H3 H4,
H1 ==> H2 →
H2 \* H3 ==> H4 →
H1 \* H3 ==> H4.
Proof using.
introv M1 M2. applys himpl_trans M2. applys* himpl_frame_lr M1.
H1 = H2 →
H1 ==> H2.
Proof. intros. subst. applys¬himpl_refl. Qed.
Lemma himpl_of_eq_sym : ∀ H1 H2,
H1 = H2 →
H2 ==> H1.
Proof. intros. subst. applys¬himpl_refl. Qed.
Lemma himpl_hstar_trans_l : ∀ H1 H2 H3 H4,
H1 ==> H2 →
H2 \* H3 ==> H4 →
H1 \* H3 ==> H4.
Proof using.
introv M1 M2. applys himpl_trans M2. applys* himpl_frame_lr M1.
Lemma qimpl_refl : ∀ A (Q:A→hprop),
Q ===> Q.
Proof using. intros. hnfs*. Qed.
#[global] Hint Resolve qimpl_refl.
Lemma qimpl_trans : ∀ A (Q2 Q1 Q3:A→hprop),
(Q1 ===> Q2) →
(Q2 ===> Q3) →
(Q1 ===> Q3).
Proof using. introv M1 M2. intros v. applys* himpl_trans. Qed.
Lemma qimpl_antisym : ∀ A (Q1 Q2:A→hprop),
(Q1 ===> Q2) →
(Q2 ===> Q1) →
(Q1 = Q2).
Proof using. introv M1 M2. apply fun_ext_1. intros v. applys* himpl_antisym. Qed.
Q ===> Q.
Proof using. intros. hnfs*. Qed.
#[global] Hint Resolve qimpl_refl.
Lemma qimpl_trans : ∀ A (Q2 Q1 Q3:A→hprop),
(Q1 ===> Q2) →
(Q2 ===> Q3) →
(Q1 ===> Q3).
Proof using. introv M1 M2. intros v. applys* himpl_trans. Qed.
Lemma qimpl_antisym : ∀ A (Q1 Q2:A→hprop),
(Q1 ===> Q2) →
(Q2 ===> Q1) →
(Q1 = Q2).
Proof using. introv M1 M2. apply fun_ext_1. intros v. applys* himpl_antisym. Qed.
Lemma hstar_comm_assoc : ∀ H1 H2 H3,
H1 \* H2 \* H3 = H2 \* H1 \* H3.
Proof using.
intros. rewrite <- hstar_assoc.
rewrite (@hstar_comm H1 H2). rewrite¬hstar_assoc.
H1 \* H2 \* H3 = H2 \* H1 \* H3.
Proof using.
intros. rewrite <- hstar_assoc.
rewrite (@hstar_comm H1 H2). rewrite¬hstar_assoc.
Representation Predicates
Definition repr (A:Type) (S:A→hprop) (x:A) : hprop :=
S x.
Notation "x '~>' S" := (repr S x)
(at level 33, no associativity) : heap_scope.
Lemma repr_eq : ∀ (A:Type) (S:A→hprop) (x:A),
(x ~> S) = (S x).
Proof using. auto. Qed.
S x.
Notation "x '~>' S" := (repr S x)
(at level 33, no associativity) : heap_scope.
Lemma repr_eq : ∀ (A:Type) (S:A→hprop) (x:A),
(x ~> S) = (S x).
Proof using. auto. Qed.
x ~> Id X holds when x is equal to X in the empty heap.
Id is called the identity representation predicate.
xrepr_clean simplifies instances of
p ~> (fun _ ⇒ _) by unfolding the arrow,
but only when the body does not captures
mklocally bound variables. This tactic should
normally not be used directly
Ltac xrepr_clean_core tt :=
repeat match goal with ⊢ context C [?p ~> ?E] ⇒
match E with (fun _ ⇒ _) ⇒
let E' := eval cbv beta in (E p) in
let G' := context C [E'] in
let G := match goal with ⊢ ?G ⇒ G end in
change G with G' end end.
Tactic Notation "xrepr_clean" :=
xrepr_clean_core tt.
Lemma repr_id : ∀ A (x X:A),
(x ~> Id X) = \[X = x].
Proof using. intros. unfold Id. xrepr_clean. auto. Qed.
repeat match goal with ⊢ context C [?p ~> ?E] ⇒
match E with (fun _ ⇒ _) ⇒
let E' := eval cbv beta in (E p) in
let G' := context C [E'] in
let G := match goal with ⊢ ?G ⇒ G end in
change G with G' end end.
Tactic Notation "xrepr_clean" :=
xrepr_clean_core tt.
Lemma repr_id : ∀ A (x X:A),
(x ~> Id X) = \[X = x].
Proof using. intros. unfold Id. xrepr_clean. auto. Qed.
rew_heap Tactic to Normalize Expressions with hstar
Lemma star_post_empty : ∀ B (Q:B→hprop),
Q \*+ \[] = Q.
Proof using. extens. intros. rewrite* hstar_hempty_r. Qed.
Hint Rewrite hstar_hempty_l hstar_hempty_r
hstar_assoc star_post_empty hwand_hempty_l : rew_heap.
Tactic Notation "rew_heap" :=
autorewrite with rew_heap.
Tactic Notation "rew_heap" "in" "*" :=
autorewrite with rew_heap in *.
Tactic Notation "rew_heap" "in" hyp(H) :=
autorewrite with rew_heap in H.
Tactic Notation "rew_heap" "~" :=
rew_heap; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "rew_heap" "~" "in" "*" :=
rew_heap in *; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "rew_heap" "~" "in" hyp(H) :=
rew_heap in H; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "rew_heap" "*" :=
rew_heap; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "rew_heap" "*" "in" "*" :=
rew_heap in *; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "rew_heap" "*" "in" hyp(H) :=
rew_heap in H; auto_star.
Hint Rewrite hstar_assoc : rew_heap_assoc.
Tactic Notation "rew_heap_assoc" :=
autorewrite with rew_heap_assoc.
Q \*+ \[] = Q.
Proof using. extens. intros. rewrite* hstar_hempty_r. Qed.
Hint Rewrite hstar_hempty_l hstar_hempty_r
hstar_assoc star_post_empty hwand_hempty_l : rew_heap.
Tactic Notation "rew_heap" :=
autorewrite with rew_heap.
Tactic Notation "rew_heap" "in" "*" :=
autorewrite with rew_heap in *.
Tactic Notation "rew_heap" "in" hyp(H) :=
autorewrite with rew_heap in H.
Tactic Notation "rew_heap" "~" :=
rew_heap; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "rew_heap" "~" "in" "*" :=
rew_heap in *; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "rew_heap" "~" "in" hyp(H) :=
rew_heap in H; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "rew_heap" "*" :=
rew_heap; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "rew_heap" "*" "in" "*" :=
rew_heap in *; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "rew_heap" "*" "in" hyp(H) :=
rew_heap in H; auto_star.
Hint Rewrite hstar_assoc : rew_heap_assoc.
Tactic Notation "rew_heap_assoc" :=
autorewrite with rew_heap_assoc.
Ltac remove_empty_heaps_from H :=
match H with context[ ?H1 \* \[] ] ⇒
match is_evar_as_bool H1 with
| false ⇒ rewrite (@hstar_hempty_r H1)
| true ⇒ let X := fresh in
set (X := H1);
rewrite (@hstar_hempty_r X);
subst X
end end.
Ltac remove_empty_heaps_haffine tt :=
repeat match goal with ⊢ haffine ?H ⇒ remove_empty_heaps_from H end.
Ltac remove_empty_heaps_left tt :=
repeat match goal with ⊢ ?H1 ==> _ ⇒ remove_empty_heaps_from H1 end.
Ltac remove_empty_heaps_right tt :=
repeat match goal with ⊢ _ ==> ?H2 ⇒ remove_empty_heaps_from H2 end.
match H with context[ ?H1 \* \[] ] ⇒
match is_evar_as_bool H1 with
| false ⇒ rewrite (@hstar_hempty_r H1)
| true ⇒ let X := fresh in
set (X := H1);
rewrite (@hstar_hempty_r X);
subst X
end end.
Ltac remove_empty_heaps_haffine tt :=
repeat match goal with ⊢ haffine ?H ⇒ remove_empty_heaps_from H end.
Ltac remove_empty_heaps_left tt :=
repeat match goal with ⊢ ?H1 ==> _ ⇒ remove_empty_heaps_from H1 end.
Ltac remove_empty_heaps_right tt :=
repeat match goal with ⊢ _ ==> ?H2 ⇒ remove_empty_heaps_from H2 end.
Tactics xsimpl and xpull for Heap Entailments
Ltac xaffine_core tt := (* to be generalized lated *)
try solve [ assumption | apply haffine_hempty ].
Tactic Notation "xaffine" :=
xaffine_core tt.
try solve [ assumption | apply haffine_hempty ].
Tactic Notation "xaffine" :=
xaffine_core tt.
Inductive Xsimpl_hint : list Boxer → Type :=
| xsimpl_hint : ∀ (L:list Boxer), Xsimpl_hint L.
Ltac xsimpl_hint_put L :=
let H := fresh "Hint" in
generalize (xsimpl_hint L); intros H.
Ltac xsimpl_hint_next cont :=
match goal with H: Xsimpl_hint ((boxer ?x)::?L) ⊢ _ ⇒
clear H; xsimpl_hint_put L; cont x end.
Ltac xsimpl_hint_remove tt :=
match goal with H: Xsimpl_hint _ ⊢ _ ⇒ clear H end.
| xsimpl_hint : ∀ (L:list Boxer), Xsimpl_hint L.
Ltac xsimpl_hint_put L :=
let H := fresh "Hint" in
generalize (xsimpl_hint L); intros H.
Ltac xsimpl_hint_next cont :=
match goal with H: Xsimpl_hint ((boxer ?x)::?L) ⊢ _ ⇒
clear H; xsimpl_hint_put L; cont x end.
Ltac xsimpl_hint_remove tt :=
match goal with H: Xsimpl_hint _ ⊢ _ ⇒ clear H end.
Lemmas hstars_reorder_.. to flip an iterated hstar.
Lemma hstars_flip_0 :
\[] = \[].
Proof using. auto. Qed.
Lemma hstars_flip_1 : ∀ H1,
H1 \* \[] = H1 \* \[].
Proof using. auto. Qed.
Lemma hstars_flip_2 : ∀ H1 H2,
H1 \* H2 \* \[] = H2 \* H1 \* \[].
Proof using. intros. rew_heap. rewrite (hstar_comm H2). rew_heap¬. Qed.
Lemma hstars_flip_3 : ∀ H1 H2 H3,
H1 \* H2 \* H3 \* \[] = H3 \* H2 \* H1 \* \[].
Proof using. intros. rewrite <- (hstars_flip_2 H1). rew_heap. rewrite (hstar_comm H3). rew_heap¬. Qed.
Lemma hstars_flip_4 : ∀ H1 H2 H3 H4,
H1 \* H2 \* H3 \* H4 \* \[] = H4 \* H3 \* H2 \* H1 \* \[].
Proof using. intros. rewrite <- (hstars_flip_3 H1). rew_heap. rewrite (hstar_comm H4). rew_heap¬. Qed.
Lemma hstars_flip_5 : ∀ H1 H2 H3 H4 H5,
H1 \* H2 \* H3 \* H4 \* H5 \* \[] = H5 \* H4 \* H3 \* H2 \* H1 \* \[].
Proof using. intros. rewrite <- (hstars_flip_4 H1). rew_heap. rewrite (hstar_comm H5). rew_heap¬. Qed.
Lemma hstars_flip_6 : ∀ H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6,
H1 \* H2 \* H3 \* H4 \* H5 \* H6 \* \[]
= H6 \* H5 \* H4 \* H3 \* H2 \* H1 \* \[].
Proof using. intros. rewrite <- (hstars_flip_5 H1). rew_heap. rewrite (hstar_comm H6). rew_heap¬. Qed.
Lemma hstars_flip_7 : ∀ H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7,
H1 \* H2 \* H3 \* H4 \* H5 \* H6 \* H7 \* \[]
= H7 \* H6 \* H5 \* H4 \* H3 \* H2 \* H1 \* \[].
Proof using. intros. rewrite <- (hstars_flip_6 H1). rew_heap. rewrite (hstar_comm H7). rew_heap¬. Qed.
Lemma hstars_flip_8 : ∀ H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7 H8,
H1 \* H2 \* H3 \* H4 \* H5 \* H6 \* H7 \* H8 \* \[]
= H8 \* H7 \* H6 \* H5 \* H4 \* H3 \* H2 \* H1 \* \[].
Proof using. intros. rewrite <- (hstars_flip_7 H1). rew_heap. rewrite (hstar_comm H8). rew_heap¬. Qed.
Lemma hstars_flip_9 : ∀ H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7 H8 H9,
H1 \* H2 \* H3 \* H4 \* H5 \* H6 \* H7 \* H8 \* H9 \* \[]
= H9 \* H8 \* H7 \* H6 \* H5 \* H4 \* H3 \* H2 \* H1 \* \[].
Proof using. intros. rewrite <- (hstars_flip_8 H1). rew_heap. rewrite (hstar_comm H9). rew_heap¬. Qed.
Ltac hstars_flip_lemma i :=
match number_to_nat i with
| 0%nat ⇒ constr:(hstars_flip_0)
| 1%nat ⇒ constr:(hstars_flip_1)
| 2%nat ⇒ constr:(hstars_flip_2)
| 3%nat ⇒ constr:(hstars_flip_3)
| 4%nat ⇒ constr:(hstars_flip_4)
| 5%nat ⇒ constr:(hstars_flip_5)
| 6%nat ⇒ constr:(hstars_flip_6)
| 7%nat ⇒ constr:(hstars_flip_7)
| 8%nat ⇒ constr:(hstars_flip_8)
| 9%nat ⇒ constr:(hstars_flip_9)
| _ ⇒ constr:(hstars_flip_1) (* unsupported *)
Ltac hstars_arity i Hs :=
match Hs with
| \[] ⇒ constr:(i)
| ?H1 \* ?H2 ⇒ hstars_arity (S i) H2
Ltac hstars_flip_arity tt :=
match goal with ⊢ ?HL = ?HR ⇒ hstars_arity 0%nat HL end.
Ltac hstars_flip tt :=
let i := hstars_flip_arity tt in
let L := hstars_flip_lemma i in
eapply L.
\[] = \[].
Proof using. auto. Qed.
Lemma hstars_flip_1 : ∀ H1,
H1 \* \[] = H1 \* \[].
Proof using. auto. Qed.
Lemma hstars_flip_2 : ∀ H1 H2,
H1 \* H2 \* \[] = H2 \* H1 \* \[].
Proof using. intros. rew_heap. rewrite (hstar_comm H2). rew_heap¬. Qed.
Lemma hstars_flip_3 : ∀ H1 H2 H3,
H1 \* H2 \* H3 \* \[] = H3 \* H2 \* H1 \* \[].
Proof using. intros. rewrite <- (hstars_flip_2 H1). rew_heap. rewrite (hstar_comm H3). rew_heap¬. Qed.
Lemma hstars_flip_4 : ∀ H1 H2 H3 H4,
H1 \* H2 \* H3 \* H4 \* \[] = H4 \* H3 \* H2 \* H1 \* \[].
Proof using. intros. rewrite <- (hstars_flip_3 H1). rew_heap. rewrite (hstar_comm H4). rew_heap¬. Qed.
Lemma hstars_flip_5 : ∀ H1 H2 H3 H4 H5,
H1 \* H2 \* H3 \* H4 \* H5 \* \[] = H5 \* H4 \* H3 \* H2 \* H1 \* \[].
Proof using. intros. rewrite <- (hstars_flip_4 H1). rew_heap. rewrite (hstar_comm H5). rew_heap¬. Qed.
Lemma hstars_flip_6 : ∀ H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6,
H1 \* H2 \* H3 \* H4 \* H5 \* H6 \* \[]
= H6 \* H5 \* H4 \* H3 \* H2 \* H1 \* \[].
Proof using. intros. rewrite <- (hstars_flip_5 H1). rew_heap. rewrite (hstar_comm H6). rew_heap¬. Qed.
Lemma hstars_flip_7 : ∀ H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7,
H1 \* H2 \* H3 \* H4 \* H5 \* H6 \* H7 \* \[]
= H7 \* H6 \* H5 \* H4 \* H3 \* H2 \* H1 \* \[].
Proof using. intros. rewrite <- (hstars_flip_6 H1). rew_heap. rewrite (hstar_comm H7). rew_heap¬. Qed.
Lemma hstars_flip_8 : ∀ H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7 H8,
H1 \* H2 \* H3 \* H4 \* H5 \* H6 \* H7 \* H8 \* \[]
= H8 \* H7 \* H6 \* H5 \* H4 \* H3 \* H2 \* H1 \* \[].
Proof using. intros. rewrite <- (hstars_flip_7 H1). rew_heap. rewrite (hstar_comm H8). rew_heap¬. Qed.
Lemma hstars_flip_9 : ∀ H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7 H8 H9,
H1 \* H2 \* H3 \* H4 \* H5 \* H6 \* H7 \* H8 \* H9 \* \[]
= H9 \* H8 \* H7 \* H6 \* H5 \* H4 \* H3 \* H2 \* H1 \* \[].
Proof using. intros. rewrite <- (hstars_flip_8 H1). rew_heap. rewrite (hstar_comm H9). rew_heap¬. Qed.
Ltac hstars_flip_lemma i :=
match number_to_nat i with
| 0%nat ⇒ constr:(hstars_flip_0)
| 1%nat ⇒ constr:(hstars_flip_1)
| 2%nat ⇒ constr:(hstars_flip_2)
| 3%nat ⇒ constr:(hstars_flip_3)
| 4%nat ⇒ constr:(hstars_flip_4)
| 5%nat ⇒ constr:(hstars_flip_5)
| 6%nat ⇒ constr:(hstars_flip_6)
| 7%nat ⇒ constr:(hstars_flip_7)
| 8%nat ⇒ constr:(hstars_flip_8)
| 9%nat ⇒ constr:(hstars_flip_9)
| _ ⇒ constr:(hstars_flip_1) (* unsupported *)
Ltac hstars_arity i Hs :=
match Hs with
| \[] ⇒ constr:(i)
| ?H1 \* ?H2 ⇒ hstars_arity (S i) H2
Ltac hstars_flip_arity tt :=
match goal with ⊢ ?HL = ?HR ⇒ hstars_arity 0%nat HL end.
Ltac hstars_flip tt :=
let i := hstars_flip_arity tt in
let L := hstars_flip_lemma i in
eapply L.
Lemmas hstars_pick_... to extract hyps in depth.
Definition hstars_last (A:Type) (X:A) := X.
Ltac hstars_search Hs test :=
let rec aux i Hs :=
first [ match Hs with ?H \* _ ⇒ test i H end
| match Hs with _ \* ?Hs' ⇒ aux (S i) Hs' end
| match Hs with ?H ⇒ test (hstars_last i) H end ] in
aux 1%nat Hs.
Ltac hstars_search Hs test :=
let rec aux i Hs :=
first [ match Hs with ?H \* _ ⇒ test i H end
| match Hs with _ \* ?Hs' ⇒ aux (S i) Hs' end
| match Hs with ?H ⇒ test (hstars_last i) H end ] in
aux 1%nat Hs.
hstars_pick_lemma i returns one of the lemma below,
which enables reordering in iterated stars, by extracting
the i-th item to bring it to the front.
Lemma hstars_pick_1 : ∀ H1 H,
H1 \* H = H1 \* H.
Proof using. auto. Qed.
Lemma hstars_pick_2 : ∀ H1 H2 H,
H1 \* H2 \* H = H2 \* H1 \* H.
Proof using. intros. rewrite¬(hstar_comm_assoc H1). Qed.
Lemma hstars_pick_3 : ∀ H1 H2 H3 H,
H1 \* H2 \* H3 \* H = H3 \* H1 \* H2 \* H.
Proof using. intros. rewrite¬(hstar_comm_assoc H2). applys hstars_pick_2. Qed.
Lemma hstars_pick_4 : ∀ H1 H2 H3 H4 H,
H1 \* H2 \* H3 \* H4 \* H = H4 \* H1 \* H2 \* H3 \* H.
Proof using. intros. rewrite¬(hstar_comm_assoc H3). applys hstars_pick_3. Qed.
Lemma hstars_pick_5 : ∀ H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H,
H1 \* H2 \* H3 \* H4 \* H5 \* H = H5 \* H1 \* H2 \* H3 \* H4 \* H.
Proof using. intros. rewrite¬(hstar_comm_assoc H4). applys hstars_pick_4. Qed.
Lemma hstars_pick_6 : ∀ H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H,
H1 \* H2 \* H3 \* H4 \* H5 \* H6 \* H
= H6 \* H1 \* H2 \* H3 \* H4 \* H5 \* H.
Proof using. intros. rewrite¬(hstar_comm_assoc H5). applys hstars_pick_5. Qed.
Lemma hstars_pick_7 : ∀ H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7 H,
H1 \* H2 \* H3 \* H4 \* H5 \* H6 \* H7 \* H
= H7 \* H1 \* H2 \* H3 \* H4 \* H5 \* H6 \* H.
Proof using. intros. rewrite¬(hstar_comm_assoc H6). applys hstars_pick_6. Qed.
Lemma hstars_pick_8 : ∀ H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7 H8 H,
H1 \* H2 \* H3 \* H4 \* H5 \* H6 \* H7 \* H8 \* H
= H8 \* H1 \* H2 \* H3 \* H4 \* H5 \* H6 \* H7 \* H.
Proof using. intros. rewrite¬(hstar_comm_assoc H7). applys hstars_pick_7. Qed.
Lemma hstars_pick_9 : ∀ H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7 H8 H9 H,
H1 \* H2 \* H3 \* H4 \* H5 \* H6 \* H7 \* H8 \* H9 \* H
= H9 \* H1 \* H2 \* H3 \* H4 \* H5 \* H6 \* H7 \* H8 \* H.
Proof using. intros. rewrite¬(hstar_comm_assoc H8). applys hstars_pick_8. Qed.
Lemma hstars_pick_last_1 : ∀ H1,
H1 = H1.
Proof using. auto. Qed.
Lemma hstars_pick_last_2 : ∀ H1 H2,
H1 \* H2 = H2 \* H1.
Proof using. intros. rewrite¬(hstar_comm). Qed.
Lemma hstars_pick_last_3 : ∀ H1 H2 H3,
H1 \* H2 \* H3 = H3 \* H1 \* H2.
Proof using. intros. rewrite¬(hstar_comm H2). applys hstars_pick_2. Qed.
Lemma hstars_pick_last_4 : ∀ H1 H2 H3 H4,
H1 \* H2 \* H3 \* H4 = H4 \* H1 \* H2 \* H3.
Proof using. intros. rewrite¬(hstar_comm H3). applys hstars_pick_3. Qed.
Lemma hstars_pick_last_5 : ∀ H1 H2 H3 H4 H5,
H1 \* H2 \* H3 \* H4 \* H5 = H5 \* H1 \* H2 \* H3 \* H4.
Proof using. intros. rewrite¬(hstar_comm H4). applys hstars_pick_4. Qed.
Lemma hstars_pick_last_6 : ∀ H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6,
H1 \* H2 \* H3 \* H4 \* H5 \* H6
= H6 \* H1 \* H2 \* H3 \* H4 \* H5.
Proof using. intros. rewrite¬(hstar_comm H5). applys hstars_pick_5. Qed.
Lemma hstars_pick_last_7 : ∀ H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7,
H1 \* H2 \* H3 \* H4 \* H5 \* H6 \* H7
= H7 \* H1 \* H2 \* H3 \* H4 \* H5 \* H6.
Proof using. intros. rewrite¬(hstar_comm H6). applys hstars_pick_6. Qed.
Lemma hstars_pick_last_8 : ∀ H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7 H8,
H1 \* H2 \* H3 \* H4 \* H5 \* H6 \* H7 \* H8
= H8 \* H1 \* H2 \* H3 \* H4 \* H5 \* H6 \* H7.
Proof using. intros. rewrite¬(hstar_comm H7). applys hstars_pick_7. Qed.
Lemma hstars_pick_last_9 : ∀ H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7 H8 H9,
H1 \* H2 \* H3 \* H4 \* H5 \* H6 \* H7 \* H8 \* H9
= H9 \* H1 \* H2 \* H3 \* H4 \* H5 \* H6 \* H7 \* H8.
Proof using. intros. rewrite¬(hstar_comm H8). applys hstars_pick_8. Qed.
Ltac hstars_pick_lemma i :=
let unsupported tt := fail 100 "hstars_pick supports only arity up to 9" in
match i with
| hstars_last ?j ⇒ match number_to_nat j with
| 1%nat ⇒ constr:(hstars_pick_last_1)
| 2%nat ⇒ constr:(hstars_pick_last_2)
| 3%nat ⇒ constr:(hstars_pick_last_3)
| 4%nat ⇒ constr:(hstars_pick_last_4)
| 5%nat ⇒ constr:(hstars_pick_last_5)
| 6%nat ⇒ constr:(hstars_pick_last_6)
| 7%nat ⇒ constr:(hstars_pick_last_7)
| 8%nat ⇒ constr:(hstars_pick_last_8)
| 9%nat ⇒ constr:(hstars_pick_last_9)
| _ ⇒ unsupported tt
| ?j ⇒ match number_to_nat j with
| 1%nat ⇒ constr:(hstars_pick_1)
| 2%nat ⇒ constr:(hstars_pick_2)
| 3%nat ⇒ constr:(hstars_pick_3)
| 4%nat ⇒ constr:(hstars_pick_4)
| 5%nat ⇒ constr:(hstars_pick_5)
| 6%nat ⇒ constr:(hstars_pick_6)
| 7%nat ⇒ constr:(hstars_pick_7)
| 8%nat ⇒ constr:(hstars_pick_8)
| 9%nat ⇒ constr:(hstars_pick_9)
| _ ⇒ unsupported tt
H1 \* H = H1 \* H.
Proof using. auto. Qed.
Lemma hstars_pick_2 : ∀ H1 H2 H,
H1 \* H2 \* H = H2 \* H1 \* H.
Proof using. intros. rewrite¬(hstar_comm_assoc H1). Qed.
Lemma hstars_pick_3 : ∀ H1 H2 H3 H,
H1 \* H2 \* H3 \* H = H3 \* H1 \* H2 \* H.
Proof using. intros. rewrite¬(hstar_comm_assoc H2). applys hstars_pick_2. Qed.
Lemma hstars_pick_4 : ∀ H1 H2 H3 H4 H,
H1 \* H2 \* H3 \* H4 \* H = H4 \* H1 \* H2 \* H3 \* H.
Proof using. intros. rewrite¬(hstar_comm_assoc H3). applys hstars_pick_3. Qed.
Lemma hstars_pick_5 : ∀ H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H,
H1 \* H2 \* H3 \* H4 \* H5 \* H = H5 \* H1 \* H2 \* H3 \* H4 \* H.
Proof using. intros. rewrite¬(hstar_comm_assoc H4). applys hstars_pick_4. Qed.
Lemma hstars_pick_6 : ∀ H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H,
H1 \* H2 \* H3 \* H4 \* H5 \* H6 \* H
= H6 \* H1 \* H2 \* H3 \* H4 \* H5 \* H.
Proof using. intros. rewrite¬(hstar_comm_assoc H5). applys hstars_pick_5. Qed.
Lemma hstars_pick_7 : ∀ H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7 H,
H1 \* H2 \* H3 \* H4 \* H5 \* H6 \* H7 \* H
= H7 \* H1 \* H2 \* H3 \* H4 \* H5 \* H6 \* H.
Proof using. intros. rewrite¬(hstar_comm_assoc H6). applys hstars_pick_6. Qed.
Lemma hstars_pick_8 : ∀ H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7 H8 H,
H1 \* H2 \* H3 \* H4 \* H5 \* H6 \* H7 \* H8 \* H
= H8 \* H1 \* H2 \* H3 \* H4 \* H5 \* H6 \* H7 \* H.
Proof using. intros. rewrite¬(hstar_comm_assoc H7). applys hstars_pick_7. Qed.
Lemma hstars_pick_9 : ∀ H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7 H8 H9 H,
H1 \* H2 \* H3 \* H4 \* H5 \* H6 \* H7 \* H8 \* H9 \* H
= H9 \* H1 \* H2 \* H3 \* H4 \* H5 \* H6 \* H7 \* H8 \* H.
Proof using. intros. rewrite¬(hstar_comm_assoc H8). applys hstars_pick_8. Qed.
Lemma hstars_pick_last_1 : ∀ H1,
H1 = H1.
Proof using. auto. Qed.
Lemma hstars_pick_last_2 : ∀ H1 H2,
H1 \* H2 = H2 \* H1.
Proof using. intros. rewrite¬(hstar_comm). Qed.
Lemma hstars_pick_last_3 : ∀ H1 H2 H3,
H1 \* H2 \* H3 = H3 \* H1 \* H2.
Proof using. intros. rewrite¬(hstar_comm H2). applys hstars_pick_2. Qed.
Lemma hstars_pick_last_4 : ∀ H1 H2 H3 H4,
H1 \* H2 \* H3 \* H4 = H4 \* H1 \* H2 \* H3.
Proof using. intros. rewrite¬(hstar_comm H3). applys hstars_pick_3. Qed.
Lemma hstars_pick_last_5 : ∀ H1 H2 H3 H4 H5,
H1 \* H2 \* H3 \* H4 \* H5 = H5 \* H1 \* H2 \* H3 \* H4.
Proof using. intros. rewrite¬(hstar_comm H4). applys hstars_pick_4. Qed.
Lemma hstars_pick_last_6 : ∀ H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6,
H1 \* H2 \* H3 \* H4 \* H5 \* H6
= H6 \* H1 \* H2 \* H3 \* H4 \* H5.
Proof using. intros. rewrite¬(hstar_comm H5). applys hstars_pick_5. Qed.
Lemma hstars_pick_last_7 : ∀ H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7,
H1 \* H2 \* H3 \* H4 \* H5 \* H6 \* H7
= H7 \* H1 \* H2 \* H3 \* H4 \* H5 \* H6.
Proof using. intros. rewrite¬(hstar_comm H6). applys hstars_pick_6. Qed.
Lemma hstars_pick_last_8 : ∀ H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7 H8,
H1 \* H2 \* H3 \* H4 \* H5 \* H6 \* H7 \* H8
= H8 \* H1 \* H2 \* H3 \* H4 \* H5 \* H6 \* H7.
Proof using. intros. rewrite¬(hstar_comm H7). applys hstars_pick_7. Qed.
Lemma hstars_pick_last_9 : ∀ H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7 H8 H9,
H1 \* H2 \* H3 \* H4 \* H5 \* H6 \* H7 \* H8 \* H9
= H9 \* H1 \* H2 \* H3 \* H4 \* H5 \* H6 \* H7 \* H8.
Proof using. intros. rewrite¬(hstar_comm H8). applys hstars_pick_8. Qed.
Ltac hstars_pick_lemma i :=
let unsupported tt := fail 100 "hstars_pick supports only arity up to 9" in
match i with
| hstars_last ?j ⇒ match number_to_nat j with
| 1%nat ⇒ constr:(hstars_pick_last_1)
| 2%nat ⇒ constr:(hstars_pick_last_2)
| 3%nat ⇒ constr:(hstars_pick_last_3)
| 4%nat ⇒ constr:(hstars_pick_last_4)
| 5%nat ⇒ constr:(hstars_pick_last_5)
| 6%nat ⇒ constr:(hstars_pick_last_6)
| 7%nat ⇒ constr:(hstars_pick_last_7)
| 8%nat ⇒ constr:(hstars_pick_last_8)
| 9%nat ⇒ constr:(hstars_pick_last_9)
| _ ⇒ unsupported tt
| ?j ⇒ match number_to_nat j with
| 1%nat ⇒ constr:(hstars_pick_1)
| 2%nat ⇒ constr:(hstars_pick_2)
| 3%nat ⇒ constr:(hstars_pick_3)
| 4%nat ⇒ constr:(hstars_pick_4)
| 5%nat ⇒ constr:(hstars_pick_5)
| 6%nat ⇒ constr:(hstars_pick_6)
| 7%nat ⇒ constr:(hstars_pick_7)
| 8%nat ⇒ constr:(hstars_pick_8)
| 9%nat ⇒ constr:(hstars_pick_9)
| _ ⇒ unsupported tt
Documentation for the Tactic xsimpl
- Hla denotes "cleaned up" items from the left hand side
- Hlw denotes the H1 \−∗ H2 and Q1 \−−∗ Q2 items from the left hand side
- Hlt denotes the remaining items to process items from the left hand side
- Hra denotes "cleaned up" items from the right hand side
- Hrg denotes the \GC and \Top items from the right hand side
- Hrt denotes the remaining items to process from the right hand side
Definition Xsimpl (HL HR:hprop*hprop*hprop) :=
let '(Hla,Hlw,Hlt) := HL in
let '(Hra,Hrg,Hrt) := HR in
Hla \* Hlw \* Hlt ==> Hra \* Hrg \* Hrt.
let '(Hla,Hlw,Hlt) := HL in
let '(Hra,Hrg,Hrt) := HR in
Hla \* Hlw \* Hlt ==> Hra \* Hrg \* Hrt.
protect X is use to prevent xsimpl from investigating inside X
Auxiliary lemmas to prove lemmas for xsimpl implementation.
Lemma Xsimpl_trans_l : ∀ Hla1 Hlw1 Hlt1 Hla2 Hlw2 Hlt2 HR,
Xsimpl (Hla2,Hlw2,Hlt2) HR →
Hla1 \* Hlw1 \* Hlt1 ==> Hla2 \* Hlw2 \* Hlt2 →
Xsimpl (Hla1,Hlw1,Hlt1) HR.
Proof using.
introv M1 E. destruct HR as [[Hra Hrg] Hrt]. unfolds Xsimpl.
applys* himpl_trans M1.
Lemma Xsimpl_trans_r : ∀ Hra1 Hrg1 Hrt1 Hra2 Hrg2 Hrt2 HL,
Xsimpl HL (Hra2,Hrg2,Hrt2) →
Hra2 \* Hrg2 \* Hrt2 ==> Hra1 \* Hrg1 \* Hrt1 →
Xsimpl HL (Hra1,Hrg1,Hrt1).
Proof using.
introv M1 E. destruct HL as [[Hla Hlw] Hlt]. unfolds Xsimpl.
applys* himpl_trans M1.
Lemma Xsimpl_trans : ∀ Hla1 Hlw1 Hlt1 Hla2 Hlw2 Hlt2 Hra1 Hrg1 Hrt1 Hra2 Hrg2 Hrt2,
Xsimpl (Hla2,Hlw2,Hlt2) (Hra2,Hrg2,Hrt2) →
(Hla2 \* Hlw2 \* Hlt2 ==> Hra2 \* Hrg2 \* Hrt2 →
Hla1 \* Hlw1 \* Hlt1 ==> Hra1 \* Hrg1 \* Hrt1) →
Xsimpl (Hla1,Hlw1,Hlt1) (Hra1,Hrg1,Hrt1).
Proof using. introv M1 E. unfolds Xsimpl. eauto. Qed.
Xsimpl (Hla2,Hlw2,Hlt2) HR →
Hla1 \* Hlw1 \* Hlt1 ==> Hla2 \* Hlw2 \* Hlt2 →
Xsimpl (Hla1,Hlw1,Hlt1) HR.
Proof using.
introv M1 E. destruct HR as [[Hra Hrg] Hrt]. unfolds Xsimpl.
applys* himpl_trans M1.
Lemma Xsimpl_trans_r : ∀ Hra1 Hrg1 Hrt1 Hra2 Hrg2 Hrt2 HL,
Xsimpl HL (Hra2,Hrg2,Hrt2) →
Hra2 \* Hrg2 \* Hrt2 ==> Hra1 \* Hrg1 \* Hrt1 →
Xsimpl HL (Hra1,Hrg1,Hrt1).
Proof using.
introv M1 E. destruct HL as [[Hla Hlw] Hlt]. unfolds Xsimpl.
applys* himpl_trans M1.
Lemma Xsimpl_trans : ∀ Hla1 Hlw1 Hlt1 Hla2 Hlw2 Hlt2 Hra1 Hrg1 Hrt1 Hra2 Hrg2 Hrt2,
Xsimpl (Hla2,Hlw2,Hlt2) (Hra2,Hrg2,Hrt2) →
(Hla2 \* Hlw2 \* Hlt2 ==> Hra2 \* Hrg2 \* Hrt2 →
Hla1 \* Hlw1 \* Hlt1 ==> Hra1 \* Hrg1 \* Hrt1) →
Xsimpl (Hla1,Hlw1,Hlt1) (Hra1,Hrg1,Hrt1).
Proof using. introv M1 E. unfolds Xsimpl. eauto. Qed.
Lemma hstars_simpl_start : ∀ H1 H2,
H1 \* \[] ==> \[] \* H2 \* \[] →
H1 ==> H2.
Proof using. introv M. rew_heap¬in *. Qed.
Lemma hstars_simpl_keep : ∀ H1 Ha H Ht,
H1 ==> (H \* Ha) \* Ht →
H1 ==> Ha \* H \* Ht.
Proof using. introv M. rew_heap in *. rewrite¬hstar_comm_assoc. Qed.
Lemma hstars_simpl_cancel : ∀ H1 Ha H Ht,
H1 ==> Ha \* Ht →
H \* H1 ==> Ha \* H \* Ht.
Proof using. introv M. rewrite hstar_comm_assoc. applys¬himpl_frame_lr. Qed.
Lemma hstars_simpl_pick_lemma : ∀ H1 H1' H2,
H1 = H1' →
H1' ==> H2 →
H1 ==> H2.
Proof using. introv M. subst¬. Qed.
Ltac hstars_simpl_pick i :=
(* Remark: the hstars_pick_last lemmas should never be needed here *)
let L := hstars_pick_lemma i in
eapply hstars_simpl_pick_lemma; [ apply L | ].
Ltac hstars_simpl_start tt :=
match goal with ⊢ ?H1 ==> ?H2 ⇒ idtac end;
applys hstars_simpl_start;
Ltac hstars_simpl_step tt :=
match goal with ⊢ ?Hl ==> ?Ha \* ?H \* ?H2 ⇒
first [
hstars_search Hl ltac:(fun i H' ⇒
match H' with H ⇒ hstars_simpl_pick i end);
apply hstars_simpl_cancel
| apply hstars_simpl_keep ]
Ltac hstars_simpl_post tt :=
rew_heap; try apply himpl_refl.
Ltac hstars_simpl_core tt :=
hstars_simpl_start tt;
repeat (hstars_simpl_step tt);
hstars_simpl_post tt.
Tactic Notation "hstars_simpl" :=
hstars_simpl_core tt.
H1 \* \[] ==> \[] \* H2 \* \[] →
H1 ==> H2.
Proof using. introv M. rew_heap¬in *. Qed.
Lemma hstars_simpl_keep : ∀ H1 Ha H Ht,
H1 ==> (H \* Ha) \* Ht →
H1 ==> Ha \* H \* Ht.
Proof using. introv M. rew_heap in *. rewrite¬hstar_comm_assoc. Qed.
Lemma hstars_simpl_cancel : ∀ H1 Ha H Ht,
H1 ==> Ha \* Ht →
H \* H1 ==> Ha \* H \* Ht.
Proof using. introv M. rewrite hstar_comm_assoc. applys¬himpl_frame_lr. Qed.
Lemma hstars_simpl_pick_lemma : ∀ H1 H1' H2,
H1 = H1' →
H1' ==> H2 →
H1 ==> H2.
Proof using. introv M. subst¬. Qed.
Ltac hstars_simpl_pick i :=
(* Remark: the hstars_pick_last lemmas should never be needed here *)
let L := hstars_pick_lemma i in
eapply hstars_simpl_pick_lemma; [ apply L | ].
Ltac hstars_simpl_start tt :=
match goal with ⊢ ?H1 ==> ?H2 ⇒ idtac end;
applys hstars_simpl_start;
Ltac hstars_simpl_step tt :=
match goal with ⊢ ?Hl ==> ?Ha \* ?H \* ?H2 ⇒
first [
hstars_search Hl ltac:(fun i H' ⇒
match H' with H ⇒ hstars_simpl_pick i end);
apply hstars_simpl_cancel
| apply hstars_simpl_keep ]
Ltac hstars_simpl_post tt :=
rew_heap; try apply himpl_refl.
Ltac hstars_simpl_core tt :=
hstars_simpl_start tt;
repeat (hstars_simpl_step tt);
hstars_simpl_post tt.
Tactic Notation "hstars_simpl" :=
hstars_simpl_core tt.
Lemma xpull_protect : ∀ H1 H2,
H1 ==> protect H2 →
H1 ==> H2.
Proof using. auto. Qed.
Lemma xsimpl_start : ∀ H1 H2,
Xsimpl (\[], \[], (H1 \* \[])) (\[], \[], (H2 \* \[])) →
H1 ==> H2.
Proof using. introv M. unfolds Xsimpl. rew_heap¬in *. Qed.
(* Note: repeat rewrite hstar_assoc after applying this lemma *)
H1 ==> protect H2 →
H1 ==> H2.
Proof using. auto. Qed.
Lemma xsimpl_start : ∀ H1 H2,
Xsimpl (\[], \[], (H1 \* \[])) (\[], \[], (H2 \* \[])) →
H1 ==> H2.
Proof using. introv M. unfolds Xsimpl. rew_heap¬in *. Qed.
(* Note: repeat rewrite hstar_assoc after applying this lemma *)
Transition lemmas for LHS extraction operations
Ltac xsimpl_l_start M :=
introv M;
match goal with HR: hprop*hprop*hprop ⊢ _ ⇒
destruct HR as [[Hra Hrg] Hrt]; unfolds Xsimpl end.
Ltac xsimpl_l_start' M :=
xsimpl_l_start M; applys himpl_trans (rm M); hstars_simpl.
Lemma xsimpl_l_hempty : ∀ Hla Hlw Hlt HR,
Xsimpl (Hla, Hlw, Hlt) HR →
Xsimpl (Hla, Hlw, (\[] \* Hlt)) HR.
Proof using. xsimpl_l_start' M. Qed.
Lemma xsimpl_l_hpure : ∀ P Hla Hlw Hlt HR,
(P → Xsimpl (Hla, Hlw, Hlt) HR) →
Xsimpl (Hla, Hlw, (\[P] \* Hlt)) HR.
Proof using.
xsimpl_l_start M. rewrite hstars_pick_3. applys* himpl_hstar_hpure_l.
Lemma xsimpl_l_hexists : ∀ A (J:A→hprop) Hla Hlw Hlt HR,
(∀ x, Xsimpl (Hla, Hlw, (J x \* Hlt)) HR) →
Xsimpl (Hla, Hlw, (hexists J \* Hlt)) HR.
Proof using.
xsimpl_l_start M. rewrite hstars_pick_3. rewrite hstar_hexists.
applys* himpl_hexists_l. intros. rewrite¬<- hstars_pick_3.
Lemma xsimpl_l_acc_wand : ∀ H Hla Hlw Hlt HR,
Xsimpl (Hla, (H \* Hlw), Hlt) HR →
Xsimpl (Hla, Hlw, (H \* Hlt)) HR.
Proof using. xsimpl_l_start' M. Qed.
Lemma xsimpl_l_acc_other : ∀ H Hla Hlw Hlt HR,
Xsimpl ((H \* Hla), Hlw, Hlt) HR →
Xsimpl (Hla, Hlw, (H \* Hlt)) HR.
Proof using. xsimpl_l_start' M. Qed.
introv M;
match goal with HR: hprop*hprop*hprop ⊢ _ ⇒
destruct HR as [[Hra Hrg] Hrt]; unfolds Xsimpl end.
Ltac xsimpl_l_start' M :=
xsimpl_l_start M; applys himpl_trans (rm M); hstars_simpl.
Lemma xsimpl_l_hempty : ∀ Hla Hlw Hlt HR,
Xsimpl (Hla, Hlw, Hlt) HR →
Xsimpl (Hla, Hlw, (\[] \* Hlt)) HR.
Proof using. xsimpl_l_start' M. Qed.
Lemma xsimpl_l_hpure : ∀ P Hla Hlw Hlt HR,
(P → Xsimpl (Hla, Hlw, Hlt) HR) →
Xsimpl (Hla, Hlw, (\[P] \* Hlt)) HR.
Proof using.
xsimpl_l_start M. rewrite hstars_pick_3. applys* himpl_hstar_hpure_l.
Lemma xsimpl_l_hexists : ∀ A (J:A→hprop) Hla Hlw Hlt HR,
(∀ x, Xsimpl (Hla, Hlw, (J x \* Hlt)) HR) →
Xsimpl (Hla, Hlw, (hexists J \* Hlt)) HR.
Proof using.
xsimpl_l_start M. rewrite hstars_pick_3. rewrite hstar_hexists.
applys* himpl_hexists_l. intros. rewrite¬<- hstars_pick_3.
Lemma xsimpl_l_acc_wand : ∀ H Hla Hlw Hlt HR,
Xsimpl (Hla, (H \* Hlw), Hlt) HR →
Xsimpl (Hla, Hlw, (H \* Hlt)) HR.
Proof using. xsimpl_l_start' M. Qed.
Lemma xsimpl_l_acc_other : ∀ H Hla Hlw Hlt HR,
Xsimpl ((H \* Hla), Hlw, Hlt) HR →
Xsimpl (Hla, Hlw, (H \* Hlt)) HR.
Proof using. xsimpl_l_start' M. Qed.
Transition lemmas for LHS cancellation operations
Hlt is meant to be empty there
Lemma xsimpl_l_cancel_hwand_hempty : ∀ H2 Hla Hlw Hlt HR,
Xsimpl (Hla, Hlw, (H2 \* Hlt)) HR →
Xsimpl (Hla, ((\[] \−∗ H2) \* Hlw), Hlt) HR.
Proof using. xsimpl_l_start' M. Qed.
Lemma xsimpl_l_cancel_hwand : ∀ H1 H2 Hla Hlw Hlt HR,
Xsimpl (\[], Hlw, (Hla \* H2 \* Hlt)) HR →
Xsimpl ((H1 \* Hla), ((H1 \−∗ H2) \* Hlw), Hlt) HR.
Proof using. xsimpl_l_start' M. applys¬hwand_cancel. Qed.
Lemma xsimpl_l_cancel_qwand : ∀ A (x:A) (Q1 Q2:A→hprop) Hla Hlw Hlt HR,
Xsimpl (\[], Hlw, (Hla \* Q2 x \* Hlt)) HR →
Xsimpl ((Q1 x \* Hla), ((Q1 \−−∗ Q2) \* Hlw), Hlt) HR.
Proof using.
xsimpl_l_start' M. rewrite hstar_comm. applys himpl_hstar_trans_l.
applys qwand_specialize x. rewrite hstar_comm. applys hwand_cancel.
Lemma xsimpl_l_keep_wand : ∀ H Hla Hlw Hlt HR,
Xsimpl ((H \* Hla), Hlw, Hlt) HR →
Xsimpl (Hla, (H \* Hlw), Hlt) HR.
Proof using. xsimpl_l_start' M. Qed.
Lemma xsimpl_l_hwand_reorder : ∀ H1 H1' H2 Hla Hlw Hlt HR,
H1 = H1' →
Xsimpl (Hla, ((H1' \−∗ H2) \* Hlw), Hlt) HR →
Xsimpl (Hla, ((H1 \−∗ H2) \* Hlw), Hlt) HR.
Proof using. intros. subst*. Qed.
Lemma xsimpl_l_cancel_hwand_hstar : ∀ H1 H2 H3 Hla Hlw Hlt HR,
Xsimpl (Hla, Hlw, ((H2 \−∗ H3) \* Hlt)) HR →
Xsimpl ((H1 \* Hla), (((H1 \* H2) \−∗ H3) \* Hlw), Hlt) HR.
Proof using.
xsimpl_l_start' M. rewrite hwand_curry_eq. applys hwand_cancel.
Lemma xsimpl_l_cancel_hwand_hstar_hempty : ∀ H2 H3 Hla Hlw Hlt HR,
Xsimpl (Hla, Hlw, ((H2 \−∗ H3) \* Hlt)) HR →
Xsimpl (Hla, (((\[] \* H2) \−∗ H3) \* Hlw), Hlt) HR.
Proof using. xsimpl_l_start' M. Qed.
Xsimpl (Hla, Hlw, (H2 \* Hlt)) HR →
Xsimpl (Hla, ((\[] \−∗ H2) \* Hlw), Hlt) HR.
Proof using. xsimpl_l_start' M. Qed.
Lemma xsimpl_l_cancel_hwand : ∀ H1 H2 Hla Hlw Hlt HR,
Xsimpl (\[], Hlw, (Hla \* H2 \* Hlt)) HR →
Xsimpl ((H1 \* Hla), ((H1 \−∗ H2) \* Hlw), Hlt) HR.
Proof using. xsimpl_l_start' M. applys¬hwand_cancel. Qed.
Lemma xsimpl_l_cancel_qwand : ∀ A (x:A) (Q1 Q2:A→hprop) Hla Hlw Hlt HR,
Xsimpl (\[], Hlw, (Hla \* Q2 x \* Hlt)) HR →
Xsimpl ((Q1 x \* Hla), ((Q1 \−−∗ Q2) \* Hlw), Hlt) HR.
Proof using.
xsimpl_l_start' M. rewrite hstar_comm. applys himpl_hstar_trans_l.
applys qwand_specialize x. rewrite hstar_comm. applys hwand_cancel.
Lemma xsimpl_l_keep_wand : ∀ H Hla Hlw Hlt HR,
Xsimpl ((H \* Hla), Hlw, Hlt) HR →
Xsimpl (Hla, (H \* Hlw), Hlt) HR.
Proof using. xsimpl_l_start' M. Qed.
Lemma xsimpl_l_hwand_reorder : ∀ H1 H1' H2 Hla Hlw Hlt HR,
H1 = H1' →
Xsimpl (Hla, ((H1' \−∗ H2) \* Hlw), Hlt) HR →
Xsimpl (Hla, ((H1 \−∗ H2) \* Hlw), Hlt) HR.
Proof using. intros. subst*. Qed.
Lemma xsimpl_l_cancel_hwand_hstar : ∀ H1 H2 H3 Hla Hlw Hlt HR,
Xsimpl (Hla, Hlw, ((H2 \−∗ H3) \* Hlt)) HR →
Xsimpl ((H1 \* Hla), (((H1 \* H2) \−∗ H3) \* Hlw), Hlt) HR.
Proof using.
xsimpl_l_start' M. rewrite hwand_curry_eq. applys hwand_cancel.
Lemma xsimpl_l_cancel_hwand_hstar_hempty : ∀ H2 H3 Hla Hlw Hlt HR,
Xsimpl (Hla, Hlw, ((H2 \−∗ H3) \* Hlt)) HR →
Xsimpl (Hla, (((\[] \* H2) \−∗ H3) \* Hlw), Hlt) HR.
Proof using. xsimpl_l_start' M. Qed.
Transition lemmas for RHS extraction operations
Ltac xsimpl_r_start M :=
introv M;
match goal with HL: hprop*hprop*hprop ⊢ _ ⇒
destruct HL as [[Hla Hlw] Hlt]; unfolds Xsimpl end.
Ltac xsimpl_r_start' M :=
xsimpl_r_start M; applys himpl_trans (rm M); hstars_simpl.
Lemma xsimpl_r_hempty : ∀ Hra Hrg Hrt HL,
Xsimpl HL (Hra, Hrg, Hrt) →
Xsimpl HL (Hra, Hrg, (\[] \* Hrt)).
Proof using. xsimpl_r_start' M. Qed.
Lemma xsimpl_r_hwand_same : ∀ H Hra Hrg Hrt HL,
Xsimpl HL (Hra, Hrg, Hrt) →
Xsimpl HL (Hra, Hrg, ((H \−∗ H) \* Hrt)).
Proof using. xsimpl_r_start' M. rewrite hwand_equiv. rew_heap¬. Qed.
Lemma xsimpl_r_hpure : ∀ P Hra Hrg Hrt HL,
P →
Xsimpl HL (Hra, Hrg, Hrt) →
Xsimpl HL (Hra, Hrg, (\[P] \* Hrt)).
Proof using.
introv HP. xsimpl_r_start' M. applys* himpl_hempty_hpure.
Lemma xsimpl_r_hexists : ∀ A (x:A) (J:A→hprop) Hra Hrg Hrt HL,
Xsimpl HL (Hra, Hrg, (J x \* Hrt)) →
Xsimpl HL (Hra, Hrg, (hexists J \* Hrt)).
Proof using. xsimpl_r_start' M. applys* himpl_hexists_r. Qed.
Lemma xsimpl_r_id : ∀ A (x X:A) Hra Hrg Hrt HL,
(X = x) →
Xsimpl HL (Hra, Hrg, Hrt) →
Xsimpl HL (Hra, Hrg, (x ~> Id X \* Hrt)).
Proof using.
introv →. xsimpl_r_start' M. rewrite repr_id.
applys* himpl_hempty_hpure.
Lemma xsimpl_r_id_unify : ∀ A (x:A) Hra Hrg Hrt HL,
Xsimpl HL (Hra, Hrg, Hrt) →
Xsimpl HL (Hra, Hrg, (x ~> Id x \* Hrt)).
Proof using. introv M. applys¬xsimpl_r_id. Qed.
Lemma xsimpl_r_keep : ∀ H Hra Hrg Hrt HL,
Xsimpl HL ((H \* Hra), Hrg, Hrt) →
Xsimpl HL (Hra, Hrg, (H \* Hrt)).
Proof using. xsimpl_r_start' M. Qed.
introv M;
match goal with HL: hprop*hprop*hprop ⊢ _ ⇒
destruct HL as [[Hla Hlw] Hlt]; unfolds Xsimpl end.
Ltac xsimpl_r_start' M :=
xsimpl_r_start M; applys himpl_trans (rm M); hstars_simpl.
Lemma xsimpl_r_hempty : ∀ Hra Hrg Hrt HL,
Xsimpl HL (Hra, Hrg, Hrt) →
Xsimpl HL (Hra, Hrg, (\[] \* Hrt)).
Proof using. xsimpl_r_start' M. Qed.
Lemma xsimpl_r_hwand_same : ∀ H Hra Hrg Hrt HL,
Xsimpl HL (Hra, Hrg, Hrt) →
Xsimpl HL (Hra, Hrg, ((H \−∗ H) \* Hrt)).
Proof using. xsimpl_r_start' M. rewrite hwand_equiv. rew_heap¬. Qed.
Lemma xsimpl_r_hpure : ∀ P Hra Hrg Hrt HL,
P →
Xsimpl HL (Hra, Hrg, Hrt) →
Xsimpl HL (Hra, Hrg, (\[P] \* Hrt)).
Proof using.
introv HP. xsimpl_r_start' M. applys* himpl_hempty_hpure.
Lemma xsimpl_r_hexists : ∀ A (x:A) (J:A→hprop) Hra Hrg Hrt HL,
Xsimpl HL (Hra, Hrg, (J x \* Hrt)) →
Xsimpl HL (Hra, Hrg, (hexists J \* Hrt)).
Proof using. xsimpl_r_start' M. applys* himpl_hexists_r. Qed.
Lemma xsimpl_r_id : ∀ A (x X:A) Hra Hrg Hrt HL,
(X = x) →
Xsimpl HL (Hra, Hrg, Hrt) →
Xsimpl HL (Hra, Hrg, (x ~> Id X \* Hrt)).
Proof using.
introv →. xsimpl_r_start' M. rewrite repr_id.
applys* himpl_hempty_hpure.
Lemma xsimpl_r_id_unify : ∀ A (x:A) Hra Hrg Hrt HL,
Xsimpl HL (Hra, Hrg, Hrt) →
Xsimpl HL (Hra, Hrg, (x ~> Id x \* Hrt)).
Proof using. introv M. applys¬xsimpl_r_id. Qed.
Lemma xsimpl_r_keep : ∀ H Hra Hrg Hrt HL,
Xsimpl HL ((H \* Hra), Hrg, Hrt) →
Xsimpl HL (Hra, Hrg, (H \* Hrt)).
Proof using. xsimpl_r_start' M. Qed.
Transition lemmas for \Top and \GC cancellation
(* H meant to be \GC or \Top *)
Lemma xsimpl_r_hgc_or_htop : ∀ H Hra Hrg Hrt HL,
Xsimpl HL (Hra, (H \* Hrg), Hrt) →
Xsimpl HL (Hra, Hrg, (H \* Hrt)).
Proof using. xsimpl_r_start' M. Qed.
Lemma xsimpl_r_htop_replace_hgc : ∀ Hra Hrg Hrt HL,
Xsimpl HL (Hra, (\Top \* Hrg), Hrt) →
Xsimpl HL (Hra, (\GC \* Hrg), (\Top \* Hrt)).
Proof using. xsimpl_r_start' M. applys himpl_hgc_r. xaffine. Qed.
Lemma xsimpl_r_hgc_drop : ∀ Hra Hrg Hrt HL,
Xsimpl HL (Hra, Hrg, Hrt) →
Xsimpl HL (Hra, Hrg, (\GC \* Hrt)).
Proof using. xsimpl_r_start' M. applys himpl_hgc_r. xaffine. Qed.
Lemma xsimpl_r_htop_drop : ∀ Hra Hrg Hrt HL,
Xsimpl HL (Hra, Hrg, Hrt) →
Xsimpl HL (Hra, Hrg, (\Top \* Hrt)).
Proof using. xsimpl_r_start' M. applys himpl_htop_r. Qed.
Lemma xsimpl_r_hgc_or_htop : ∀ H Hra Hrg Hrt HL,
Xsimpl HL (Hra, (H \* Hrg), Hrt) →
Xsimpl HL (Hra, Hrg, (H \* Hrt)).
Proof using. xsimpl_r_start' M. Qed.
Lemma xsimpl_r_htop_replace_hgc : ∀ Hra Hrg Hrt HL,
Xsimpl HL (Hra, (\Top \* Hrg), Hrt) →
Xsimpl HL (Hra, (\GC \* Hrg), (\Top \* Hrt)).
Proof using. xsimpl_r_start' M. applys himpl_hgc_r. xaffine. Qed.
Lemma xsimpl_r_hgc_drop : ∀ Hra Hrg Hrt HL,
Xsimpl HL (Hra, Hrg, Hrt) →
Xsimpl HL (Hra, Hrg, (\GC \* Hrt)).
Proof using. xsimpl_r_start' M. applys himpl_hgc_r. xaffine. Qed.
Lemma xsimpl_r_htop_drop : ∀ Hra Hrg Hrt HL,
Xsimpl HL (Hra, Hrg, Hrt) →
Xsimpl HL (Hra, Hrg, (\Top \* Hrt)).
Proof using. xsimpl_r_start' M. applys himpl_htop_r. Qed.
Transition lemmas for LHS/RHS cancellation
meant to be applied when Hlw and Hlt are empty
Ltac xsimpl_lr_start M :=
introv M; unfolds Xsimpl; rew_heap in *.
Ltac xsimpl_lr_start' M :=
xsimpl_lr_start M; hstars_simpl;
try (applys himpl_trans (rm M); hstars_simpl).
Lemma xsimpl_lr_cancel_same : ∀ H Hla Hlw Hlt Hra Hrg Hrt,
Xsimpl (Hla, Hlw, Hlt) (Hra, Hrg, Hrt) →
Xsimpl ((H \* Hla), Hlw, Hlt) (Hra, Hrg, (H \* Hrt)).
Proof using. xsimpl_lr_start' M. Qed.
Lemma xsimpl_lr_cancel_htop : ∀ H Hla Hlw Hlt Hra Hrg Hrt,
Xsimpl (Hla, Hlw, Hlt) (Hra, (\Top \* Hrg), Hrt) →
Xsimpl ((H \* Hla), Hlw, Hlt) (Hra, (\Top \* Hrg), Hrt).
Proof using.
xsimpl_lr_start M. rewrite (hstar_comm_assoc Hra) in *.
rewrite <- hstar_htop_htop. rew_heap. applys himpl_frame_lr M.
applys himpl_htop_r.
Lemma xsimpl_lr_cancel_hgc : ∀ Hla Hlw Hlt Hra Hrg Hrt,
Xsimpl (Hla, Hlw, Hlt) (Hra, (\GC \* Hrg), Hrt) →
Xsimpl ((\GC \* Hla), Hlw, Hlt) (Hra, (\GC \* Hrg), Hrt).
Proof using.
xsimpl_lr_start M. rewrite (hstar_comm_assoc Hra).
rewrite <- hstar_hgc_hgc at 2. rew_heap.
applys¬himpl_frame_lr. applys himpl_trans M. hstars_simpl.
Lemma xsimpl_lr_cancel_eq : ∀ H1 H2 Hla Hlw Hlt Hra Hrg Hrt,
(H1 = H2) →
Xsimpl (Hla, Hlw, Hlt) (Hra, Hrg, Hrt) →
Xsimpl ((H1 \* Hla), Hlw, Hlt) (Hra, Hrg, (H2 \* Hrt)).
Proof using. introv →. apply¬xsimpl_lr_cancel_same. Qed.
Lemma xsimpl_lr_cancel_eq_repr : ∀ A p (E1 E2:A→hprop) Hla Hlw Hlt Hra Hrg Hrt,
E1 = E2 →
Xsimpl (Hla, Hlw, Hlt) (Hra, Hrg, Hrt) →
Xsimpl (((p ~> E1) \* Hla), Hlw, Hlt) (Hra, Hrg, ((p ~> E2) \* Hrt)).
Proof using. introv M. subst. apply¬xsimpl_lr_cancel_same. Qed.
Lemma xsimpl_lr_hwand : ∀ H1 H2 Hla,
Xsimpl (\[], \[], (H1 \* Hla)) (\[], \[], H2 \* \[]) →
Xsimpl (Hla, \[], \[]) ((H1 \−∗ H2) \* \[], \[], \[]).
Proof using.
xsimpl_lr_start' M. rewrite hwand_equiv.
applys himpl_trans (rm M). hstars_simpl.
Lemma xsimpl_lr_hwand_hfalse : ∀ Hla H1,
Xsimpl (Hla, \[], \[]) ((\[False] \−∗ H1) \* \[], \[], \[]).
Proof using.
intros. generalize True. xsimpl_lr_start M. rewrite hwand_equiv.
applys himpl_hstar_hpure_l. auto_false.
Lemma xsimpl_lr_qwand : ∀ A (Q1 Q2:A→hprop) Hla,
(∀ x, Xsimpl (\[], \[], (Q1 x \* Hla)) (\[], \[], Q2 x \* \[])) →
Xsimpl (Hla, \[], \[]) ((Q1 \−−∗ Q2) \* \[], \[], \[]).
Proof using.
xsimpl_lr_start M. rewrite qwand_equiv. intros x.
specializes M x. rew_heap¬in M.
Lemma xsimpl_lr_qwand_unit : ∀ (Q1 Q2:unit→hprop) Hla,
Xsimpl (\[], \[], (Q1 tt \* Hla)) (\[], \[], (Q2 tt \* \[])) →
Xsimpl (Hla, \[], \[]) ((Q1 \−−∗ Q2) \* \[], \[], \[]).
Proof using. introv M. applys xsimpl_lr_qwand. intros []. applys M. Qed.
Lemma xsimpl_lr_hforall : ∀ A (J:A→hprop) Hla,
(∀ x, Xsimpl (\[], \[], Hla) (\[], \[], J x \* \[])) →
Xsimpl (Hla, \[], \[]) ((hforall J) \* \[], \[], \[]).
Proof using.
xsimpl_lr_start M. applys himpl_hforall_r. intros x.
specializes M x. rew_heap¬in M.
Lemma himpl_lr_refl : ∀ Hla,
Xsimpl (Hla, \[], \[]) (Hla, \[], \[]).
Proof using. intros. unfolds Xsimpl. hstars_simpl. Qed.
Lemma himpl_lr_qwand_unify : ∀ A (Q:A→hprop) Hla,
Xsimpl (Hla, \[], \[]) ((Q \−−∗ (Q \*+ Hla)) \* \[], \[], \[]).
Proof using. intros. unfolds Xsimpl. hstars_simpl. rewrite¬qwand_equiv. Qed.
Lemma himpl_lr_htop : ∀ Hla Hrg,
Xsimpl (\[], \[], \[]) (\[], Hrg, \[]) →
Xsimpl (Hla, \[], \[]) (\[], (\Top \* Hrg), \[]).
Proof using.
xsimpl_lr_start M. rewrite <- (hstar_hempty_l Hla).
applys himpl_hstar_trans_l M. hstars_simpl. apply himpl_htop_r.
Lemma himpl_lr_hgc : ∀ Hla Hrg,
haffine Hla →
Xsimpl (\[], \[], \[]) (\[], Hrg, \[]) →
Xsimpl (Hla, \[], \[]) (\[], (\GC \* Hrg), \[]).
Proof using.
introv N. xsimpl_lr_start M. rewrite <- (hstar_hempty_l Hla).
applys himpl_hstar_trans_l M. hstars_simpl. apply* himpl_hgc_r.
Lemma xsimpl_lr_exit_nogc : ∀ Hla Hra,
Hla ==> Hra →
Xsimpl (Hla, \[], \[]) (Hra, \[], \[]).
Proof using. introv M. unfolds Xsimpl. hstars_simpl. auto. Qed.
Lemma xsimpl_lr_exit : ∀ Hla Hra Hrg,
Hla ==> Hra \* Hrg →
Xsimpl (Hla, \[], \[]) (Hra, Hrg, \[]).
Proof using. introv M. unfolds Xsimpl. hstars_simpl. rewrite¬hstar_comm. Qed.
introv M; unfolds Xsimpl; rew_heap in *.
Ltac xsimpl_lr_start' M :=
xsimpl_lr_start M; hstars_simpl;
try (applys himpl_trans (rm M); hstars_simpl).
Lemma xsimpl_lr_cancel_same : ∀ H Hla Hlw Hlt Hra Hrg Hrt,
Xsimpl (Hla, Hlw, Hlt) (Hra, Hrg, Hrt) →
Xsimpl ((H \* Hla), Hlw, Hlt) (Hra, Hrg, (H \* Hrt)).
Proof using. xsimpl_lr_start' M. Qed.
Lemma xsimpl_lr_cancel_htop : ∀ H Hla Hlw Hlt Hra Hrg Hrt,
Xsimpl (Hla, Hlw, Hlt) (Hra, (\Top \* Hrg), Hrt) →
Xsimpl ((H \* Hla), Hlw, Hlt) (Hra, (\Top \* Hrg), Hrt).
Proof using.
xsimpl_lr_start M. rewrite (hstar_comm_assoc Hra) in *.
rewrite <- hstar_htop_htop. rew_heap. applys himpl_frame_lr M.
applys himpl_htop_r.
Lemma xsimpl_lr_cancel_hgc : ∀ Hla Hlw Hlt Hra Hrg Hrt,
Xsimpl (Hla, Hlw, Hlt) (Hra, (\GC \* Hrg), Hrt) →
Xsimpl ((\GC \* Hla), Hlw, Hlt) (Hra, (\GC \* Hrg), Hrt).
Proof using.
xsimpl_lr_start M. rewrite (hstar_comm_assoc Hra).
rewrite <- hstar_hgc_hgc at 2. rew_heap.
applys¬himpl_frame_lr. applys himpl_trans M. hstars_simpl.
Lemma xsimpl_lr_cancel_eq : ∀ H1 H2 Hla Hlw Hlt Hra Hrg Hrt,
(H1 = H2) →
Xsimpl (Hla, Hlw, Hlt) (Hra, Hrg, Hrt) →
Xsimpl ((H1 \* Hla), Hlw, Hlt) (Hra, Hrg, (H2 \* Hrt)).
Proof using. introv →. apply¬xsimpl_lr_cancel_same. Qed.
Lemma xsimpl_lr_cancel_eq_repr : ∀ A p (E1 E2:A→hprop) Hla Hlw Hlt Hra Hrg Hrt,
E1 = E2 →
Xsimpl (Hla, Hlw, Hlt) (Hra, Hrg, Hrt) →
Xsimpl (((p ~> E1) \* Hla), Hlw, Hlt) (Hra, Hrg, ((p ~> E2) \* Hrt)).
Proof using. introv M. subst. apply¬xsimpl_lr_cancel_same. Qed.
Lemma xsimpl_lr_hwand : ∀ H1 H2 Hla,
Xsimpl (\[], \[], (H1 \* Hla)) (\[], \[], H2 \* \[]) →
Xsimpl (Hla, \[], \[]) ((H1 \−∗ H2) \* \[], \[], \[]).
Proof using.
xsimpl_lr_start' M. rewrite hwand_equiv.
applys himpl_trans (rm M). hstars_simpl.
Lemma xsimpl_lr_hwand_hfalse : ∀ Hla H1,
Xsimpl (Hla, \[], \[]) ((\[False] \−∗ H1) \* \[], \[], \[]).
Proof using.
intros. generalize True. xsimpl_lr_start M. rewrite hwand_equiv.
applys himpl_hstar_hpure_l. auto_false.
Lemma xsimpl_lr_qwand : ∀ A (Q1 Q2:A→hprop) Hla,
(∀ x, Xsimpl (\[], \[], (Q1 x \* Hla)) (\[], \[], Q2 x \* \[])) →
Xsimpl (Hla, \[], \[]) ((Q1 \−−∗ Q2) \* \[], \[], \[]).
Proof using.
xsimpl_lr_start M. rewrite qwand_equiv. intros x.
specializes M x. rew_heap¬in M.
Lemma xsimpl_lr_qwand_unit : ∀ (Q1 Q2:unit→hprop) Hla,
Xsimpl (\[], \[], (Q1 tt \* Hla)) (\[], \[], (Q2 tt \* \[])) →
Xsimpl (Hla, \[], \[]) ((Q1 \−−∗ Q2) \* \[], \[], \[]).
Proof using. introv M. applys xsimpl_lr_qwand. intros []. applys M. Qed.
Lemma xsimpl_lr_hforall : ∀ A (J:A→hprop) Hla,
(∀ x, Xsimpl (\[], \[], Hla) (\[], \[], J x \* \[])) →
Xsimpl (Hla, \[], \[]) ((hforall J) \* \[], \[], \[]).
Proof using.
xsimpl_lr_start M. applys himpl_hforall_r. intros x.
specializes M x. rew_heap¬in M.
Lemma himpl_lr_refl : ∀ Hla,
Xsimpl (Hla, \[], \[]) (Hla, \[], \[]).
Proof using. intros. unfolds Xsimpl. hstars_simpl. Qed.
Lemma himpl_lr_qwand_unify : ∀ A (Q:A→hprop) Hla,
Xsimpl (Hla, \[], \[]) ((Q \−−∗ (Q \*+ Hla)) \* \[], \[], \[]).
Proof using. intros. unfolds Xsimpl. hstars_simpl. rewrite¬qwand_equiv. Qed.
Lemma himpl_lr_htop : ∀ Hla Hrg,
Xsimpl (\[], \[], \[]) (\[], Hrg, \[]) →
Xsimpl (Hla, \[], \[]) (\[], (\Top \* Hrg), \[]).
Proof using.
xsimpl_lr_start M. rewrite <- (hstar_hempty_l Hla).
applys himpl_hstar_trans_l M. hstars_simpl. apply himpl_htop_r.
Lemma himpl_lr_hgc : ∀ Hla Hrg,
haffine Hla →
Xsimpl (\[], \[], \[]) (\[], Hrg, \[]) →
Xsimpl (Hla, \[], \[]) (\[], (\GC \* Hrg), \[]).
Proof using.
introv N. xsimpl_lr_start M. rewrite <- (hstar_hempty_l Hla).
applys himpl_hstar_trans_l M. hstars_simpl. apply* himpl_hgc_r.
Lemma xsimpl_lr_exit_nogc : ∀ Hla Hra,
Hla ==> Hra →
Xsimpl (Hla, \[], \[]) (Hra, \[], \[]).
Proof using. introv M. unfolds Xsimpl. hstars_simpl. auto. Qed.
Lemma xsimpl_lr_exit : ∀ Hla Hra Hrg,
Hla ==> Hra \* Hrg →
Xsimpl (Hla, \[], \[]) (Hra, Hrg, \[]).
Proof using. introv M. unfolds Xsimpl. hstars_simpl. rewrite¬hstar_comm. Qed.
Lemmas to flip accumulators back in place
Lemma xsimpl_flip_acc_l : ∀ Hla Hra Hla' Hrg,
Hla = Hla' →
Xsimpl (Hla', \[], \[]) (Hra, Hrg, \[]) →
Xsimpl (Hla, \[], \[]) (Hra, Hrg, \[]).
Proof using. introv E1 M. subst*. Qed.
Lemma xsimpl_flip_acc_r : ∀ Hla Hra Hra' Hrg,
Hra = Hra' →
Xsimpl (Hla, \[], \[]) (Hra', Hrg, \[]) →
Xsimpl (Hla, \[], \[]) (Hra, Hrg, \[]).
Proof using. introv E1 M. subst*. Qed.
Ltac xsimpl_flip_acc_l tt :=
eapply xsimpl_flip_acc_l; [ hstars_flip tt | ].
Ltac xsimpl_flip_acc_r tt :=
eapply xsimpl_flip_acc_r; [ hstars_flip tt | ].
Ltac xsimpl_flip_acc_lr tt :=
xsimpl_flip_acc_l tt; xsimpl_flip_acc_r tt.
Hla = Hla' →
Xsimpl (Hla', \[], \[]) (Hra, Hrg, \[]) →
Xsimpl (Hla, \[], \[]) (Hra, Hrg, \[]).
Proof using. introv E1 M. subst*. Qed.
Lemma xsimpl_flip_acc_r : ∀ Hla Hra Hra' Hrg,
Hra = Hra' →
Xsimpl (Hla, \[], \[]) (Hra', Hrg, \[]) →
Xsimpl (Hla, \[], \[]) (Hra, Hrg, \[]).
Proof using. introv E1 M. subst*. Qed.
Ltac xsimpl_flip_acc_l tt :=
eapply xsimpl_flip_acc_l; [ hstars_flip tt | ].
Ltac xsimpl_flip_acc_r tt :=
eapply xsimpl_flip_acc_r; [ hstars_flip tt | ].
Ltac xsimpl_flip_acc_lr tt :=
xsimpl_flip_acc_l tt; xsimpl_flip_acc_r tt.
Lemmas to pick the hypothesis to cancel
Lemma xsimpl_pick_lemma : ∀ Hla1 Hla2 Hlw Hlt HR,
Hla1 = Hla2 →
Xsimpl (Hla2, Hlw, Hlt) HR →
Xsimpl (Hla1, Hlw, Hlt) HR.
Proof using. introv M. subst¬. Qed.
Ltac xsimpl_pick i :=
let L := hstars_pick_lemma i in
eapply xsimpl_pick_lemma; [ apply L | ].
Hla1 = Hla2 →
Xsimpl (Hla2, Hlw, Hlt) HR →
Xsimpl (Hla1, Hlw, Hlt) HR.
Proof using. introv M. subst¬. Qed.
Ltac xsimpl_pick i :=
let L := hstars_pick_lemma i in
eapply xsimpl_pick_lemma; [ apply L | ].
xsimpl_pick_st f applies to a goal of the form
Xsimpl ((H1 \* .. \* Hi \* .. \* Hn), Hlw, Hlt) HR and turns it into
Xsimpl ((Hi \* H1 .. \* H{i-1} \* H{i+1} \* .. \* Hn), Hlw, Hlt) HR
for the first i such that f Hi returns true.
Ltac xsimpl_pick_st f :=
match goal with ⊢ Xsimpl (?Hla, ?Hlw, ?Hlt) ?HR ⇒
hstars_search Hla ltac:(fun i H ⇒
match f H with true ⇒ xsimpl_pick i end)
match goal with ⊢ Xsimpl (?Hla, ?Hlw, ?Hlt) ?HR ⇒
hstars_search Hla ltac:(fun i H ⇒
match f H with true ⇒ xsimpl_pick i end)
xsimpl_pick_syntactically H is a variant of the above that only
checks for syntactic equality, not unifiability.
Ltac xsimpl_pick_syntactically H :=
xsimpl_pick_st ltac:(fun H' ⇒
match H' with H ⇒ constr:(true) end).
xsimpl_pick_st ltac:(fun H' ⇒
match H' with H ⇒ constr:(true) end).
xsimpl_pick_unifiable H applies to a goal of the form
Xsimpl (Hla, Hlw, Hlt) HR, where Hla is of the form
H1 \* .. \* Hn \* \[]. It searches for H among the Hi.
If it finds it, it moves this Hi to the front, just before H1.
Else, it fails.
Ltac xsimpl_pick_unifiable H :=
match goal with ⊢ Xsimpl (?Hla, ?Hlw, ?Hlt) ?HR ⇒
hstars_search Hla ltac:(fun i H' ⇒
unify H H'; xsimpl_pick i)
match goal with ⊢ Xsimpl (?Hla, ?Hlw, ?Hlt) ?HR ⇒
hstars_search Hla ltac:(fun i H' ⇒
unify H H'; xsimpl_pick i)
xsimpl_pick_same H is a choice for one of the above two,
it is the default version used by xsimpl.
Syntactic matching is faster but less expressive.
Ltac xsimpl_pick_same H :=
xsimpl_pick_unifiable H.
xsimpl_pick_unifiable H.
xsimpl_pick_applied Q applies to a goal of the form
Xsimpl (Hla, Hlw, Hlt) HR, where Hla is of the form
H1 \* .. \* Hn \* \[]. It searches for Q ?x among the Hi.
If it finds it, it moves this Hi to the front, just before H1.
Else, it fails.
repr_get_predicate H applies to a H of the form p ~> R _ ... _
and it returns R.
xsimpl_pick_repr H applies to a goal of the form
Xsimpl (Hla, Hlw, Hlt) HR, where Hla is of the form
H1 \* .. \* Hn \* \[], and where H is of the form p ~> R _
(same as repr _ p). It searches for p ~> R _ among the Hi.
If it finds it, it moves this Hi to the front, just before H1.
Else, it fails.
Ltac xsimpl_pick_repr H :=
match H with ?p ~> ?E ⇒
let R := get_head E in
xsimpl_pick_st ltac:(fun H' ⇒
match H' with (p ~> ?E') ⇒
let R' := get_head E' in
match R' with R ⇒ constr:(true) end end)
match H with ?p ~> ?E ⇒
let R := get_head E in
xsimpl_pick_st ltac:(fun H' ⇒
match H' with (p ~> ?E') ⇒
let R' := get_head E' in
match R' with R ⇒ constr:(true) end end)
Opaque Xsimpl.
Ltac xsimpl_handle_qimpl tt :=
match goal with
| ⊢ @qimpl _ _ ?Q2 ⇒ is_evar Q2; apply qimpl_refl
| ⊢ @qimpl unit ?Q1 ?Q2 ⇒ let t := fresh "_tt" in intros t; destruct t
| ⊢ @qimpl _ _ _ ⇒ let r := fresh "r" in intros r
| ⊢ himpl _ ?H2 ⇒ is_evar H2; apply himpl_refl
| ⊢ himpl _ _ ⇒ idtac
| ⊢ @eq hprop _ _ ⇒ applys himpl_antisym
| ⊢ @eq (_ → hprop) _ _ ⇒ applys fun_ext_1; applys himpl_antisym
| _ ⇒ fail 1 "not a goal for xsimpl/xpull"
Ltac xsimpl_intro tt :=
applys xsimpl_start.
Ltac xpull_start tt :=
pose ltac_mark;
xsimpl_handle_qimpl tt;
applys xpull_protect;
xsimpl_intro tt.
Ltac xsimpl_start tt :=
pose ltac_mark;
xsimpl_handle_qimpl tt;
xsimpl_intro tt.
Ltac xsimpl_post_before_generalize tt :=
Ltac xsimpl_post_after_generalize tt :=
Ltac himpl_post_processing_for_hyp H :=
Ltac xsimpl_handle_false_subgoals tt :=
Ltac xsimpl_clean tt :=
try remove_empty_heaps_right tt;
try remove_empty_heaps_left tt;
try xsimpl_hint_remove tt.
Ltac gen_until_mark_with_processing_and_cleaning cont :=
match goal with H: ?T ⊢ _ ⇒
match T with
| ltac_Mark ⇒ clear H
| _ ⇒ cont H;
let T := type of H in
generalize H; clear H;
(* discard non-dependent hyps that are not of type Prop *)
try (match goal with ⊢ _ → _ ⇒
match type of T with
| Prop ⇒ idtac
| _ ⇒ intros _
end end);
gen_until_mark_with_processing cont
end end.
Ltac xsimpl_generalize tt :=
xsimpl_post_before_generalize tt;
xsimpl_handle_false_subgoals tt;
xsimpl_post_after_generalize tt.
Ltac xsimpl_post tt :=
xsimpl_clean tt;
xsimpl_generalize tt.
Ltac xpull_post tt :=
xsimpl_clean tt;
unfold protect;
xsimpl_generalize tt.
Ltac xsimpl_handle_qimpl tt :=
match goal with
| ⊢ @qimpl _ _ ?Q2 ⇒ is_evar Q2; apply qimpl_refl
| ⊢ @qimpl unit ?Q1 ?Q2 ⇒ let t := fresh "_tt" in intros t; destruct t
| ⊢ @qimpl _ _ _ ⇒ let r := fresh "r" in intros r
| ⊢ himpl _ ?H2 ⇒ is_evar H2; apply himpl_refl
| ⊢ himpl _ _ ⇒ idtac
| ⊢ @eq hprop _ _ ⇒ applys himpl_antisym
| ⊢ @eq (_ → hprop) _ _ ⇒ applys fun_ext_1; applys himpl_antisym
| _ ⇒ fail 1 "not a goal for xsimpl/xpull"
Ltac xsimpl_intro tt :=
applys xsimpl_start.
Ltac xpull_start tt :=
pose ltac_mark;
xsimpl_handle_qimpl tt;
applys xpull_protect;
xsimpl_intro tt.
Ltac xsimpl_start tt :=
pose ltac_mark;
xsimpl_handle_qimpl tt;
xsimpl_intro tt.
Ltac xsimpl_post_before_generalize tt :=
Ltac xsimpl_post_after_generalize tt :=
Ltac himpl_post_processing_for_hyp H :=
Ltac xsimpl_handle_false_subgoals tt :=
Ltac xsimpl_clean tt :=
try remove_empty_heaps_right tt;
try remove_empty_heaps_left tt;
try xsimpl_hint_remove tt.
Ltac gen_until_mark_with_processing_and_cleaning cont :=
match goal with H: ?T ⊢ _ ⇒
match T with
| ltac_Mark ⇒ clear H
| _ ⇒ cont H;
let T := type of H in
generalize H; clear H;
(* discard non-dependent hyps that are not of type Prop *)
try (match goal with ⊢ _ → _ ⇒
match type of T with
| Prop ⇒ idtac
| _ ⇒ intros _
end end);
gen_until_mark_with_processing cont
end end.
Ltac xsimpl_generalize tt :=
xsimpl_post_before_generalize tt;
xsimpl_handle_false_subgoals tt;
xsimpl_post_after_generalize tt.
Ltac xsimpl_post tt :=
xsimpl_clean tt;
xsimpl_generalize tt.
Ltac xpull_post tt :=
xsimpl_clean tt;
unfold protect;
xsimpl_generalize tt.
Auxiliary functions step
Ltac xsimpl_lr_cancel_eq_repr_post tt :=
try fequal; try reflexivity.
(* Later refined for records *)
try fequal; try reflexivity.
(* Later refined for records *)
xsimpl_r_hexists_apply tt is a tactic to apply xsimpl_r_hexists
by exploiting a hint if one is available (see the hint section above)
to specify the instantiation of the existential.
(* Note: need to use nrapply instead of eapply to correctly handle \∃ (EA:Enc ?A) *)
Ltac xsimpl_r_hexists_apply tt :=
first [
xsimpl_hint_next ltac:(fun x ⇒
match x with
| __ ⇒ nrapply xsimpl_r_hexists
| _ ⇒ apply (@xsimpl_r_hexists _ x)
| nrapply xsimpl_r_hexists ].
Ltac xsimpl_r_hexists_apply tt :=
first [
xsimpl_hint_next ltac:(fun x ⇒
match x with
| __ ⇒ nrapply xsimpl_r_hexists
| _ ⇒ apply (@xsimpl_r_hexists _ x)
| nrapply xsimpl_r_hexists ].
xsimpl_hook H can be customize to handle cancellation of specific
kind of heap predicates (e.g., hsingle).
Ltac xsimpl_hook H := fail.
Ltac xsimpl_hwand_hstars_l tt :=
match goal with ⊢ Xsimpl (?Hla, ((?H1s \−∗ ?H2) \* ?Hlw), \[]) ?HR ⇒
hstars_search H1s ltac:(fun i H ⇒
let L := hstars_pick_lemma i in
eapply xsimpl_l_hwand_reorder;
[ apply L
| match H with
| \[] ⇒ apply xsimpl_l_cancel_hwand_hstar_hempty
| _ ⇒ xsimpl_pick_same H; apply xsimpl_l_cancel_hwand_hstar
Ltac xsimpl_step_l cancel_wands :=
(* next line is for backward compatibility for calls to xsimpl_step_l tt. *)
let cancel_wands := match cancel_wands with tt ⇒ constr:(true) | ?x ⇒ x end in
match goal with ⊢ Xsimpl ?HL ?HR ⇒
match HL with
| (?Hla, ?Hlw, (?H \* ?Hlt)) ⇒
match H with
| \[] ⇒ apply xsimpl_l_hempty
| \[?P] ⇒ apply xsimpl_l_hpure; intro
| ?H1 \* ?H2 ⇒ rewrite (@hstar_assoc H1 H2)
| hexists ?J ⇒ apply xsimpl_l_hexists; intro
| ?H1 \−∗ ?H2 ⇒ apply xsimpl_l_acc_wand
| ?Q1 \−−∗ ?Q2 ⇒ apply xsimpl_l_acc_wand
| _ ⇒ apply xsimpl_l_acc_other
| (?Hla, ((?H1 \−∗ ?H2) \* ?Hlw), \[]) ⇒
match H1 with
| \[] ⇒ apply xsimpl_l_cancel_hwand_hempty
| (_ \* _) ⇒ xsimpl_hwand_hstars_l tt
| _ ⇒
match cancel_wands with
| true ⇒ xsimpl_pick_same H1; apply xsimpl_l_cancel_hwand (* else continue *)
| _ ⇒ apply xsimpl_l_keep_wand
| (?Hla, ((?Q1 \−−∗ ?Q2) \* ?Hlw), \[]) ⇒
match cancel_wands with
| true ⇒ xsimpl_pick_applied Q1; eapply xsimpl_l_cancel_qwand (* else continue *)
| _ ⇒ apply xsimpl_l_keep_wand
end end.
Ltac xsimpl_hgc_or_htop_cancel cancel_item cancel_lemma :=
(* Applies to goal of the form:
match goal with ⊢ Xsimpl (?Hla, \[], \[]) (?Hra, (?H \* ?Hrg), ?Hrt) ⇒ *)
repeat (xsimpl_pick_same cancel_item; apply cancel_lemma).
Ltac xsimpl_hgc_or_htop_step tt :=
match goal with ⊢ Xsimpl (?Hla, \[], \[]) (?Hra, ?Hrg, (?H \* ?Hrt)) ⇒
match constr:((Hrg,H)) with
| (\[], \GC) ⇒ applys xsimpl_r_hgc_or_htop;
xsimpl_hgc_or_htop_cancel (\GC) xsimpl_lr_cancel_hgc
| (\[], \Top) ⇒ applys xsimpl_r_hgc_or_htop;
xsimpl_hgc_or_htop_cancel (\GC) xsimpl_lr_cancel_htop;
xsimpl_hgc_or_htop_cancel (\Top) xsimpl_lr_cancel_htop
| (\GC \* \[], \Top) ⇒ applys xsimpl_r_htop_replace_hgc;
xsimpl_hgc_or_htop_cancel (\Top) xsimpl_lr_cancel_htop
| (\GC \* \[], \GC) ⇒ applys xsimpl_r_hgc_drop
| (\Top \* \[], \GC) ⇒ applys xsimpl_r_hgc_drop
| (\Top \* \[], \Top) ⇒ applys xsimpl_r_htop_drop
end end.
Ltac xsimpl_cancel_same H :=
xsimpl_pick_same H; apply xsimpl_lr_cancel_same.
Ltac xsimpl_step_r tt :=
match goal with ⊢ Xsimpl (?Hla, \[], \[]) (?Hra, ?Hrg, (?H \* ?Hrt)) ⇒
match H with
| ?H' ⇒ xsimpl_hook H (* else continue *)
| \[] ⇒ apply xsimpl_r_hempty
| \[?P] ⇒ apply xsimpl_r_hpure
| ?H1 \* ?H2 ⇒ rewrite (@hstar_assoc H1 H2)
| ?H \−∗ ?H'eqH ⇒
match H with
| \[?P] ⇒ fail 1 (* don't cancel out cause P might contain a contradiction *)
| _ ⇒
match H'eqH with
| H ⇒ apply xsimpl_r_hwand_same
(* | protect H => we purposely refuse to unify if proetcted*)
| hexists ?J ⇒ xsimpl_r_hexists_apply tt
| \GC ⇒ xsimpl_hgc_or_htop_step tt
| \Top ⇒ xsimpl_hgc_or_htop_step tt
| protect ?H' ⇒ apply xsimpl_r_keep
| protect ?Q' _ ⇒ apply xsimpl_r_keep
| ?H' ⇒ is_not_evar H; xsimpl_cancel_same H (* else continue *)
| ?p ~> _ ⇒ xsimpl_pick_repr H; apply xsimpl_lr_cancel_eq_repr;
[ xsimpl_lr_cancel_eq_repr_post tt | ] (* else continue *)
| ?x ~> Id ?X ⇒ has_no_evar x; apply xsimpl_r_id
| ?x ~> ?T_evar ?X_evar ⇒ has_no_evar x; is_evar T_evar; is_evar X_evar;
apply xsimpl_r_id_unify
| _ ⇒ apply xsimpl_r_keep
end end.
Ltac xsimpl_step_lr tt :=
match goal with ⊢ Xsimpl (?Hla, \[], \[]) (?Hra, ?Hrg, \[]) ⇒
match Hrg with
| \[] ⇒
match Hra with
| ?H1 \* \[] ⇒
match H1 with
| ?Hra_evar ⇒ is_evar Hra_evar; rew_heap; apply himpl_lr_refl (* else continue *)
| ?Q1 \−−∗ ?Q2 ⇒ is_evar Q2; eapply himpl_lr_qwand_unify
| \[False] \−∗ ?H2 ⇒ apply xsimpl_lr_hwand_hfalse
| ?H1 \−∗ ?H2 ⇒ xsimpl_flip_acc_l tt; apply xsimpl_lr_hwand
| ?Q1 \−−∗ ?Q2 ⇒
xsimpl_flip_acc_l tt;
match H1 with
| @qwand unit ?Q1' ?Q2' ⇒ apply xsimpl_lr_qwand_unit
| _ ⇒ apply xsimpl_lr_qwand; intro
| hforall _ ⇒ xsimpl_flip_acc_l tt; apply xsimpl_lr_hforall; intro
| \[] ⇒ apply himpl_lr_refl
| _ ⇒ xsimpl_flip_acc_lr tt; apply xsimpl_lr_exit_nogc
| (\Top \* _) ⇒ apply himpl_lr_htop
| (\GC \* _) ⇒ apply himpl_lr_hgc;
[ try remove_empty_heaps_haffine tt; xaffine | ]
| ?Hrg' ⇒ xsimpl_flip_acc_lr tt; apply xsimpl_lr_exit
end end.
Ltac xsimpl_step cancel_wands :=
first [ xsimpl_step_l cancel_wands
| xsimpl_step_r tt
| xsimpl_step_lr tt ].
match goal with ⊢ Xsimpl (?Hla, ((?H1s \−∗ ?H2) \* ?Hlw), \[]) ?HR ⇒
hstars_search H1s ltac:(fun i H ⇒
let L := hstars_pick_lemma i in
eapply xsimpl_l_hwand_reorder;
[ apply L
| match H with
| \[] ⇒ apply xsimpl_l_cancel_hwand_hstar_hempty
| _ ⇒ xsimpl_pick_same H; apply xsimpl_l_cancel_hwand_hstar
Ltac xsimpl_step_l cancel_wands :=
(* next line is for backward compatibility for calls to xsimpl_step_l tt. *)
let cancel_wands := match cancel_wands with tt ⇒ constr:(true) | ?x ⇒ x end in
match goal with ⊢ Xsimpl ?HL ?HR ⇒
match HL with
| (?Hla, ?Hlw, (?H \* ?Hlt)) ⇒
match H with
| \[] ⇒ apply xsimpl_l_hempty
| \[?P] ⇒ apply xsimpl_l_hpure; intro
| ?H1 \* ?H2 ⇒ rewrite (@hstar_assoc H1 H2)
| hexists ?J ⇒ apply xsimpl_l_hexists; intro
| ?H1 \−∗ ?H2 ⇒ apply xsimpl_l_acc_wand
| ?Q1 \−−∗ ?Q2 ⇒ apply xsimpl_l_acc_wand
| _ ⇒ apply xsimpl_l_acc_other
| (?Hla, ((?H1 \−∗ ?H2) \* ?Hlw), \[]) ⇒
match H1 with
| \[] ⇒ apply xsimpl_l_cancel_hwand_hempty
| (_ \* _) ⇒ xsimpl_hwand_hstars_l tt
| _ ⇒
match cancel_wands with
| true ⇒ xsimpl_pick_same H1; apply xsimpl_l_cancel_hwand (* else continue *)
| _ ⇒ apply xsimpl_l_keep_wand
| (?Hla, ((?Q1 \−−∗ ?Q2) \* ?Hlw), \[]) ⇒
match cancel_wands with
| true ⇒ xsimpl_pick_applied Q1; eapply xsimpl_l_cancel_qwand (* else continue *)
| _ ⇒ apply xsimpl_l_keep_wand
end end.
Ltac xsimpl_hgc_or_htop_cancel cancel_item cancel_lemma :=
(* Applies to goal of the form:
match goal with ⊢ Xsimpl (?Hla, \[], \[]) (?Hra, (?H \* ?Hrg), ?Hrt) ⇒ *)
repeat (xsimpl_pick_same cancel_item; apply cancel_lemma).
Ltac xsimpl_hgc_or_htop_step tt :=
match goal with ⊢ Xsimpl (?Hla, \[], \[]) (?Hra, ?Hrg, (?H \* ?Hrt)) ⇒
match constr:((Hrg,H)) with
| (\[], \GC) ⇒ applys xsimpl_r_hgc_or_htop;
xsimpl_hgc_or_htop_cancel (\GC) xsimpl_lr_cancel_hgc
| (\[], \Top) ⇒ applys xsimpl_r_hgc_or_htop;
xsimpl_hgc_or_htop_cancel (\GC) xsimpl_lr_cancel_htop;
xsimpl_hgc_or_htop_cancel (\Top) xsimpl_lr_cancel_htop
| (\GC \* \[], \Top) ⇒ applys xsimpl_r_htop_replace_hgc;
xsimpl_hgc_or_htop_cancel (\Top) xsimpl_lr_cancel_htop
| (\GC \* \[], \GC) ⇒ applys xsimpl_r_hgc_drop
| (\Top \* \[], \GC) ⇒ applys xsimpl_r_hgc_drop
| (\Top \* \[], \Top) ⇒ applys xsimpl_r_htop_drop
end end.
Ltac xsimpl_cancel_same H :=
xsimpl_pick_same H; apply xsimpl_lr_cancel_same.
Ltac xsimpl_step_r tt :=
match goal with ⊢ Xsimpl (?Hla, \[], \[]) (?Hra, ?Hrg, (?H \* ?Hrt)) ⇒
match H with
| ?H' ⇒ xsimpl_hook H (* else continue *)
| \[] ⇒ apply xsimpl_r_hempty
| \[?P] ⇒ apply xsimpl_r_hpure
| ?H1 \* ?H2 ⇒ rewrite (@hstar_assoc H1 H2)
| ?H \−∗ ?H'eqH ⇒
match H with
| \[?P] ⇒ fail 1 (* don't cancel out cause P might contain a contradiction *)
| _ ⇒
match H'eqH with
| H ⇒ apply xsimpl_r_hwand_same
(* | protect H => we purposely refuse to unify if proetcted*)
| hexists ?J ⇒ xsimpl_r_hexists_apply tt
| \GC ⇒ xsimpl_hgc_or_htop_step tt
| \Top ⇒ xsimpl_hgc_or_htop_step tt
| protect ?H' ⇒ apply xsimpl_r_keep
| protect ?Q' _ ⇒ apply xsimpl_r_keep
| ?H' ⇒ is_not_evar H; xsimpl_cancel_same H (* else continue *)
| ?p ~> _ ⇒ xsimpl_pick_repr H; apply xsimpl_lr_cancel_eq_repr;
[ xsimpl_lr_cancel_eq_repr_post tt | ] (* else continue *)
| ?x ~> Id ?X ⇒ has_no_evar x; apply xsimpl_r_id
| ?x ~> ?T_evar ?X_evar ⇒ has_no_evar x; is_evar T_evar; is_evar X_evar;
apply xsimpl_r_id_unify
| _ ⇒ apply xsimpl_r_keep
end end.
Ltac xsimpl_step_lr tt :=
match goal with ⊢ Xsimpl (?Hla, \[], \[]) (?Hra, ?Hrg, \[]) ⇒
match Hrg with
| \[] ⇒
match Hra with
| ?H1 \* \[] ⇒
match H1 with
| ?Hra_evar ⇒ is_evar Hra_evar; rew_heap; apply himpl_lr_refl (* else continue *)
| ?Q1 \−−∗ ?Q2 ⇒ is_evar Q2; eapply himpl_lr_qwand_unify
| \[False] \−∗ ?H2 ⇒ apply xsimpl_lr_hwand_hfalse
| ?H1 \−∗ ?H2 ⇒ xsimpl_flip_acc_l tt; apply xsimpl_lr_hwand
| ?Q1 \−−∗ ?Q2 ⇒
xsimpl_flip_acc_l tt;
match H1 with
| @qwand unit ?Q1' ?Q2' ⇒ apply xsimpl_lr_qwand_unit
| _ ⇒ apply xsimpl_lr_qwand; intro
| hforall _ ⇒ xsimpl_flip_acc_l tt; apply xsimpl_lr_hforall; intro
| \[] ⇒ apply himpl_lr_refl
| _ ⇒ xsimpl_flip_acc_lr tt; apply xsimpl_lr_exit_nogc
| (\Top \* _) ⇒ apply himpl_lr_htop
| (\GC \* _) ⇒ apply himpl_lr_hgc;
[ try remove_empty_heaps_haffine tt; xaffine | ]
| ?Hrg' ⇒ xsimpl_flip_acc_lr tt; apply xsimpl_lr_exit
end end.
Ltac xsimpl_step cancel_wands :=
first [ xsimpl_step_l cancel_wands
| xsimpl_step_r tt
| xsimpl_step_lr tt ].
Ltac xpull_core tt :=
xpull_start tt;
repeat (xsimpl_step tt);
xpull_post tt.
Tactic Notation "xpull" := xpull_core tt.
Tactic Notation "xpull" "~" := xpull; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "xpull" "*" := xpull; auto_star.
Ltac xsimpl_core_mode cancel_wands :=
xsimpl_start tt;
repeat (xsimpl_step cancel_wands);
xsimpl_post tt.
Ltac xsimpl_core tt := (* cancel wands *)
xsimpl_core_mode constr:(true).
Ltac xsimpl_no_cancel_wand tt := (* don't cancel wands *)
xsimpl_core_mode constr:(false).
Tactic Notation "xsimpl" := xsimpl_core tt.
Tactic Notation "xsimpl" "~" := xsimpl; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "xsimpl" "*" := xsimpl; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "xsimpl" constr(L) :=
match type of L with
| list Boxer ⇒ xsimpl_hint_put L
| _ ⇒ xsimpl_hint_put (boxer L :: nil)
end; xsimpl.
Tactic Notation "xsimpl" constr(X1) constr(X2) :=
xsimpl (>> X1 X2).
Tactic Notation "xsimpl" constr(X1) constr(X2) constr(X3) :=
xsimpl (>> X1 X2 X3).
Tactic Notation "xsimpl" constr(X1) constr(X2) constr(X3) constr(X4):=
xsimpl (>> X1 X2 X3 X4).
Tactic Notation "xsimpl" constr(X1) constr(X2) constr(X3) constr(X4) constr(X5) :=
xsimpl (>> X1 X2 X3 X4 X5).
Tactic Notation "xsimpl" constr(X1) constr(X2) constr(X3) constr(X4) constr(X5) constr(X6) :=
xsimpl (>> X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6).
Tactic Notation "xsimpl" "~" constr(L) :=
xsimpl L; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "xsimpl" "~" constr(X1) constr(X2) :=
xsimpl X1 X2; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "xsimpl" "~" constr(X1) constr(X2) constr(X3) :=
xsimpl X1 X2 X3; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "xsimpl" "~" constr(X1) constr(X2) constr(X3) constr(X4):=
xsimpl X1 X2 X3 X4; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "xsimpl" "~" constr(X1) constr(X2) constr(X3) constr(X4) constr(X5) :=
xsimpl X1 X2 X3 X4 X5; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "xsimpl" "~" constr(X1) constr(X2) constr(X3) constr(X4) constr(X5) constr(X6) :=
xsimpl X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "xsimpl" "*" constr(L) :=
xsimpl L; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "xsimpl" "*" constr(X1) constr(X2) :=
xsimpl X1 X2; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "xsimpl" "*" constr(X1) constr(X2) constr(X3) :=
xsimpl X1 X2 X3; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "xsimpl" "*" constr(X1) constr(X2) constr(X3) constr(X4):=
xsimpl X1 X2 X3 X4; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "xsimpl" "*" constr(X1) constr(X2) constr(X3) constr(X4) constr(X5) :=
xsimpl X1 X2 X3 X4 X5; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "xsimpl" "*" constr(X1) constr(X2) constr(X3) constr(X4) constr(X5) constr(X6) :=
xsimpl X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6; auto_star.
xpull_start tt;
repeat (xsimpl_step tt);
xpull_post tt.
Tactic Notation "xpull" := xpull_core tt.
Tactic Notation "xpull" "~" := xpull; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "xpull" "*" := xpull; auto_star.
Ltac xsimpl_core_mode cancel_wands :=
xsimpl_start tt;
repeat (xsimpl_step cancel_wands);
xsimpl_post tt.
Ltac xsimpl_core tt := (* cancel wands *)
xsimpl_core_mode constr:(true).
Ltac xsimpl_no_cancel_wand tt := (* don't cancel wands *)
xsimpl_core_mode constr:(false).
Tactic Notation "xsimpl" := xsimpl_core tt.
Tactic Notation "xsimpl" "~" := xsimpl; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "xsimpl" "*" := xsimpl; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "xsimpl" constr(L) :=
match type of L with
| list Boxer ⇒ xsimpl_hint_put L
| _ ⇒ xsimpl_hint_put (boxer L :: nil)
end; xsimpl.
Tactic Notation "xsimpl" constr(X1) constr(X2) :=
xsimpl (>> X1 X2).
Tactic Notation "xsimpl" constr(X1) constr(X2) constr(X3) :=
xsimpl (>> X1 X2 X3).
Tactic Notation "xsimpl" constr(X1) constr(X2) constr(X3) constr(X4):=
xsimpl (>> X1 X2 X3 X4).
Tactic Notation "xsimpl" constr(X1) constr(X2) constr(X3) constr(X4) constr(X5) :=
xsimpl (>> X1 X2 X3 X4 X5).
Tactic Notation "xsimpl" constr(X1) constr(X2) constr(X3) constr(X4) constr(X5) constr(X6) :=
xsimpl (>> X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6).
Tactic Notation "xsimpl" "~" constr(L) :=
xsimpl L; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "xsimpl" "~" constr(X1) constr(X2) :=
xsimpl X1 X2; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "xsimpl" "~" constr(X1) constr(X2) constr(X3) :=
xsimpl X1 X2 X3; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "xsimpl" "~" constr(X1) constr(X2) constr(X3) constr(X4):=
xsimpl X1 X2 X3 X4; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "xsimpl" "~" constr(X1) constr(X2) constr(X3) constr(X4) constr(X5) :=
xsimpl X1 X2 X3 X4 X5; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "xsimpl" "~" constr(X1) constr(X2) constr(X3) constr(X4) constr(X5) constr(X6) :=
xsimpl X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "xsimpl" "*" constr(L) :=
xsimpl L; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "xsimpl" "*" constr(X1) constr(X2) :=
xsimpl X1 X2; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "xsimpl" "*" constr(X1) constr(X2) constr(X3) :=
xsimpl X1 X2 X3; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "xsimpl" "*" constr(X1) constr(X2) constr(X3) constr(X4):=
xsimpl X1 X2 X3 X4; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "xsimpl" "*" constr(X1) constr(X2) constr(X3) constr(X4) constr(X5) :=
xsimpl X1 X2 X3 X4 X5; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "xsimpl" "*" constr(X1) constr(X2) constr(X3) constr(X4) constr(X5) constr(X6) :=
xsimpl X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6; auto_star.
Tactic xchange
- it does not force the LHS to be exactly of the form H1 \* H2
- it takes as argument any lemma, whose instantiation result in a heap entailment of the form H1 ==> H1'.
Lemma xchange_lemma : ∀ H1 H2 H3 H4,
H1 ==> H2 →
H3 ==> H1 \* (H2 \−∗ protect H4) →
H3 ==> H4.
Proof using.
introv M1 M2. applys himpl_trans (rm M2).
applys himpl_hstar_trans_l (rm M1). applys hwand_cancel.
Ltac xchange_apply L :=
eapply xchange_lemma; [ eapply L | ].
(* Below, the modifier is either __ or himpl_of_eq
or himpl_of_eq_sym *)
Ltac xchange_build_entailment modifier K :=
match modifier with
| __ ⇒
match type of K with
| _ = _ ⇒ constr:(@himpl_of_eq _ _ K)
| _ ⇒ constr:(K)
| _ ⇒ constr:(@modifier _ _ K)
Ltac xchange_perform L modifier cont :=
forwards_nounfold_then L ltac:(fun K ⇒
let X := fresh "TEMP" in
set (X := K); (* intermediate set seems necessary *)
let M := xchange_build_entailment modifier K in
clear X;
xchange_apply M;
cont tt).
Ltac xchange_core L modifier cont :=
pose ltac_mark;
match goal with
| ⊢ _ ==> _ ⇒ idtac
| ⊢ _ ===> _ ⇒ let x := fresh "r" in intros x
xchange_perform L modifier cont;
H1 ==> H2 →
H3 ==> H1 \* (H2 \−∗ protect H4) →
H3 ==> H4.
Proof using.
introv M1 M2. applys himpl_trans (rm M2).
applys himpl_hstar_trans_l (rm M1). applys hwand_cancel.
Ltac xchange_apply L :=
eapply xchange_lemma; [ eapply L | ].
(* Below, the modifier is either __ or himpl_of_eq
or himpl_of_eq_sym *)
Ltac xchange_build_entailment modifier K :=
match modifier with
| __ ⇒
match type of K with
| _ = _ ⇒ constr:(@himpl_of_eq _ _ K)
| _ ⇒ constr:(K)
| _ ⇒ constr:(@modifier _ _ K)
Ltac xchange_perform L modifier cont :=
forwards_nounfold_then L ltac:(fun K ⇒
let X := fresh "TEMP" in
set (X := K); (* intermediate set seems necessary *)
let M := xchange_build_entailment modifier K in
clear X;
xchange_apply M;
cont tt).
Ltac xchange_core L modifier cont :=
pose ltac_mark;
match goal with
| ⊢ _ ==> _ ⇒ idtac
| ⊢ _ ===> _ ⇒ let x := fresh "r" in intros x
xchange_perform L modifier cont;
Error reporting support for xchange (not for xchanges)
Definition (P:Type) (e:P) := e.
(@xchange_hidden _ _).
Ltac xchange_report_error tt :=
match goal with ⊢ context [?H1 \−∗ protect ?H2] ⇒
change (H1 \−∗ protect H2) with (@xchange_hidden _ (H1 \−∗ protect H2)) end.
Ltac xchange_xpull_cont tt :=
xsimpl; first
[ xchange_report_error tt
| unfold protect; try solve [ apply himpl_refl ] ].
Ltac xchange_xpull_cont_basic tt := (* version without error reporting *)
xsimpl; unfold protect; try solve [ apply himpl_refl ].
Ltac xchange_xsimpl_cont tt :=
unfold protect; xsimpl; try solve [ apply himpl_refl ].
Ltac xchange_nosimpl_base E modifier :=
xchange_core E modifier ltac:(idcont).
Tactic Notation "xchange_nosimpl" constr(E) :=
xchange_nosimpl_base E __.
Tactic Notation "xchange_nosimpl" "->" constr(E) :=
xchange_nosimpl_base E himpl_of_eq.
Tactic Notation "xchange_nosimpl" "<-" constr(E) :=
xchange_nosimpl_base himpl_of_eq_sym.
Ltac xchange_base E modif :=
xchange_core E modif ltac:(xchange_xpull_cont).
Tactic Notation "xchange" constr(E) :=
xchange_base E __.
Tactic Notation "xchange" "~" constr(E) :=
xchange E; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "xchange" "*" constr(E) :=
xchange E; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "xchange" "->" constr(E) :=
xchange_base E himpl_of_eq.
Tactic Notation "xchange" "~" "->" constr(E) :=
xchange → E; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "xchange" "*" "->" constr(E) :=
xchange → E; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "xchange" "<-" constr(E) :=
xchange_base E himpl_of_eq_sym.
Tactic Notation "xchange" "~" "<-" constr(E) :=
xchange <- E; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "xchange" "*" "<-" constr(E) :=
xchange <- E; auto_star.
Ltac xchanges_base E modif :=
xchange_core E modif ltac:(xchange_xsimpl_cont).
Tactic Notation "xchanges" constr(E) :=
xchanges_base E __.
Tactic Notation "xchanges" "~" constr(E) :=
xchanges E; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "xchanges" "*" constr(E) :=
xchanges E; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "xchanges" "->" constr(E) :=
xchanges_base E himpl_of_eq.
Tactic Notation "xchanges" "~" "->" constr(E) :=
xchanges → E; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "xchanges" "*" "->" constr(E) :=
xchanges → E; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "xchanges" "<-" constr(E) :=
xchanges_base E himpl_of_eq_sym.
Tactic Notation "xchanges" "~" "<-" constr(E) :=
xchanges <- E; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "xchanges" "*" "<-" constr(E) :=
xchanges <- E; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "xchange" constr(E1) "," constr(E2) :=
xchange E1; try xchange E2.
Tactic Notation "xchange" constr(E1) "," constr(E2) "," constr(E3) :=
xchange E1; try xchange E2; try xchange E3.
Tactic Notation "xchange" constr(E1) "," constr(E2) "," constr(E3) "," constr(E4) :=
xchange E1; try xchange E2; try xchange E3; try xchange E4.
(@xchange_hidden _ _).
Ltac xchange_report_error tt :=
match goal with ⊢ context [?H1 \−∗ protect ?H2] ⇒
change (H1 \−∗ protect H2) with (@xchange_hidden _ (H1 \−∗ protect H2)) end.
Ltac xchange_xpull_cont tt :=
xsimpl; first
[ xchange_report_error tt
| unfold protect; try solve [ apply himpl_refl ] ].
Ltac xchange_xpull_cont_basic tt := (* version without error reporting *)
xsimpl; unfold protect; try solve [ apply himpl_refl ].
Ltac xchange_xsimpl_cont tt :=
unfold protect; xsimpl; try solve [ apply himpl_refl ].
Ltac xchange_nosimpl_base E modifier :=
xchange_core E modifier ltac:(idcont).
Tactic Notation "xchange_nosimpl" constr(E) :=
xchange_nosimpl_base E __.
Tactic Notation "xchange_nosimpl" "->" constr(E) :=
xchange_nosimpl_base E himpl_of_eq.
Tactic Notation "xchange_nosimpl" "<-" constr(E) :=
xchange_nosimpl_base himpl_of_eq_sym.
Ltac xchange_base E modif :=
xchange_core E modif ltac:(xchange_xpull_cont).
Tactic Notation "xchange" constr(E) :=
xchange_base E __.
Tactic Notation "xchange" "~" constr(E) :=
xchange E; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "xchange" "*" constr(E) :=
xchange E; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "xchange" "->" constr(E) :=
xchange_base E himpl_of_eq.
Tactic Notation "xchange" "~" "->" constr(E) :=
xchange → E; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "xchange" "*" "->" constr(E) :=
xchange → E; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "xchange" "<-" constr(E) :=
xchange_base E himpl_of_eq_sym.
Tactic Notation "xchange" "~" "<-" constr(E) :=
xchange <- E; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "xchange" "*" "<-" constr(E) :=
xchange <- E; auto_star.
Ltac xchanges_base E modif :=
xchange_core E modif ltac:(xchange_xsimpl_cont).
Tactic Notation "xchanges" constr(E) :=
xchanges_base E __.
Tactic Notation "xchanges" "~" constr(E) :=
xchanges E; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "xchanges" "*" constr(E) :=
xchanges E; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "xchanges" "->" constr(E) :=
xchanges_base E himpl_of_eq.
Tactic Notation "xchanges" "~" "->" constr(E) :=
xchanges → E; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "xchanges" "*" "->" constr(E) :=
xchanges → E; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "xchanges" "<-" constr(E) :=
xchanges_base E himpl_of_eq_sym.
Tactic Notation "xchanges" "~" "<-" constr(E) :=
xchanges <- E; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "xchanges" "*" "<-" constr(E) :=
xchanges <- E; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "xchange" constr(E1) "," constr(E2) :=
xchange E1; try xchange E2.
Tactic Notation "xchange" constr(E1) "," constr(E2) "," constr(E3) :=
xchange E1; try xchange E2; try xchange E3.
Tactic Notation "xchange" constr(E1) "," constr(E2) "," constr(E3) "," constr(E4) :=
xchange E1; try xchange E2; try xchange E3; try xchange E4.
Lemma rew_heap_demo_with_evar : ∀ H1 H2 H3,
(∀ H, H1 \* (H \* H2) \* \[] = H3 → True) → True.
Proof using.
introv M. dup 3.
{ eapply M. rewrite hstar_assoc. rewrite hstar_assoc. demo. }
{ eapply M. rew_heap_assoc. demo. }
{ eapply M. rew_heap. demo. }
(∀ H, H1 \* (H \* H2) \* \[] = H3 → True) → True.
Proof using.
introv M. dup 3.
{ eapply M. rewrite hstar_assoc. rewrite hstar_assoc. demo. }
{ eapply M. rew_heap_assoc. demo. }
{ eapply M. rew_heap. demo. }
Lemma hstars_flip_demo : ∀ H1 H2 H3 H4,
(∀ H, H1 \* H2 \* H3 \* H4 \* \[] = H → H = H → True) → True.
Proof using.
introv M. eapply M. hstars_flip tt.
Lemma hstars_flip_demo_0 :
(∀ H, \[] = H → H = H → True) → True.
Proof using.
introv M. eapply M. hstars_flip tt.
(∀ H, H1 \* H2 \* H3 \* H4 \* \[] = H → H = H → True) → True.
Proof using.
introv M. eapply M. hstars_flip tt.
Lemma hstars_flip_demo_0 :
(∀ H, \[] = H → H = H → True) → True.
Proof using.
introv M. eapply M. hstars_flip tt.
Lemma xsimpl_demo_hints : ∃ n, n = 3.
Proof using.
xsimpl_hint_put (>> 3 true).
xsimpl_hint_next ltac:(fun x ⇒ ∃ x).
xsimpl_hint_remove tt.
Proof using.
xsimpl_hint_put (>> 3 true).
xsimpl_hint_next ltac:(fun x ⇒ ∃ x).
xsimpl_hint_remove tt.
Lemma demo_hstars_pick_1 : ∀ H1 H2 H3 H4 Hresult,
(∀ H, H1 \* H2 \* H3 \* H4 = H → H = Hresult → True) → True.
Proof using.
introv M. dup 2.
{ eapply M. let L := hstars_pick_lemma 3 in eapply L. demo. }
{ eapply M. let L := hstars_pick_lemma (hstars_last 4) in eapply L. demo. }
(∀ H, H1 \* H2 \* H3 \* H4 = H → H = Hresult → True) → True.
Proof using.
introv M. dup 2.
{ eapply M. let L := hstars_pick_lemma 3 in eapply L. demo. }
{ eapply M. let L := hstars_pick_lemma (hstars_last 4) in eapply L. demo. }
Lemma demo_hstars_simpl_1 : ∀ H1 H2 H3 H4 H5,
H2 ==> H5 →
H1 \* H2 \* H3 \* H4 ==> H4 \* H5 \* H3 \* H1.
Proof using.
intros. dup.
{ hstars_simpl_start tt.
hstars_simpl_step tt.
hstars_simpl_step tt.
hstars_simpl_step tt.
hstars_simpl_step tt.
hstars_simpl_post tt. auto. }
{ hstars_simpl. auto. }
Lemma demo_hstars_simpl_2 : ∀ H1 H2 H3 H4 H5,
(∀ H, H \* H2 \* H3 \* H4 ==> H4 \* H5 \* H3 \* H1 → True) → True.
Proof using.
introv M. eapply M. hstars_simpl.
H2 ==> H5 →
H1 \* H2 \* H3 \* H4 ==> H4 \* H5 \* H3 \* H1.
Proof using.
intros. dup.
{ hstars_simpl_start tt.
hstars_simpl_step tt.
hstars_simpl_step tt.
hstars_simpl_step tt.
hstars_simpl_step tt.
hstars_simpl_post tt. auto. }
{ hstars_simpl. auto. }
Lemma demo_hstars_simpl_2 : ∀ H1 H2 H3 H4 H5,
(∀ H, H \* H2 \* H3 \* H4 ==> H4 \* H5 \* H3 \* H1 → True) → True.
Proof using.
introv M. eapply M. hstars_simpl.
Lemma xsimpl_pick_demo : ∀ (Q:bool→hprop) (P:Prop) H1 H2 H3 Hlw Hlt Hra Hrg Hrt,
(∀ HX HY,
Xsimpl ((H1 \* H2 \* H3 \* Q true \* (\[P] \−∗ HX) \* HY \* \[]), Hlw, Hlt)
(Hra, Hrg, Hrt)
→ True) → True.
Proof using.
introv M. applys (rm M).
let L := hstars_pick_lemma 2%nat in set (X:=L).
eapply xsimpl_pick_lemma. apply X.
xsimpl_pick 2%nat.
xsimpl_pick_same H3.
xsimpl_pick_applied Q.
xsimpl_pick_same H2.
xsimpl_pick_unifiable H3.
xsimpl_pick_unifiable \[True].
xsimpl_pick_unifiable (\[P] \−∗ H1).
(∀ HX HY,
Xsimpl ((H1 \* H2 \* H3 \* Q true \* (\[P] \−∗ HX) \* HY \* \[]), Hlw, Hlt)
(Hra, Hrg, Hrt)
→ True) → True.
Proof using.
introv M. applys (rm M).
let L := hstars_pick_lemma 2%nat in set (X:=L).
eapply xsimpl_pick_lemma. apply X.
xsimpl_pick 2%nat.
xsimpl_pick_same H3.
xsimpl_pick_applied Q.
xsimpl_pick_same H2.
xsimpl_pick_unifiable H3.
xsimpl_pick_unifiable \[True].
xsimpl_pick_unifiable (\[P] \−∗ H1).
Tactic Notation "xpull0" := xpull_start tt.
Tactic Notation "xsimpl0" := xsimpl_start tt.
Tactic Notation "xsimpl1" := xsimpl_step tt.
Tactic Notation "xsimpl2" := xsimpl_post tt.
Tactic Notation "xsimpll" := xsimpl_step_l tt.
Tactic Notation "xsimplr" := xsimpl_step_r tt.
Tactic Notation "xsimpllr" := xsimpl_step_lr tt.
Declare Scope xsimpl_scope.
Notation "'HSIMPL' Hla Hlw Hlt =====> Hra Hrg Hrt" := (Xsimpl (Hla, Hlw, Hlt) (Hra, Hrg, Hrt))
(at level 69, Hla, Hlw, Hlt, Hra, Hrg, Hrt at level 0,
format "'[v' 'HSIMPL' '/' Hla '/' Hlw '/' Hlt '/' =====> '/' Hra '/' Hrg '/' Hrt ']'")
: xsimpl_scope.
Local Open Scope xsimpl_scope.
Lemma xpull_demo : ∀ H1 H2 H3 H,
(H1 \* \[] \* (H2 \* \∃ (y:int) z (n:nat), \[y = y + z + n]) \* H3) ==> H.
Proof using.
{ intros. xpull0. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1.
xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl2. demo. }
{ xpull. intros. demo. }
Lemma xsimpl_demo_stars : ∀ H1 H2 H3 H4 H5,
H1 \* H2 \* H3 \* H4 ==> H4 \* H3 \* H5 \* H2.
Proof using.
dup 3.
{ xpull. demo. }
{ intros. xsimpl0. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1.
xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. demo. }
{ intros. xsimpl. demo. }
Lemma xsimpl_demo_keep_order : ∀ H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7,
H1 \* H2 \* H3 \* H4 ==> H5 \* H3 \* H6 \* H7.
Proof using. intros. xsimpl. demo. Abort.
Lemma xsimpl_demo_stars_top : ∀ H1 H2 H3 H4 H5,
H1 \* H2 \* H3 \* H4 \* H5 ==> H3 \* H1 \* H2 \* \Top.
Proof using.
{ intros. xsimpl0. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1.
xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1.
xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. }
{ intros. xsimpl. }
Lemma xsimpl_demo_hint : ∀ H1 (Q:int→hprop),
Q 4 ==> Q 3 →
H1 \* Q 4 ==> \∃ x, Q x \* H1.
Proof using.
introv W. dup.
{ intros. xsimpl_hint_put (>> 3).
xsimpl0. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1.
xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl2. auto. }
{ xsimpl 3. auto. }
Lemma xsimpl_demo_stars_gc : ∀ H1 H2,
haffine H2 →
H1 \* H2 ==> H1 \* \GC.
Proof using.
{ intros. xsimpl0. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1.
xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. }
{ intros. xsimpl¬. }
Lemma xsimpl_demo_evar_1 : ∀ H1 H2,
(∀ H, H1 \* H2 ==> H → True) → True.
Proof using. intros. eapply H. xsimpl. Abort.
Lemma xsimpl_demo_evar_2 : ∀ H1,
(∀ H, H1 ==> H1 \* H → True) → True.
Proof using.
introv M. dup.
{ eapply M. xsimpl0. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. }
{ eapply M. xsimpl¬. }
Lemma xsimpl_demo_htop_both_sides : ∀ H1 H2,
H1 \* H2 \* \Top ==> H1 \* \Top.
Proof using.
{ intros. xsimpl0. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1.
xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. }
{ intros. xsimpl¬. }
Lemma xsimpl_demo_htop_multiple : ∀ H1 H2,
H1 \* H2 \* \Top ==> H1 \* \Top \* \Top.
Proof using. intros. xsimpl¬. Abort.
Lemma xsimpl_demo_hgc_multiple : ∀ H1 H2,
haffine H2 →
H1 \* H2 \* \GC ==> H1 \* \GC \* \GC.
Proof using. intros. xsimpl¬. Qed.
Lemma xsimpl_demo_hwand : ∀ H1 H2 H3 H4,
(H1 \−∗ (H2 \−∗ H3)) \* H1 \* H4 ==> (H2 \−∗ (H3 \* H4)).
Proof using.
{ intros. xsimpl0. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1.
xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1.
xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1.
xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1.
xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. }
{ intros. xsimpl¬. }
Lemma xsimpl_demo_qwand : ∀ A (x:A) (Q1 Q2:A→hprop) H1,
H1 \* (H1 \−∗ (Q1 \−−∗ Q2)) \* (Q1 x) ==> (Q2 x).
Proof using. intros. xsimpl¬. Qed.
Lemma xsimpl_demo_hwand_r : ∀ H1 H2 H3,
H1 \* H2 ==> H1 \* (H3 \−∗ (H2 \* H3)).
Proof using. intros. xsimpl¬. Qed.
Lemma xsimpl_demo_qwand_r : ∀ A (x:A) (Q1 Q2:A→hprop) H1 H2,
H1 \* H2 ==> H1 \* (Q1 \−−∗ (Q1 \*+ H2)).
Proof using. intros. xsimpl. Qed.
Lemma xsimpl_demo_hwand_multiple_1 : ∀ H1 H2 H3 H4 H5,
H1 \−∗ H4 ==> H5 →
(H2 \* ((H1 \* H2 \* H3) \−∗ H4)) \* H3 ==> H5.
Proof using. introv M. xsimpl. auto. Qed.
Lemma xsimpl_demo_hwand_multiple_2 : ∀ H1 H2 H3 H4 H5,
(H1 \* H2 \* ((H1 \* H3) \−∗ (H4 \−∗ H5))) \* (H2 \−∗ H3) \* H4 ==> H5.
Proof using. intros. xsimpl. Qed.
Lemma xsimpl_demo_hwand_hempty : ∀ H1 H2 H3,
(\[] \−∗ H1) \* H2 ==> H3.
Proof using. intros. xsimpl. Abort.
Lemma xsimpl_demo_hwand_hstar_hempty : ∀ H0 H1 H2 H3,
((H0 \* \[]) \−∗ \[] \−∗ H1) \* H2 ==> H3.
Proof using. intros. xsimpl. rew_heap. Abort.
(* xsimpl does not simplify inner \[] \−∗ H1, known limitation. *)
Lemma xsimpl_demo_hwand_iter : ∀ H1 H2 H3 H4 H5,
H1 \* H2 \* ((H1 \* H3) \−∗ (H4 \−∗ H5)) \* H4 ==> ((H2 \−∗ H3) \−∗ H5).
Proof using.
intros. dup.
{ xsimpl0. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1.
xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1.
xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1.
xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1.
xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. }
{ xsimpl. }
Lemma xsimpl_demo_repr_1 : ∀ p q (R:int→int→hprop),
p ~> R 3 \* q ~> R 4 ==> \∃ n m, p ~> R n \* q ~> R m.
Proof using.
intros. dup.
{ xsimpl0. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1.
xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. }
{ xsimpl¬. }
Lemma xsimpl_demo_repr_2 : ∀ p (R R':int→int→hprop),
R = R' →
p ~> R' 3 ==> \∃ n, p ~> R n.
Proof using. introv E. xsimpl. subst R'. xsimpl. Qed.
Lemma xsimpl_demo_repr_3 : ∀ p (R:int→int→hprop),
let R' := R in
p ~> R' 3 ==> \∃ n, p ~> R n.
Proof using.
intros. dup.
{ xsimpl0. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. }
{ xsimpl¬. }
Lemma xsimpl_demo_repr_4 : ∀ p n m (R:int→int→hprop),
n = m + 0 →
p ~> R n ==> p ~> R m.
Proof using. intros. xsimpl. math. Qed.
Lemma xsimpl_demo_gc_0 : ∀ H1 H2,
H1 ==> H2 \* \GC \* \GC.
Proof using. intros. xsimpl. Abort.
Lemma xsimpl_demo_gc_1 : ∀ H1 H2,
H1 ==> H2 \* \GC \* \Top \* \Top \* \GC.
Proof using.
intros. dup.
{ xsimpl0. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1.
xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl2. demo. }
{ xsimpl¬. demo. }
Lemma xsimpl_demo_gc_2 : ∀ H1 H2 H3,
H1 \* H2 \* \Top \* \GC \* \Top ==> H3 \* \GC \* \GC.
Proof using. intros. xsimpl. Abort.
(* Note that no attempt to collapse \Top or \GC on the RHS is performed,
they are dealt with only by cancellation from the LHS *)
Lemma xsimpl_demo_gc_3 : ∀ H1 H2,
H1 \* H2 \* \GC \* \GC ==> H2 \* \GC \* \GC \* \GC.
Proof using. intros. xsimpl. xaffine. Abort.
Lemma xsimpl_demo_gc_4 : ∀ H1 H2,
H1 \* H2 \* \GC ==> H2 \* \GC \* \Top \* \Top \* \GC.
Proof using. intros. xsimpl. Abort.
Tactic Notation "xsimpl0" := xsimpl_start tt.
Tactic Notation "xsimpl1" := xsimpl_step tt.
Tactic Notation "xsimpl2" := xsimpl_post tt.
Tactic Notation "xsimpll" := xsimpl_step_l tt.
Tactic Notation "xsimplr" := xsimpl_step_r tt.
Tactic Notation "xsimpllr" := xsimpl_step_lr tt.
Declare Scope xsimpl_scope.
Notation "'HSIMPL' Hla Hlw Hlt =====> Hra Hrg Hrt" := (Xsimpl (Hla, Hlw, Hlt) (Hra, Hrg, Hrt))
(at level 69, Hla, Hlw, Hlt, Hra, Hrg, Hrt at level 0,
format "'[v' 'HSIMPL' '/' Hla '/' Hlw '/' Hlt '/' =====> '/' Hra '/' Hrg '/' Hrt ']'")
: xsimpl_scope.
Local Open Scope xsimpl_scope.
Lemma xpull_demo : ∀ H1 H2 H3 H,
(H1 \* \[] \* (H2 \* \∃ (y:int) z (n:nat), \[y = y + z + n]) \* H3) ==> H.
Proof using.
{ intros. xpull0. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1.
xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl2. demo. }
{ xpull. intros. demo. }
Lemma xsimpl_demo_stars : ∀ H1 H2 H3 H4 H5,
H1 \* H2 \* H3 \* H4 ==> H4 \* H3 \* H5 \* H2.
Proof using.
dup 3.
{ xpull. demo. }
{ intros. xsimpl0. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1.
xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. demo. }
{ intros. xsimpl. demo. }
Lemma xsimpl_demo_keep_order : ∀ H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7,
H1 \* H2 \* H3 \* H4 ==> H5 \* H3 \* H6 \* H7.
Proof using. intros. xsimpl. demo. Abort.
Lemma xsimpl_demo_stars_top : ∀ H1 H2 H3 H4 H5,
H1 \* H2 \* H3 \* H4 \* H5 ==> H3 \* H1 \* H2 \* \Top.
Proof using.
{ intros. xsimpl0. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1.
xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1.
xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. }
{ intros. xsimpl. }
Lemma xsimpl_demo_hint : ∀ H1 (Q:int→hprop),
Q 4 ==> Q 3 →
H1 \* Q 4 ==> \∃ x, Q x \* H1.
Proof using.
introv W. dup.
{ intros. xsimpl_hint_put (>> 3).
xsimpl0. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1.
xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl2. auto. }
{ xsimpl 3. auto. }
Lemma xsimpl_demo_stars_gc : ∀ H1 H2,
haffine H2 →
H1 \* H2 ==> H1 \* \GC.
Proof using.
{ intros. xsimpl0. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1.
xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. }
{ intros. xsimpl¬. }
Lemma xsimpl_demo_evar_1 : ∀ H1 H2,
(∀ H, H1 \* H2 ==> H → True) → True.
Proof using. intros. eapply H. xsimpl. Abort.
Lemma xsimpl_demo_evar_2 : ∀ H1,
(∀ H, H1 ==> H1 \* H → True) → True.
Proof using.
introv M. dup.
{ eapply M. xsimpl0. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. }
{ eapply M. xsimpl¬. }
Lemma xsimpl_demo_htop_both_sides : ∀ H1 H2,
H1 \* H2 \* \Top ==> H1 \* \Top.
Proof using.
{ intros. xsimpl0. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1.
xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. }
{ intros. xsimpl¬. }
Lemma xsimpl_demo_htop_multiple : ∀ H1 H2,
H1 \* H2 \* \Top ==> H1 \* \Top \* \Top.
Proof using. intros. xsimpl¬. Abort.
Lemma xsimpl_demo_hgc_multiple : ∀ H1 H2,
haffine H2 →
H1 \* H2 \* \GC ==> H1 \* \GC \* \GC.
Proof using. intros. xsimpl¬. Qed.
Lemma xsimpl_demo_hwand : ∀ H1 H2 H3 H4,
(H1 \−∗ (H2 \−∗ H3)) \* H1 \* H4 ==> (H2 \−∗ (H3 \* H4)).
Proof using.
{ intros. xsimpl0. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1.
xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1.
xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1.
xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1.
xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. }
{ intros. xsimpl¬. }
Lemma xsimpl_demo_qwand : ∀ A (x:A) (Q1 Q2:A→hprop) H1,
H1 \* (H1 \−∗ (Q1 \−−∗ Q2)) \* (Q1 x) ==> (Q2 x).
Proof using. intros. xsimpl¬. Qed.
Lemma xsimpl_demo_hwand_r : ∀ H1 H2 H3,
H1 \* H2 ==> H1 \* (H3 \−∗ (H2 \* H3)).
Proof using. intros. xsimpl¬. Qed.
Lemma xsimpl_demo_qwand_r : ∀ A (x:A) (Q1 Q2:A→hprop) H1 H2,
H1 \* H2 ==> H1 \* (Q1 \−−∗ (Q1 \*+ H2)).
Proof using. intros. xsimpl. Qed.
Lemma xsimpl_demo_hwand_multiple_1 : ∀ H1 H2 H3 H4 H5,
H1 \−∗ H4 ==> H5 →
(H2 \* ((H1 \* H2 \* H3) \−∗ H4)) \* H3 ==> H5.
Proof using. introv M. xsimpl. auto. Qed.
Lemma xsimpl_demo_hwand_multiple_2 : ∀ H1 H2 H3 H4 H5,
(H1 \* H2 \* ((H1 \* H3) \−∗ (H4 \−∗ H5))) \* (H2 \−∗ H3) \* H4 ==> H5.
Proof using. intros. xsimpl. Qed.
Lemma xsimpl_demo_hwand_hempty : ∀ H1 H2 H3,
(\[] \−∗ H1) \* H2 ==> H3.
Proof using. intros. xsimpl. Abort.
Lemma xsimpl_demo_hwand_hstar_hempty : ∀ H0 H1 H2 H3,
((H0 \* \[]) \−∗ \[] \−∗ H1) \* H2 ==> H3.
Proof using. intros. xsimpl. rew_heap. Abort.
(* xsimpl does not simplify inner \[] \−∗ H1, known limitation. *)
Lemma xsimpl_demo_hwand_iter : ∀ H1 H2 H3 H4 H5,
H1 \* H2 \* ((H1 \* H3) \−∗ (H4 \−∗ H5)) \* H4 ==> ((H2 \−∗ H3) \−∗ H5).
Proof using.
intros. dup.
{ xsimpl0. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1.
xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1.
xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1.
xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1.
xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. }
{ xsimpl. }
Lemma xsimpl_demo_repr_1 : ∀ p q (R:int→int→hprop),
p ~> R 3 \* q ~> R 4 ==> \∃ n m, p ~> R n \* q ~> R m.
Proof using.
intros. dup.
{ xsimpl0. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1.
xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. }
{ xsimpl¬. }
Lemma xsimpl_demo_repr_2 : ∀ p (R R':int→int→hprop),
R = R' →
p ~> R' 3 ==> \∃ n, p ~> R n.
Proof using. introv E. xsimpl. subst R'. xsimpl. Qed.
Lemma xsimpl_demo_repr_3 : ∀ p (R:int→int→hprop),
let R' := R in
p ~> R' 3 ==> \∃ n, p ~> R n.
Proof using.
intros. dup.
{ xsimpl0. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. }
{ xsimpl¬. }
Lemma xsimpl_demo_repr_4 : ∀ p n m (R:int→int→hprop),
n = m + 0 →
p ~> R n ==> p ~> R m.
Proof using. intros. xsimpl. math. Qed.
Lemma xsimpl_demo_gc_0 : ∀ H1 H2,
H1 ==> H2 \* \GC \* \GC.
Proof using. intros. xsimpl. Abort.
Lemma xsimpl_demo_gc_1 : ∀ H1 H2,
H1 ==> H2 \* \GC \* \Top \* \Top \* \GC.
Proof using.
intros. dup.
{ xsimpl0. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1.
xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl2. demo. }
{ xsimpl¬. demo. }
Lemma xsimpl_demo_gc_2 : ∀ H1 H2 H3,
H1 \* H2 \* \Top \* \GC \* \Top ==> H3 \* \GC \* \GC.
Proof using. intros. xsimpl. Abort.
(* Note that no attempt to collapse \Top or \GC on the RHS is performed,
they are dealt with only by cancellation from the LHS *)
Lemma xsimpl_demo_gc_3 : ∀ H1 H2,
H1 \* H2 \* \GC \* \GC ==> H2 \* \GC \* \GC \* \GC.
Proof using. intros. xsimpl. xaffine. Abort.
Lemma xsimpl_demo_gc_4 : ∀ H1 H2,
H1 \* H2 \* \GC ==> H2 \* \GC \* \Top \* \Top \* \GC.
Proof using. intros. xsimpl. Abort.
Lemma xchange_demo_1 : ∀ H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6,
H1 ==> H2 \* H3 →
H1 \* H4 ==> (H5 \−∗ H6).
Proof using.
introv M. dup 3.
{ xchange_nosimpl M. xsimpl. demo. }
{ xchange M. xsimpl. demo. }
{ xchanges M. demo. }
Lemma xchange_demo_2 : ∀ A (Q:A→hprop) H1 H2 H3,
H1 ==> \∃ x, Q x \* (H2 \−∗ H3) →
H1 \* H2 ==> \∃ x, Q x \* H3.
Proof using.
introv M. dup 3.
{ xchange_nosimpl M. xsimpl. unfold protect. xsimpl. }
{ xchange M. xsimpl. }
{ xchanges M. }
Lemma xchange_demo_4 : ∀ A (Q1 Q2:A→hprop) H,
Q1 ===> Q2 →
Q1 \*+ H ===> Q2 \*+ H.
Proof using. introv M. xchanges M. Qed.
Lemma xsimpl_demo_hfalse : ∀ H1 H2,
H1 ==> \[False] →
H1 \* H2 ==> \[False].
Proof using.
introv M. dup.
{ xchange_nosimpl M. xsimpl0. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1.
xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. }
{ xchange M. }
Lemma xchange_demo_hforall_l :
∀ (hforall_specialize : ∀ A (x:A) (J:A→hprop), (hforall J) ==> (J x)),
∀ (Q:int→hprop) H1,
(\∀ x, Q x) \* H1 ==> Q 2 \* \Top.
Proof using.
intros. xchange (>> hforall_specialize 2). xsimpl.
End XsimplSetup.
(* 2024-12-27 01:30 *)
H1 ==> H2 \* H3 →
H1 \* H4 ==> (H5 \−∗ H6).
Proof using.
introv M. dup 3.
{ xchange_nosimpl M. xsimpl. demo. }
{ xchange M. xsimpl. demo. }
{ xchanges M. demo. }
Lemma xchange_demo_2 : ∀ A (Q:A→hprop) H1 H2 H3,
H1 ==> \∃ x, Q x \* (H2 \−∗ H3) →
H1 \* H2 ==> \∃ x, Q x \* H3.
Proof using.
introv M. dup 3.
{ xchange_nosimpl M. xsimpl. unfold protect. xsimpl. }
{ xchange M. xsimpl. }
{ xchanges M. }
Lemma xchange_demo_4 : ∀ A (Q1 Q2:A→hprop) H,
Q1 ===> Q2 →
Q1 \*+ H ===> Q2 \*+ H.
Proof using. introv M. xchanges M. Qed.
Lemma xsimpl_demo_hfalse : ∀ H1 H2,
H1 ==> \[False] →
H1 \* H2 ==> \[False].
Proof using.
introv M. dup.
{ xchange_nosimpl M. xsimpl0. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1.
xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. xsimpl1. }
{ xchange M. }
Lemma xchange_demo_hforall_l :
∀ (hforall_specialize : ∀ A (x:A) (J:A→hprop), (hforall J) ==> (J x)),
∀ (Q:int→hprop) H1,
(\∀ x, Q x) \* H1 ==> Q 2 \* \Top.
Proof using.
intros. xchange (>> hforall_specialize 2). xsimpl.
End XsimplSetup.
(* 2024-12-27 01:30 *)