From ITree Require Import
From ITree.Extra Require Import
From Paco Require Import paco.
Import Monads.
Import MonadNotation.
Local Open Scope monad_scope.
Lemma eqit_bind_shalt_aux1:
∀ (E : Type → Type) (S2 S1 R1 R2 : Type) (RR : R1 → R2 → Prop)
(RS : S1 → S2 → Prop) (b1 b2 : bool) (Label : Preorder)
(priv : ∀ A : Type, E A → L) (l : L) (k1 : R1 → itree E S1)
(k2 : R2 → itree E S2) (A : Type) (e : E A) (k0 : A → itree E R1)
(t2 : itree E R2),
¬ leq (priv A e) l →
empty A →
paco2 (secure_eqit_ Label priv RR b1 b2 l id) bot2 (Vis e k0) t2 →
∀ (t1 : itree E R1),
VisF e k0 = observe t1 →
paco2 (secure_eqit_ Label priv RS b1 b2 l id) bot2 (ITree.bind t1 k1) (ITree.bind t2 k2).
intros E S2 S1 R1 R2 RR RS b1 b2 Label priv l k1 k2 A e k0 t2 SECCHECK SIZECHECK H0 t1 Heqot1.
pstep. red. unfold ITree.bind at 1, observe at 1. cbn. rewrite <- Heqot1.
cbn. rewrite itree_eta' at 1. pstep_reverse.
generalize dependent t2. pcofix CIH. intros t2 Ht2.
pstep. red.
punfold Ht2. red in Ht2.
unfold ITree.bind at 1. unfold observe at 2. cbn in ×.
inv Ht2; ddestruction; subst; try contra_size; try contradiction; try rewrite <- H; cbn;
try unpriv_halt; right; eapply CIH; pclearbot; eauto;
try (pfold; rewrite H in H1; apply H1).
Lemma eqit_bind_shalt_aux2:
∀ (E : Type → Type) (S2 S1 R1 R2 : Type) (RR : R1 → R2 → Prop)
(RS : S1 → S2 → Prop) (b1 b2 : bool) (Label : Preorder)
(priv : ∀ A : Type, E A → L) (l : L) (k1 : R1 → itree E S1)
(k2 : R2 → itree E S2) (A : Type) (e : E A) (k0 : A → itree E R2)
(t1 : itree E R1) (t2 : itree E R2),
¬ leq (priv A e) l →
empty A →
paco2 (secure_eqit_ Label priv RR b1 b2 l id) bot2 t1 (Vis e k0) →
VisF e k0 = observe t2 →
paco2 (secure_eqit_ Label priv RS b1 b2 l id) bot2 (ITree.bind t1 k1) (ITree.bind t2 k2).
intros E S2 S1 R1 R2 RR RS b1 b2 Label priv l k1 k2 A e k0 t1 t2 SECCHECK SIZECHECK H0 Heqot1.
pstep. red. unfold ITree.bind at 2, observe at 2. cbn. rewrite <- Heqot1.
cbn. rewrite itree_eta'. pstep_reverse.
generalize dependent t1. pcofix CIH. intros t1 Ht1.
pstep. red.
punfold Ht1. red in Ht1.
unfold ITree.bind at 1, observe at 1. cbn in ×.
inv Ht1; ddestruction; subst; try contra_size; try contradiction; cbn;
try unpriv_halt; try contra_size; try (right; eapply CIH; pclearbot; eauto).
pfold. rewrite H0 in H1. auto. apply H1.
Lemma secure_eqit_bind' : ∀ E R1 R2 S1 S2 (RR : R1 → R2 → Prop) (RS : S1 → S2 → Prop)
b1 b2 Label priv l r
(t1 : itree E R1) (t2 : itree E R2) (k1 : R1 → itree E S1) (k2 : R2 → itree E S2),
(∀ r1 r2, RR r1 r2 → paco2 (secure_eqit_ Label priv RS b1 b2 l id) r (k1 r1) (k2 r2) ) →
eqit_secure Label priv RR b1 b2 l t1 t2 →
paco2 (secure_eqit_ Label priv RS b1 b2 l id) r (ITree.bind t1 k1) (ITree.bind t2 k2).
intros. revert H0. revert t1 t2. pcofix CIH. intros t1 t2 Ht12.
punfold Ht12. red in Ht12.
genobs t1 ot1. genobs t2 ot2.
hinduction Ht12 before r; intros; eauto.
- pstep. red. unfold ITree.bind, observe. unfold observe. cbn.
rewrite <- Heqot1. rewrite <- Heqot2. pstep_reverse.
eapply paco2_mon; eauto.
- pstep. red. unfold ITree.bind, observe. unfold observe. cbn.
rewrite <- Heqot1. rewrite <- Heqot2. cbn. constructor. right. eapply CIH. pclearbot.
- pstep. red. unfold ITree.bind at 1, observe at 1. cbn.
rewrite <- Heqot1. cbn. constructor; auto. pstep_reverse.
- pstep. red. unfold ITree.bind at 2, observe at 2. cbn.
rewrite <- Heqot2. cbn. constructor; auto. pstep_reverse.
- pstep. red. unfold ITree.bind, observe. unfold observe. cbn.
rewrite <- Heqot1. rewrite <- Heqot2. cbn. pclearbot.
constructor; auto. right. eapply CIH; eauto. apply H.
- pstep. red. unfold ITree.bind, observe. unfold observe. cbn.
rewrite <- Heqot1. rewrite <- Heqot2. cbn. unpriv_co.
right. pclearbot. eapply CIH; apply H.
- pstep. red. unfold ITree.bind, observe. unfold observe. cbn.
rewrite <- Heqot1. rewrite <- Heqot2. cbn. unpriv_co.
right. pclearbot. eapply CIH; apply H.
- pstep. red. unfold ITree.bind, observe. unfold observe. cbn.
rewrite <- Heqot1. rewrite <- Heqot2. cbn. unpriv_co.
right. pclearbot. eapply CIH; apply H.
- pstep. red. unfold ITree.bind at 1, observe at 1. cbn.
rewrite <- Heqot1. cbn. unpriv_ind. pstep_reverse; try eapply H0; eauto.
- pstep. red. unfold ITree.bind at 2, observe at 2. cbn.
rewrite <- Heqot2. cbn. unpriv_ind. pstep_reverse; try eapply H0; eauto.
- pclearbot.
eapply paco2_mon with (r := bot2); intros; try contradiction.
eapply eqit_bind_shalt_aux1; eauto. pfold. red. rewrite <- Heqot2.
cbn. unpriv_halt. left. eauto.
- pclearbot.
eapply paco2_mon with (r := bot2); intros; try contradiction.
eapply eqit_bind_shalt_aux2; eauto. pfold. red. cbn. rewrite <- Heqot1.
unpriv_halt. left. eauto.
- pclearbot.
eapply paco2_mon with (r := bot2); intros; try contradiction.
eapply eqit_bind_shalt_aux1 with (A := A); eauto.
pfold. red. rewrite <- Heqot2. cbn. unpriv_halt.
- pclearbot.
eapply paco2_mon with (r := bot2); intros; try contradiction.
eapply eqit_bind_shalt_aux2; eauto. pfold. red. cbn. rewrite <- Heqot1.
Lemma secure_eqit_bind : ∀ E R1 R2 S1 S2 (RR : R1 → R2 → Prop) (RS : S1 → S2 → Prop)
b1 b2 Label priv l
(t1 : itree E R1) (t2 : itree E R2) (k1 : R1 → itree E S1) (k2 : R2 → itree E S2),
(∀ r1 r2, RR r1 r2 → eqit_secure Label priv RS b1 b2 l (k1 r1) (k2 r2) ) →
eqit_secure Label priv RR b1 b2 l t1 t2 →
eqit_secure Label priv RS b1 b2 l (ITree.bind t1 k1) (ITree.bind t2 k2).
eapply secure_eqit_bind'; eauto.
Lemma iter_bind_shalt_aux1:
∀ (E : Type → Type) (B2 B1 A1 A2 : Type) (RA : A1 → A2 → Prop)
(RB : B1 → B2 → Prop) (b1 b2 : bool) (Label : Preorder)
(priv : ∀ A : Type, E A → L) (l : L) (body1 : A1 → itree E (A1 + B1))
(body2 : A2 → itree E (A2 + B2)) (r : itree E B1 → itree E B2 → Prop)
(A : Type) (e : E A) (k1 : A → itree E (A1 + B1)) (t0 : itree E (A2 + B2)),
¬ leq (priv A e) l →
empty A →
paco2 (secure_eqit_ Label priv (HeterogeneousRelations.sum_rel RA RB) b1 b2 l id) bot2
(Vis e k1) t0 →
paco2 (secure_eqit_ Label priv RB b1 b2 l id) r
(Vis e
(fun x : A ⇒
ITree.bind (k1 x)
(fun lr : A1 + B1 ⇒
match lr with
| inl l0 ⇒ Tau (ITree.iter body1 l0)
| inr r0 ⇒ Ret r0
(ITree.bind t0
(fun lr : A2 + B2 ⇒
match lr with
| inl l0 ⇒ Tau (ITree.iter body2 l0)
| inr r0 ⇒ Ret r0
intros E B2 B1 A1 A2 RA RB b1 b2 Label priv l body1 body2 r A e k1 t0 SECCHECK SIZECHECK H.
generalize dependent t0. pcofix CIH. intros t0 Ht0.
pstep. red. cbn. unfold observe. cbn. punfold Ht0.
red in Ht0. cbn in ×. inv Ht0; inv_vis_secure; cbn; pclearbot; unpriv_halt; try contra_size;
right; eauto.
eapply CIH; eauto.
rewrite H in H1. pfold. red. auto.
Lemma iter_bind_shalt_aux2:
∀ (E : Type → Type) (B2 B1 A1 A2 : Type) (RA : A1 → A2 → Prop)
(RB : B1 → B2 → Prop) (b1 b2 : bool) (Label : Preorder)
(priv : ∀ A : Type, E A → L) (l : L) (body1 : A1 → itree E (A1 + B1))
(body2 : A2 → itree E (A2 + B2)) (r : itree E B1 → itree E B2 → Prop)
(A : Type) (e : E A) (t0 : itree E (A1 + B1)) (k2 : A → itree E (A2 + B2)),
¬ leq (priv A e) l →
empty A →
paco2 (secure_eqit_ Label priv (HeterogeneousRelations.sum_rel RA RB) b1 b2 l id) bot2 t0
(Vis e k2) →
paco2 (secure_eqit_ Label priv RB b1 b2 l id) r
(ITree.bind t0
(fun lr : A1 + B1 ⇒
match lr with
| inl l0 ⇒ Tau (ITree.iter body1 l0)
| inr r0 ⇒ Ret r0
(Vis e
(fun x : A ⇒
ITree.bind (k2 x)
(fun lr : A2 + B2 ⇒
match lr with
| inl l0 ⇒ Tau (ITree.iter body2 l0)
| inr r0 ⇒ Ret r0
intros E B2 B1 A1 A2 RA RB b1 b2 Label priv l body1 body2 r A e t0 k2 SECCHECK SIZECHECK H.
generalize dependent t0. pcofix CIH. intros t0 Ht0.
pstep. red. cbn. unfold observe. cbn. punfold Ht0.
red in Ht0. cbn in ×. inv Ht0; inv_vis_secure; cbn; pclearbot; unpriv_halt; try contra_size;
try (right; eauto).
eapply CIH; eauto.
rewrite H0 in H1. pfold. red. auto.
Lemma iter_bind_aux:
∀ (E : Type → Type) (B2 B1 A1 A2 : Type) (RA : A1 → A2 → Prop)
(RB : B1 → B2 → Prop) (b1 b2 : bool) (Label : Preorder)
(priv : ∀ A : Type, E A → L) (l : L) (body1 : A1 → itree E (A1 + B1))
(body2 : A2 → itree E (A2 + B2)) (r : itree E B1 → itree E B2 → Prop)
(t1 : itree E (A1 + B1)) (t2 : itree E (A2 + B2)),
paco2 (secure_eqit_ Label priv (HeterogeneousRelations.sum_rel RA RB) b1 b2 l id) bot2 t1 t2 →
(∀ (a1 : A1) (a2 : A2), RA a1 a2 → r (ITree.iter body1 a1) (ITree.iter body2 a2)) →
paco2 (secure_eqit_ Label priv RB b1 b2 l id) r
(ITree.bind t1
(fun lr : A1 + B1 ⇒
match lr with
| inl l0 ⇒ Tau (ITree.iter body1 l0)
| inr r0 ⇒ Ret r0
(ITree.bind t2
(fun lr : A2 + B2 ⇒
match lr with
| inl l0 ⇒ Tau (ITree.iter body2 l0)
| inr r0 ⇒ Ret r0
intros E B2 B1 A1 A2 RA RB b1 b2 Label priv l body1 body2 r t1 t2 H CIH0.
generalize dependent t2. revert t1. pcofix CIH1.
intros t1 t2 Ht12. punfold Ht12. pstep. red.
unfold observe. cbn.
hinduction Ht12 before r; intros; cbn; eauto; pclearbot;
try (unpriv_co; fail);
try (constructor; auto; pclearbot; right; eapply CIH1; eauto with itree; fail).
- inv H; cbn; eauto with itree.
- unpriv_ind. unfold observe at 1. cbn. eapply H0; eauto with itree.
- unpriv_ind. unfold observe at 3. cbn. eapply H0; eauto with itree.
- unpriv_halt. left. eapply iter_bind_shalt_aux1; eauto with itree.
- unpriv_halt. left. eapply iter_bind_shalt_aux2; eauto with itree.
- unpriv_halt. specialize (H b). left. eapply iter_bind_shalt_aux1; eauto with itree.
- unpriv_halt. specialize (H a). left. eapply iter_bind_shalt_aux2; eauto with itree.
Lemma secure_eqit_iter : ∀ E A1 A2 B1 B2 (RA : A1 → A2 → Prop) (RB : B1 → B2 → Prop)
b1 b2 Label priv l
(body1 : A1 → itree E (A1 + B1) ) (body2 : A2 → itree E (A2 + B2) )
(a1 : A1) (a2 : A2),
RA a1 a2 →
(∀ a1 a2, RA a1 a2 → eqit_secure Label priv (HeterogeneousRelations.sum_rel RA RB) b1 b2 l (body1 a1) (body2 a2) ) →
eqit_secure Label priv RB b1 b2 l (ITree.iter body1 a1) (ITree.iter body2 a2).
intros. rename H0 into Hbody. generalize dependent a2. revert a1.
(* gcofix CIH. intros. setoid_rewrite unfold_iter.
guclo eqit_bind_clo. *)
(* look into the more general secure_eqitC closure, see if that is weakly compatible, *)
pcofix CIH.
intros a1 a2 Ha. specialize (Hbody a1 a2 Ha) as Hbodya.
punfold Hbodya. red in Hbodya. pfold. red.
unfold observe. (* write lemmas for unfolding the observe of iter *) cbn.
hinduction Hbodya before r; intros; cbn; auto with itree.
- inv H; cbn; eauto with itree.
- cbn. pclearbot. constructor.
left. eapply iter_bind_aux; eauto.
- constructor; auto. pclearbot. left. eapply iter_bind_aux; eauto.
- unpriv_co. pclearbot. left. eapply iter_bind_aux; eauto.
- unpriv_co. pclearbot. left. eapply iter_bind_aux; eauto.
- unpriv_co. pclearbot. left. eapply iter_bind_aux; eauto.
- unpriv_ind. (* here is where it gets bad, I am pretty sure H0 does match up but could
take very particular *) unfold observe at 1. cbn.
- unpriv_ind. unfold observe at 3. cbn. eauto.
- pclearbot. unpriv_halt.
left. eapply iter_bind_shalt_aux1; eauto.
- unpriv_halt. pclearbot. left. eapply iter_bind_shalt_aux2; eauto.
- unpriv_halt. pclearbot. specialize (H b). left.
eapply iter_bind_shalt_aux1; eauto.
- unpriv_halt. pclearbot. specialize (H a). left. eapply iter_bind_shalt_aux2; eauto.
Lemma secure_eqit_ret : ∀ (E : Type → Type) Label priv l b1 b2 (R1 R2 : Type) (RR : R1 → R2 → Prop) (r1 : R1) (r2 : R2),
RR r1 r2 → @eqit_secure E R1 R2 Label priv RR b1 b2 l (Ret r1) (Ret r2).
intros. pfold. constructor. auto.
From ITree.Extra Require Import
From Paco Require Import paco.
Import Monads.
Import MonadNotation.
Local Open Scope monad_scope.
Lemma eqit_bind_shalt_aux1:
∀ (E : Type → Type) (S2 S1 R1 R2 : Type) (RR : R1 → R2 → Prop)
(RS : S1 → S2 → Prop) (b1 b2 : bool) (Label : Preorder)
(priv : ∀ A : Type, E A → L) (l : L) (k1 : R1 → itree E S1)
(k2 : R2 → itree E S2) (A : Type) (e : E A) (k0 : A → itree E R1)
(t2 : itree E R2),
¬ leq (priv A e) l →
empty A →
paco2 (secure_eqit_ Label priv RR b1 b2 l id) bot2 (Vis e k0) t2 →
∀ (t1 : itree E R1),
VisF e k0 = observe t1 →
paco2 (secure_eqit_ Label priv RS b1 b2 l id) bot2 (ITree.bind t1 k1) (ITree.bind t2 k2).
intros E S2 S1 R1 R2 RR RS b1 b2 Label priv l k1 k2 A e k0 t2 SECCHECK SIZECHECK H0 t1 Heqot1.
pstep. red. unfold ITree.bind at 1, observe at 1. cbn. rewrite <- Heqot1.
cbn. rewrite itree_eta' at 1. pstep_reverse.
generalize dependent t2. pcofix CIH. intros t2 Ht2.
pstep. red.
punfold Ht2. red in Ht2.
unfold ITree.bind at 1. unfold observe at 2. cbn in ×.
inv Ht2; ddestruction; subst; try contra_size; try contradiction; try rewrite <- H; cbn;
try unpriv_halt; right; eapply CIH; pclearbot; eauto;
try (pfold; rewrite H in H1; apply H1).
Lemma eqit_bind_shalt_aux2:
∀ (E : Type → Type) (S2 S1 R1 R2 : Type) (RR : R1 → R2 → Prop)
(RS : S1 → S2 → Prop) (b1 b2 : bool) (Label : Preorder)
(priv : ∀ A : Type, E A → L) (l : L) (k1 : R1 → itree E S1)
(k2 : R2 → itree E S2) (A : Type) (e : E A) (k0 : A → itree E R2)
(t1 : itree E R1) (t2 : itree E R2),
¬ leq (priv A e) l →
empty A →
paco2 (secure_eqit_ Label priv RR b1 b2 l id) bot2 t1 (Vis e k0) →
VisF e k0 = observe t2 →
paco2 (secure_eqit_ Label priv RS b1 b2 l id) bot2 (ITree.bind t1 k1) (ITree.bind t2 k2).
intros E S2 S1 R1 R2 RR RS b1 b2 Label priv l k1 k2 A e k0 t1 t2 SECCHECK SIZECHECK H0 Heqot1.
pstep. red. unfold ITree.bind at 2, observe at 2. cbn. rewrite <- Heqot1.
cbn. rewrite itree_eta'. pstep_reverse.
generalize dependent t1. pcofix CIH. intros t1 Ht1.
pstep. red.
punfold Ht1. red in Ht1.
unfold ITree.bind at 1, observe at 1. cbn in ×.
inv Ht1; ddestruction; subst; try contra_size; try contradiction; cbn;
try unpriv_halt; try contra_size; try (right; eapply CIH; pclearbot; eauto).
pfold. rewrite H0 in H1. auto. apply H1.
Lemma secure_eqit_bind' : ∀ E R1 R2 S1 S2 (RR : R1 → R2 → Prop) (RS : S1 → S2 → Prop)
b1 b2 Label priv l r
(t1 : itree E R1) (t2 : itree E R2) (k1 : R1 → itree E S1) (k2 : R2 → itree E S2),
(∀ r1 r2, RR r1 r2 → paco2 (secure_eqit_ Label priv RS b1 b2 l id) r (k1 r1) (k2 r2) ) →
eqit_secure Label priv RR b1 b2 l t1 t2 →
paco2 (secure_eqit_ Label priv RS b1 b2 l id) r (ITree.bind t1 k1) (ITree.bind t2 k2).
intros. revert H0. revert t1 t2. pcofix CIH. intros t1 t2 Ht12.
punfold Ht12. red in Ht12.
genobs t1 ot1. genobs t2 ot2.
hinduction Ht12 before r; intros; eauto.
- pstep. red. unfold ITree.bind, observe. unfold observe. cbn.
rewrite <- Heqot1. rewrite <- Heqot2. pstep_reverse.
eapply paco2_mon; eauto.
- pstep. red. unfold ITree.bind, observe. unfold observe. cbn.
rewrite <- Heqot1. rewrite <- Heqot2. cbn. constructor. right. eapply CIH. pclearbot.
- pstep. red. unfold ITree.bind at 1, observe at 1. cbn.
rewrite <- Heqot1. cbn. constructor; auto. pstep_reverse.
- pstep. red. unfold ITree.bind at 2, observe at 2. cbn.
rewrite <- Heqot2. cbn. constructor; auto. pstep_reverse.
- pstep. red. unfold ITree.bind, observe. unfold observe. cbn.
rewrite <- Heqot1. rewrite <- Heqot2. cbn. pclearbot.
constructor; auto. right. eapply CIH; eauto. apply H.
- pstep. red. unfold ITree.bind, observe. unfold observe. cbn.
rewrite <- Heqot1. rewrite <- Heqot2. cbn. unpriv_co.
right. pclearbot. eapply CIH; apply H.
- pstep. red. unfold ITree.bind, observe. unfold observe. cbn.
rewrite <- Heqot1. rewrite <- Heqot2. cbn. unpriv_co.
right. pclearbot. eapply CIH; apply H.
- pstep. red. unfold ITree.bind, observe. unfold observe. cbn.
rewrite <- Heqot1. rewrite <- Heqot2. cbn. unpriv_co.
right. pclearbot. eapply CIH; apply H.
- pstep. red. unfold ITree.bind at 1, observe at 1. cbn.
rewrite <- Heqot1. cbn. unpriv_ind. pstep_reverse; try eapply H0; eauto.
- pstep. red. unfold ITree.bind at 2, observe at 2. cbn.
rewrite <- Heqot2. cbn. unpriv_ind. pstep_reverse; try eapply H0; eauto.
- pclearbot.
eapply paco2_mon with (r := bot2); intros; try contradiction.
eapply eqit_bind_shalt_aux1; eauto. pfold. red. rewrite <- Heqot2.
cbn. unpriv_halt. left. eauto.
- pclearbot.
eapply paco2_mon with (r := bot2); intros; try contradiction.
eapply eqit_bind_shalt_aux2; eauto. pfold. red. cbn. rewrite <- Heqot1.
unpriv_halt. left. eauto.
- pclearbot.
eapply paco2_mon with (r := bot2); intros; try contradiction.
eapply eqit_bind_shalt_aux1 with (A := A); eauto.
pfold. red. rewrite <- Heqot2. cbn. unpriv_halt.
- pclearbot.
eapply paco2_mon with (r := bot2); intros; try contradiction.
eapply eqit_bind_shalt_aux2; eauto. pfold. red. cbn. rewrite <- Heqot1.
Lemma secure_eqit_bind : ∀ E R1 R2 S1 S2 (RR : R1 → R2 → Prop) (RS : S1 → S2 → Prop)
b1 b2 Label priv l
(t1 : itree E R1) (t2 : itree E R2) (k1 : R1 → itree E S1) (k2 : R2 → itree E S2),
(∀ r1 r2, RR r1 r2 → eqit_secure Label priv RS b1 b2 l (k1 r1) (k2 r2) ) →
eqit_secure Label priv RR b1 b2 l t1 t2 →
eqit_secure Label priv RS b1 b2 l (ITree.bind t1 k1) (ITree.bind t2 k2).
eapply secure_eqit_bind'; eauto.
Lemma iter_bind_shalt_aux1:
∀ (E : Type → Type) (B2 B1 A1 A2 : Type) (RA : A1 → A2 → Prop)
(RB : B1 → B2 → Prop) (b1 b2 : bool) (Label : Preorder)
(priv : ∀ A : Type, E A → L) (l : L) (body1 : A1 → itree E (A1 + B1))
(body2 : A2 → itree E (A2 + B2)) (r : itree E B1 → itree E B2 → Prop)
(A : Type) (e : E A) (k1 : A → itree E (A1 + B1)) (t0 : itree E (A2 + B2)),
¬ leq (priv A e) l →
empty A →
paco2 (secure_eqit_ Label priv (HeterogeneousRelations.sum_rel RA RB) b1 b2 l id) bot2
(Vis e k1) t0 →
paco2 (secure_eqit_ Label priv RB b1 b2 l id) r
(Vis e
(fun x : A ⇒
ITree.bind (k1 x)
(fun lr : A1 + B1 ⇒
match lr with
| inl l0 ⇒ Tau (ITree.iter body1 l0)
| inr r0 ⇒ Ret r0
(ITree.bind t0
(fun lr : A2 + B2 ⇒
match lr with
| inl l0 ⇒ Tau (ITree.iter body2 l0)
| inr r0 ⇒ Ret r0
intros E B2 B1 A1 A2 RA RB b1 b2 Label priv l body1 body2 r A e k1 t0 SECCHECK SIZECHECK H.
generalize dependent t0. pcofix CIH. intros t0 Ht0.
pstep. red. cbn. unfold observe. cbn. punfold Ht0.
red in Ht0. cbn in ×. inv Ht0; inv_vis_secure; cbn; pclearbot; unpriv_halt; try contra_size;
right; eauto.
eapply CIH; eauto.
rewrite H in H1. pfold. red. auto.
Lemma iter_bind_shalt_aux2:
∀ (E : Type → Type) (B2 B1 A1 A2 : Type) (RA : A1 → A2 → Prop)
(RB : B1 → B2 → Prop) (b1 b2 : bool) (Label : Preorder)
(priv : ∀ A : Type, E A → L) (l : L) (body1 : A1 → itree E (A1 + B1))
(body2 : A2 → itree E (A2 + B2)) (r : itree E B1 → itree E B2 → Prop)
(A : Type) (e : E A) (t0 : itree E (A1 + B1)) (k2 : A → itree E (A2 + B2)),
¬ leq (priv A e) l →
empty A →
paco2 (secure_eqit_ Label priv (HeterogeneousRelations.sum_rel RA RB) b1 b2 l id) bot2 t0
(Vis e k2) →
paco2 (secure_eqit_ Label priv RB b1 b2 l id) r
(ITree.bind t0
(fun lr : A1 + B1 ⇒
match lr with
| inl l0 ⇒ Tau (ITree.iter body1 l0)
| inr r0 ⇒ Ret r0
(Vis e
(fun x : A ⇒
ITree.bind (k2 x)
(fun lr : A2 + B2 ⇒
match lr with
| inl l0 ⇒ Tau (ITree.iter body2 l0)
| inr r0 ⇒ Ret r0
intros E B2 B1 A1 A2 RA RB b1 b2 Label priv l body1 body2 r A e t0 k2 SECCHECK SIZECHECK H.
generalize dependent t0. pcofix CIH. intros t0 Ht0.
pstep. red. cbn. unfold observe. cbn. punfold Ht0.
red in Ht0. cbn in ×. inv Ht0; inv_vis_secure; cbn; pclearbot; unpriv_halt; try contra_size;
try (right; eauto).
eapply CIH; eauto.
rewrite H0 in H1. pfold. red. auto.
Lemma iter_bind_aux:
∀ (E : Type → Type) (B2 B1 A1 A2 : Type) (RA : A1 → A2 → Prop)
(RB : B1 → B2 → Prop) (b1 b2 : bool) (Label : Preorder)
(priv : ∀ A : Type, E A → L) (l : L) (body1 : A1 → itree E (A1 + B1))
(body2 : A2 → itree E (A2 + B2)) (r : itree E B1 → itree E B2 → Prop)
(t1 : itree E (A1 + B1)) (t2 : itree E (A2 + B2)),
paco2 (secure_eqit_ Label priv (HeterogeneousRelations.sum_rel RA RB) b1 b2 l id) bot2 t1 t2 →
(∀ (a1 : A1) (a2 : A2), RA a1 a2 → r (ITree.iter body1 a1) (ITree.iter body2 a2)) →
paco2 (secure_eqit_ Label priv RB b1 b2 l id) r
(ITree.bind t1
(fun lr : A1 + B1 ⇒
match lr with
| inl l0 ⇒ Tau (ITree.iter body1 l0)
| inr r0 ⇒ Ret r0
(ITree.bind t2
(fun lr : A2 + B2 ⇒
match lr with
| inl l0 ⇒ Tau (ITree.iter body2 l0)
| inr r0 ⇒ Ret r0
intros E B2 B1 A1 A2 RA RB b1 b2 Label priv l body1 body2 r t1 t2 H CIH0.
generalize dependent t2. revert t1. pcofix CIH1.
intros t1 t2 Ht12. punfold Ht12. pstep. red.
unfold observe. cbn.
hinduction Ht12 before r; intros; cbn; eauto; pclearbot;
try (unpriv_co; fail);
try (constructor; auto; pclearbot; right; eapply CIH1; eauto with itree; fail).
- inv H; cbn; eauto with itree.
- unpriv_ind. unfold observe at 1. cbn. eapply H0; eauto with itree.
- unpriv_ind. unfold observe at 3. cbn. eapply H0; eauto with itree.
- unpriv_halt. left. eapply iter_bind_shalt_aux1; eauto with itree.
- unpriv_halt. left. eapply iter_bind_shalt_aux2; eauto with itree.
- unpriv_halt. specialize (H b). left. eapply iter_bind_shalt_aux1; eauto with itree.
- unpriv_halt. specialize (H a). left. eapply iter_bind_shalt_aux2; eauto with itree.
Lemma secure_eqit_iter : ∀ E A1 A2 B1 B2 (RA : A1 → A2 → Prop) (RB : B1 → B2 → Prop)
b1 b2 Label priv l
(body1 : A1 → itree E (A1 + B1) ) (body2 : A2 → itree E (A2 + B2) )
(a1 : A1) (a2 : A2),
RA a1 a2 →
(∀ a1 a2, RA a1 a2 → eqit_secure Label priv (HeterogeneousRelations.sum_rel RA RB) b1 b2 l (body1 a1) (body2 a2) ) →
eqit_secure Label priv RB b1 b2 l (ITree.iter body1 a1) (ITree.iter body2 a2).
intros. rename H0 into Hbody. generalize dependent a2. revert a1.
(* gcofix CIH. intros. setoid_rewrite unfold_iter.
guclo eqit_bind_clo. *)
(* look into the more general secure_eqitC closure, see if that is weakly compatible, *)
pcofix CIH.
intros a1 a2 Ha. specialize (Hbody a1 a2 Ha) as Hbodya.
punfold Hbodya. red in Hbodya. pfold. red.
unfold observe. (* write lemmas for unfolding the observe of iter *) cbn.
hinduction Hbodya before r; intros; cbn; auto with itree.
- inv H; cbn; eauto with itree.
- cbn. pclearbot. constructor.
left. eapply iter_bind_aux; eauto.
- constructor; auto. pclearbot. left. eapply iter_bind_aux; eauto.
- unpriv_co. pclearbot. left. eapply iter_bind_aux; eauto.
- unpriv_co. pclearbot. left. eapply iter_bind_aux; eauto.
- unpriv_co. pclearbot. left. eapply iter_bind_aux; eauto.
- unpriv_ind. (* here is where it gets bad, I am pretty sure H0 does match up but could
take very particular *) unfold observe at 1. cbn.
- unpriv_ind. unfold observe at 3. cbn. eauto.
- pclearbot. unpriv_halt.
left. eapply iter_bind_shalt_aux1; eauto.
- unpriv_halt. pclearbot. left. eapply iter_bind_shalt_aux2; eauto.
- unpriv_halt. pclearbot. specialize (H b). left.
eapply iter_bind_shalt_aux1; eauto.
- unpriv_halt. pclearbot. specialize (H a). left. eapply iter_bind_shalt_aux2; eauto.
Lemma secure_eqit_ret : ∀ (E : Type → Type) Label priv l b1 b2 (R1 R2 : Type) (RR : R1 → R2 → Prop) (r1 : R1) (r2 : R2),
RR r1 r2 → @eqit_secure E R1 R2 Label priv RR b1 b2 l (Ret r1) (Ret r2).
intros. pfold. constructor. auto.