
Category theory

While Basics.CategoryOps gives the signatures of categorical operations, this module describes their properties.


Section CatLaws.

Context {obj : Type} (C : Hom obj).
Context {Eq2C : Eq2 C} {IdC : Id_ C} {CatC : Cat C}.

cat must have units and be associative.

Class CatIdL : Prop :=
  cat_id_l : a b (f : C a b), id_ _ >>> f f.

Class CatIdR : Prop :=
  cat_id_r : a b (f : C a b), f >>> id_ _ f.

Class CatAssoc : Prop :=
  cat_assoc : a b c d (f : C a b) (g : C b c) (h : C c d),
      (f >>> g) >>> h f >>> (g >>> h).

Class Category : Prop := {
  category_cat_id_l :> CatIdL;
  category_cat_id_r :> CatIdR;
  category_cat_assoc :> CatAssoc;
  category_proper_cat :> a b c,
      @Proper (C a b C b c C a c) (eq2 ==> eq2 ==> eq2) cat;

Initial object

There is only one morphism between the initial object and any other object.
Class InitialObject (i : obj) {Initial_i : Initial C i} : Prop :=
  initial_object : a (f : C i a), f empty.

Terminal object

There is a unique morphism from any other object and the terminal object.
Class TerminalObject (t : obj) {Terminal_t : Terminal C t} : Prop :=
  terminal_object : a (f : C a t), f one.

End CatLaws.

Arguments cat_id_l {obj C Eq2C IdC CatC CatIdL} [a b] f.
Arguments cat_id_r {obj C Eq2C IdC CatC CatIdR} [a b] f.
Arguments cat_assoc {obj C Eq2C CatC CatAssoc} [a b c d] f g.
Arguments category_proper_cat {obj C Eq2C IdC CatC Category} [a b c].
Arguments initial_object {obj C Eq2C i Initial_i InitialObject} [a] f.
Arguments terminal_object {obj C Eq2C t Terminal_t TerminalObject} [a] f.

Synonym of initial_object.
Synonym of terminal_object.

Mono-, Epi-, Iso- morphisms

Semi-isomorphisms are morphisms which compose to the identity. If f >>> f' = id_ _, we also say that f is a section, or split monomorphism and f' is a retraction, or split epimorphism. Isomorphisms are those that compose both ways to the identity.
The most common example is in the category of functions: sections are injective functions, retractions are surjective functions. A minor detail to mention regarding that example is that traditional function composition is denoted backwards: (f >>> f') x = (f' f) x = f' (f x).

Section SemiIso.

Context {obj : Type} (C : Hom obj).
Context {Eq2C : Eq2 C} {IdC : Id_ C} {CatC : Cat C}.

An instance SemiIso C f f' means that f is a section of f' in the category C.
Class SemiIso {a b : obj} (f : C a b) (f' : C b a) : Prop :=
  semi_iso : f >>> f' id_ _.

The class of isomorphisms
Class Iso {a b : obj} (f : C a b) (f' : C b a) : Prop := {
  iso_mono : SemiIso f f';
  iso_epi : SemiIso f' f;

End SemiIso.

#[global] Existing Instance iso_mono.
#[global] Existing Instance iso_epi.
Arguments semi_iso {obj C Eq2C IdC CatC a b} f f' {SemiIso}.


Section OppositeCat.

  Context {obj : Type} (C : Hom obj).
  Context {Eq2C : Eq2 C} {IdC : Id_ C} {CatC : Cat C}.

  (* All these opposite instances are prone to trigger loops in instance
     resolution, notably if the category C for which an instance is looked after is a
     It also loops easily with the Fun since it can interpret it as being Op
     too easily.
     I therefore don't declare them Global and use Local Existing Instance where
     needed. I don't know if there's a better way to go.

  Instance Eq2_Op : Eq2 (op C) :=
    fun a beq2 (C := C).

  Instance Id_Op : Id_ (op C) :=
    id_ (C := C).

  Instance Cat_Op : Cat (op C) :=
    fun a b c f gcat (C := C) g f.

End OppositeCat.


Section DaggerLaws.

  Context {obj : Type} (C : Hom obj).
  Context {Eq2C : Eq2 C} {IdC : Id_ C} {CatC : Cat C}.
  Context {DagC : Dagger C}.

   Instance Dagger_Op : Dagger (op C) :=
    fun a b fdagger (C := C) f.

  Class DaggerInvolution : Prop :=
    dagger_invol : a b (f: C a b), dagger (dagger f) f.

  Local Existing Instance Eq2_Op.
  Local Existing Instance Id_Op.
  Local Existing Instance Cat_Op.
  Class DaggerLaws : Prop := {
    dagger_involution :> DaggerInvolution ;
    dagger_functor :> Functor (op C) C id (@dagger obj C _)

End DaggerLaws.


Section BifunctorLaws.

Context {obj : Type} (C : Hom obj).
Context {Eq2_C : Eq2 C} {Id_C : Id_ C} {Cat_C : Cat C}.
Context (bif : binop obj).
Context {Bimap_bif : Bimap C bif}.

Vertical composition (bimap) must be compatible with horizontal composition (cat).

Class BimapId : Prop :=
  bimap_id : a b,
    bimap (id_ a) (id_ b) id_ (bif a b).

Class BimapCat : Prop :=
  bimap_cat : a1 a2 b1 b2 c1 c2
                     (f1 : C a1 b1) (g1 : C b1 c1)
                     (f2 : C a2 b2) (g2 : C b2 c2),
    bimap f1 f2 >>> bimap g1 g2 bimap (f1 >>> g1) (f2 >>> g2).

Class Bifunctor : Prop := {
  bifunctor_bimap_id :> BimapId;
  bifunctor_bimap_cat :> BimapCat;
  bifunctor_proper_bimap :> a b c d,
      @Proper (C a c C b d C _ _) (eq2 ==> eq2 ==> eq2) bimap;

End BifunctorLaws.

Arguments bimap_id {obj C Eq2_C Id_C bif Bimap_bif BimapId} a b.
Arguments bimap_cat {obj C Eq2_C Cat_C bif Bimap_bif BimapCat} [_ _ _ _ _ _] f1 g1 f2 g2.


These laws capture the essence of sums.

Section CoproductLaws.

Context {obj : Type} (C : Hom obj).
Context {Eq2_C : Eq2 C} {Id_C : Id_ C} {Cat_C : Cat C}.
Context (bif : binop obj).
Context {Case_C : Case C bif}
        {Inl_C : Inl C bif}
        {Inr_C : Inr C bif}.

Class CaseInl : Prop :=
  case_inl : a b c (f : C a c) (g : C b c),
    inl_ >>> case_ f g f.

Class CaseInr : Prop :=
  case_inr : a b c (f : C a c) (g : C b c),
    inr_ >>> case_ f g g.

Uniqueness of coproducts
Class CaseUniversal : Prop :=
  case_universal :
     a b c (f : C a c) (g : C b c) (fg : C (bif a b) c),
      (inl_ >>> fg f)
      (inr_ >>> fg g)
      fg case_ f g.

Class Coproduct : Prop := {
  coproduct_case_inl :> CaseInl;
  coproduct_case_inr :> CaseInr;
  coproduct_case_universal :> CaseUniversal;
  coproduct_proper_case :> a b c,
      @Proper (C a c C b c C _ c) (eq2 ==> eq2 ==> eq2) case_

End CoproductLaws.

Arguments case_inl {obj C Eq2_C Cat_C bif Case_C Inl_C CaseInl} [a b c] f g.
Arguments case_inr {obj C Eq2_C Cat_C bif Case_C Inr_C CaseInr} [a b c] f g.
Arguments case_universal {obj C _ _ bif _ _ _ _} [a b c] f g fg.

More intuitive names.
Notation inl_case := case_inl.
Notation inr_case := case_inr.


These laws capture the essence of products.

Section ProductLaws.

Context {obj : Type} (C : Hom obj).
Context {Eq2_C : Eq2 C} {Id_C : Id_ C} {Cat_C : Cat C}.
Context (bif : binop obj).
Context {Pair_C : Pair C bif}
        {Fst_C : Fst C bif}
        {Snd_C : Snd C bif}.

Class PairFst : Prop :=
  pair_fst : a b c (f : C a b) (g : C a c),
    pair_ f g >>> fst_ f.

Class PairSnd : Prop :=
  pair_snd : a b c (f : C a b) (g : C a c),
    pair_ f g >>> snd_ g.

Uniqueness of products
Class PairUniversal : Prop :=
  pair_universal :
     a b c (f : C c a) (g : C c b) (fg : C c (bif a b)),
      (fg >>> fst_ f)
      (fg >>> snd_ g)
      fg pair_ f g.

Class Product : Prop := {
  product_pair_fst :> PairFst;
  product_pair_snd :> PairSnd;
  product_pair_universal :> PairUniversal;
  product_proper_pair :> a b c,
      @Proper (C c a C c b C c _) (eq2 ==> eq2 ==> eq2) pair_

End ProductLaws.

Arguments pair_fst {obj C Eq2_C Cat_C bif Pair_C Fst_C PairFst} [a b c] f g.
Arguments pair_snd {obj C Eq2_C Cat_C bif Pair_C Snd_C PairSnd} [a b c] f g.
Arguments pair_universal {obj C _ _ bif _ _ _ _} [a b c] f g fg.

Cartesian Closure
Section CartesianClosureLaws.

Context {obj : Type} (C : Hom obj).
Context {Eq2_C : Eq2 C} {Id_C : Id_ C} {Cat_C : Cat C}.
Context (ONE : obj)
        {Term_C : Terminal C ONE}.
Context (PROD : binop obj).
Context {Pair_C : Pair C PROD}
        {Fst_C : Fst C PROD}
        {Snd_C : Snd C PROD}.
Context (EXP : binop obj).
Context {Apply_C : Apply C PROD EXP}
        {Curry_C : Curry C PROD EXP}.

Existing Instance Bimap_Product.

Class CurryApply : Prop :=
  curry_apply :
     a b c (f : C (PROD c a) b),
      f ((@bimap obj C PROD _ _ _ _ _ (curry_ f) (id_ a)) >>> apply_).

Class CartesianClosed : Prop := {
  cartesian_terminal :> TerminalObject _ ONE;
  cartesian_product :> Product _ PROD;
  cartesian_curry_apply :> CurryApply;
  cartesian_proper_curry_ :> a b c,
    @Proper (C (PROD c a) b C c (EXP a b)) (eq2 ==> eq2) curry_

End CartesianClosureLaws.

Arguments curry_apply {obj C Eq2_C Id_C Cat_C PROD Pair_C Fst_C Snd_C EXP Apply_C Curry_C} _ [a b c] f.

Monoidal categories

Section MonoidalLaws.

Context {obj : Type} (C : Hom obj).
Context {Eq2_C : Eq2 C} {Id_C : Id_ C} {Cat_C : Cat C}.
Context (bif : binop obj).

Context {Bimap_bif : Bimap C bif}.

Context {AssocR_bif : AssocR C bif}.
Context {AssocL_bif : AssocL C bif}.

Associators and unitors are isomorphisms

assoc_r and assoc_l are mutual inverses.
Notation AssocIso :=
  ( a b c, Iso C (assoc_r_ a b c) assoc_l) (only parsing).
(* TODO: should that be a notation? *)

assoc_r is a split monomorphism, i.e., a left-inverse, assoc_l is its retraction.
Corollary assoc_r_mono {AssocIso_C : AssocIso} : a b c,
    assoc_r >>> assoc_l id_ (bif (bif a b) c).
  intros; apply semi_iso, AssocIso_C.

assoc_r is a split epimorphism, i.e., a right-inverse, assoc_l is its section.
Corollary assoc_l_mono {AssocIso_C : AssocIso} : a b c,
    assoc_l >>> assoc_r id_ (bif a (bif b c)).
  intros; apply semi_iso, AssocIso_C.

Context (i : obj).
Context {UnitL_bif : UnitL C bif i}.
Context {UnitL'_bif : UnitL' C bif i}.
Context {UnitR_bif : UnitR C bif i}.
Context {UnitR'_bif : UnitR' C bif i}.


Class UnitLNatural : Prop :=
  natural_unit_l : a b (f : C a b),
    bimap (id_ i) f >>> unit_l_ i b unit_l_ i a >>> f.

Class UnitL'Natural : Prop :=
  natural_unit_l' : a b (f : C a b),
    unit_l'_ i a >>> bimap (id_ i) f f >>> unit_l'_ i b.

unit_l and unit_l' are mutual inverses.
Notation UnitLIso :=
  ( a, Iso C (unit_l_ i a) unit_l') (only parsing).

unit_l is a split monomorphism, i.e., a left-inverse, unit_l' is its retraction.
Corollary unit_l_mono {UnitLIso_C : UnitLIso} : a,
    unit_l >>> unit_l' id_ (bif i a).
  intros; apply semi_iso, UnitLIso_C.

unit_l is a split epimorphism, unit_l' is its section.
Corollary unit_l_epi {UnitLIso_C : UnitLIso} : a,
    unit_l' >>> unit_l id_ a.
  intros; apply semi_iso, UnitLIso_C.

unit_r and unit_r' are mutual inverses.
Notation UnitRIso :=
  ( a, Iso C (unit_r_ i a) unit_r') (only parsing).

Corollary unit_r_mono {UnitRIso_C : UnitRIso} : a,
    unit_r >>> unit_r' id_ (bif a i).
  intros; apply semi_iso, UnitRIso_C.

Corollary unit_r_epi {UnitRIso_C : UnitRIso} : a,
    unit_r' >>> unit_r id_ a.
  intros; apply semi_iso, UnitRIso_C.

Coherence laws

The Triangle Diagram
Class AssocRUnit : Prop :=
  assoc_r_unit : a b,
    assoc_r >>> bimap (id_ a) unit_l bimap unit_r (id_ b).

The Pentagon Diagram
The assoc_l variants can be derived by symmetry, because assoc_l is the inverse of assoc_r.

Class AssocLUnit : Prop :=
  assoc_l_unit : a b,
    assoc_l >>> bimap unit_r (id_ b) bimap (id_ a) unit_l.

Class AssocLAssocL : Prop :=
  assoc_l_assoc_l : a b c d,
          bimap (id_ a) (@assoc_l _ _ _ _ b c d)
      >>> assoc_l
      >>> bimap assoc_l (id_ _)
     assoc_l >>> assoc_l.

End MonoidalLaws.

Arguments assoc_r_mono {obj C Eq2_C Id_C Cat_C bif AssocR_bif AssocL_bif AssocIso_C} a b c.
Arguments assoc_l_mono {obj C Eq2_C Id_C Cat_C bif AssocR_bif AssocL_bif AssocIso_C} a b c.
Arguments unit_l_mono {obj C Eq2_C Id_C Cat_C bif i UnitL_bif UnitL'_bif UnitLIso_C} a.
Arguments unit_l_epi {obj C Eq2_C Id_C Cat_C bif i UnitL_bif UnitL'_bif UnitLIso_C} a.
Arguments unit_r_mono {obj C Eq2_C Id_C Cat_C bif i UnitR_bif UnitR'_bif UnitRIso_C} a.
Arguments unit_r_epi {obj C Eq2_C Id_C Cat_C bif i UnitR_bif UnitR'_bif UnitRIso_C} a.

Arguments assoc_r_unit {obj C Eq2_C Id_C Cat_C bif Bimap_bif AssocR_bif i UnitL_bif UnitR_bif AssocRUnit} a b.
Arguments assoc_r_assoc_r {obj C Eq2_C Id_C Cat_C bif Bimap_bif AssocR_bif AssocRAssocR} a b c d.

Arguments assoc_l_unit {obj C Eq2_C Id_C Cat_C bif Bimap_bif AssocL_bif i UnitL_bif UnitR_bif AssocLUnit} a b.
Arguments assoc_l_assoc_l {obj C Eq2_C Id_C Cat_C bif Bimap_bif AssocL_bif AssocLAssocL} a b c d.

Symmetric monoidal categories

Section SymmetricLaws.

Context {obj : Type} (C : Hom obj).
Context {Eq2_C : Eq2 C} {Id_C : Id_ C} {Cat_C : Cat C}.
Context (bif : binop obj).
Context {Bimap_bif : Bimap C bif}.
Context {Swap_bif : Swap C bif}.

swap is an involution
Notation SwapInvolutive :=
  ( a b, SemiIso C (swap_ a b) swap) (only parsing).

Corollary swap_involutive {SwapInvolutive_C : SwapInvolutive}
  : a b, swap >>> swap id_ (bif a b).
  intros; apply semi_iso, SwapInvolutive_C.

Context (i : obj).
Context {UnitL_i : UnitL C bif i}.
Context {UnitL'_i : UnitL' C bif i}.
Context {UnitR_i : UnitR C bif i}.
Context {UnitR'_i : UnitR' C bif i}.

Coherence between swap and unitors.
Class SwapUnitL : Prop :=
  swap_unit_l : a, swap >>> unit_l unit_r_ _ a.

Context {AssocR_bif : AssocR C bif}.
Context {AssocL_bif : AssocL C bif}.

Coherence between swap and associators.
Class SwapAssocR : Prop :=
  swap_assoc_r : a b c,
    @assoc_r _ _ _ _ a _ _ >>> swap >>> assoc_r
   bimap swap (id_ c) >>> assoc_r >>> bimap (id_ b) swap.

Symmetric monoidal category.
Class SymMonoidal : Prop := {
  symmetric_monoidal : Monoidal C bif i;
  symmetric_swap_involutive : SwapInvolutive;
  symmetric_swap_unit_l : SwapUnitL;
  symmetric_swap_assoc_r : SwapAssocR;
(* The name Symmetric is taken by Setoid. *)

Class SwapAssocL : Prop :=
  swap_assoc_l : a b c,
    @assoc_l _ _ _ _ _ _ c >>> swap >>> assoc_l
   bimap (id_ a) swap >>> assoc_l >>> bimap swap (id_ b).

End SymmetricLaws.

Arguments swap_involutive {obj C Eq2_C Id_C Cat_C bif Swap_bif SwapInvolutive_C} a b.
Arguments swap_unit_l {obj C Eq2_C Cat_C bif Swap_bif i UnitL_i UnitR_i SwapUnitL} a.
Arguments swap_assoc_r {obj C Eq2_C Id_C Cat_C bif Bimap_bif Swap_bif AssocR_bif SwapAssocR} a b c.
Arguments swap_assoc_l {obj C Eq2_C Id_C Cat_C bif Bimap_bif Swap_bif AssocL_bif SwapAssocL} a b c.

Section IterationLaws.

Context {obj : Type} (C : Hom obj).
Context {Eq2_C : Eq2 C} {Id_C : Id_ C} {Cat_C : Cat C}.
Context (bif : binop obj).
Context {Case_C : Case C bif}.
Context {Inl_C : Inl C bif}.
Context {Inr_C : Inr C bif}.
Context {Iter_C : Iter C bif}.

The loop operation satisfies a fixed point equation.
Class IterUnfold : Prop :=
  iter_unfold : a b (f : C a (bif a b)),
    iter f f >>> case_ (iter f) (id_ b).

Naturality in the output (in b, with C a (bif a b) C a b). Also known as "parameter identity".
Class IterNatural : Prop :=
  iter_natural : a b c (f : C a (bif a b)) (g : C b c),
    iter f >>> g iter (f >>> bimap (id_ _) g).

Dinaturality in the accumulator (in a, with C a (bif a b) C a b). Also known as "composition identity".
Class IterDinatural : Prop :=
  iter_dinatural : a b c (f : C a (bif b c)) (g : C b (bif a c)),
                   iter (f >>> case_ g inr_)
     f >>> case_ (iter (g >>> case_ f inr_)) (id_ _).
TODO: provable from the others + uniformity?
Flatten nested loops. Also known as "double dagger identity".
Class IterCodiagonal : Prop :=
  iter_codiagonal : a b (f : C a (bif a (bif a b))),
    iter (iter f) iter (f >>> case_ inl_ (id_ _)).

(* TODO: also define uniformity, requires a "purity" assumption. *)

Class Iterative : Prop :=
  { iterative_unfold :> IterUnfold
  ; iterative_natural :> IterNatural
  ; iterative_dinatural :> IterDinatural
  ; iterative_codiagonal :> IterCodiagonal
  ; iterative_proper_iter
      :> a b, @Proper (C a (bif a b) C a b) (eq2 ==> eq2) iter

Also called Bekic identity
Definition IterPairing : Prop :=
   a b c (f : C a (bif (bif a b) c)) (g : C b (bif (bif a b) c)),
    let h : C b (bif b c)
        := g >>> assoc_r >>> case_ (iter (f >>> assoc_r)) (id_ _)
      iter (case_ f g)
     iter (case_ (iter (f >>> assoc_r)
                         >>> case_ (iter h) (id_ _) >>> inr_)
                      (h >>> bimap inr_ (id_ _))).

End IterationLaws.

Arguments iter_unfold {obj C Eq2_C Id_C Cat_C bif Case_C Iter_C IterUnfold} [a b] f.
Arguments iter_natural {obj C Eq2_C Id_C Cat_C bif Case_C Inl_C Inr_C Iter_C IterNatural} [a b c] f.
Arguments iter_dinatural {obj C Eq2_C Id_C Cat_C bif Case_C Inr_C Iter_C IterDinatural} [a b c] f.
Arguments iter_codiagonal {obj C Eq2_C Id_C Cat_C bif Case_C Inl_C Iter_C IterCodiagonal} [a b] f.
Arguments iterative_proper_iter {obj C Eq2_C Id_C Cat_C bif Case_C Inl_C Inr_C Iter_C Iterative}.