Shallow equivalence
observing eq t1 t2 ↔ t1.(observe) = t2.(observe)
Definition eqeq {A : Type} (P : A → Type) {a1 a2 : A} (p : a1 = a2) : P a1 → P a2 → Prop :=
match p with
| eq_refl ⇒ eq
Definition pweqeq {R1 R2} (RR : R1 → R2 → Prop) {X1 X2 : Type} (p : X1 = X2)
: (X1 → R1) → (X2 → R2) → Prop :=
match p with
| eq_refl ⇒ fun k1 k2 ⇒ ∀ x, RR (k1 x) (k2 x)
Lemma pweqeq_mon {R1 R2} (RR1 RR2 : R1 → R2 → Prop) X1 X2 (p : X1 = X2) k1 k2
: (∀ r1 r2, RR1 r1 r2 → RR2 r1 r2) → pweqeq RR1 p k1 k2 → pweqeq RR2 p k1 k2.
destruct p; cbn; auto.
Lemma eq_inv_VisF_weak {E R X1 X2} (e1 : E X1) (e2 : E X2) (k1 : X1 → itree E R) (k2 : X2 → itree E R)
: VisF (R := R) e1 k1 = VisF (R := R) e2 k2 →
∃ p : X1 = X2, eqeq E p e1 e2 ∧ eqeq (fun X ⇒ X → itree E R) p k1 k2.
refine (fun H ⇒
match H in _ = t return
match t with
| VisF e2 k2 ⇒ _
| _ ⇒ True
| eq_refl ⇒ _
end); cbn.
∃ eq_refl; cbn; auto.
Ltac inv_Vis :=
discriminate +
match goal with
| [ E : VisF _ _ = VisF _ _ |- _ ] ⇒
apply eq_inv_VisF_weak in E; destruct E as [ <- [<- <-]]
Record observing {E R1 R2}
(eq_ : itree' E R1 → itree' E R2 → Prop)
(t1 : itree E R1) (t2 : itree E R2) : Prop :=
{ observing_observe : eq_ (observe t1) (observe t2) }.
#[global] Hint Constructors observing : itree.
Section observing_relations.
Context {E : Type → Type} {R : Type}.
Variable (eq_ : itree' E R → itree' E R → Prop).
Instance observing_observe_ :
Proper (observing eq_ ==> eq_) (@observe E R).
Proof. intros ? ? []; cbv; auto. Qed.
Instance observing_go : Proper (eq_ ==> observing eq_) (@go E R).
Proof. cbv; auto with itree. Qed.
Instance monotonic_observing eq_' :
subrelation eq_ eq_' →
subrelation (observing eq_) (observing eq_').
Proof. intros ? ? ? []; cbv; eauto with itree. Qed.
Instance Equivalence_observing :
Equivalence eq_ → Equivalence (observing eq_).
Proof with (auto with itree).
intros []; split; cbv...
- intros ? ? []; auto...
- intros ? ? ? [] []; eauto with itree.
End observing_relations.
(eq_ : itree' E R1 → itree' E R2 → Prop)
(t1 : itree E R1) (t2 : itree E R2) : Prop :=
{ observing_observe : eq_ (observe t1) (observe t2) }.
#[global] Hint Constructors observing : itree.
Section observing_relations.
Context {E : Type → Type} {R : Type}.
Variable (eq_ : itree' E R → itree' E R → Prop).
Instance observing_observe_ :
Proper (observing eq_ ==> eq_) (@observe E R).
Proof. intros ? ? []; cbv; auto. Qed.
Instance observing_go : Proper (eq_ ==> observing eq_) (@go E R).
Proof. cbv; auto with itree. Qed.
Instance monotonic_observing eq_' :
subrelation eq_ eq_' →
subrelation (observing eq_) (observing eq_').
Proof. intros ? ? ? []; cbv; eauto with itree. Qed.
Instance Equivalence_observing :
Equivalence eq_ → Equivalence (observing eq_).
Proof with (auto with itree).
intros []; split; cbv...
- intros ? ? []; auto...
- intros ? ? ? [] []; eauto with itree.
End observing_relations.
Unfolding lemmas for bind
Lemma observe_bind {E : Type → Type} {R S : Type} (t : itree E R) (k : R → itree E S)
: observe (ITree.bind t k)
= observe (match observe t with
| RetF r ⇒ k r
| TauF t0 ⇒ Tau (ITree.bind t0 k)
| @VisF _ _ _ X e ke ⇒ Vis e (fun x : X ⇒ ITree.bind (ke x) k)
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Instance observing_bind {E R S} :
Proper (observing eq ==> eq ==> observing eq) (@ITree.bind E R S).
repeat intro; subst. constructor. unfold observe. cbn.
rewrite (observing_observe H). reflexivity.
Lemma bind_ret_ {E R S} (r : R) (k : R → itree E S) :
observing eq (ITree.bind (Ret r) k) (k r).
Proof. constructor; reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma bind_tau_ {E R} U t (k: U → itree E R) :
observing eq (ITree.bind (Tau t) k) (Tau (ITree.bind t k)).
Proof. constructor; reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma bind_vis_ {E R U V} (e: E V) (ek: V → itree E U) (k: U → itree E R) :
observing eq
(ITree.bind (Vis e ek) k)
(Vis e (fun x ⇒ ITree.bind (ek x) k)).
Proof. constructor; reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma unfold_aloop_ {E A B} (f : A → itree E (A + B)) (x : A) :
observing eq
(ITree.iter f x)
(ITree.bind (f x) (fun lr ⇒ ITree.on_left lr l (Tau (ITree.iter f l)))).
Proof. constructor; reflexivity. Qed.
observing eq
(ITree.iter f x)
(ITree.bind (f x) (fun lr ⇒ ITree.on_left lr l (Tau (ITree.iter f l)))).
Proof. constructor; reflexivity. Qed.
Unfolding lemma for forever.
Lemma unfold_forever_ {E R S} (t: itree E R):
observing eq (@ITree.forever E R S t) (ITree.bind t (fun _ ⇒ Tau (ITree.forever t))).
Proof. econstructor. reflexivity. Qed.
observing eq (@ITree.forever E R S t) (ITree.bind t (fun _ ⇒ Tau (ITree.forever t))).
Proof. econstructor. reflexivity. Qed.
Inductive going {E R1 R2} (r : itree E R1 → itree E R2 → Prop)
(ot1 : itree' E R1) (ot2 : itree' E R2) : Prop :=
| going_intros : r (go ot1) (go ot2) → going r ot1 ot2.
#[global] Hint Constructors going : itree.
Lemma observing_going {E R1 R2} (eq_ : itree' E R1 → itree' E R2 → Prop) ot1 ot2 :
going (observing eq_) ot1 ot2 ↔ eq_ ot1 ot2.
split; auto with itree.
intros [[]]; auto.
Section going_relations.
Context {E : Type → Type} {R : Type}.
Variable (eq_ : itree E R → itree E R → Prop).
Instance going_go : Proper (going eq_ ==> eq_) (@go E R).
Proof. intros ? ? []; auto. Qed.
Instance monotonic_going eq_' :
subrelation eq_ eq_' →
subrelation (going eq_) (going eq_').
Proof. intros ? ? ? []; eauto with itree. Qed.
Instance Equivalence_going :
Equivalence eq_ → Equivalence (going eq_).
intros []; constructor; cbv; eauto with itree.
- intros ? ? []; auto with itree.
- intros ? ? ? [] []; eauto with itree.
End going_relations.